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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 21, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm MSK

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so i was born in the cherensky district of the village of dyya, my mother worked as a milkmaid, and my father was a livestock farmer , we harvested beets and prepared hay ourselves, with my mother we went to the farm to milk the cows, my mother has nine children. five girls and four boys, we had the biggest equipment, it was probably a combine harvester, a niva, we always looked at the big equipment with delight, we were surprised, it was so big, beautiful, powerful, i didn’t even think about it and didn’t even imagine it that i could work at such a factory, at such an enterprise where such huge belaz produced, i was almost 18 years, when i got a job at delaz, i had no idea who a machine operator was or what he did.
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went about your business, in the morning you get up like new, go, and continue to work, and you don’t regret anything, and you know, when you go to work, this factory anthem plays, you go, your soul just rejoices and you feel like you’re marching and flying straight to work, in belaz we create comfortable working conditions, there is always help for vacations, children are sent to camps to relax, vouchers and various sanatoriums are provided trade union, white gathering.
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outside the entrance, life is completely different , twice a week i run yoga, do it, after yoga i take it, pack my bag and run to the pool, i do water aerobics in the pool , our family recently bought a dacha, i also really like to grow my own vegetables, we do rolls, let's pick berries with you , let's listen, she always has some kind of activity, she does something, from embroidery, she went to oriental dancing, well, that is, all the classes, it seems to me, that i know, these are ... everything about mom, she can knit everything, embroider, cross-stitch, bead, weave, i probably redid everything, i have two children, my daughter is already 28 years old, she will be in march, and my son is 25 years old, i love my children very much and am proud of them, children are our continuation, our future, and you need to try to put them into your soul in order to be proud of them, so that later you can live in a good country. now in our country many conditions are created for mothers and maternity leave is given.
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of course, i would like there to be peace in the country, tranquility, prosperity, i would like to wish the enterprise, of course, that we will be in the world took first place in the market, we already make a lot of beautiful, powerful cars, we are always ahead, but i want them to keep the bar high, raise it higher and higher, that our designers create bigger and more powerful cars, beautiful ones, belaz has everything for this opportunities and conditions to be the first, but for this we need our big friendly family, which consists of...
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the eu countries, the countries of our community, and of course, the closest partner of the russian federation. a project like this also helps to develop and increase the export of our construction services. in your opinion, why are our builders so in demand abroad today? in which countries have
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russia been represented, first of all, for so many years? yes, today, our builders are in demand, everywhere, of course, the nearest regions... russian federation about 82% of services, the amount today is 790 million us dollars, these services are provided directly abroad, whereas before the dynamics were completely opposite, then today we can say that the export is actually carried out in outside the republic, what is our advantage, is that we have preserved the old soviet... school, we are today developing our construction industry in areas, this is digitalization, this is in the field of designing norms and standards, this is in the field of building materials and competencies, this in the field of construction services, we have preserved them,
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increased them, well, as for our country, what large projects we are building today and what is happening with the volume of housing being built, well... in principle, this year i see something very interesting, this is a children's technology park, which will be in the starobinsky district, this is... kobrenskaya memorial of the brest fortress, this is probably one of the iconic grodno, this is the construction of the third hospital and oncology center. the global issue that interests everyone and is always on the agenda is the amount of housing being built. in 2023, we built 4,193 m, of which 1.49. thousand - this is for people in need of improved housing conditions,
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recently we have been developing quite well, this is rental housing, in 2023 we built about 316,000 of it, in the twenty -fourth year the plans are also sufficient tense, we plan to introduce 4.4000 km of housing. of which 1,400 are for those in need, 355 thousand are for rental housing, for a list that is directly defined by documents, childish curiosity and genuine interest, hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything, absolute honesty and sincerity.
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will achieve it, but i haven’t met anything like this yet, let’s just say, irina, are you lucky in love, did you manage to meet your prince, oh, of course you’re lucky, of course you’re lucky, i’ve just been unlucky for a long time, for some reason, look in project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel, everything that modern belarus lives with. today watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this
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is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around... feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab republics emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. the channel's signal is broadcast in
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the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. it's amazing how you manage to remain optimistic when such events are happening around you. for the average russian. are we looking for meaning where there is none, and what are we dividing? the right to the truth, and britain pompously gave
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security guarantees, you can’t deliberately harm yourself like that, those who need a weak europe should be interested in this, and thomas bach blurts out something like this on the air. hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent, in the victoria popova studio. and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest is a historian, social activist, journalist, author of the telegram channel, optimist in shtatsky, polina reutova. good afternoon, polina. hello. hello, polina, we are very glad to see you in our studio, we have been waiting for a long time, it has finally happened. well, it’s amazing how you manage to remain optimistic when
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such events are happening around you, literally at the beginning february, an unknown person set fire to your parents' apartment. there is a video of how... this happened, oops, come on, take a smear, a smear , yes, i suffered a lot morally, naturally, because there were questions about why it was impossible to take some preventive measures,
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because already previously, there were attempts, not even attempts, there was already one setback and two. performers and...
