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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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e mail re system a gas cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given to you home at lot then yet the the, the attacks in gaza despite the un security council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. the serve, any age? good to have you with this. this is alice has 0 life and also coming up to day a bridge in the us city of baltimore, collapses after a cargo ship rams into it. the governor declares a state of emergency judges in the u. k. defer
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a decision on whether wiki leaks founder julian hassan can appeal against his extradition to the united states will be lied from outside the court house in london and change of leadership incentive. all the nation is set to habits. youngest, ever presidents after a delayed election, the so it's 11 gmc, a defiant israel says a un security council ceasefire resolution will have no operational significance for his military in gaza. the resolution passed on monday, calling for an immediate cease fire, but little has changed on the ground so far. at least 17 palestinians including 4 children, were killed in an is really airstrikes targeting a home near rasa. overnight. the is really government has repeatedly said it plans to launch a ground defensive on rasa, cause a 7 most city were more than 1500000 palestinians, enough shelter of the united states changed. it stands by not vetoing the security
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council resolution. and that decision has angered israel as gabriel. as on the reports from you in headquarters in new york, the throughout the 728th in a rear brake of decorum, the security council chamber erupts into applause. perhaps he signed a release. it was moments after the council adopted a long awaited resolution for an immediate ramadan cease fire in gaza and the expanded flow of humanitarian aid. the vote was decisive. 14 council members voting in favor. the us abstain, allowing the resolution to be adopted. the fight in most of the killings, most of the suffering and inclusive punishment most and after more than 5 months of a war of alterra and destruction, i cease fire is the difference between life and death for the hundreds of thousands
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of palestinians and orders re add man, sure. the palestinian ambassador. god emotional, this must signal the end of this assault about thrust with these against a lot of people and nation is being met and that the nation is being disclosed as a nation is being displaced for decades. no, but novel at this scale since then on these really ambassador said the council is biased against his country to this council is rarely blood is cheap. this is a travesty. and i am disgusted in the, in the last few months the us has vetoed 3 separate draft resolutions demanding a ceasefire. but this time was different. critically
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a cease fire and the release of hostages will allow much more humanitarian aid to get into gaza at a time when famine is looming. large when you and security council resolutions are adopted, they become international law. but during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding. after the vote when asked about this, a un spokesperson said that the us appears to be wrong. all the resolutions of the security council are international law. so uh, so to that extent, uh, they are as binding as international lawyers. you know, post on social media, un secretary general said the ceasefire resolution is long awaited and called for it to be implemented, saying failure to do so. would be unforgivable gabriel's on do. i would use ita at united nations in new york as well as heroes. honey, mount motors and ross that joins us live now. honey,
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i want to pick up on something that you've been telling me earlier this morning, which is a palestinian see this resolution as a positive step, positive development, yet they know better than anyone. but this is not something is really a tax on the gaza strip. so i want to ask you again what the feeling is today on the back of this resolution. yes sir. well, despite the fact that this resolution is largely perceived as a positive jester, as a change of position and change of policy from the one country that has traditionally supported its online the security council. and in all, pretty much the car doors of the united nation has protected it from all actions and resolution. but this time it is different. it's a little late score is 5 months into the genocide of war and acts on the ground. the displacement, the family that is spreading, the ongoing mass, killing a palestinian however, despite this policy is, are still optimistic in
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a very cautious way. part of the reason, the timing from it as a resolution is so limited, we're looking at to we just ramadan, right. as the inspire it's immediate, it's supposed to be implemented right away, but to 2 weeks, not enough, not enough time frame for the global human and turn it on to respond to the human to during capacity. because by the intense bombing campaign across the gaza strip. also, immediate requires that an in do plus taxes these right away on the ground, which is quite the contrary. you're on the ground just couple hours after the resolution was passed. these really knowledge or a step stop is operation across the guy. this trip going 18 people in one. it was a strike on a residential home and northern part of activity. meanwhile, continues to operate aggressively in western part of high noon is attacking public facilities, which mainly concentrate is on the health facilities right now. it continues to
