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tv   Verified Live  BBC News  May 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm BST

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good afternoon. this is bbc news. keir starmer and fails his rival plan. there is fierce fighting in ukraine's car kyiv region. a dutch performer has been stopped from rehearsing at the eurovision song contest.
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welcome to today's verified live. this will be one of the central dividing lines at the next general election. labour's sir keir starmer has pledged to scrap the government's rwanda scheme �*straight away�* if his party wins the general poll. the labour leader says he would use money saved to hire specialist investigators to tackle small boats crossing the channel. we'll have more on that in a moment. but this is happened as the bbc has tracks down — one of europe's most wanted �*people smugglers�* barzan majeed — nicknamed the scorpion. speaking from northern iraq, he defended arranging for thousands of people, to travel to the uk, in small boats and lorries, arguing migrants are begging him for help. our reporter sue mitchell is part of the team that tracked him down. she says barzan majeed's phone number was found on the phones of migrants coming to britain in small boats.
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my partner in this investigation is rob lawrie. he's former british army and he has a lot of contacts in the migrant camps in both in europe and in the middle east. together we set off to find the scorpion, barzan majeed, starting in nottingham where majeed used to live. we're searching for the boss of one of the biggest smuggling gangs in europe. he calls himself scorpion. he's on the run and he's wanted by crime agencies across europe. we finally track him down after eight months, a search that began in nottingham through france, belgium and turkey. then finally to iraq, where rob and i meet him face—to—face. he sets out to rob shocking claims about how many people he's smuggled into the uk. maybe a thousand. maybe 10,000. i don't know. i didn't count. thousands of passengers - had your number in their phones. i'm telling you. yeah, you're right in what are you saying.
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nobody forced them. they wanted to. they're begging. they begging the smugglers, "please do this." yu know that smuggling - through the europe is illegal and highly dangerous. you know that, of course. and yet you did it. i'm telling you, i've done them kind of things, i've done it. the rise in these gangs has led to even more people attempting dangerous channel crossings in small boats. isay, "please, help, we need petrol." the haunting words of six—year—old miley. she was rescued from a dingy as it was sinking in the channel. "please, we need petrol, we need help." others are not so lucky. listening to that, he was quite brazen in what he was telling you. what are the authorities doing?
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we passed his location to the authorities and barzan majeed received a ten—year sentence in the belgian courts. he was on the run so that sentence is outstanding. and it is a difficult situation because we tracked him down in iraq, there is no extradition treaty with iraq. it creates a lot of problems for authorities in europe. they are going to try and negotiate with iraqi authorities to get him back. as you heard there, these children are still making these dangerous journeys and barzan majeed is still living a life of luxury in iraq and he should face the authorities, you know, justice should be seen to be done in this case. you can hear the full story of bbcjournalist, sue mitchell, and volunteer keir starmer has been setting out
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his plans to tackle the migrants arising writhing on the small boats. he would use some of these £75 million earmarked for the rwanda policy. maybe the scheme will work. i think it is an extremely expensive gimmick. less than i% of those arrive will be sent rwanda. i am not going to flog a dead horse if we came into government. the deterrent is breaking down and taking down the gangs in the first place. so the people are not able to ride by small boats. that is a challenge of any serious government has to arise too. we need to bring together
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intelligence and resources to take these gangs down. i have seen it done. i do not believe that it can't be done with the gangs that are running this trade. imilli be done with the gangs that are running this trade.— be done with the gangs that are running this trade. will any flight to ira: ran running this trade. will any flight to iraq ran to _ running this trade. will any flight to iraq ran to leave _ running this trade. will any flight to iraq ran to leave while - running this trade. will any flight to iraq ran to leave while your i to iraq ran to leave while your prime minister? we to iraq ran to leave while your prime minister?— to iraq ran to leave while your prime minister? we will cancel the scheme. prime minister? we will cancel the scheme- that _ prime minister? we will cancel the scheme. that means _ prime minister? we will cancel the scheme. that means there - prime minister? we will cancel the scheme. that means there will. prime minister? we will cancel the scheme. that means there will be | prime minister? we will cancel the i scheme. that means there will be no flights. every fibre goes up requires a massive cheque to be written. i want to use that money to setting up the law enforcement to break the gangs. you are putting to me a scenario that does not exist. let me be really clear, we have cancelled a scheme which cost a fortune. there will be no planes, no scheme. i am fortune. there will be no planes, no scheme. iam not fortune. there will be no planes, no scheme. i am not going to flog a
