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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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with every press who are bringing it to light, a little love in palestine, we share the the money in sight. this is news our life coming up in the next 16 minutes. as mold palestinian children die from malnutrition and golf as well as the top court orders as well to gently allow delivery of food and the strength. salt dead wall waving white flags and full days video obtain violence. 0. show is ready. forces kidding on owns palestinians in task force. you find people a dead off the bus plunges of the bridge and catches fire in south africa. i'm present salumi in new york where a judge has sent and sam bagman freed from one of the largest financial frauds in
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history. i'll have that story coming up the, you know, it's the nation's top court has ordered israel to ensure on handed food a deliveries to the besieged gauze. the strip comes as food shortages caused by israel's blockade on a trucks are leaving mo, palestinian starving and malnourished children across the strip of suffering a painful and slow death. a 5 year old boy is the latest victim to engage and begins coverage of the mesa body. of 5 year olds, mohammed al new job. he was brought to come all at one hospital, the northern garza suffering from severe mound nutrition doctors that couldn't face him because he's the latest victim of food shortages caused by israel's restrictions on a trucks into the strip. at another hospital in northern garza health work and say
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that seeing many and since every day to underweight for their age under appealing for desperately needed supplies, especially in intensive k units. and then tell us whether or not i know a lot of units out. we receive this case about an hour ago, a mama, which in case we've become used to receiving cases like this every day. this child is generally suffering from malnutrition because of the lack of nutrients. you can see how aids doesn't match her weight. dope does visiting goal is that from a broad say they'd witness catastrophic scenes in hospitals as a result of israel's bombardment and blockade. tanya hatch assigned is a pediatric intensive. cad, oak desk, from jude and our team has been doing this for 5 days, were exhausted. i can't imagine what the, the been here for a 162 days doing this 24763 days without resources is dealing. you asked me whether they have the resources to, to deal with these cases. no. the team is being on
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a 2 week visit to central garza to see 1st hand how the ruined health care system is coping only around 12 it's hospitals or even partially functioning. the rest of run out of fuel, of medicine, of being damaged by fighting and his rating, raise those laughter under intense pressure. this hospital has 800 patients, but only a 160 beds seriously, ellen and you, people are forced to lie and call reduce. the few members of stuff less to working around the clock, while often typing with a room grease towards the diamonds. which of these medical teams are working hard, and most of them have lost their children, their wives or their parents. but despite this, they're carrying on what's their work causing the shows the psychological pressure . they're facing. outbreaks of disease along with mel nutrition to compounding the problems facing medics and gaza. increasing numbers of the sick and dingy need medical help. these doctors have twiddling resources to treat them. victoria gates and b l g as in are well, as we mentioned,
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the us top court has ordered as well to take additional measures as the humanitarian situation. wesson's across, gone to the international court of justice has told as well to without delay. provide the on handed provision of ads, the needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to palestinians. throughout garza, it also does as well to increase the capacity, a number of line crossing points and for them to be kept open for as long as necessary. gabriel alexander has moved on why the i c j has chosen to issue the order. and they said that these new provisional measures are meant because of a change in the situation on the ground in gaza. they said when they issued their provisional measures of january 26th, at that point there was only a risk of famine in gaza. and the i c j says now that but now famine is setting in. and that is why these provisional measures needed to be
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updated if you will, to taking the fact of the changes on the ground in guys just as justifying the modification of these measures. essentially what the i c j is saying is that things have gotten worse. and guys are particularly with, with a famine in gaza. and they're now calling out israel to put it into that and do whatever is real, can do to get a to people that need it. basically this is you could look at it almost as the i c j raising a red flag if you will, to the israelis say we're watching what's going on here's and some new provisional measures we expect you to abide by them. kenneth well is former executive director of human rights watch and visiting professor at princeton university. he says v i c j needed to order new measures to stop israel from obstructing aid. the weight, understand this is that, i mean,
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everybody looks at what's happening in gaza and sees the catastrophe on following. there's been, you know, one un report after the other about famine, widespread starvation, even increasing depths and the like. now, you know, israel says, oh, it's not all since everybody else has that all we, we want to why they did in fact and when everybody points out, is it history of obstructing a let's see in dribs and drabs to avoid mass death, but nothing, nothing near enough to avoid mass starvation, and it made its defensive argument before the court. and the court basically said, no, we don't believe you. and so it felt the need to issue this, the warning, it said it was not just a damaged image, samuel is setting units here for and we need new orders. the old orders are not enough. and so the way to understand this is really a complete repudiation of israel's efforts to buy and everybody by itself for the widespread starvation. but it's not fully given off given they, they didn't. uh, they, you know, the, the previous orders. i mean, what's to say that they will not ignore these orders mean,
