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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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was it's a decision increasing numbers of women may be called on to make the the wells top court orders israel to urgently allow the delivery of food a didn't to gaza as more palestinian children die from mountain nutrition. the i'm carry johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from the whole. so coming up an 8 year old girl is the sole survivor. after a bus plunges into a ravine in south africa. i'm kidding. 45 people. the reports going to transit's camp and south sit down on what you and says this was not just displacement crisis thoughts on christmas salumi in new york, where a judge has sent in sam bagman free for one of the largest financial frauds in
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history. i'll have that story coming up. the new and stop cortez ordered this route to ensure unhindered food they did it for is to the besieged the gaza strip. it comes as food shortages caused by israel's blockade on a trucks or leaving more palestinian staffing and malnourished children across the street by suffering a slow and painful death. a 5 year old boy is the latest victim of the 2 children have died of malnutrition and the hydration since is rather launched its war in october. it's well south africa urgency requested that the i c j. e considered additional measures this month and it's case against as well. it accuses as well a breach in the un genocide convention, as it continues from bonding goals. this trip,
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i'll just say it was gabriel is on the reports from new york. the world is watching his palestinians go hungry due to israel's war on gaza. it's now clear the i c. j is watching as well. on thursday, the court unexpectedly announced new orders on israel to try to prevent famine. there are 3 new provisional measures, but the most significant one calls on is real to without delay, ensure and hindered provision of humanitarian aid. everything from food and water to clothing and shelter throughout garza including increasing the capacity a number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary . this additional provisional measure also calls on israel with immediate effect to hold any military action to prevent the delivery of that aid. the secretary general
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has no say over the decisions made by the primary judicial oregon of the un, but is following the case closely. we do believe is a matter of principle that all member states need to a by divide by and implement decisions of the court. the court said famine is now sitting in in gaza, best justifying the additional provisional measures. many of the judges considered that israel was not really complying with the order um and also given the specificity of the order itself. uh, when it comes to age increments are in a i think that it is clear that this is going to be a key aspect of the discussion for south africa going forward. this is potentially what might make or break the case in terms of like, how do you decide whether genocide is happening is going to be this whole debacle of the $98.00 to gossen. the i c j has also requested israel issued a report on all of the measures it is taken to abide by the new provisional
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measures. that report is due by the end of april. gabriel is on to out just here at the united nations in new york. and the style who is following developments on the israel's reaction to the i. c. j reading from occupied these choose and there's been no official is really reaction on the additional provisions that have been handed down by the international court of justice. nearly 2 months ago on january 26, these really prime minister had outright rejected the ruling and findings by the international court of justice. this was a case that was initially brought forth by south africa that israel was committing genocide in gaza. now he had told his cabinet members back in january, to refrain from commenting on the icy james ruling when he later released the statement of his own. he said that the ruling was, quote, outrages, defamatory and false mission. y'all who had also went on to say that israel does
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what it can to provide humanitarian assistance and aid into gaza all while protecting civilians and following international law. however, these are all things. israel has been accused of violating and a war that has now entered its 6th month and has seen more than 32000 palestinians killed at least 75000. others have been injured and not to mention the thousands who are still trapped under the rubble. while these really have not had any official comment, we can expect their response to be over whelming, we negative 10 percent who would address ita, occupied east jerusalem. and a 7 people have been chosen is really air rate on a residence. north of rafa. several people were injured in the attack, including women and children. the victims were taken to the hospital for medical attention is very bombing has increased investor raising fears among pedestal shows within the last refuge on the strip. the palestinian authority has formed
