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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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feel old that can possibly be the the if you're watching the news, our life from headquarters and they'll find very novel gays i, here's what's coming off in the next 60 minutes is really strikes, hit residential areas and central and southern gaza killing at least $76.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours, hezbollah fires a barrage of rockets into northern israel after and is really straight killed. 7 people in southern 11 on the start, wherever everybody, the whole us investigators board the container ship that crashed into
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a bridge and baltimore and recover its data recorder. i'm is all a big of a problem and i'll tell you how people are finding it difficult access. health care in remote talks of, of on and on. keisha sims' with useful to ukraine's football team, qualified for the 1st major tournaments since the russian invasion. they hold back to the iceland to one in the playoffs to secure their place something heroes for the 4th time in a row. the welcome to the news our israel is keeping up its wide spread and relentless attacks across the gaza. ignoring a un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. our number of airstrikes targeted residential areas across the strip and gases. health ministry says at least 10 palestinians were killed enough in the south. 5 others were killed
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and put a is that's in central garza. then in the occupied, westbank is really storage that soldiers have rated several cities, killing 3 people including 2 teenagers and jeanine, while others were wounded near nablus. there also been cross border attacks between israel and armed groups and 11 on and is really air strike killed at least 7 people in the lebanese village of her body. you and one person was killed in israel, in a barrage of rocket fires by has buttoned up. we'll get the latest updates from garza. we have tied it up as though he's joining us from buff. that's in the south of the gaza strip. thought it, so since that un resolution passed earlier this week, there's no letter is really bombing of guys off talk to us about the latest strikes that's you've heard and seen off on their aftermath. yes, definitely a very and there was no you need me talking and fighting. no one else strikes specifically here in the south and run the past couple of hours. but specifically
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to be clear within a few minutes ago. the is very a fight to just stop talking to a residential house here and on the vicinity of a way to hospitalized. we have been reporting that there was a clear, active, military driven surveillance movements. and when the central, there is a rough on, on the vicinity of a way to hospital residential building has been destroyed, where shrapnel had hit a the make shift filters that were adjacent to this house that had been targeted where one palestinian woman has been killed with a number of casualties have to reported and do is have been a happy transcript transferred to you. so i have to wait to hospital to receive medical treatments. now casualties are arriving to the hospital as confidence as returning back from the location of the target thing as a template and to see and to at the becky ground. so this saves david had been multiple targeted in the course of the past couple of hours. and a couple of days, but recently 11 of sentience have been killed and over night strikes on the
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residential houses that being targeted. and it's worth mentioning that all of the houses that have been targeted were targeted in areas that consider it to be very populated with if activities. and at the same time that are adjacent to agricultural land that are crowded with make shift filters for a vacuum. use will i'd be natively displaced from separate areas and the gaza strip and ending up right here. now, rough off, which has been on the constant, is pretty from bottom. it's within the past 24 by 24 hours. okay, thank you. talk to about soon tanya. is reporting us from what i found in the south of the gaza strip. well, from shabani out, moss and custody, which has more on the attacks in northern garza, is why the forces continue with the incursion in the uh, ship, elizabeth and the surrounding area of how she posts. but then they also there was, uh, the enforcement. indeed. nothing is there for ship hospital which is uh, the new kind of a new military. and in that area also there is uh uh,
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a campaign of arresting too many of all the seniors while living in that area. and then i'll be interested in doing an honest taurus to be at noon to the southern of garza, the throughout, to see the st to. so this, this situation, the a people inside the ship house because i kept inside small room in the human resources development building, which is basements. and some of the concepts are fucked. and which is not true, but it all to be a for me because well, is rose were on god has killed more than $14000.00 children, while others are left suffering from severe mal nutrition and dehydration come on. odd one hospital in northern garza has worn but it's receiving multiple infants every day. who's weight do not match their age, doctors, or appealing for desperately needed supplies. of these $27.00 children have died of
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mel nutrition and d hydration since october. 6 incident on the left of the pots with the i c u stuff as come out one hospital. we clearly noticed the influx of huge numbers of newborn baby suffering from acute know nutrition and advanced via the hydration of this is mainly due to the absence of for me the milk cause then as a result a these reach critical and severe degrees of dehydration and s a d, me i disorders and ultimately test on a daily basis. we receive $2.00 to $3.00 cases of underweight babies, for instance. so we just received this 2 month old baby go away or the 2 kilograms . this is mainly because of the total absence of the for me to milk need for this baby. ringback box is really soldiers. i rated several cities across they occupied westbank. at least 3 people were killed and jeanine, 2 of them teenagers, a 9 others were injured. bulldozers destroyed roads on facilities during the reigns
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. several other people were wounded in another operation near nablus is really army has killed more than 450 palestinians in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th. we have our correspondence. laura con was joining us not from the in the occupied westbank. so laura, 1st talk to us about janine and the drone strike on the janine refuge account? yes, absolutely. i'll just woke you back to around 11 pm a tuesday. that'd be is ready. ami rate is janine the city center also towards the south and also jeanine refugee cuz they stayed there for around 5 to 6 hours all together. the what is confrontations throughout jeanine, one type of thing and mine was shot in the back just outside the refugee camp. they also confiscated, with a, quote, some surveillance technology from somebody. and they destroyed among events that was post top a to remember a policy and who being killed in this ray, the ray,
