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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 10:05am-10:55am MSK

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unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument for building interstate relations, and nato is crying out for who started the escalation first.
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i very rarely felt exactly at home, when i come here, i understand that yes, i am at home, this is like my space, a project looking at belarus, when i come to india, i also talk about belarus, that it is such a country, beautiful, small, but very beautiful, with very good people, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. alexey, hello, hello, you know, time is speeding up so much, now, yes, everything that is happening around us, that, probably, the need has arisen, we meet often, i am very happy about it.
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thank you for agreeing , there is a need, perhaps, to look somewhere for such deep, not immediate, but deep foundations of what is happening in the world today, because we often form superficial impressions of what we see , plus certain narratives are imposed on us, which we take on faith, not even trying to understand their basis. so, yes, the division of the world: it has always been there, but the catalyst was the events in ukraine in gaza, literally over the last year. he aggravated, once again in history, the theme of american selfishness. america has no friends, they have their own interests, and in realizing them, it will cross both a united europe and britain, not to mention less significant vassals and satellites. where are the origins of this? yes, if you look at
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current events, it seems as if the american elite and corporate political, makes decisions in a kind of chaos, you know.
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the united states of america introduced protective measures, which he was the founder of protectionism, which later began to be called protectionism, yes, that is , protection - protection of one’s market, why it is considered so important, because in fact. he ideologically laid the foundations for the development of the american national economy; he actually rebelled against the supply of products from great britain to the territory of the united states of america. at the initial stage, few people understood it, however
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his policy was subsequently supported and already in 1830 the number of protective measures in the united states of america exceeded any protectionist measures. in europe, this indicated that they did everything to prevent foreign products from entering their market. the second, main ideologist of such a policy is, of course, the republican, albert beveridge, who on september 16, 1898 publishes a famous treatise called the march of the flag, but in the english version it is the march of the flag, and in fact it is not only that. lived the foundations of the external economy of the united states of america, but foreign policy, and if we move away from deep ideological terms, the essence of this treatise is that he said the following: america experienced a severe
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financial and economic crisis in the seventies of the 19th century, in 1872-73 due to whereby steam propulsion was introduced to produce goods. manual labor was replaced by steam engines, electricity also appears, electricity replaces certain types of activities in enterprises and the number of goods becomes huge, but there is no one to buy these goods, yes, because most of the workers were forced to quit or there was simply an effect of overproduction, there are a lot of goods, there is no one to buy them, they are only after more than 20 years in the year ninety-eight...
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we will remind our viewers that in september twenty-two , supposedly secret material from the rand corporation about the true goals of the war in ukraine appeared in a swedish publication, it made a lot of noise when it was published, but note that it is secret and appears to have simply been leaked
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specifically, they called the most interesting thing secret, that they clearly answer the question of why they, and the americans, need all this, they say: the main goal: this is not russia, this is not even china, this is europe, everything must be done so that the european economy is destroyed, european enterprises, car. structure, chemical, electronics , were destroyed, yeah, not only that, in the future there will be a so-called good labor force effect, they call it, what is a good labor force, these are young people under the age of 35-37 who have knowledge, education in the field of natural sciences, they sometimes call it science, and these young people will flow from europe, the united states of america. sir great britain, then we remember where we have already seen this, and we saw
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it in the us national security strategy of december 2022, where it is written in black and white: the main task of the united states of america is to maintain a technological advantage over the rest of the world, due to which, due to the maximum flow into the territory of the united states of america, scientific dashes labor in ukraine, because it was the united states that launched this operation in ukraine, destroyed , through biased european politicians, macron, scholz, everyone else, a sanctions war, as if against russia, but in reality this whole war was aimed at the corporate capital of european countries, that is the decision of those, in fact. tasks that they had planned for themselves in advance a couple of hundred years ago. you know, one small remark, yes, well
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, hamilton, you remembered him, he was even honored at the ten-dollar bill, yes, in my opinion, yes, a unique case , in reality, but it ended badly, however, he was shot by the then vice president of the united states, yes, yes, in 1804 the poor fellow died at the hands of the vice president, and no one killed him. hamilton didn’t see the fruits of his labor , good, but the fate of europe is roughly clear to me, yes, but the battle for africa is also part of the global confrontation, that’s how you see it, you know, now of course there are a lot of discussions regarding africa, but we probably, while considering this issue, we will also operate.
