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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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company has made at stock market debut on wall street, chaz and the trump media and technology group. how since klein sat cheapest and giving it a market capitalization of over $9000000000.00. apologies. but some analysts on projecting a successful future if truth social comp increase its 5000000 uses. trump launched it 2 years ago of the he was banned from major social platforms following the attack on the us capital. done pre mac is the business editor of the ex use online nice platform uses. trump support is mainly responsible for the initial rise in the shaft price. the best way to really understand this is a little bit like game. stop that people remember that from a couple years ago, which was a real company, it was a retailer, they sold video, games online and then stores. but there was this moment which came stopped, stop went through the roof, and suddenly it was worth much more than a lot of established companies. it wasn't justified on the fundamentals, it was what became known as a means of stock and trump, media,
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and technology or truth social is best understood in that way. this is from what we can understand, at least this point, kind of a political stock. maybe the only political stops and the people who are fans of trump are buying. this could have been bidding it up. it is not based on the fundamentals, but ultimately a stock in a company is really worth what people will pay for it. it's not necessarily a multiple of earnings or multiple of revenue. we don't necessarily know who the user basis. so for example, is the largest outside investor is a guy named jeff yas, but he is doing that through a big investment firm. he's a, he's a billionaire investor, it's got a big firm called us vamos. the holder there with the assumption is, this is mostly retail investors and it's probably true. it's a fairly small, flooded stop, but it's entirely possible they're institutions in there that inside that this was a good thing to buy up if only because they believe that there are a bunch of retail folks that we're gonna, we're gonna kind of hold for a while because they're the support of the drum, we just don't know. it's too early to really know. we'll have to wait a quarter or 2 for reporting or the possibility of commercially viable flying cause
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has moved a step closer to reality and so on to european develop a soley technology for this vehicle for an undisclosed to a company in china. yeah, call is powered by a, b, m, w petro engine. i'm was fast tested in slovakia 3 years ago. it does need a runway for take off on landing now. so why the chinese buys plants produced the vehicles the use in a specific region. okay, that set for me and this continues here and i'm just there on the listening post. lot small on our website out there. and i'll come to the the latest news as it breaks the is really our talary shows this area last night. understanding families was remo, done with their tears, and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients
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with connie kidney disease. we need 3 treatments a week from the heart of the story. he's far whole has been diminished their prayers continue with the situations to get it to the a washington practice to take down the tick tock in the us. pat issue besides chinese ownership. but compounding matters is the volume of pro palestinian content on the israel invades the shape of a hospital in gaza. garrett rooms been the story repeats and the looting of ukrainian memory. russia goes after museums 10 days ago, the us house of representatives voted over well niggley to force the chinese on app tick tock, to be sold to american interest for face a back. threatening to cancel a platform favored by teenagers with about 170000000 american users as not prove
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popular. american law makers content the tick tock is a national security risk or potential to for chinese espionage and election interference. however, they have produced precious little evidence to back that up. and there is more to this story than just haul cushion is over china, pro zionist forces, influential once disapprove of what tech talk has been putting out there, accusing it of harboring an anti israel bias over the war on gaza. critics say that's a distraction that there are bigger issues around data protection and bias which plague all kinds of social media platforms, whether they're chinese owned or not. instead of gun reform, climate change, homelessness for actually trying to band tick tock, tick tock has been a social media sensation. and for one really simple reason, they basically pioneered this format of vertical video instead of
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horizontal. it started off pretty much like other social media platforms as a tool for entertainment, with fund videos. if your guy keeps growing soft voice, you're with me today. check this out. and quickly, it's turned into a tool for people to access news to discussing global events. matter, this is what you need to know about what's happening in a job right now. i tend to think of it as you know, the cool new bar on the street. the younger people are, are going to look for a place where the older people aren't. so they just kind of go to facebook, the instagram, these things tend to have a certain generational character, all of which would be fine, had took talk, been launched in silicon valley, usa and, and north china. ostensibly, that is why the us house of representatives recently voted to give tech talks parent company by dance 6 months to sell the platform to american interest, or it would be bad made to disappear from app stores in the us. today we take
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a stand against the chinese communist party and their efforts to turn content creators and america into foot soldiers. for the c, c p, the russian. now the tick tock represents a threat to national security. let's see a radically, the roughly 170000000 americans scrolling through all those videos could be manipulated politically by the chinese authorities. the stated reason for this bill is all about china that chinese government can use the control of the tick tock algorithm to push political narrative in the united states. take talk is a backdoor for the chinese communist party into every phone in america. the thing is, no one has actually presented anything that really proves that there is a national security risk here which has allowed for other narratives to form. right . is it really secretly about the palestinian cause, which has become so popular on tick tock?
