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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 7:30am-8:00am AST

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its associates will open up the country. electricity is no ration for a few hours a day. some areas don't get it for days. less than 5 percent of the chart, $17000000.00 population are able to get the infrastructure to generate and just to be power suffers from decades of neglect and lock up investments. they seems to be a little more spiteful. the older charge you can purchase. now average 45 degrees. without electricity pressure, thoughts must be quickly dried for the most costs. but you'll see i also say that according more patients and casualties from the heat ways, especially the vulnerable in this website to meet you early. just say the high temperatures will continue for another, but until the range of priest, i'll just go to germany. the man known as the monster of north korean propaganda has died at the age of 94. can,
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can sift 3 generations of the notes. the ruling family dentistry, wrote mcbride reports from so such as north korea, as mazda propaganda came key nam, health cement the lower of the came family, tennessee. as assigned. if it's important. the current rule that kim jong and lead overnight tribute to his mental state run media use of jobs to his memory, the reading and the whole was wrapped in silver over the last of a veteran of our policy. and the revolution may even be starting with chemo. some north korea's founding father, tim key, nam witness the passing of power through sweet generations. a unique event in the communist world, although not that well known outside of north korea, kim ki mamms legacy will be the remarkable propaganda machine he helped to create. that's been developed in recent years with the hollywood style amaica and attempts to transition to the age of social media. more recent musical creations
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idolizing came junglin have gone viral, finding the globe below audience by this has to be done this up with paul seems reaching the age of 40 to 43, few strong efforts to upgrade his position to absolute power with control on being referred to as the great father. so and with kim introducing his daughter as a likely 4th generation successor. it's a propaganda effort that shows no signs of slowing down. rob mcbride, i'll just say era so. well, that's all for me. tell mccrae from the moment i'll be back in half an hour. in the meantime. you can find more information on our web site. that's l t is there a dot. com for news continues here on out just here to the listening post, which is the and i'll just say around brings you in depth analysis for the so comply take. now
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what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day. they said nobody failed us selling and testing with anything dancer as we speak, these really speak every one's know we're getting each don't finish and know the fact that he's around ease at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing you on this goes nothing you on who success and may be better maybe was but it's the one has to address that suspended. stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra anti war protests sweep across university campuses in the united states, the police response. the violence has been shocking. so as some of the reporting from the american mainstream meetings, i see journalist joining in a bit to whip up his syria to swear and abuse students enter your protest. and student journalists in new york city,
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having seen their university lock reporters out of the story, are filling the void in the news coverage. the, the protest movement rocking college campuses in the united states is like nothing . the country has seen for decades for students hunkered down at 30 plus, the universities are demanding those institutions divest from companies that profit from the is really military judging by the violent backlash from militarized police forces. that kind of dissent against the complicity in a genocide is off limits in president biden's america. this movement is not just about students. professors, faculty members are also involved and they have been mischaracterized at times, demonized by the american political class and much of the news media sleeping anti zionist logan's as evidence of anti semitism. they have smeared the demonstrations
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as racist for months now. american politicians and news outlets have been in lock step, distorting the facts helping is real, justify its mass slaughter of palestinians in garza. and that same coalition has no effectively put targets on the backs of students, young american voices of defense in the so called land of the free divest or prepare for protest on your doorstep. that's the message american universities have been getting for 3 weeks now. from students demanding their school sever all ties to any company profiting from the war on gosh, to campus on opposite coasts columbia in new york. and you see a late in los angeles have been the primary flash points with 2 police forces, having different responses, disproportionate violence against the protesters cnn, while i see the while, you know, way when
