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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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so essential and around the world. groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on how to say era the the color that i'm associated, hey, and this is news, our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a reports of either you and special rough which are 3 occupied palestinian territory is fine. say all reasonable grounds of israel is convincing genocide saying it's war. and garza shows an attempt to destroy the palace thing. and people piece really has used to come to flash of you money, tare on low to characterize the entire police teen, and people in life sustaining a life saving infrastructure of gaza,
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us target adult key level destroyer. he's right on. he says it can now confirm it has killed high ranking a mazda official. now, when he's done and as strike and garza, the bridge collapse, and baltimore forces declares at one of the busiest points on the us east coast as companies scrambles and we, we cover the under big game for donald trump, social media company on its 1st day of training, but it's not clear when the form of us president can tap into his majority states and piece of statement with your spouse of georgia and have qualified for the european football championships for the 1st time in the streets. and the asian champions kata are on my way to the next round of world cup, qualifying that in moving space of this new. so the,
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these reading ministry says it can now confirm that it has killed in my one isa, the deputy commander of muscles military wing. israel says he was killed by and as strike earlier this month, the target to the central gaza strip. and now the senior i'm ask, mando is also reported the killed in that same attack as it is how they should on this evening after checking all the intelligence that are disposal. we have established with the certainty, based on solid intelligence that mar, one is, was killed in the strike we carried out approximately 2 weeks ago, along with because the apple tomato marwan esau was the deputy of mohammed al, died. and one of the planners of the october 7th massacre. well, god, z i will, to my, was a former commander of the how much central over gabriel. and was in charge of weapons manufacturing in how much they were killed in a targeted and precise strikes based on the information we received from military
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intelligence and sion bed. and then what's the army use substantial and unconventional operational capabilities? we will pursue our noble efforts to track down and target him. us leaders all the money, give them a call. we can now speak to us on the home don. he's the senior spokesperson for him us. he joins us now from beverage. mr. hold on is about one, he said is unclear alum and the model. i me someone with here that everybody knows that model one isa is one of the major commanders. i focus on brigades and everybody knows that the israelis had been saying since day one that they want to target the outcome some and how much commanders and the guys us trip. however, in the absence of an official statement from from us or some confirming the martyrdom or wounding of any of its commanders or members, we cannot confirm such information. have you heard anything from the all?
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cassandra gave you a minute feeling as to mister hughes as whereabouts and safety is missing. having the manual methods him to that one has this information is not usually traded inside the movement, the whereabouts or information pertaining to the safety or outcomes. some commanders is not information that is exchanged internally. however, in the absence of a statement by of cosign brigades about the martyrdom or wounding if any of its leaders, then the information published by the enemy is not deemed as confirmed. it could very well be part of the psychological board that is waged by the occupation against the resistance and the palestinian people. so just to be clear without view is at the moment mister hunt on, you was saying that you have no information as to mister uses, whereabouts or safety. because the military ring has not shared that information with you. i understand that he was acting as a sort of korea,
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so the captive negotiations. so mediations have been saying that he has not been seen for some time. all those talks being affected as uh, i went on uh, yeah, i mean my, so that's a thought of luck with them shot. first off, it's not about information sharing. i can confirm that any information pertaining to the safety or any attack against any of our commanders as something that is announced by the i was concerned leadership. regarding the negotiation process, there is a how much delegation that handles the negotiations. these negotiations were recently forwarded by the as re lease side and our brothers name, which i had met, the one that you saw was not present in any negotiation sessions. and i think that any talk about him not participating or appearing and then a goal,
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she ations until now as part of these really claims that they succeeded in reaching him and assassinating him. and now the is writing claim that we're hearing today is that you have must have rejected a proposal for a deal. that action apparently shows the damage that's been done by the un security council resolution. that was pos, demanding an immediate cease 5. can i ask you for your response to that and perhaps your assessment of how those talks are going to call and the do not let me put them quite frankly, the occupation did not put forward any proposals. the side that submitted an accurate proposal to put an end to the aggression and to conduct the swap with actually to how much movement and this gardener praise by the mediators. however, the response that we received from that on yahoos government 2 days ago confirmed their rejection of our proposal. and we believe that what actually encourage the us
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administration to abstain from voting against the security council resolution was the realization by the us administration. that the side that is actually supporting the negotiations is the israeli side of and therefore the each that a security council resolution did not cause any damage as claimed by the as really government. however, this resolution confirmed that the continuation of these really aggression and the continuous efforts by the israelis to support the negotiations will bush, the international community towards resolutions that until recently were very impossible to reach due to the u. s. veto. the as rarely delegation has reportedly left the hall. can i ask you what the situation is? all the talks ongoing, all you optimistic that there is a conversation to be had and the fund, while behind we have relate
