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tv   Witness Praying for Armageddon Ep 2  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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and many others are also waiting for the fighting to end to give the loved ones a proper burial. the so i'm for the back to boeing, doha, with the look at the headlines on ology 0. they were on armed and waving wide flags before he's really soldiers open fire, then their bodies were both those. i'll just hear as of 10 video showing the unprovoked killing of 2 palestinians in garza. these are in the army says it's investigating a warning that some may be distressed by the images in this report from honey. more than a rough these, an armed men are trying to return to their homes in northern gauze. the only way to get there is a long the beats west of gauze, a city near the num,
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both around about south west of gauze. the city is really forces are deployed a palestinian man approaches these really soldiers. he raises a wide flag, an international sign of surrender, and his regular troops allowing him to approach safely. meanwhile, the other young man turns back to where he came from. he appears to run back, raising a white flag. here the 1st man disappeared from the view in the foot. then his really soldier use name are our most vehicle, the cheese down the young man walking away from them. he waves a small white flag at them, but his white flag does not prevent the soldiers from opening fire in him at close range and is really bold. those are arrived on the scene, and here we see the body of the 1st man on the ground is in a final indignity the giant. both those are shovels,
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the 2 bodies and bears them in san a letter. these rarely soldiers attempted to conceal the execution. the whereabouts of the groove of palestinian witnesses is unknown. how mazda has cold days, really armies action. he is a crime and is a feeling today knighted nations and the international, the criminal court. to take urgent action to stop the systematic killing of the palestinian people. they say it is, these fire agreement must include the right of palestinian to return to their home, safely without being shot at by israeli troops. honeymoon more via the rough uh, southern gauze and dollars. there is a ron con, has these really reaction from monkey bodies through them. we did was resend to these really all me the 1st agent to austin for their response. we now have that response. i can just tell you it says, the video in question is edited and does not show the context of the incident of
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thought. a professional examination is required in order to assess the details of the incidents. upon receiving the report on the incident, it was transferred to the relevant professional bodies, full review. that's a fairly stand it on. so from the is riley army. they normally say were aware of the incident. we are investigating it. but the investigation is very rarely. if ever made public as a team of international doctors in guys are to say they've witness catastrophic themes in hospitals. as a result of these routes from bonham and the 7 doctors on on a 2 week did throw him into a box the hospital, one of the few still partially functioning. they say medic so overland because the health system has collapse because of his route 6 month for me. ok, find westbank. a gunman has opened fire on 2 buses carrying is really settlers. 3 people were wounded children where he forwarded to be among the bus passengers near
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jerry cole and the golden valley. is there any forces? have fox roads and say a 900 for the attacker is on the way. and now the wells, using the us divers, have recovered the bodies of to where it goes from the baltimore bridge collapse. investigators have questioned the crew of the container ship, which crashed into the bridge on tuesday. you an official say they are gravely concerned about the worst thing. humanitarian crisis in eastern democratic republic of congo government to sub bottling, alms groups, including m. 23 fighters in minimal which areas in the east and 23 has taken control of several towns and is threatening the provincial capital of north cable providence go my decades of conflicts have this space more than 7000000 people in the democratic republic of congo. and those are the headlines on entre 0. i'll be back with more right after witness stay with us. the
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the, the end of jot when is that? that's right. now the next thing that there's the return of the lord jesus christ. every thing that's necessary for this new world or it's at the door. major uncontrollable fires to bible shouldn't be very cold on changed the sun in the me will be doing the quick so the island silva sea will disappear.
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the 7 seas of the earth will turn to blow the schools up to 200 miles to the level the we see these nations when you see the pothole in the
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the the i grew up in the suburbs of the dc area. september 11th was a huge event in my life. seeing the pillars of smoking zillow out of the pentagon, the war on terror stay the whole country. so swiftly move to suspend civil liberties to march towards the war. and was coming of age around the time of iraq war followed the 2004 election campaign were bush and mobilized, evangelical voters and created this dichotomy of good versus evil us versus them.
