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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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all this is right here and right now the stream analysis era the israel attacks 11 known and syria, hezbollah commander, and 6 other fighters among the games. the play of watching out g 0, live from bill. how with me for the back, people also coming up, strikes on guys a to at least 22 palestinians are killed. and these are as late as attack on the city of con eunice. all sending use center got officially has a new president. does the constitutional counsel confirms the victory of procedure? my 5 and the oscar winning movie a bomb, the atomic bombs fine me release is in japan to make the motion in 0. she
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is. ralph says it scales has the commander in a cross border, striking 11 on the attack came shortly after an early of 8 in syria kills dozens of people 6. so those victims were also has bullet fighters is in a honda report, some people they're becoming more frequent. apparent is really strikes on iranian, and iranian link targets in syria. the, the latest what are believe to be weapons deposed. and the northern province of a level, a few dozen people were killed among them, syrian military personnel and members of the liberties arms group has beloved. israel is basically a find to establish itself as the body that has the upper hand in this conflict. and i don't think it's very, the politicians do understand that you're wrong. here's the law. and the regime far
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not interested in military fires. israel has for years said it will allow iran and its allies, whose influence in syria has grown to entrench themselves in the country militarily and recent months. it's targeted commanders and members of the rounds. revolutionary guards no longer just focusing on weapons storage sites and convoys carrying arms. among israel stated goals is preventing syria being used as a transit points for weapons to reach has beloved and the occupied palestinian territories. there is what has been described as a shadow war between israel and iran in syria for years now. and in recent months, since hezbollah opens a front line against israeli forces to help palestinians and gaza, israel appears to be employing the same strategy against hezbollah. he runs
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a life in loving on here in lebanon. targeted killings by a parent is really drawn, strikes are increasing more often than knock members of hezbollah. and at times, field commanders are killed. many here see a strategy of israel diminishing its enemies. operational capabilities has below, for its part, raised the costs of the conflict for israel by forcing it to empty much of its north of many of its people. it has yet to escalate to the level of full scale conflict. but the warrant is ready. if israel expands the war, the events of uh the last few days have been wider than what we've seen in quite some time. so i expect only further escalation. unfortunately, we're in a regional situation where the prospects of de escalation are, are, are, are quite limited. and while much of the world's focus is on the war on garza the violence between israel and has,
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the law is beginning to intensify center for their eligibility to be looked and saying they joined me a short while ago with an update on that attack. and 711 on this is rose says that he is a deputy field commander of a projectile unit in the hospital last responsible for rockets and drones. his name is ali 9. now hezbollah did say that ali 9 was the person targeted in that vehicle in the southern village, robust of re earlier today, and that he was killed because the lot does not mention his right now this targets it killing, it's really has become quite quite frequent. we've seen this over recent weeks as well. uh, excuse me, as well. relying a loss on technology. it's a drone surveillance aircraft tracking down whether, you know, fighters or field commanders doing their best really to try to degrade the capabilities of hezbollah. hezbollah is not praise. they have repeatedly said that
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they do not want a full blown war, but they're prepared for one if as rel, expands the war uh and that, that, you know, they are ready for any events wirelessly. but hezbollah too has been treading carefully because it's knows it can hurt as well. this can ship. it's has thousands of rockets that can hit anywhere in israel with israel to can, hurts 11 on and targets areas where it's supporters live. so this conflict is the large, the contains can find 2 military targets, but it is on a slippery slope and is really forces that continuing to targets residential areas across guys. despite a un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. 22 people were killed in the southern city of con eunice when miss size had a 4 story building that was home to policy and from the speak to a gauge on behalf of each of grieving relatives more on the death of a palestinian child. who is killed when and is ready asked roy case an apartment
