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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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in bringing you husband loves to palestine for all to see said donated with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the well one hawks, that's time the at least 12 palestinians are killed in rasa while israel continues to ignore calls by the un security council for an immediate cease fire in gaza. the venue is good to have you with us. this is elza 0 live from the also coming up as the law fire is a barrage of rocket center in northern israel after it is really strike kills 7 people in 711 on divers. get ready to search the bodies in baltimore after
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a container ship rammed into a bridge, causing it to collapse. and tony chang on the time in puerto with thousands of military age, men and women are expected to flee in the coming months to escape the drum. the will begin in gaza where is really forces have again targeted to residential areas and rasa gases. health ministry says at least 12 people are killed in the latest attack on the city. more than 1500000 people are taking shelter. there is really military is continued strikes, ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. well al, sure 0 is honey who is in rough, a life for us from the gaza strip. honey. tell us about the latest strikes and military operations in gaza. of the yes. well up to this
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moment of recurring, this report. more air raids across not only rough city, but the finish on the area and the northern part of the guster with reports of more people are being killed and injured and rushed to remaining holes facilities in the northern part. then in the central day of the year and dropped off city over night attacks, a targeting of all the close to 5 residential homes in central dropped off the eastern part of the city and the what's front part of the city, including farm land as well as life of stock farm being destroyed, that what we're getting confirmed is the 4 people who were killed, including the sewage selzer and initially reported to the doctor hospital. but those who were critically injured and were at the hospital waiting for medical intervention. and if proper and medical to stop, to check on them, have unfortunately died waiting for the medical supplies, giving the fact that their injuries were critical. and they were bleeding
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a lot at the point where they could not make it at that has increased the number to 12 people. and we're looking at the past, the 12 hours since early hours of last night, all the way to early hours of this morning of 12 people. and then we'll look again the same exact pattern. mostly women and children are the target of these massive air strikes across the roof. i see that it's something that people are quite frustrated about it and they have been expressing their frustration by point. now this is a practical interpretation of nathan the hours and israel defiance to the un security council resolution demanding and immediate ceasefire. all right, honey, thank you very much for your reporting live from the gaza strip. so there's these are the latest military operations in gaza. we're also following the hunger across the gaza strip. why local charities are doing their best to provide much needed aid? hundreds of thousands of people are going hungry and gaza. and during this fasting
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month of ramadan displaced palestinians in rough, i reflect on the dramatic shift in their lives since this very time. last year, mamma involved reports the sound of couplet nbc relief. kitchen must be music to the use of hundreds of thousands of policy space and stop ation. it's been nearly 6 months since these idea of i see because couples with any adult of seat. the majority of these palestinians have been forced from their holds even of the holy most of them upon the minds to move the days of the past. normally we have spoken preparations and declarations and reaches for the for the month of ramadan is here. the situation is different, and as you can see, everyone depends on the 8th and support from others. we lived in peace and security during the last month or from
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a dental. we were living in our house as the markets were full and we could buy anything for our children. but the situation was kind of trimming. done is different because of the war. instead of bank 1st, fruits and vegetables from the markets. now we only can from with only tiny amounts of a guessing if the local effect is crucial. a hospice charter to he's one of the local groups about to have to the survivors and thousands of people himself in a pool. we prepare food for the people here since the 1st day of the war. during the holy month of ramadan, we need to exit or if we divided ourselves into 2 teams, the 1st for cooking, rice, and meat, and the 2nd for cooking, other things such as beans from peas, lentils, etc. we try our best to provide food to the displace people in rough bottom. but it hasn't always be easy with the sheets scarcity or suppliers the we face them difficulties such as the lack of meat, rice,
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an oil. at the beginning of the oil, we used to cook 5 calls, but now this is difficult due to the lack of calls. and the very high prices is found. one is facing the double set of families and the potential is really going to affect what the situation is for the project. on sunday is, are you informed that you and thought it was no longer a low food confidence to be finding it? just close the families that are forced to to die sources. depressive on the need for safe and too many to support husbands. it'd be more at and how much fun of disease is really, soldiers have rated several cities across the occupied westbank. at least 3 people have been killed to have been teenagers and 9 others injured in jeanine. bulldozers destroyed roads and facilities during that raid. several other people were wounded in operations near novelist. these really army has killed more than $450.00
