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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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in palestine together, we are changing the world. one halts, that's time. there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media, on how to 0. government shut off access to social media, the . the, you're watching the news, our live from headquarters in del. i'm 30 and navigate that. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. as another child dies of malnutrition. in gaza. the world's top court orders israel to take action to allow food aid into the stress shawn beds while waving white flags. and then both those video attains by alpha 0 shows is really forces killing on arms, palestinians. in garza one time crypto billionaire,
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sand banks when free to sentence the 25 years in prison over the collapse of s t s . and 2 years after el salvador launch is cracked down on criminal games. there are fears the country is turning into a police state just full super bowl champ teams, the kansas city chiefs of boys to strengthen their roster with an international rugby play at lewis tree summit sense of joined a franchise on friday after switching sports at the start of the, the welcome to the news our, the u. n. stop court has ordered israel to ensure an injured food, a deliveries to the besieged gaza strip. now this comes as food shortages caused by israel's blockade on a trucks or leaving more palestinian starving and malnourished children across the strip or suffering a painful and slow death. a 5 year old boy is the latest victim,
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victoria gate and b begins. are coverage of the may say to body a 5 year old mohammed l new job. he was brought to come all at one hospital, the northern garza suffering from severe mound nutrition doctors that couldn't save him because he's the latest victim of food shortages caused by israel's restrictions on a trucks in to the strip. at another hospital in northern garza health work and say that seeing many and since every day to underweight for their age under appealing for desperately needed supplies, especially in intensive k units. and then let's talk about the pot again. so we receive this case about an hour ago, a mama pushing case we've become used to receiving cases like this every day. this child is generally suffering from malnutrition because of the lack of nutrients you can see her age doesn't match her weight dope does visiting cause that from a broad say they'd witness catastrophic scenes in hospitals as
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a result of israel's bombardment located tanya. hatch assigned is a pediatric intensive, had talked to from jude and our team has been doing this for 5 days. were exhausted . i can't imagine what the been here for a 162 days. doing this. $24763.00 days without resources is dealing. you asked me whether they have the resources to deal with these cases. no. the team is being on a 2 week visit to central garza to see 1st hand how the ruined health care system is coping only around 12 it's hospitals or even partially functioning. the rest of run out of fuel of medicine or being damaged by fighting and his rating rates. those laughter under intense pressure. this hospital has 800 patients during the a 160 beds seriously ellen and you people are forced to lie and call reduce. a few members of staff less to working around the clock while often typing with that room grease toilet was to be at diamond. which of these medical teams are working hard
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and most of them have lost their children, their wives or their parents. but despite this, they're carrying on what's there weren't codley, this shows the psychological pressure they're facing. 6 outbreaks of disease along with mel nutrition to compound into problems facing medics and gaza. increasing numbers of the sick and dingy need medical help. these doctors have dwindling resources to treat them. victoria gates and b i, which is there. so that's what's happening on the ground and gaza will get more now on that you and court order, which is telling israel to ensure the basic food supplies are allowed into the strip in a moment, will speak to him. the son who attends us. joining us from occupied east jerusalem, but 1st let's spring and gabriel is on there who's joining us from the united nations in new york and following the story out of the when gabriel. so are these new measures and what are they calling for? for the i c j, unexpectedly,
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i should say we didn't get any warning that this was going to be released. they are 3 new provisional measures. the 1st one is just reaffirming the initial 6 provisional measures from late january not too significant. they're the 2nd provisional measures, the one i really want to hone in on here, because it is the one that is the most relevant. it essentially deals with trying to prevent further famine isn't guys it. and it has 2 parts. the 1st part of this news provisional measure is calling on israel to allow un hender of humanitarian access into the gaza strip everything from food, water, clothing, shelter among other things. and also says, calls on israel to ink. you can increase the number of land border crossings so that it can get in and keep those border crossings open for as long as necessary. i should note that all 16 just justices of the i c j voted unanimously for this new
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provision. and as part of that, it also calls on these really military to hold any military action that could prevent the movement of that humanitarian aid. so that's the 2nd new provisional recommendation or provisional measure, i should say by the i c j. the 3rd one is just that, uh, the i c j's calling on israel to report back in a month, which would be april 28th with uh, what they have done to implement these new measures. so gabriel, are we getting a sense then whether these measures are being issued because the i to i c j believes that israel simply didn't comply with the 1st set of measures. or we don't know how the i c j did not specify that, but that could certainly potentially be something that would be a logical conclusion from this. what i can tell you is what the i c j said in the
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1st page of their report. they said that these new provisional measures are meant because of a change in the situation on the ground in gaza. they said when they issued their provisional measures of january 26th, at that point there was only a risk of famine in gaza. and the i c j says now that but now famine is sitting in and that is why these provisional measures needed to be updated if you will, to take in the fact of the changes on the ground in guys just as justifying the modification of these measures. essentially what the i c j is saying is that things have gotten worse and guys have particularly with, with a famine in gaza and they're now calling out is real, to put it into that and do whatever is real, can do to get a to people that need it basically this is you could look at it almost as the i c j
