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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  March 12, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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this is an understandable policy. hello, how to sell weapons worth more than $200 billion in one year, a master class from the white house in our program in just 20 minutes. the deadly toys of the white house are an expensive thing, but the lobby of the american military-industrial complex is stronger than any zeros in contracts. reliable europe, obediently obeying, replenishes the defense accounts of the giants, as well. all they had to do was force
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them to help the kiev regime at any cost, and in return promise their american types of weapons.
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walking advertisements for european rearmament poland is called, according to various media reports, this year it will spend 4% of its gdp on defense, more than half of this money will go to military equipment and weapons, which is much more than the nato figure of 20%. poland purchased. apache helicopters for 12 billion dollars, haimers missile systems for 10 billion dollars, m1 a1 abrams tanks for 3.75 billion, as well as air and missile defense control systems for 4 billion. not bad, isn’t it, germany is there, only german helicopters bought from the americans for 8.5 billion dollars, and this is against the backdrop of enormous pressure from washington on brussels with the demand to give more and more weapons to kiev, making room for very... american equipment. the great
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european defense industry once wanted to spread its wings. in 2017, it became known that germany and france were developing a major ground combat system. it was called europanzer and was planned as a response to the russian armata tank. according to the concept, this system was to become the basis of the european battle tank, which promised to replace it. french leclerc and german leopard, the device was supposed to be equipped with drones and robotic escort vehicles. there is still a dispute over how contracts will be distributed, and no agreement has been reached on which subsystems of the future main battle tank will be developed by germany and which by france. not everything is going well with financing, and behind the scenes there is a struggle over which side will become the leader of this project. and while the french and germans were arguing over
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whose piece of the pie would be bigger, the project rhine metal, a leading european tank manufacturer, has joined, yes, actually about people from germany, but from a legal point of view, everything is somewhat different. the special connection between ryan metal and the usa is evidenced by the fact that the largest number of foreign enterprises and branches of the concern, namely 10 structures of the corporation, are located in the usa. the defense company doesn't just locate part of its production in the united states. but is developing, on the basis of american subsidiaries, the most advanced military technologies, for example, a new generation of combat infantry vehicles equipped with an artificial intelligence system are being developed jointly with american defense companies such as techron, wrighton and alison. the german defense concern is also tasked with creating the center section of the f-35 fighter jet, produced by major defense manufacturer locket. and what are we... as a result, there is no ground
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combat system; the project of a new tank being developed by germany together with france, which should enter the market in 2035, is on the verge of failure. this was reported by the handles blade newspaper cited government and industry sources. but the company’s operating profit is growing, because rhein metal has bombarded the european market with those same leopards with german filling. in 2023 , the corporation's revenue amounted to about 8 billion euros, most of which sailed overseas to the united states. at the end of last year , european countries spent $345 billion on weapons, which is a third higher. than 10 years ago, such growth is due only to active spending to fuel the ukrainian conflict, the united states, which already shovels half of the europeans’ military budgets into the pocket of its military-industrial complex, wants spending on the purchase of american weapons to only increase, and no matter how much european politicians puff about strategic
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autonomy from the united states, even they are forced to admit that they are completely dependent on their overseas ally . while the pan-european tank is being covered with a copper basin, only... those same abrams are being purchased in batches. at first there was an agreement for 250 tanks, last year an additional 116. from the budget, everything is according to the same route will cost more than $6 billion. abrams tanks are considered not only the heaviest, but also one of the most expensive in the world. the us army purchased sep b3 under a contract at a price of 5.5-6.1 million dollars per unit from general dynamics. in this case we are talking about... package deals , which includes maintenance, training of tank crews, additional equipment, probably something else beyond that, but the price is still very high, $19 million per tank, extremely expensive and clearly political contract. americans are now forcing countries
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kill your military-industrial complex in the literal sense of the word, closing programs, forcing you to buy your expensive weapons. the poles want to become the largest tank. on the continent, on the european, on the eurasian , as they say with great emphasis, well , russia and china, of course, will be impossible to reach, they simultaneously ordered almost a thousand korean artillery mounts, 250 american tanks, another thousand korean tanks, so korean companies and banks had to increase credit limits for purchases, not to mention purchases of hymars complex riot installations. said goodby europe and another dream of the burjai burgers - their own jet fighter. french rafale aircraft no longer met the requirements of the time. british typhoons are too expensive, despite the fact that american russian fighters were several
