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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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stories with a labor audience only $48.00 it welts for women, come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. the un special or reference her on human rights for the occupied palestinian territory says there are reasonable grounds. israel is committing genocide to getting rid of palestinians and calls for an onset part of the you're watching all the 0 life or my headquarters in doha. i'm getting you navigate the also coming up at least 12 palestinians are killed in the air strikes enough,
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as israel continues to ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza traffic at one of the busiest commercial harbors in the us is disrupted after a ship smashes into a bridge and baltimore causing us to collapse and from prison to presidencies sooner called such a habits. youngest ever lead or after the late election the the united nation, special roberts, for, for the occupied palestinian territories has presented. the findings are for report that says there are reasonable grounds. israel is committing genocide and gaza. francesca albany is this, as israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the un genocide convention, including killing members of a specific group causing serious bodily or mental harm. and deliberately inflicting
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conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in parts. and she also found the genocide blacks were approved and given effect after statements of genocide, the intense by senior is really military and government officials. these alban easy argues, are part of a settler colonial process of a razor, which has been underway for more than 70 years. she recommends, among other things and immediate arms embargo on israel and from member states to support south africa. and it's attempt to prosecute israel at the international court of justice. gabrielle is on the reports from the un headquarters in new york, or the title of the report says it all anatomy of a genocide for words, it's some up. the actions of israeli soldiers highlighted in findings by the un special rapid tour occupied palestinian territories. these riley sold yourself,
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published footage boasts think about their killing of families. mothers cheated for in the bottom to go home, smokes and schools. so that's incriminating videos, show them so distinctly mocking and discriminating their policy and victims not only by violating their physical integrity and right to life, but also their dignity line by line. the 25 page report reaches a clear conclusion is real is in violation of the un genocide convention must disappearance and arbitrary read attention so widespread in systematic torture in any main treatment. add to the experience of endless death and loss desperate people had to search to rumble with their behinds. many have been unable to bury and grieve, loved ones. the report offers 7 recommendations among them and immediate arms embargo on these real. while the briefing in geneva centered on israel's acts of genocide, here in new york, the security council heard from tour a business line,
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the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process. he brief the council about israel's continued expansion of illegal settlements in the last few months. he's a radio thirty's, demolished c sub for speaker. to demo these 300 struck students. displacing 314 people, including hundreds, 37 to france condemned israel's announcement last week that had seized 800 hector's in the west bank. that couldn't you just raise, guide you into books? remember, 6, is there a to set them in buildings containing an even x and everything in the west bank. the funds condemns decent policy which to contribute to international law to live or recognize the illegal an exemption of petty, to resist, nor the legalize ation of all post these really decisions on the 22nd of march, confiscating 800 hectic offline in the westbank is unacceptable this is the largest confiscation offline,
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but is right in the occupied with the scene in 3300. it seems a lot quoted. so france said it is considering measures in coordination with european allies against settlers and is planning to propose an initiative to the security council related to a unified palestinian state. gabriel is on do, i would use either at the united nations in new york. i was really forces of target at a residential area in southern garza housing displays, palestinians, and stuff off guards. as health minister says the police 12 people have been killed in the attacking and my wife sees more than one and a half 1000000 people are currently sheltering. india alpha is really military's continued strikes. ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. thought of as soon as more from vanessa and southern gaza. israel is rounding up its military attacks, of course, different areas in the territory. and in particular here in a rough,
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within the past couple of hours, we have been recording multiple s tracts that targeted 3 residential houses that some english were informed to evacuate square, no casualties have been reported till now as the destruction was completely she in areas that had been targeted and that absolutely reflects the ongoing reality here and refund that is no longer at be safe for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians being displaced here, putting all the parts of the gaza strip in the north compartment. continue where in devalue refuge account there has been show house being targeted in the course of the past 24 hours the according to garza's health ministry, these very military troops have killed more than 80 palestinians. um its ongoing a rustic system on his head from eye witnesses on the ground who managed to slip from the ongoing medical receipt of a she felt hospital reporting that isabelle has destroyed the majority of areas. and she felt hospitable. turning the entire area into
