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tv   The Context  BBC News  February 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm GMT

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hello, welcome to the programme. we of course start with russia. plenty of course start with russia. plenty of news on it alexei navalny, the russian opposition politician, died in prison according to the prison service they are in russia. his lawyer is on his way to the remote prison right now. expect to arrive saturday morning. they have had no independent confirmation yet as to exactly what has happened. however, us presidentjoe biden says vladimir putin is responsible. there has in fact been a huge reaction from leaders around the world. we will bring you that. russia says that reaction has been not equitable. we
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are keeping across different live feeds and pictures coming soon to us from across the world. we will start in london and this is happening right now, a vigil close to the russian embassy. you can see the placards and people out and coming out in support of alexei navalny. we will go to paris now because you can see there the ukrainian leader volodomyr zelensky is speaking with emmanuel macron. emmanuel macron has said the death of mr navalny shows the weakness of the kremlin and their fear of all opponents. now in their fear of all opponents. now in the last couple of hours or so, we have also had a live feed running from moscow. people have been placing flowers there at a memorial dedicated to the victims of political repression and people have been coming up and putting flowers down. that live feed is not now running, but a little earlier, we
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caught this moment. take a look. a 1—person protest holding up a sign, the sign that read alexei navalny died today. the police as you can see would not allow that. now as that was happening, people did continue lying and laying flowers. and people did continue on coming out onto the streets. we are going to keep across all those live developments. our russia editor steve rosenberg reports from moscow. smiling, crackingjokes. this was alexei navalny yesterday as he gave testimony from prison by video link. even court officials cracked a smile. today, russia's prison service announced that mr navalny was dead,
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claiming he'd lost consciousness inside this penal colony. russian tv rarely mentions alexei navalny. it read out the prison service statement about his death and moved on to other news. he was vladimir putin's most vocal critic, a protest leader, an anti—corruption campaigner who'd long clashed with the kremlin. i remember this six years ago. alexei navalny is russia's most prominent opposition figure and president putin's most vocal critic. he's been barred from running in the presidential election. he's now being arrested by police. in 2020 in siberia, he'd been poisoned with a nerve agent and airlifted to germany for life—saving treatment. he accused the kremlin of trying to assassinate him, but as a politician, he felt he couldn't stay away from russia.
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when he returned the following year, he was arrested on arrival. he'd been in prison ever since. his friends and family fearing for his safety. just hours after alexei navalny was reported dead, his wife, yulia, made a dramatic appearance at the munich security conference. she couldn't confirm his death, but... translation: if it's true, iwant putin and his whole entourage, l his friends and his government to know that they will be held responsible for everything they've done to our country, to my family and to my husband. and this day will come very soon. president putin, too, made an appearance today meeting industrial workers. he made no mention of alexei navalny. alexei navalny was one of the most charismatic political figures in russia in modern times
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and the only opposition leader here who appeared capable of bringing large crowds on to the streets to protest against the authorities. and for that reason, the kremlin saw him as a threat. he knew that by taking on the authorities, he was taking a risk. my message, for the situation when i am killed, is very simple — not give up. in memory of russia's most famous prisoner, some here lay flowers. by this simple act, their message — we will not forget. steve rosenberg, bbc news, moscow. back with the latest from moscow out later but i want to bring you this breaking news from the us. it concerns one of donald trump's court cases. we now have new details just
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released by the judge. cases. we now have new details just released by thejudge. donald trump's been found liable to pay 354.9 million dollars. this is the writtenjudgment that 354.9 million dollars. this is the written judgment that you can see on your screen right now, released by thejudge. these your screen right now, released by the judge. these are the headlines. trump has been found liable for $3543 trump has been found liable for $354.9 million, since thejudge. the judge bands donald trump and others from serving as an officer or director of any new york corporation or other legal entity in new york for three years. so just to bring you up to speed with where we are on this, this is a court case where the decision was already reached. it was about the pricing of donald trump's assets, and the decision was that those had already been inflated. we were waiting for the judge to rule
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on things like how much heat would be liable to pay. $354.9 million is the number. so trump and his two sons have already been found liable of massively inflating the value of their properties by actually hundreds of millions of dollars in a trial that you may have been following. that ended last month. this ruling here is setting out basically the penalties that must be paid, and it looks like it's $54.9 million. which is clearly a huge fee in any one's money. the new york attorney general had asked the judge to find trump $370 million, which some legal analyst thought was high, but the finalfigure some legal analyst thought was high, but the final figure 350 audit million not far off it. donald trump