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raising a red flag if you will, to the israelis say we're watching what's going on here's and some new provisional measures we expect you to abide by them. okay, thank you. gabriel. gabriel is on the reporting for us from the united nations. now we'll find out whether there's been any reaction from is really officials and speak to honda. sancho joining us from occupied is the rest of them come down. uh, what are you hearing about this? well there's no, is there really reaction this evening on these new measures given by the international court of justice? but remember, 2 months ago, back in january, how these really had responded to the verdict by the i c j about the genocide case in gonzo. at 1st, these really prime minister had instructed his cabinet not to respond at all, not to make any public comments even though somebody did speak out, slamming the ruling. additionally, these really prime minister himself had spoken later that day,
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also back in january nearly 2 months ago. now saying that the decision was both outrages and a disgrace on the issue of humanitarian aid and us and you all who has maintained that israel is allowing the minimum amount of a necessary in order to prevent a dire humanitarian catastrophe. but over the last 6 months, we have been seeing that disaster and catastrophe unfold right before our eyes with more than 32000 palestinians killed nearly 75000 others who been injured not to mention the thousands who are missing under the rumble. and now the millions that are facing famines, so these relays have maintained that they are following international law. and anyone that says otherwise is simply lying. however, that has also been disproven several times as israel housman accused of violating international law. not just in this war, but in previous wars as well. so at this point, no reaction from these really is, but based on that, how they have been commenting about verdicts and rulings coming out of the i c,
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j. you can expect that the reaction will be quite negative. ok, homes us. thank you so much for that update from occupied east through so then let's not speak to her some well her, some is from gaza. he visited, i saw that in the south regularly, but for some a speaking to us from didn't but off today and that's in central gaza. welcome to alta 0. we appreciate your time and talk to us about what you're seeing, where you are in dated by law and what the situation is like there in terms of the humanitarian catastrophe, has been described to us by many. it will honestly, i don't know from where should i start because every single aspect has endless amounts of suffering. like starting when i walk in the street of the street are crowded with so thousands and thousands of people. they all shared the same thing. the face that is bail and yellow that's really has seen more than
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enough photos and pain and suffering for more than enough 10000 years. let's say uh for the 1st $173.00 days. and nothing has changed to the bitter every day. things have been uh, going from worse to worse uh more losses, more pain, more killing is happening as well as determine that is already started. let's say the entire population of cut his trip has been, uh, going through uh, 4 stuff, fanning observation for multiple months now. uh, sort of a with the food point like say uh the majority has any that'll gotten into the gaza strip and where you are indebted but not from what you've seen over the past couple of weeks at least. and i can say that there are no aids coming. there are aids coming, but they are definitely not enough to limit or to fight or stop the finding that
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has already started a spread among the people of the aides are coming to goes all are not enough. are totally not enough. their trucks back and going be off closing folder, waiting to supposedly enter goza. i've seen these trucks. i went to it off at crossing border with my brother and with my colleague, and i've seen a lot of the things there. a lot of them are both uh for training purposes and a lot of them are age. now for the age, we really are received anything because for myself, i'm one of the luckiest people on the planet if that i still live in my house. but of course i don't have electricity or uh, internet connection up my house due to the war. i know i'm sitting in one of my friends house that has sold out of the panels and good, good internet connection. uh, speaking for the aids. uh, unfortunately we really receive them and uh, with the, with our house being full with displeased people from all relatives. it's quite
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tough because one foot bar. so let's say is not enough for a single family rather than multiple families. right? that's one point. the 2nd point, we are still buying these aids from the trooper markets with an extremely over prices on in because the english for emissions everywhere. this also bring us brings us to one other point that there are no good uh, income for the majority of people getting closer. because i looked with them where uh farmers, a lot of them used to work in and you oldest and factories. but all of that has stopped since to pick this up, and the few people are having some sort of money right now or either trying to evacuate goza for a big keyless amount. and also people are, are stuck between this or evacuating goals aren't leaving everything you have or paying everything that you have in order to get out to safety in egypt. and you
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mentioned that you knew, or do you see it? you go to odessa, just tell us about how people and jeff in particular are coping because of, of course, we know that there are more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians for a sheltering and drops off. and how worried or people over this direct off of ground invasion by the is released. i will, i can't say that people are coping because honestly they have no other option but to stay where they are. a lot of them has been displayed multiple and multiple on multiple times. we're talking about $8.00 to $10.00 times. my friend has been displaced. 14 times. you went from one or 2 as a to another place and my husband and you went all the way through all these 3 keys and goes chip until he talk. quoting his words, i don't want to be displaced anymore and they're going to invade drop off. they've been killing me. i'm done with that. a lot of people share him as words, let's say,