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a pro israel mob attack the pro power started encampment with fireworks medical rods and campus police were nowhere to be found the when they finally showed up the way that the intent firing, rubber, bullets and flashbanc explosives at the 2nd the crackdowns came and missed some questionable media coverage in the us that verges on the demon orientation of a pro peace movement with students somehow getting a lumped in with previous threats to american democracy. this does look like january 6th, what a terrible example for our students, for news networks and television stations and anchors to use it to explain. the protests that are happening at us universities is a politicized codified message that these are radical fanatical groups. they need
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to be incarcerated. you need to be prosecuted and persecuted. there is no other solution to it. now from our perspective as protesters, we were engaging in our civil liberties regarding free speech and the right to protest and we are doing so in a peaceful manner. however, the actions of the government, the limits of state troopers against peaceful protesters is an act of buttons specifically for political me and the fact that my own government would take that stance against me and my fellow protestors for utilizing our civil liberties is just a catastrophe. in such a politically divided country during an election year. it is noteworthy that the democratic president and key republican c i to i on the campus protest we met with your students who are in fear . they can't come on campus. they can't study for their final exams. that framing
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of the protests as inherently anti semitic, has persistently featured in the mainstream media coverage wasn't just august 2024 in los angeles marketing back to the 19th thirty's in europe. i do not say that lightly. the fair among jews in this country is palpable right now. american news outlets frequently platform the lights of jonathan green, black of the anti defamation, an influential pro israel lobby group. i for these images, a mass of protesters breaking into buildings bearing ham and furniture. and lo, i'm reminded of january the 6th. that's what this looks like today. green black can also be counted on to conflate criticism of israel. with that, he said that there have been reports of anti semitic rhetoric on campus, but they have been rare evidence of it, like this incident at columbia is extremely hard to find the. 2
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and jewish students have been at the core of the protest movement on multiple campuses. they have had their religious traditions, such as the prayers that recently marked the start of passover celebrate by jews and non jews. a lie. i myself, am a jewish students. i would not be comfortable in any space that i viewed as remotely as a and so my experience the protestors have viewed me as a brother for groups like the 80 all to come out and say that the palestinian protesters on campus are equivalents, hamas and hezbollah. is utterly disingenuous or ron has their military proxies like hezbollah and iran has their campus proxies like these groups like s j, p and g d p. i'm not surprised that green blood is doing this, but i am surprised by a journalist, a core that has abdicated its responsibility to push back to scrutinize to ask questions instead,
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they're platforming him in order to run propaganda and talking points in a way that's quite offensive. to the media outlets themselves, and especially especially to brace students who are taking tremendous risks in order to exercise their conscience and screen very loudly, not in our name, not in our time, no genocide against anyone ever. again, of course, this is completely contrary to the way in which western media of the same channels themselves reflect on and represent similar actions in other countries. for example, in the air in spring uprisings in egypt, anthony's and syria and libya and elsewhere, they were running to those protest sites to celebrate how these protesters were taking over buildings were challenging the authoritarianism of the state and confronting police. in the people of the city, so many libyans, but when it comes to us territory, this is completely anathema is unacceptable. astronomy to control the ongoing chaos
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that college campuses across the united states. in the depiction of the protesters, as dangerous for threatening, is not only an exaggeration, it is actually quite laughable. nevertheless, that narrative is all over the american airway space. e, something on tick tock, and they're like real bad and, and how moscow and they go out and they start shouting at you news outlets of simultaneously overlooked a feature of this story for which there was far more evidence. the provocative behavior of pro is really counter protesters, some of whom were caused confusion. the one at northeastern university in boston, shelldrick killed the jews, prompting a police rate and the arrest of more than $100.00 pro palestinian protest. there were disturbing incidents at u. c. l. it is real supporters spitting on
