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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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in bringing you husband loves to palestine for all to see said donated with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the well. one halts that's time. the video obtained by all just the shows is really false, is killing adults, palestinians in northern gauze and then bulldozing them into the sun, the colors. so robin, you are watching of their life. but headquarters here in the also coming up, they're struggling because they're exhausted. they've run out of the resources they may need a team of international doctors in goals that describe the dire situation facing medical staff, treating thousands of palestinians also head divers recover the bodies of 2 because
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of the baltimore bridge collapse. investigators are examining the container ships blank bone set of pressed the crew listing food shortages, any democratic republic of congo. the united nations was a disastrous, disastrous to about a terry and crisis has rebel all the rebels buckets. the news . welcome to the product m l g 0 has obtained video showing is very forcing garza shooting and coming to the palestinians. one of them and repeated the waves. walter pays to be a piece of white fabric to show that then northwest. the bodies are then buried by a bulldozer. these really all me says as investigating the incident and we to go and you that you may find some of the images in alexandra buys this report. distressing these unarmed men are trying to return to their homes in
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northern gaza. the only way to get there is along the beach, west of gauze of city. near the nipple sea round about south west of the city is rarely forces are deployed a palestinian man approaches these rarely soldiers. he raises a white flag, an international sign of surrender, and is rarely troops allow him to approach safely. meanwhile, the other young man turns back to where he came from. he too raises a white flag. here the 1st man disappears from view and the footage then is really soldiers use an armored vehicle to chase down the young man walking away from them. he waved his small light flag at them, but his white flag does not prevent the soldiers from opening fire on him. at close range and is rarely bulldozer arrives on the scene. and here we see the body of the
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1st man on the ground. in a final in dignity, the bulldozer shovels the 2 bodies and berries them in sand and litter. b as rarely soldiers attempts to conceal the executions. alda 0 managed to obtain this footage shot with a long distance camera. the whereabouts of the group of posting and witnesses is unknown. ha says in any ceasefire agreement, the right of palestinians to return to their homes safely without being shot at by is really troops must be included. alexandra buyers, al jazeera as well. we have 2 correspondents on this, so a sending by for size and run con, then occupied east to resend the 1st that's towards the honey my mood. who's in rafa and honey, this is obviously quite disturbing for those that have been watching these images
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of that execution and then the burial with a truck with a, with a bulldozer. i mean, it must be difficult to see those pictures way. you all, but certainly would, has got to gauze of what's happened so yes, very horrific scenes and harming it for days that we've seen here. and they're just causing waves of, of frustration and unconcerned over the fate of, of many people who are still a stranded in the northern part in gauze as the to the fact that we have to unarmed civilians are trying to get to their homes in the northern part waiving white a flag then attempt to show a surrender that they're not posing and it's read or any harm, but the word killed it any way just causing this wide spread of a sense of a frustration and also coupled with the concern over what's going to to happen uh, within the coming days and this is not the 1st time we're seeing this happening
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within the past few days. the image of the, of, for the young men who are from tanya, is where it's some spect thing to the residential homes after there's been a military pulled out of from the eastern part of city. high news were struck by a, by 2 missiles from the fired via drones, just another, another, a proof of what's, what's been happening across the gods have since this genocide of war began. and we have an official statement. and from how not condemning the actors and pulling it as a henny of the crimes and, and calling on the united nations and the criminal court of justice to intervene and to stop. the ongoing is really a genocidal acts and atrocities against palestinians in the gospels that we have a statement of from the human rights organization in palo signing who are right or a center for human rights. and then we have that means that human rights organization and independence, human rights activists calling the what happened as it atrocious then and further