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has always any wrongdoing here. and the further details as i just mentioned, not only that number, but also the fact that the judge has ordered donald trump and others to be banned from serving as a director of any new york corporation or other legal entity in new york for three years. of course in new york and the new york business scene is where donald trump made his name after inheriting a considerable sum of money, invested in the property and that's where he gained his reputation. but he is now not allowed to serve as a director or an officer of any new york corporation for three years, and he has to pay 334 $-9 for three years, and he has to pay 334 $9 million. now, we are expecting him to appeal, so the payment therefore won't be due immediately. but that is the
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decision of the judge. the document that we are looking at their is a written decision of the judge that we were expecting and given a heads up we were expecting and given a heads up that it would be released in this way and around this time. and our team ofjournalists is pouring through the detail of the actual document to see what other details we can glean from it. but clearly the headline there is quite significant. thejudge the headline there is quite significant. the judge saying the trump organisation must install an independent director of compliance, and says its independent monitor shall continue in her role for at least three years. the judge banned donald trump least three years. the judge banned donald trumer and eric trump from serving as an officer or director of any new york corporation or other legal entity in new york for two years, so it donald trump for three years, so it donald trump for three years, donald trump
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years, so it donald trump for three years, donald trumer and years, so it donald trump for three years, donald trumerand eric trump band for two years. also the judge banned donald trump and the trump organisation from applying for loans from any new york chartered financial institution for three years as well. so the headline additives that, no doubt, it will be that headline figure, 354 $9 million. we will get plenty of reaction to that and has i said our team will be pouring through that legaljudgment, that little document legal judgment, that little document and legaljudgment, that little document and we will be speaking to some legal experts to just try and establish exactly what it means. just to be absolutely clear, this is a separate court case from the one we were covering this time 24 hours ago, which is the separate criminal case was that this is a fraud case in new york specifically. let's get back to events in russia today. we had eight thorough overview from our
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russia editor steve rosenberg about the latest state of play, but the reaction around the world from world leaders to what happened to alexei navalny has been extensive. just to give you some idea, take a listen. make no mistake, putin is responsible for navalny�*s death. putin is responsible. what has happened to navalny is yet more proof of putin's brutality. we should hold putin accountable for this, and no—one should be in any doubt about the dreadful nature of putin's regime in russia. russia has serious . questions to answer. alexei navalny has been i a strong voice for freedom, for democracy for many years, and nato and nato allies have| called for his immediate release for a long time. | the world has lost a freedom fighter in alexei navalny. we will honour his name, and in his name, we will stand up for democracy and for our values.
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translation: putin does not care who dies as long - as he retains his position, and that is why he must not keep anything. putin must lose everything. he must not retain anything. he must be held accountable for what he has done. we can speak now to edward lucas, author of new cold war: putin's russia and the threat to the west. what is your reaction to what we have been hearing throughout the day today? it’s have been hearing throughout the day toda ? �* , ~ ., , have been hearing throughout the day toda ? h «a, , today? it's i think a terrible day first of all— today? it's i think a terrible day first of all for _ today? it's i think a terrible day first of all for the _ today? it's i think a terrible day first of all for the navalny - today? it's i think a terrible day | first of all for the navalny family and for— first of all for the navalny family and for his— first of all for the navalny family and for his friends _ first of all for the navalny family . and for his friends and colleagues. it's a _ and for his friends and colleagues. it's a terrible — and for his friends and colleagues. it's a terrible day _ and for his friends and colleagues. it's a terrible day for _ and for his friends and colleagues. it's a terrible day for russia, - and for his friends and colleagues. it's a terrible day for russia, and l it's a terrible day for russia, and it's a _ it's a terrible day for russia, and it's a terrible _ it's a terrible day for russia, and it's a terrible day— it's a terrible day for russia, and it's a terrible day for— it's a terrible day for russia, and it's a terrible day for the west. l it's a terrible day for russia, andj it's a terrible day for the west. it shows_ it's a terrible day for the west. it shows that — it's a terrible day for the west. it shows that our— it's a terrible day for the west. it shows that our threats _ it's a terrible day for the west. it shows that our threats to - it's a terrible day for the west. it shows that our threats to the - shows that our threats to the russia of devastating — shows that our threats to the russia of devastating consequences - shows that our threats to the russia of devastating consequences if- of devastating consequences if anything — of devastating consequences if anything happens _ of devastating consequences if anything happens to _ of devastating consequences if anything happens to navalny. of devastating consequences if. anything happens to navalny were iradged _ anything happens to navalny were iradged up— anything happens to navalny were iradged up a — anything happens to navalny were tradged up a pretty— anything happens to navalny were badged up a pretty much - anything happens to navalny were i badged up a pretty much everything else we _ badged up a pretty much everything