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a new government to expect it to be sworn in on sunday from minutes to the stuff i will also serve as foreign minister present. luckily, the best pointed him this month. the stuff is previous tests are resigned in february. so i think the need for change need to abraham has more details from our model in the occupied westbank. the most important thing that palestinians are looking for when they talk about their leadership is that their ability to stop these really aggressions against palestinians. when we talk about the occupied with bank, we're talking about the de needs, the illegal is really supplements and that expansion. we're talking also about the arrests and the killings of palestinians, but palestinians have long lost hope. the beer government, the deadly, the ship is able to really put those as really actions on hold or even taking israel and put thing is real accountable for what it's doing. and this is why if you ask people industries, now if they know that
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a new government has been assigned by the palestinian president, many of them might not even know. and many of them would ask when we, we get paid. as we know, the palestinian authority's public employees have not been getting full salaries for years now. and that has put a cast shadows on the palestinian economy. basically, palestinians are we looking at the government as, let's say, a big municipality. so there is little hope that this government could change on the street. it's indeed a new government with a lot of challenges when it comes to the situation on the ground. he did the occupied with bank but also in the besieged because this trip as well. we noticed in the list of ministers, 22 ministers in addition to the prime minister. 8 of those ministers are from the gaza strip. 5 of them were living under the current is really aggression in war on the palestinians. they are so there is a heavy impact of the war and gaza. still the challenges are huge. and there's,
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you know, a lot of the adults about what this government can do to create change to open items very strikes in southern 11 and the reporters who have killed at least 9 people, including 4 fights as in the alms group. his beloved is allied mount moving, said it, and those 2 of its members, as what all has repeatedly said, it won't stop attacking, is relevant to a safe spot. begins in gauze that was in a 100 reports from trauma in southern lebanon. un troops of trying to keep the peace we are with italian soldiers. the 2nd largest contingent in the un peacekeeping force unit field. their base in southern lebanon is a few kilometers from the border with as well. since the war on cause that began in october, the peacekeepers have been in the middle of an escalating conflict here. there's been daily exchanges of fire since celebrities arm group has beloved opened
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a front line against is really forces to support palestinians in garza. the unit phil uh, judy uh, continue and carry out as usual, according with the 1701 resolution of what change it was our boss to death was the setup. accordance with a stability of the periods. un resolution 1701 was adopted. following the last war between as well and has beloved in 2006, it task is going to feel with helping lebanon to army. and the presence of arms groups such as has been locked up to 20 kilometers from as well as border. it never happened, and as well as now threatening a wider conflict until it does with love and honest government says, isabel must 1st stop violating lebanese sovereignty and withdraw from disputed areas along the border. western diplomats have presented proposals to bring an end to the hostilities along the border,
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but they have said it is no longer enough to return to the relative calm and stability that prevailed before october. that's what involves a political process based on the full implementation of un resolution, 1701 that should involve a beast of presence of level nonce army in the south, which is not involved in this conflict. official say the army faces financial and logistical challenges to carry out its tasks. but there's also a lack of political will to western powers are proposing to help strength and the army so that it can deploy in numbers and serve as a buffer force to restore stability, no one else. so 71 in terms of support of the liberties army is ongoing. that's a long process, and that's what the international community is trying to do to bring more lebanese army to the south of lebanon. first, there needs to be a supplement to this conflict, but has the law is refusing to come to the negotiating table as long as the war on gaza continues center for their elders, either southern or nothing on a hi,
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destiny and children. the seized in dogs that has come out to fly, the kites and the southern city. rafa is an organized as a show of resilience and peace and also to give them the brief rest but the devastation of war power. as the pulse. hundreds of palestinian children came here today to fly that kites into the sky of the besieged in place. this event is organized by the american friends service committee which aims to alleviate to be psychological pressure being a into it by palestinian children. since the beginning of this conflict in october, and also they want to show the message display spouse, the children who desperately in a very desperate need for relief here in the parents we had the mother. and i mean, we are just trying to have some fun because the current situation is tragic. children are tired, they are feeling lonely. so we need these type of events to entertain the children