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t sac releasing mice into their encampment and rushing violence upon the branding the campus protests. as anti symmetric also provides police and national guard troops, some of whom have shown up on the correspondence with a means to justify the man handling of the protest, throwing elderly professors to the ground. and that labelled air. the symmetric hasn't just come out of fox news for the pro israel log. it's everywhere. this is incredibly concerning. the right are opportunistically and successfully using this moment in order to expand police power. at this point you can only process the lights and hurts nobody's feelings, which means it's a performance. but you can't actually protest in
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a way that challenges power. and we should all be scared, freaking out even that if we allow them to do this in this moment, there's no limit they won't stop. university administrations are calling the police and sections of the army to arrest violently. 192021 year old who are protesting agend size. you don't call the police and the army on to campuses when you're winning the argument, right? you called them on to campuses when you're losing and that's why we're university administrators are calling in military and police forces because the narrative has failed. those universities, their reputations as bastions of free speech, are also taking a beating after columbia as president called the pop up attempt village. they're a clear and present danger. police were called in arresting. more than $100.00
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protesters, which the schools on human rights institute been conduct after activists at the university of texas to find an order from the school to disperse. brian police dropped the call and arrested 50 of dartmouth college in new hampshire has banned its head of jewish studies from captains. she had already been knocked to the ground and arrested by police with columbia story sticks at. it's located on there with the upper west side of manhattan and fame for its journalism. many of whose graduates now were at mainstream news. when police came onto the campus, columbia locked reporters out, preventing from covering the crack at a university which dispenses pulitzer prize for excellence in american journal university. these are advocating the responsibility. they should be the space precisely where students are learning,
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becoming critical thinkers to eventually be part of a ruling class that is going to make decisions with responsibility. and rather than in be a space where they can do that, universities have become an extension of a state at war. they are upset about the students who are making their war efforts, their genocidal efforts more complicated. i have been teaching myself for 20 years and i have never seen the repression of academic freedom and speech in the way that i have seen across the campuses. since october of 2023. there have been many controversial political issues where our communities have differences of opinion, but there has never been the repression of speech. and in that context, does the us today at this moment stands for media freedom? you know, i think i'm, i don't think i need my ph. d and media studies to answer that question. the answer is now the, we're going to dig
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a little deeper into the story at columbia university in new york, where students have gone for being journalists in training to journalists on the job. and their work is proving valuable. mean actually, robbie is here with more with the crap down on profile this time protests unfolding quite literally on the doorstep. students at columbia journalism programs have found themselves exactly where to report as always hope to be at the heart of the story. since the school has restricted mainstream media as access student to unless have effectively become the primary source of news, columbia has 2 main media outlets. the university's newspaper, this big data, and 880 station w k. c. i usually need their content only to staff and students with the past 2 weeks. the minute by minute on the ground reporting has attracted audiences worldwide. there's currently unlike the officers that are crowding around the entrances of the west bond and they are now entering the west fund with so much interest in that coverage. the unusually high traffic overloaded this big data and
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w. p. c. r. websites. both expedients outages beyond the live news updates the student doing this are also doing in depth investigative look, including stories on allegations of anti semitism on campus. but also editorializing producing opinion pieces about this close administration. and it's handling of the protesters and the demands for the news organizations have benefited from the work of these young journalists. the students have set up a newsroom to 5 reports for news outlets around the world, including doing life hits on tv. you've been at the center of these protests not only as a student, but also as a reporter, covering much of the work has connected misinformation, circulating online and in us mainstream coverage is another way to put it journalism. students at columbia, a schooling, the mainstream media on the coverage of a critically important story. thanks me. staying with the shortcomings in the media coverage of those student protests,