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a great yard where destruction is every single corner on the vicinity of the hospital as they have been also reporting about field executions being made for a number of palestinians who have been killed on the other families who are still right now. trapped for more than a week without having sufficient amount of fluids and water, and without being at least rescued the unwilling thing. and on completely buried work conditions that they have been going through in the course of the past week will speaking a day off to the us up stains from that resolution demanding an immediate cease fire in gaza. it's deputy ambassador to the un has warned against and is really ground defensive ended up as we have said, the major military ground operation and rough or is not the way to do it. it risk doing more civilians. it risk reaching greater havoc with the provision of humanitarian assistance. and so our advice to israel is there is a better way the us defense secretary lloyd austin has told israel's defense
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minister, the safety of civilians is off as a top priority. you'll have got on travel to the pentagon for the in person meeting on tuesday. israel says it's planning a ground defensive and the southern most city of the gaza strip were one and a half 1000000 displays. palestinians have been forced to seek shelter and that's despite concerns from the us and the international community particle. hey, and reports on the pentagon, a pretty strong language from the us secretary of defense, lloyd austin, at the beginning of the meeting. now we know the is really defense minister you'll have kalonde has come here with a long list of weapons that he says, israel needs to get from the united states including really event fighter jets. this is seen as the most critical, critical key piece of leverage that the us has if you want to try and force israel to change course. so what happens? well, we were able to speak to a senior defense official and a background call. and reporters repeatedly pressed. where's the weapons granted? are they on their way?
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and he would only say that the western strongly believes israel has a right to defend itself, and to defeat him off that israel says, and the us believes they are following international laws of war. and any announcements would come in the future. but again, it was fairly tough language at the beginning of the mean, lots of that protecting palestinian civilians from harm is baltimore on the subsidy . and the strategic imperative and gods are today. the number of civilian casualties is far too high. and the amount of humanitarian aid is far too low. god is suffering mandatory and contrast and situation is getting even worse. the safety of the 1500000 palestine angel williams. and rafa is also a top priority for the united stage. the senior defense official said that he believes more aid is getting into cause, although he said it's still not nearly enough. and when it comes to rafa we per, we are able to press and say, what does the us want to see happen?
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he said basically the us wants to see $1500000.00 palestinians. they're being able to move safely to somewhere else as long as israel can provide for their basic needs. and then start the assault on rasa. the problem is this vice president come on hers. she just said in an interview that she's looked at the map, there's literally nowhere for these 1500000 people to go. so obviously still a big debate behind the scenes, but the kind of just using not to let it go public. particularly algebra at the pentagon. homeless has pushed back on claims by the is really military that it's killed the deputy command or if it's military wing. israel says that my want to are you so i was killed by an air strike earlier this month that targeted the central gaza strip. and other senior, how may i ask your manager was also reportedly killed in that same attack? well, earlier my colleagues spoke with, so i'm a have done the senior spokesman for him us. he says that he cannot confirm the
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desk of marijuana for you so unclear them and the model. i'm a supplement here that everybody knows that model one isa is one of the major commanders. i focus on brigades. and everybody knows that the israelis had been saying since day one that they want to target the outcome, some and how much commanders and because us trip. however, in the absence of an official statement from from us or some confirming the martyrdom or wounding us any of its commanders are members, we cannot confirm such information. have you heard anything from the all cassandra gauge, one minute viewing as to mr. east has whereabouts and safety, the missing heavy manual methods, him to that one has this information is not usually traded inside the movement, the whereabouts or information pertaining to the safety or, or outcomes. i'm commanders is not information that is exchanged internally. however, in the absence of a statement by of cosign brigades about the martyrdom or wounding of any if its leaders,