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else we have — badged up a pretty much everything else we have said _ badged up a pretty much everything else we have said to _ badged up a pretty much everything else we have said to the _ badged up a pretty much everything else we have said to the prudent- else we have said to the prudent regime _ else we have said to the prudent regime over— else we have said to the prudent regime over the _ else we have said to the prudent regime over the last _ else we have said to the prudent regime over the last way - else we have said to the prudent regime over the last way for - else we have said to the prudent. regime over the last way for years with him _ regime over the last way for years with him i— regime over the last way for years with him i don't— regime over the last way for years with him i don't think— regime over the last way for years with him i don't think it's- with him i don't think it's a coincidence _ with him i don't think it's a coincidence this— with him i don't think it's a coincidence this happened | with him i don't think it's a - coincidence this happened on the with him i don't think it's a _ coincidence this happened on the day of the _ coincidence this happened on the day of the opening — coincidence this happened on the day of the opening of— coincidence this happened on the day of the opening of the _ coincidence this happened on the day of the opening of the munich - of the opening of the munich security— of the opening of the munich security conference - of the opening of the munich security conference where i of the opening of the munich security conference where it| security conference where it navalny's _ security conference where it navalny's wife _ security conference where it navalny's wife was - security conference where it navalny's wife was going. security conference where it navalny's wife was going to| security conference where it. navalny's wife was going to be giving — navalny's wife was going to be giving a — navalny's wife was going to be giving a keynote _ navalny's wife was going to be giving a keynote speech. - navalny's wife was going to be giving a keynote speech. so. navalny's wife was going to be l giving a keynote speech. so it's kind _ giving a keynote speech. so it's kind of— giving a keynote speech. so it's kind of a — giving a keynote speech. so it's kind of a massive _ giving a keynote speech. so it's kind of a massive two _ giving a keynote speech. so it's kind of a massive two fingers i giving a keynote speech. so it's - kind of a massive two fingers to the west— kind of a massive two fingers to the west was— kind of a massive two fingers to the west was up— kind of a massive two fingers to the west was up as _ kind of a massive two fingers to the west was up as a _ kind of a massive two fingers to the west was up as a sign _ kind of a massive two fingers to the west was up as a sign of _ kind of a massive two fingers to the west was up as a sign of weaknessl kind of a massive two fingers to the i west was up as a sign of weakness in a way— west was up as a sign of weakness in a way because — west was up as a sign of weakness in a way because it _ west was up as a sign of weakness in a way because it shows _ west was up as a sign of weakness in a way because it shows the _ a way because it shows the kremlin cannot— a way because it shows the kremlin cannot tolerate _ a way because it shows the kremlin cannot tolerate even _ a way because it shows the kremlin cannot tolerate even a _ a way because it shows the kremlin cannot tolerate even a flicker- a way because it shows the kremlin cannot tolerate even a flicker of- cannot tolerate even a flicker of individual — cannot tolerate even a flicker of individual opposition— cannot tolerate even a flicker of individual opposition in - cannot tolerate even a flicker of individual opposition in a - cannot tolerate even a flicker ofl individual opposition in a remote penal— individual opposition in a remote penal colony _ individual opposition in a remote penal colony in _ individual opposition in a remote penal colony in the _ individual opposition in a remote penal colony in the far _ individual opposition in a remote penal colony in the far north - individual opposition in a remote penal colony in the far north of. penal colony in the far north of russia — penal colony in the far north of russia and _ penal colony in the far north of russia. and that's _ penal colony in the far north of russia. and that's in _ penal colony in the far north of russia. and that's in a - penal colony in the far north of russia. and that's in a way- penal colony in the far north of russia. and that's in a way a l russia. and that's in a way a weakness _ russia. and that's in a way a weakness if— russia. and that's in a way a weakness if you _ russia. and that's in a way a weakness if you want - russia. and that's in a way a weakness if you want to - russia. and that's in a way a j weakness if you want to take control, _ weakness if you want to take control, even _ weakness if you want to take control, even slight - weakness if you want to take i control, even slight resistance becomes— control, even slight resistance becomes an _ control, even slight resistance becomes an next _ control, even slight resistance becomes an next initial- control, even slight resistance i becomes an next initial problem. control, even slight resistance - becomes an next initial problem. but ithink— becomes an next initial problem. but i think that _ becomes an next initial problem. but i think that the — becomes an next initial problem. but | think that the putin— becomes an next initial problem. but i think that the putin regime - becomes an next initial problem. but i think that the putin regime for- i think that the putin regime for now recollects_ i think that the putin regime for now recollects is _ i think that the putin regime for now recollects is mentioned - now recollects is mentioned accomplish _ now recollects is mentioned accomplish-— now recollects is mentioned accomplish. now recollects is mentioned accom - lish. , ., accomplish. interesting. one of the o tions accomplish. interesting. one of the options then? _ accomplish. interesting. one of the options then? you _ accomplish. interesting. one of the options then? you set _ accomplish. interesting. one of the options then? you set affectively i options then? you set affectively threats from the west are bounced off so what are the options? is it simply things like more sanctions or is there any other alternative? definitely not. i think obviously we can try— definitely not. i think obviously we can try and — definitely not. i think obviously we can try and find _ definitely not. i think obviously we can try and find the _ definitely not. i think obviously we can try and find the people - can try and find the people responsible _ can try and find the people responsible and _ can try and find the people responsible and put -