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does. there are no other place to go. is it the 1st land or cell sign a or to go to the middle area or did it by or in the fight all waiting for the new patient around, invade them? know, same thing or worse, let's say happens and all of us because uh the extreme, the book, a densely populated place causes. um, lets say all sorts of problems starting with the roof. i already does not have the good infrastructure to deal with the, with its population before the war. now, with our continuing chord happening, the interest structure is completely destroyed. when you're walking in the streets, you're literally working among swamps of human waste, right? working through swamps of strength disorder told her that also contaminates the people of the environment and everything that comes in touch with us,
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including the people of course. but we go back to the point that we don't have any other option but to stop the door. oh awesome. well, thank you. we thank you on that. no it's, we'll have to leave it there, but we thank you so much for sharing your perspective for with us from i did about off in central garza, thank you. you know, all the 0 has obtained video, so in the unprovoked killing of 2 palestinians in gaza. so they were an armed and waving white flags before as when the soldiers opened fire, then their bodies were bulldozed. it's really our me says that it's investigating honey which has more from what i saw just the warning is report contains some distressing images. these an armed men are trying to return to their homes in northern gauze. the only way to get there is a long the beats west of gauze, a city near the num both around about south west of garza city is really forces are deployed a palestinian man approaches these really soldiers. he raises a wide flag,
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an international sign of surrender, and his regular troops allowing him to approach safely. meanwhile, the other young man turns back to where he came from. he appears to run back, raising a white flag. here the 1st man disappeared from the view in the forty's. then his really soldier used name or our motor vehicle to chase down the young man walking away from them. he waves is a small white flag at them, but his white flag does not prevent the soldiers from opening fire in him at close range and is really bold. those are arrived on the scene, and here we see the body of the 1st man on the ground. you know, finally in dignity, the giant, both those are shovels, the 2 bodies and berries, them in san a letter. these really soldiers attempted to conceal the execution. the whereabouts
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of the groove of palestinian witnesses is unknown. how mazda has cold days, really armies action. he is a crime and is a feeling today knighted nation and the international, the criminal court. to take urgent action to stop the systematic killing of the palestinian people. as they say, it is, these fire agreement must include the right of palestinians to return to their home safely without being shot at by israeli troops. hunting mcmullin via the rough uh, southern garza in the occupied west bank of gunman has opened fire on 2 buses carrying is released settlers. 3 people were wounded. children who are reported to be among the bus passengers near jericho in the jordan valley is really forces have blocked roads and say a man hunts for the attack or is under way. the palestinian authority has formed a new government is expected to be sworn in on sunday prime minister and how much
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more stuff i will also serve. as for administer, presidents must move on bass. a pointed him this month. most the 1st pre assessor resigned in february, citing the need for a change in that, but i am has more details from what i'm a lot in the occupied westbank is the most important thing that palestinians are looking for when they talk about their leadership is that their ability to stop these really aggressions against palestinians. when we talk about the occupied with bank, we're talking about the de needs, the league. it is really supplements and that expansion. we're talking also about the arrests and the killings of palestinians, but palestinians have long lost hope. the beer government, the deadly, the ship is able to really put those as really actions on hold or even taking israel and put thing is real accountable for what it's doing. and this is why if you ask people industries, now if they know that a new government has been assigned by the palestinian president,
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many of them might not even know. and many of them would ask when we, we get page. as we know, the palestinian authority's public employees have not been getting full salaries for years now. and that has put a cast shadows on the palestinian economy. basically, palestinians are we looking at the government as, let's say, a big minister policy. so there's little hope that this government could change on the street. it's indeed a new government with a lot of challenges when it comes to the situation on the ground heated the occupied with bank, but also in the besieged. because this trip as well. we noticed in the list of ministers, 22 ministers in addition to the prime minister, 8 of those ministers are from the causes through 5 of them were living under the current is really aggression in war, on the palestinians. they are. so there is a heavy impact of the war and gaza. still the challenges are huge. and there's, you know, a lot of the adults about what this government can do to create change funds from
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our head on the else. is there a news our including we report from its friends accounts and selves to dawn on what the u. n says is the world's largest displacements crisis in sports. we look at how to post the lim, think box syncing is fighting back against economic crisis. so make it so this year's power escape the but 1st, the former crypto currency tycoon, some bank and fried, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for his role in what's been described as one of the largest financial frauds in history. the 32 year old was found guilty of defrauding customers out of billions of dollars as the founder of the s t x crypto exchange. he was convicted all accounts after a month long trial in november. christmas salumi is joining us from new york. so