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a clear position based on the unacceptable is ran the response we have informed that the mediators of our position and disposition can be summarized in 2 points, one, any deal that is reached must accomplish the palestinian demands, putting it into the aggression a pullout of occupation forces, allowing the refugees to return to their homes and provide them with a insured the reconstruction of guys. and in return for that, we are willing to conduct and acceptable and equitable present or swap. the mediators have relate our stance to the israeli delegation, and it is possible that they went back to their country for further consultation with design just entities government. mr. hong donna, i wanted to ask you fatality on that last position because i am a spokesperson yesterday told me all now to 0. then you are only open to releasing captives. if an agreement with israel is reached,
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that's in violation of the un security council resolution that was just passed. is that still your position? as much as i said, i'm in colorado who nothing of the resolution of the security council states that the prisoners and captives must be released from both sides. so we have approximately $13000.00 palestinian prisoners that were arrested during the war. and before that, we had several thousands that were arrested and there should be a clear mechanism to release the prisoners being held by the israeli side. and we have been very clear if there is a ceasefire and if the palestinian prisoners are released, it would only be fair for us to release the is really captives in our custody. what we want is putting it into the aggression and releasing the captives. however, it was b is really to refuse the security council's resolution and not time us,
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on the contrary from us, well come to the resolution and we asked that there would be practical mechanisms that actually force the occupation to commit to this resolution and abide by it and implement that of the security council resolution did actually call for the unconditional release of captives. but i do hear that you are saying that you require some kind of an agreement in order to go forward. we'll leave that for now . so i'm, i'm done. the seniors folks pass on for him, us speaking to us today from berry. thank you very much stuff. and joining us on that, i'll just share and use our and for your time, i'm sorry, just to verify, please go ahead. clarify and have a couple of them is and i'm not quite frankly the security council resolution for stuff stated that there should be a ceasefire followed by a presenter release and therefore the security council resolution prioritize as a ceasefire on the presenter release. and when there is a ceasefire,
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we will be glad to engage in a prisoner swap. thank you for that entire vacation and mr. honda and i'm thank you again for your time here on the i'll just share and use our triple bundle so well that's now goes how correspondent i'm the subheads and occupied east jerusalem. honda, just coming back to what we've been hearing from these riley's about, my one is the strike that they say killed him, happened some 2 weeks ago. what new information all these really sharing was saying that they've received now in order to confirm his to a leisurely army is saying, but based on intelligence they've gathered from the military ambition. beth, they've now drawn the conclusion that model on a so was killed in that error, striking central guys a couple of weeks ago. the americans, however, on march 18th, said that based on their own intelligence gathering, they were able to confirm themselves, but not one. i saw was killed in that era strife where these really is. we're still
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working to confirm it. now again, we have not seen any of this intelligence or any of this information that these really is, are saying how mess itself has said that they don't have any information on the matter. but it goes back to israel saying, but it is going to accomplish every single one of the goals and objectives that it's set out to achieve. and the beginning of this war. and one of the main ones was dismantling. how mass both militarily and politically, they've been saying it for months, nearly 6 months, in fact that they are going to go after all, how much leadership, not just in gaza, but all over the world. and that includes both political figures and military figures. daniel, how gaudy had said that model one or e. so was in fact one of the people who planned the october 7th attack saying that he was 3rd in command to yes, yes. and was, and of him of the this, and this is the highest figure in how this is military wing. but these really is, are claiming they have killed in dogs and they say that they're going to
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continuously go after people in him ask both fighters on the ground and leadership despite the fact that this catastrophic and die, or humanitarian situation has on folded and gaza with more than 32000 palestinians who been killed as a result of israel's war. i'm the son hood that was all the latest for us from occupied east or respond. thank you very much. i'm of all the united nations special russell to us to be occupied. palestinian territories has presented the findings of a report that says they are reasonable grounds. but israel is convincing genocide in garza francesca albany z says that israel has violation of 3 of the 5 acts that are listed under the un genocide convention. including killing members of a specific group, causing serious bodily or mental home, and deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculation to bring about it's physical destruction in hold or impulse. she also found the genocidal acts were approved and given an effect of the statements of genocide will intend by senior is
