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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 11, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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there should not be such an order from the head of state now on the waiting list for a hip replacement. almost 14,000 people are such an echo of the pandemic. although not everyone ultimately decides on the operation, but in order to help each patient, decisions are needed over the past year, more than 8,000 endoprostheses were implanted. at the same time, the plan for the hip joint was fulfilled by 106%. for the knee joint at 120. our main task is to provide all the centers in our country with artificial joints , there is certainly a problem, despite the fact that we have increased number of surgeries every year it lacks these joints. this is also related to metal, which, after the pandemic, is associated with ceramics, but we expect that from the month of july. oh, and fame. god enter already re-enter the market of our patriotic manufacturer. we will increase the supply of joints
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and provide the maximum amount of depression for patients who need more why the importance of import substitution in the hip and knee joints. we already have edematous suppliers, edematous manufacturers. this is one of the most powerful facets is what will be the errand. earlier, on behalf of the head of state , an independent working group and specialists in the field of medicine were formed. they traveled almost the entire country with monitoring of medical institutions, the result of the problems is enough deadline to solve all problematic issues on the first of january. at the same time eliminate the shortcomings. need it now. a modern dosaaf airfield was opened under a brest on an area of ​​11 hectares . administrative and educational building large-scale projects cost 5 million rubles. the flight complex will allow to bring aviation sports to a completely new level. it is expected that
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the airfield will become not only a home site for the brest city flying club, but also a new tourist point in the region. 4 years ago, we made a decision that brest on breschin should be a ravine by the decision of the head of state. three years ago , a piece of land was allocated. here is the area where we are, we can train helicopter pilots for athletes. we can to participate in the future in the training of professional pilots, whom we have already begun to train in the minsk round, but now the moment is coming when aviation is on the rise according to plans , at least three paratroopers will be trained here every year, the opening of the airfield is a big event for the belarusian society, in which 180,000 people will take place. the national team of belarus will hold a re-pair against the russian national team in the first game, our guys snatched victory from their opponents, despite the enormous
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advantage of the russians. in the first half meeting, our guys were able to break the resistance and get victoria away. maksim sallazh, scored a double-double of 30 points and 10 rebounds, the final score of the meeting was 883 in our favor, the second friendly match will be held today, beginning at 14:50, you can watch the broadcast on belarus and the final matches before the international crawl in football today, the twelfth round of the championship of belarus will end with two games in the battle of outsiders , energetik bgu and belshina will meet for the championship, and in the evening program, one of the leaders of torpedo belaz, aiming for medals this season will play on the road with gomel in the standings , the car factory are third and remain the only team in the championship that still does not know defeat 19:20. the live broadcast of the meeting will begin on belarus 5 tv channel. summer musical evenings in the upper city started the first concert
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of the belarusian state philharmonic dedicated to the centenary of the legendary composer. isaac schwartz , the charming program of any and separation gathered a full house and plucked a standing ovation. the listeners enjoyed the soundtracks to their favorite films, the star of the captivating happiness of the white melody night. white sun of the desert, see the station. about the magnitude to yours more than we have in minsk in the music room of the belarusian state philharmonic, schwartzne is performed nowhere in the world and our programs, which have existed for many years, which change performers, but these programs are unchanged, we showed them in very many cities. we showed it at the isaac schwartz festival in gatchina when we listen to his music. we all
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understand that in the world there is honor and dignity and conscience and, of course, love. in this year , the people's artist of belarus has joined the musical lounge team , already on july 18 in the concert hall of the upper city you can hear the music of your favorite cinema, and on august 17 you will hear the work of frederic shapen. this was the last chord in our internal release. new information at noon materials and projects of the news agency are also available on social networks and in the mobile application on the screen , stay on the first button.
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we will recognize you behind the architectural monuments of belarus of different eras and the style is easy to place one palace does not make much sense. that is, in any case, they also needed to earn, as it were, for a beautiful life , so there was an ivalvara nearby, external and
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internal azdoba, telling us about the baroque architecture of the eighteenth , eugene will share teak facts, in general in classical architecture, in general in ancient architecture, any element , is divided into three parts. here are the columns. it means that there is a base that the architecture of the specifically franchising temple, as advice, uh, here uh, its greatness and usefulness from armchairs not only scales and uh, hallways the weakening of the facade of the architecture of belarus on the tv channel belarus 20 shatyr. their task is to give the correct answer and thereby avoid construction. name the lowest sounding bowed musical instrument. double bass. well, of course we do not build us with viewers do not like it. an empty tower to whom you tell will be laughed at, but it is impossible to know everything, so
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the participants have to work not only with their heads, but also with their hands. learn the picture from the fragment. da vinci tells me da vinci because it's good. and what is it called? painting, da vinci so da vinci attraction i'm all right. no attraction no more, wonderful creation of adam by michelangelo build a tower. test your erudition by answering quiz questions in the intellectually entertaining show kirill tower do you think there is a chance to install another element? i think we need to grow up on the air of the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the light of the yakmahal belarusians are so formidable ali them i know one thing the love of the people's earth belarus 204 it's an understandable policy. hello american presenter jay lenno.