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can try and find the people responsible and put visa . can try and find the people i responsible and put visa and financial— responsible and put visa and financial sanctions— responsible and put visa and financial sanctions on- responsible and put visa and financial sanctions on them i responsible and put visa and i financial sanctions on them and responsible and put visa and - financial sanctions on them and may be on _ financial sanctions on them and may be on their— financial sanctions on them and may be on their family _ financial sanctions on them and may be on their family members - financial sanctions on them and may be on their family members and - financial sanctions on them and may be on their family members and so. be on their family members and so on, be on their family members and so on. but— be on their family members and so on. but the — be on their family members and so on, but the real— be on their family members and soj on, but the real russian opposition and its— on, but the real russian opposition and it's not— on, but the real russian opposition and it's not the _ on, but the real russian opposition and it's not the great— on, but the real russian opposition and it's not the great democratic. and it's not the great democratic leader— and it's not the great democratic leader who — and it's not the great democratic leader who is _ and it's not the great democratic leader who is also _ and it's not the great democratic leader who is also in _ and it's not the great democratic leader who is also injail, - and it's not the great democratic leader who is also injail, and - and it's not the great democraticj leader who is also injail, and it's not the _ leader who is also injail, and it's not the little _ leader who is also injail, and it's not the little scattered _ leader who is also injail, and it's not the little scattered protests i leader who is also injail, and it's. not the little scattered protests we see of— not the little scattered protests we see of soldiers _ not the little scattered protests we see of soldiers relatives _ not the little scattered protests we see of soldiers relatives across - see of soldiers relatives across russia — see of soldiers relatives across russia complaining _ see of soldiers relatives across russia complaining about - russia complaining about prescription _ russia complaining about prescription and - russia complaining about prescription and militaryl prescription and military conditions. _ prescription and military conditions. none - prescription and military conditions. none of- prescription and military conditions. none of that prescription and military- conditions. none of that really matters, — conditions. none of that really matters, nor— conditions. none of that really matters, nor is _ conditions. none of that really matters, nor is there - conditions. none of that really matters, nor is there any- conditions. none of that really. matters, nor is there any russian opposition— matters, nor is there any russian opposition inside _ matters, nor is there any russian opposition inside the _ matters, nor is there any russian opposition inside the kremlin - matters, nor is there any russian opposition inside the kremlin or. opposition inside the kremlin or sort of— opposition inside the kremlin or sort of different _ opposition inside the kremlin or sort of different warrant - opposition inside the kremlin or sort of different warrant clicks l sort of different warrant clicks there — sort of different warrant clicks there are _ sort of different warrant clicks there are all _ sort of different warrant clicks there are all basically - sort of different warrant clicks there are all basically under. there are all basically under threes— there are all basically under three's five. _ there are all basically under three's five. the _ there are all basically under three's five. the real- there are all basically underl three's five. the real russian opposition— three's five. the real russian opposition is— three's five. the real russian opposition is the _ three's five. the real russian opposition is the armed - three's five. the real russian i opposition is the armed forces three's five. the real russian - opposition is the armed forces of ukraine _ opposition is the armed forces of ukraine and — opposition is the armed forces of ukraine and they— opposition is the armed forces of ukraine and they are _ opposition is the armed forces of ukraine and they are the - opposition is the armed forces of ukraine and they are the ones- opposition is the armed forces of| ukraine and they are the ones you were _ ukraine and they are the ones you were giving — ukraine and they are the ones you were giving putin _ ukraine and they are the ones you were giving putin a _ ukraine and they are the ones you were giving putin a headache - ukraine and they are the ones you were giving putin a headache andl ukraine and they are the ones you l were giving putin a headache and by far the _ were giving putin a headache and by far the most— were giving putin a headache and by far the most important— were giving putin a headache and by far the most important thing - were giving putin a headache and by far the most important thing for- were giving putin a headache and by far the most important thing for us. far the most important thing for us to do— far the most important thing for us to do is— far the most important thing for us to do is give — far the most important thing for us to do is give ukraine _ far the most important thing for us to do is give ukraine the _ far the most important thing for us to do is give ukraine the whip - far the most important thing for us to do is give ukraine the whip is i far the most important thing for us to do is give ukraine the whip is a i to do is give ukraine the whip is a been— to do is give ukraine the whip is a been begging _ to do is give ukraine the whip is a been begging for. _ to do is give ukraine the whip is a been begging for, given - been begging for, given the long-range _ been begging for, given the long—range strikes, - been begging for, given the long—range strikes, given . been begging for, given the i long—range strikes, given the artillery— long—range strikes, given the artillery shells, _ long—range strikes, given the artillery shells, give - long—range strikes, given the artillery shells, give them - long—range strikes, given the artillery shells, give them all| long—range strikes, given the . artillery shells, give them all the equipment— artillery shells, give them all the equipment and _ artillery shells, give them all the equipment and ammunition - artillery shells, give them all the equipment and ammunition they| artillery shells, give them all the - equipment and ammunition they need. that is— equipment and ammunition they need. that is the _ equipment and ammunition they need. that is the best — equipment and ammunition they need. that is the best chance _ equipment and ammunition they need. that is the best chance both _ that is the best chance both preserving _ that is the best chance both preserving our— that is the best chance both preserving our security- that is the best chance both preserving our security but i that is the best chance both i preserving our security but also eventuallv _ preserving our security but also eventuallv of _ preserving our security but also eventually of leading _ preserving our security but also eventually of leading to - preserving our security but also eventually of leading to regime j preserving our security but also . eventually of leading to regime in russia _ eventually of leading to regime in russia l— eventually of leading to regime in russia. , p, eventually of leading to regime in russia. , ., , ., russia. i see, and 'ust going back to the vladimir— russia. i see, andjust going back to the vladimir putin _ russia. i see, andjust going back