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then the information published by the enemy is not deemed as confirmed. it could very well be part of the psychological board that is waged by the occupation against the resistance and the palestinian people. so just to, to be clear with our view is at the moment mr. holmes on you was saying that you have no information as to mister e says whereabouts or safety, because the military ring has not shared that information with you. i understand that he was acting as a sort of korea, so the captive negotiations. so mediations have been saying that he has not been seen for some time. all those talks being affected. uh, i went on uh yeah, i knew myself about the shuttle converse of. it's not about information sharing. i can confirm that any information pertaining to the safety or any attack against any of our commanders as something that is a nouns by the i was concerned leadership. regarding the negotiation process, there is a how much delegation that handles the negotiations. these negotiations were
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recently forwarded by the as re lease side and our brothers being, which i had more, the one that you saw was not present in any negotiation sessions. and i think that any talk about him not participating or appearing and then a goal, she ations until now as part of these really claims that they succeeded in reaching him and assassinating him. honda somehow it has more on israel's response from occupied east jerusalem. to me is really army announcing on tuesday evening that they now have confirmation that mud one or a so was killed in an air strike in central dogs more than a couple of weeks ago. they say that this is based on intelligence from both the military and the sion that but the americans on march 18th, based on their own intelligence gathering. and findings said that mud one a so was in fact killed in this error strike the is really, are a spokesperson. daniel, how god is speaking? a blanks in a press conference this evening saying that mud one or
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a so it was 3rd in command to book. yes. yes. and was, and then come of the last, let's take a listen now to some of those remarks i. it is also the issue of this evening after checking all the intelligence that are disposal. we have established with certainty based on solid intelligence that mar, one is, was killed in the strike we carried out approximately 2 weeks ago along with because the apple tomato marwan isa was the deputy of mohammed al dice. and one of the planners of the october 7th massacre. well, god, z abo tomorrow was the former commander of the hum us central overdue, and was in charge of weapons manufacturing in home us. so they were killed in a targeted and precise strikes based on the information we received from military intelligence and sion bed. and then what's the army use substantial and unconventional operational capabilities? we will pursue our noble efforts to track down and target him. us leaders, that money get from
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a of these really say that one of their main objectives in this war is to eliminate him as both politically and militarily. and that entails going after him, us leadership. so these really army and did not provide us with the intelligence or the information that they say confirmed this desk. they remain ottoman in their assessment. they say that they're going to continuously prosecute this war, however they see fit until all of those military objectives are cheap. despite the catastrophic and die or humanitarian situation that hasn't sold it inside of the gaza strip. as a result of this war on the central edges 0 occupied east jerusalem. of the fasting month of ramadan usually brings lace to the city of hebron and the occupied westbank with thousands heading to the other. but he mosque for prayers. now hundreds of is really check points are making it difficult for palestinians to attend those prayers. need that but i enjoyed one palestinian worshipper on his
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journey to reach the mosque in hebron. i'd have to do that, but it has an unobstructed view of the abraham. the mosque from his house and have from the south of the occupied wes thing. but to pray there, he has to overcome several obstacles. hi, my house is over there, and the most is 100 minutes from here. is that which it puts in restrictions? it's 2 minutes away which should be a spiritual journey, is now one of few and barriers. and a city is trying to pass through is really, really through check which can be sent back held for hours arrested. people tell us somewhere even assaulted at the more than $120.00 check points. gates and obstacles scouts are the most south of us to hide. if it's trying to tell the residents of this house that he's coming through, it's one way to avoid some of the tech points going from one home to another. but
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how does the, how do i just have to cross at least 7 is ready? military checkpoints, from my home to the most, the intimidation and fear is not only from the army, but also from settlers when attacking palestinians the most cuz know 20 meters away . highest and has 4 checkpoints to go through and routes, but he's not allowed to use the off limits for palestinians. so he takes another detour until he finally arrives. the premium offs consider the 2nd holy is thought for muslims in palestine after looks almost compound in occupied east jerusalem. it has been divided into jewish and muslim prior areas after and is really sucks. are holsen's tire on wisdom worshippers in 1994, killing 29 palestinians. people as good. so we have less than half the worshippers that we usually see during ramadan. even the call to prayer on a saturday is not allowed. and i'm alone is the time to spend with the family. but
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then the height of sweet back home, he's reminded of the isolation she lives in one of several neighborhoods in the city were palestinians can only move around by foot. and during certain hours, the vehicles allowed for only the ones used by is really settlers that there are few starts at 9 p. m these days until 7 am the next day. these 2 men with going home minutes after the curfew starts. they've been held for 4 hours, at least, or for now, i was supposed to miss out on 3 important pains that he just need to have your own. you have to find was still a heads on out a 0, a big gain for donald trump, social media company on its 1st day of trading on the stock market. the