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please watch this video for 10 seconds to support the people of palestine. what is the history of banning 6 on pre dates? the current war and and gaza buses? october 7th, or seen another round of rhetoric excuse in 6, talk of manipulating algorithms, brainwashing people, changing their views to become so cool of him as a supporters think your platform is being used to help people who want to destroy the joy state and the use of fix talk to discuss what's happening and in the gaza strip of kind of excell rates into the conversation around the around them. the claims that tick tock is somehow anti israel or falsely amplifying pro palestinian contents. there's currently no evidence, but that's actually taking place. the sentiments that you see on tech talk largely track with the demographics, if you use, as the younger people disproportionately oppose the occupation of palestine oppose
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military action and gaza and support the palestinian people. some us lawmakers have seized on that question for a ban on the app, but in the end this is really about um, do we want to allow our government to control where we can get news and information from the pro israel lobby's issues with tick tock spiked after the october 7th attacks from the early days of the war, pro palestinian hashtags such as stand with palestine, we're out trending those on the other side like stand with israel. it wasn't even close. jonathan green black is the head of the anti defamation and n g o dedicated to combat in anti semitism in the us. last week this leaked phone call surface. it took place in early november.
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the only green blotched generation gen z is not exactly in throw to with what mainstream news outlets in the us have to say, particularly they're reporting on palestine and israel as we see the devastation and k offs come out of gaza. i think there's only one question on all of us being content. the most large media organizations in the u. s. has been very careful to tow a kind of washington consensus line around israel that has made the voices, the pro palestinian voices that exist on tech talk more noticeable because they're in contrast to what people are here and elsewhere. you know, we can, we can blame it on tick tock, we can blame it on, on the extreme left wing. it's
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a very tiny political move to say, well, here's this thing that my supporters don't like. and the reasons other people are supporting it is because they've been brainwashed with this outward. so the confusing say about the jonathan green plaid at the 80 else is that none of those arguments are being made in the open as a reason for this band. the band is very specifically being tied to the china narrative. a lot of people have said actually that they're pro policy and content has been censored on tip top. see right there 3003000 ended immediately got a throttle then i could tell. but i don't think i've seen any convincing evidence that there is a bias in the algorithm. the challenge with understanding of a tech type algorithm is we have no transparency into it. so we can only make guesses, and that's true for all of the algorithms and all of social media right. another salient question is tick tock. even chinese, 20 percent of its parent company by dance is owned by its chinese founders. another
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20 percent by take talks, employees around the world. the remaining 60 percent is owned by global investment firms, western capitalists, more loyal to the profit motive vendor. chinese connie, that some people come from the same corporate clause. a steve, i'm a nutrient and ex member of donald trump cabinet who is currently putting together a bid to buy tick tock and users love that. so it shouldn't be shut down. that would leave to talk and twitter dominant platforms in the hands of 2 mega republicans. what washington and badging have in common on this story is the pharmacy with the us, the so called land of a free, threatening to put a lid on freedom of expression. while china land of the firewall, having bands, twitter and other sites now condemns america for going after tech to it is very hypocritical for the chinese government. so pushed back when it's has this
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established record of censorship and surveillance may go to us. we'll take care bye. the stomach was done the same thing, so usually runs uh, the quotes, the 2 more breathes at the 3, the me, the move to ban tick tock would encourage other author retiring redeems around the world to do the same. what would stop a government like saudi arabia or any other government, but things this application is as a national security threat. finally, young people do have the platform to freely express their opinions and challenge existing narrative. and that is seen as a friends by the american politicians that say no problem with israel's genocide, a war. but with a chinese owned i read upper house of the us congress. the senate still have to decide whether it will take that take talk. legislation for president biden has
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vowed that if it does, he will sign the bill into law if that pass. what i'll find, even though he is currently campaigning for re election on the platform. ultimately though, the tick tock debate is a diversion away from the real issue, the author or lack of regulation of social media in the us compared to the european union. for example, the way our user data is gathered and harnessed by big tack, not necessarily to our benefit. we desperately need privacy legislation here in the us. it is a national embarrassment that we do not have basic laws. preventing companies from harvesting our data and using it to manipulate us because whether tick tock is collecting your data or instagram is collecting your data. once it's shared with data, brokers your data can easily fall in the hands of the chinese government or another government. so we're not solving any national security problem by banning tech talk
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. really, all we're doing is taking away a platform that many, many people use to share their views to create community and to express themselves . we need to talk about tick tock. if the pro israel lobby wants to preserve what is left of the country's reputation, it could forget about tick tock and lobby the nothing yahoo government to stop committing a war crimes stop chewing palestinian civilians at such an ungodly rate. stop blocking a and starving people to death and stop shooting the messenger. millions of them on tick tock for nearly exercising their freedom of speech, showing their humanity. because the platform is not the problem, it's the current. and israel keeps on providing israel has conducted yet another gruesome rate on gods as largest hospital. it's deadly as yet. and abducted palestinian journalists trying to cover the story,
