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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can as always is 0 correspondence. that's what we strive to do. the . ready ready ready for you and special reference her on human rights for the occupied palestinian territories says there are reasonable grounds as rule is committing genocide to get rid of palestinians and calls for an arms embargo the you're watching the 0 life or the headquarters in delphi. i'm getting you navigate the also coming up the at least 12 palestinians are killed in the air strikes in the fall as this real continues to ignore the un security
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council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in gauze in the us search and rescue efforts are suspended in baltimore after a ship smashes into a bridge, causing it to collapse from prison to presidency. set a goal setting how this youngest ever lead, or after a delays election. the hello, the united nation special rob reserve for the occupied palestinian territories has presented the findings of a report that says there are reasonable grounds. israel is committing genocide and gaza. francesca alban easy says israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the un genocide. convention, including killing members of a specific group causing serious bodily or mental harm, and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its
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physical destruction in whole or in parts. she also found the genocide the locks were approved and given effect after statements of genocide o intent by senior is really military and government officials. these acts all been easy argues, are part of a settler colonial process of a razor, which has been underway for more than 70 years. she recommend the among the other things and immediate arms embargo on israel and for a member states to support south africa in its attempt to prosecute israel at the international court of justice. gabriel is on the reports from the united nations headquarters in new york, or the title of the report says it all anatomy of a genocide for words, it's some up. the actions of israeli soldiers highlighted in findings by the un special rapid tour occupied palestinian territories. these riley sold yourself, published footage,
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boasting about the killing of families. mothers cheated for in the bottom to go home, smokes and schools such as incriminating videos, show them so distinctly mocking and discriminating their policy and victims not only by violating their physical integrity and right to life, but also their dignity line by line. the 25 page report reaches a clear conclusion is real is in violation of the un genocide convention must disappearance and arbitrary read attention so widespread in systematic torture in any main treatment. add to the experience of endless death and loss desperate people had to search to rumble with their behinds. many have been unable to bery hungry of loved ones. the report offers 7 recommendations among them and immediate arms embargo on is real. while the briefing in geneva centered on israel's acts of genocide, here in new york, the security council heard from tour event
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a slide. the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process. he brief the council about israel's continued expansion of illegal settlements. in the last few months. these radios ortiz demolished, cease and forest paper. to them all these 300 struck students, displacing 314 people, including hundreds, 37 to france, condemned israel's announcement last week. that had seized 800 hector's in the west bank that couldn't you just recently, ident, simple 3 of them. 6 is the really set them in buildings containing an even x and everything in the west bank. the funds condemns decent policy which to contribute to international law to live or recognize the illegal, an extension of petty, to resist, nor the legalize issue of our post. these really decisions on the 22nd of march, confiscating 800 hectic offline in the westbank is unacceptable. this is the largest confiscation offline, but is right in the occupied with the listing intended to be seen. schools law
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quotes france said it is considering measures in coordination with european allies against settlers and is planning to propose an initiative to the security council related to the unified palestinian state. gabriel, as under how does either at the united nations in new york clothes or the forces of target at a residential area in southern gaza, housing displaced palestinians, and dropped off. the guards, as hell from industry, says that these 12 people have been killed in the attack and my wife sees more than one and a half 1000000 people are sheltering. india alpha is really military's continued strikes. ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in guys of thought about as soon as more from what i found in southern gaza. isabel is rounding up its military attacks, of course different areas in the turret tree. and in particular here in a rough,
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within the past couple of hours, we have been recording multiple s tracts that targeted 3 residential houses that some english were informed to evacuate work, no casualties have been reported till now as the destruction was completely she and areas that had been targeted and that absolutely reflects the ongoing reality here and reflect that is no longer at be safe for more than one point. $5000000.00 palestinians being displaced, putting all the parts of the gaza strip in the north compartment continue. we're in devalue refuge account that has been show house being targeted in the course of the past 24 hours the according to garza's health ministry, these very military troops have killed more than 80 palestinians um its ongoing a rustic system on his head from eye witnesses on the ground who managed to flipped from the ongoing ministry seat of a, she felt hospital reporting that isabelle has destroyed the majority of areas. and she felt hospitable. turning the entire area into
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a great yard where destruction is. every single corner on the vicinity of the hospital as they have been also reporting about field executions being made for a number of palestinians who have been killed on the other families who are still right now trapped for more than a week without having sufficient amount of fluids and water and without being at least rescued and unrelenting, and on completely buried work conditions that they have been going through. in the course of the past week, a full us defense secretary lloyd austin has told israel's defense minister of the safety of civilians, enough as a top priority. you go on travel to the pentagon for the in person meeting on tuesday. israel says it's planning a ground defensive in the southern most city of the gaza strip, or one and a half 1000000 displace. palestinians have been forced to seek shelter. and that's the spike concerns from the us and the international community party calhane reports from the pentagon. a pretty strong language from the us. secretary of
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defense, lloyd austin, at the beginning of the meeting, know we know the is really defense minister you'll have kalonde has come here. was a long list of weapons that he says, israel needs to get from the united states including really event fighter jets. this is seen as the most critical, critical key piece of leverage that the us has. if you want to try and force israel to the change course. so what happens? well, we were able to speak to a senior defense official and a background call. and reporters repeatedly pressed were the weapons granted? are they on their way? and he would only say that the west are strongly believes israel has a right to defend itself, and to defeat him off that israel says, and the us believes they are following international laws of war. and any announcements would come in the future. but again, it was fairly tough language at the beginning. i mean, let's listen to that protecting palestinian civilians from harm is baltimore on the subsidy. and the strategic imperative and gods are today. the number of civilian casualties is far too high. and the amount of humanitarian aid is far too low.