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brought to you by visit capital supercharged temperature's in parts of south america. however, once so we've been sitting records hottest march days, georgetown in diana, $35.00 degrees colors are on dark of the red, the heart of the temperature. you're down a bit on wednesday, but it's been hot, it's been dry here. so that sheets will continue plenty of storms through the amazon jungle to be expected and still some showers into the mix for the southeast corner of brazil, but not as bad as it has been warm breeze, but likely to see some storms around by blanca. so also been hot in central america, hot and dry and windy. so we see these wildfires erupt in eastern mexico and very crew state. quite stock images bear again, all has to do with the heat. we've seen it through hundreds, nicaragua, temperatures into low to mid thirties, and with this warrant coming in to the us call fall,
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it's triggering the storms around northern florida pushing right through to the carolinas, but no hurts if this we are talking about snow from the upper midwest, pushing into northwestern ontario. it's starting to wind down. but by the time of setting down 30 centimeters and warmer air, coming into the great lakes and the us northeast. to the west, we go. another pacific storm, so rain for western canada, the pacific northwest. and that what weather drops down to northern california, but likely just some showers in our stuff. the weather brought to you by visit castle, as in a world full of darkness. hope was so scarce donated. we deliver it in remedies and breaks. we've touched lives in you, in this holy month, the power of kindness, gray, in the joy of breaking the fox and the footprint. we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that, do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be
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the the top stories on alpha 0, the un special rapids for for the palestinian territory has released to report the fines. there are reasonable grounds to believe israel is committing genocide and goes on franchise. calvin easy says israel has violated 3 of the 5 acts listed under the un genocide convention. please 12 palestinians have been killed by his revere strikes and israel continues to ignore the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. and her boss was pushed back on claims
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by the is really military, that it's killed the deputy commander of its military way. israel says milan already, so i was killed by an air strike earlier this month. a major rescue operation continues in the us city, baltimore, where a bridge has collapsed after being hit by a container ship. 2 people had been rescued after they were thrown into the river. initial reports say the ship lost power and that the crew warrens port authorities of the impending collision. we ever correspondent allen fisher joining us from near that co ops bridge and baltimore. so allen, search and rescue operation still ongoing. what's the latest? well if you look go just over my shoulder, you can see that douglas have gathered during the podium. there's been use for briefings. we're expecting that to begin in the next couple of minutes. the suggestion that we are hearing is that they may well call off the search and rescue operation. for the night it is getting dark here is you can see and not makes the operation increasingly difficult,
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particularly as the 6 missing man. i've never been going for more than 18 hours and even the owner of the company that the man, what for said, given the depths of the water, how cold it would be, and how long they'd be missing. he thinks that all 6 may well be dead. so it may well come just in the next couple of minutes, but certainly that's the, the, the suggestion that we're going to get the announcement. another telling point is that the helicopters that have been in the are all the kind of help cutting this out. have actually disappeared in the last 10 minutes. this of course has, has been a real shock to everyone in baltimore. i, it's a bridge that has stood there since the 19 seventy's. it is a well known lunmark, unimportant route. so in the eastern seaboard of the united states, the ship had just left heading on a 27 day. john need to, to single port in just minutes out of baltimore port sent a message that they'd lost all of their power. essentially, if you think of driving down the hill in a car and the engine suddenly caught,
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so you have no control because everything is going, that's what happened to you and the ship career into the bridge. timing it damaging it really quite badly. it is going to take some time to rebuild the bridge. it is going to take a considerable amount of money as it stands to the bank. cotton told me just a couple of hours ago that is going to be in the billions of dollars i would expect . when you look at the cost of clearing the channel, rebuilding the bridge, the costs to the economy's loss of wages for workers who are gonna lose or paychecks. costs of the 1st responders in there to we all add that all up. it's going to be a big number. we don't know how big it's going to be, but it's clearly going to have a major impact on our local economy. while the people are counting or that briefing and just making the way over to the podium. nice. so we should find out in the next minutes or so exactly of what is happening to bite. and this said that they will