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christian, i mean the sentence he received just the less than what the prosecutors had been asking for. but any reaction to the sentencing as well, i have to say sitting in the court room listening to the judge speak and respond to the arguments made by both the prosecution and the defense. the outcome was very surprising. prosecutors did ask for 40 to 50 years. he could have received up to a 110 years in prison under sentencing guidelines. and the judge pointed out throughout the proceedings that sam bagman freed during the uh, the trial perjured himself. he just caught and lives 3 times in the run up to the trial. he was texting with co conspirators. what amounts to witness tampering? he talked about the scope of the loss is $8000000000.00 in customer funds. were looted to pay off bills that is hedge fund and he rejected the defense
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his argument. the defense had argued that only about 6 and a half years sentence was needed for sam bagman free because ultimately the customers would get their money back in bankruptcy proceedings to judge very much rejected that. he said that he wanted to be sure that sam bagman freed when he got out of prison would not offend again. so he settled on this 25 year sentence and he seemed to take into account the fact that sand bagman freed never intended to steal from customers. he was trying to stop the losses at his companies and also his parents concerns that as someone who suffers from autism, he's neuro divergent. he's someone who has a hard time relating to people in social environments. and his mom expressed concern that i'm going to present for him would be life threatening because of
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his inability to interact with people. again, settling on the 25 year sentence. all right, thank you so much christmas, allowing me reporting from new york is now in the us. divers, have recovered the bodies of 2 workers. went missing when the baltimore bridge collapsed, for others disappeared. when the container ship hit the bridge on tuesday, investigators have questioned the crew and are now examining the ship's data recorder. but the report could take 2 years to complete. we have with us and be seen as correspondent jacob ray, who's joining us from baltimore. so j, what are investigator saying? yeah, all right, and let's start with that investigation on the ship. the 2nd day that into us, the investigators have been on board. they are, we are told interviewing crew members again today. they're 21 crew members on the ship. most of them from india and they're staying on the ship, they're staying in their quarters. i've been sense of the crush and said to be cooperating fully. so they hoped to get some information about what conditions were
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like a, just a head of and then during impact with that bridge, they are analyzing the voice data recorder and hope to pull important information there. but they're also spending, we are told a lot of time inside the engine room, you may remember that the ship was bellowing black smoke from its stack and had lost power and propulsion just before the collision with the bridge. so they're trying to figure out exactly what's happened there and, and how all of that transpired leading up to the crash. we know that they plan to spend as much time as they can, gathering what they called perishable evidence before they release this scene. let's move to recovery, as you talked about 2 of what's believed to be 6 victims missing sense, but collapse were found yesterday by divers. those divers now have been pulled from the water. the conditions are just too dangerous with the debris. that is there.
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they feel like they've gone over every area that they can, that's safe to, to look through. they found these 2 victims, they believe the other 4 and they're using stolen or maybe inside vehicles like these 2 victims were and that those vehicles may be inside that debris wrapped up with all of that debris. and so they believe they'll be located once the salvage effort begins with during that can happen until investigators released the site. yeah. got it. okay, j. thank you for that. updates from baltimore, as well as 3 years since the state of emergency was imposed in el salvador to crack down on long running gang violence. and some see the policy as a success with tens of thousands locks up and crime reduced. but critics, a innocent people have also been arrested and the seemingly never ending emergency is turning the country into a police states. manuel, rap hello reports in the capital san salvador police
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incense of the enforcing. a state of emergency a policy that grants security forces unprecedented authority and resources to fight criminal games. the crackdown is the cornerstone of the countries security strategy gnostic, who fund the, you know that this phenomenon is born of one to port a gang member, which in 30 years become 75000 game members. it's because of this responsibility that the state of exception under the leadership of president. now you bo kelly well and only until every member of this terrorist organization is captured. though controversial, the state of emergency is seen as a success and popular with many salvadorans. today, el salvador has the lowest homicide rate in the western hemisphere. a fact that help salvador in president know you get a when
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a landslide re election victory, the price of peace, critics say, has been thousands of arbitrary arrests, indefinite detentions, and torture. even residents of neighborhoods that have been pacified like aesop in gonzalez, say that while she no longer worries over games, there is now a different kind of concern as it gets to that's what i last monday. yes, they've captured gang members, but not only gang members. they've taken away innocent people to and i don't agree with that. but even the word of god says the righteous will pay for the sinners experts of war and that the ongoing state of emergency is not sustainable. and that it's transforming the country into a police state. security officials here in el salvador, tell us that while the gang presence in neighborhoods like this one has all but
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been eliminated, regular patrols which include searching people's homes and searching people themselves will continue to be a vital element in the broader security strategy. the only problem is as a short term emergency measure in instead of other words, the exception certainly appears to have become the rule. mind visit up a little alger 0 sense out about still ahead on the old is there any is our when you hear from them go years. if no magic herders who lost most of their lifestyle and one of the harshest winters in recent memory. and in sports, the world rally championship is making its annual stock in africa. and you will be here with the action from day one. i'll stop race in front of you on the