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at the beginning of the 2000s, he said a book was published with a complete list of countries that hate america, it is called the great atlas of the world in this joke, indeed, jokes are only a fraction of the years of its hegemony washington, even with temporary allies , in the case of afghanistan. in general , i'm shooting more than once showed their true colors. surprisingly, there are people who dream of american attention over and over again. and they believe in western embrace, even if they call the house traitors collaborators, even if their house needs to be shaken and destroyed for this, and we will tell such outstanding personalities today.
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the unwavering support of the states is always
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pragmatic. we give you money. you influence us obedient power, but no, there is no result and patronage is the most striking wording. we found in this material that the united states proved that they are capable of giving allies at the click of a button , they played in their geopolitical games and threw them away like a used contraceptive. a now more about how to arrange this process, who has already been matrosted, and who else is being continued, and what does the fugitives have to do with it. in 2018, presidential elections were held in venezuela, and no matter how hard the cia tried, nicolas maduro won with 67% of the votes . through social networks , residents of the variant republic called for the removal of maduro, and on january 23, 2019.
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speaker of the country's parliament. juan guaido proclaimed himself president of venezuela, his decision was immediately supported by the united states and its allies, belarus opposed the attempt to ignite a color revolution. if only this happened in europe and the rebels would be turned around instantly or they would be shot, as in the capitol, but in venezuela, of course , the western reaction is also possible, as always worked out and immorally in the country for a short time. two powers reigned and venezuela was in a wild crisis. the people are starving. what worries? on january 30, guido called for the termination of contracts with russia for the supply of weapons, as well as to revise relations with moscow radically almost as a fugitive program. remember her, the radical points, the coup d'état in caracas. it began almost immediately after us vice president michael pence called the leader of venezuela a dictator who has no right to lead the country and called on the local opposition to speak out loud. this
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blatant incitement to protest in venezuela, which any european leader would most certainly consider a crime if it was about the countries of the old world , was taken up with a bang by the collective west. how says this is everything you wanted to know about the classic interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states and about that world order based on law and rules, realizing that the real support of the guaids in the country is minimal washington decided to play it safe and the manual politician began to tell that we can ask the us army help save lives aids crisis in the country invaded by american saboteurs on speedboats the task of the soldiers was to seize the airport and hold it until the kidnapped madura was delivered, however air harbor security repelled 30 us marines were arrested guido pretended to have no idea what caracas was talking about and requested a discussion from the
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security council. he washington blocked it, as well as blocked the russian resolution condemning the invasion of a sovereign state that the well-known politician juan guaido was involved in the incident, and the newspaper in the washington post, according to the publication in october, the venezuelan opposition signed with pmc silver corp. the contract for 213 million dollars, the americans undertook to organize the invasion of the country and the overthrow of madura by the us authorities since january 2019 do not recognize him. the president of the country is considered the interim head of state, juan guaido, the left just started talking about building a more just world in latin america and began to declare that latin america is not a raw material base for the united states from which everything can be pumped out completely dry. and these are, uh, strange peoples who have the right to a bright future and, uh, the united states -
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of course they didn’t like it. uh, so the americans tried to influence in different ways political regimes. in these countries , arranges coup d'état somewhere, but trying to lead. e right-wing governments to power. including with the help of color revolutions, washington denied everything even when maduro showed the passports of the detained americans at a press conference, when it became clear that the president himself was a failed project. he left for colombia for negotiations and did not return, but at the end of last year it became. it is known that the downed pilot is a burden even for their venezuelan opposition political parties seeking to remove juan guedo as head of their so-called interim government , which would mark the end of a us-backed strategy that failed to oust president nicolás maduro, at least two of the four
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major opposition parties plan to propose a replacement for the guaido, the 39-year-old guaido. he never had real power in venezuela and he lost the support of all foreign governments from colombia, by the way, he was recently expelled and the guaido ingloriously returned to the states on a regular flight in grief , politics is often compared with belarusian cook tikhanovskaya. she, too, apparently, without regaining consciousness, is only an obedient puppet of warsaw vilnius, which, in turn, absorb tasks from bruce or washington, here i would like to recall the statement of nicholas maduro. yeah, he is at war, we have already said that in the states he is sitting in a political sump, like his unsuccessful belarusian clone, though closer from the ocean. i have not yet moved to a permanent position, but this does not change relations, both on the part of adequate belarusians and among colleagues in illusions. change. extremist alekseevich for a couple more years