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gotcha. is suffering material. contrast and situation is getting even worse. the safety of the 1500000 palestine angel williams. and rafa is also a top priority for the united stage. the senior defense official said that he believes more aid is getting into gaza, although he said it's still not nearly enough. and when it comes to rafa we per, we're able to press and say, what does the us want to see happen? they said basically the us wants to see $1500000.00 palestinians. they're being able to move safely to somewhere else as long as israel can provide for their basic needs. and then start the assault on rough. uh, the problem is this vice president come on hers. she just said in interview that she's looked at the map. there's literally nowhere for these 1500000 people to go. so obviously still a big debate behind the scenes, but depending on the choosing, not to let it go public, the pedestal height altura at,
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depending on how mouse us push back on claims by the is really military that it's killed the deputy commands or if it's military wing israel says model one already saw was killed by an air strike earlier this month at target at the central gaza strip and other senior. how much commander was also reportedly killed in that same attack. an earlier my colleague nostalgia chase spoke with some of them done. he's a senior, a spokesman for him us. he says that he cannot confirm the desk of marijuana re so unclear them. and the other one a someone with here that everybody knows that the one that you saw is one of the major commanders i focus on brigades. and everybody knows that the israelis have been saying since day one that they want to target the outcome some. and how much commanders and because us trip, however, in the absence of an official statement from from us or some confirming the martyrdom or wounding us any of its commanders or members, we cannot confirm such information. have you heard anything from the cassandra gave
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to me that feeling as to mister hughes as whereabouts and safety the missing heavy manual methods? him to that one has this information is not usually traded inside the movement, the whereabouts or information pertaining to the safety or, or outcomes. i'm commanders is not information that is exchanged internally. however, in the absence of a statement by of cosign brigades about the martyrdom or wounding of any if its leaders, then the information published by the enemy is not deemed as confirmed. it could very well be part of the psychological board that is waged by the occupation against the resistance and the palestinian people. so just to, to be clear with our view is at the moment mr. holmes on you was saying that you have no information as to mr. uses whereabouts or safety because the military ring has not share that information with you. i understand that he was acting as a sort of korea, so the captive negotiations. so mediations have been saying that he has not been
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seen for some time. all those talks being affected as uh, i went on, uh, yeah, i mean my, so that's a thought of luck with them sort of 1st off, it's not about information sharing. i can confirm that any information pertaining to the safety or any attack against any of our commanders as something that is a nouns by the i was concerned leadership. regarding the negotiation process, there is a how much delegation that handles the negotiations. these negotiations were recently forwarded by the as re lease side and our brothers being, which i had my, the one now you saw was not present in any negotiation sessions. and i think that any talk about him not participating or appearing and then a goal, she ations until now as part of these really claims that they succeeded in reaching him and assassinating him. police and jordan have this 1st hundreds of people rallying outside the is really embassy and i'm on officers try to push
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demonstrators away from the building during the march and solidarity with palestinians. pastors have been rallying their daily and support a gaza answer to mind that the jordanian government a no, it's peace treaty with israel. in other news, the u. s. coast guard says it's a spending search and rescue efforts. and baltimore after a cargo ship lost power and hit a bridge causing it to collapse. state police say the rescue mission has now transition to the recovery operation. to find the 6 people who are still missing, 2 people had been rescued after they were thrown into the river. cargo ship lost power and then it ran into that bridge. we have our correspond to alan for us. we're joining us live from near that collapse bridge in baltimore. so allen, just give us a sense of what more the officials have to say during that press conference. as well as remember this, i have just been going on for about 19 hours some of the time, the ship,
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a 2nd pull registered container ship run into the bridge, the francisco key bridge and baltimore. but it lost power, as it was coming out within a few minutes of leaving port. it said that it lost all its power. so essentially just think of driving a condo in a hill when the engine suddenly caught, so you have no control. and that's what happened to, you know, thankfully because the crew left to everyone what had happened in center to meet the message. they were able to store a number of cars getting onto the bridge. so the tragedy could it be much worse, but there was a group of men who were there who were repeating port holes, who really had nowhere to go in a possibly within a few minutes of the media being sent, they saw the bridge that the, the, the ship heading towards the bridge, it collided and they were thrown into the water. now just say to where the cupboard almost immediately, but the missing 6. they have not been fighting so far. and despite expensive operations through the last 19 hours,
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because of the depth of the water because of the temperature of the water. because of the length of time the operation of taking the co scott felt as night began to fall, they had no other option. but to call off the search for the evening a lot. so now, so not that based on the length of time that we've gone in the search, the extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature. that at this point, we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. so the search is all sort of still set for specials there who will continue through the night just to scan the surface. but they will put the diverse back into the water 1st thing on wednesday morning. and also that is when they will start looking at what can be done to repair this bridge. obviously, a great deal of damage has been done. joe biden is said,