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but she even went so far as to call the war on terror, a new crusade. and so that's why i think it's important to be critical to look at the role of the christian right in shaping us policy towards the middle east and potentially pushing us towards war. the
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i'm going to speak with colonel wilkinson, who was the chief of staff to colin powell. the left government during the bush years became an outspoken critic of the warrant arrest warrant here. and he is concerned about the role of evangelical christian nationalist and the military. the or some of these christian nationalists have zeroed in on some biblical prophecy, that if a certain criteria is mat, in terms of the chosen people choose control in jerusalem, that there will be an armageddon. what are the dangers of having people that have this kind of doomsday mindset that cataclysmic war is important for bringing back christ? how can that endanger us interest the most vivid danger? and all of this, i think, is the special relationship with israel. christians,
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united for israel, john hayes are, is a quintessential example of the danger they are looking for the us relationship with is ultimately to bring about on the get and the rapture and christ 1000 year. right. that's what they're there. this is the 1st time that soldiers from the united states are going to be permanently assigned to a base in israel. we, in the military said no to every president from harry truman on. we will not put military base in israel if you orders to will quit the now we got a base there. we are base there. when has blue? has the temerity to put a missile on that base or by accident?
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we're in for a penny in for a pound. that base is there, and trump allowed that base to go there. so that is we say in the military, it really hits the fan. we're in it immediately because us has been attack the stars and stripes flies over that. but most of the young people to come into the military are there probably because they're trying to figure out. and so they are somewhat of angela's think standpoint, i've always referred to them as right. there's black bananas, the chaplains are increasingly coming funded middlesex, these evangelical fundamental, as chaplains, go to some place where basic training graduates. and they said before, hand in their meeting, these troops are, it's are most of they've been racked and trained to death. go get
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the, we try to reach our recruits immediately. there are 450000 recruits and the freshman class of this next year's on for some steps to going through boot camp. we will touch about $200000.00 of them is next year. they had something like 70 baptisms at fort jackson at the, in the basic training interest and they proselytizing, they get them, they take them down and baptize them. and then they are part of the vision nationalist the
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get your wife, senior, and other colored individual final life. you're sorry, colonel wilkerson recommended that i talked to mikey weinstein. he's with the military religious freedom foundation. and he's worked for the last 2 decades shining a light on religious, fundamentalist influence within the military. this is kind of a i a shadow ward i come from military family. my dad went to the naval academy. so i applied for
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a got into all 3 of the military academies that have the air force academy. when people come to us, they are freighted with tear. they are terrified of reprisal revenge retaliation. we're closing in and 76000 us marines. that are clients of ours and about 95 percent of them are christians themselves. being the humanized and marginalized for not being christian enough. the military ministry of crew only does 3 things really . when people the christ, we build them up in their face and we sent them out into the world to do the same thing. there are probably 3 dozen parent church organizations, some of them well known like campus crusade for christ, military ministries, focus on the family offices, christian fellowship that are incredibly involved in the military. they have offices on military bases. they have senior military officials. we call those
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fundamentalist christians or dominion christians. the 7 mountains mandate, the new office tonic reformation, their job is to transform the military and the militaries of the world into this version of this weaponized christiana jerry, blinking former 3 star general, made it clear that when jesus comes back he'll be carrying an a r 15 is not a veneer, and these are true believers. the lord is a warrior of the lord is his name and and revelation 19. it shows what he comes back is coming back as a warrior ride, no white horse with a blood stained white robe. here in a sword and i believe that sword you'll be carrying when he comes back to an a or 15. you know, in the media we've seen images of the crusader, symbols of christian symbols of, you know, you know, it's deployed in iraq and afghanistan. we had a 138 us marines that came to us it help on province. in afghanistan,