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dead horse. iwant scheme. i am not going to flog a dead horse. i want to start on day one with my plan to put in place the commands that with the personnel and resources to break the gangs that are running this vile trade. i want to put the capital where i think it would be most effective. i5 to put the capital where i think it would be most effective. is it the simle would be most effective. is it the simple truth _ would be most effective. is it the simple truth that _ would be most effective. is it the simple truth that people - would be most effective. is it the simple truth that people choose l would be most effective. is it the l simple truth that people choose to cross in a small boats will be able to claim asylum? people are breaking into our country might be able to claim asylum. i into our country might be able to claim asylum-— claim asylum. i want to stop the small boats. _ claim asylum. i want to stop the small boats. that _ claim asylum. i want to stop the small boats. that is _ claim asylum. i want to stop the small boats. that is the - claim asylum. i want to stop the small boats. that is the object l claim asylum. i want to stop the | small boats. that is the object of the exercise. by the end of this year, they will be 100,000 people here that the government is in not processing. the problem with that and it is a real problem is that we don't process the claims you can't return people even if they have got no right to be here. they are in hotels. it's is an amnesty. it is a
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tory amnesty. people who are not being processed and cannot be sent back. the government says it will send them to rwanda.— back. the government says it will send them to rwanda. people can get in a small boat, _ send them to rwanda. people can get in a small boat, and _ send them to rwanda. people can get in a small boat, and be _ send them to rwanda. people can get in a small boat, and be granted - in a small boat, and be granted asylum... if in a small boat, and be granted asylum- - -_ in a small boat, and be granted asylum- - -— in a small boat, and be granted as lum... , ., ., ., asylum... if they have no right to be here, asylum... if they have no right to be here. they _ asylum... if they have no right to be here, they can _ asylum... if they have no right to be here, they can be _ asylum... if they have no right to be here, they can be returned . asylum... if they have no right to be here, they can be returned to| be here, they can be returned to their country of origin. at the moment you have this absurd situation where everybody who gets here whether a unlawfully or illegally is being held and not processed. they cannot be sent back to their country of origin. that is an absurd way to run an asylum system. an absurd way to run an asylum s stem. ., , an absurd way to run an asylum sstem. ., an absurd way to run an asylum s stem. ., a , i. ., an absurd way to run an asylum sstem. ., ., �* system. how quickly can your plan b u . system. how quickly can your plan b u- and system. how quickly can your plan b up and running? _ system. how quickly can your plan b up and running? do _ system. how quickly can your plan b up and running? do you _ system. how quickly can your plan b up and running? do you want - system. how quickly can your plan b up and running? do you want to - system. how quickly can your plan b| up and running? do you want to stop the boats? we up and running? do you want to stop the boats? ~ , ., , ., the boats? we will start this on day one. the the boats? we will start this on day one- the plan _ the boats? we will start this on day one. the plan can _ the boats? we will start this on day one. the plan can be _ the boats? we will start this on day one. the plan can be put— the boats? we will start this on day one. the plan can be put in - the boats? we will start this on day one. the plan can be put in place i one. the plan can be put in place very quickly. it does not require primary legislation. some of the
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powers that i want that command to use are already in place but they are not being used. it will require some legislation fed some of the other powers. we can start on this on day one. other powers. we can start on this on day one-— other powers. we can start on this on da one. , ., , on day one. the people quite... the auestion on day one. the people quite... the question peeple _ on day one. the people quite... the question people want _ on day one. the people quite... the question people want answered - on day one. the people quite... the question people want answered is l question people want answered is whether you can stop them within a couple of years. whether you can stop them within a courale of years-_ couple of years. there is no easy fix. i couple of years. there is no easy fix- i don't _ couple of years. there is no easy fix. i don't think _ couple of years. there is no easy fix. i don't think we _ couple of years. there is no easy fix. i don't think we are - couple of years. there is no easy fix. i don't think we are being - fix. i don't think we are being realistic about the time. i think everybody wants to end this vile trade. that is why we will start on this on day one. here is ricky rishi sunak response.