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back in a telephone conversation. that's how frankly called the ex-housewife stupid. yesterday there was a dinner, where i was invited by tikhanovskaya franc, right next to tikhonovskaya , as soon as an intellectual conversation begins. her eyes immediately close and she starts looking at the phone, but she is not very smart. fra on a hook writes everything to her. listen, then she looked at her zhirovki receipts, well, the payment for the apartment, it is usually indicated at the bottom of the profile, and you know what profession she is a fugitive capercaillie. in the sticky web of american rules and other frontmen running errands fueled by donation. the west is pouring mud on the country, they are increasingly talking about the overthrow of power. in general, they are afraid to go out of western fashion. notice in the belarusian case. everything is a blueprint, not only with venezuelan history, similar parallels, you will find further in the program the west always needs a figure and a doll with which you can rock a society that you can recognize as your own and even call the president a democratic leader
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, and so on, friendly hooting of marginal brothers, but hypocritical informers and traitors. west always used and will use only in their own interests. their fate is always unenviable , their path is a dump and history. where he throws away from work on the material in the case of white, it is obvious that this is a matter of time. it was simply the level in this case of the incompetence of the united states of america in relation to the latin american countries, for some reason they came up with the idea that they should call him their ally and invite him to the white house, and arrange some kind of celebrations around him and as soon as sesame opens and venezuela will change mode. perhaps the same was not considered in relation to, say, the same tikhonovskaya, if we are talking about belarus well, then when
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it turned out that these figures were empty. they just forgot. the most shameful flight in us history on august 21, the pentagon decided to leave afghanistan. the taliban, who came close to the mare just a month before the fall of the capital, president biden said that everything was under control and promised that people who supported the united states would not leave them. the us has been abandoned. whole country with with a population of almost 40 million people, as soon as the war became irrelevant from a political point of view, moreover, america cynically turned away from its ally the afghan government in the foreign ministry, refusing to help and, in fact, leaving it to be torn to pieces. many could not even get immigrant visas. to leave the country. they themselves ran away.
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so the heels sparkled, or rather the wings of the aircraft under the american tail , several dozen people died. many fell to the ground already when the board was gaining altitude. how many have been executed by the taliban for collaborating with the pentagon can only guess why the then president of afghanistan and the united states put a fine, flew away in a helicopter full of money , stopped the war faster, turned off the life support system. did everyone on the plane fly away the poor landing gear of the plane fell? ah, we're done. really fast, come on. well, it's just instantly less than 24 hours, so , by the way, the ukrainian people can expect the same thing, when suddenly the next candidate or the next president said to echo we can't spend any more money. sorry and stop all help. come on she want, probably, not only for you four hours much faster, that is, those who are counting on american assistance. well , just take a look at the history to see than
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always. it all ended, afghanistan, vietnam and cancer lily just ends there with something for those countries that the americans are throwing away from being finally freed from everything. he took away 169 million dollars. five more fell out and for the rush for 20 years of operation in the sands, washington buried one trillion dollars, a sad joke from the internet. us lost 3,000 soldiers dozens years than he has money and his image to change the taliban regime. moreover, the mediocre lepetov and the countries in a panic threw billions of dollars worth of weapons there. another classic example of an american frame-up is the 2019 bolivian coup d'état , president eva morales resigned to prevent violence on the streets of washington's ears naturally. here, how quickly a candidate for the main post appeared, janei, naniez, it took her a year to plunge the country
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into an abyss of chaos, the police military began to simply kill the population, but they went on further, the interim president of bolivia, janine añez, issued a decree exonerating the responsibility of the military and police for killing during the crackdown, the unabated mass demonstrations of supporters of eva morales , protesters against the coup d'etat , the army actually untied the hands of the military, donated license to kill, killed by soldiers, bullets, already more than 20 a lot of people injured are being arrested by supporters of the ousted president. everyone is already clear. the background of the coup washington tried to return by all lies. libya into a herd of obedient latin american countries to secure direct access to its natural wealth, which the primaralis have been declared a national treasure. in addition, moralis is a successor to the ideas of fidel castro and hugo chavez and a friend of russia from such leaders in the countries of the continent. washington traditionally