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will there be any consequences that's, that's the question. the big question is really the only person in the world who can answer that question is joe biden, because there really are effectively 2 ways to enforce this or is binding. but that's an abstract legal question. so either the un security council could order course of measures to in the system compliance, but that would require that the us government not veto or the us government could use the very significant leverage that it has between the $3800000000.00 in annual military systems that again, the massive arms, they're all set up for us to continues to send things through it by more simply to say we're not gonna let those arms sales continue. we're not gonna let that military h to you unless you open up the borders and letting food and medical supplies. if you did that, the food and medical supplies would start coming in tomorrow on comes is like the us complicit in breaking international law by sending weapons to israel,
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which are being used against palestinians to make sure they don't get food. i would take it one step further and i much are saying in other is israel is const committing massive work, work, ais insurance industry and bombardment, work twice in terms of like tracking military targets with knowing disproportionate consequences, to civilians and work tribes in terms of blocking geometry and hey, the people who desperately need it, joe biden, in the us government, or aiding and abetting those work crimes by continuing to fund an arm. it's as simple as that area. i spoke to mr. photography, the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative policy assaulted by asking him if the new measures introduced by the i c. j would make a difference on the ground in gaza. it's unimportant, stepped and it should be followed actually by another. it is addition to
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enforce complete on to the secession of all the military activities by which means fund or the data from the international court of justice. demanding mediates he's fed and the language that they usually use which association of military activities or the old hosting elective it is. i think this is now very important to achieve. and the, i think this would have an impact at the many levels. but it is clear that is right and will not stop unless sanctions are imposed on is or unless punitive x out of taking the forces that are interested. nathaniel who wants to proceed with this type of the lord. and he is now even promising even a much bigger massacre. but that can grow from the reaction from the international community to the last i. c. j routing, which was back in january, was muted. in fact, the day off to the focus of many countries was on putting funding. asif unrra,
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are you disappointed in how the international community has reacted to the events garza or just way out of the supplement that specially by wisdom governance, and especially by the united states. which by the way, that i to even the mute, the most recent decision of the security council resolution by creating a debate about whether it is a blow. got somebody or not the got to the, i mean and, and this was not the part of the discussion. of course, i mean, a security council resolution obliges all members of the united nations to implement it or to respect it. united states is playing a game here and continues to support as it is. and of course the that has created the very dangerous moment that the international community, this particular aggression by is it or in this particular genocide that is an, is practicing on the fact that so many wisdom governments are providing for the protection pleasant in allowing it to continue is going to disturb the whole
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international order, but simply sends the message to the world that there is no more international law. we did finally see a very pause at the usc quoting for a ceasefire at does that give you hope so that that's something has changed just a little bit that the international community is now funding starting to wake up to what is have to get garza? yes, but it gives me hope really not these governments that have been so lazy and so much delay in the decisions you should, they should have made 5 months ago. but what gives me hope is the people of the world, the people who forced many governors to change their position, the public pressure that made canadian government suspend on stops supply and visited with military equipment. the same public professions that has taken place now in britain and france and europe everywhere in the world. and that public pressure, in my opinion, will lead now to wide range of sanctions and the punitive ext, i guess,
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acts against dessert sanctions. i'm boy good. this is what worked in the case of south africa and this is what would work in the case of was it, i look at what's happening there. they are having some sort of collapse indemnity. they are even unable to make decisions because the world is for them with their crimes. out is there a has obtained video showing the unprovoked killing of 2 palestinians in gaza. they were unarmed and waving white flags before where the soldiers open fire, then their bodies were bulldozed. is there any of them? he says it's investigating. tiny, my mood has moved from rough us. i'm just awarding his report does contain distressing images. or these an armed men are trying to return to their homes in northern garza. the only way to get there is a long the beats west of garza city. near them both around about south west of
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garza city is really forces are deployed a palestinian man approaches days, really, soldiers. he raises a wide flag, an international sign of surrender, and his regular troops allowing him to approach safely. meanwhile, the other young man turns back to where he came from. he appears to run back, raising a white flag. here the 1st man disappeared from the view in the forest. then his really soldier used name or almost vehicle to chase down the young man walking away from them. he waves a small white flag at them, but his white flag does not prevent the soldiers from opening fire in him at a close range. in his regular both, those are arrived on the scene and here we see the body of the 1st man on the ground in a final indignity the giant. both those are shovels, the 2 bodies and bears them in san a letter. these rarely soldiers attempted to conceal the execution. the whereabouts