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and make sure they are happy to do the. they only find fun in slicing carts, which supplies the majority of freedom and peace. i'm only here right now in order to state from the grim of the street where palestinians, children here inside of the guards and stuff had been killed on an hourly basis. the only wish that they could return back to the house was closed, and even old with days until it peacefully liked the council, paused around the globe, started up as though, oh, just a rough, rough off southern gauze. the . the buses plunged off of bridge in south africa. kidding. of 45 of the 46 people on board. the vehicle fell into a ravine and quote fine and the northern province of in popo. some bodies were burnt beyond recognition. fairly survive. it was an 8 year old go transport
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ministries, promising a start investigation into the incident. according to m. c. b is the spokesman for the department of transport in south africa. it tells us more about the youngster who survived the accident going into the details we, we do not have the, the update as yet in terms of how she is doing. but tomorrow morning. that's one of the things that we plan to do. uh, we know that our out of tennessee, which is the road traffic management corporation, is on the scene and it's time to do the investigation day. so we will be having some reports coming in in the 8 hours of the morning tomorrow morning. so we should be able to, to look at the details during this time of the yeah, these is quite a huge x. it goes to the maureen, which is one of the biggest churches in south africa that cc. so they were going to attend the, the, the, the, as part of the pilgrimage. so that's where, basically,
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and we would normally be yearly paces. unfortunately some of these accidents do happen. but this has really been quite a shock for us. it's quite a huge number of people that have lost their lives done so. so it's, it's quite a tragic floss of the country, not a nation. so sedans will, has cause the world's largest displacement crisis. millions of people have been forced from the mission that facing acute food shortages. welcome web reports from the south on board, a town of rank. every morning, selma adam sends her granddaughter to maya to try and sell some of the few remaining items of clothing. there aren't many buyers in this transit camp and south see don golden hall for 1000000 people have arrived here in the last year. things done civil war. most everyone struggling to get by the sale means to my assignment. even today. they said fighting in c times capital cost 2 months
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ago to my father died soon after arriving here and left selma to look off to her grandchildren the money to use it. and i've got a phone kind of to use the one of the con i often we arrived to, we took my son to the hospital. he'd been ill for months without any treatment. and he became, was on the journey of to 5 days in the hospital. he died, i was told to come here and register selma and have family a waiting in the transit camp for un transport to a remote loan to rescue g settlement, whether a people from our community to the originally from the new but mountains in see time. so that the so cost to move in 20 years ago when the government from civilians for the money from the sale buys amiga meal 6 months ago, there was no market here. many of the traders themselves have to flee the fighting, and they set up stands to sell food to the growing population of displaced people.
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the everything here is from seat on the onions a grown, the lentils. i'm rice old, transported here, and because of the war, the price is just keep going out to shows you the town of rankings. no well connected to the rest of south sea time. don't keep costs spring goods from the buddha will. the possessions of those on the run un gives new arrivals. money for 7 days, food, off the fat. they meant to go to the long term settlements for other communities, but many doesn't want to. so the transit come keeps growing and people do whatever they can to get by roughly who moss as she saw children killed people, right when she fled to don. fishy, depends on the sony scrub near the cabinets as a 5 out of this. if sure, this is actually harming my body, cutting my hands and arms. if we were not selling firewood, we would not survive. it's the war that forced us here. we've been told not to
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stain this transit account and to go to the refugee settlement, but we don't want to go there. we want to stay near the border. so we ready to go back. down to civil war has forced more than 8000000 people from that homes more afflicting every day. last month and the family hoping for the best of times, picking phones out of their hands every day as they wait. malcolm web, ouch is era rank south. see don, a sort of head on al jazeera, the protest as this ends on a start and fundraising event for us. presidents featuring veronica obama, bill clinton, will live in new york. and 2 years off to el salvador, noticed his current, donald criminal guns, some in the country could become a to the states the