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the federal government will be at the forefront of any rebuilding efforts, but it's going to take some time and that could impact the us economy quite simply because baltimore is the 2nd busiest port on the eastern seaboard $80000000000.00 of imports that you can last year, what if it vessels, but a lot of it things that ordinary people would use though. a lot of those goods can be sent to other ports like philadelphia and new york to the north and also down into virginia in the size. but it'll take some time to get all of that organized. so that is going to cause a real problem with supply chains. and we saw how that impacted on the cost of living through covered. and then just in the last couple of years, it's also going to take some time to rebuild the bridge. it took 5 years to build in the 19 seventy's. and at the moment there's just no sign a when they'll even be able to begin rebuilding it. the actual transport safety board is on site. they have started that investigation. their hope is to get on the
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ship tomorrow and not me, give them more clues to find out exactly what caused this tragedy. okay, thank you. alex. this are reporting from baltimore is still a heads on al jazeera march against great see thousands of migrants set off in care of and to the us mexico border to protest against immigration policy. the places that now which asian lead did heavy rain storms, those storms are likely to be difficult. if we don't get the problem under control, we'll just have help coming soon. in the biggest global that extra and you out in history. the was biggest democracy off its own epic. so don't join main street of oxygen for a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode,
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i'd be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of driving us. been that in the body of the thing and have a lot of that often charges even before full talk. com being the board boss, do on out of either a brutal occupation resulting in a hurry stick your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify these rails. the soaps on garza, dozens of children, bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by officious books persons october 7th on tuesday or the
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the top stories on this hour. the run special reference for for the palestinian territories has released the reports that fines there are reasonable grounds to believe. israel is committing genocide in god's on francesca alban easy says israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the un genocides convention. at least 12 palestinians have been killed by is or the or strikes in israel continues to ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in dogs on the west coast guard is suspending search and rescue efforts. and baltimore after a cargo ship lost power and hit it for edge, causing it to collapse. state police say the rescue mission has now transition to the recovery operation. to find the 6 people who are still missing. 2 people had
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been rescued after they were thrown into the river. synagogues president, deluxe, as he will govern with transparency as 0. do you, my fi promise to fight corruption at all levels. is set to be the countries youngest leader following a delayed election on sunday because hawk has more from the car. we're in downtown to car, not too far from the presidential palace square. after 12 years of mackie, self change is coming. despite the delayed election that brought so much true moral, the outcome of the vote did not divide the people. but instead, united the senegalese people seem to get this to be very proud to be senegalese, and to belong to a great democracy. today we have shown on proven to be a country that will stand by out democracy is it we have proven to be a silver ring under our destiny is in our hands. i'm hoping for change in the economy and the use unemployment will be addressed. the dollar status election went
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well, it took place in peace and stability, and the best has one for a peaceful, senegal, and for the whole of africa, from the european union into the african union. and most importantly, the reason embody, echo was all, have commended the authorities for organizing what they described as a free and fair election. this is important because it's a region marked by democratic setbacks with a number of who is in the region. the program he, he did, but we live tv. so similar of what is, what do they need from prison on the eve of the elections contributed to their lively use web was where we set out their conduct or the 1st visit. and they said they had to go in at a cross road, taking a new direction away from arrears team that had a lot of police repression. an authoritarian over tone to a new president that has spent the last 11 months in prison for
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a facebook post. he is relatively unknown, he's not from the political leads, and people here hope that he can deliver on this promise to bring justice more freedom and fortified senegalese democracy, nicholas hawk. alex's the right, the car. a change in tow goes constitution means it's current. presidents good rule until 2031. it's been labeled a 2 by office system politicians. the newly adoptive constitution allows a longer presidential term, but of presidents can only hold office for one term, but it doesn't take into account president for a nursing base past 19 years in power. if he's re elected again in 2025 and he could rule until the next decades independent to us presidential candidate robert f . kennedy junior has announced his running mate for november's election,