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of the groove of palestinian witnesses is unknown. how mazda has cold days, really armies action. he is a crime and is a feeling today knighted nations and the international, the criminal court. to take urgent action to stop the systematic killing of the palestinian people. they say it is these fire agreement must include the right of palestinian to return to their home safely without being shot at by israeli troops . tiny, much more. how does your theater profile? so then gaza, i'll just there is, i'm the studies isn't ok. parties to respond with more on these riley response. this is not the 1st time, but an incident like this has happened and attacked. it smells the 1st time people waving white flags inside of gauze that had been shot and killed by these really military, most notably, it was when israel shot and killed 3 of their own captives were waving
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a white flag asking for help. after that in december, this prompted these really army chief of staff to say that these rarely army does not shoot people who are surrendering, whether they are is really or whether they are palestinians, if they are fighters or civilians. so this is in contrary, in contrast, really to what we have been hearing from these really armies. so it's really not known yet. if we are going to hear back from them, we will certainly be following up. but again, these really army often just absolves itself of any sort of playing. we've seen this and repeat of incidents back in december when his role was accused of executing 19 palestinians in northern gaza just around the months ago when his role said they killed on, on armed man in his seventies, who was dead. they had shot and killed him even though he was on armed an investigation from that we never heard back from. so this is a pattern among these really army and the 7 people have been killed and is really
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a raid on the residents north, a for alpha, several people injured in the attack including women and children. the victims were taken to all nadia hospitals, medical attention and started bombings, have increased and rossa raising fees among palestinians sheltering in the in the last refuge on the strip. the top general in the united states. as israel hasn't received every weapon, it's been asking for knots despite the button and miss administration's ongoing support for it. so i lot during the offensive on gone. so let's get more on this from real estate and jordan. hey joyce know i from washington dc. what more do we know about this? what has the general set as well, the comments came from air force general philip brown, who is the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. he was meeting with the defense print reporters and a regularly scheduled briefing here in washington. on thursday,
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he didn't specify exactly what it was. israel is requesting in terms of military equipment, but we do need to put this all into context. yes, the united states does provide some $3000000000.00 and direct military aid to israel. and that usually comes with the form of military equipment, guns and munition equipment to operate the, the iron dome, a missile defense system, other sorts of equipment. but she didn't specify exactly what equipment was being requested. now, the united states, selves military equipment to lots of countries, not just israel. and it looks at a number of factors, including whether the is the military in question can actually use the equipment, whether it's has trained staff or whether the us is going to have to pay to train them. will the equipment be easily integrated into the overall arsenal? of that country's military does the us believe that tried the equipment is at risk
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of being used for purposes that the us doesn't approve of. and that certainly is a reason why equipment requests can be turned down. and then there's another factor . all the things weapon sailed in general have to be negotiated with congress before the us government actually approves them and then sends back the negotiation to congress for a final sign off. there may have been people in congress who are objecting to whatever it is. israel is requesting so all of those factors together can basically frustrate a cup of foreign government if it wants a certain piece of equipment. and the united states says no, but ultimately this is the united states as military equipment. this is the us as defense of it's a military industrial complex as it were. uh and so it can. it has the ultimate, vito power on what equipment can or can't go to another country. again,
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we don't know exactly what it is. israel was asking for that child, general brown was alluding to but suffice it to say if there is a strong enough case that israel can make and if it can pass, congressional must or eventually as well, could get the equipment. but on the other hand, it may not, it really does depend on what all the factors are at a given moment in time. certainly the us is very sensitive to a criticisms of, of us provided military equipment being used in the war and garza. and so that might be one reason why there could be a slow roll on whether or not israel can get certain military equipment. okay, thank you for that rosalyn jordan that for us in washington, it's almost east and one of the busiest times for the old city, you know, keep party source than the one cause that has mentors have stayed away and his role is making it difficult for palestinians who wants to celebrate him on con,
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report smoky parties. just so this is the stuff in the land where christianity was born. israel's warrant garza has impacted this important christian holiday. very few of the faithful. your trouble from all over the world has arrived this year to visit the church of the young chapel and the whole city of occupied each jerusalem. by as the cock runs, this family still selling religious souvenirs. the shops open me, wipes away the dusts, ready for the day's trading. but he's not expecting to make any sales. he says the war is on everyone's minds. he's been here for 20 years and tells us the situation is fault was that he can remember, we've been feeling a lot more uncomfortable this time. because, you know, there's, there's a profile there. you know, if you're passing by any gate, whether it's domestic escaped, new gauge off the gate. if the police officer or the, you know, the soldier feels that to you or not is really your stopped your check. sometimes