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this is targeted pressure through relatives, yes, and not only psychological, there was psychological pressure before, but this is physical pressure associated with a threat to life, this is a terrorist attack, you consider the customer to be the ukrainian-spanish blogger anatoly shariy, yes, but explain why exactly, because in a strange way, several people not connected with each other in any way, not several, but even dozens, but ... for some reason, their relatives, the people themselves, suffer from such manners, but they all have one thing in common, a conflict with anatoly shiriy, yeah, then there were posts that he rubbed, but the sparks, as they say - the classics don’t burn, about your warmth smelly holes and so on and so forth, we have already proven that this it was a real post, he
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erased it, he denied the existence of this post, plus - with peter lunev, this is... another person with whom sharia had a conflict, there was such a story that sharia on his private channel published a video walk through st. petersburg with addresses, in order, with the addresses of his relatives, where, as a result , a few days later there were arson attacks, a coincidence , probably a quotation mark, these sixteen-year-old guys, how they keep in touch with him, this is an anonymous story, they order through the darknet, through an anonymous chat in telegram, these... and for drugs and the quantity of which will be equivalent to the amount of 50 thousand rubles, they are for the sake of drugs and go to do it either for a small price, well, for small money for the customer for the average
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russian for arson they get 50,000 rubles there, then 5 years . hard drugs since about 2019, it does not add health, including mental health, plus he is by nature, psychopathic, vindictive, evil, and a person who is used to getting things done to the end, that is, if he needs to intimidate, he will intimidate intimidate until until he is satisfied with the result
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, so that they fall down before him, apologize and so on, he spoke very poorly about my close friend, stas vasiliev, and i supported stas, without insulting shar, did not do anything like that, the very next day shari my mother and posted it on... who the editor-in-chief of this media holding would not want this to be published, that is, these are the methods, these people fell silent, i did not remain silent, i did not remain silent, plus
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at the same time, the public that makes fun of, very high quality beautiful sharia, which he associated with me, i still think so, he believes that it is i who will introduce it, i created it, although i have nothing to do with it, i have a great attitude towards this public because it is funny, but
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essentially yes, but i also have this assumption, i believe that shari, knowing that i have information about him that could contribute to the beginning of problems in europe, because he violated european laws, the law on migration, i have, speaking, i believe, it would be a betrayal if i kept quiet, it would be a betrayal if i to remain silent about his scum, about his crimes , about what he plans
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to do next as a result, but he behaves this way because apparently he feels some kind of impunity, yes, he is far away, but now he no longer feels impunity, does not feel, now the ground has already begun to burn under his feet, it has begun to burn, and my value judgment is that he started having problems in europe, as a result of which he decided to commit a second staging . allegedly an attempt on himself, then he apparently wants to play the pro-russian card ukrainian and somehow mimic against the background of an updated system, including in the media, because most likely we will have many significant, qualitative changes in the media space after the presidential elections, and i believe that this person is planning in our direction come, not excluding belarus too. despite the fact that he also insulted the belarusian president, well, the fact of the matter is that he behaves quite strangely, that is , he once spoke out against the ukrainian authorities, when the circumstances of his life
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changed, he began to throw dirt at the special services of the russian authorities, and yes, in general, he also attacked belarus, so to speak, well, there is, he rubbed a lot of things about alexander grigorievich, including, he... actually directly accused him the fact that it was also his fault that prigozhin , the leader of the wagner group, died, yes, well, there was a lot there, he rubbed a lot, now in the process he will continue to wash, as usual, and judging by the fact that he is washing, we understand , where he is roughly aiming, of course, he is directly asked the russian special services, please help me and so on, we already have... meme, shari called volga. do you, polino, feel protected in this war with the information, or what should you call it? no, i don’t
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feel it, because... shariy intimidated many people and it’s easier for many people to just close their eyes so as not to have potential problems, rather than somehow talk about this person to resist possible attempts to relocate in our direction in our direction, naturally later federal budget money to go to channels or...