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generations higher than their european counterparts. europe desperately needed fifth- generation fighters. true, realizing that they were incredibly behind, brussels announced that they would immediately create one. most european countries, those who were the project of a single european iron bird is aimed at. at the end of september, the czech government approved a plan to purchase 24 f-35 fighters. the contract value was $6.5 billion. as stated by petr fiala,
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prime minister of the czech government, deliveries of the f-35 should begin in 2031 and end in 2035. romania and others are already looking at the f-35, experts are sure. that in the current situation the aircraft will continue to conquer european markets. the states are literally imposing their aircraft on their allies at a huge cost. price the entire f-35 program, including research and development work, has already exceeded $55 billion. thus, the american invisible fighter became the most expensive aircraft in the history of world aviation. first, soviet production, which... weapons were in european countries, soviet-style weapons were sent for disposal to ukraine, then modern models that are in european countries began to arrive, because
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almost all warehouses are empty, today the military reports that in army warehouses there is practically nothing, including ammunition. but this is very beneficial to the united states, because they now determine who should buy how much, at what price, from the united states. the noose of the american military-industrial complex is gradually tightening around the necks of european arms manufacturers, and as the arsenals of their own weapons are depleted, european countries will simply be forced to purchase even more american military equipment and ammunition.
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us assistance to ukraine. most of the money allocated is actually spent within the united states on re-equipment of the american army. he and his colleagues conducted an investigation, the results of which showed that at least 117 american enterprises produced weapons as part of assistance to ukraine. it’s just that old equipment is sent to ukraine itself; with the money allocated, workers all over america are creating new weapons for the american army, so out of 68. states, but
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american politicians themselves are silent about this, well , how silent they are, recently, the military common fund of expenses, which works only for the united states, politicians of various ranks have stopped hiding, what was previously veiled and somewhere in hints, today in open text, money is returning to the american economy, here is a recent one from mrs. noland in an interview with cnn. we must understand that the bulk of this money goes directly back into the american economy to produce weapons, including good paying jobs. the forecasts from the president of belarus are disappointing; the appetite and activity of the collective west will only increase. washington and its allies will continue to expand nato make money against the backdrop of weak europe. i will say frankly, without unnecessary diplomacy, almost all european leaders have turned into subjects.
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up to 8,000 euros, as they say, without comment, and this is the head of nato trying
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to push the american congress and the whole world to spend more on ukraine, because a conflict by proxy is a goldmine for the american military-industrial complex, and of course, the war, as well as the allocation of money, is worth continuing . ukraine is a good deal for the united states; most of the money the states provide to ukraine is, in fact, is invested here in the usa, in the purchase of american equipment, which we... send to ukraine, so it gives us all greater security, and makes the us defense industry stronger. nato, in turn, is actively creating a large market for the american defense industry. over the past 2 years, alliance allies have agreed on defense contracts worth over $120 billion. beautiful, expensive for others and luxuriously beneficial for the white house. nato is becoming such an instrument of us influence. first of all. create troops quickly response of 300,000, now there are 30,000, these are the troops that will not have
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national subordination, for example, the german brigade of 500, which will be stationed in lithuania, will be part of this multinational contingent, the americans will be able to transfer it to any point, without asking government permission. exactly according to the same pattern, issues related to equipping these rapid reaction troops of brigades occur, the americans occupying key positions, making decisions on the so-called military nato committee, as well as making recommendations to national ministries of defense, are pushing their standards, just as they could now push the standard of a new aircraft. this generation is 35, they call it a family, actually hooking everyone on their platform, on their system, killing national production, if they existed at all. including at nato summits, the americans rudely bend the leaders of different countries, without even hinting, essentially ordering to increase spending on defense, that is, on the purchase of american equipment. here material from last year. the united states wants
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europe to buy american weapons and convinces european countries to do so. do, european publication politico reported on wednesday evening. according to him, at the latest nato summits, european leaders again receive a signal from the united states to increase defense spending. privately, they are being urged to spend most of the additional spending on american weapons. this is not the first time that the white house is pressing on the european union. back in 2019, american authorities demanded that eu countries have access to military orders, threatening to leave europe without support if they refuse. if a military threat arises from russia, the spanish publication el pais reports this. such conditions, called an ultimatum by the european media, were put forward by michael murphy, who is responsible for relations with brussels, at a meeting with representatives of eu countries on may 22. here it is important to recall that americans influence european countries, including nato, because according to the alliance’s regulations, member countries must spend