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they went into jeanine refugee camp, whether it were as we usually say, fears, confrontations with fights is bad. they were made for many hours. they then sent in an almost bolt, is that what they begun to destroy, much of the infrastructure inside the account. again, we're seeing this taking place for almost a year now. and this being continuously destroyed as they were leaving the count. they then sent in an alma tron and where they killed 2 people in a strike. but it's important to say janine where the has been the epicenter of find the rates for the past. 2, he is 43 people since i'm the type of something killed in s tried and tried and attacks and i was the 450 people have been killed across the west side since that date was almost a quote to have been from jeanine. yeah. and laura, as they're saying, i mean it's not just jenny, and these rates take place right across the occupied westbank. so what's been happening in other areas and what sort of resistance is being put up us we have
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to understand as well, the is ready justification. so going into the west bank, they say this crack down is in order to prevent future violence to clack, down, and some of the fight to groups taking place. what people side the success of basing a very seriously volatile situation. i've got to say, i've visited many of the towns cities refugee comes across the occupied west mind. first of all, people that are traumatized by what's happening in golf. so they feel this is their people. they said that the genocide is taking place and they feel very help us to do anything about to be. we also have to see the optic in depths here as well since up to the 7th. so said $453.00 palestinians killed. many more wounded. uh we went to to boss, not long ago, this is just one example of re these raiders had kicks down this metal door. friction is very, very loud noise. so it's a 3 year old and that he woke up to guns in the faces of his family. and since then
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he's developed to stomach. that's just one tiny example of what people say. it's a psychological welfare, but they say there was blissful recall. says sorry, this will power, they have to do anything about it so many of wasting in fear. please stay the rights but also the number of check points. that'd be the right to the flying check points to stop any kind of movement. many people from the west side on able to go to like some, most during the higher the month of ramadan and occupied is terese. since that they say this severe restrictions on their lives. so it's really a sense of trauma across here. it's quite westbank. all right, laura. com. thank you for that update from it. i'm a lot in the occupied westbank meanwhile, and is really are strike and southern 11 on has killed at least 7 people. it targeted a health center is in a for the reports from the village of you have body gus near the border with israel . the hey, the sub system. you thought the phone call? that's why any 21 year old mohammed mode was among paramedics killed. and the
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overnight is really strike. his mother is grieving, but defiant, 7 young men, university students, volunteers, were in the emergency health center that was completely destroyed. it wasn't the 1st time is real hit, the medical facility and village is close to the border. during the conflict, it began when hezbollah opened a front line against his rated forces in support of garza previous attacks of also killed medical workers and not money that these young men were our friends. we grew up with them. this is a civilian target and of the military one, but we don't shop. this is what the enemy does. the center was run by jamal this. let me a group that has participated in attacks on israel. people here tonight is really army claims. that jets targeted a military compound belonging to the group and eliminated what it's called a significant operative at the end of the month of this center used to serve the
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whole region. these volunteers help those were sick and one that didn't is really attacks. the nearest hospital is kilometers away. people here tell us they believe this strike is part of as well. strategies to di, populate the region close to the border. already an area up to 4 kilometers is largely empty of civilians. tens of thousands have been forced from their homes simply to move to a february which was hit for the 1st time on tuesday night. people here are trying to make sense of their loss in a conflict that's still large. they can find 2 military targets and tied to the outcome of the war on garza so they know who their owner is either. so they're loving on a. so in response to that attack has been the fired a barrage of rockets into northern israel, and they targeted the city of curious mona. at least one person was killed there
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for more than this, we have the son who joining us from occupied east jerusalem. so what's being said about that has been a strikes on israel and what impact they've had well, the is really army is essentially saying that they targeted what they're calling quote, a significant operative inside of lebanese territory. now we do know from reporting by our colleagues, they know what the 11 on that all 7 of those killed were paramedics b is really is, are also saying around 30 rockets were launched into northern israel, specifically into the city of pdf tional. now this is an area that has seen repeated rocket fire from lebanese territory since the war began. and since these exchanges of fire with his bowl, it began on october 8th just yesterday. we're looking at at least 50 rockets that were fired into all different parts of northern israel, but also insecurity actual. now it's an area that has been largely evacuated by is really authorities, though some people still remain there by their own. well,
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so the is really, haven't been saying for quite some time now that this is an escalating situation on his roles, northern border, and they are trying to see how they're going to deal with it. if it's not on the diplomatic front is roles defense minister you'll have go on, has been repeatedly saying throughout the last 6 months that he's not afraid to turn loving on into another, gaza, if the situation does not scale down and comes out on another note. and while i have you with us, just what's benjamin netanyahu been saying about the cancellation of the is really delegations, visits to washington that was meant to take place. so initially we heard from his roles, prime minister, who said that he is canceling. this is really delegation heading to washington to brief american officials on how exactly they were going to invade drop off. he 1st said that it was canceled because the us did not exercise their veto right in the