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work within the vicinity of a ship, a hospital in the northern part where it keeps shooting at, with artillery, sitting in tank. joseph, every own people who are in the vicinity of their i mean why the vast majority of agriculture, land farm land, residential, beginning of the eastern part of the city have been destroyed and raised to the point of they are not recognized by local residents, all feeds into a strategy of building a buffer zone. so it is good that there is a resolution that is passed and calling for the immediate ceasefire, but things on the ground are not. do not feel like there is a ceasefire, as these really military continues with a uh, with its war on garza and coding and his rated for a ministry for administer. who was that the non operation is not going to affect the operations on the ground. yeah, honey mountain we thank you very much for your reporting and for all that perspective there. from the ground in rasa. so medics in northern gaza say at least
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7 palestinians have drowned the trying to get food that was air dropped into the sea. another 5 people remain missing after trying to retrieve the air drops packages that didn't make it to land. but you, an agency for palestinian refugees says the situation in northern gaza is quote beyond desperate. at least 27 children have died of hunger and dehydration in northern garza and guitars. foreign ministry has woken b u. n. c spy, a resolution it's spokesman says that it increases diplomatic pressure on israel. that's fine. yeah. and you have that out of your head that you would be nice to get the this resolution represents a form of diplomatic pressure. we're not speaking about swift action on the ground . there are proceedings in the international court. this resolution handed down by the un security council and negotiations going on and guitar. all these collectively together represent pressure. we are banking mainly on the success of negotiations. all these measures reflect the tactics of the international community . and this is what we've been calling for. associate why didn't okay,
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we're joined by a else is there is mohammed vile. who was at that press briefing, well how and what were the headlines for you? what stood out to you in that press conference? the yeah, so the headline uh is uh, obviously the confirmation by the spokesmodel before a ministry, the talks are ongoing here in the ha, despite the rumors during the last few days and the reports about the complete deadlock induced negotiation so. so that's a positive thing to confirm that he abstained from getting any details on. he said it's too early to give any details, even though we know that the negotiations i've been going on for some time now. but that's the, that's the practice of doing these presses. no details until they are officially agreed on an announced what he says us to by next week he hopes. finally, to be able to get us more on these talks. a call top has as you nation, well come to the united nations security council resolution asking for or calling
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for a cease fire in gaza. and the, for the china link off you mind, he said in 8 immediately and cut off, or just the, or the policies and all the nations does have a role in this to speed up the implementation of this resolution at the same time, cut out a continuous to send a bi, add to a gaza, a sofa, 87 cargo planes have been sent to a lot east. and even today, the states minister of international relations to go to a copy is going to allow these to inspect the ongoing, the processing of, of that age. so i mean, it's a matter of pretty simple for kind of how he can fan to a boat work on both fronts, to the diplomatic and the humanitarian at so that to a more it can be brought to 2000. and so like this, a conflict can be brought to an end mohammed is our reporting from just where that press conference was taking place just a short while ago there in doha. thank you very much moment as now to the united
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states where a major search operation is under way. also bridge collapsed when a container ship rammed into it. so look at this. this here just happened, happened just before 1 30 am local time in baltimore on the eastern coast of the us . first respond to say that they're trying to rescue up to 7 people after vehicles that were on the bridge fell into the water. and these are the later pictures. one person has been taken to hospital with serious injuries. the authorities, they have, they have no information yet on what caused the collision. they're still unsure of just how many people have been hurt. i don't know how many vehicles yet. i know that we have detected the presence of vehicles as far as a number between the 7 and 20. that's been a dynamic count throughout the morning. just given the fact that we haven't yet nailed that number down. we do believe that at least 7 or involved in that at least 7 at this point. so let's go live to our correspondent mike hannah,