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to the vladimir putin calculation. | to the vladimir putin calculation. if as us presidentjoe biden is correct when he said that vladimir putin is responsible for what's happened here, we should point out of course the kremlin and russia have criticised the reaction from leaders of the west, but if we work on that hypothesis, what exactly is the calculation of vladimir putin here? , ., ., ~ ., here? first of all, i think we had to be careful _ here? first of all, i think we had to be careful about _ here? first of all, i think we had to be careful about giving - here? first of all, i think we had to be careful about giving any i here? first of all, i think we had i to be careful about giving any real weight— to be careful about giving any real weight to — to be careful about giving any real weight to kremlin _ to be careful about giving any real weight to kremlin denial. - to be careful about giving any real weight to kremlin denial. this- to be careful about giving any real weight to kremlin denial. this is. weight to kremlin denial. this is not a _ weight to kremlin denial. this is not a kind — weight to kremlin denial. this is not a kind of— weight to kremlin denial. this is not a kind of he _ weight to kremlin denial. this is not a kind of he said, _ weight to kremlin denial. this is not a kind of he said, she - weight to kremlin denial. this is not a kind of he said, she said . not a kind of he said, she said storv— not a kind of he said, she said story where _ not a kind of he said, she said story where we _ not a kind of he said, she said story where we balance - not a kind of he said, she said story where we balance both i not a kind of he said, she said - story where we balance both sides. the kremlin— story where we balance both sides. the kremlin has— story where we balance both sides. the kremlin has a _ story where we balance both sides. the kremlin has a track— story where we balance both sides. the kremlin has a track record - story where we balance both sides. the kremlin has a track record of. the kremlin has a track record of murdering — the kremlin has a track record of murdering its _ the kremlin has a track record of murdering its opponents, - the kremlin has a track record of murdering its opponents, and . the kremlin has a track record ofl murdering its opponents, and this the kremlin has a track record of. murdering its opponents, and this is what has _ murdering its opponents, and this is what has happened _ murdering its opponents, and this is what has happened in— murdering its opponents, and this is what has happened in that _ murdering its opponents, and this is what has happened in that case. - murdering its opponents, and this is what has happened in that case. sol what has happened in that case. so let's be _ what has happened in that case. so let's be clear— what has happened in that case. so let's be clear about— what has happened in that case. so let's be clear about this. _ what has happened in that case. so let's be clear about this. i- what has happened in that case. so let's be clear about this. i think- let's be clear about this. i think that the — let's be clear about this. i think that the putin _ let's be clear about this. i think that the putin calculation - let's be clear about this. i think that the putin calculation is - let's be clear about this. i think| that the putin calculation is that it humiliates— that the putin calculation is that it humiliates the _ that the putin calculation is that it humiliates the western - that the putin calculation is that it humiliates the western showsj that the putin calculation is that i it humiliates the western shows us to be _ it humiliates the western shows us to be impotent~ _ it humiliates the western shows us to be impotent. it— it humiliates the western shows us to be impotent. it sends _ it humiliates the western shows us to be impotent. it sends a - it humiliates the western shows us to be impotent. it sends a signal. it humiliates the western shows us| to be impotent. it sends a signal to everybody— to be impotent. it sends a signal to everybody else _ to be impotent. it sends a signal to everybody else in _ to be impotent. it sends a signal to everybody else in russia _ to be impotent. it sends a signal to everybody else in russia who - to be impotent. it sends a signal to everybody else in russia who is - everybody else in russia who is looking — everybody else in russia who is looking of— everybody else in russia who is looking of resisting _ everybody else in russia who is looking of resisting that - everybody else in russia who is looking of resisting that not - everybody else in russia who isi looking of resisting that not only will i _ looking of resisting that not only will i put — looking of resisting that not only will i put un _ looking of resisting that not only will i put un jail— looking of resisting that not only will i put un jail but— looking of resisting that not only will i put un jail but |_ looking of resisting that not only will i put un jail but i will- will i put un jail but i will kill you but— will i put un jail but i will kill you but i_ will i put un jail but i will kill you but i will— will i put un jail but i will kill you but i will get— will i put un jail but i will kill you but i will get away- will i put un jail but i will kill you but i will get away with l will i put un jail but i will killl you but i will get away with it. will i put un jail but i will kill- you but i will get away with it. and it's i you but i will get away with it. and it's i think— you but i will get away with it. and it's i think sending _ you but i will get away with it. and