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un security council resolution that calls for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in gaza. now today while speaking with republican senators in jerusalem in west jerusalem, rather, he said that there were other reasons for him cancelling this delegation. let's take a listen to some of those remarks. martin was a message to us. it was a message 1st door on this for me is really prime minister. it has been saying for more than a couple of weeks now that international pressure is non going to phase him. that whatever happens when it comes to pressure from the united states, from other allies, like france, the united kingdom or germany, that he's going to continuously prosecute. this war, however,
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sees these fit and him stopping this delegation but came at the request of us present. and joe biden, he says, is another way that he's not coming to international pressure. so well, it has to do with the us not exercising their veto at the new one security council . he also says he wants to send a message to him, asked, but in the face of international pressure, he's still going to do whatever he sees fit in order to achieve what he says is an absolute victory. all right, so sometimes we're burning from occupied is tourism and thank you as well in gaza, while local charities are doing their best to provide much needed aids. hundreds of thousands of people are going hungry. and during this, fos, the month of ramadan, displace palestinians, and enough reflect on the dramatic shift and their lives since this time last year . how much all reports? the sound of capillary industry, least kitchen of most of the music,
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to the ears of hundreds of thousands of paula steve's face and starvation. it's been nearly 6 months since these are the offers. he began couples with any adult of seat. the majority of these follow seniors have been forced from their homes, even of the holy, most of them upon the minds to move the days of the cost. normally we have spoken preparations and declarations and reaches for the for the month of ramadan. this year. the situation is different, and as you can see, everyone depends on the 8th and support from others. we lived in peace and security during the last month of from a dental. we've been living in our houses, the markets were full and we could buy anything for our children. but the situation was cut in term of done is different because of the war. instead of bank 1st, fruits and vegetables from the markets. now we only need to can from with only tiny amounts of a guessing if the local effect is crucial. a hospice child or 2 is one of the local
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groups about to have to the survivors and thousands of people himself. we prepare food for the people here since the 1st day of the war. during the higher the month of ramadan, we need to exit more efforts. we divided ourselves into 2 teams. the 1st for cooking, rice, and meat, and the 2nd for cooking. other things such as the piece, lentils, et cetera, we try all base to provide food to the displace peoples. yeah. in rough bottom. but it hasn't always been easy with the shoes, camp, city or suppliers the we face them difficulties such as the lack of meat, rice and oil at the beginning of the war. we used to cook 5 calls. but now this is difficult due to the lack of called spirit, and the very high prices is found. one is facing the double set of families and the potential is really going to affect what the situation is for the project.
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on something easily informed you and thought it was no longer a low food confidence to be finding it, just close the families that are forced to to die. so 1st of all the need for safe and too many to support husbands. it'd be more at and how much fun just you can see more head on the all to 0 in his our including while millions go hungry around the world. a staggering amount of food is being thrown away every days will have the details. plus tony checking on the time in bold with thousands of military age men and women are expected to play in the coming months to escape the drop down world tennis number one. novak you off of which makes a big announcements. peter, for how the detail's coming up in the
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but 1st us investigators are examining the data recorder of the container ship that caused the baltimore bridge to collapse under checking if contaminated, fuel costs, the loss of power. divers are induced to search the bridge records for the bodies of 6 workers. they were repairing potholes on the bridge when the ship crashed into it. on tuesday, we have john henry and he's joining us live from near the collapse bridge in baltimore. just to just tell us what you've been seeing there at john and also now that the divers have recovered the data recorder from the shift. what does this mean for the investigation? so that's right, there is just the divers are in the water. we haven't heard that they have uh found any of the 6 workers who are believed to be down there believed to be deceased
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at this time. and national transportation safety board officials are going through that data recorder, trying to see if they can confirm reports that that ship was losing power as it crashed into the bridge. and if you watch the video, you can see that just before that collision occurs. the lights go out on the ship and of course that is what people on that vessel uh the galley were reporting at the time. the dispatchers were able to get cars off of that bridge with about 90 seconds to go before disaster struck for they weren't able to talk to those construction workers who were filling in those potholes. you were talking about. so those are the people who are missing at. meanwhile the portable door is shut down. and westmore, the governor of maryland says that is a major economic problem, not just for this region, but for the entire country as well. we've seen how the entire country has riley
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around maryland and route around baltimore is because of the understanding of the portable it's more is not just impacting maryland. if you look at this, we are this, this port is responsible for over 51000000 tons of foreign cargo. that's the largest in the country that for everybody who was buying cars for everybody who was buying farm equipment. where you the largest port in the country that does so this is not just impacting marilyn. this is impacting that farmer in kentucky. it's impacting that auto dealer in michigan. and so it is imperative that we get this bridge rebuilt. it's imperative that we get the port of baltimore back up and going one of the things that investigators are looking for is whether it was human error or whether there were some kind of mechanical error going on in that vessel and have a same ship. the jolly was involved in a collision with a wall in 2016 in and tour of the past to foreign port inspections last year. but