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including one of i'll just arizona making your head is here with the details this past monday morning was the full time that israel has invited she for hospital in gaza. city, military spokesman, daniel gar, event claim that hundreds of from us operatives were inside the building and had opened fire on his ready troops. the number reportedly killed as of this recording is approaching 200 and continues to climb hundreds more of interest. until now we have arrested over 250. some us and the stomach g i terrace that we identified. that kind is false because among those arrested was several gymnast, including, i'll just say with correspondent is my, i'll go off to his release. he described his treatment in custody. i just don't know what the specific cameron. well, let me just a lot of, well that i the phone call us like the cleveland field as well there, cuz it then what kind of slip out
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a little bit along with the salting the jan. this is really soldiers reported the destroyed the phones, laptops and several pool costing vehicles. and what appears to be an attempt to you right, is the footage they had felt of the right among those killed was fight my bu, a policeman. the day before the she for attack, my bu had helped to distribute aid into northern gaza with palestinians are starving to death. these really ministry insisted he was a court senior. come us operative eye witness. testimonies published by the geneva based. you're admitted to radian human rights monitor, describe the straight up execution of civilians inside the hospital complex, which will constitute a war crime and fits a pattern of reports of summary executions of civilians buys riley forces. so when daniel hook already says something like this, until now, none civilians, doctors, maybe teams, none of being hurt,
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only the tears. it is incumbent upon journalist to call it what it is more time propaganda. thanks, nick. following vladimir putin election victory this past week, which was never in doubt, were visiting a story about the targeting of ukrainian heritage and how it fits into pollutants view of ukraine's history is rejection of its right to exist. after russia's invasion in 2022 museum workers there, scrambled to protect their collections from getting ransacked. they knew the russians were coming. museums help us understand the past to make sense of the present. and the theft and deliberate destruction of the cultural heritage has become a feature of conflicts around the world most noticeably in the occupied gaza strip right now, where israel has deliberately pounded palestinian museums, archives, and cultural sites in ukraine. russian forces have been methodical, when armed man in uniforms started showing up at museums, they had
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a pretty good idea of what they were looking for to the listening post topic now from now on a war on culture design to rewrite history. and we can ukrainian resistance march 2022, many titles meets in of local eastern, southeastern ukraine. the 1st target in the russian looting spring. the began just weeks after the invasion of the russians take the city museum director laid out. but i came of, varies a priceless collection of skipped in gold. deep in the setup somewhere, she hugs occupying falls and won't find it. the next day the russians came for her . they put a hood on her head, they took her out and you cleaned the code for the wall. it's a basement where they just look you up and they torture you. they wanted to know where the collection was. the only thing they underestimated was her character. and
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when they put a gun to her, had she said, i am not afraid of, you know, i am not afraid to die. i'm sorry. now she's in a safe place, but her family is not safe. so she cannot talk about it. they target museum workers and museum director specifically because they are leaders for their community. and when they cannot get them to collaborate, then they persecute them. of course, live with him or develop. uh lets they'll keep wires. no recollection is what lead to some people with special equipment came in the base with the phone with the collection and the launch it kind of a public in the conversion which was widely disseminated through russian programs and channels showing the newly pointing director who is the korean, telling the look this collection was with them to,
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to be looked at by previous is in leadership. it's literally because a lot of the loops enough instead of just kind of look like to read for things to rochelle, compression of his collections are being preserved. the same week, the group of men turned up at the local history museum and occupied by the way of looking for the famous works of matthew pope on autism advocate twins. too. many russians claim after their rush among the intrude of pro kremlin tv on alexander musket with us frequently. what do you just say more of that? what does it say feeling or to remain from a song that might do something most could void question the mediums direct to natalia capacity. ok, the on camera you when you, when you deal with someone else, i'm not sure that i got some missed of a already get along with the coins. we were supposed to be on just the thoughts of buying them. the cool mr. off come on the tv on cassette the direct to reveal the
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location of my secret collection. a 100 footage. eventually a mice of most men loading the collection into minivans. and if picture was posted by most good for holding quinn, cheese red sunsets on the didn't a product then the focus time to the city of cuts on and what should become the occupying forces. biggest heist yet. when the russians 1st arrived at because southern regional arts museum museum director, alina sanker, told them how collection had been relocated. i initially thought satisfied the thing. go says the ox works would have remained hidden as members of my stuff had given them up to sort of cause i knew that were russian collaborators in the team. they were of this and they really made themselves known since 2014. i called them and they promised them they wouldn't do it again that they changed. but that wasn't
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true. they hadn't me in the lives mean they didn't, may 2022. the thinkers faced intense pressure from russian authority. she was summoned to a command as often and fearing the fates of other museum direct flags on july, 19th, russians, police and intelligence officers moved on the museum, was able to shriek on that day. 6 armed men went through the building. they were wearing masks with them was natalia of the seats hold on a local senior, introduced yourself as the new museum director. they also brought one of their collaborators, natalia, called, so they took the keys, opened up the locker, and every one saw the collection right there on the collaborators shouted, see, we've been selling you for the last 6 months. the collection hasn't been moved. the direct on her stuff or line. we will run the museum with you under russian governance. we've been waiting for you. who am i should go?