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ready military and government officials. these acts, albany z argues a pos of a simpler colonial process of a razor, which has been underway for more than 70 years. she recommends, among other things, and immediate embargo on israel and from member states to support south africa. and it's attempt to prosecute, as well as the international court of justice gabriel, as on the reports from united nations headquarters in new as the title of the report says it all anatomy of a genocide for words. it's some up. the actions of israeli soldiers highlighted in findings by the un special rapid tour occupied palestinian territories. these riley sold yourself, published footage, boasting about their killing of families, mothers, cheating for in the bottom to go home, smokes and schools. so that's incriminating videos, show them so distinctly mocking and discriminating their policy and victims not
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only by violating their physical integrity and right to life, but also their dignity line by line. the 25 page report reaches a clear conclusion is real is in violation of the un genocide convention must disappearance and arbitrary read attention so widespread in systematic torture in any main treatment. add to the experience of endless death and loss desperate people had to search to rumble with their behinds. many have been unable to bery hungry of loved ones. the report offers 7 recommendations among them and immediate arms embargo on these real. while the briefing in geneva centered on israel's acts of genocide, here in new york, the security council heard from tour venice slide the un special coordinator for the middle east peace process. he brief the council about israel's continued expansion of illegal settlements in the last few months. he's a radio thirty's,
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demolished c sub for speaker to them all these 300 struck through displacing 314 people, including hundreds, 37 to france condemned israel's announcement last week that had seized 800 hector's in the west bank. that couldn't you just raise, guide you into books? remember, 6, is there a to set them in buildings containing an even x and everything in the west bank. the funds condemns decent policy which to contribute to international law to live or recognize the illegal an exemption of petty, to resist, nor the legalize issue of our post. these really decisions on the 22nd of march, confiscating 800 hectic offline in the westbank is unacceptable. this is the largest confiscation offline, but it's right in the occupied with the seen in 2300. it seems a lot quoted. so france said it is considering measures in coordination with european allies against settlers and is planning to propose an initiative to the security council related to a unified palestinian state. gabriel,
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as under how does either at the united nations in new york, israel seems to have disregarded that security council cease fire resolution saying it will have no operational significance for its military and gaza. that resolution this gave was just a forcing post on monday. it demands an immediate cease 5, but the level has changed on the ground so far. at least 17 palestinians including 4 children, were killed and it is rarely as stripe targeting a home near rough overnight. he's really government has repeatedly said and cons to launch a ground defensive on rasa, cause a southern my city where more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering bullets beat trying correspondence on the ground tower couples and he's in rafa and southern gauze. talk this was meant to be legally binding security council resolution, but just in the last couple of hours you've been experiencing 1st time and how as well as ignoring yes. in fact,
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despite the through dilution that had been passed yesterday by the united nations security council, isabel is rounding up its military attacks, of course, different areas in detroit to be. and in particular here in a rough, within the past couple of hours, we have been recording multiple s tracts that targeted 3 residential houses. that is, some english were informed to evacuate work, no casualties have been reported till now. as the destruction was completely she in areas that had been targeted. and that's absolutely a reflect the ongoing reality here and refund that is no longer at be safe for more than one point. 5000000 palestinians being displaced here. what's all the parts of the gaza strip in the north, the bomb it continue. we're in devalue refuge account. there has been show house being targeted in the course of the past 24 hours the according to garza's health ministry, these very military troops that killed more than 80 palestinians um its ongoing a rustic system on his head from eye witnesses on the ground who managed to slipped
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from the ongoing medical receipt of a she felt hospital reporting that isabel has destroyed the majority of areas. and she felt hospitable. turning the entire area into a great yard where destruction is every single corner on the vicinity of the hospital as they have been also reporting about field executions being made for a number of palestinians who have been killed on the other families who are still right now. trapped for more than a week without having sufficient amount of fluids in new to and without being at least rescued and unrelenting, and on completely buried work conditions that they have been getting through in the course of the past week. tires have was describing the situation for us on the ground in the gaza strip right now. thank you, derek. i as well. us defense secretary lloyd austin has told israel's defense minister, the safety of civilians in rasa is a top priority. you'll have kalonde to travel to the pentagon or for that in person meeting on tuesday as well. it says it's kind of
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a ground defensive in that city. where 1500000 displays palestinians have been forced to seek shelter. the us, the, i'm the international community have raised concerns over the safety of people the day we will discuss the developments in gaza and the means to achieve uncles, the destruction, from muscle ventilation and bring you back. there is one of the hostages, the negotiation on the cost of this issue and how most positions require us to join hands in the, you know, military and their faults and to increase pressure on how most protecting palestinian civilians from harm is baltimore on the subsidy. and the strategic, impaired, and gods are today, the number civilian casualties is far too high. and the amount of humanitarian aid