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palestinians in the occupied west bank since october the 7th. so let's go straight into the abraham. was in ramallah and the occupied west bank tell us about the those 2 teenagers who were killed. what more do you know about that? as we knew that the 2 were 19 year olds and who have been killed in 2 separate incidents, let me walk you through what happens 1st. these really forces re this areas in did you need vicinity? no. and did you need refuge account where confrontations have been and so now they've killed a 19 year old during those confrontations? fast forward to 6 am in the morning. these really forces who have been at around the genie refugee can enter a drone inside the area. and that drone has struck and killed 2 palestinians, 119 year old. and the other is a 27 year old, reportedly from outside the geneva refuge account from oscar refugee camp. and then most of the occupied was thing has been working as if in the p a as part of the
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customs please. now it's not clear whether that drone has struck those guys in particular or the area they would and leading to the injury of knowing palestinians on an old was talking about when we talk about janine 14 palestinians have been injured overnight and this morning in those different is really reads and in the throne strike. but if we talk about the occupied westbank in general, we have more palestinians who have been injured. we have at least 15 palestinians who have been edited in these reeds that have been happening across the occupied west bank. but it's interesting to note how frequent the use of those drones to kill the palestinians has become because you don't see these really forces on the ground. instead they just sent out a drawing kidding palestinians. and again, we're talking about crowded areas are the hours of the day with other products and is, can be just there. and they could be injured those to just for being at their own
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place that their own time. yeah. which is the drawings which are i would point out a military tactic. we see used almost daily and guys, a lot less than the west bank, but it is happening more awesome. no need abraham reporting from ramallah. thank you so much for that. as it is really striking, southern lebanon has killed at least 7 people. the attack hit the village of how berea this is what it looks like. it targeted it health center used by lebanese arm group has the law. the is really military and has been i'll have exchanged cross border fire since the war on guys a big gap in response to this has the lot fired a barrage of rockets into is really territory and targeted is really military positions in the city of geriatric. mona, that's in northern israel, at least one is really, has been killed, is really media reporting. the number of people are trapped in a factory that was damaged in that attack. well, zayna folder is in hub, korea 711 on saying that. tell us a little bit more about the, the targets and, and perhaps more importantly, how you're reading, you know,
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the choice of targets on both sides because you've explained to is very eloquently since the beginning of this conflict that it's always calculated and you have to understand what the intention is behind the strikes no doubt behind me what is left of the health emergency center in the village of how very we're not very far from from the border. people here tell us that the men who are inside the building, paramedics volunteers, university students, their ages in their, in their early twenties. there's a lot of anger in this village. it's the 1st time it has been hit. and you can see behind may total destruction and people here say this was not a military target. this was a civilian target. that is not the 1st time health centers have been hit in this ongoing conflict. they have been repeatedly had paramedics, have been repeatedly hit, this building belong to jamal this. let me know there's really, are me issued
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a statement and they said they targeted military compound. they're calling this the military compound and they're saying that they killed a quote, a significant operative. but we've been speaking to families and friends of these young men, and they are so saying this is absolutely not true. now going back to your question on the choice of targets, people here will tell you is, well, strategy from day one has been empty. the populate villages close to the border, 4 to 5 kilometers deep from the border. they are trying to create some sort of a buffer zone, make it difficult for civilians to live here. tens of thousands, nearly 100000 people have already left this village. people are still here, but there is now starting to worry whether it will start to come under come under fire as we speak. there isn't as ready drone overhead. oh, yeah, i think i was able to just about here. insanely do you have a sense of what the end game is, dennis? you're explaining that that the belief and that part of 11 on is the israel's