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it's hello the allies on a topical psycho that's put more heavy rain to madagascar. but before we get to africa, let's have a look at the middle east and live and. and this guys have kid across the golf, we'll see more in the way of windy weather. picking up here on friday. this move, whether it's going to move into western pots of saudi arabia. you can see the cloud sickening here. it will bring some of those heavy shot with most central areas. now, heavy shot was also on the cards for the north west of africa. we've got a weather system moving across the iberian peninsula, bringing heavy rain to northern parts of morocco, blustery winds, as well, that could kick up some sand stones across to new z a into libya, and egypt. it is a very dry picture across the north of africa. much west, so for central areas and a lot of the energy from this region is being pulled for the madagascar because that's where we have of tropical cycling is working its way towards malicious. over the next few days now i brought some very strong winds and heavy rain to the north
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east of madagascar. it is weakening as it works its way towards my wishes. it's still threatening to bring some very heavy right in that critical, some flooding and land sites as well. is looking to be a very what we can do for eastern pots of madagascar. the, the biggest global that can you out in history, the world's biggest democracy office on epic showdown? join me, see me last name. jan on a new full bought cd focusing on india. in this episode, either on my own experience of the agenda that you examined. alarming dropped, of the freedoms in india, and the future of india and fabulous independent media. being the other for foxley on those is either a human appeal. we know just how precious every moment of rema time is. every 2nd
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and these beautiful months brings you the opportunity to embrace the spirit and blessings of mercy. your 13 nights is a human appeal platform, which enables you to automate you with a nation's on every night to from a done hoping to make the most of this beautiful month. trust us with your messy this ramadan, the the color again, the top stories on the i'll just it renews our a 5 year old boy and gaza has died of severe mal nutrition, almost 30 palestinian children have died of malnutrition and
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d hydration. since israel's more of a john is really forces having to choose the fusing starvation as a weapon. a for the united nations top court has ordered israel to ensure an injured food. a deliveries for the receives gaza strip, more than a 1000000 people that are facing catastrophic food in security. and agencies are warning of eminence famine. well, joining me here in the studio is audit off to i thought he's director of the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council on global affairs to discuss. first of all of these new i see met the i c. j measures. outlining 3 measures, why do you think that the i c j has issued them now? i mean, do they believe that is realizing, combined to comply with the 1st set of measures that were issued back in january when the case of the continues and these measures were issued initially and is or did not comply with them. and in light of the day or uh, humanitarian situations as that, you know, no food is not enough. what is coming in. we've seen these higher ones images of
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starving children, you know? so i think the court is trying to enforce these measures and these photos to the un security, the resolution which chords on a piece 5. so the international ment them, especially in a pressure, is really a building on israel to really and i'm further humanitarian access. i mean, you talk of pressure, but do you will it actually impact is real is real. of course we must mention is a signatory to that genocide convention. so by law it must a bay with these orders, but it clearly has it. when the pressure so far has not been working on an effect is there it has become really a rogue state that is in contravention of international and international humanitarian. low pressure so far has not worked and the thing yeah wants to push forward with even with this prevention assault on, on roof. i mean right now us is the only country that can really put more further pressure on on is we have to end the store. they can stop sending weapons that can stop providing financial support and they can stop providing
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a diploma cover. but this has not happened yet. yeah. so where does that leave the situation? i mean, if, if a country fails to perform the obligations they're incumbent on its opponents, under a judgment from the i c j. we know that the only remaining re course is for the un security council to be able to step in. but we've seen the united states veto several resolutions up until the last one in which they have state. and so what does the international community do here? what i think because it's ash community is a, is that the same? it's here, you know, it for the security council, there's a bit dysfunction and there's lots of issues with the great power competition. that's not that long function properly. what comes up? and we've also seen that the national community, the international public meetings, really shifting against is there a, a and basically is or is becoming increasing a price states as, as the talk to assume. or i said, give me your reading as to sort of the big picture and where you think things will have to one with ceasefire talks on the 2nd with this possible invasion,
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all sorts of ground invasion. well, i think it really, it comes down to a prime minister. nothing you know, and his ability and wanting to stay in power and push everything else aside. you know, he's facing. he has a slight tween coordination as pushing it for further action attack on rough some even though speaking of actually needs to be taking and establishing sacraments again and because and so on. within the same time, he has a, the very society one thing the release of hostages. and so, but actually there's going a position against the nothing. yeah. when it perversity we're in a situation where he wants to work to continue to stay in power. so as a politician, i mean espanol has defied the odds before. but at this point, how high are the stakes for him and his political survival? i think this is the, the ultimate fix it to do in the make or break for him because he knows that once he is out of power is going to be the potentially live and for the conduct of israel in this war. he's also has his existing legal rules,