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here is ricky rishi sunak response. he wants to offer an amnesty to illegal— he wants to offer an amnesty to illegal migrants. we are already crunching — illegal migrants. we are already crunching through the backlog. that is all happening already. we announced all that more than a year a-o. the u.n. general assembly has passed a resolution that grants the u.n. israel's prime minister
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has said again — he intends — to press ahead with its assault on rafah in the gaza strip. us presidentjoe biden has repeatedly warned against the operation, saying that it would cross a "red line"— but benjamin netanyahu says he hopes to overcome his differences with the president. paul adams has the latest from jerusalem. there are stroop the fifth day of israel's ground operation in the south. israel still calling this "limited" — troops yet to enter rafah's overcrowded streets. but tanks and troops are massed nearby. the threat of an all—out assault still feels real. joe biden has warned israel not to do it and threatened to withhold weapons, but israel's prime minister says he's determined to destroy what is left of hamas. you know, we often had our agreements, but we've had our disagreements. we've been able to overcome them. i hope we can overcome them now, but we will do what we have to do to protect our country.
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israel is heavily dependent on american weaponry with the ministry of defence celebrating the arrival of everything from jeeps to smart bombs. joe biden's threat to suspend deliveries carries rare symbolic weight, but how much does it really matter? when we speak about difficulties within the idf, it would be for the long range or the medium one. for tomorrow war in gaza or tomorrow more war in lebanon, if it will happen, that will not make any difference. this week has seen a fresh wave of palestinians fleeing the fighting. most have moved multiple times before, the war following wherever they go. some are going north, searching for scraps of open ground, often by the sea. places without any basic services. "we take water from the sea for our children," soumya says. "there are no bathrooms, no food, no tents. "look at the children. "they haven't had any
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breakfast or even seen food." seven months of war have totally upended life in the gaza strip, displacing most of the population, creating vast new refugee camps. with ceasefire talks still deadlocked, this desperate movement looks set to continue. paul adams, bbc news, jerusalem. sam rose is the director of planning for unrwa and he isjoining us from inside gaza. welcome to the programme. describe what is _ welcome to the programme. describe what is happening on the outskirts of rafah — what is happening on the outskirts of rafah. the impact that is having on people — of rafah. the impact that is having on --eole. ., of rafah. the impact that is having on --eole. . ., of rafah. the impact that is having on eole. ., ., ., of rafah. the impact that is having on eole. . ., ., ., on people. thanks for having me on. this has been _ on people. thanks for having me on. this has been a _ on people. thanks for having me on. this has been a very _ on people. thanks for having me on. this has been a very difficult - on people. thanks for having me on. this has been a very difficult few- this has been a very difficult few days for the population of gaza. they are bracing for the worst. they are living through a brutal assault.