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most of the time it's all very pleasant either. some of them are, you know, just straightforward. are you from that? me say somebody, some are a bit more violent. the economic impact is clear. most shops aren't even bothering to open the b on dollars and chuckles. there's another impact as well. rossi is a christian youth coordinator and says that is really sad, lives have made the old city and almost no goes on for christians. even before the war started, we so how was the settlers eh, attacking the church is the even even the summit through the christian cemeteries that were attacking any freeze or a new not new was but working inside jerusalem. even defendant guns who are cutting in the course and working the way of because they were a under attack by the, as writers that lives the patient is visible everywhere. but as well as taking the steps that they shift and effectively band an entire group of questions from
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celebrating the stuff in the old city. despite the lack of questions from all over the world who would normally be head during this period, that is a community that is desperate to visit this place. that's palestinians from the occupied westbank. but as. busy it is restricting the access during this time to come even to the old city. they actually want to come, but israel is allowing them both the eastern and western churches will celebrate easter at different times in the next few weeks. but one thing unites them, and that's the lack of people coming to pray. but despite that, each to is still a time for reflection and thoughts. and as well as we're on cause a, is it the forefront of that reflection and thoughts and wrong con? oh, to 0, the old city occupied east recently in the okay pod, westbank and government has opened fire on to bosses caring is really settlers. 3 people were wounded children and were reported to be among the bus passages near jericho and the jordan valley drive the forces have blocked roads and say,
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a non humps for the attack. it is on the way the palestinian authority has formed a new government expected to be sworn in on sunday. prime minister mohammed must, if i will also serve as foreign minister president my mood of bass appointed him this month. i suppose prayed, assess that resigned and february slicing the need for change. it for him has more . and this is the most important thing that palestinians are looking for when they talk about their leadership. is that their ability to support these really aggressions against palestinians. when we talk about the occupied with bank, we're talking about the de needs, the league. it is really supplements and that expansion. we're talking also about the arrests and the killings of palestinians, but palestinians have long lost hope. the beer government did leave the ship is able to really put those as really actions on hold or even taking israel and put
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thing is real accountable for what it's doing. and this is why if you ask people industries know if they know that a new government has been assigned by the palestinian president, many of them might not even know. and many of them would ask when we, we get paid. as we know, the palestinian authority's public employees have not been getting full salaries for years now. and that has put a cast shadows on the palestinian economy. basically, palestinians are we looking at the government as, let's say, a big minister policy. so there's little hope that this government could change on the street. it's indeed a new government with a lot of challenges when it comes to the situation on the ground, hit in the occupied with bank, but also in the besieged because this trip as well. we noticed in the list of ministers, 22 ministers in addition to the prime minister, 8 of those ministers are from the causes through 5 of them were living under the
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current is really aggression in war, on the palestinians. they are. so there is heavy impact of the war and gaza. still the challenges are huge. and there's, you know, a lot of the adults about what this government can do to create change as not, is there any strikes in southern lebanon are reported to have killed at least 9 people, including full sizes from the on the group. as paula, it's ally the i'll move and said it last 2, if it's members says bullet has repeatedly said that way and stop talking. israel until sees 5 begins in gaza. st. ahold of reports from china and 711 on un troops all trying to keep the peace. we are with italian soldiers. the 2nd largest contingent and the un peacekeeping force unit fil. their base in southern lebanon is a few kilometers from the border with israel. since the war on cause that began in october,
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the peacekeepers have been in the middle of an escalating conflict here. there's been daily exchanges of fire since the lebanese arm group has beloved opened a front line against is really forces to support palestinians. in garza, the unit phil uh, judy uh, continue and carry out. as usual, according with the 1701 resolution. what change it was our boss to death was the setup, accordance with a stability of the periods. un resolution 1701 was adopted. following the last war between israel and hezbollah and 2006, it task is gonna fill with helping living on to army. and the presence of arms groups such as has been locked up to 20 kilometers from israel as border. it never happened, and as well as males threatening a wider conflict until it does but 11 ounce government says, isabel must 1st stop violating lebanese sovereignty and withdrawal from disputed
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areas along the border. western diplomats have presented proposals to bring an end to the hostilities along the border, but they have said it is no longer enough to return to the relative calm and stability that prevailed before october. that's what involves a political process based on the full implementation of un resolution, 1701 that should involve a beast of presence of leaven onto army in the south, which is not involved in this conflict. official say the army faces financial and logistical challenges to carry out its tasks. but there's also a lack of political will to western powers are proposing to help strength and the army so that it can deploy in numbers and serve as a buffer force to restore stability, no one else. so 70, no one in terms of support of the liberties army is ongoing. that's a long process. and that's what the international community is trying to do to bring more liber nissan and to the south of lebanon. first, there needs to be