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the brought to you by visit capital. had that let's get to where the full costs for north america. and we're seeing a vast improvement across southern parts of the us as that storm system pushes its way further east with high pressure taking charge across the deep. so moving the way it's sunshine and higher temperatures for places like texas, it is looking a lot clearer, but breezy across the great lakes, breezy with sunshine, across the east coast of the us. so from rain and split of snow coming into eastern parts of canada, with the more in the way of snow pouring back in across the rockies over the next few days and a weather system were getting some very wet and windy weather to the likes of california over the next few days that was worth its weight for the sell into los angeles, knocking the temperature down as it does so on fact of a little bit of
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a recovery on sunday. the best of the weather will be fine because the east coast, washington dc is in very high temperatures, with more in the way of sunshine it taking us through to sunday. and sunshine is back in the queue. but once that line of phones and showers moves its way towards his span, yoda would say ok, recovery to the temperature in havana. 26 degrees celsius. but a went to outlook for the dominican republic on saturday to weather update of the quote to you by visit cuts on to develop drugs. but humans, scientists conduct the test on animals, monkeys are in high demand for the global associates has led to assuming black markets. one and one east travels to cambodia. whistle blowers excludes electrical government involvement in smuggling monkey based on i'll just say around. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media. on our do 0,
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government shut off access to social media. the . this is out, is there a look at the headlines now? the posting in health ministry says $27.00 children in gauze and died of severe amount nutrition this month. the 5 year old boy, the north of the strip was the latest victim is ready forces having an accused of using starvation. and when you and the top court has ordered this route to ensure understand its 2 day deliveries to the perceived scott street, 1000000 people, they're all facing catastrophic food and security agencies. a warning of given at
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least 45 people have died off to the best song. stuff for bridge in south africa vehicle fell into a ravine farm dentist survive. it was a 2 to you as president joe biden is hosting a style started campaign fundraiser. new york organizers say has already a mass $25000000.00, former presidents barranca bomb and bill clinton will open on space discussion posted by talk ship. steven comment, well than 5000 donors are expected to attend. hundreds of protests as of also gathered outside the event and condemning biden's handling of israel's war on guns that of the what's on engine is light for us then in new york, john, this really is a huge fundraising event, a button almost a statement in itself or tell us more about what's happening
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well, according to the bible campaign, it is the biggest single 9th fundraiser ever, or they have raised $25000000.00. and i'm not sure. as in dollars, it would cost you to get to get a picture of all $3.00 presidents. either names are up on the marquee. there, joe biden. brock obama bill clinton, all of them in there with a music fi lizard. busy and a number of other stars that it's being hosted by mindy, caitlin, and as you pointed out to stephen co bear, the comedian slash talk show host will be talking to the 3 presidents later this evening. but just look at the security here. you've got secret service for all 3 presidents. this is the new york police here who have blocked off the street. and you can see that those trucks. they're all lined up in front of radio city music hall to make sure that nobody tries to make a rush to get inside of there. so it's a major event,
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but also quite unusual that you've got 3 presidents in one place at once. and there is a 4th president in new york right now. donald trump is nearby on long island, where he is attending the wake of a slain new york city police officer who was killed on the job. that's part of his effort to show his being tough on crime. so biggest fundraiser ever and the price to get in is $225.00 for the cheapest tickets, $500000.00 if you want to sit upfront. so a major event here and joe biden is hoping that it will help him getting a financial advantage over donald trump, which he's had for some time. even while trump is leading in many poles and drawing outside of all that, that have been some dissenting voices tool this there have indeed, if you look just beyond radio city, you'll see all of these protesters here and we're in sort of a safe pen. but it's quite crowded. if you go
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a little beyond where we're standing right now, there have been hundreds of people. some of that has moved from just behind us here . but you can see the signs at stop gaza genocide. it seems to be all about one issue. the protestors here seems largely focused on gaza and the president's support for israel, which they do not agree with. and i was talking to a gentleman down here who uh hello, how are you doing? hope you had had a little bit to say about this. now tell me, why are you here? i'm here because you know, my people in the house that are being done. you know, obviously i'm an american citizen born and raised here. the politicians in america are damaging the american citizens image in the world. and as you can see here, there's a lot of americans online in person, different races, different perspective, democrat and republican spoken outcomes. and so obviously i'm hearing the products in person because you know,