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nearby washington dc. mike, what can you tell us about the search and rescue operations and where they stand right now? well we're going to be having a news conference in the next few minutes we understand. but at the moment we're talking about a bost area here where the search is ongoing. we know that at least 7 people went into the world to win the bridge behind the collapse. now that is at least 7. according to the baltimore fire department, the people who are on the ship itself, it's to contain the ship, which struck one of the central pillars of the front, says web key bridge. now they have all be accounted for. we are told by the baltimore fire department. now risk who is, are not going a boat that ship as yet. they say they need to ascertain the safety of the ship before getting any risk goes on board. so that's a one situation. now the, such as i said is of a, an extensive area. looking on the see,
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this handicapped is up. there's all sorts of agencies involved in this ongoing search by using so now to us that search sub both to as well. so this is a mess of operation here. the focus at the moment is on any survivors that is complete intention and the focus of all the many risk you teams and search teams that are operating here at the moment. mike, there were vehicles on the bridge and the stretch of bridge that collapse and it's pretty clear to see on uh, on the footage of that moment when it happened during the middle of the night that those vehicles have they been located. do you have any information on that uh we haven't any information on that, although its confirmation of course that the with vehicles on the bridge when it went um uh whether or not those vehicles have even located. we still don't know that maybe we will get some more details and we hear from the maryland
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transportation secretary within the next few minutes. and as i said, the survive and still the search is going on for the people who went into the world as well. whether they went in cause or not, they are unconfirmed reports that there was some construction workers on the bridge as well when it went down. so these old details, as the sun is rising here in baltimore at the search, obviously on going uh we are going to be having a news conference very shortly here. and uh, so maybe we will then get more details of the situation at present. you can hear the helicopters flying overhead, big boats out on the boat to the coast called vessels in the water. all sorts of such procedures are being followed here, as i said, use of phone as well. the search obviously is on top of the water, but the search is also de underneath the water using devices like so. now i don't want to submit symbols, so this is an absolute mess of. so trump ration the market since i sent those is on
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the catering the survivors and finding out to deal with the i the survivors, and also getting accurate accounts of exactly how many people were involved in this disaster. yeah. and, and in the very short term, obviously the focus has to be on saving lives in, in a slightly longer term. the pictures, the live pictures we're watching now do raise a very big question about how this could have happened and why a cargo ship runs into and rams into a bridge causing this. mike had a thank you very much for your reporting. as soon as you find out more information after that press briefing, you'll bring it to us on alpha 0, a still a head on out the west as a wake up to the site. this is a challenge to the very way that we live our lives to i believe in democracy, human rights, freedom of expression, freedom of worship, claims and counter claims over computer hacking by china. badging denies years of cyber attacks, the
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critical debate. punish farmers are angry. people of starving, and we actually have to exports the whole while good, because we need money to buy informed athenians. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for the addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the service because we can submit a them. course. the arrival inside story on al jazeera in 2018. a john this led 40 days of civic action against the armenian government. i'm president sockets. young's group on power. i'm going to labor to square. and documentary photos is non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime. astonishing outcome with good a democratic revolution? i am not alone on the news velvet resolution on
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the colleges. here with the the you're watching else 0 reminder of our headlines. a defined israel says a un security council ceasefire. resolution will have no operational significance for its military and gaza. the resolution demands and immediate ceasefire in the strip. during the remainder of ramadan, it also calls for the unconditional release of captives. there has been no change
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on the ground in gaza since the resolution, at least 15 palestinians, including 4 children, were killed in an air strikes targeting a home in northern, a rough uh overnight. a major rescue operation is underway in the us city of baltimore after bridge was hit by a cargo ship and collapse. the fire chief says that they're looking for at least 7 people. there is no word yet on what caused this commission. what can we expound or julian assange is facing another wait to find out whether he can appeal his extradition from britain to the united states. the high court in london has adjourned a decision on the appeal until the 20th of may. the founder of wiki lead space is 18 charges in the us. related to the release of classified documents about the wars in afghanistan and iraq assailants has been fighting extradition since he was charged in 2019. trying to hold joins us now live outside the high court in