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one of those inspections found that it had propulsion and machinery deficiencies. all right, john, thank you so much on henry and reporting from baltimore, a guy putting the secretary general at the international chamber of shipping. and he says that the closure of the baltimore port will cost some delays in the short term the localized, disappointing disruption katie. the portables, more close, we don't know when it's going to reopen. you've got a lot of a bridge wreckage, which is now loading the c bed with the mind you can move in and out to baltimore is that's going to take some time to get the results has in place to lift that to clear that. so we're talking dice, if not weeks for baltimore to be closed, the ship stuck inside baltimore hop. i'd like to the call on sale. and so obviously if we'll stop it to other pools, which will cause the lights and the fix company is gonna have to find alternative pulse which i can discharge. and another thing that cause the problem. so that's going to, in the short term, could creates a buffet next as most ships to be gone to the other ports which include bottlenecks
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and delays. so these things will work themselves out of the time. but clearly, for the next a period of time, there's going to be disruption to the, to the, the maritime supply chain in that area as they dislike is taken up by other places . and hopefully, baltimore put low sooner rather than later. all we now it's her into the global problem, a food waste, which is hurting economies and also fueling habitat boss. a report from the united nations estimates that households worldwide waste more than a 1000000000 meals a day. on average, each person waste 79 kilos of food annually, and that's the equivalent of 1.3 meals every day for everyone in the world suffering from hunger off 780000000 people are affected by hunger and a 3rd of the world's population face food shortages, the un says 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions comes from both the loss and waste of food. and that's 5 times higher than the total emissions from the
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aviation sector. tell you, i need a regular enough on from the international food research institute explains how food ways differs around the world. it will do production of food, but exceeds the builders requirement. so it's not a question about net supply and demand. it's more the question about distribution of the food, and we don't see that a lot of the food the state is concentrated in higher income countries. so we see more food loss in the lower income countries and that's the part of the food. it gets large between production and ready. and i do the story later. the food we have to participate, which is some 3 do up and the consumption tends to be concentrated in, in hide and from countries, and particularly at the house with liberty. and so i think there's a need to kind of diebold with the 2 problems. it's not just to do for you to reduce your food with my high income publications that that's what would be automatically available for your income population by just distinguish,
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looking for glossing food with you, or because i think the thumbs are offering you interchangeably before. last is the amount of food that is produced that doesn't make it through to the market. so it's, it's, it's referring to, uh, you know, food cups produced or, or life store that has started that don't actually make it to, to being sold at retail. but it's for this kind of picks up from the 3010 point and jack's the amount of food that is, that is store that is not can do the fact. the majority of the, of the food for thought of being lost along the value chain is actually coming. or at least the estimates in india are coming from food, not for that. you know, i, the p p have it. you would have cop loss of do the best to disease it or force habits losses. and that tends to be the change also globally. you'll see that in low income countries, the majority of, of these losses along divide the chain uh, concentrated in for the doctors either. then would we still ahead on the houses there? it is. our state of florida. i moved to bans social media accounts for children. we
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us, whether it could become a trends elsewhere under historic night for georgia's football team. as they qualify for a major tournaments for the for as the time that's coming off. what's the, what's heater is, what's the pay welcome to your world's weather uptake beginning in the america. so this intense range here in northern florida along the border with georgia, has prompted flight alerts, also pretty intense range through the carolinas in virginia today on wednesday. so it's going to be a washer, and it was cold air rushing out of the us. watch what happens on thursday. this is going to spark a line of showers and storms. mexico's you could time peninsula believes guatemala pressing right into hunters. so this should give us
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a bit of relief from the heats in places like to go to get by with a high 31 degree is back to the here and now let's go to round the great lakes here . we've got this breeze still snowing in northwest ton terrier. if you can believe it in westbound we go and other pacific storm rolls in. so that's going to throw rain into b. c, south coast the pacific northwest and this will drop down into northern california . it's going to throw warm air over the rockies. so denver 11, wednesday, but warmer still on thursday. and for the top end of south america, look out all the storms locked into the amazon jungle care doctor, the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is falling looks like some more storms around argentina's wine country here. these could certainly produce some hail and still wet weather for a se. brazil were pumping in that humidity of the south atlantic. we're diginero 29 degrees for you. on wednesday, so later, the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to
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make. no. there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has no been violated. then while you have some western powers supports of, of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to define and it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and morally . they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored. and lee is real cause conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera, huge reserves of alysia, used in electric batteries and find to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels. live, be nice. can fast ideas, salt lake, a unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower? asks, is it possible to extract the mental without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on just the
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top stories on the als. is there a news our is really forces are still targeting residential areas across the gaza strip. the health ministry says sarah, at least 10 people who've been killed in the latest attacks on the left off 5 others were killed and, and is really struggling to embrace bass and central garza. and then the occupied westbank is really soldiers have rated several cities. at least 3 people were killed in geneva to have some teenagers, others were wounded in military operations near annapolis. and is really or striking southern lebanon has killed at least 7 people. the attack hit the village, providing here it targeted