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rebuild the bridge. it's an important route, but baltimore is an important port. it is the 2nd busiest port on the eastern seaboard last year. $18000000000.00 came in, of imports came into the port a lot of them cars, but also important the to the goods that people would use. that is why this is going to have quite an impact on the economy to it. but certainly at the bridge itself took 5 years to build back in the 19 seventy's. it's going to take a considerable amount of time to rebuild it. all right, i'll let it go, keep us across the story. thank you for the time being for that reporting from baltimore. well, um, actually we will be listening into that press conference allen that's taking place right behind you. there are officials give you an update, we believe on the search and rescue operation. let's listen and we've had tremendous support across the state and county, and city and federal enterprise. you seen for yourself,
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the helicopters flying over the small boats that are out there, the coast guard cutter, it's out there to police. it goes back and forth, bringing people out on seeing discharge for these individuals. so thank you to the community for helping out regard. second, i want to say thank you to the community for the forwarding of support to those 1st responders. particularly the outpouring of support and prayers support for the families of the 6 individuals. so i want to announce to my that based on the length of time that we've gone in the search, the extensive search efforts that we put into it, the water temperature. we do not believe that we're going to find any of these individuals still alive. so this evening at about 730 or one to assist in the active search and rescue reference to his car. it's not going away. none of our partners are going away, but we're just going to transition to
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a different phase. and so i'm going to turn it over to colonel butler please. good evening and thank you all for being here. to echo the most comments here, we really appreciate the support from the community to all the 1st responders here . we appreciate your patience and allowing us to do the best job possible can get the information as it comes up. at this point is the most i have, we're going away from the search and rescue portion to recover operation. the changing conditions out there have made it dangerous for the 1st responders, the divers in the water. we will still have surface ships out overnight at 0600 hours tomorrow. we are hoping to put divers in the water and begin a more detailed search to do our very best to recover the 6 and some people the can do with that. we have time for just a few questions. we know there's a lot of questions i just thought to be answered and we do have time for just
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a few. so which takes you, where do we think it's? it's still just. all right, so alan, uh the, the officials were just giving an updates on both of our bridge co ops announcing that they're suspending that search and rescue operations. what we expected, that was the thought was going to be a nice man though, as i say, there were a lot of telltale signs. the fact that they've been new helicopter in the for, for a little bit of time. so it is getting dark and it makes it much more difficult for diverse to operate in the dog. they say they're going to keep surface specials in and around the area overnight in case and the thing a tons up. but given the amount of time that the man had been in the water given how cold the water raise the depth of the water, the everything pointed away from this being a search and rescue operation to simply being an operation to recover the 6 bodies . ok, thank you all. and fisher once again, reporting for us from baltimore smell, the former us president donald trump became several $1000000000.00 richer on monday,
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please don't pay for trump media, which owns the truth. social they've viewed on the wall street. the stock sort to more than $60.00 a share on interest from scott small scale investors and trump started through social that's a social media platform in 2022. after being banned from facebook, an ex formerly known as twitter, and that follows post encouraging the supporters during the january 6 2021 capsule rights. sure so, so looks and feels like x. but analysts estimate it has just 5000000 users. and many of them interested only in trumps post and now that it's publicly traded, it may need to attract the user is beyond trump, supporters. unless it does, there is little chance of a profit or of maintaining that stock price center goals president to like best 0 de moines phase says he will govern with
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transparency. it has value to fight corruption at all levels. these set to be the countries youngest leader following it, delayed election on sunday. nicholas hawkins more from the car, a were in downtown, the car not too far from the presidential palace square. after 12 years of mackie, self change is coming. despite a delayed election that brought so much turmoil, the outcome of the vote did not divide the people. but instead, united the senegalese people to get us to be very proud to be senegalese, and to belong to a great democracy. today we have shown on proven to be a country that will stand by our democracy. we have proven to be a silver and under our destiny is, you know, hundreds of i'm hoping for change in the economy and the use unemployment will be addressed voted on a study selection when 12 it took place in peace and stability. and the best has one for a peaceful, senegal, and for the whole of africa from the european union into the african union. and
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most importantly, the reason embodied echo was to all have commended the authorities for organizing with the.


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