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it's i think sending a _ you but i will get away with it. and it's i think sending a signal- it's i think sending a signal to anyone — it's i think sending a signal to anyone inside _ it's i think sending a signal to anyone inside the _ it's i think sending a signal to anyone inside the regime - it's i think sending a signal to| anyone inside the regime who it's i think sending a signal to i anyone inside the regime who is thinking — anyone inside the regime who is thinking that _ anyone inside the regime who is thinking that the _ anyone inside the regime who is thinking that the boss _ anyone inside the regime who is thinking that the boss is - anyone inside the regime who is thinking that the boss is getting | thinking that the boss is getting quite _ thinking that the boss is getting quite old — thinking that the boss is getting quite old and _ thinking that the boss is getting quite old and maybe _ thinking that the boss is getting quite old and maybe it's - thinking that the boss is getting quite old and maybe it's time i thinking that the boss is getting quite old and maybe it's time to think— quite old and maybe it's time to think about _ quite old and maybe it's time to think about someone _ quite old and maybe it's time to think about someone different. | quite old and maybe it's time to- think about someone different. don't even think— think about someone different. don't even think about _ think about someone different. don't even think about it. _ think about someone different. don't even think about it. i'm _ think about someone different. don't even think about it. i'm still- think about someone different. don't even think about it. i'm still in- even think about it. i'm still in charge — even think about it. i'm still in charge and _ even think about it. i'm still in charge. and those _ even think about it. i'm still in charge. and those are - even think about it. i'm still in charge. and those are all- even think about it. i'm still in- charge. and those are all reasonable assumptions — charge. and those are all reasonable assumptions for _ charge. and those are all reasonable assumptions for micro _ charge. and those are all reasonable assumptions for micro for _ charge. and those are all reasonable assumptions for micro for to - charge. and those are all reasonable assumptions for micro for to make. i assumptions for micro for to make. he has— assumptions for micro for to make. he has made — assumptions for micro for to make. he has made them _ assumptions for micro for to make. he has made them an _ assumptions for micro for to make. he has made them an affair- assumptions for micro for to make. he has made them an affair he - assumptions for micro for to make. he has made them an affair he will| he has made them an affair he will -et he has made them an affair he will get away— he has made them an affair he will get away with _ he has made them an affair he will get away with them. _ he has made them an affair he will get away with them.— he has made them an affair he will get away with them. thank you very much coming _ get away with them. thank you very much coming on _ get away with them. thank you very much coming on the _ get away with them. thank you very much coming on the programme, i get away with them. thank you very - much coming on the programme, thank you. we will look soon and we know about the last bits of alexei navalny and try to piece futile we know about what has happened so far but i want to touch on our breaking news and just as we come on air, in the last 50 minutes or so, that news concerning donald trump and the fraud case in new york against him in thejudge has reached a decision and has published it online. donald trump found liable to pay $354.9 million in penalties for
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fraudulently overstating his net worth to dupe lenders. that is basically the decision of the judge and we found out some other details and we found out some other details and we found out some other details and we are going to thatjudgment and we are going to thatjudgment and going through the details of it. but also banning donald trump from being a director of a company of effectively in new york for three years, and for applying for certain loans. but the headline figure there will be that figure you see on the screen, which donald trump must pay. now we know previously, aa, he has not any wrongdoing and, b, he has said that he will appeal. so are not expecting that amount to be paid immediately, but that is the decision of thejudge immediately, but that is the decision of the judge that basically he has to pay it. let's try and understand what is going on here and we can speak to... live now to rachel paulose, a former united states attorney. what is your reaction to what we were just reading there in the last minute from thejudge
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were just reading there in the last minute from the judge here? were just reading there in the last minute from thejudge here? well. minute from the 'udge here? well, this is a minute from the judge here? well, this is a devastating _ minute from the judge here? -ii this is a devastating judgment. not only are the damages well in excess of what mr trump had imagined and very close to the full amount that the new york attorney general sought, but with the new york state interest rate, i imagine that this final damage assessment will be well over $400 million. donald trump predicted months ago that the judge would apply the corporate death penalty to him, and it seems to be what he is doing not only with the significant damages amount but also barring him from serving as a top officer, barring him and his sons from running any new york business for three years, this really goes to the heart of the trunk business empire in a way that we have not yet seen. , , ., seen. interesting in remind us what the original— seen. interesting in remind us what the original accusation _ seen. interesting in remind us what the original accusation was, - seen. interesting in remind us what the original accusation was, what i the original accusation was, what donald trump has been found to have been doing wrong here. so