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a building housing health center me and mar his hell. that's annual military parade for armed forces day. but the military is struggling to find new recruits casualties in the war. again. it's rebel forces distortions, unload more. all have depleted the ranks mandatory. conscription is due to be reintroduced next month. well, many young men are choosing to join the resistance forces or flee the country instead. and so tony trying met some of them dodging the draft and thailand's border town of my thoughts. milly, who will choose from the opposite banks, the molly river, young men, some of military age splash around in the water a well the way the river divides thailand m u m. and he crossed it illegally last week to escape the military draw financial on if i stayed to get my name along with the fact i was involved in the civil disobedience meizlish to consider to be
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a criminal. even if i receive a conscription notice, i don't think they will put me to military service. they will arrest and imprison me. in some areas the draft lottery has already begun. many don't want to leave the state to jones in recent weeks, long queues outside and this isn't yang, go. but legitimate visas on to an option. the most people in me, i'm a going to the most government connect, so made up of the elect to them. peace is wanting that tens of thousands or more will flee into neighboring countries getting in the door. these numbers are going to increase more rapidly because conscription has now started. now they are collecting data and going to knock on people's doors in april and may have so many more people who try to avoid being taken. nobody wants to be a slave of the military when to type the mazda and forces are in desperate need of new personnel possession low morale and casualties of taking
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a total on the ranks while they fight to civil war on numerous fronts. they're all still quite a lot of people coming across into thailand for me. i'm up with these. a trade is people with special comments nowadays, if you're an old return, as you need a special visa from the embassy, that is very all to get the crossing alone, employers border and thailand isn't hard. look guessing there is dangerous. that's what this mother did with her son who's just 1019 southern. these are all by now. children a precious, no parents want their children to face dangerous of beings conscripted as our family is involved in political movements, their little group, my son is a priority. so i decided to leave the country and i know she and has some face nonsense and future illegal immigrants with limited funds and no support, but they have no doubt the alternative is was totally checking out to 0 on the time
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. yeah. and my bowden and timeline to set to become the 1st country in southeast asia to legalize same sex marriage and peas in the lower house of parliament have given their approval the law will be inactive if the senate and the king also agree a dietary supplements in japan has been recalled after being linked to the death of 2 people. more than a 100 others have needed hospital treatments. the red v supplements was marketed as an alternative to drugs to reduce class rule. the manufacturer says that it's investigating the possibility that the supplements may have been contaminated in the town of alice springs in australia has declared a nighttime curfew for under 18 year. busy olds to curb violence, crime, police say the death of an 18 year old man has led to family feuds, one fight involved around a $150.00 armed people. 5 arrests were made and dozens of weapons seized. police
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reinforcements are being sent to the area. the scenes in alice springs yesterday were here risk, unacceptable, and we never want to see anything like that. again, in the northern territory, my government will declare an emergency situation in alice springs. that means police will have the power to enforce the curfew in the l. a. spring cvd for people who are 18 use and younger on fed up with this appalling level of crime and anti social behavior of, of gone to stones health care system is in crisis. it's hospitals and clinics are poorly equipped, and medical staff often leave the country for better opportunities abroad. and the lack of international support is adding to the problem. so i'm a been job aid reports from kuhn our province. this is the track for tennessee coast adventure travelers even these a good driving conditions for the month. so
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a line slides narrow mountain road with just one car, composite design is the only way to the hospital loaded on vehicles capable for the journey. most of those needing medical help don't have the luxury of ambulances in the sun since the thought it won't take over of 2021. there's been a shop dropped in dorner funds, which helped together improve and public health system. the lack of instruction and support also resulted in shutting down basic health units and many clinics. now, the 150 bed central hospitality, not only said half a 1000000 people from corners, 14 districts, and also patients from newest on problems. that's very rough on the low traveled from because he cannot afford to go to a private hospital. his son suffers from the media, easily treatable under the right circumstances, are different than fatal without proper care. why didn't use the whole lot of the younger we have doctors, but not many. and we don't have medicine. and the doctors don't know how to treat
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patients with pneumonia. there was not a big hospital like this about the current government, which calls itself the slumber cameron faced multiple bands and women and have also scared of a many health care professionals. other women are now allowed in the health sector . it is still a shortage of doctors. nurses do not offer this. that's not how that's coming from . the patients arrived here in a critical stage and some are dead on arrival. we referred most of the critical patients to jello. but if we had a standard, i see you for critical patients. we would not need to send them away and unforgiving terrain. and unpaid roads like this being people have to travel hours to get medical help. it's not just corner problems in other places or occupation forces spend more than $300000000.00 a day every day for 20 years. it's a diary picture. most of gums believe corruption, and pvc is rob them of basic services and facilities. projects such as this
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hospital either remains incomplete or only existed on paper because i'm gonna go to canada. what i have on basic problem is 200 fed hospitals. i'm finished building since we have been reassured that the construction of this building will restart soon. and patients in corner have basic demands. what's the matter? we want this road to be booked an ambulance for the clinic and both doctors and specialist until that happens, they must take an affordable, headless journeys just to see a doctor. so i'm going to drop it down to 0, about ne, in the sun, a religious and right when groups inquiry, so are ramping up pressure. it's a band abortions. vigils have been held outside clinics as well as protest marches by thousands of demonstrators. abortions have been legal in the country for more than 50 years, but doctors have the right to deny women forcing money to travel abroad.