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block and the southern city of phoniness, resident sage, ready for these. gave them no warning upon the size of the building houses more than 50 people in, including mostly women and children. the civilians who were confined to their apartments, suddenly a rocket was dropped on the 4 story building without any prior notice. among the dead are infants, some as young as 6 or 7 months about the logo. these ruins used to be a series of apartment blocks. many palestinians fled fighting in northern gauze, hoping they would be safe here. hon eunice was designated as one of his rail, so called safe stones in the south. but his ready forces are intensifying the bombardments of the city. that human w a door. we urge all countries around the world to come and witness the ethnic cleansing that we're being subjected to. this is a war of extermination. trees, animals, houses, schools, children and women are all being exterminated. this entire square was exterminated
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without any reason. as more families, more on the death of loved ones, then he will say question, how many more innocent children will die before israel cool, so hold to the violence. victoria gave some b. l just there for me. i spoke with my wife. oh no. it was in giovanni and northern guys where is really strikes have destroyed entirely, but people here north of gauze, a cell phone from the visual page of everything through the floor and 1st talk shop . and that is the thing. as you see in the, in the, in the background uh for the, just for a residential if look and allow me to show you, allow me to show you a, a, the background, a fully here. so this is a residential. so a blog, as i say,
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it also as well. not a so think about all the residential houses. also there were stores in this house is about 400 people have been displaced from vis a street. you know a, those are the forces kids. so this is trees and supposed to be able to evacuate to come out, it was one hospital and was the people it came out of the house without the booby trapped, as well as the forces booby trapped all the houses. here as you can see, more than 15 houses or maybe more than this, had been booby traps and destroy totally a by that is what it is. the high school to the united nations as ordered israel to ensure unhindered food deliveries into gaza. israel's foreign ministry denies its limiting any aid and accuses him of supporting supplies. hundreds of
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thousands of palestinians are facing salvation. tomorrow i'll re fi is a spokeswoman for the united nations relief and work agency on raw. she says, israel is still actively blocking the agency despite the international force directive about a week ago, the is really, authorities announced that they were no longer going to cooperate with under uh, with the largest humanitarian agency currently in gaza. this for us is an impediment, and they're really official impediment to our ability to continue providing life saving food and medical supplies over the last week, 5 of our requests to access the north of gaza, which is almost entirely sealed, though with food assistance were denied by the israeli government, therefore, we are finding that our operational space is really shrinking. however, the interests still present in and as a reminder, wonder what has shelters and the where we distribute food. and we want to continue
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being able to do that. these are all these uh a tomorrow, give you any explanation as to why they wouldn't grant you access to northern guys . a new explanation. and we continued to ask and we continued to push. and we continued to get support by donors, by governments, by private donors, including including those who want to donate the cap to a new a. therefore, we do have the infrastructure. we do have the logistics and mostly we have so many trucks park currently in the east waiting to go with. we have the staff, 3000 people, we have the shelters over 100. so we can do it. so we are advocating with the israel and governments and with friends of the israel government to help us continue our work. he's has one guy's eyes, also affecting palestinians in the occupied territories. good fridays, normally a busy time in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. but this is east or celebration is that taking place under the shadow of his rouse restrictions and his
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name, ron con, before torres have stayed away. this is what a tiny fraction of the people that would normally be hit at easter because of his rose will. and goes, the international tourist have stayed away. also, there are restrictions on palestinian christians coming in from the occupied westbank for the 1st time in recent memory. listed in person's haven't been given permits to actually take part in eastern now. uh, 200 religious figures from the occupied westbank. uh, allowed to come here, but then i'll have to come here with the congregation palestinians of very use to restrictions when it comes to religious worship. i like so most is just the met, weight is the 3rd friday enrollment of ramadan and policy. the muslims have also been restricted, only men over the age of 65 and women of the age of 50 are allowed to go and praise
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sort of house and you most with all very used to being restricted. and they understand that that does happen. 16 in the case of, of the but the eastern normally posted in christians get free access. they simply haven't been given that they should come out of their occupied east jerusalem. early i spoke with reverend month to isaac, he's the evangelical, defend pastoring, bethlehem. he says the war is threatening the presence of christians in the reach. so most of our friends and family would love to tell us that their homes are already destroyed, so they have to know where to go. most of it is a connection and with us i live in the sense that all of the city off by so and as i said, they bought that their homes are destroyed, they'd be tell them enticed beyond belief, and most likely they will seek the 1st opportunity to leave us a, this is one of the side tragedies of this one. i'm of many, many times of these that this board would most likely bring an end to the cushion