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is far too low. gaza is suffering, humanitarian catastrophe. situation is getting even worse for safety of the 1500000 palestine angel williams. and rafa is also a top priority for the united states. well, that's bringing out of there. a senior political analyst smelling discharge joins me again here in the studio. one, what do you make of, of the turn we're hearing from these 2 defense tvs, especially off of us. extension is very important. it's very important not only because of whatever the point is, which i will get to is the fact that they opened it to the press. that's and when the united states opened such me thanks to the press, not just the great and what have you. but the actual opening set statements, because the united states wants to register something they want to put their finger on something falls somewhere about
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a certain position that the united states wants to make clear its own public to whoever is sitting across, but also to the world and i think in a sense, it is washington that open the door to the present, or that to say one, we're not in agreement with these read to. there is a bit of a risk for mand in the tones. and 3 that the united states, unlike is right, stands for the need to open up the borders the crossings for he might be or a death a you a minute here in situation is kept us terrific. think us, which is it's good that the united states is finally coming. go with that as they say latest, but the never but it is to late. the more importantly that the united states is trying to do something about it. so a public rep are not in yet another one, essentially often what happens in the security council house on old going over with
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israel. what did you make of kalonde? still attending the meeting? they will just be canceled this on the delegation, but kalonde is still meeting with senior officials in, in washington and the pentagon. because in reality, this is the important meeting that other important meeting was to essential funds. as you know that nothing else sending of to washington, he's basically hot his age. yes. how can i make the drummer? they're not as important as this visit now, because what at stake here is not just, you know, some discussions and debates over what to do next. but it's the essence of the relationship with the united states and israel dependency on that relationship. the important study store is rarely to tell us. the important story store is really amunition and, and defense capabilities and to restore confidence, right? so the strategic relationship is at stake in the midst of major political disagreement. so glance, the guidelines visit is very important in that sense. and i think he could be kind
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of a bridging kind of that if you will, because the military subject volition is the most important. and these are us relationship whether the wouldn't be able to mend fences or not, of course, as a whole other game. so i think maintaining some kind of a, you know, rupture on the, on the bit about not sending the to the invoice might be a bit more. see doctor caldwell, this is the world will heavier, rough or offensive? i think the un security council resolution might have spent of the all senses because because there understands now that it is isolated effects so much on the defensive internationally that it's probably needs to lash back. and again, maybe that's part of the reason we can say that the announcement about that getting about how much data is by is there it is today is because it's right assigned to prove that it is doing something and verify that is important for these are but i
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think you want to stick with the concept resolution showed that as those isolated and the wonderful fortune disclosing and hence if any, all government is either meant on doing something on delphi, then probably soon there is. but that for them, of course, not for the for a while. now, meantime, as we speak and as you reported earlier, there's a whole other things going on right? from the united nations human rights council and geneva, to the negotiations over the prisoners on the husbands. also 4 guys out is to the, as the special report that told us is in dire straits. children are dying of hunger . people are they are dying with, from one bargain, diseases and so on, so forth. and the world continues to be silent despite the the resolution. it's been 2 months since the i c j told us that there is a plausible case for gender. so now we are report on it it's, i'm traveling in plain sight. so why all these things that happen and go on and,
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and, and foster and, and of washington, new york, and nothing new. all i knew on, gosh, it was unusual. all of this stuff. people are still dying. and guys, the situation is dire, then world needs to do something about it. because this is as francesca of been a zip code that the crime of crimes found. the shower. thank you for joining us again. this news, alan, thanks for sharing your thoughts. the. the major rescue operation is continuing in the us city of baltimore, where a bridge has collapsed after being hit by a container ship. a number of people were thrown into the river below, and the governor of maryland says response team is all doing everything they come to rescue them. at least 6 people are still confirmed missing. my kind of has this report to contain the ship was less than 30 minutes into it's 27 day voyage to sri
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lanka when things went horribly wrong. initial reports say that dolly was heading off to see just for one to am. when is the last propulsion, then the crew won't pull to authorities of a possible collision. it hit the prompts, it's got the key bridge, nature transport link for maryland us east coast. it's a shocking site to see because you live your whole life here. and you've seen this thing your entire life, and then one day you go outside and it's not there. the bridge and then, and the number of vehicles plunged into the protests. go river, the government of maryland to clear the state of emergency as a search operation continued i was late to, we have a large area that we have to search. this includes on the surface of the water, sub surface, as well as on the deck of the ship itself to people who are rescued from the war to one with severe injuries. this is
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a unthinkable trach. we have to 1st and foremost, pray. all of those for impacted of those families pray for our 1st responders and thank them all of them working together. city state local to make sure that we are working through this trash the own off the ship, which is registered in single poll, says old 22 crew members are safe to those baltimore police and the white house say the collision was not connected to any act of terrorism, the pool and the surrounding area had been closed. several government agencies are working to get to the root of what happened. but for now, the focus is on the search for any survivors. mike kinda, i'll just see air a baltimore whole that's got the latest from a corresponding island, fisher. he joins us live from near the scene in baltimore islands. we was saying, as we learn more about full of how or this unfolded, really sounds like that. made