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one voice well placed to assess just wide journalist keep getting it so badly wrong is maybe has on a former colleague of hours here at algebra. he then spent 3 years as a program host at m. s nbc and p cost. he left the network earlier this year to do his own thing hoss on, has watched as a tale, a new site that he says will bring hard hitting interviews and honest bearing analysis that you won't find elsewhere. you know, i've never been afraid to of the tough question. my time to continue doing that. many hassan joins us now from washington, dc. many you have just stepped out of the cable news ecosystem. and this past week, we spotted a tweet of you're saying that the mainstream media is coverage of the campus protests against the garza genocide is actually worth more biased, more dishonest then its coverage of the gods of genocide itself. nobody saw that coming. how is it even possible? yeah, i wonder those. i mean, how is that even bosom? i spent the last 6 months critique in the main stream. media both from within when
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i was a m s. m, b, c. on. since i left a couple of months ago, and yet the events of the last week, 10 days here in the united states and the coverage of what's happening on campus is, is just so, shockingly, by that i'm looking at what's happening and does what i'm saying. well, at least as some come, good coverage of god, at least as some investigations by nbc news and bbc news and sky news. show what's happening in got mazda 2 palestinians. i don't see any good journalism in the coverage of the campus partners. i've seen a journalist joining in uh it went pop hysteria to misrepresent facts on the ground to smear and abuse student n t will protest is where's the coverage of the guy it turned out with a nice a pro palestine demonstration of pro israel pro desta where is the coverage of the, the pro israel protested, who shouted, killed the jews sarcastically at the university. what interested was profile this time student thinking they said it, i mean it's just a cover. just so one side of the suite of mind that you went from was, was
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a direct response to state cnn segment from a street news anchor, basically smearing all of the kids on campuses and the, somebody from comparing america today to 1930 is germany and people have lost their minds or do you think it has anything to do with the fact that these are american institutions that are under attack as opposed to the gaza story, which is another country that the us has a relationship with a 100 percent. i think a lot of it has to do with elite media and elite politicians, losing their mind. never elite universities. you'll know a lot of this is going on in ivy league schools in columbia in yale. there is, there was a lot of, uh, you know, uh, editors in use rooms. we went to the schools and whose kids that go into the schools, the politicians whose kids go to school. let's just think that is a real issue where it's very personal for a lot of people covering this stuff. and um, that adds to the level of barrel panic. that's driving a little bit special. the determination that these protestors have shown courage in
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the face of suspensions expulsions from school. extraordinary police violence. how does that contrast with the positions that we've seen in media and political heavyweights? when it comes to discussing israel's assaults on garza over these last 7 months? it's a good question, which is a good comparison when we talk about kind of moral courage, we haven't seen much from a political immediately people living fee, and that's the great tragedy. if everyone in all political immediately was completely pro israel, that'd be fine. i mean, i wouldn't agree with them, but that was fun. but the truth is, as you and i both went, as i've experienced best times, a lot of these people in private will say stuff, they website and public because they're scared about being losing their job. so being accused of being pro, i'm also being choose to be anti semitic or you know, not getting invites to the right in a policy. and so they stay quiet and you know, you see the killing of palestinian joy live in gauze or the failure of western genesis because that itself, a lack of moral courage. and when you see the students, however, as you say,
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risking their career lines are getting dogs getting physically assaulted as an u. c. l a. they are showing us more. okay. so 1st thing is we never learn from history is amazing. which of the we say, oh, well, the civil rights protest, there is a student, you've got assaulted by the police and the demonized by the media. the anti vietnam will protest assaulted by the police, demonized by the media, the and to south africa in a pop type protest assaulted by the police, demonized by the we did the wrong little protest. we go through the list and every month with almost every junction of students on the right side of history and the media and political leads on the wrong side. and yet we never to try to ask you about the white house correspondents dinner last weekend. palestinian journalist in guys are urge their journalists, fellow journalists in the us to boyd, caught that event. same quote, to fraternize that an event with president bible would be to normalize sanitized whitewash. the administration's role in genocide you did not attend. what did you make of those who did? and what went down at that glitzy dinner? what happens?