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trying to clear that entire border area for what's the ultimate goal for that as route wants a new security reality along the board are very different than what existed pre october. they want the lebanese, i'm group has blocked, to move away from the board, or they want them to withdraw some 20 kilometers in line. but do any resolution, 170-1111 the response is 1701 hasn't been fully implemented as well, to has to stop violating lebanese sovereignty. and as well to have to agree to withdraw from contentious points along the border to create some sort of elastic solution. not necessarily a peace agreement, but the last thing solution. but the bottom line is this. nothing can change until the war on garza and because as well that has repeatedly said since they opened the front to help relieve garza, that they will not help the firing until the war on garza and so it will not even discuss any security arrangements with the cycle of violence continues,
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but like we mentioned still very much calculated in the sense that population centers, large population centers are not coming under attack. but clearly sporadic escalation and people are increasingly concerned that it is expanding. well, that's the point. and before i let you go, the scene behind you, i think makes a point that you've also made on our air in the last few months that all of these attacks, even though yes, there are calculated the all carry this inherent risk of, of a wider and more rapid escalation of sliding as well, no doubt, but has the law through its actions, and through its words have made clear that they're not interested in the full blown conflict. that's what they are doing is defending love and on and helping garza, they've repeatedly said this. now, what is real intense to do is what many question here. they believe that the possibility of a larger conflict, a more comprehensive war,
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is real. but at the same time, people here also say if it's where i wanted to do this, they would have done this from the beginning. that has been a lot as long range weapons. this is a powerful organization, a powerful arm group, much more powerful than her mouse. so there are voc, it's, their missiles can hit anywhere in israel and as round those that so if israel can, you know, reconstruction 11 on has well i can do the same and there will be no, victor or no, no, no, no one can claim victory at the end of the day, so this cycle of violence many believe will likely continue to calculate the to a certain extent. but no doubt civilians have been killed. the majority of the casualties have been fighters, but civilians power medics. they have been killed. nazena hold or thank you very much for your reporting as always and all those useful, precious explanations. thanks a lot. it's still a head on alice's who are protesting against what they say or cruel immigration was
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we have the latest on the holy week, march and mexico the hi everyone. first things 1st. what were the reports in italy from amelia romano rate down to rome. this is going to be deluge here. could see half a month's worth of rain in rome over the next 24 hours. but we're talking up warmer air from africa. so look, that pops up the temperature and tate on it in albania, up to $25.00 degrees. also a sting with the wind rolling and pouring through portugal and spitting the winds. really going to be a factor here up and down the coast of portugal, looking at gas exceeding 85 kilometers per hour, pretty much all day for the northwest as well. few showers mixed in there, extending from france into the low countries. but we really get going here with the rain and wind on thursday, particularly for england and wales light breeze through assemble,
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17 degrees make catching odd sharp. but look at that warmer air from africa. athens is up to 25. there's been another sand store, and this time in algeria potentially, we could see it in to new z as in libya. and then for south africa, we've got some severe thunderstorms, northern cape, western cape province, inquisitive natal, and then a tropical storm making line fall in ne matt. a gas scar. this one is packing a punch. and really just warbling over this area ringing out its moisture. we could see upwards of half a meter of rain over the next 48 hours by for now, of the african narratives. from africans perspective. these are the want them to do what came up proper from, according to show documentary spine, african filmmakers have been on the to, on for over 20 is future with fish from the ship
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and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges, sierra, the the, you're watching else, a 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces had again targeted residential areas and roughly and southern gaza. gaz is health industry says at least 12 people were killed in the latest attack. more than 1500000 displaced palestinians have been forced to shelter. there is really soldiers have rated several cities across the occupied west bank. at least 3 people have been killed in geneva. 2 of them teenagers,
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several other people were wounded in military operations near nobliss. it is really a striking southern 11. no one has killed at least 7 people. the attack hit the village of hungary up at target to the health center used by a lebanese armed the search to find survivors of tuesday's bridge collapse in the united states has been called off. now. police and baltimore said that the focus has switched to finding the bodies of 6 people missing. since the container ship crashed into the bridge, diverse of waiting until it's safe to try to recover bodies from the twisted wreckage. alan fisher reports from the sea right the day they continued to set the broken bridge, the stranded ship standing overshadowing it all as it was just as the one sucked in the morning when the single pull registered cargo ship dally sent out to meet it. it it last propulsion, 2 minutes after leaving the port to baltimore, there was headed for the francis scott key bridge, a major transportation link on the us east coast. as it collided it,