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donald trump has been found to have been doing wrong here. 50 it donald trump has been found to have been doing wrong here.— been doing wrong here. so it months auo, been doing wrong here. so it months aao, the been doing wrong here. so it months ago. the judge _ been doing wrong here. so it months ago, the judge found _ been doing wrong here. so it months ago, the judge found that donald - ago, the judge found that donald trump had committed fraud in overstating the value of his properties in an attempt to obtain more favourable loan terms. and what's called a summaryjudgment decision, thejudge determined what's called a summaryjudgment decision, the judge determined that that fraud had been committed and a trial was held releasably to determine the amount of damages and other consequences, including the appointment of a monitor as you mentioned earlier to continue to oversee the trump business holdings. and talk us through now then what happens next because this is a document that's been released. we have read it. that huge sum of $350 million to pay, what happens now? well, the american system ofjustice is a tiered system, meaning that this just does not have the last word on this case and this decision is not the final order that we would expect to see in this matter was of
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the president, former president, can appeal this decision, all aspects of it, and it has been harsh towards him. his lawyers have been sanctioned. he has been disciplined in terms of what he is able to do in running a company. he has been determined to have committed fraud, and thejudge tried determined to have committed fraud, and the judge tried to dissolve all of his businesses in new york. and so really the former president has no option but to appeal this, and that appeal could take months or even years, stretching well beyond the next presidential election in this country. the next presidential election in this country-— this country. interesting, and durin: this country. interesting, and during that — this country. interesting, and during that appeal— this country. interesting, and during that appeal process, i this country. interesting, and - during that appeal process, does the fine have to be paid and held or does nothing happen until the outcome of the appeal is known? i’m outcome of the appeal is known? i'm certain outcome of the appeal is known? i�*m certain that the former president's lawyers will ask for any fines to be held in abeyance until a higher
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court makes a decision on whether thejudges decision is court makes a decision on whether the judges decision is correct. and the judges decision is correct. and what impact _ the judges decision is correct. and what impact and we've only had this in the last few minutes or so so what is possibly difficult to get proper assessment of commitment what impact will this have on the organisation, first of all him running any organisation right now in new york, keeping across his business interests? because can he still operate elsewhere? what is the kind of impact immediately on him? that's a couple get a question and a good question. and i think the trump organisation is trying to reestablish business in other states. there is a question of how much and whether they need to run that by a monitor at the judge has already appointed in the state commitment one can certainly envision a world in which the trump organisation picks up roots in new york where it built its business empire and it reestablishes eight network and another part of the united states. find
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network and another part of the united states.— network and another part of the united states. �* �* , , united states. and let's 'ust remind eo - le who united states. and let's 'ust remind people who t united states. and let's 'ust remind people who are just _ united states. and let'sjust remind people who are just tuning - united states. and let'sjust remind people who are just tuning in - people who are just tuning in because we have to certificate new stories happening right now is i'm sure you will appreciate was that we started the programme talking around the events surrounding alexei navalny, and just this news has broken so we are covering it now so those who are watching, to remind us what has to judge effectively decided here, rachel? 50 what has to judge effectively decided here, rachel? so the 'udge had previously imposed * decided here, rachel? so thejudge had previously imposed sanctions i decided here, rachel? so thejudge| had previously imposed sanctions on president trump and his attorneys and he had previously found donald trump committed fraud. he previously tried to dissolve all of donald trump's businesses, and he had established a monitor. we do know that that monitor will be in place for at least three more years and we now know that the judge has assessed damages in the amount of over $350 million. and we now know that the judge is barring mr trump and his sons from running any business in new york for the immediate future.
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this is a devastating blow to the trump organisation. about! this is a devastating blow to the trump organisation.— this is a devastating blow to the trump organisation. and to be clear, this in your — trump organisation. and to be clear, this in your eyes _ trump organisation. and to be clear, this in your eyes is _ trump organisation. and to be clear, this in your eyes is at _ trump organisation. and to be clear, this in your eyes is at the _ trump organisation. and to be clear, this in your eyes is at the higher- this in your eyes is at the higher end of what the judge could have decided here? end of what the 'udge could have decided here?_ end of what the 'udge could have decided here? well, the attorney general was _ decided here? well, the attorney general was seeking _ decided here? well, the attorney general was seeking $370 - decided here? well, the attorney general was seeking $370 million decided here? well, the attorney i general was seeking $370 million in damages, and so he, think of the spectrum of the damages, he could have imposed and went much closer to the ag's number than to the trump organisation's number. about! the ag's number than to the trump organisation's number.— the ag's number than to the trump organisation's number. and in terms ofthe organisation's number. and in terms of the impact — organisation's number. and in terms of the impact on _ organisation's number. and in terms of the impact on donald _ organisation's number. and in terms of the impact on donald trump, - of the impact on donald trump, $354.9 million, from your understanding, what kind of impact will that have?— understanding, what kind of impact will that have? forbes magazine has estimated the _ will that have? forbes magazine has estimated the former _ will that have? forbes magazine has estimated the former president's - estimated the former president's well to be somewhere between 2.5 — $3 billion. so it's an amount, and mission trump repeatedly testified that he has $400 million in cash and he would not have to liquidate any assets to pay this kind of a fine.