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well, it seems to me, either because russia is a big country, or because the laws may not be so strict, others have not spoken out for so long, criminal cases have already been opened against all others, they are recognized as non-agents, extremists, and so on and so forth , among others citizens of ukraine, such as dmitry gordon, this fate has passed, but why , how do you explain this? i explain this by what we obviously have in
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the verticals of power. those who supervise him and who needed him, who cover him, who slow down the processes, including the initiation of criminal cases affairs in this person's relationship. well, the fact is that he actually intimidates those who are close to you, that is, these are probably people who can consider themselves patriots, and even activists, but it is noticeable that they are trying to sow some kind of split in these circles, there is a split it’s quite serious; some of us blame others.
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if before before the northern military district, and somehow it was even in moscow, it was somehow awkward, so you seem to somehow support the authorities, it’s better to remain silent about it, because somehow it’s on you they will look askance, it was, it was awkward, not fashionable, that is , now the emphasis has shifted exactly in the opposite direction, uh-huh, that is , this is russia, but now you no longer feel awkward when talking about
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supporting the president. when you come to the airport or train station, you see a huge number of people who are either going on vacation from the combat zone, who are completely in tactics, or are going back, or are injured, you constantly see people like these who protect us, who give they are risking their lives, their health yourself every second, and you already live even in a peaceful city in no longer a different conceptual atmosphere, but could you, palina,
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formulate the difference? which the person has approximately never been, and meanwhile there are people sitting under fire, let’s see, polina, who turns out to be right , they are trying to enroll in some kind of cluster, after the presidential elections, because there is another point of view that, on the contrary, the screws will be tightened. no, in this case , on the contrary, it’s good, let them twist, in many ways, let them twist, because now, in many ways, they’ve completely blabbed, they’re already flying away, it’s true, we ’ll discuss this in the next part, until we take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe,
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ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected. they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer. the first mention of the village of makhro dates back to 1515. not far from the village there is the dneprobukhsky canal, that is, an advantageous economic and geographical location. in the novel , people on the ball are about zhakhovichi, zhakh, zakh - this is horror in belarusian. that is, the swamp was practically impassable in the summer, a happy childhood and youth, a calm and measured life, they have what many strive for. when we were young, we rode motorcycles with the neighborhood
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kids, explored local attractions, forest paths, it got hot, we didn’t start working in magata, we came here, shopped, this is a place where you can recharge. a project about how modern poleshuks live, that’s what else i like about the paleshuks, they live in a community, that is, if someone is digging potatoes, they don’t have to come there and invite that oh, let’s go there, aunt olya there or someone help, no, they see that the horseman went there, they went for the cats, for these diggers, watch on the tv channel belarus 24, belarusian...
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the program is on the air " say don't be silent." today our guest is a journalist, historian, blogger,
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public figure, author of the telegram channel “optimist in plain dress, polina reutova.” author of the very interesting term “divided states of america”. will it fall apart? the prerequisite factor for civil confrontation is that both are religious intertwined in full and naturally the democrats will try to drag biden,
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who does not remember that he is the president, it seems to me, well, the impression is that in terms of limited cognitive abilities, there are eternal questions, who am i and where am i? with the air, confuses countries, people, events, this is, well, for some reason the democrats elected this very thing, apparently because ?
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i uh um. well, this is to confirm your words, it’s just, yes, no, i support vladimir putin in the sense that this is the most a wonderful president for us in the united states, but nevertheless, you see, trump does not give up, he also continues his war, but for a place in the sun, what do you think about his chances about biden’s chances in the upcoming elections, you know, as they say. you won the elections, and we are counting the votes, yeah, trump
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can win the elections, but the counting of votes is more important, i think it will be for mr. biden that they will leave for a second term, i hope so, honestly, i deeply, fully support vladimir putin, i’m talking about this myself, not for the first year, for the second, even if will be needed, even for the third, because of the restructuring that mr. biden promised before his term on twitter. degree, because perestroika in future eras
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, the united states of america is sacred, well , you yourself said that they still have leverage, you know the saying, the fat man dries, the thin man dies, so how can we hope for their separation, this is this this is purely so from a historical point of view from a cinematic point of view this is interesting to watch, this is firstly, and secondly... this is definitely will slightly knock down the hegemony that still persists, as well as russophobia, maybe , yes, which they nurture, they, they nurture not only russophobia, they, in principle, all slavs for them are untermensch, and even if we turn to - to what was happening in germany and what they recited, and after hitler came to power, the untermensch
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were not only people of jewish nationality, first of all the slavs, that is, all of us, and since this is a completely fascist government, everyone, the west, i think it has truly turned into the third reich, but controlled from overseas, absolutely russophobic, nazi and acting absolutely to the detriment of its own citizens, its own economy. because - well, it’s just that you can’t intentionally harm yourself like that, those who need a weak europe should be interested in this, the same thing in the united states, when when hitler came to power, one of the most important suppliers of technology, money, oil refineries there factories were built, despite the versailles washington system, the united states, yes... incited war in europe, first they didn’t need a strong britain, but
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they, yes, they, no, germany, they pumped up a little technology and gave the soviet union there too, in particular there were some tanks and so on, too, that is, they just wanted a war in europe and weaken the soviet union, weaken britain, make money on it ourselves, we remember their great depression, from which they actually came out thanks to this.