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donald trump social media company has made of stock market debut on wall street, the trump media and technology group, and to choose a nearly $60.00 a share, giving a market capitalization of nearly $8000000000.00. but some analysts aren't predicting a successful future if true social counts increase its 5000000 users. trump launched it 2 years ago after he was banned from major social platforms following the insurrection at the us capital. well down prime mac is the business editor of the access online news platform. he says that trump supporters are mainly responsible for that initial rise in the share price. and the best way to really understand this is a little bit like games stop. if people remember that from a couple years ago, which was a real company, it was a retailer, they sold video, games online and then stores. but there was this moment which came stopped, stop went through the roof, and suddenly it was worth much more than a lot of established companies. it wasn't justified on the fundamentals, it was what became known as a mean, the stock and trump,
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media and technology or truth social is best understood in that way. this is from what we can understand, at least this point, kind of a political stock. maybe the only political stock and the people who are fans of trump are buying this pocket, have been bidding it up. it is not based on the fundamentals, but ultimately, a stock in a company is really worth what people will pay for it. it's not necessarily a multiple of earnings or multiple of revenue. we don't necessarily know who the user basis. uh so for example, it's the largest outside investor is a guy named jeff yas, but he is doing that through a big investment firm. he's a, he's a billionaire investor is got a big firm called festival. honda, who's the holder there with the assumption is this is mostly retail investors and it's probably true. it's a fairly small float of stock, but it's entirely possible they're institutions in there that inside of this was a good thing to buy up if only because they believe that there are a bunch of retail folks that we're gonna, we're gonna kind of hold for awhile because they're the support of the trump, we just don't know. it's too early to really know. we'll have to wait a quarter or 2 for reporting. all children in florida face being banned from having
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their own. social media accounts, given around this center says he's signed legislation to protect children the law due to come into force in january bands under 14 year olds from creating new accounts, 14 and 15 year olds will be allowed as long as they get parental consent. in other states including california, ohio on utah have also proposed similar bands. remish scrutiny of us on is an associate professor at the department of information studies at u. c. l. a. and he says that the bill is likely to be challenged in courts. it was next to impossible to enforce this for many different reasons. i mean, for as, as we all know, what we see online is we're not clear where it comes from. and it's very difficult to ascertain any sort of realize entity when it comes to being online. so i don't think the, this bill is likely to go through and it's likely to be challenged constitutionally
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and it's extremely difficult to implement. so i think it's, it's ultimately a very flawed to measure for a number of reasons. most importantly, because remember, most teenagers grow up on social media. so it's a cut off sort of their main, oregon, if you will, of communication with the wider world is not only disenfranchising and alienating for them, but it actually will. it will, it will appear like a hydra, you know, you cut one organ off, google find other ways of getting online. so i just don't think that's the right which is very restrictive. and it plays to the governor's culture wars sort of platform. and this policy, we know fully well, that social media, as it stands, is not necessarily healthy for young people. it may not really be healthy for any of us. we know that so use correlated with depression amongst young people. but it's also sort of like fundamental in our lives. it's become like a pipe,
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just like water or electricity or the internet itself. so the question is, is how do you regulate those technologies? so you ensure that they serve and support the safety of younger people and those forms of regulation can't be piece meal. they can be state wide approaches or even you know, local ordinances. they have to be enshrined on a federal level and they have to be applied by nation states to all of their citizens. and mexico wildfires are spreading across the country, scorching forests and at least 18 states. it's forestry commission says more than 3000 sectors of land has been effected on the state of our crew. this has been the hardest well, in mexico as well. there are thousands of migrants who are now heading towards the us border on what they call a holy week march. it's become an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico. monroe rockefeller reports the city of the to
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the in southern mexico. the starting point for new migrant care van, heading north toward the westport, we want to leave the temperature because to put your legs turned into a large macon scale. this latest care van is comprised of migrants and asylum seekers of various nationalities, including been as well and ecuadorian and 100. many of them traveling with young children wherever we are going is simply to seek a better life. the truth is we face many dangers in our country, and that forces us to flee with our children. human rights activists say the care of it during holy week has transformed into an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico. uh, it will be adding up, was this condo, the government tides does not take responsibility, yet the suffering of migration remains the same. take stations the robberies and