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people were thrown into the water, too were rescued almost immediately. one of them badly injured, pressed into a bike and was kept informed of operations through the night. and so as the tragedy could have been much worse, personal on board the ship were able to alert the maryland department transportation that they had lost control of their vessel. as you all know, reported as a result, local authorities are able to close the bridge of traffic before the bridge was struck, which on dollars saved lives, the value was just minutes into a 2070 johnny. the owners say all 22 crew on board are safe. no, the national transportation safety board has sent a team to investigate what went wrong. the team of experts include experts in article operations and what they're going to look at and begin to collect as information on vessel operations, safety history, safety record, the look at the owner, the look at the operator and they'll look at the operations this day. baltimore is
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the 2nd busiest port on the eastern seaboard to the us, bringing in $80000000000.00 that imports last year. the wreckage and the river below the stranded ship. mean the only channel in and out of the port is blocked and could be for some type that will impact the wider us economy. on the all important supply chain, this is no ordinary bridge. this is one of the cathedrals of american infrastructure. it has been part of the sky line of this region for longer than many of us have been allies. so to pass to normal, say will not be easy. it will not be quick. it will not be an expensive, but we will rebuild together. the bridge took 5 years to build back in the 1917. still biting says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. but given the damage given the state of the area, there's no indication of when that process might even begin island for sure. i'll
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just see the baltimore, the houses 0 is heidi. so castro is lived from near that class bridge. and in baltimore, haiti, unfortunately, of the group that was still on the bridge when it collapsed most or presumed dead, or they that's right. the 6 who are still missing 0 are those who are presumed dead and they were all members of a work crew facts there for to leave the only ones that were still a top the bridge. when this collapse happened, and they were repairing the ass, falls on this bridge, all of them immigrant men here working in this country to the presumed dead guatemalans, according to that countries consulate here in washington, and another from el salvador, a father of 3, among those presume to be deceased in about an hour's time is when operations will resume for divers to try to retrieve type,
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located 1st and then retrieve their bodies. and there are many questions about why, despite the warning that was given by the ship. and of course, the success of stopping traffic from crossing just a minute of time. why was it that this crew of workers who were in the middle of the bridge, why did they not have a chance to escape? and that's still a big on answer question. there have been police radios now that have surfaced with officer of speaking to one another. it seemed that they weren't as just about to in fact go on to the bridge themselves and locate these workers. perhaps there's no other way to communicate and evacuation order, and this is a several kilometer a long bridge. so it's not a small stretch of distance. but of course, there was simply no time for that to happen and you saw as a catastrophic video yourself. the moment that this container ships, trucks, the pillar of this bridge, the entire thing just collapsed with everyone that wasn't topic going into the
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water. yeah, absolutely. and as we continue to watch the footage, you know, obviously the huge question here is how could something like this happen? could it have been averted? what for the investigators next steps to try and answer those questions? right now that this search and rescue mission has turned into a search and recovery operation. now is when an investigator say they will be going in, they're not fearful. now getting in the way of rescue workers and they will be forwarding the container ship and they're going to try to locate the recorders that document exactly what steps were taken on the ship. and exactly, at what point there was this failure in the propulsion system that was reported essentially this, the crew there was unable to steer this ship. that was a $100000.00 tons. the pilot a board did try that the or the ship as far to the left as possible in an attempt
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to avoid the bridge. they dropped in anchor. but as you saw, those measures were not enough and we did see this unfold and but now the n t s b and other investigators will look at the critical details of exactly how this happened and also look into the bridge itself and its construction. whether there may have been, any other measures taken to mitigate this sort of catastrophe were prevented in the future. heidi, in addition, obviously to the tragic human loss, can you tell us a little bit more about the economic impact of this? because this was a significant waterway. we're seeing all the containers. we're seeing all the goods that passed through this, this the baltimore harbor. i mean, what's at stake here? yeah, and really what this harbor specializes in is the transport of vehicle was of cars that just came off the factory floor and light trucks. in fact,