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a supplement to this conflict. but has the law is refusing to come to the negotiating table as long as the war on gaza continues center for their address either southern left and on a palestinian children besieged and gauze. i have come out to fly the kites in the southern city of rafa. it's been organized as a show of resilience and peace, but also to give them a brief respite from the devastation of full capitalism reports. hundreds of palestinian children came here today to fly that kites into the sky of the receipts in place. this event is organized by the american friends service committee, which a to lead the age of the psychological pressure being a into with by palestinian children since the beginning of this conflict in october . and also they want to show the message, the display spouse, the children who desperately in a very desperate need for relief. here in the parent 3, i the i had the mother and i mean,
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we are just trying to have some fun because the current situation is tragic. children are tired, they're feeling lonely. so we need these type of events to entertain the children and make sure they are happy to do the. they only find fun in slicing carts, which supplies the majority of freedom and peace. the, i'm only here right now in order to state from the grim of the street where palestinians, children, here inside the goal is a step, had been killed an hourly basis. the only wish that they could return back to the house was full. and even old with days until it peacefully, like the kinds of parts around the globe. dark up a zoom out just a rough, rough southern gauze. still ahead on the algae. is there a we report some of townsend towns himself gone on. we'll see you and says is the world's largest displacement to use. i'll solve all your states correct down on criminal gags more. some see, the country is running at attending twice the
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had a lot of that was not down on the in australia and good news has arrived to central areas. the skies have cleared for the likes of alice springs off to the which is 3 days in about 3 decades, but we still got some very heavy rain boring is essential areas of w, a. some storms brewing across queens and pulling down into new south wales. now, with his, our ready running very high, so we've got some flood watches and warnings out here. but the for the south, we go with a y or it is, and the hotter it is as well. post continues to see the temperature rise over the weekend friday in to sack today. and it's a similar story for the se will be touching into the early thirty's for adelaide with the crew to feel on monday. and some cloudy conditions,
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no cloudy conditions have been still in the show for the sol fine and in new zealand, it has been a lot cooler and quite strict to this being recently, but there will be some recovery to the temperature that on saturday fly or in the south, much west, so across the eastern areas in the north and the weather will continue to pour into western parts of indonesia. but one also sees some pretty 5th from the storms pop off across pots of indo china and very what outlook friday into saturday for loud and southern parts of cambodia on the, in the bigger global that i couldn't yet in history. the world's biggest democracy off its own epic showdown. join me screen of asking jan on a new ballpark cd, focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming dropped, of the freedoms in india and the future of india and back to an independent media
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being the other for fox, we all know is, is either amazing, gaza facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis, solidarity is the strongest defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella. you'll see showing this probably test gave see now tonight today the the the
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you're watching out is there a mind the thoughts of the stories is our policy and in health ministry says $27.00 children in gauze i have died of severe non nutrition this month. the 5 year old boy in the north strep was the licensed victim, and certainly forces have been accused of using salvation as of western. united nations top cause has ordered as well to ensure on hand and food aids deliveries to the sea sconces trip over a 1000000 people that are facing catastrophic food and security agencies are wanting of immune and firemen. only 7 people have been killed and is really a raid on the residence process. several people were injured including women and children. victims were taken to all natural hospital, some medical attention. a bus has plunged off the bridge in south africa, killing 45 of the 46 people on board. the vehicle fell into
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a ravine on coat fine and the northern province of limpopo, some bodies were bent beyond recognition. nearly survive, it was an ac. we'll go. transport ministry is promising a thorough investigation into the accident we're calling cv is the spokes person for the department of transport in south africa. he joins us over the phone now from pretoria. many thanks for joining us on the program called in. i want to stop by asking about this 80 go who i believe has been the only survivor. do you know how, how she's doing? how is she? sorry, a good, good evening and thanks for having us. go down to the details we. we do not have the, the update as yet in terms of how she is doing. but tomorrow morning. that's one of the things that we plan to do. uh, we know that our out of tennessee, which is the road traffic management corporation, is on the ceiling and did fine to do the investigation day. so we will be having
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some reports coming in uh in the morning tomorrow morning. so we should be able to, to look at the details and miss them. see, be what else can you tell us about the other victims? i believe they were traveling from a books wanna into south africa. yes, indeed. during this time of the yeah, these is quite a as huge x. it goes to the maureen, which is one of the biggest churches in south africa that cc so they were going to attend the, the, the, the as part of the pilgrimage. so that's where basically the we would normally on the pace is unfortunately some of these accidents do happen, but this has really been quite a shock for us. it's quite a huge number of people that have lost their lives done so. so it's like it's quite a tragic floss of the country. so you say uh accidents have happened previously. uh,