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they were walking into the villages out there, and the village elders, most of them had even heard of 911. but they heard of what i ended up calling the jesus rifle, a company called trades you're talking based out of michigan. they had about a $2000000000.00 contract and make rivals scopes for our military on the scopes. if you look closely, for biblical citations from the book of matthew, mark, luke, john, revelation it was burned to those go to think of the optics of american soldiers shooting muslims in afghanistan through the scope that have the new testament citations. these are air force fighters that can carry nuclear weapons complete crusader iconography complete with this the helmet, the 3 crossed it shaped stars. of course, the sword and the crucifix. all stuff like this does is completely motivate the recruiting efforts, the bulk of around outside and the radian peninsula, isis,
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legit, dean and the taliban. how do they refer to americans? the crusaders? this, this doesn't help the, the players been state ran, russia, china, the mirror. everything is actually looking for the final battle, for canadian supremacy will be the mother of
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the there are 2 arm and getting the world. there are the extreme is nomic armageddon lobby, the believe and a final conflict between islam and everyone else. and then there is the armageddon . lobby of american evangelicals, evangelical american voters, and the republican party won a final conflict with all other religions, all other political points of view. they see it as us versus that true christians versus everyone else. nations shall rise up against the nation. and as we see these
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things increase in intensity and frequency, we can know that the warranty is going to return. we don't want peace. we being evangelicals, we want arm again. bring it on. their view of zionism is not going to either help israel or any individual jewel their views. zionism is apocalyptic. so when israel is find the attack by say, a nuclear armed rods that sits the christians, find exactly what they're prophesied. then we'll have a big last battle. jesus comes back and we're all going to have the, the scary thing is we are our largest thousands of nuclear weapons. and
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so when you put an arm again and i'll be together with american power, the of the the, our organization is leading from a different winch of our country to come together at the geographical center in
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lebanon, kansas river, 150 miles. we're going to get off our bike and pray, a prayer over our nation. d, the
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are nice and the very dear lord, in recent years, the hard man of america has waned. florida come here and into the center of america to plead in this behind. ask your lord to heal the hearts the guy price of this nation. i believe for our break room, why? we believe that a good book calls you a miracle. work is yours and nothing but nothing is impossible. the
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beginning is of faith and godliness are no longer hides because our land seems a live now with demonic powers. once he is, a canopy of darkness seems to have been stretched across the whole nation. the government, the founders believed,
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derived. it's just powers from the consent of the government. and without that consent, the government was without foundation. send us a spiritual awakening. the i'm so excited to be here, man. the guy who will be in charge of the motorcycle fee and underneath the tree. and there
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was a manifestation of what the case with no matter why i want to live a life. this is sacrifice is important to me and i choose to sacrifice the mark 1045. christ said i didn't come to be served. i come to serve and to give my life as a sacrifice this god is trying to get our attention, the destiny of our nation, the whole of our children and grandchildren. the
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talk here to you that i believe we are at the end of the end. i think we are at the end of our comfort. so we're at the end of what we know. the human is coming into a nation is very bad. it is a very holy nation. the thank you for everyone that whenever we were in need never, we were in need. we had others that helped us when they were in need. we helped them is not go down because no one will go down. that is our ally. that is not
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trying to attack us and killed the know what giants are we going to face? i think we've already seen somebody the enemy's, you know, the homeless actual movement, the transgender, back in our military. the abortion issue. the
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is kind of like we're still telling a fairy to everybody is going to be ok, god is good and everybody's going to be ok. is not going to be ok. the if you read. if you truly believe revelations, it's going to get worse. the over 30 years after the sun was 0 was tell us the to follow the story of know ways in the oldest little coffee. let us salute the government of norway morris. remarkable in nurturing this of the secret negotiations and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled,
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a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home. the trunks of also on those as you get is when you're there children, i've been sleeping on comic sans or this 3 since cling their village a week ago. part of the we, when did you in this community, they live in the sierra nevada. they sent them like the mountain range in northern columbia. the study was forcibly displaced when they were caught in the crossfire of worrying paramilitary groups piping for control of a key core either for cocaine trafficking in either illegal activities. the were among the 100 steps flagged in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind and finding shelter in the city. you are sure. we lived with the hope that those times were gone. but unfortunately, the pain and sadness as back are united nations reports published last week and confirmed that despite the governments and ask for the legal on groups have expanded their control over colombia territory in 2023. back in shelter to gary's