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london. jonah, there was some confusion at 1st as to what exactly the court had decided. so bring us up to speed and explain it for us. please. of the highly nuanced decisions in the end. they haven't thrown out the grounds for an appeal hearing. they have a sense of the of help them. they said, yes, we understand. there is the basis here for an appeal. however, we're going to defer a decision on that until may the 20th, when they pulled for a 2nd hearing. here's i quote in london and they've lost the us and u. k. governments to bring to that hearing assurances that do they massage would in fact, between fatty would receive a fed 5 would prince and not be given the death penalty in the united states. if indeed, extradition goes, it has to remind you. these legal team has spent 2 days arguing before that to senior justices here the high court that he should be given grounds to appeal against the 2022 decision to expedite into the united states. those grounds including the police, the, the us charges amounted states,
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retaliation the less and such as sent by the us government to seek legal retribution against the song of publishing communications back in 2010, 2011, thousands of them revealing alleged criminality by the us government, iraq, and it's got a sense that therefore he has no chance of a fair trial that those charges are legal like points as well to see at c, i a communications received during the supplement instruction that suggested type of funding to possibly of docs and even assassinate mistress on. so that's easily nuanced a situation to be a deferment, essentially on the decision of whether he okay, what other legal avenues does he have if any well, if optimize the twenty's, the good side that never say that he's panel to feeling that these execution should go ahead one avenue remains no further legal recourse a new case, but in the european for the human rights,
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they can seek an older hosting any potential expedition while they consider the merits. on his case that look 2nd avenue, say, what's the professor to go down? second to that, briefly, i wanna point out that there are reports and us new sites of the last few days of this. the justice conference in the united states is preparing well considering offering during the fall and reduce that to charges essentially reducing the charges against the mountain $75.00, g as in jail to a misdemeanor, which would set him free on the basis of the time already said however, he's legal, tedious sites. i've not heard anything about jonah ho reporting from outside the high court in london. thank you very much. donna and china has denied western accusations of a government sponsored hacking campaign. is ground less saying evidence provided by that you can, the us is insufficient britain, them and you guys have a cube aging of a years long. cyber f josh program targeting politicians during list dissidents and
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critics around the world. the us has charged 7 chinese nationals. the u. k has section 2 officials and one organization. they say the attacks have been going on since at least 2019 a beg your pardon 2010. so more than a decade and millions of people have been affected by them. houses here as katrina . you reports on this front page, it in the u. s. u. k, and no new zealand had a curious china of states wanted cyber attacks, and that disrupting wise and government decisions, stealing trade secrets and silent seems pretty updating. on tuesday we heard from the new zealand governments that said that a group known as 8240 in 2021 axis and internal system, full column and terry. and as well as a system to troughing laws. so they say that these actors removed as soon as they were identified, that they worked with china's ministry to state security. and you're dealing raise these concerns that moving forward with the us and k on monday, with a step further and posing sections and several chinese individuals who say that
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these individuals have been working with a group learned as $1831.00 that has been active for about 14 years and their activities include sending $10000.00 initial e mails to groups that were for schools of china, including the dissidents and government officials, but the aim of hacking into the confuses and intent to services. now, china has completely dismissed these accusations as unfounded. holding them malicious slend, you learn your stays, has encouraged to defy lines. the words, the largest intelligence organization leads to fabricate, and the disseminate various false information about chinese hackers. now it has teamed up with the united kingdom to high pop, the so called china cyber attacks, and they even launched a reasonable unilateral sanctions against china. china fairly opposed is this, the china is also case washington of us cyber attacks against staging. now was