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people come after him and it's no surprise that the folks in us num chronic party are speaking out against that. and you know now because actually this war is impacting domestic us. sparks we've seen from the attendance now in the pores in battleground states. it had an estate, 2nd, nevada, and others. and so this will continue to really put the spiner into works of the, by the election campaign, which is already suffering from multiple issues biden's, age, economy, immigration. and that has a war just as a further dimension, and could be the finding in the coffin of abundance potential reduction. okay, the 4th, thank you so much for joining us. thank you. as well overnight as really strikes and southern lebanon are reported to have killed at least 9 people, including 4 fighters from has been long and its ally. the amount of movement said it last 2 of its members, as well, has repeatedly said that it won't stop attacking israel until a ceasefire begins in gaza. as they know that reports from southern 11 on un troops or trying to keep the peace we are with italian soldiers. the 2nd largest
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contingent and the un peacekeeping force unit feel. their base in southern lebanon is a few kilometers from the border with as well. since the war on costs are beginning october, the peacekeepers have been in the middle of an escalating conflict here. there's been daily exchanges of fire since 11 east armed group has beloved opened a front line against is really forces to support the palestinians in gaza. the unit fil judy continue and carry out as usual, according with the 1701 resolution a. what change it was our boss to death was the setup, accordance with a stability of the periods. un resolution 1701 was adopted following the last war between israel and has beloved in 2006. it task is gonna feel with helping lebanon to army. and the presence of arms groups such as has beloved up to 20 kilometers
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from israel as border. it never happened, and as well as now threatening a wider conflict until it does but 11 ounce government says, isabel must 1st stop violating lebanese sovereignty and withdrawal from disputed areas along the border. western diplomats have presented proposals to bring an end to the hostilities along the border, but they have said it is no longer enough to return to the relative calm and stability that prevailed before october. that would involve a political process based on the full implementation of un resolution, $1701.00 that should involve a beast of presence of leaven onto army in the south, which is not involved in this conflict. official say the army faces financial and logistical challenges to carry out its tasks. but there's also a lack of political will to western powers are proposing to help strength and the
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army so that it can deploy in numbers and serve as a buffer force to restore stability, no one else. so 70, no one in terms of support of the liberties army is ongoing. that's a long process, and that's what the international community is trying to do to bring more lebanese army to the south of lebanon. first, there needs to be a supplement to this conflict, but has the law is refusing to come to the negotiating table as long as the war on gaza continues to enter for their address either southern left or not and is really are straight because targeted the outskirts of the syrian capital damascus, at least 2 people have been injured. that's according to the syrian defense ministry. is really military has previously acknowledged carrying out strikes on targets in syria. but it says are linked to iranian backed arms groups. palestinian children trucks and gaza has come out to fly their kites on the beach. it's been organized as a show for zillions and piece, but also gave them
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a brief respite from the war to about some reports from it of hundreds of palestinian children came here today to fly that kites into the sky of the receipts in place. this event is organized by the american friends service committee, which a to lead to a to recycle it, to come pressure being a into with, by palestinian children since the beginning of this conflict in october. and also they want to show the message the best place to buy was to children who desperately in a very desperate need for relief. here in the parents, we had the mean we are just trying to have some fun because the current situation is tragic. children are tired, they're feeling lonely. so we need these type of events to entertain the children and make sure they are happy to do the. they only find fun in slicing carts which supplies the majority of freedom on piece. the,
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i'm only here right now in order to state from the grim of the street where palestinians, children, here inside the goal is a step, had been killed an hourly basis. the only wish that they could return back to the houses with pools and even old wood days until it peacefully, like the kinds of parts around the globe. direct about zoom out. just a rough, rough southern gauze of russia has said to the gunmen who attacked a concert venue in moscow on choose. they had links with ukrainian nationalist government killed at least a $140.00 people, an injured more than a $180.00 in the attack on the croakers city hall. i saw and i've done this done claimed responsibility. but in the statement the kremlin said that the attackers had received significant amounts of cash on crypto currency from ukraine. chief has denied having anything to do with that attack. well, the white house has responded to russia statements. we have kimberly how to joining us from washington, dc to tell us what it's been said to. kimberly us yeah,
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the white house was really pushing back on any notion that any of the western spite agencies or governments had anything to do with this attack. the national security council smokes person john kirby holding a call with reporters early on thursday, saying that in fact the united states views. this rhetoric coming out of the kremlin is nothing more than nonsense and propaganda. in other words, trying to deflect blame from the attack for political purposes. now we should point out that the united states has said very clearly that the attack has been accepted. responsibility by isolated in fact, as recently is just the last hour or so i still has gotten even further to issue a statement praising the attackers and on a telegram saying that it is now urging supporters of my soul to attack so called for cedars. in the united states,