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to sharing a major meal with their families, not knowing when and if they will be able to return home the get them for the back. a boy in doha with the headlines on how to 0. these really ami says it's investigating the shooting of to on, on the palestinians in gaza. i'll just hear has obtained exclusive video showing the killing of the men while they were waving white flags of surrender. their bodies within both those in ron khan, as well from occupied is to swim. that we did was the sense of these really all me . the 1st agent to austin for their response, we now have that response. i can just tell you, it says the video in question is edited and does not show the context of the
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instant. a thorough professional examination is required in order to assess the details of the incidents. upon receiving the report on the incident, it was transferred to the relevant professional bodies. full review. that's a fairly extended on so from the is riley army. they normally say we're aware of the incident, we are investigating it, but the investigation is very rarely. if ever made public a team of inch national doctors and guys say they've witness catastrophic scenes in hospitals as a result of his rascal involvement. the 7 doctors aren't on a 2 week deployment to alex the hospital is one of the few still costly functioning . they say medics are overwhelmed because the health system has collapsed because it is 0614. and you don't keep bind westbank. a gunman has opened fire on 2 buses, carrying is really surplus. 3 people were wounded children where he forwarded to be among the bus passengers. the jericho in the jordan valley is where the forces of launch rose and say a man hunt for the attacker is on the way. now then,
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using the us drive is a free covered the bodies of 2 workers from the baltimore bridge collapse. investigators are examining the vessel states every quarter, which crashed in to the bridge on tuesday. the question the crew of the container ship and finds a being made to remove the congo ship and clear the channel. so the ford can reopen . un officials say they are gravely concerned about the worst thing. humanitarian crisis in eastern democratic republic of congo government troops are battling alms groups, including adding $23.00 fighters in mineral, which areas in the east and $23.00 has taken control of several towns and is threatening the provincial capital of north cable province go by the case of conflict of the space more than 7000000 people. and those are the headlines. i'll be back with the allergies here and use our in on the 13 minutes. witness continues next year. stay with us in the
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price range. i do pray that you would wake up your church life and there's also some of the words of this prophecy. indeed, what a certain minute for the hour fulfillment is mere jesus the
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texas because this is really the heartland of the christian zionist movement. many of the political leaders and the, the logical christian leaders who are really the tip of the spirit in terms of pushing us through alliance pushing the kind of in times. the ology there right here in texas, this is their power base. our colleagues talk to you about talking to filtering the probably we're not gonna have an tiny this is grace that attaches. got to go and tie what you all anti israel or whatever. we're not doing anything like that. i'm not anti anything. report you to the so you got your
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reporting us to the f b i was for one sir, you got to go? definitely the good. okay. all right. the many of the proponents of this kind of militant pro israel policy don't want to talk about the merits of this policy. they want to talk about the ramifications they don't want to talk about the human rights issues raised by israel in terms of the displacement of palestinians. they run away or they literally take reporters out and threaten to report them to the police. the fundamental problem with the israel palestine conflict is similar to some of the core issues driving political instability in the us. there's too much polarization. there's too much indeed human ization
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our office hours are 8 30 am to 5 30 pm, monday through friday. i've been trying to get in contact with the pastor. hey, at his church. cornerstone church in san antonio for some time. i've tried to get interviews, but they've been completely walled off. joined me now. she passed her lever. jeffers, member of the white house veins initiative, pastor of the 1st baptist church in dallas. what he does stuff between these 2, congress women in israel. they said they didn't want to go to israel. they wanted to go to palestine. david that proves that these 2 women were not on a fact finding mission. they were on a propaganda spewing nation. and israel was dr. robert jeffries is one of the most
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powerful evangelical leaders in the country. he's on tv all the time. he leads one of the largest mega churches in the country. he's a spiritual advisor to donald trump. now for says, there's a book to talk a lot about and times prophecy. the bible doesn't tell us when, but the bible tells us the what the doctor jeffers is outspoken on the end times the battle of arm again. you know, he's not just talking about this to his own flock. he's, he's making policy. he's influencing donald trump is advising him. he's going to israel and shaping some geo politics there. where did you join me in welcoming the har, great friend, and the 45th president of united states. the