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process. and because this is what it, because i feel like not to be honest. we feel that many have forgotten about us, and especially now that it's been more almost 6 months to this war. we said no one's talking anymore about about because our messages that we cannot allow shantee in the place what it all started to turn into a museum for the guys to come to the people here. not this isn't despite everything. and believe me, you know, i looked at the images from the celebration of the bottom sunday evening and because in the midst of the seas even somewhat smiling, i don't know how given that, but they just lost another member of that community for sickness 2 days ago. but that's also a disease that shows uh, the commitment to face the commitment to the cause we live in and that the, that's it, that's the one i do. but just as a whole lot goes. so despite everything we can still hold in the midst of his
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thoughts, a student head on al jazeera, the days of in use, including an 8 year old girl, is the only survivor of a bus crash in south africa. thousands of passengers were killed on their way to celebrate east pass rushing to re you nice more than a 130 school children kidnapped in nigeria. now back home with their friends, the the. i love it. it's been a very settled story. weatherwise across asia of the past few days, we're going to see more in the way of west to whether starting to creep in across to no thanks, we'll weather system. it's going to bring some wintery weather, as well as whether to afghanistan onwards to move in areas of pockets done. so, who is expecting to see those showers on saturday?
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we'll see more in the way of wintery weather pick up from northern parts of india with some snow on sunday. the weather also intensifies across the north east, bringing some very heavy fools of full boot time. so those tricking down into northern parts of bangladesh as well. but across most central areas of india, it is a lucky, dry picture. it might be cloudy here in the few showers as well, but it is all about the heat. we have got warnings out for some high temperatures, all the way from my dea pradesh down to con nashika, that he expected to continue as we go in to sunday. and heat is the story of the east asia. we've got very high temperatures. the central parts of china up in the north as well down in the south is west. so we've got that front bringing some thunder storms to southern parts of china, hong kong and taiwan. but we'll see a lot of rooms come through for japan and we may see those cherry blossoms finally blue this weekend the,
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with every donation given with every hops that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that love days. you donated, we deliver it upon the ship, we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see said donated with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts at the time the, you're watching how to 0, a recap of on top stories is really yes. right?
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so i've had to move in syria killing more than 40 people, including 6 hezbollah fighters is around also says it killed her husband, the commander in 77, the guy's health ministries. and he's really a striking skills 22 people in the southern city of con eunice and hit a 4 story building that was home to 5 families, including women and children. and israel has been ordered to ensure unhindered food deliveries to guys i by the highest court of the united nations agencies. a warning of imminent famine with more than a 1000000 college students facing catastrophic food shortages or not. it was news, not a bus has blanched 50 meters off a bridge in south africa, killing 45 people. an 8 year old girl is the only survivor. the bus was travelling from gabriel and across the border invoice one i to a church in moira for easter celebrations. while i have been with safety has the details emission the address give us say was one of the most difficult they ever
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had to undertake. when they got to the seed, the fund remnants of bodies bent beyond the commission. the wreckage of the bus was engulfed by fire of to it plunged into ravine carrying 46 passengers. most the mean we were at the same. we tried to help and there was nothing we could do because they were flying, looking at surroundings ambulances of 5 guides, all had to come from the find. the programs on board. we're heading to east to celebrations at the headquarters of design christian touch. the driver liked the loss, control of the bus, which had registration, plates from neighboring boots on millions, usually make the pilgrimage. at this time of year, the accidents from the increased traffic all come on. last year we lost about 225 people joining this is the weekend. so right now we're sitting at this $45.00, just one and the crash. so you can use it. you can just imagine how appropriate my to this issue is of old safety in the country. the ministry has promised to help