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a relatively small number of people to be impacted by the sanctions. this is a blow to china, especially it's international image at a time when it's trying to reinvigorate it's slowing economy and a truck much needed for an investment. katrina, you all to 0 agent. russian president vladimir putin is blaming the most go concert hall mass shooting on what he called is luminous radicals. a 139 people were killed in the attack on friday. 8 suspects of appeared in court. that includes the 4 gunmen who were charged with terrorism. the man being charged on tuesdays a russian citizen who allegedly rented out an apartment to the gunmen. and the winter of the presidential election in senegal is expected to be opposition. challenger bessy rouge on my fight? his main rival and the due by the governing coalition conceded defeat after sundays election, fine as a form or tax inspector who has pledged the tackle corruption in poverty as well as restore stability. he was chosen by the disqualified opposition leader. it was
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months sancho. both men were released from prison shortly before the election houses here as nicholas hack reports from the car. there's a lot of excitement in senegal to finally here. president elect brussard. jim, i fine take to the stage and address the synagogue these people. we saw no. the candidates, but the president elect in a suit and tie, trying to reassure the population. and he also congratulated and recognize the fact that the other candidates, including the ruling party candidates, conceded defeat before the official results were out. but he also addressed the issue of trying to reconcile the country. german guards are post equity. i vote to fully devote myself to rebuild the institutions to reinforce a need for peaceful social harmony. the absent in this press conference is
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opposition, the dirt responds sancho. now he bust through to my fire, referred to him in his speech, banking him because none of this would have happened without we spend some coast supporting has been a key figure in this election, it was almost like an american style campaign, a tickets about sancho and joe, mike and it wasn't the candidate that they were selling, but more a project to change the way democracy is run in senegal. zimmerman. guys are we really i voted govern with humidity in competing corruption at all levels of society. now the real work starts, which is behind closed doors, trying to find out what kind of alliances best would you mind if i will have to make and what kind of government he will have to form present. lucky. so we'll leave office on april. second, she has congratulated by sewage m. i fi who effectively at the age of 44 and
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on his 1st day has become the youngest president in sending go, making history, not only for center go, but for the continent as a whole. nicholas hawk, l g 0. the car. severe drugs and mexico is hampering efforts to control. dozens of forest fires. 50 a blazes are burning and 15 states. families have been evacuated as their homes were destroyed along with live stock and crops. the french president has promised to help come back to legal mining for gold and e overseas territory, a french piano in south america. and many of them a call has been on a 2 day visit on his way to brazil. he said franz would work with neighboring countries to dismantle the supply chains of gold traffic was us at 2 homes belonging to the us hip hop star sean derek homes have been rated as part of a sex trafficking investigation is based numerous sex assault accusations. since his former girlfriend, singer cassie ventura, filed the lawsuit in november,
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the founder of bad boy records is one of the most influential producers in the music industry. and that does it for me. so then the weather is next, then inside story, we'll look at the implications of a new u. s. law. that suspends funding for the the hello. well, some big storms of erupt it in eastern china. let me show you good to see if either way. so this was not too far away from shanghai. big hailstorm here, busted in windows. torrential downpours and got another batch of rain rolling across the yangtze river valley on wednesday, stretching from move on right through to shanghai, dropping down into one g providence. but i don't think this time it will be as bad, at least for the eastern slice of china drain off in japan. so here at 16,
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we're talking about warmer air. for ne china, beijing, capital china, they're up to 20 degrees and warm air through the korean peninsula as well. it's hot through parts of india, for example. they've pouring off a roster state temperature is exceeding 40 degrees. got a lot of wet weather though, coming in to 3 long cause. so the risk of seeing some flooding here, the rain that was in southern saudi arabia now in northern damage. it's along the border with the mind as well. but really things have quieted down here when continues to be a story up and down the goals. so still for us. and so i think we'll see wind gusts about 40 to 50 kilometers per hour on wednesday. and all of that weather that we had to roll out across afghanistan now starting to push into northern pockets. gone . so also hot in some profit in some spots, getting to 40 degrees the of brutal occupation resulting in
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a hurry stick your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify these rails so on gossip. dozens of children bounce him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th. on tuesday or is another blow to on or off and you, you, i slowing close a year long then on funding to video, an agency that supports by the same refugees, washington sends with, as well, like choosing some employees of taking part in how much the task what does this mean for the people of casa? this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the pro.


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