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europe and israel. so that certainly underscores the points that the united states is trying to make as well. now, the white house is also offering up as evidence that it had nothing to do with this attack by saying that it didn't even issue a warning to russia. as recently as march 7th, they say even have the time. they say it was a issue that in writing to the security services at 11 15 am moscow time saying, but there was this concern about large gatherings and that there could be imminent danger. they further followed up with a warning to american citizens on march 8th, saying to avoid large gatherings due to a potential threat. still, the kremlin is saying that they are casting down all of this as casting allegations as that there is some involvement of western spice agencies. but again, this is something that the white house is denying. all right, thank you. kimberly how good, thank you for about a it's so united nations,
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us don's war has caused the world's largest displacements crisis. millions of people have been forced from their homes and are facing acute food shortages. malcolm lab reports from south designs, border town, offering every morning selma. adam sands, her granddaughter, to maya, to try and sell some of the few remaining items of clothing around many buyers in this transit campaign, south seat down, holden, hall familia. and people have arrived here in the last year, things to done civil war. most everyone struggling to get by the sale means to minus somebody will eat today. they said fighting and see times capital cost 2 months ago to my father died soon after arriving here. and left selma to look off to her grandchildren the money to use it and i got a phone. and
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a new one is the con i. after we arrived to we took my son to the hospital. he'd been ill for months without any treatment. and he became, was on the journey of to 5 days in the hospital. he died, i was told to come here and register selma and have family a waiting in the transit camp for un transport too long to rescue g settlement, where there were people from our community team to originally from the new the mountains in sit down. so that the so cost to move in 20 years ago when the government from civilians of the money from the sale size, amiga meal, 6 months ago, there was no market here. many of the trade as themselves have to flee the fighting . and they set up stands to sell food to the growing population of displaced people . the everything here is from seat on the onions a grown, the lentils. i'm rice, old, transported here. and because of the war,
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the price is just keep going out to shows you the town is ranking to no well connected to the rest of south sweep done. don't keep costs spring goods from the buddha will. the possessions of those on the run un gives new arrivals. money for 7 days, food, off the top. they meant to go to the long term settlements for other communities, but many doesn't want to. so the transit come keeps growing. and people do whatever they can to get by roughly moss, as she saw children killed some people rate when she fled to don. fishy, depends on the sony scrub near the camp. so 5 disappeared. this is actually harming my body, cutting my hands and arms. if we were not selling firewood, we would not survive. it's the war that forced us here. we've been told not to stay in this transit account and to go to the refugee settlement, but we don't want to go there. we want to stay near the border. so we ready to go
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back to down civil war has forced more than 8000000 people from that homes more afflicting every day. last month and the family hoping to the best of times picking phones out of their hands every day as they wait. malcolm web. ouch is era rank south? see don no mad at carter's am ongoing or counting the cost of one of the most severe winters in nearly half a century. many communities faced temperatures as low as minus 50 degrees celsius. katrina, you reports stuck in but the but still has lived as a no matter code for his entire life. but this past winter has been one of the harshest he's ever experienced. no, i don't like this, i totally. on november the 4th, a sport and began and snow started falling from day until nightfall, or this continued no stop for 2 days. the snowfall was immense up to one metre high
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. this was the beginning of what mongolian school: the tude a disastrous cold spell which quoted most of the country and stick layers of snow and ice. in rural areas, temperatures plunged to as low as minus 50 degrees. an estimated 5000000 grazing animals died from the extreme cold and being unable to feed tens of thousands of families have been effected. some have lost 70 percent of the livestock snow covered roads have also prevented many from accessing food and medical facilities. a previous use not all probably is all the of high probably is 10. probably insist on board. yeah. i take the high speed in good condition. um no. 80 percent of my holding to the 282 percent of was being colored this coming g. i fixed that by severe
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b a and push to close that stuff. so then one goal in red cross is climate change has led to when to conditions. last thing, as long as 6 months, making things very difficult for a quarter of it's 3300000 population. who make a living as hard as selling meat and catch me. well, the organization has been visiting families in need and is pleading for international support. dot com. but todd lost 200 of a 700 animals this winter, but he considers himself lucky. he knows how does who last many more still he worries about the health of his remaining animals, fearing he may not have enough newborns this coming year marshal this winter was very difficult for us. people couldn't leave their home up and people ducks know with shovels and even with their bare hands. and he says the worst of the extreme when to conditions are bought. he must soon make preparations to survive. the next
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katrina you out a 0. the still ahead on the also is there a news our the sports is on. there's been some big getting in from your lease and he's here with the action from the latest match. the pod came in to be used as the oil c suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the,