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this has already reached absurdity, you and i live in modernity, we believe that every word has meaning, every action has meaning, we were taught that way, yes, if we do something, we believe that there will be some result from it, we live in modernity in the old fashioned way, we see some meanings, and they live in postmodernity, they are completely moved into the postmodern, when we are surprised , we listen to some kind of nonsense of another stuffed animal from...
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in modernity due to the fact that real europe, just real european values, which are declared in a certain way, now remain in moscow in minsk, only in europe this is no longer the case, there discrimination, persecution of people on other national grounds and so on,
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that is, they completely crossed out everything that they recited, we are still europe, and if we enter postmodern... we turn into a text and lose meaning, then we will simply lose ourselves, we will destroy, by the way , to a certain extent this, returning to perestroika, they also led to the collapse, yeah, we don’t need to lose ourselves, we lost ourselves then in the eighties, now we can’t lose ourselves, well, that is, by and large for russia and it doesn't matter who actually wins, biden or trump? well, putin says it ’s important, putin says biden would be better, i agree. i agree, but as for europe, yes, actually, we noticed a long time ago that the masks have been dropped, they are no longer even trying to pretend to be friends. poland recently, but since this is our closest western neighbor, we pay a lot of attention to it, it is actively militarizing and statements are being made there, this is
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the most odious. in your opinion, by the way, nevalfovich’s telegram channel pointed out 10 intelligence signs back in 2020. the pit section is trying to do something, and if we draw an analogy, the closest in terms of dates, and poland, in my opinion, in 1936 , drew up a plan for a skhut, a skhut is the east, in polish, a plan for a war with russia, then
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actually with the poles was ruled by britain , the british geniuses of thought, led by chamberlain , told them that no, everything was to fight...
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that only after that the weiss plan was born, he didn’t have this in his head, and britain pompously gave security guarantees, defining germany as the aggressor, this march 31, april 1, thirty-nine year, the same, nothing changes, absolutely nothing changes, well, the mentality is something like this, get ahead of events, take friends, and at the same time putin warns the ukrainians, and the west as well.
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sins, if there was some kind of uncompromising, violent rhetoric associated with destructive physical actions, i don’t know,
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they staged, organized protests, gave, rented out apartments to terrorists there, for example, or something there, persecuted, threatened children, families, people or directly to people, but this is a prison, this is a prison, if if a person chose , let’s say, to remain silent there, or not to show up at all and simply left silently - this is a completely different conversation, well, you have such a bright example of ivan urgand, but that’s what i’m talking about him, i ’m talking about him, about urgant , for example, yes, but it’s okay, let him continue the program , but no, i don’t think so, i think that he made his choice, making room for talented people, let him present it in israel, then why does he need russia for the program? , well , the earnings there are not the same, of course not the same. well he's the one he made a choice, no one kicked him out, he himself posted a black square on instagram, and then left, no one kicked him out, but why
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broadcast the program if there is some demand, on the other hand, here are my comrades from donbass they say that we don’t want to be a laundromat, that is, i came , that is, i took a picture near a destroyed building, brought a couple of trucks, dolls with images of myself, like one of our famous singers, and to say - going to the wrong door - already close, no, no, that won’t do, that won’t do it’ll go, well, you, it’s hypocrisy when they go, of course, it’s hypocrisy, the people are not stupid, they see everything, who behaved how they initially behaved, you see, there are many people, even quite famous, that’s about it , that it was not fashionable to be with russia inside russia, there are many people who secretly, secretly went to help and... even before the start of the svo, there were broad humanitarian ones, they just didn’t advertise it, now they do it openly,
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there are such people , and those who entered the wrong door, yes, and then decided that now i i’ll go somewhere in a destroyed school , take a photo of the dolls for the children , give them dolls with my image, everything will be fine, but no, it won’t, although some of our journalists are actively trying on federal channels, and there, if you look, there’s somehow a serious demand decreased, maybe
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it was temporary, you know, they kind of made some noise, made some noise, then everything calmed down and through. by the next new year they will invite again, again, if they start appearing on television again, then people who can pay them will say, well then that’s all, they bought an indulgence, there’s already something like a marker, you know the one i called, if i called this one, that means i feel like this, well, it’s like all this works to divide society, that’s for me dmitry nagiyev is missing on tv, he didn’t say anything bad, he didn’t go anywhere. well, someone needs to admit that urgant is missing, you know, then, if we already think about it this way, that i personally lack a leg, you need urgant, or vice versa, then we need to return everyone, no, here you know, well, this it’s a serious conflict, but uh, it’s just that everyone has already seen who behaved, if you didn’t say anything at all and didn’t post any black squares and then didn’t erase any posts, i