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robert, i want to thank you so much. you know, you never told me how beautiful this is, highly respects you guys very well on television in spreading the way you have a special relationship with trinet as his friend, as a spiritual advisor, to talk a little bit about your relationship with trump for president trump was here just a few weeks ago in our church. he's the only president who is able to move our us embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem. but people wonder why that was such a big deal. what that means is israel possesses the land and the historical city of david in east jerusalem. there's been an attempt to find the archaeological
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artifacts that formed the basis of this ancient city. right now there are plot palestinians living there. what's your view on this city of david project? the palestinians are trying to do everything they can to stop that project because what they are on earth thing is the archaeological evidence that the jewish people inhabited this land far before, what we call palestinians today. and let me just say a word today, what we call palestinians. that's a made up term. you don't find it in history until 180. i've heard you talk about the battle of armageddon. could you talk about what you see in the middle east and how that fits the prophetic vision for the battle harm again? the bible does teach in revelation 16 and 19 that there was a final warning battle that will take place. i wouldn't john describing a patchy helicopter or a guy. i would, he explained a nuclear explosion. he uses the language of a parents,
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but that doesn't make it any less real. makes it more re what means these things are literally going to happen in this battle of armageddon. who is on god's side, or in other words, who's gone to enemy? well, the ultimate enemy is going to be all those who have rejected christ, the savior. and it's a hard thing for people to believe that jesus, uh, the carpenter, the mild and meek teacher is going to return. there's revelation 19. describes him sitting on a horse with a sword and executing those who of opposed to god. but that is jesus. yes, the 1st time he came he came as savior of the world. the next time he comes, he's coming as the judge of all the world. our program pathway to victory seen on television on no 195 countries. were the
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most viewed program on the trinity broadcasting network, the largest christian network in the world, world this right click. all right, whenever you're ready of the countdown toharma, just as the guy had, our only hope is that jesus will return soon, continues children. now, don't today's global powers make every attempt to establish binding agreements with other nations. god will have the final say, no matter how hard we tried in the world, peace or and do the effects of humanity on this or the end of the world is coming. and there's nothing we can do to stop it. bible prophecy always begins and ends with israel, in which we get a glimpse of the final pages of human history. the 7 year trivialization,
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the final world battle, and finally, the glorious return of jesus christ, massachusetts countdown. again, it feels like the end is near not what you read in, understand the prophecies of scripture. you will realize that the end of the world is nothing to fear. the
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we have heard about the news. it is really occupation. courts have ruled to dispossess us around october or no number of 2020 the . it was sort of a heavy weight on my shoulders and the shoulders of my community, particularly because this is something we have dealt with for many, many years. but then we decided we were gonna pull
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it what it is and sort of campaign against that makes one thing. and so it was that off. and so when the the what happened and occupied 0. so i'm in the summer of 2021 was a conclusion that was decades late. 2 this
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time around, palestinians own, over the world, over ton of nice colors into part and an uprising that called this a part type. this leads vitality by its name of sutler colonialism. all of the, the tools that are off where everything crystallized everything started was the microcosm that reflected the 7 decades of zion is through lymphoma society the
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in, i'm not so what's happening in co sign is up next, wednesday we are dealing with the fanatics. we're gm that is backed by evangelicals . and people who believe in that fanatic ideology of zionism in which they are willing to the,
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populating an entire country of its native inhabitants to bring on jesus. for armageddon. for whoever in our series count down to the apocalypse world, gina, the signs jesus said would precede his invisible literal return to planet earth. and the 1st of those signed years the rise of radical islam. jesus said, the signs will be like the labor pains, the birth pains that a woman experiences they will increase in both frequency and intensity. before the end of the
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the, the,