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a quote from the ship, save so many lives. and it certainly it looks as if it was, it was very important. remember the shit was just 2 minutes. and when the pilot elected the authorities and said that they had lost propulsion, essentially that's like trying to move your car when your engine isn't working. if you're going down hill, you can't steer, you know, control makes things incredibly difficult. and then we're heading straight towards the bridge, which is an important transport link. but because they got the word died so quickly, they weren't able to stop a lot of cars going on to the bridge. but the problem was, there was a team of what goes on the bridge they were appeared in port hates. and as we know, 8 of them ended in the war to someone. 2 of them were rescued almost immediately. one of them badly injured one with very few injuries, but 6 people are still missing and that is why you can hear the helicopters via an over by the bridge that are people in the work that are on the have been since the
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at leaders off tuesday morning is they tried to find the v 6 people know the governor of maryland has been here alone with the transport secretary and they see this is still very much an active search and rescue operation. but the reality is, the longer this goes on, the less likely the to find survivors and more likely to find bodies. joe biden was kept informed throughout the evening through the night when he was told of what had happened at this bridge. and he insist that the federal government will do all the time to get this bridge repaired. as soon as possible i we're going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this mercy. i mean, all the federal resources and we're going to rebuild that port together. everything so far indicates that this was a terrible action. at this time we have no other indication, no other reason to believe is any intentional. act personal on board. the ship are
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able to alert the maryland department of transportation that the loss controls are vessel. as you all know, reported as result, local authorities are able to close the bridge. the traffic before the bridge was struck, which on dollars saved lives. people the judges, the us transport secretary has been here within the last couple of hours. he described the bridge as a cathedral of american architecture. the problem is no, there is so much of the ridge line and the channel along with a disabled ship that they've had to close the weight in and out of baltimore port. and that's a big problem for the us economy, because the port is the 2nd busiest on the eastern seaboard last year alone. they brought an $80000000000.00 of imports. and so until they couldn't get that fixed. and that could take some time. they won't be able to get things in and out to baltimore, so that is going to impact the wider us economy. it's going to impact jobs and of course is going to impact supply chains. and we saw what supply chains can do to
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the economy. and also to inflation just from the time in corporate. and so the whole plan is that at some point they will start to move that out. they're going to look at what's left of that bridge and whether or not there's anything there they can save. but it took 5 years to build the bridge, so you can see that this is going to be a long term project. it's going to be very expensive and it's going to continue to have an impact, not just the east coast of america, but across the entire united states. and official that with a very nice just for us from the scene near that bridge and baltimore. thank you all a hostile, a head here on out as they are from prison, the presidency set. a goal is set to have his youngest emilita, often delays election. and it's 2 wins out of 2 for the 10 i super king's and the indian primarily people will have all the apps and for you, the
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hello. there are a lot of active other point in to the central mediterranean here. so why look at what's going on across europe? but let's go to where the action is. this is going to be a deluge through italy, including amelia romano. likely to see some flooding down through rome, so we look at the next few days. could skip up to a month's worth of rain over 48 hours, but we're lifting up warmer air from africa. so your temperature as well, shoot up once the sun comes out, also a sting with the winds through portugal and spain supporting rain in the north. so porto you to be looking at a months worth of rain and wind got 7080 kilometers per hour. you'll lock your temperature in to about 14 degree is what weather swirling around the islands of ireland, britain, france, and the low countries here. so pretty to all day on wednesday for you into turkey. we go, i've got a lot going on, few showers across the country. light is free,
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so is stumble. you're up to 17 degrees, and what weather will extend from robot rate through to tune is likely to see some sand storms really right across libya. now kind of give you an update on this, we've got a tropical storm that's formed here in the northeast of madagascar. this one is going to dump potentially up to half a meter of rain over the next. so bits and the rain fills in, across south africa, could see some thunder storms here. of the, of these changes will be rapid, costly, and largely undesirable. the viability of many eco systems is at stake, as is the viability of civilization. as we know, it's dying a coming soon, a mechanic knows a motor home from a macaroni. and so do we. it's why we work with bill cuz he may could be a business to know your business. yep. we all, we,
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you all. now let me tell you, i'm on a safari cool result. the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we enter the a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only elliptic very close here, like come in here, sits on to play with a large stairs face with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also off my lot of if somebody valley equal restored to me and gone the the the