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we estimate that over hundred and 40,000 people have already chosen to flee since the operation began. it may be described as limited in scope, but the consequences are dramatic and are very vulnerable population. flan dramatic and are very vulnerable pepulation-_ dramatic and are very vulnerable --oulation. ., ., ., , population. can you hear that, see that, and in _ population. can you hear that, see that, and in terms _ population. can you hear that, see that, and in terms of— population. can you hear that, see that, and in terms of a _ population. can you hear that, see that, and in terms of a what - population. can you hear that, see that, and in terms of a what is - that, and in terms of a what is coming in and what is getting out? we see it and we hear it all day and all night. the bombardment and the artillery fire. we see people on the roads from dawn until desk. they are trying to get other up their belongings and make their way somewhere safe, which is a ridiculous construct giving them nowhere is safe right now. nowhere is fit for habitation. aid is not
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getting in. we have been able today to bring in some feel. it is less than we needed. it is the first we have been able to bring in since the operation started. there has been hours of coordination. we have yet been not yet been able to bring in supplies. the board remain closed for supplies. supplies. the board remain closed forsupplies. in supplies. the board remain closed for supplies-— for supplies. in terms of the ma'ori for supplies. in terms of the majority of _ for supplies. in terms of the majority of people _ for supplies. in terms of the majority of people that - for supplies. in terms of the majority of people that you | for supplies. in terms of the - majority of people that you have been talking to, where do they say they are actually going to?- they are actually going to? people are auoin they are actually going to? people are going wherever _ they are actually going to? people are going wherever they _ they are actually going to? people are going wherever they can. - they are actually going to? people are going wherever they can. they have been shown a safe zone. a safe humanitarian zone in the south—eastern corner of rafah. there is no infrastructure there. there is no water or health care. it is already overcrowded. otherwise they
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are being shown that they should go further north and essentially back web places have been raised. either the beaches or back to the ruins of their houses. there are many unexploded bombs and lots of roads are unsafe. people are facing an impossible choice. so many un officers have been already been killed in this war so far. you could end up losing more officers. we far. you could end up losing more officers. ~ . ~ far. you could end up losing more officers. ~ ., ~ , , , officers. we wake ebb every day feelin: officers. we wake ebb every day feeling dread — officers. we wake ebb every day feeling dread about _ officers. we wake ebb every day feeling dread about news - officers. we wake ebb every day feeling dread about news of - officers. we wake ebb every day l feeling dread about news of more colleagues who have been killed. hundred and 88 of our staff members have been killed since the start of
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the war. people are giving everything to support the people. we fear that. we operate within very strict, very tight security conditions. but the environment he is extremely dangerous. we are staying here as long as we can stay here. we hope and we will work to get supplies in. but those borders need to open so that we can fend off the worst of a desperate situation here. . ~ the worst of a desperate situation here. ., ,, i. ., i. here. thank you for your time. you're watching _ here. thank you for your time. you're watching bbc— here. thank you for your time. you're watching bbc news. .
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in ukraine — because president zelensky says a fierce battle is under way in the kharkiv region, after russia launched a surprise attack. small groups of troops with armoured vehicles pushed through the front line — military sources say
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they advanced a kilometre, before being pushed back — there are reports of sustained russian shelling. ukraine's defence ministry says, reinforcements have been sent to the region. let's speak to retired brigadier general mark kimmitt. he is a former us deputy assistant secretary of defense. they are going along the lines trying to find a weak spot. they have started an offensive. it was
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onl a have started an offensive. it was only a few _ have started an offensive. it was only a few weeks _ have started an offensive. it was only a few weeks ago _ have started an offensive. it was only a few weeks ago that - have started an offensive. it was . only a few weeks ago that president zelensky was warning of a new russian summer offensive. perhaps thatis russian summer offensive. perhaps that is the start of that. in terms of ukraine's you ability to defend itself, that change on capitol hill in washington, how would you assess the situation? this was the location of the largest tank battle in history. kaki was the area where the germany army was stopped in world war ii. from that point on, the russians took tremendous losses. if this is meant