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[000:00:00;00] the for the sports in the series and a thank you so much their e mail super bowl champions, the kansas city chiefs of police to strengthen their roster. with an international rugby player. lewis tree summit set to join the franchise on friday, after switching sports and the start of the year, he met with several nfl things after completing a 10 week training camp as part of the legs international play, a pathway program. and we've been talking to the u. k based nfl broadcast to richard grades about just what the chase will be hosting for the other thing. this was a particularly difficult decision for them to make if there was a weakness in that same, obviously to remember what it all last season. it was potentially at wide receiver and having flats out pace of that position well,
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loose re some. it certainly brings pace, whether or not he can get up to speed with the technicalities of the all fence and intricacies that go along with that. between now and september to started a season that is an entirely different proposition altogether. but as things could possibly print out, this is really the best case scenario. but lowest re summit, let's not forget, it was less than 12 weeks ago. he announced his attention to quit real be what he's playing at the highest level and take a pumps on a career in the nfl. and now hey, we are talking about some be picked up by the very best team in the national football league. make no mistake, this is a big step and it's no guarantee of success. the lowest re summit in terms of best case scenarios. i don't really think it gets much better than this payment. certainly playing on the head coach and the read with patrick my homes, a quarterback as well. he will be given the best possible opportunity to make it in the national football league. now south chris and jimenez said the advice countryman in full and manchester,
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united style punky son convinced him not to resolve from international football sunset. he considered quitting after vicious asian coverage. so his country vision to jewels and in the semi finals the 31 year old by connection with is permanently starts on saturday. that's i came on looting town. don't get me wrong. i love thing, national. and tim and you will just like, i felt like i couldn't help the team anymore, or i couldn't give any otherwise to the young players. and that's why i how, how i felt the look. uh, maybe i was weak. maybe i was uh, thinking about maybe too much, but also i need, uh, somebody who gave me otherwise because i'm still young. you know, when you make it that a strong decision, all of the personal impacts of less than full months away. and as usual cube is main and middle hopes will lie with that boxes. the team has been hit by the countries the worst economic crisis. and so is he is david stock triples.
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this booking gym in havana. the hard work is while on the way to these olympic hype photos, julio sees on a cruise knows what it takes to succeed. he's already 12 gold medals in rio in tokyo. and he'll be going from number 3 in paris late to this year. so we'll have a commitment with myself, with the cuban people, the denigration my mother and my family, to in another olympic title. that's why i'm here preparing myself. because every middle is built from the bottom up until it is a chief and then it's the cheapest boxing heritage is strong. having 141 olympic gold medals in the ring overall. but several athletes of less the country image an economic crisis, which is cause power blackouts and food shortages among them is olympic lightweight champion. and the cruise, between professional and 2023,
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the i meant it was a know i'm currently we don't have all the potential that we would have liked. yeah . because some of our best guys and middle hopes have gone. but we're working with a group of young athletes who are pushing very hard lazara alvarez, nickname the prince, one bronze at the last 3 olympics, but still hasn't secured his place at powers 2024. you'll have one more chance to punch his ticket in may. at the final qualifying event in thailand, it seems to be the web of the cuban prince of boxing, is preparing to go after the 4th olympic metal. and we hope that the sacrifice we are making now in training can make it happen. cubans fighters will head to beverly, pick, training by, sink, has expanded next month and a set to arrive in front at the start of july, the 120 days to go until the games begin. savings folks out there in cricket,
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the raw just done. royals and started the i p l campaign with 2 wins attitude. i just beaten the belly capitals. it was ryan power can provide at the fireworks. who smash $66.00 is and 7 full is on his way to $84.00. you can see me, i couldn't believe i don't show one guy bugging and did a bit of damage for the bowl. was that that's considered a couple of what kits know, obviously supplier schools more appeal runs and david will and he go to side pretty close with full t 9, but the capitals now have to defeats after losing this game by 12 runs, we can clean that he was going to wells rally championship, making its annual stuff in africa. the i thing dave can use safari rally didn't start wealth a local driver, someone for he was able to go in and finish the stage. thanks. leak this be 3rd race of the season. over sign deleted sierra you fill out scene front, tucson, raining will champion kelly rofelt harris was the okay. but as i suppose looking, sorry,
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thank you so much and they will thanks for watching the news. our analogies are, i'm of the inside is with you and just a moment and show how much more pertains to use and all the latest headlines, bye. for now, the unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it to the question of 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another thing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leaves us out without permission. allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of his violin upfront. without pod he came in to be used. as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house,
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thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling. for you, it's very, very painful to you the story on talk to how does era business like this this brought to you believe, i guess as i live slightly on one of your this makes model and plates. the, the,
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the business like just is free to you believe i guess is like fly on one of your just makes model inflates. the has another child size of non nutrition in gas or the wells top code orders as well to take action to allow food aid into the stress the i'm on the inside. this is out of their life and uh, also coming up, salt dead, one waving white flags and full. those video obtained by al jazeera shows is where


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