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however, as we discussed, the $354.9 million son does not include the interest rate that can be tacked on top of it and moreover even for a man who is a billionaire three times over, this sum represents something like 15% of his wealth. it is a significant amount. i'm sure it's very disappointing the former president. very disappointing the former president-— very disappointing the former resident. , , ., ., president. interesting. great to get our president. interesting. great to get your analysis. _ president. interesting. great to get your analysis, thank _ president. interesting. great to get your analysis, thank you _ president. interesting. great to get your analysis, thank you so - president. interesting. great to get your analysis, thank you so much i your analysis, thank you so much talking us through that. thank you. thank you. talking us through that. thank you. thank ou. . , ., thank you. that is the immediate reaction there _ thank you. that is the immediate reaction there to _ thank you. that is the immediate reaction there to that _ thank you. that is the immediate reaction there to that decision - thank you. that is the immediate reaction there to that decision by | reaction there to that decision by thejudge. donald trump reaction there to that decision by the judge. donald trump found reaction there to that decision by thejudge. donald trump found liable to pay $354.9 million in a fine and we don't think he will pay immediately because there will be an appeal will be looking at there is the court document written by the judge effectively his decision deciding already that donald trump have been found guilty in this instance. and this is the penalty.
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we will look at the legal side and be getting plenty of political reaction to this as well and of course getting plenty more out of moscow and russia with list events with alexei navalny. stay with us. this is abc news. —— bbc news. hello there. it looks like things will be turning even milder as we head into this weekend. and where we get some sunshine, it really will feel quite spring—like. but there will be some rain in the forecast this weekend, particularly late on saturday during saturday night, and for england and wales, perhaps for sunday morning as well. so we're all into that milder air mass. as you can see, these darker orange colours introducing something a little bit warmer still as we move into saturday and sunday. but it does look like tonight, maybe a little bit cooler than it's been the last few nights. mostly dry and any thicker cloud in the north and the west, there will be some spots of rain. and temperatures will dip close
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to 1—2 degrees across the far north—east of scotland. for most, though, 6—8 celsius. so saturday starts off largely fine. this weak weather front will bring a band of clouds, some spots of rain, but it's these weatherfronts moving in behind later on which will bring the more substantial rain, with stronger winds here. so quite a lot of cloud, scotland, northern england. some splashes of rain with that weak weather there. there will be some holes in the clouds to allow for some sunny spells again, but then the rain, stronger winds push into northern ireland. that spreads across the irish sea into western britain as we head into the afternoon. the temperatures could be up to 14, maybe 15 degrees in the warmest spots, but all areas will be in double figures. then through saturday evening, saturday night, that rain, wind spreads across the country. it will tend to clear from scotland and northern ireland, bar the odd shower, but it will take its time to clear away from england and wales. so it could stay quite wet by the end of saturday night across the south—east. temperatures coming down a little bit in the north,
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double figures in the south. sunday, then, these weatherfronts will take their time to clear england and wales. bit of a question mark on the speed they do clear, but at the moment, it looks like it could be quite cloudy and wet to start sunday across much of england and wales. slowly, skies will brighten from the west, but there could be a hangback of that rain across parts of eastern england, east anglia and the south—east. but elsewhere, not a bad—looking day, i think, to come for sunday with some sunshine around. temperatures maybe degree or so down in the north, but again, at 14—15 degrees across the south, so well above where we should be for the time of year. into the new week, it does stay on the mild side. increasing chance of rain and stronger winds towards the end of the week, where we'll also start to see temperatures coming down a little bit.
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hello, i'm lewis vaughanjones. you're watching the context on bbc news. donald trump has been ordered to pay more than $350 million in penalties. welcome to the program. a bit more on that breaking news out of new york. donald trump, one of his legal
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cases coming to a conclusion of sorts. there could be in appeals are not completely final but in the last 30 minutes donald trump has been ordered to pay more than $350 million in his fraud case. already been effectively found guilty of inflating the prices of his assets to get more favourable terms for loans. thejudgment from to get more favourable terms for loans. the judgment from the judge, lots of detail in the air. the headline that figure of $350 million to be paid by donald trump. let's go to our correspondent. talk us through at thejudges to our correspondent. talk us through at the judges decided here. inaudible... boli and of course is the staggering amount ordered to pay, 350 354 $9 million. that is the
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