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to be a psychological victory, the russians have a significant amount of force ready to go. this one—day analysis is too early to tell. it is clearl a analysis is too early to tell. it is clearly a fluid _ analysis is too early to tell. it is clearly a fluid situation. there is fierce fighting going on as we speak. we have to leave it there. thank you for your analysis of what is actually going on on the ground. the netherlands entrant for the eurovision song contest has reportedly been stopped from rehearsing by organisers. the european broadcasting union said it was "investigating an incident reported to us involving the dutch artist." let's speak to maryam moshiri in malmo. is it any clearer what is behind all this? i is it any clearer what is behind all this? ., ., , ., ., ,
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this? i am outside the arena, it is caettin this? i am outside the arena, it is getting very _ this? i am outside the arena, it is getting very busy- _ this? i am outside the arena, it is getting very busy. fans _ this? i am outside the arena, it is getting very busy. fans are - this? i am outside the arena, it is. getting very busy. fans are arriving from around the world. all the acts will be singing tonight and the jury will be singing tonight and the jury will be singing tonight and the jury will be making a decision. it is not clear what has happened to juiced crime. his act was stopped from taking part in a rehearsal. there were only minutes to spare before the rehearsal. here is our cultural correspondence. taste the rehearsal. here is our cultural correspondence.— the rehearsal. here is our cultural correspondence. we are still in the dark about — correspondence. we are still in the dark about it _ correspondence. we are still in the dark about it is _ correspondence. we are still in the dark about it is exactly _ correspondence. we are still in the dark about it is exactly what - correspondence. we are still in the dark about it is exactly what has i dark about it is exactly what has happened. he took part in a flat parade — happened. he took part in a flat parade before the rehearsal. between then and _ parade before the rehearsal. between then and the rehearsal, something has happened. he was ready to perform — has happened. he was ready to perform and then it was announced that he _ perform and then it was announced that he would not be taking part in the rehearsal. we don't know yet whether— the rehearsal. we don't know yet whether he will be allowed to take part in _ whether he will be allowed to take part in eyed. if he does not take part in eyed. if he does not take part in— part in eyed. if he does not take part in it— part in eyed. if he does not take part in it will not be allowed to compete — part in it will not be allowed to compete. it will be a very sad ending — compete. it will be a very sad ending for— compete. it will be a very sad ending for a compete. it will be a very sad ending fora very compete. it will be a very sad ending for a very popular contestant. he was speaking to me yesterday— contestant. he was speaking to me yesterday from the netherlands. his country— yesterday from the netherlands. his country is _ yesterday from the netherlands. his country is really behind him. thank
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ou ve country is really behind him. thank you very much _ country is really behind him. thank you very much indeed. _ country is really behind him. thank you very much indeed. we - country is really behind him. thank you very much indeed. we don't i country is really behind him. t�*iafia; you very much indeed. we don't know what has happened. we are waiting for the ebu to give us some information. the atmosphere is very happy for stop fans from all over the world have been coming to talk and have a look at what is happening. it is very very busy. before i talk to some very special fans, from ireland, let me tell you about someone i spoke to earlier. ice bug to a huge counter in australia, courtney. this is how excited she is about your vision. i am so excited to be here. there is a lot of— am so excited to be here. there is a lot of queer— am so excited to be here. there is a lot of queer representation. i love the act _ lot of queer representation. i love the act from switzerland. and the one from — the act from switzerland. and the one from ireland. i love finland. i have _ one from ireland. i love finland. i have laid — one from ireland. i love finland. i have laid down and accepted that i love finland. the onstage nudity, i
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identify— love finland. the onstage nudity, i identify with. i know what it is like _ identify with. i know what it is like. . . identify with. i know what it is like. ., ., ., like. can i ask you about the favourites? _ like. can i ask you about the favourites? we _ like. can i ask you about the favourites? we are - like. can i ask you about the favourites? we are looking i like. can i ask you about the l favourites? we are looking at croatia, it is a firm favourite. i feel like croatia getting all of themm _ feel like croatia getting all of them... the men had been dragged along _ them... the men had been dragged along by— them... the men had been dragged along by their wives. they are getting — along by their wives. they are getting the man vote. it is a great song _ getting the man vote. it is a great song. when they perform, it is almost — song. when they perform, it is almost like a bronze to something.