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fuck. i'm actually watching. i'll just here to remind you about top stories. the ssl do in special rough for to for the palestinian territories, has released a report that finds they all reasonable grounds to believe that israel is committing genocide and gaza. francesca albany is, he says israel has violated 3 of a 5 that's listed under the u. n. genocide convention he's rarely met a treat says it can now confirmed that it has killed ma. one is the deputy military commander from us as military rang. israel says he was killed in an asteroid, carried out body of this month in the central golf. and in the city of baltimore, 2 people have been rescued. often vehicles plunged off a collapsing branch when a container ship rammed into his initial report, say the ship lost power and that the crew wanted to push, authorized because of the impending collision. the former us president donald trump has become several $1000000000.00 rich, at least on paper truth social,
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the social media platform earned by trump. they viewed as poss, of a new company on wall street. the stock sold to move in $60.00 a share on interest from small scale investors. from new york old stones or trees social back in 2022 off to bonds on facebook and ex, formerly known as teresa. not followed posts, encouraging his supporters during the january 6th, 2021, a capital rise to social looks and feels like ex. but unless estimation has just 5000000 use, as many of them are interested in, just trump suppose now that it's publicly traded, it may need to attract. you says the owners of trying to support his unless it does as natural chance of a profit or potentially maintaining its stock price. well, joining us now from boston, massachusetts, is that in prima he's the business editor of actually all it's an online use platform. the media is supposedly seemingly bigger than western union, bigger than bobby's company, mattel's that's pretty big, especially for
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a social media company that's been making a lot. yeah. so the best way to really understand this is a little bit like game stop. if people remember that from a couple years ago, which was a real company, it was a retailer and they sold video games online and then stores. but there was this moment which came stopped, stock went through the roof, and suddenly it was worth much more than a lot of established companies. it wasn't justified on the fundamentals, it was what became known as a medium stock and, and trump media and technology or truth social is best understood in that way. this is from what we can understand, at least this point kind of a political stock. maybe the only political stop and the people who are fans of trauma are buying this block and have been bidding it up. it is not based on the fundamentals, but ultimately a stock in the company is really worth what people will pay for it. it's not necessarily a multiple of earnings or multiple of revenue. what was this thing? i was looking at the numbers. so trump media is market value is now about 2000 times. it's estimation of annual revenue. this'll being driven to by individuals
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who aren't really your typical invest. and so this is potentially a sign of personal support for trump. this is how they want to demonstrate that and maybe we, we don't, we don't necessarily know where the user base is. uh so for example, is the largest outside investor is a guy named jeff yas, but he is doing that through a big investment firm. he's a, he's a billionaire investor, it's got a big firm called us bahama, who's the holder there with the assumption that is, this is mostly retail investors and it's probably true. it's a fairly small lot of stuff, but it's entirely possible they're institutions in there that inside of this was a good thing to buy up if only because they believe that there are a bunch of retail folks. so we're gonna, we're gonna kind of hold for awhile because there's the support of the trauma. we just don't know. it's too early to really know. we'll have to wait a quarter or 2 for reporting. so really interesting strategy, if that's the case. a lot of people are holding this a name stock. can you explain that to? sure, but what it basically means is that the stock price isn't really, again, being driven by the fundamentals. right. you know, if you've ever kind of gotten
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a stock investing 101, and they'll tell you things like, you know, look at the earnings and then there should be a multiple up price to earnings multiple. and you should apply that, that you should look at other, you know, comments, other similar stocks in the market. i mean, stock is really being driven by us kind of traditionally small groups on the internet that just really decided they like something and they kind of, uh, it kind of builds on itself, right? one versus that they want. and then another person then it either be a social media or other forms. it just starts to take on a life of its own. and that seems to be a little bit what happened here. even last week when there was a shareholder vote to bring this thing public. uh, there was thousands of people watching this on kind of youtube streams or rumble streams. that's kind of what we're the backend is here. not so interesting. it's obviously pretty good timing to for a former president. trump, couldn't this help to pay some of his very substantial legal penalties. and maybe, uh, so there's some rules on him. he owns, as of right now, i believe he's got about 4 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of stock. it was up to 6000000000 earlier today in
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terms of his value, but then it went down a little in the last hour of trade. and so in theory, he is locked up for 6 months, which means he is not allowed to sell any shares from the next 6 months. he could get a special dispensation from the board and the board of directors is very friendly to him. and several members or former members of his white house as on son is on the board. but then there's a little bit of a push pull. if trump himself started the cell, it's possible to stop with tank. people say wait, if don't getting out, then i want to get out. so it's a little bit complicated and there are questions of if you wanted to say sell a $1000000000.00 of stock, would really be buyers for that much. very interesting times ahead for trump and for a comes immediate seemed then pretty much the business at a set of axioms. thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and expertise with us on out of here. thank you. independent us president for candidates, robert f. kennedy junior has announced his running late so november's election.