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at least 2% of gdp on weapons. rosewinds have certain standards in the field of weapons. you will be surprised, but they are american. many european countries buy javelin anti-tank missiles produced by raceon and locket martin. poland this year signed a $1.4 billion deal to buy 116 m1 a1 abrams tanks, as well as another $10 billion deal to buy highly mobile artillery missile systems made by locket martin. slovakia is buying f-16 fighters, and romania is negotiating. f-35 purchases. these deals cause concerns in europe about whether they will be able to move away from american defense suppliers. france and germany are concerned about the behavior of spain, which is a partner in the development of the european jet fighter, but is also buying the f-35. there is something to worry about. joe biden, in order to help europe, in quotes, of course,
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expanded the list of supplies to the baltic countries, poland and denmark, that is, he again resorted to overt blackmail of the major ones. european powers. berlin, paris and brussels are trying to build a unified security system, and it turns out that there is a unified earnings system for the pentagon. if americans sold weapons only within their own country, then america would collapse immediately. this sale certainly has deep political implications. the united states is essentially fooling its arms customers by force, imposing its weapons on them, and the argument is always this: if you don’t buy, we won’t protect you from the russian bear. but under this bench there is more militaristic rhetoric; similar statements are heard from specialized and not so western officials, for example, the minister german defense boris pistorius is confident that putin will attack nato in less than 10 years. we hear threats from the kremlin almost every day, so we must take into account that vladimir putin might even attack
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a nato country one day. meanwhile, the bbc skims the cream of the crop for the american defense industry, the numbers are simply cosmic in the material. the war in ukraine has sharply boosted demand for american weapons, with arms exports rising to a record $238 billion in the last fiscal year, according to a state department report. the volume of arms transactions has increased especially strongly, and military equipment and services that the u.s. government negotiated with other countries. their total value increased by 56% to $81 billion, the remaining 157.5 billion were direct. sales of american military-industrial companies. in general, war to the last ukrainian is a super profitable business for the united states. excess profits flow like a river, while european farmers, building manure barricades, still don’t understand. why are native governments forced to help not them, but sponsor washington through bottomless ukraine, when native politicians will finally have at least a drop of independence and
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respect for themselves and their voters. happily. the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. we baked a loaf, what a beautiful one, bread has never been and will never be easy for those who raise it, bread obtained in hot sweat and cold...
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happy is the one who is given the right to be the master of this open-air workshop. 280 tons of bread feed our city every day, less and less, not looking at the growth of the population, because there has been a decline in the consumption of other high-calorie products, it is important to note that pork is small, and there has been a decline in attempts at fish and poultry. and salt - 9 tone in the day, eight saugasau, 10 kalgasau, three enterprises from the pioneers of the forefathers of the past, their own
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project organization, similar cities and gardens, branded stores, etc. y handy connections with foreign partners and a high- quality currency, all these firsts are agrarian and industrial republics kambіnat zadni bay, for anyone and yourself, with a bright smile, with maryli nekali kamunara and the future, at home, and sunny days i will become more enamored of their most wicked thoughts. only kalgasny harmony with a high culture of agriculture will allow the peasants of the baranavitskaya region to develop such rich wealth. ganus experimental station dapamagae kalgasam uyadrat michurynskiy metady ў rural gaspadarka grow new crops. the exhibitions have been re-opened. saint kalgasnay ​​has praci.
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kalgasnae nobles of belarus zmagaetstsa for further revelations of rural gaspadarki, republics, we are going with you to the coolest and most iconic points of our country. we arrived in the village of makashi with a six-hundred-year-old history to see a local landmark in person. here is a mini-museum opened by vladimir adamovich zhilka, this is our belarusian poet, who was born here in this village. you don’t need anything, you don’t ask for anything, the blue sky is so joyful, the whole thing is colossal, it’s beautiful, where you will plunge into an unforgettable experience
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, we are all accustomed to potato pancakes, our belarusian potatoes, and we decided to combine the mediterranean snail with our potatoes, this is a belarusian potato, a mediterranean snail, this is what i understand, emotions, feelings uniqueness.
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on air news in the studio elizaveta lakotka, good evening in this episode. increase geological exploration and establish unified control over the development of natural resource deposits.


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