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perpetuate the bodies of the victims, as well as conduct a thorough investigation. while i have been once a day, oh to 0. in senegal, the constitutional counsel as ratified the presidential election victory of bussey origin. i fi the confirmation page, the way for a transition of power from president mikey saw, he greeted his successor at the presidential palace in the car. fire was accompanied by opposition needed. it was mine, sancho both were released from prison just a few days before the reschedule. the election was house last sunday. nicholas hot before some chum, jago incentive guff, are appearing and settled after a victory that's done to everyone, including himself from political prisoner to president in less than 10 days. at the age of 44 by c, with jim i 5 is the youngest elected head of state in africa. and it's promising change to the people of the west african nation, depending on the and electing me is their president. the senegalese people have
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chosen a break from the past to give way to the immense hope of inspired by our project of a new society. not previously a note to the public jim. i stepped into the limelight after being released from prison following his arrest under range of charges including endangering state security opposition, reduce men, so good chose him as his down. then after he was disqualified from reading because of a conviction for defamation, both didn't know the charges and said they were politically motivated. you might campaign with the slogan, jeremiah sancho. and so go, is your mind selling a project of a just society d n t establishment party bus that wants to, we negotiate for gas and mining contract. it could use a new currency and forge equal partnership with friends. the former colonial power su is deviates from the project. we will pull his ears and tell him,
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come back because the country does not belong to someone else that has been pulling . jeremiah years is his father. we met him in the village of in jag on. yeah, where the gym i grew up in 2022. the former tax inspector round to becomes a village mare but lost his father believes, overcoming failure led to his success. he is extremely honest, i'm courageous and he's been working hard all his life. jim, i had a modest rule of bringing working of a land in this a hell. this is where villagers come to grow. millet look at it now and it hasn't rained for the last 8 months. there are no wells nearby. and this is the challenge for the next president to ensure that not only his village, but the people of this country have enough to eat. despite a booming economy, almost 40 percent of senegalese live and poverty. president jim,
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i will now need to deliver on his promise to reduce economic disparity and bring a greater share of sending goals well to a people's thursday for change. because hawk alger 0 and jackson. yeah. city go. it's more than a 130 school children kidnapped in nigeria has been reunited with their families. their students were abducted in the state of kaduna on march 7th before being freed by the army. katya interface for the on has excited and relieved an entire community. welcome back. the freed students, army convoys make wait for the celebration with students reuniting with their families for the 1st time since they were kicking out. many are still trying to make sense of the ordeal. let me just give them the problem and that's we are only given 2 meals a day in the criminal basis before the food was given to us as a teacher died because of the breaching and the slapping by the bonded the army on
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sunday rescue students and staff who were abducted by gunmen from a school and i to re is north. they say the ransom of nearly $700000.00 with non tate goes. yeah, because i haven't slept for weeks. i've just been waiting for the release of our children. morning and night it was the same. life was full of grief and sadness until now. but a minute. the relief, there's also criticism discrepancies over the number of kidnapped headspace concerns. one point teachers said they were $280.00 captives. the government says the number is much lower, stating 137 people had been kidnapped and all of them freed. the governor has been accused of using the release as a publicity stunt by hosting the students that a state government house. just a day after their release was announced, an attempt to put in to undermine the end for the discrete agencies and then get and then what it takes is they'll put dives into lice,
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a whole bunch of support. why? you know? so security isn't majority abductions, that nigerian schools were 1st carried out over a decade ago by the armed group local her rom. since then, other criminal games have followed suit, demanding ransoms, and raising alarm as families. welcome back students. communities across northern nigeria are again calling on the government for stronger security measures and for accountability. katia lope. this is lillian challenges here. ukraine says around a 100 russian drone and nissan strikes have targeted the electricity grades across the country. emergency blackouts have been imposed in some areas, plants in central and western regions where time some were severely damaged. the us president has approved a 60000000 dollar emergency fund following the baltimore bridge disaster. the money will be used for clean up and reconstruction efforts in maryland to bodies have