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a german miracle, but all this has, as it were , an element of a certain limitation, limitation, and this capital had to be withdrawn to where, where there is cheap labor , a huge market, and where there is a huge market, the flow went to china, in the seventies in china for the last it developed remarkably there for 50 years, but now the most important thing has happened in china, the rise in labor costs, high... which corporations cannot pull, naturally, they need
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points of investment of capital, where the most important thing will be provided, and as according to karl for marx, maximum marginality , where it can be, is precisely africa that is the region where there is a huge population, almost one and a half billion people, now the population growth rate is enormous, by the fiftieth year it is already planned about a... 2 billion and the main thing is that there are deposits of carbon, rare earth metals, yes, that is, on this raw material base you can create a powerful production, and most importantly, all these products that will be produced can be left there, this will be consumption for the next 50 years or so africa will provide a solution to the problem of this overproduction with a colossal market, not only production, which is why all corporations are now fighting for it , when we say that supposedly corporations
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are fighting for raw materials, but no, they are fighting for the market, but this market must first be formed , you won’t sell where the income is small, so let ’s do it according to the same economic laws that they worked under in china, and before that in korea in japan, as you indicated, okay, alexey, how did we manage not just not to get lost between these giants, yes, who are fighting? for the continent, in such a short time to achieve what our leader, yes, our president, is called a friend by the leaders of the resource-rich african countries. and even brother, the main thing that africa needs now is precisely the ideas or ideology of justice, because the african continent, of course, over the period of the 450-year history of capitalism, and if we take it further, has suffered very much from all those who want to profit from this continent, yes,
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the slave trade, wars for resources, now the african people demand... we give you the opportunity, with its help, through the mechanization of agriculture, to increase the productivity of your lands of your farmers and thereby feed your people , remember and give work, we are there and are planning joint production, even there are already statistics, our viewers can see what the supply of our agricultural machinery has led to
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a sharp increase in agricultural productivity, and what does it mean for...
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the usa, he openly declares that this war in ukraine, in the middle east, is helps solve economic problems and stretch the economy.
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he will be asked: what have you done for the usa? he will say, look at the statistics , it is clear that there are wars, yes, it is clear that we are villains, but it’s good for you, well, there is work, there is, inflation is insignificant, insignificant, the fact that rates are high, because the federal reserve has increased , well, it’s okay, they will soon decrease, we need high rates.
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if you look at carlson’s work, yes, then you can definitely characterize the goebbels system of the united states of america or the team there with one thesis.
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system or the elite of the united states of america , we will not speak against biden there, it is directed, biden is an element of some kind of clownism, yes, that is, the one who acts as an entertainment, yes, that is, the one who entertains the public, he is backed by large capital , banking capital, including... they are interested in only one thing and retaining power to realize their personal corporate goals, what goals do they
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have? well, one of the goals is control of ukraine and the resources that were there, the second is, among other things, control of europe, now a completely different group is appearing against this background, let’s call it corporate, yes, it also includes, in my opinion
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, they are fighting, but this is just an idealistic model, yes, an ideal, in reality we see that there are other forces that in principle, they are ready to format the entire model of the united states of america, which is currently outdated, and they say, this is the policy of beveridge, yes , or hamilton, well, this is all wonderful, everything is good, but let’s go to some other level, the most interesting that there was bezrukov in this studio. when we talked with him about the prospects for the us presidency, he then indicated that in these elections, no, next elon musk will not
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just jump out like a jack-in-the-box, he will already come prepared as a politician, and we are now noticing that he has turned from a businessman into a definite mouthpiece for a new type of propaganda, yes, and indeed a man with ambitions, political ambitions, we’ll see. to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, i remind you of the nakhatyk who was waiting, hovering near him station, i saw the films of hatiki, and you are my good fellow, he was waiting for us from venezuela, it’s enough to behave at a party like a presenter. the show is like home, well, this time we have a stage , so that’s it, let’s rock, let’s rock, two