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prove that what's going on on the ground is in fact a current is characterized within the definition of genocide. and it's not a coincidence then this happens to take place at the time when the united nations rep reports for human rights in human rights in palestine is to their findings in which they said they found that israel submitted, in fact, what can be constituted as genocidal intense and genocide, the acts across the augusta and since the beginning of their an intense bombing campaign across the district couldn't even move the 4th in reference to the update the honey that's close over to the bunk. com, who's standing by for smoky bodies, teresa and we wait for it. it's really reaction in run. is there anything of the yes and the last the hour or so we showed the video to these really all mean they've given us a reaction. they've said that the video in question is edited and does not show the
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context of the incident. a thought and professional examination is required in order to assess the details of the incident. upon receiving the report upon the incident, it was transferred to the relevant professional bodies for the that's. busy the stall concept from these ready, all mean any time we showed them anything, we pushed them to give us a response by sites. were aware of the incident, and we're investigating those investigations. very rarely, if i have made public, there's also with pointing out that even if there is evidence that these really say of low being broken or even of what kind intentionally will they as well no soldier ever gets prosecute for any action, whether it's in your keyboard westberg or whether it's in garza. so it's likely that that's the only response we're going to get from the is riley, certainly is that the next few days is apparently stopped, corresponds and something they do because they understand that if they reply
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immediately and say we're investigating it means the world's attention will move on to something else, and they'll be able to just sweep this under the carpet. now, it is an investigation. they all saying they are investigating this incident. but like i say, we will probably never see the results of that investigation. in con, the, in the oaks by the stories that thanks the update time. well, staying in the region, a team of international adult to existing goals are highlighting the diet condition stuff that's having to work in to the 2nd doctors on a 2 week deployment deluxe. the hospital for the pc, so it possibly functioning. they say that it's understaffed and over what medic so overwhelmed because the health system has collapse today as well. 6 months for our team has been doing this for 5 days. we're exhausted. i can't imagine what the been here for a 162 days doing this 24762 days without resources is dealing.
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they run out of the resources they may need. they've asked for those resources, but they're prevented that aid is prevented from coming in. i don't know if he's less off or come back in. there are hundreds if not thousands of 8 trucks that are stops there with this sort of a but we needed this all that can't get in the middle, but patients are lying in the core doors. when we go looking, we don't find rooms for the patients. so they're all in the core doors, either on mattresses or blankets on the floor or a bed without the basic components. they're struggling a lot. as well as war on garza has killed more than 14000 children, while others are less suffering from severe malnutrition and the hydration doctors and come out loud when hospital in northern cause i say that i think many and since every day lose weight. but though his weights does not match that age and draw repeating the desperately needed supplies. at least $27.00 children have died of malnutrition, m dehydration since october. 6 incident on the part of the i see you stuff
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that's come out one hospital. we clearly noticed the influx of huge numbers of newborn baby suffering from acute mel nutrition and it wants to be a d. hydration of this is mainly due to absence or for me to milk cause then as a result a these reach critical and severe degrees of dehydration. and s a. d, me i disorders and ultimately test on a daily basis. we receive $2.00 to $3.00 cases of underweighed babies. for instance, we just received those 2 month old baby go away or the 2 kilograms. this is mainly because of the total absence of the for me to milk need for this baby. us in the occupied westbank. a gunman is open fire on 2 buses. towering is ready, settlers, 3 people, but we can just children but of course has to be amongst the bus passengers nature . okay. in the jordan valley, is there any forces of booked rights and say a man for the attack? it is under way that's gonna save up to lower con, who's in ramallah for us just because up to speed on what we know about this
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developing story. and this attack on these buses. well, as he said, this is a developing story. i'm very much an active seen in the town of our job, which is in the jordan valley. i won't be back till around. 7 am local time this morning. the reports that a shooter had open, fly a see on 5 vehicles, including a boss. these riley ambulance turned off and they said one on is moderately wounded . he's in a risk from hospital, and there were 2 more likely wouldn't it? including a 13 year old boy, the is where the army says man hunt is on the way they are claiming the area we know from the local. i went to says that there was a gunman who was dressed in military fatigues and also wearing some sorts of face mosque. he is. he's now escaped t as a lot. so as i said, they all coming the area but the policy and say that's uh well according to policy, because last month we were at least 40 shootings against it's riley's and the month