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above all, not allowing them to get some buses. it seems criminal to me. criminal to say so many people, so many children working on the sunday. last month, the us border patrol reported more than $140000.00 migrant encounters. while that number is significantly lower than the nearly 250000 reported in december. the governments of mexico and the us are feeling the pressure of curbing migration as national elections near in both countries. mentalism up a little alger 0. the fronds on brazil, excuse me, from says air lifted a 170 if its nationals from haiti as the violence there it gets worse. the 1100 french nationals were told to contact the embassy in porter friends if they wanted to leave. the french middle street sent helicopters to pick them off from several locations on for us also transported 70 citizens from other countries. patients are suffering serious shortages of food and medical supplies, as they wait for
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a new transitional government to be formed. the capital has been devastated by game violence, that escalated in late february, leading to the resignation of prime minister r l henri, whose departure was a crucial demand by an alliance of armed gangs. but now control most of the city. well, from some result have unveiled a $1000000000.00 green investment plan to protect the amazon rain forest. the announcement was made by the leaders of the 2 countries during a visit by the french president and money while my chrome applying propose as a reward system for countries investing and so called carbon sinks, such as the amazon rain forest, which naturally absorb c o. 2 emissions, there's a v, i am please today that with president due to there was a federal government that is to the protection of the amazon, the development of the by economy and the future of indigenous peoples into a cause. that is not simply a cause of resistance where you have to rely on the rest of the world, but
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a cause that is well supported by the federal government itself is about that means no more before you move forward in getting to know one of those new for us in government who have decided that we're going to need to fight against the policy they should do as a professional for thinking of, of who we would improve to was that that's going to speed up. so i'm gonna to actually do backups still ahead on the houses there and who's our, the sky's the limit for this british state porter showing off her olympic metal skills at the heart of london. that's coming up with peter as for the business latex to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the
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business legions to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the
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some for the sports, those for state. are there any? thank you very much. tennis was the one that i talk about to splits with coach cool and even this of which the former wimbledon champion joined jock of which his team in 2018 before becoming his main coaching 2022. in the time working together, chalk of which $112.00 of his $24.00 grand slam titles announcing that he is on social media. busy and which roads out on cold chemistry at its ups and downs, but our friendship was always rock solid. the serbian has had a disappointing start to the season, having failed to win the title. so following 202424 majors, which is the most in men's tennis and half of those came north of age 30 when he was with gore and even east of it. some of this is about the tactics and acts as knows. but i think a lot of this is just about culture and companion ability. it was interesting that even ethan, which is probation, and joe could, which of course is serbian,
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but i think they had a real chemistry that we all meetings. corporate was 30 years off and they started working together, so it's not as of the coaches telling him how to grip the racket. i think this is much more about a level of comfort and rid of, i'm sure there are a lot of coaches who would love to work with a player of this stature. i wonder though, if joe could, it's maybe doesn't try and sort of going alone. i mean he's, he's almost 37 years old. he's one more major than any other male. he, you know, i, by nature is sort of a very autonomous and very independent. i'm not so convinced that he will have a formal coach necessarily 90 days ago. we would say joe, which $13.00 of the 4 majors in very nearly one all for the size of his slowing down and all of a sudden the last 90 days or so. it been a very different story of 2 young players have a merge co south or as, as you reference. and you want to consider just one of the really know, but i have a sense that joe commit isn't quite done winning, but there is no doubt that this year has not done the se attempted as well to that
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new generation of play as now and call us all caresses these things based tennis, immense author reaching the quarter finals of the miami open world number 2 was up against the tell you on the 23rd c lorenzo rosetti. so say is with 3 me based on a show for the crowd. that it was the top see to came through mean straight 66363. now please, when at indian wells last week, outcries is a means to become the 1st band to claim the sunshine double since we are just cetera back in 2017 well straight and open jump in unix center is also into the quote is the 2nd. so you get a christopher economy, so that was 31 down in the 1st tape that came back to when it's 6 full. before taking the 2nd 63, the tell you another face, check thomas much. this video maybe it is, remains on who's to successfully defend a to
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a level 5 of for the 1st son off is miami, open champion, or became a slave stone to be thought. germany's dominique could for maybe to have to type 1st sit in. that's how i break the full racing through the 2nd 6 months. the russian will play shooting because jerry, for a place in the semi finals in the women's door full see the be back in the one a tough match with maria soccer. easy to book a place in the semi finals. rebecca is the highest rank play and left in the tournaments needed 3 states to get post a greek opponents. there was more than an hour between the re back in his 1st 2 match points and eventual foot one that one heard the match. it's ready to ready to wimbledon champion eventually coming out on top of the 2 hours and 48 minutes standing in the way all 3 back in a and the 2nd success in miami opened fine. is victoria as a ring to the former will number $1.00 and $3.00 time when a of this event also had a mattress,