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what is your understanding of why this particular accident occurred? i mean, do you have any details the tool that could lead you to announce the, as well, in terms of the preliminary investigation, it seems that the drive of the boss lost control of the, of, of the bus and that space. it could lead to this, there wasn't any head done coordination or anything like that. so it's, it's basically less control. so we, we do not want to speak with dates and, and then in terms of what exactly what the drive, but speeding or anything like that. countries saying that the investigation is going to assist us to come to the conclusion as to what exactly is the cause of this particular accident. a new check. can you tell us a bit about the sort of the rescue operation i believe that was quite challenging given that the bus fell into a ravine, unquote fire a yes, that was a quite a, a difficult task because you can imagine and they, they defy, chose to get to that,
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it took some time so it was quite difficult full of it for the rescue mission. even the people who were there, they couldn't do much honestly, to try and rescue some of the people there. so they went by the time that rescued it came, came, it was illegal, be 2 dates, unfortunately. and hence you have the 45 people who have lost their lives and these one seriously injured. and we hope that the peasant does that a because in hospitals and so, so it's always, quite a, quite a huge thing. i mean, you can imagine last year we last about 225 people who are joining this is the weekend. so right now we sitting at this $45.00, just one and the crush. so you can read it. you can just imagine how appropriate my take this issue is of old safety in the country. so we try and push the message and as far as the, the rows of the road is concerned. but at the end of the day it is about the,
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the road use up behavior. if it doesn't change, we will continue to have such problems that we, we, we continue to have currently. okay. calling. i appreciate you speaking to us and i'll just, they're calling the c b space person for the department of transport and south africa. thank you. thank you. thank you so much. you know, as a nation, says the john's war has caused the world's largest displacement crisis, millions of people up and forth from the homes and all facing acute food shortages . mock and web reports from south to dollars board a town frank. every morning selma adam sends her granddaughter to maya to try and sell some of the few remaining items of clothing around many buyers in this transit camp in south see don pulled in half a 1000000 people have arrived here in the last year. things to don civil war. most everyone struggling to get by the sale means to my assignment. even today
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they said fine thing and see times capital call 2 months ago to my father died soon after arriving here and left selma to look off to her grandchildren. the money to use it, and i got a phone kinda used to it is the con i often we arrive to, we took my son to the hospital. he'd been ill for months without any treatment. and he became, was on the journey of to 5 days in the hospital. he died, i was told to come here and register selma and her family a waiting in the transit camp for un transport to a remote loan to rescue g settlement rather of people from our community team to originally from the new, the mountains in see time. so that the so cost to move in 20 years ago when the government from civilians for the money from the sale buys amiga meal 6 months ago, there was no market here. many of the traders themselves have to flee the fighting,
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and they set up stands to sell food to the growing population of displaced people. the everything here is from seat on the onions a grown, the lentils rice old, transported here. and because of the war, the price is just keep going out to shows you the town is ranking to know well connected to the rest of south sea time. don't keep costs spring goods from the buddha will. the possessions of those on the run un gives new arrivals. money for 7 days, food, off the top. they meant to go to the long term settlements for other communities, but many doesn't want to. so the transit come keeps growing. and people do whatever they can to get by roughly moss, as she saw children killed people, right when she fled to don. fishy, depends on the sony scrub me. the cabinets as a 5 this, if you, this is actually harming my body, cutting my hands and arms. if we were not selling firewood,
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we would not survive. it's the war that forced us here. we've been told not to stay in this transit camp and to go to the refugee settlement, but we don't want to go there. we want to stay near the border. so we ready to go back to down civil war has forced more than 8000000 people from that homes more afflicting every day. last month and the family hoping for the best of times, picking phones out of their hands every day as they wait. malcolm web. ouch is era rank south seat on or we can universalize menissi genta has extended special measures to combat alms groups by another year it'd be down the circle general mobilization last year with the goal of recapturing 40 percent. the country's territory, old and 2000000 people have been displaced and burkina faso following attacks by rebels form a crypt to a car and see till i can. sam, buckman fried,
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has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. his role in what's being described is one of the largest financial fords in history. a $32.00 jo was found guilty of to forwarding customers out of billions of dollars is the founder of the f t x. crypto exchange is convicted on all counts of to month long trial. in november, christmas, today we have moved from new york a, wearing a prison uniform and facing the possibility. he could spend the rest of his life behind bars, sam, bagman fried knowledge. she made a series of bad decisions and apologized for letting his colleagues down the 32 year old former billionaire, better known by his initials, s b f. started his crypto currency exchange f t x with college funds and appeared and ads with celebrities promoting crypto currencies as safe to act as the safest and easiest way to buy and sell. crypto is the best way to get in the game. but he
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went on to steal $8000000000.00 from f t x to cover losses. that is, hedge fund, leading to the exchanges collapse in 2022 and his own fall from grace. judge louis kaplan sentenced him to 25 years, saying he knew it was wrong. he knew it was criminal. he regrets he made a very bad bet about the likelihood of getting caught. but he is not going to admit a thing. as his right, prosecutors had called for an even longer sentence reading from the more than $200.00 letters of former f t x customers all around the world who lost money. in some cases, their life savings. i run a clay his conviction and the collaborative f t x pointed out the need for some kind of framework because, you know, if this was a regulated entity, there would be ordered financials, there would be transparency to government regulators. there would be regular examinations by government regulators and exam staff that would've uncovered the