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before around 70. some of these happen on routes. uh, like, uh, route 90 and also route 60 and these connect illegal is right assessments throughout the occupied west point and it's called a bit really heights and tensions good data a has come the in the midst of all of this attention as you say, laura in the westbank and with most of the focus as well in the past few days on the increase in is really drones. that seems to be old with the day a. oh, well, absolutely. uh, but we were reporting on what happened in janine or the yesterday i'm through tuesday night into wednesday morning. that was another is ready drone attack in that you need refugee count the killed as 3 palestinians and the week before, another dread strike is killed at 3 postings, including 2 fights as now. this is amongst daily res, taking place across the occupied west find in towns cities. refugee counts. we've
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spoken to many people across the region and they say this is really striking fit into the hearts of the cities and they people feel very isolated from one another. now these race of sites, they wanted to the aiming to roofs house policy and finances in janine county. but it is the civilians that they say out the you know, that carrying out the daily funeral more, more young people are dying. and you know, many people, including children, are terrified as the nightly rates take place. here's my report, smashed gloves and slapped little blocked hills. evidence of the drop in 5 minutes night in geneva. on tuesday, before midnight, these writing note treat entered the city, reading homes called sketching, goods and destroying a monument. on the outskirts of the refugee camp, they shot a 19 year old man before entering the town with an army folders uh,
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up to hunting roads destroying infrastructure. jealous on the ground, say these radio and you were treated among violence. confrontations with fighters before sending in. understood the bloss coming 3 whole bad people here. city live in fear. some refuse to leave office say that he forced to play a man. that is what i mean, what a safety we're not safe anywhere. they can, patient has destroyed our life that we will stay here and they can patient will leave one day. if those advocacy of ca, i needed cause enough, the o as as tracks and no safety at all, any date is in his track. if it is a funeral, the camp is not safe anymore. people are running away. for 2 years, the tempest being the epicenter of violent and cousins by these right. the military and confrontations with policy and fight is just one week ago, a joint strike kids to find to another above what it targeted the car. at least 40
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palestinians have been killed in air and joined strikes. and janine alone since october, the 7th. and just under a quarter of full posting is killed in the occupied westbank were also killed here . so you said that getting the fights is by drawing because they can't find them on the ground. every week we bid farewell to a group of young men from the cap. it is difficult to leave our homes and everyone is afraid of the us. they buried their loved ones, palestinians a challenging but any tons of piece is also dead. this being a major increase in his writing of the tree rights and the occupied west point since october the 7th. that's on average, around $42.00 rates every single day. israel justifies this by saying that reaching out fi has and preventing violence, palestinians say, this doesn't work as they're already buying into tax the worse and already volatile
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situation north on. i'll just say we're ramallah. we all tied west bank. well, still a has a own which is 0 cents taking the shadow is completely uncommon goods. most things displaced by fighting. the struggling to find food during ramadan we have for montgomery is the magic said it seems lost. most of that livestock, in one of the harshest winters in recent memory, the hello there to on settle the end of the week across the year. we've got another from pulling in from the atlanta that area of low pressure bringing some very windy and wet conditions as suddenly to western parts of europe. you can see that rain flooding back in stay i'd be, are in peninsula so we could see some flooding across places like portugal and
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spain. now it is a very when the story, especially off across the north, west warnings out for southern parts of england as the when, when the conditions move across person and the island of island were expecting some snow in wales and some very wet weather to effect northern pots of island now is most settled for scan today via on. so say b, you can see the mass of winter weather working its way across new way, as well as sweden, some less for conditions from denmark, all the way through to the baltic states. and we've got with a weather here, some very heavy rain as well, starting to work his way into most central air is and that's thanks to that from the pulls across spain and portugal. since every winter it is what is what was that moving its way here? across from central areas, we have some heavy scenario to the opposite, but it's improving story for the southeast. we'll see some heavy rain through madrid through to sunday, but they'll be sunshine in athens with very high temperatures. of the
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huge reserves of alysia used in electric batteries and fine to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels live. be nice to vast ideas, salt lake, a unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower oscar. is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white go on is just the, [000:00:00;00] the for the buck you watching all just bear with me. so robin