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california lawyer and philanthropist, nicole shanahan will run for the vice presidency alongside kennedy's bid for the white house. the 38 year old has never held and elected office, but has previously donated to democratic presidential candidates for reynolds was in oakland, california for the announcements, an independent presidential candidate, robert f. kennedy has made his choice of a running made and she is nicole shanahan. a 38 year old attorney and technology entrepreneur from the san francisco bay area. she's also the former wife of google, co founder, sergey green. kennedy phrase shanahan is having the skills necessary to be a great vice president. and also that she agrees with him that the us government no longer serves the people but his in thrall to wall street. and the extremely wealthy kennedy is the spark controversy for his stated believes in
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a number of discredited conspiracy theories including that of childhood vaccines cause autism and other harms. there was no mention of that in his remarks today here in oakland. but the question of his candidacy is causing a great deal of consternation in the bite and campaign which believes that if he qualifies for the ballad in certain closely divided swing states, he could ship the election to donald trump in november. but then again, the election is months away. rob reynolds, l g 0, telephone. what's being called one of the most restrictive social media bands for minors in the u. s. has been signed into law in florida. so under new rules, social media accounts for children under 14 will be banned. 14 and 15 year olds will require a parental consent to use the platforms. florida governor rhonda santa says the law
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will protect miners, but he expects legal challenges in southern mexico. thousands of migrants have set off and in care of and heading towards the us border on a holy week. march. it's become an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico memo regular reports. the city of the tula in southern mexico, the starting point for new migrant care van, heading north toward the west port. we want to leave the temperature low because temperature last turned into a large macon scale. this latest caravan is comprised of migrants and asylum seekers of various nationalities, including venezuelan, ecuadorian, and 100. many of them travelling with young children wherever we are going is simply to seek a better life. the truth is, we face many dangers in our country, and that forces us to flee with our children. human rights activists say the care
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of it during holy week has transformed into an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico. uh, it will be ending up was, it's called the government tides does not take responsibility. yet the suffering of migration remains the same. take stations the robberies and above all, not allowing them to get some buses. it seems criminal to me. criminal to see so many people. so many children working on the sunday. last month, the us border patrol reported more than $140000.00 migrant encounters. while that number is significantly lower than the nearly 250000 reported in december. the governments of mexico and the us are feeling the pressure of curbing migration as national elections near in both countries. when we have it up a little al jazeera canyon off already so begun handing the bodies of victims of starvation called back to their families. more than $400.00 bodies were exam last
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year, investigators say the leader of a religious cult, ordered his followers to starve to death. so they could go to having all mackenzie and 29 associates are facing murder and torture. charges is here because largest bang says that it's recovered almost 80 percent of money illegally withdrawn by customers during a system glitch. nearly 2 weeks ago. the error allowed users to take out more money than they had in their accounts. up to $14000000.00 was withdrawn or digitally transferred, unofficial say that $15000.00 people have voluntarily return the cash. this is the way the money was taken is not healthy. it's not good for society. the lesson is not a good one. i look at the remaining 178000000 barrels as a 178, b and b or it has to be returned. we will make sure that even those are always one
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bill will return the money. all right, the weather is coming up next then inside story exam is what the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease for and does a means for palestinians is released on the cell lies the glad you're here. welcome to you. let's go with your weather update for india, not much to report that was storm starting to peter out through the northeast, but i think are the activity is picking up. is right across through long around the capital colombo, some downpours in the forecast for you on wednesday, but talking about india, it's really they cheated. so neg, poor, and my for our stress states. temperature is locked into about 42 degrees. that is well above average, not record breaking stuff, but still hot. we could call this
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a heat waves and we've had some pretty vicious storms in eastern china, not too far away from shanghai, hail storm, serious, smashed out some windows caused quite a bit of damage. and some torrential downpours and we've got another batch of what, whether working across the yangtze river valley move on to shanghai and that's dropping down into one g. providence. on wednesday, started off through japan looking good in tokyo. we're pumping up the warmer errors . so china is capital beijing at 20, also warm across the korean peninsula. and let's go to indo china. temperature is on their way up once again and prove cut to $38.00 degrees. and it does look like a rather white forecast for jakarta. some pretty big downpours across java island, sumatra, and borneo, and let's send off in this part of the world for what weather is now coming into. northern buckets done fall so hot for parts of the same province to the of brutal occupation resulting in
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a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify these rails was sold on gaza. dozens of children bound them up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official supports person october 7th. on tuesday or is where we are with you as the united nations security council votes for an immediate cease fire and gaza for us up stains and didn't to as it's vito, what does the resolution mean for the policy is as well and it's all life this is inside sorry the hello welcome to the program. i'm how is your model.


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