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foreign students will discover belarusian customs and introduce belarusians to the cultural characteristics of their countries, hello, oh, thai, look, and the tyuviks are waiting for us ready, you like to drink tea, yes in angola, yes, but we don’t, lewis, and even more so there is no samovar, because we drink tea when someone gets sick, well, usually in latin america we we drink only coffee, watch in the project, like at home on our tv channel, we will introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the countryside, and what is your husband like when cooking, this is the kind of husband he is when after him
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about... of course he polishes some moments, but nevertheless, they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business. i warn you, everything you see next may make you want to get up and go to the kitchen to fry a mountain of pancakes. honestly, this is the first time they will make potato pancakes with meat. in life, so i would really like you to guide me a little, tell me at least a little how and what they do in... sequence, the presenter from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life, oh, everything is great, let’s warm up, warmed up, and to be honest, i didn’t freeze , take the job, well, great, all the crappies have been evicted, the project, i’m from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. it’s clear that since we’ve already touched on the topic, why is america or what at the expense of whom she strengthens her financial and economic the situation as a whole, poor old europe. and vonderijn, our wonderful leader, we won’t. we won’t call her a gynecologist , it’s a wonderful term, yes, she found those to blame for the farmer protests that are now sweeping the whole of europe, she voiced: this is not the policy of brussels, these are not economic sanctions and restrictions on the supply of rutted fertilizers, yes, rutted fertilizers, let’s say so, quite inexpensive ones from russia and belarus, and especially not cheap electricity, yes. gas
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that was there before, the weather is to blame, climate and putin, this is her statement in plain sight, about the same category as about these semiconductors from washing machines, this is what is really behind the farmer protests, and these strikes, which, well, let’s just remember, i don’t remember so that they don’t overwhelm the whole of europe, the whole european union, yes. our viewers probably need to translate the statement a little into russian, what is she talking about, she says, my god, when will those times end when russia fed us cheap electricity, gas, oil, we supplied our products there, when will this finally end, that is, she is crying out, this is already, you know, a cry for help, if all this
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is interpreted, that is, from us. the russian economy will fall, they will carry out the appropriate maneuvers, there will be something like the collapse of the soviet union, yes , when they were able to supply, seize resources, conditionally, control over them through their energy corporations and supply huge volumes of their products, including beushnoy, to the market of the post-soviet space products, now this is not happening, and naturally they not only began to boil in their juice, but all the liquid began.
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americans, but the biden family, in fact , even like this, look at the effect, everyone says, it’s ukrainian farmers who supply their products to europe, because... you see, we need to help ukraine economically, but let’s understand who controls all these land resources, let's ask ourselves, so who actually supplies these cheap agricultural products you want to say directly that these are americans, not only are the americans, these are the groups that are tied to the biden family, and alexey, wait, that is, the biden family, due to the fact that they bought up arable land in ukraine, they are actually... now it receives customs benefits, all sorts of preferences, buns and additional opportunities to expand the market at the expense of europe, that is, it is so beautiful, this is such cynicism of the highest order, and the same
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american elite installed all these politically engaged leaders, funder, scholz, macron, in the main positions and of course, when... farmers start to go on strike, they go bankrupt, they cannot compete with the prices that come from ukraine, yes, we call prices, not products, just prices, prices are low there, and what’s more, the state, france , germany, they are cutting subsidies to farmers, yes, when they go on strike, macron flies to sweden to discuss something there, that is, he is not interested in issues, but a real national leader will do this, but no, of course.
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now imagine paraphrasing the headline and saying what it says: we have failures in all directions, the economy is falling, people are being killed. there are no results at the front, an il-76 plane was hit by mistake , someone should be held responsible for this, who, well , is the most popular among us, who is a loser, so let’s kill him, but from the point of view of a political and informational career, they are smart, let's do it... maxim, hello
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, well, i answered yes, but i remembered that minsk was founded in 1667, it was mentioned, you probably meant, a thousand, and then you did the math and it turned out that it was more likely total, i understand that their age is not a hindrance for them, because questions of an adult nature can be expressed in seconds, 10 minutes and 10 seconds. there are 60 seconds in one minute, and 60 x 10 is 600 and another plus 10 seconds is 610 seconds, and this is the absolutely correct answer, the fight for the title of the best intellectual, no matter how some of you might not like it, but some may i didn’t want to be, but it’s time to sum up the results and understand who the two are who are going to our final fourth round, who are the ones to whom we say goodbye for today:
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we need them to be constantly socially guaranteed give income to the helicopter and scatter it in the end, at some stage they will still begin to degrade, they will come out anyway.