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a reminder on top stories about is there a has obtained a video showing is really false. is ingles that shooting to an a la city instead, despite one of them waving a piece of white sand, break the bodies with then pull those into the center. these really all me says it's reviewing the incident. and the gunman in the occupied westbank is open. fire on the bus is coming, is waiting settlers suite people to be blue. this is a the forces of blocked roads and say, a man hunt is underway in the us. dive is of recovered the bodies of to work is from the baltimore bridge clubs that looking for full of those who are repairing potholes. when the contain the ship crushed into the bridge on tuesday, investigators have questioned the crew and examining the ships, dates recorded to establish the calls. as my kind of reports, the investigation could take up to 2 years to complete. at sunrise,
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the dive teams assume that search the smooth set this up the river concealing the has it is conditions below. and the 1st bodies were found shortly before 10 am. divers located the red pickup truck, submerged in approximately 25 feet of water. in the area of the middle span of the bridge. divers recovery to v o. 2 victims of this tragedy trap within the vehicle. full victims remain on, accounted for, but old have been identified in coordination with our f. b i. partners. we've determined the countries of origin of those that are presumed, the ceased to be mexico. what the mala will salvador and hunger is the notifications. so these individuals, family members and loved ones outside of the united states is being handled by the federal bureau of investigation in accordance with their established protocols. we
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will use every resource to bring them a sense of closure. we think that's important and uh, and we think these families of herndon portal and tried to call me eve ridge regularly exchanges made public indicate to dispatch i had sold to own the workers, willing potholes on the bridge. there's a crew out there and i want to notify the form and then see if we can get them off the break down for the warning did not come in time. so what is this? well now the whole thing is just the last, the investigators from the national transportation safety board again boarded the ship and began the process of interviewing the $21.00 members of the crew and the 2 pilots with being on board. our entire focus on seeing is to collect the perishable evidence that's documenting the scene. it's taking photographs, it's taking any sort of electronics or components. whatever goes away once the scene is cleaned up,
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we need to collect that information for investigation. the n t s b says it will release a preliminary report within a month. but the final conclusions will take between one and 2 years. mike kinda, i'll just say era, washington and you and officials say that they gravely concerned about the worst thing. humanitarian crisis in eastern democratic republic of congo. government troops saw baffling on groups including m. 23 fighters and mineral rich areas in the east of the country. and 23 have taken control of several towns on the provincial capital. okay, most of the front decades of conflict to displace more than 7000000 p cable it's under has moved from you in headquarters in new york. in recent weeks, the m 23 has made significant advances, expanding territorial control in fighting against the congolese military. been to k to the secretary general,
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special representative for the country said the security situation is deteriorating rapidly and the humanitarian situation is reaching near catastrophic levels. so the more than 7100000 people have been displaced in the country. that is 800000 more people. since my last briefing was about 3 months ago, to 3400000 people now suffer from food and security, which means one not a full companies of suffering from malnutrition. d. r c's ambassador to the un called on the security council to take a stronger stand against rwanda. widely believed to be supporting the m $23.00. i'm a huge disease, but for us as a judge we do when faced with the lower repeat offender, the security console has to cross the rubicon with impunity just to impose on dwanda the sanctions that are commensurate with its repeated criminal offenses. the
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but the rewinding ambassador said it's for rudy and the d. r. c that are at the root of regional tensions. according to the group of experts on the data see most countries of fighting alongside the f. d. a genocidal melisha against implemented city in an attempt to end a political program through media. that means the one that takes distance very seriously. this is why rep bill, for the cut in security, the issue has to be resolved politically. among the formulas office of people come said a delicate moment as the un lead peacekeeping force known as a new sco, is pulling out of the country. at the request of the congolese government, the un said the 1st phase of the withdrawal should be complete by the end of april . and all the peacekeepers will be out by the end of the year. gabriel is on the houses here at the united nations in new york. how many muslims are amongst those displaced in the democratic republic of congo?