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california law and nicole shanahan will be running for the vice presidency alongside kennedy's bid for the white house associated. your world has never has any elected office, but has previously donated to democratic presidential candidates. reynolds was in oakland, california, so that announcement the independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy has made his choice of a running made and she is nicole shanahan, a 38 year old attorney and technology entrepreneur from the san francisco bay area . she's also the former wife of google co founder sergey green. kennedy phrase shanahan is having the skills necessary to be a great vice president and also that she agrees with him that the us government no longer serves the people but is in thrall to wall street. and the extremely wealthy kennedy is sparks. controversy for his stated believes in
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a number of discredited conspiracy theories including that childhood vaccines cause autism and other harms. there was no mention of that in his remarks to day here in oakland. but the question of his candidacy is causing a great deal of consternation in the bite and campaign which believes that if he qualifies for the ballad in certain mostly divided swing states, he could slip the election to donald trump in november. but then again, the election is months away. rob reynolds, l g 0, telephone. well, to another election that's just taking place and set a goal as president elect of a serial jo may say, says he will govern with transparency and is bound to fight corruption at all levels. he said to be the country's youngest, lead a following the late election on sunday. and it was hock has went out from the senegalese capital stucco that were in downtown the car not too far from the
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presidential palace square. after 12 years of mackie, self change is coming despite a delayed election that brought so much turmoil. the outcome of the vote did not divide the people. but instead, united the senegalese people to get this to be very proud to be senegalese, and to belong to a great democracy. today we have shown on proven to be a country that will stand by our democracy. we have proven to be a silver and under our destiny is, you know, hundreds of i'm hoping for change in the economy and the use unemployment will be addressed voted on a study selection when 12 it took place in peace and stability. and the best has one for a peaceful, senegal, and for the whole of africa, from the european union into the african union. and most importantly, the reason embodied echo was all have commended the authorities for organizing what they described as a free and fair election. this is important because it's
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a region marked by democratic setbacks with a number of who is in the region program he, he did, but we live tv. so similar of what is, what is their name from prison on the eve of the elections contributed to their lively peace breakfast, where we set out there to conduct the origin for they said that to be headed, go is at a cross road taking a new direction away from a routine that had a lot of police repression, an authoritarian over tone to a new president that has spent the last 11 months in prison for a facebook post. he is relatively unknown. he's not from the political leads. and people here hope that he can deliver on this promise to bring justice more freedom and fortified senegalese democracy. nicholas hawk. alex's the right,
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the car. a 10, you know, authority is, has the gun hunting or for the bodies of the victims of us foundation called back to their families more than 400 bodies words. even last year they were found in a secluded area of an $800.00 acre coastal prophecy. in kenya, investigate just as a leader of a religious called ordered them to start off to death. so they could go to have them pull mackenzie and $29.00 of his associates face matter and torture trojans. one year later, we have still only $33.00 bodies identified that $390.00 plus bodies, yet to be identified positively going at this rate, they're going to be here for 10 years trying to identify the $290.00 plus. i think the government must intentionally commit resources to watch this process so that we are able to give closure to families once being called one of the most restrictive social media bands. when mine is in the united states has been signed into law in
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florida. on the new rules, social media accounts for children under 14 will be banned. 14 and 15 year olds will require a parental consent to use the platforms for the governor. rhonda sandra says the law will protect mine is but does expect legal challenges. i also had here on out just want a simple walk to announce that should take 2 minutes. has tons into a johnny of check point due to the and you create a well on their way. so you are 2020 for the laces from the payoffs coming up shortly. and for the pizza, the this business uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dash football he is the
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this business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football is he is the
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the welcome back at this time for support and his teacher ms spells there. thank you so much. have advanced the next round of asian woke up qualifying thanks to to one when into a totally a, up to 77 minutes of near misses and good say some of the keepers, the categories wins in front. striker low is only missing the opener, but incredibly lee, last of less than 60 seconds situation was growing levels. thanks to how much the cell home and then just 2 minutes later, the demand side of food go all the again for the raining agent champions, who held on to secure their place makes from the ukraine have just qualified for euro 2024 after they food bank to beat iceland to, to one ukraine had home advantage, but due to the russian invasion,
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it is played in poland. how but goodman sung school, the opening for iceland and associates minutes the same time that you can come back in the 2nd off as victor c gotten calls made at $11.00, chelsea forwarded me kind of music to hear what the goals, 6 minutes from time it will be the 1st major tournament you kind of played in since the war starts. the match between wales and poland is going to extra time with the match to dulles. it's all gone in front just before the break been babies merrily of side. those again came close just off to the break for tech shows me doing well to deny key for more whales and look, you do qualify for the euro for 3rd straits time. ga, have qualified for the years for the 1st time in the history as they be greece on penalties. 2000 and full champions, greece missed to support kicks in this yourself, winning penalty school to buy because correct investigating and look what it means
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to the fans. it says, well, you see, you'll see the success of the 2nd i just with us history is basically what i'm sort of needed to at the been to best buy, you know, to one up against result in an international friendly host going in front thanks to a rotary penalty it went from bad to worse for the 5 time will champions found in many all know doubled spain's lead of to 36 minutes to selves. rodriguez, what is all very comfortable with the video he pays is comfortable for round the grid off through and he pulled one back in she t fashion for his country here. it's currently to one to stain in. the 2nd hole in 0 is preparations of india to, to, to drew against belgium and ask them for the mid feel that you read to them on school. the i know if the just the 11 minutes a mistake from to pick could i been turning in 40 fisco for the penalties, making a 112 elements those for the game. how about this for the system problem,