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kinds of issues and the kinds of misappropriation that bank when fried was convicted of reed's mother and father attended the proceedings. they said nothing inside or outside the court, but in a letter to the judge pleaded for leniency based on their son's autism, which his mother feared would make him vulnerable to abuse. i genuinely fear for sam's life and the typical present environment. barber freed, wrote in settling on a 25 year sentence, the judge express concern that sam, bank and fried, could commit more crimes is not faced with a substantial punishment for his actions. but he also seemed to have knowledge of the concerns of his family and recommending that he held in a prison close to them in california for some solely out 0 new york. or the i spoke to scenario cause worries an f t x credit to active us some bank and fried stow millions of dollars from him. however, he says that those who facilitated the food should be brought to justice to i think
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it's relatively fat. if i'm 50 ok the sites and bit more co conspirators in the actual at the export. um. so i do believe all the ages and advances facilitate to help f t x close to this level and i think they should also be convicted and tried. i think the charge, the judges comments were bad because as i said in my speech, i started to sing today. i, i a p, x victims, customers have been suffering ongoing stuff. wait for loss. you have in a hall for mental health issues. the question um i know customers who have lost their families have lost the amount of 2 years have less than homes if they've even um, they're paying this. um,
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i some i've heard of that we've been committed suicide. at least we have committed suicide. so when he put it in perspective, and i think that all the enabled as of the sports should definitely be convicted and held accountable for the for i do take lists on investments. but in terms of security on the exchange that i use, i'm pretty risk above and quite yet quite cautious. so the reason why it was attracted to at the ex originally was i believe i've heard of it in july 2021. when they raised about $900000000.00 on the the d. c. such as the coil power gone, you know, to koya as like $85000000000.00 a u. n. a. and a huge list like pull chips, jones, or thomas ball, but they start kicked on raising funds from the biggest investors in the world into the tennessee. so i thought okay,
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out of old clicked to exchange is f t x is the most vacancy compliance has the is the, has the most transparency. it's got the largest vcs back in, get it. so i thought it was the best, most safest exchange to use. it's 2 years since a state of emergency was imposed in el salvador to crack down on long running gun violence. some see the policy that as a success with tens of thousands locked up and crime reduced the critics, the innocent people have also been arrested on the seemingly never ending emergency is turning the can country into a police state manual part of reports from the capital. some, salvador police incense of other enforcing a state of emergency a policy that grant security forces unprecedented authority and resources to fight criminal games.
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the crackdown is the cornerstone of the countries of the security strategy. gnostic who fund the, you know that this phenomenon is born of one to port a gang member, which in 30 years become 75000 game members. it's because of this responsibility that the state of exception under the leadership of president. now you book kelly well and only until every member of this terrorist organization is captured. though controversial, the state of emergency is seen as a success and popular with many salvadorans. today, el salvador has the lowest homicide rate in the western hemisphere. a fact that help salvador and president now you get a when a landslide re election victory, the price of peace, critics say, has been thousands of arbitrary arrests,
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indefinite detentions, and torture. even residents of neighborhoods that have been pacified like aesop ins gonzalez say that while she no longer worries over games, there's now a different kind of concern that it got. so that's why i last monday. yes, they've captured gang members, but not only gang members. they've taken away innocent people to and i don't agree with that. but even the word of god says the righteous will pay for the sinners experts of war and that the ongoing state of emergency is not sustainable. and that it's transforming the country into a police state. security officials here in el salvador, tell us that while the gang presence in neighborhoods like this one has all but been eliminated, regular patrols which include searching people's homes and searching people themselves will continue to be a vital element in the broader security strategy. the only problem is
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as a short term emergency measure in instead of other words, the exception certainly appears to have become the rule. amendments that up a little alger 0 sense out about still has on al jazeera, it's like years pension is have to make their voices heard in the upcoming local elections as they struggle to cope with pricing information on we take a look at how cute was limping focusing on seeing this pricing back against prices to make it so this is games and the
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price rises in the shops in tech, a affecting everyone, especially pension has been struggling to make ends meet despite the government increasing state pensions 3 times package versus will go to the polls and municipal elections on sunday with the economy being a key issue. so then, because you only reports from the capital, incorrect, this farmer's market in the district of poor sutler in colorado is popular with retiring. 6, the 3 year old son in law is a widow and a mother of 3. and as having to choose what she buys carefully, s price of sor, across the country. she says, as a retired with children trying to make ends meet is proving to difficult. and that's the support the government having increased pension since a general election last year on us to somebody is in the if the president gives us one race, then the price is double. he might as well shut down the markets. tune them up,