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this conference, so reports that struck into find sue, to break that foss, joining the holy month of ramadan. around 10 percent of the con, the least population mosley and durham monkey kennedy is one of the many struggling to get a problem bill. during the whole, the month of ramadan, he's finally moved to this displaced by so this comes in the pro visual capital goma from the town of psychic, about 25 kilometers away. socket has been for to go for months by government forces and the on to group and 23 most of its residents. now you've ross in make shift to tense with little food, water and other necessities, close up with them. so i'm going to the fact that my wife is not fasting is a grease the right. thank god for it's good wanted my wife was pregnant to escape the pain of having no food. this helps me because i'm the only one fasting in the
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house. that's bearable because i don't have enough food for most people. nearly 2000000 people in the eastern province of north cube who have fled. she's a 5 team begun 2 years ago. aid would because do their best to help, but they said the needs are too many had the job. abraham has just received tough for the russian and the we are fasting determined on and very difficult conditions . our children have neither a meal to start the fast, nor one to break the fast. we have nowhere to find flint, and if we go back to saki to look for it, we are attacked by the rebels. the cumberlands government, un experts and other international organizations blamed neighboring run to for baki entity 3 and causing these latest they're up on a to z ation. rhonda denies made me call these stuck in comp. also blame am 23. the
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fighting is not matching up and the spreading to different areas, but it appears the group keeps advancing and taking more territory. that means the holding less such as a door on a set to stay here until a solution is found. kathy saw you all to 0. a police intake have shut down no position. meeting to discuss the controversy ever changes to the constitution. legislation passively this week gives empties pounds to appoint the president and scraps direct elections. the opposition size after law president the photographs then day to extend his rule indefinitely. after 19 years in town, french military helicopters of alex and $170.00 citizens from haiti to escape going violence. the french foreign ministry is urging hundreds of other passport holders to come type in the sample difference. if they want to leave. these activities are being slated to the day by fine child of monks and the bubble wrap allows the latest,
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almost being half thing on the ground regarding the ongoing security situation in haiti as violence linked to gangs continues to grip the country. the governing council, which seeks to oversee the political transition in the country, has issued its very 1st statement that statement reads, we are determined to alleviate the suffering of the haitian people trapped for too long between bad governments. multifaceted violence and disregard for their perspectives and needs, though the group has vowed to restore democratic order. the statement did not outline a timeframe for specific actions that need to be taken in haiti. evacuations or for nationals from the country. continue and international observers ward over a worsening humanitarian crisis for the 10s of thousands of patients that have been displaced as violence in the country continues to search. by the way that i follow
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al jazeera mexico city firefighters. and that is why i left the thing widespread while far as the threatening national parks and forest was this choose all work is it contained, the place is but try conditions and start wins. making that difficult to present the unsolved 7 veils, a $1000000000.00 green investment time to protect the amazon rainforest. the announcements was made during a visit to northern brazil by the french present amendment medical plan, proposed the reward system for countries investing and cycle cob and sing such as the amazon rainforest which naturally absorbs c o. 2 emissions, female activists in the, the can know that india on a 10 day hunger strike. it's the latest process that demand that own states in the himalayas. it's all of us since the indian government separated the doc from indian administration needs and turned into essentially government territory is actually just said that they've lost political representation. little say in development projects their budget code is in mongolia by counting the cost of one of the most
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severe winters and maybe half a century. many communities have lost most of half of the livestock as temperature has dropped to minus 50 degree celsius. katrina you, how's the story talking about that but still has lived as a new america to for his entire life. but this past winter has been one of the harshest he's ever experienced. no, i don't is i don't. on november, the 4th a sport and began and snow started falling from day until nightfall. this continued no stop for 2 days. the snowfall was immense up to one metre high. this was the beginning of what mongolian school they towed a disastrous cold spell which coasted most of the country and stick layers of snow and ice. in rural areas, temperatures plunged to as low as minus 50 degrees. an estimated 5000000 gracing animals died from the extreme cold and being unable to feed tens of thousands of


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