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tries to get rid of. however, even washington's hair stood on end to open and its own wards, and not to have distributed key positions to relatives and friends, wanted to cancel the elections. and she was in the status of only acting. the americans hastened to isolate themselves from the toxic lady, when the election lost, the new government and immediately initiated, investigation and arrest. the eu found the politician in an inglorious posture. jeanine hid at her mother's house in a bedside box from the former support of american friends , there was no trace of the united states steel. the first country to support the appointment of the eu , the then us secretary of state mike pompeo congratulated janine añez in november 2019 on taking up this post at a moment of great responsibility, when
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there is a need to restore order in bolivia. now secretary of state glinkin is indifferent to the fate of them the us government dutifully urged bolivia to protect inter-american civil rights, but did not comment on the detention of the former interim president. bolivian jeanine añez received he eats 10 years in prison, by the way, in terms of statements and behavior jeanine is compared to the president of moldova, my sandu of course. it seems to have been elected legitimately. however, a blind study of the training manual from washington gives out a similar narrative, and in moldova , the republic of moldova completely loses more and more dissatisfied with such aggressive approaches to the european vector. e your last elements sovereignty and hmm all these here all these endless visits. yes, daily everywhere something western. e officials to the republic of moldova simply emphasize that this is a zone of our control and influence, that the republic of moldova
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is our protectorate, let's say, and i'm afraid to think. yes, what they have in their head is the idea of ​​​​something their polygons. if you want, yes. that's what we are most afraid of turning the country into a training ground and a military foothold. the club abandoned by the americans continues to host mubarak in the eighty-first, he came to power in egypt, it was important for washington to keep cairo in their area of ​​interest. how to do this , of course, with money during the 30 years of mubarak's rule, the united states invested, according to various sources, up to $ 30 billion in aid, but in 2011, the date twitter love withered. even kurortnaya is what analysts called the egyptian revolution in 2011. masha of millions is a song about the walls that must collapse all this was understood by the murarok that the former allies of the united states
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threw him to put it mildly, and when the former head of the mtm mohammed al-khabarabi made a public statement, the obama administration primarily relied on him, however president. he didn't make it in a hurry. accused of corruption from the abuse of power in transit, mohammed murcia became the president of the country through the military. he represented the organization. muslims, but it didn’t help the americans to gain a foothold in the region, but ap delta khasisi has come for a long time, the president has been pursuing a much friendlier policy in russia for 9 years, here even i would say those people who, according to their official position, according to their official position is even official allies of the united states of america well they just need to be displeased. from the grain, how this caprice manifests itself , so to speak, this caprice of america, but
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we don’t like this figure. let's have another. here's what doesn't matter. here, just to punish the previous e, leader, despite all that he did for the united states of america and where they can find this kind. here is such a cynical shameless attitude, moreover, sometimes it is precisely the price of this mistake that is not only a political career, but also the very physical life of a given political figure. what about murarok, the united states agreed to withdraw his family from egypt during the revolution, but not all of the ex-president and his sons were imprisoned for 3 years for fraud from gas, bypassing the treasury they sold blue fuel, a true us ally died to israel, 2020 due to complications after the operation. saakashvili, who ate a tie, comes to mind as examples of how americans abandon their loyal subjects. and
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now, being in prison , he asks washington to openly. russian protests of the last decade behind bars are becoming more and more in the shadows and the white house is not interested in the ukraine project. washington, in an effort to enlist the support of china, has, in fact, surrendered its faithful ally. taiwan is just like the united states once handed over as president to barak in egypt, a great friend of western europe, gaddafi in libya, and more recently, created. by them , the puppet regime in afghanistan to tame and then betray for washington has long become the norm. do you know who the usa will give next right zelensky and his regime in ukraine somehow even the british guardian saw the light, one of the largest british publications reproached the united states for predatory ambitions. like, conducting operations abroad, they always pursue only their own goals, and as soon as the course of events becomes unprofitable. allies immediately rush to
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the mercy of fate of crippled countries to replenish the club of broken hearts.


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