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i have to been good on this days that i've collected from building sites no matter how cold it might get during the day. i stay wrapped up in a blanket all the time. and in the evening when my sons come, turn on the stove, they make sure it turned off before we go to sleep. i'll tell you. truth use latest economic problems are disproportionately affecting retirees occurs. the crisis and soaring inflation have drastic. the lowered seniors purchasing power, the government is trying to improve their living standards. the government has increased pensions 3 times this year and overall annual rise of 33 percent, but that's still far below inflation. that is estimated to be a 6 to 7 percent. as of february of this year, who was a special police force officer for more than 30 years and as mile retired, while showing us the old photos of himself in uniform. the father of 3 says he's always economized and is liked it with his life. before we commit you to tell us
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that i served under several governments and i've never been concerned about salary or whether i can make ends meet of manage somehow. i've never had issues. of course, some people are working for very low salaries, but usually more than one person works in households that i know of. but people spend money needlessly to, to has just over 16000000 retirements under a new pin to law, allowing people to retire early. that number is expected to rise to 20000000 before 2013. as the country's largest social group pensioners are target motors and local elections. this march for both the ruling party and the opposition. despite the resort showing most on loyal voters of president project type ad on the election results will indicate whether that's changed. see non castillo al jazeera, on part of the low. a house phone says parliament has passed a resolution condemning the killing of algeria and protest as by police. in 1961.
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money is 200 people killed in a crackdown on demonstrators supporting algerian independence officers through many of the bodies into the rivers saying the resolution is the latest in the series of buffets by friends to come to terms with its colonial cost. in algeria, the former prime minister of fiji frank, but in the menorah has been found guilty of possessing the course of justice, the magistrate say he will not be going to prison on medical grounds for my mother . she commanded to ed position was found guilty of crushing a police investigation into alleged corruption as a university the powers olympics are less than 4 months away. um, as usual cube is, main metal hopes will be lying with the boxes. the team has been hit by the countries was economic crisis in 30 years. as david stokes reports this booking jimmy and havana,
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the hard work is while on the way to these olympic hype photos, julio sees on a cruise knows what it takes to succeed. he's already $12.00 gold medals in rio in tokyo and he'll be going from number 3 in paris late to this year of the original. busy for meal, i have a commitment with myself, with the cuban people, the denigration my mother and my family to in another olympics title. that's why i'm here preparing myself, because every middle is built from the bottom up until it is a chief and the cheapest boxing heritage is strong. having 141 olympic gold medals in the ring overall. but several athletes of less the country and with an economic crisis which is coast power blackouts and food shortages among them. is it let me pick lightweight champion and the cruise, between professional and 2023 the
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i meant it was a noble. currently we don't have all the potential that we would have liked. yeah, because some of our best guys and middle hopes have gone. but we're working with a group of young athletes who are pushing very hard lazara alvarez, nickname the prince, one bronze at the last 3 olympics, but still hasn't secured his place at parish 2024. he'll have one more chance to punch his ticket in may. at the final qualifying event in thailand, it seems to be the web of ships that the cuban prince of boxing is preparing to go after the 4th olympic metal. and we hope that the sacrifice we are making now and training can make it happen. the cheapest flights is a little heads of everything. pick, training by sync has extended next month and a set to arrive in friends at the start of july, the 120 days to go until the games begin. savings folks out there. okay, that's it may not inside for this new job carry those that will be here in just
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a moment. much move the days as the well plunged into a climate disaster. we are in planetary class. this year, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and needs to people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth because rising for as nothing in nature, growth, griffin, dying us coming soon hard, he came in to be used as the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular, i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if
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this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era. these people are practicing skills needed to save lives in the heat of battle. they are roughly divided equally between men and women. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right to cycle logical motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man as a dentist. again, a has registered for possible military service if needed, or look at my toll and someone will be hit as a person with a medical background, i have to know what to do is ukraine begins the 3rd year of his full scale war. there was a growing awareness of the need for moment lindsey purse, and now i do believe women have a high value in the army and for some positions they're more suitable even according to my milk a month. so there is a place for each woman, but i understand also that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family. but as to when it runs on, it's
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a decision. increasing numbers of women may be called on to make the the wells top court orders. israel to urgency, allow delivery of food a. didn't to garza as more palestinian children die from mountain nutrition, the carry johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from the whole. so coming up an 8 year old girl is the sole survive that often bus plunges into a ravine in south africa. i'm kidding. 45 people. the reports going to transits.


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