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i will work it out later. what does eurovision mean to you. it’s i will work it out later. what does eurovision mean to you.— eurovision mean to you. it's a wonderful _ eurovision mean to you. it's a wonderful time _ eurovision mean to you. it's a wonderful time where - eurovision mean to you. it's a wonderful time where all- eurovision mean to you. it's a l wonderful time where all these eurovision mean to you. it's a wonderful time where all these packs come _ wonderful time where all these packs come from _ wonderful time where all these packs come from all over the world and come _ come from all over the world and come together. there are people from iceland _ come together. there are people from iceland and _ come together. there are people from iceland and spain. there is a 17—year—old from cyprus. why iceland and spain. there is a 17-year-old from cyprus. why did australia not _ 17-year-old from cyprus. why did australia not make _ 17-year-old from cyprus. why did australia not make it _ 17-year-old from cyprus. why did australia not make it through? i i australia not make it through? i thought australia was robbed. we have thought australia was robbed. have this thought australia was robbed. - have this amazing group here from ireland. it is ireland going to win it? ., ., , ,., ., ., it? totally. the song is amazing and this artist is — it? totally. the song is amazing and this artist is amazing. _ it? totally. the song is amazing and this artist is amazing. thank- it? totally. the song is amazing and this artist is amazing. thank you - this artist is amazing. thank you very much _ this artist is amazing. thank you very much to — this artist is amazing. thank you very much to all _ this artist is amazing. thank you very much to all of _ this artist is amazing. thank you very much to all of you. - this artist is amazing. thank you very much to all of you. it - this artist is amazing. thank you very much to all of you. it is - this artist is amazing. thank you | very much to all of you. it is crazy
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here. there are 200 million people watching this event globally. thank ou ve watching this event globally. thank you very much- _ watching this event globally. thank you very much. you're _ watching this event globally. thank you very much. you're watching - watching this event globally. thank you very much. you're watching bbc news. for most of us, it feels more like summer than spring out there today. another very warm one across large swathes of the uk. the weekend will be very warm, as well. dry for most on saturday, but things are set to change on sunday with the increasing chance of some heavy thundery showers. you can see weather systems waiting in the wings out in the atlantic, but, for the time being they are being fended off by this area of high pressure. we do have a bit more in the way of cloud across the north of scotland. the odd spot of rain here. also, this area of low cloud and mistiness rolling on to some of these eastern coasts of east anglia and the south—east of england. elsewhere, good spells of sunshine, highs of 24, maybe 25 degrees. through this evening and tonight, this area of cloud will roll its way in off the north sea into parts of eastern england, perhaps getting into the midlands, as well.
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also some areas of low cloud just rolling across the north—west of scotland, maybe affecting shetland. most places seeing clear skies and hence some sunshine to start saturday morning. temperatures not dropping too far at all. for saturday, this area of cloud will tend to roll back towards north sea coasts. for most, it's going to be fine with some sunshine, but we do have the chance for some showers to pop up. they should be quite well scattered, but across some parts of scotland, especially over high ground, we could see the odd heavy thundery downpour. equally, in the best of the sunshine, highs of 24, perhaps 25 degrees. not a bad looking day for northern ireland, maybe just the odd shower out towards the west. dry for the bulk of england and wales. a bit of patchy fairweather cloud and still some of this low cloud and mist affecting some north sea coasts, but temperatures easily up to 23, 24, 25 degrees. our area of high pressure starts to give way as we head into the second half of the weekend, with these frontal systems rolling in from the atlantic, so the increasing chance of seeing some heavy showers and perhaps some
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thunderstorms popping up as we head through sunday, particularly across parts of northern ireland, northern england, wales, the midlands and down towards the south—west. it may well be that eastern parts of england stay dry. we'll see some showers getting going across parts of scotland. still very warm, though, with temperatures up to 25, perhaps up to 26 degrees on sunday. as we head into next week, well, a very different weather outlook. it looks much more unsettled. some rain at times and feeling cooler, as well.
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welcome to bbc news, let us turn to this half hour. keir starmer says of labour wins power at the next election, there will be no flights sticking up asylum seekers to rwanda. we will hear from the prime minister rishi sunak. shot dead two decades ago, the mastermind behind the armed robbery, is finally sentenced for murder. the start of an informal tour of nigeria. at all as our manchester city and arsenal is the going to the premier league penalty mid weekend. ——


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