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then they corrected her, they said that she was supposedly talking about reducing pollution, but there in the video in black and white, she says that it is necessary to reduce the population, well, for her , people are dirt, so the fact that they turned ukraine into a concentration camp and shooting range bio-laboratory, well , it’s clear that this is a crime, only the international criminal courts that are operating now, they are also biased, they don’t admit it, but... everyone understands perfectly well that we live on planet earth, yes, humanity has experienced all this, and is well aware of what is good and what is bad, and how the result may still be the emergence of a new system of courts, which clearly recognize all this activity as criminal,
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it is already criminal, but it will be carried out accordingly and investigative actions will be carried out accordingly. that a new pandemic awaits us all , it turns out that it fits into this outline, yes, some mysterious disease x, which is 20 times more deadly than covid, where does it come from? yes,
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well, pay attention to how they know how to escalate the situation, yes, because this was a discussion back at the end of twenty-three at... a conference they developed models of how it is supposed to react if such a pathogen appears, and there is a new virus x, which will be 20 times stronger in its vitriol than covid, but most importantly, the information campaign that has begun to spin around this topic is forming the most dangerous virus, probably. this is a virus of fear, this is a virus of fear, getting into the consciousness of society, what he does, he always blocks the will, and therefore the will to what, to resistance, to the desire to win, yes, thoughts, yes, everything, that is, he turns people not into
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sane people, but into a kind of biological mass that is very easy manage, in my opinion, all these topics with... these vaccines, then related topics, remember, we also once raised and discussed that departments are appearing in the united states of america that are studying the issues of the imminent arrival of ufos and encounters with aliens , yes, that is all of this are really being discussed, and please note that social research shows that the larger the information campaign, the more people believe in the coming of aliens, the appearance of certain... terrifying diseases, that is, it is clear that money is invested, and this money gives results in the form of a certain faith, for us, for our listeners, of course, once again always turn to the primary sources, see who is the initiator of such
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ideas, yes, in whose interests they act, and do not immerse yourself in any case the state of this fear, alexey , you understand, there’s also... as always, money rules the world, but behind all this there is not only ideology and not only an attempt to seize territories, it’s banal direct money, if ursula earned 17 billion on a vaccine for europe alone , 17 billion, i emphasize, then imagine how much the same fizer will earn on the new panic wave, and if they want, they make vaccines, yes, and you have to pay attention to where the money comes from to these corporations from state budgets, that’s right, that is it's actually yes taxpayers pay for their own fear of death, how wonderful. such a jerk, yes, okay, alexey, that’s the truth, unfortunately, the last semi-philosophical question,
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so, let’s summarize a little, yes, the hegemony of the united states is coming to an end, china, russia, and together, have secured the right to pursue an independent policy to influence the world by taking away entire continents from the old hegemons, we are witnessing the process of islandization. world politics, yes, when countries unite around global technology hubs, and if economically these hubs differ little , yes, then, well, like amazon and alibaba, but ideologically, these are absolutely two different poles, on the one hand, refined capitalism, on the other, a dialogue with civilization, this is how you see this process and our main place in it ? yes, we are on the right side of history, yes, but we, too, with all due respect to
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our viewers, will still turn to the fundamental treatises, economic treatises, which laid down the ideology of the same collective west and now the collective east, their ideologies completely different, the basis of the ideology is, no matter how anyone... but these are classical economists, it is clear that adam smith, in all classical economics including karl marx, adam smith, rickard, man is only labor power , but under no circumstances should you compare a person, a living person, with the concept of labor, labor is only a set of skills that transform raw materials. into a certain product, right, that is , this is not a person with his emotions, experiences, now against this classic
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ideology that has dominated over the past 450 years, yes, if we take the stage of its development, now a completely different ideology is coming, the chinese called it humanomics, that is, this is a completely new ideological approach to the development of society. they say: we don’t just care about economic indicators, we care about the person, his emotions, his thoughts, his experiences, now china and the president of the people’s republic of china sindempin pays great attention to the popularization of this idea of ​​​​humanonomics. i think, here is our president, every time he is at meetings, at whom we are present together, have said more than once that the basis of everything is economics. but for us, for belarusians , the basis of everything is our man, yes, our belarusian,
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if we do not address his aspirations, yes, his experiences, thoughts, feelings, then we turn into simple capitalists, and capitalists under no circumstances can to be patriots, beautiful, excellent, alexey, thank you, thank you.


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