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been recovered, but the remains are for the repair workers cell chopped in a sunken breakage in run will economy the remnants of the francis scott key, bridge remain twisted above and below the tops go river. it's blocking the entrance to the port of baltimore, along with the stricken container ship to dolly. a request for 60000000 dollars in federal emergency relief funds has been quickly given the green light by us president joe biden. efforts to rebuild the bridge will be executed in stages and work is expected to begin soon. we need to rebuild the francis scott t bridge, but i want to be clear, so this work will not take hours. this work will not take days. this work will not just take weeks. we have a very long road ahead of us. we understand that. and we're preparing divers, have found the bodies of 2 workers who are repairing potholes on the bridge when
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that disaster happened. but the bodies are for their colleagues. all immigrants from mexico on central america haven't been found. salvage teams say they're trapped in vehicles that are encased by heavy concrete in debris. their families save their bodies and rebuilding of the bridge are both the top priorities playing for walker. we were informed that the government who decided to stop the search to begin removing debris from the bridge. it means that the search for bodies is being put on the back burner. we understand that the us government is losing millions of dollars because the boats are not moving, but we believe that they should not forget the suffering of the families. and the 4 victims whose bodies have not yet been found with around 4000 tons of steel and debris sitting in and around the container ship. removing it is a massive job before reconstruction. where can we can on one of maryland's major transport links, ronald han elders here. the leader of northern islands, maine, pro british unionist party, has stepped down after being charged with historical sects,
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offences jeffrey donaldson was the do you piece most senior i'm paying westman said the body says he's been suspended, pending the outcome of these traditional process donaldson is due to appear in court next month, along with a woman accused of aiding and abetting, the alleged cries almost 9 months after its global release. the hollywood blockbuster about the mastermind behind the atomic bomb is finally available in japan. for residents of hiroshima open hymer open, sway, mix reception and conflicting emotions. the surge of congress that the peace memorial in hiroshima begin backing down is preserved as a reminder of what happens here. and and mega sacking. in 1945, the 2 atomic bombs dropped by the us air force killed and estimated 200000 japanese . now the blockbuster film about the american nuclear scientists
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to help develop the weapons has finally been released in japan almost 9 months after everywhere else. audiences in hiroshima have mixed emotions. this film was telling the story from the american perspective, from the slide who invented the atomic bomb hiroshima and nagasaki, where they told me comes with dropped to certainly the victims. but i think even though the inventor is one of the perpetrators victim co, tough in the will, the oppenheimer sweat the academy awards earlier this month, including best actor for irish actor kelly and murphy hooper trades. the conflicted physicist the films initial release in japan was delayed after a public backlash against an advertising campaign critics, a trivialize to bombings based upon what i really like christopher norman's feelings. of course, this was an amazing film which deserves to win the academy awards in the united states. but the film also depicts the atomic bomb in
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a way that seems to price it. and as a person roots in her wash, and i found it difficult to watch, i'm not sure this as a, maybe the japanese people should make a special effort to say oppenheimer reflect on the impact on the so called father of the atomic bomb. in hiroshima, the memory of its victims will still cast a long shadow, long after the movies, brawn, and pretty car, out to 0. the united nations is wanting that haiti is close to collapse 5 to 5000 especially trained police officers are needed to talk of what it calls catastrophic gang violence on gangs control. most of a capital photo print, 2000 police were 1st requested in july, but the, you and human rights office says the crisis has become much worse. you have an attack on the central bank offices. you have 2 attempts to take the national palace . you have human rights defenders and journalists being targeted. so this is
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extremely alarming. the gangs of turn their violence towards people that for whatever reasons they see as a threat to their continued control to malawi. now where severe drought has caused the government to declare state of disaster, the president is appealing for international help as grayed. visa is run out. hiring latasha reports a lockout assistance to harvest. the pharmacy for a may cease to survive the droughts from those that struggled. she's worried at what she finds, can i email the, have somebody more, you can see how the maize looks, the grain is of low quality because there was no way to allow these government has declared a state of disaster because of the drought in most districts. we had to.


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