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rama new car crews, and then choose pending and school with practically the last picture of the game to grab the to 2 to 6. over in frankfurt, germany, we're hosting the middle. it is a great start for the debt you took the lead off to just 3 minutes jelly. a few of them on the with the goal for the villages in frankfort. i believe a short lived host living through maximilian, me, to states children to host your 20 to 80 for late to this year. they would have liked to take away from this game so that means them and thanks to nicholas phone crew. they got yourselves at 21 when they talk to miami. i've been saying this and the new made with dave as ease due to the coals of finals with the state states. we know that domini cooper, the defending champion. it took an hour to win the 1st set against the on see the gym and taking it in the side breaks. the world in the fall was the thing to defend
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the, to the level type of for the 1st time in his career. would you believe and this was these 350, a win over on your face, nicholas cherry in the las vegas. and that's because jerry upsets casper rude in straight sets between the 2nd seat is the 1st to lay in 2 weeks before this. fernando gonzalez in 2004. the beka 7. c 7663. good. yes. so for, for jerry, you can call us authorized infiniti. but you know, i super kings of him, of the goods about titans by 63 runs. we may indian premium. the match over the rushing ravine drug smashed the 6 friends for many twins to bones to get things started. he's papa and super kings. katherine said, i'd say club full so comfortably. so the 1st 6 phosphate, $51.00 in the middle of the for machine and do a health channel or reach to $6.00 to $6.00 in extreme to despite a brisk start,
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the items will always struggling and seem started as long as you're sharing the wickets as get to the us run chase last main some eventually they were 143 states at the end of between 2 years. and i took the standings with 2 wins from 2. so things 11 time we'll jump and can you say to admit studies career might be coming to an end of the one is 1st heats of the get the zipcode. pro bells beach and victoria, australia. space is rank 30 foot in the world of struggling in the 1st 2 events, but brought it back here in what is the split? the 2nd appearance of bells, the 52 year old was hoping for a swan song. and so he's, he's because they knew for the parents and then fixed, but failed to make the waste is 30 years was my 1st when here 32 years since my 1st event here it's, it's good to back. yeah. you know, it would be, you know, a real dream for me to book into it and try to win here again 30 years later. but for now i'm just trying to enjoy the event and enjoy the people. and that's all the sports needs. my spouse here. thanks so much space on salt. the fostering month of
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ramadan usually brings life to the city of hebron any occupied westbank with thousands heading to the aber human. musk surprised the hundreds of his rarely checked points. i'll make it difficult for palestinians to attend. need to abraham joined, one worship on his journey to reach the most height of jet, but it has an unobstructed view of the able to. he must from his house and have room in the south of the occupied wes thing. but to pray there, he has to overcome several obstacles. hi, my house is over there, and the most is 100 meters from here. is that the check points and restrictions? it's 2 minutes away which should be a spiritual journey. is now one of fees and barriers. and a city is trying to pass through is really, really through check which can be sent back held for hours arrested. people's tele summer even assaulted. the more than $120.00 check points,
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gates and obstacles scouts are the most. the sole height of his trying to tell the residents of this house that he's coming through. it's one way to avoid some of the tech points going from one home to another. even so how do i just have to cross at least 7 is ready military check points from my home to the most. the intimidation and fear is not only from the army, but also from settlers covina talking palestinians the most cuz know 20 meters a we had a student has 4 checkpoints to go through and routes that he's not allowed to use the off limits for palestinians. so he takes another day until he finally arrives. the premium offs considered the 2nd holy aside for muslims and palestine after long . so most compound in occupied east jerusalem. it has been divided into jewish and muslim prior areas. after and is really sucks, are full inspired on wisdom, worshippers and 1994, killing 29 palestinians people as good. so we have less than half the worshippers
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that we usually see during ramadan. even the call to prayer on a saturday is not allowed. and i'm alone is the time to spend with the family. but then the height of sweet back home, he's reminded of the isolation she lives in one of several neighborhoods in the city with palestinians can only move around by foot. and during certain hours, the vehicles allowed are only the ones used by is really such. those that are few starts at 9 p. m these days until 7 am the next day these 2 men were going home, minutes after the curfew starts. they've been held for 4 hours, at least as for now, i was forced to miss out on 3 important pains that he just need to have your own. you'll see, find hold out tough for me and associates, hey,
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for this new zone, but don't go away. i'll be back with another news out and just a couple of them. stay with the african narratives from africans. perspective is you are the one in terms of what came up proper from do show documentary spine, african filmmakers. i mean on the to, on for over 20 is future with fish from the shape and the queen from nigeria, a new series of african direct on colleges here with every donation given with every hops that cancel. we are changing lives in palestine showing that love days. you donated we deliver upon the ship, we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see said donated with
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confidence donates with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the well. one hawks that's time is the biggest global electron yet in history. the world's biggest democracy off its own epic. so don't join main street of oxygen for a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined. as political opponents of driving us then that in there will be a facing an avalon that often charges even before full talk. com being the port spots due on the reporting, the absence, the times margins you know, plus thousands of on. that's great. when i'm hearing this, palestinian or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the
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reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say was teens of across the world . when you click sense to the fonts at the store, the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm associated, hey, this is a news our life from the coming up in the next 16 minutes. the ones that special rough which are on human rights for the occupied palestinian territories says they are reasonable grounds. that is really is committing genocide to get rid of palestinians and calls for an alms and box is really all he says and can now confirm that it has killed high ranking,


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