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includes the final match as the ring could take in almost 3 hours to beat. i'm gonna see the julie equity and save us in 3 states. she's the 3rd player to make the savings opportunity $0.54 per 17. 1989. and venus williams in 2017 to ukraine's president's ultimate zalinski has praised the country's football team for qualifying for the 1st major tournaments since the russian invasion, a single best part with victory and the payoffs along with poland and georgia. david stokes rounds up the extra array, moments of celebration, feed crane, the ongoing rule with russia to secure the full success of a parents of the euro is with a to one play effect tree of iceland. the game has to be paid in poland, which has the largest concentration of u. crating refugees. as a result of the conflict back home, which is now incident stood. yeah, this really is for, for our support is for the country for all people,
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for all so dear squeeze, voice mail, protect in our freedom. in this case, i think everybody's understand how we supposed to, how was important this, this we know, hold on, and so it was in hawaii despite old at home games being spread across europe, unfolding a goal behind this game. ukraine still found a way to win chelsea's behind a boot drake with the window 6 minutes from time to ukraine, emerged from a qualifying group which included european champions it's late, and one is up england. the euro's that'll be up against belgium's to becky and romania, russia. append from taking part because of the invasion. the also reading through opponents, despite fighting to get a shots on target in a 120 minutes,
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they beat wales on penalties and caught it. it means robot levin duffy and his side will learn to put the euro as against prince, the netherlands in australia. and for the 1st time we'll see georgia the arise. it's in it's, they also want to shoots out against the 2000 if for champions, greece awaiting them and group f as a key, a quote to go and the czech republic, or i will, uh, before its uh for the outlook we put you in, in the last for years, we go to the back today and that's an amazing feeling. it's the 1st time georgia qualified for a major tournaments. and after the game, the players joined friends to celebrate in the countries capital city tbilisi. the euros kick off in germany on june 14th, david stokes l g 0 in the n h l. but eagle. granger's have become the 1st team to king supply or spot the season. they beat the philadelphia flyers off for wild food period and tuesdays game. the teams traded 7 goals in that period to take over time,
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where adam fox for 56 seconds in the seal a 65 way. and the range is also the $15.00 to $100.00 points the season and they have 10 games students to play. now to a sending come back in the in the a is the lakers ready from 19 points down in the 4th quarter to be to milwaukee bucks. the lakers were without being injured. labrono james, but anthony davis and austin reeves put in the work, reeves had a triple double and made a tie. breaking 3.2 with 57.8 seconds left. in the 2nd of the time the lake is completing a brilliant tune around. so when 128120 feet and with less than full months to go until the parents and then picks partition escape for the sky. brown has been showing off the move she hopes will get her a gold medal. if this is games, the 15 year old, it's a bronze into caring. 2021 has been riding
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a whole fight between 2 double decker buses in the middle of london's teens river. she'll have another impressive backdrop of games with the escape boat and competition being held in the hearts of the french capital. and so suppose thanks for the time being, i'll have more of it later the ring. we'll see you later on, peter. thank you so much for all the possibility of commercially viable flying cars has moved a step closer to reality. and that's after european developers sold the technology for this vehicle for an undisclosed son to a company in china. the air car is back a powered by a b, m, w, a patrol engine and was 1st tested in slovakia 3 years ago. it does need a runway for take off and landing, and that's why the chinese buyer is planned to produce the vehicles for use in specific regions. thanks for watching. that means our, we're back in just a moment. it's with much more of today's news on the other side of the for the
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pickup with the focus on says it's expanding everyone who does not have legal documents. that means thousands of off guns. many who are born in park, a son must sleep, focused on the police did not trace as rise as scans which attained and forced to pay bribes. near the border of his pockets on this comp is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. it's a difficult transition to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to the places of virgin inside of and many of guns will leave the exposure and because of pressure tactic to push the kind of bond government to kind of the people who park is fund calls. terrorists, like signing the bond carries out the tax insights loc hassan, when it's leadership is based in nevada stuff. focus on says the measures about the curb, illegal migrants who report, and some are involved in criminal activities. comp proficiency. regardless of the
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legal status, people should be treated with respect. a unique perspective. everything is political. you must be out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices, we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normalized elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all right here. and right now, the stream on out to the around over 30 years of to the sign of the 0 world tells the to follow the story of know ways in the oldest little coughs but a salute. the government of norway morris, remarkable in nurturing the secret negotiations and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home. the
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price of also on all disease the is really strikes hit residential areas and central and southern dogs are killing at least $7.00 to $6.00. call us for news in the past 24 hours. the you're watching off a 0 life from headquarters in delphi. i'm telling you navigate, the also coming up has been the fires of arouse, of profits into northern israel, foster and is really straight killed. 7 people in southern lebanon.


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