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who lives in ashley scott, willie police, when the ukrainian troops closed in to take back her son, the russian started moving the collection out of the museum. some of the pieces were treated with care, but others were just thrown. and we can identify the paintings. because every painting has a number at the back, i mean, certainly not more efficient. similar as the russians retreated from cast off, they empty the cities, museums of around $15000.00 pieces of photos of sinks, and most of dozens of pieces from the collection in a museum, russian occupied synthetic crimea. there is nothing random about how the looting unfolded. human rights groups say the organized operation to rope ukrainians open national heritage amounts to a walk right to the people tossed with protecting the heritage, ukraine's means in walker. it constitutes an attack on you. crane in identity.
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anything that can be associated with russian culture has been moved, but dozens of needs in all kinds and other cultural 5 have also been intentionally damaged or destroyed 40 and he's destroying and targeting what he cannot associated with the russian culture. for example, right beside me, it those other artifacts from the bottom to museum of local law, or it was the 1st museum that was actually precisely hit by russian to miss out. and it had a great collection of odd words by monday i pretty much am could a very widely known ukrainian. the fainter includes absorb you great. in addition into her artwork, they targeted that museum and those artists and the artworks role very connected to real ukraine identity were neglected or in prison. and so the times international one, turing, civilized laboratories prove that no of the building was she's so it was
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intentional of damage putting on the 21st of february, clearly cleared. let's cleaning and cultural heritage is something which belongs to russia. a good bite. the ticket, our cultural heritage, should they, it's like our national identity trying to just clean up everything which collected to us as a grievance situation automatic fruits and has repeatedly dismissed ukraine's history and trivialize. the idea of a distinct ukrainian identity separates from russia. ukraine in c continuity with episodes from washington imperial cost, the push and the 18th and 19th century to suppress the language or later in soviet russia, the mass targeting of ukraine's cultural leaders, historians and writers in here. and now ukraine's heritage is
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a justification for the i'm the targets of russian force, which makes protecting that heritage and ex essential issue. the ukranian culture, a matter of survival. they started the war because of our cultural identity. they want to erase it, what they cannot possess. they want to erase how dare you have a different cultural identity and all our cultural heritage. it proves that we have different. this is a headed visual is identity and put it away with tries to destroy you create a new nation. and one of the main issues is our cultural identity, cultural heritage, and the moon centers. history for queens. this was this all things which kept ukrainians as a premium for centuries, which makes us much stronger. we're sure makes us feel as we are, the community which differs from russians. and this is the most dangerous
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depression. as the as really prime ministers, official english language spokesperson e long levy has been all over the international airwaves ever since october 7th. so when he disappeared this past week, people noticed it turns out levy has been suspended from his job. the reason he got into a twitter is fat with the british foreign secretary in which levy was called lying about israel's blocking of humanitarian aid destined for starving people in gossip . now this didn't happen because libby lied. he was doing that repeatedly deceiving the masses on israel's behalf. it was who he lied to. a member of the british house of lords. there's a moral to this story somewhere. we'll see you next time here at the listening post .
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the phosphor lila 2 weeks. so the gonna know something content
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over 30 years after the sign of the 01 tells the to follow the story of no ways in the oldest little of course, let us salute the government of norway morris. remarkable in nurturing the secret negotiations and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home the price of also on all disease of a human appeal. we know just how precious every moment of ramadan is. every 2nd of these beautiful months brings you the opportunity to embrace the spirit and blessings of mercy. your 13 nights is a human appeal platform, which enables you to automate you with a nation's on every night to from a done hoping to make the most of this beautiful month. trust us with your messy
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this ramadan, the is really strong said central and southern golf and killing at least 7 to 6 palestinians in the past 24 hours. the main site this is out, is there a noise from deaf or so coming up? at least 9 people are to buy more. is there any strikes on 711 on among the dead on 2 paramedics, the star. everybody know stories are waiting to reopen bolts in a poor, self to contain a ship knocked down a major bridge.


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