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this was the number one port in the u. s. for x 40 of vehicles here. so that is a major hit to the auto makers who have already been scrambling now to 5 ports elsewhere in order to export their products. and those supply chain issues that will cascade down the line. they're just even now starting to develop 0. and as you heard, this is something that's going to take many weeks, if not months to clean up this mess to try to recover the, the bodies of those to cease much less, to rebuild this bridge and open up the shipping channel. once again. i'm sorry, heidi so castro reporting from just around the baltimore harbor. thank you very much. how did the army in man, maurice struggling with a recruitment problem? casualties in the war against the rebel forces desertion, and low morale have depleted the ranks mandatory. conscription is due to be re
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introduce next month, but many young men are choosing to join the resistance forces or flee the country. instead. 20 chang met some of those dodging the draft in thailand for the town of my thoughts. lily, who watches from the opposite thing, the moisture of the young man. some of the tree h. splash around in the water a well the way the river divides thailand, m u m, and he crossed it illegally last week to escape the military. draw financial on if i stayed with the pick up my name along with the fact that i was involved in the civil disobedience meizlish to consider to be a criminal. even if i receive a conscription that is, i don't think they will put me into military service, they will arrest and imprison me. that in some areas the draft lottery has already begun that many. don't want to leave the state to jones. in recent weeks, long queues outside embassy isn't younger, but legitimate visas onto an option. the most people in me i'm going to the most
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government connect so made up of the elect to them. peace is wanting that tens of thousands or more will flee into neighboring countries, getting it out of the door. these numbers are going to increase more rapidly because conscription has now started. now they are collecting data and are going to knock on people's doors in april and may have so many more people would try to avoid being taken. nobody wants to be a slave of the military when to mazda and forces are in desperate need of new personnel possession, low morale, and casualties. a taking a total on the ranks only falling to civil war on numerous fronts. they're all still quite a lot of people coming across into thailand for me. i'm up with these. a trade is people with special permits. nowadays, if you're an old re taurus, you need a special visa from the embassy. that is very all to get the crossing alone, employers border into thailand isn't hard. look guessing there is dangerous. that's
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what this mother did with a son who's just 1019. stop him. these are all that natural. didn't the precious know parents, ones that are children to face dangerous of beings conscripted as our family is involved in political movements? zillow, recruit, my son is a priority. so i decided to leave the country and i know she and has some face nonsense in future. illegal immigrants with limited funds and no support, but they have no doubt the alternative is west tony trying out to 0 on the time. yeah. and my boredom as a dietary supplement in japan has been recalled after being linked to the depth of 2 people. more than a 100 others have needed a hospital treatment. the radiation supplement was marketed as an alternative to drugs to reduce coalesced or all the manufacturer says it's investigating the possibility that the supplements may have been contaminated. wildfires are
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spreading across mexico, scorching forests and 18 states. the country's forestry commission says more than 3000 hector's have been affected. the state of vera cruz is reportedly the hardest hit. it comes as a severe drought grips parts of mexico creating conditions that fuel the flames. in southern mexico, thousands of migrants are heading toward the us border on what they call a holy week march. it's becoming the annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and, and mexico manual rep hello reports in the city of the tula in southern mexico. the starting point for new migrant care van heading north toward the west port. we want to leave the temperature low because temperature last turned into a large macon scale. this latest caravan is comprised of migrants and asylum seekers of various nationalities, including venezuelan, ecuadorian, and 100. many of them travelling with young children wherever we are going is
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simply to seek a better life. the truth is, we face many dangers in our country, and that forces us to flee with our children. human rights activists say the care of it during holy week has transformed into an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico. uh, it will be adding up was, it's called the government hides does not take responsibility. yet the suffering of migration remains the same. take stations the robberies and above all, not allowing them to get some buses. it seems criminal to me. criminal to see so many people. so many children working on the sunday. last month, us border patrol reported more than $140000.00 migrant encounters. while that number is significantly lower than the nearly 250000 reported in december, the governments of mexico and the us are feeling the pressure of curbing migration .


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