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agree with you. in my opinion, he’s not even an agent, but why? well, you didn’t do anything in particular, well , at least if you didn’t stain yourself, yes, if your conscience is clear, if you didn’t openly call for something, well, that is, you are for this, as i understand it, well, you won’t have to, well, anyway some kind of statement will have to be made, as if 2 years have passed, and that he is silent on the other side, and we you know, for a long time they also formulated it this way, but somehow the exit was for 5 rubles, the entrance was silent. that’s why it was insulting here, that why you all were silent, you all quietly returned, and no one supported anything, and still doesn’t support anything, that’s what happened, yes, when they quit, they shook their work books on social networks, they said that i against the violence of this government, and today this government is quietly served, well, quietly, well, it’s a shame that they didn’t speak out, why did they change their point of view, well, the same thing is happening here, like a carbon copy, by and large, yes, it’s just that
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it’s like... a mass piece of paper, these are these pretrubals and against the backdrop of serious big tragic events, many things that we had not previously noticed, to which we did not pay attention, they sharply expose themselves, both things and people, characters become clearer, then there is something, something faceless, before there was some person who was perceived exclusively, well, as the performer of some song. and here suddenly we pay attention to the personality, where before this person was simply a performer of a role in a movie, now we are already paying attention to the personality, already here, uh, well, how can i say, people vote with their feet with a button, well, he won’t go to the concert , well, he won’t go, but friends at the corporate party where you want to put, say, kirkorov, will
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ask you questions. there will be an awkward silence, it’s better to invite a shaman or someone like that, there will be fewer questions, well, no, well, here you would be it’s on such at some cognitive level on under while it’s still probably all crystallizing, not yet, now now yes, so you have to look here too, there are all sorts of troubles, here if you turn to our suffering, alla borisovna has my value judgment there, probably already there too. with cognitive abilities , the problem is already heading towards this, judging by what she blurts out and says in her post, well , here i would never want to see her again, either on tv, or at events, and so on, i don’t understand, why after these, let’s say, her statements are so loud, why is everyone there a different person for the agent, but she is not, and
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why, well, why is that, well, that’s what i’m saying? the best way is to remember to spend time, take yourself a little trip, it was
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the center of the principality, there are a lot of antiques, and the city, you saw for yourself, has been preserved. with us, you will visit the most interesting sights, and we also have a unique exhibition called the office of a soviet scientist, you can now feel the era of that time, here under a layer of plaster in 2003, when renovation work began, the savior of the face of christ was discovered not man-made, what does this mean, it manifested itself, and also get unforgettable emotions, let the iron while it’s hot, you know this proverb , you see, it’s cooling down, that’s why the proverb doesn’t sound special, that’s it, now we ’re heating it up again, yes, not only will i bring a wonderful memory from zhodino, but also
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such a wonderful doll, look in the program, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel, we will show you one day in the life of specialists. what is happiness? over the years you understand that, first of all, it is fate that you have been given a chance to do something very, very useful in your life, something that will remain after you for many years, or maybe be even 100 years old, all the mechanisms are working properly, which means he did his job correctly, reliably and efficiently, professions in which the best human qualities are revealed. people who proudly do more than just work, each employee, either an employee of my workshop, or an employee of some auxiliary workshop, or this is the person who sits at
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the control panel on the brush, this is, in principle , a small part that makes up a link, i would say, a ball that rotates around the clock 24x, here we create watch the new biotechnological industry in... the country in the project one day on our tv channel. on air again say don’t be silent, our guest is a public figure, historian, blogger, author of the telegram channel optimist in shtatskoye, polina reutova. polino, we know that you started with sports journalism, covering hockey events mainly, but today you have moved into politics, although i don’t see the difference between sports and politics, in my opinion, if you are engaged
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in sports journalism, this is a priori, you are already involved in politics, too, but how do you explain these cancellations, there’s no other way to call belarusian and russian athletes a mock, why? for infallibility for almost any actions, as victims from the past, they simply gave out my such judgment, unfortunately.


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