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i'm going to, if you would like to experience an explosion of god's blessing, to enter into a land flowing with milk and honey. all of your enemies have been conquered before you walk across the jordan river and put your thoughts on the property. god won't you to have the your soul of the cross. we are concourse in jesus name. the time is ours
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right now and the small hotel in the parking lot as cornerstone church. so not that far away watching a live stream of. she passed her head a god is waiting in the waves to destroy your enemies. i am trying to secure. i sit down, interview of that has been so far unsuccessful. so i hope to just get a moment with the pastor. hey peggy, before or after disarming the
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excuse me pastor hagi, i have a quick question. do you have a moment for just one question i wanted to ask if you are trying to bring about the bottle alarm. i got it. and is that your goal? excuse me, why are you holding this? excuse me, sir. february, 1st my arm is 1st thing in the the stakes are high. john hanging is seen as a kind of a political king maker. presidential hopefuls go to his mega church, meet with hanging, seeking his endorsement. the president has unilateral authority to launch
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a strike or use nuclear weapons. so for john hagi or grabber jeffers, or one of these other pastors who believes that a cataclysmic world war could bring them south arm again. these are the people whispering in the ear of a president who could actually make that happen. we can not look away. the american foreign policy is guided as much by a see a credit set of ideas. as for instance, iran or saudi arabia is the, the next step in the american evangelical community. this to turn america into a theocracy, the today and
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a landmark ruling. the united states supreme court overturn roe vs wade, essentially ending abortion rights at the federal level. texas women facing murder charges over in divorce and in god we trust will be required reading in louisiana schools this year. the if for instance, trump goes into a 2nd turn beyond that you have these evangelical theocracy people. if this vision prevails, they would be fighting the genuine crusade. and so there american foreign policy becomes of tools, biblical prophecy, the and it hinges already of american voters to whom this is not an issue. it is the issue
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because the whole apocalyptic vision of the end of their own lives hinges. it's pers the, the we're going to see a time where we're going to have to defend the christian life with the so the, there's a strong movement underneath the surface of me and that feel this way the we're going to have a blood bath like we've never witnessed it says
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the holy spirit, the hebron boys read then slide picture. but then this occupied palestinian city boys
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are also close to watch, plays really forces at times. stuff on an awesome arrested. a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination separately restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on that jersey to or here's from, i'll just say around on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the
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hello is an exceptional hate to set a new con, magic record in central america will get there in a moment for us to south america. the heat continues to dominate the story across the north, down in the south. it is a west picture, but very hot and dry and blustery winds. those conditions in venezuela having helped wild fires, have broken off in parts of north of the country. and the heat continues as well in ecuador for the south of this. that's what we're seeing. the west of the weather or russia storms affecting central parts of brazil, putting into bolivia and bringing very wet conditions to the coast of rain in rio over the next few days. but it is an improvement as we get into the weekend. so a rush of thunderstorms affecting the north of cheer, they will bring some very heavy down pools. but for the south of us it is a little bit dry. it was also sunshine for areas of origin, tina and some china and heat is a story for central america. we had an old time and you marched
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a record set in guatemala. the heat is continuing to pump across will central areas over the next few days. when we also see some very wet weather, we've got a trailing weather system pulling across florida. that's going to bring some pretty intense thunderstorms to west in cuba. first day to friday. the places that now which asian li, big heavy rain storms, those storms likely to be difficult. if we don't get the problem under control, we'll just have help coming soon. the latest news as it breaks, that is really our calories show this area last night. as to the infirmities was remo, done with their tears and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments
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a week from the heart of the story. these far hope has been diminished. their prayers continue with a situation to get into the the, the, for the back keyboard. this isn't use our own alger 0 live from to coming up in the next 60 minutes is arouse latest victim. a 6 year old boy dies of non nutrition in northern gaza. shot dead while waving white flags in both those videos. obtain biologist era show is really forces coming on to thomas to news in guys. also this our worst.


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