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it's good. there's no eyes to be everywhere for the volume and all of these things . so thank you for that. and you've got your mother here, your mother who voted, i believe for joe biden last time around in 2020. is that right? and what about now you do use it for now? no. i felt like why, why didn't still support we think it's like they say something on the media. so you really don't want the service next. steps. applying. perfect. very good. thank you so much for talking to us both of you. and so that is a young man and his mother from new jersey came here to new york to make their voices heard along with hundreds of other people who were standing behind me, most of whom opposed to the war in gaza. and they want to show it right out in front of joe bible's biggest ever fundraiser to 100 thanks very much indeed for that. now the former crypto courtesy taco and some bank winfree. it has been
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sentenced of 25 years in prison for his relative was been described as one of the largest financial fluids in history. $32.00 roles was found guilty of the folding customers out billions of dollars as a founder of f. the x crypto exchange is convict to the old town soft a month ago. i'm trying to move in. but for sicily me has moved from new york a wearing a prison uniform and facing the possibility he could spend the rest of his life behind bars. sam, bagman fried knowledge, she made a series of bad decisions and apologized for letting his colleagues down the 32 year old former billionaire, better known by his initials, s b s. started his crypto currency exchange f t x with college funds and appeared and ads with celebrities promoting crypto currencies as safe to act as the safest and easiest way to buy and sell. crypto is the best way to get in the game. but he
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went on to steal $8000000000.00 from f t x to cover losses that his hedge fund leading to the exchange has collapsed in 2022 and his own fall from grace. judge louis kaplan sentenced him to 25 years, saying he knew it was wrong. he knew it was criminal. he regrets he made a very bad bed about the likelihood of getting caught. but he is not going to admit a thing. as his right, prosecutors had called for an even longer sentence reading from the more than $200.00 letters of former f t x customers all around the world who lost money. in some cases, their life savings. i run a clay his conviction and the collaborative f t x pointed out the need for some kind of framework because, you know, if this was a regulated entity, there would be ordered. financials, there would be transparency to government regulators. there would be regular examinations by government regulators and exam staff that would've uncovered the
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kinds of issues and the kinds of misappropriation that bank went free. it was convicted of sacred friends, mother and father attended the procedures. they said nothing inside or outside the court. but in a letter to the judge pleaded for leniency based on their sons autism, which his mother feared would make him vulnerable to abuse. i genuinely fear for sam's life and the typical present environment. barber freed, wrote in settling on a 25 year sentence, the judge express concern that sam, bank and fried, could commit more crimes is not faced with a substantial punishment for his actions. but he also seemed to acknowledge the concerns of his family and recommending that he held in a prison close to them in california. for sicily out 0, new york is 2 years since the state of emergency was imposed in el salvador to crack down on the running gun violence. some see the policy is
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a success with tens of thousands, not often crime, reduced crews excite innocent people have also been arrested. not the seemingly never ending emergency is turning the country into a police state. oh no, a regular reports from the capital sense off of those, the police incense, of other words, enforcing a state of emergency a policy that grant security forces unprecedented authority and resources to fight criminal games. the crack down is the cornerstone of the countries of the security strategy gnostic, who fund the you, if this phenomenon is born of one to port a gang member, which in 30 years become 75000 game members. it's because of this responsibility that the state of exception under the leadership of president. now you bo kelly well and only until every member of this terrace organization is captured. though
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controversial, the state of emergency is seen as a success and popular with many salvadorans. today, el salvador has the lowest homicide rate in the western hemisphere. the effect that helped the salvador in president know you kelly, when a landslide re election victory, the price of peace, critics say, has been thousands of arbitrary arrests, indefinite detentions, and torture. even residents of neighborhoods that have been pacified like aesop in gonzalez, say that while she no longer worries over games, there is now a different kind of concern. expedited for her last monday. yes. they've captured gang members, but not only gang members. they've taken away innocent people to and i don't agree with that, but even the word of god says the right.


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