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give us walk us through the spectacle, the optics. so i was supposed to go and as it gets to me it let me do organization . i used to go with nbc but always have left that before i went to years running and even before the rigid as you well know, there would be long debates in this town about whether generally should attend the dinner. the pros and cons of it, did i feel a little cd gary been asked to use? yes, but i, i try, i just dividing my head as well as you know, just as zillow typically spreads out the pull up to come to wherever the off land. okay. it was fascinating and look, i'm a journalist, i enjoyed go to events where you meet other journalists. you make connections, have contacts, you know, meet people, haven't seen for awhile. so you know is, is there a home to it? yes. is there a proved to it? you know, i enjoyed trouble noticed that couple of years ago i enjoyed really with junior as a roasting of the president of the media last year. this is comedian didn't do so much. the rest of the present was actually a little differential to present by not surprisingly, so maybe not surprising,
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but the bigger issue is days out of state and journalist was saying, please boy, got this, didn't advocate the bite and administration is completed in a tax on john list, engage with american made weaponry. you condo on the law for about stuff with the president, the have the president talked about free speech. know mentioned the journalist by the way, as predicted by them did not mention the record number of john as well. the 90 journalist go to the committee to protect jealous, killed in gaza since october the 7th. and the president, the white house correspondent association mentioned that in passing to be fed her. she did mention the clinic and probably getting jealous, but bite and didn't obviously the comedian didn't. and it's a problem. right. and the problem is the people in this town, both politicians get, let's just don't see palestinians as full human beings. that's just the reality. and we've, we've, we've slowly come round to accepting out kind of implicit biases when it comes to our treatment. a black people. but we still have it really kind of reckoned with how we c brown people in the middle east as expendable as not for the human as um, people because of how else to explain the fact that media industry insight as well
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make lots of noise, but gentlest and ukraine or russia, but not, and gosh, why is, how do we justify that? i don't know, the honest by frustrated. it's terrific. finally, we're on the precipice, possibly of a full scale invasion of rough or bias really forces. we know how disastrous, that could be. what kind of questions should american journalists be asking of the administration, the state department, those officials now as well to be fair to some of my colleagues of state development briefings might lead from a p. and inside our cap and ryan graham and from tucker, there have been some great questions if you'll view as of what some of them they're worth watching, but not as a whole. the prescott needs to be much more to hold as administration to account for a direct role in the a trustee for far too long default to many months. we simply reported on leaks out of the white house trip. i'm very upset with benjamin that no strobe, i dropped the f bomb on benjamin the stove. i'm very reluctant. yes,
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that's not good enough. all right, we need to publicly hold administration to account biden blinking, allow us to them as to why they are involved in these mass cummings, why they're allowing israel to cross their red line, and why they don't innocent bystanders. us on a bystander, us is offering and funding, it's very much a participant in what is going on and goes and the media need to make that clear to that view as and read as elizabeth and the media also need to make that clear. and the questions to the administration, the number one question should be, why are we not there? why do we not have western media organizations on the ground in gaza in rough? what does the israel have to hide? why is israel blocking access? and why is the mysteries and i'll tell you what this wouldn't be, i'll tell you any other was there in the well, with a government blocking access to the free press. why we just normalize this over 7 months. maybe hassan, great to have you back on out to zeros era. however, temporarily best of luck with the new platform is a tale and we hope to speak to again sometime soon. thanks for having me, richard. the what's the us consumed over campus pro,
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tests that are now nationwide. the largest story at the core of all this israel's genocidal assault on gaza is getting less coverage then it had before. it could not be a more dangerous moment for that to happen. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has repeatedly said he will launch a full scale invasion of the southern city of rough uh, come what make a whole range of voices have warrant, just have catastrophic that would be forcibly displacing, illegally. more than a 1000000 palestinians who have already been chased from their homes with nowhere safe to go. but in israel, among extremist elements in nothing you know, whose government, the invasion of ross has almost become an article of faith. it is the fulfillment of what those politicians have always said. it was, as one is really minister reiterated this past week. the total annihilation of guys will be keeping our eyes on what happens in rafa and beyond. and we'll see you next
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time here at the listening post now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's a state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even have this is most important, which of these are going to and bushy polls? unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on out of their pod, he came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to scientology use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say, no delta standards to all of us. any anyone in particular i said to facing
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realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era where you're looking at now is overflow from the nearby to pile landfill. garbage has reached a height of more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity, mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the well to talk, contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool, a plastic waste crisis. the most common plastic pollution engine asia are single use sashes, which environmental group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button entities has government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problems and has had some
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success in making this and such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting recycling, the us president threatens to stop giving weapons to israel if it launches and assault on profit and admits american bones have killed palestinian civilians in gauze. i've made it clear to begin to work. i'm not going to get our support from tactic all of these population centers the symptom. mccrae, this is i will just say we're line from.


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