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tv   Witness For The Love of Gaza  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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lawyer michael cohen, just before the 2016 election comes, we paid the money but reported that as legal expenses and was charged with falsifying business records. the former president continues to maintain this along with 3 of the trials. is a plot to buy his political opponents to interfere with his campaign for this he is election one of these things. so when they do is they do election interference, which is court cases. and let's try and tie them up. and let's take as much of his money as possible. trumpet cheap, the partial victory, and another trial. a simple fraud case in which the judge found him guilty applying about his assets and find him over $450000000.00. a 5 judge panel didn't reduce the amount from those that ruled. you'll only need to post the bottom full part of the total was he appeals $175000000000.00 and gave them 10 days to come up with the money comp agreed to do so. but continued to lash out to the judge that
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the case or the prosecute to new york attorney general and leticia. james points out tons is still facing. accountability for watching calls is staggering. fraud and says a misstatement, the full $164000000.00 judgement plus interest against donald trump and the other defendants still stands. trump will now have his day in quotes, but the 3 of the prosecution sending is likely to have many more. mike hannah, out this era washington, it's a 2 homes belonging to the us. hey, pop star shawn ditty. codes have been rated as part of a sex trafficking investigation in his face. numerous sex assault accusation since his former girlfriend. singer cassie ventura, filed a lawsuit in november. the founder of bad boy records is one of the most
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influential producers in the music industry. all right, let's take you back to the us city of baltimore, where rescue operations are underway. after a major bridge collapsed into the water, this is the live shot. the bridge was struck by a cargo ship. the fire department is declared a mass casualty incident. this is the moment when it happened just before 1 30 am local time. so about 3 hours ago and the ship caught fire on impact and then it sang, this was a single poor flag vessel headed to the shrunken capital. multiple vehicles fell into the water below. they're also report that up to 20 construction workers are unaccounted for. the moment and the diesel is spilling into the river as we speak. we're bringing more on this at the top of the hour on alpha 0. the the latest news as it breaks the steps of on any social media platform could face
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court challenges over the issue of freedom of speech. but before that, this would have to pass the senate with detailed coverage because they are comfortable placement, whether it's almost known as the full health services. a close that comes off from food from around the world. now migrants rights advocates are taking the federal government to court, saying it has failed in its duty to care for migrants, including children, the
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cabinet, and the what about bus bus between what do i see that i see the, the little, [000:00:00;00] the how to get the when i look a little bit better the model of
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a bad my youngest son is familiar with the boss. i give hi. cool. so on the man the the, the, the by the man the, the, the man. * the, the, i'm them, i can select the female. yeah. love the photo, but nothing's on the left again,
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left the shuttle bodies. my go to the message to hand and as if i come in and so let's check the legal law. somebody the had the level of evidence,
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even though this is up to the to send the money and i'm in the that's the place. so it should only have some of them. well, let me to 9. i would like to mention the bottom of this is not most of what has the mean. yeah. and then have it done. i shall be should be nothing of it had been have been had been have been had been
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a major reason. i've had kids use it. oh, it should be, oh no, that doesn't move a little bit since the last month giving you any instead of being the new one. that means in the zip codes of business purpose and leave the same state we have received so many casual, the women's,
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the most of the stuff that we support the category of the floor, most of which is have the level of this level in the the window for the user puts in the color, does it is i'm
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a fold sold. and as one of the social when i just had the method is just the one where the come a little of each of these are pretty low. and the big of a just depending on how you been haven't done what i'll go over the. 6 the to the most of the problem with the
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the o. done good or bad at all the skin and know this and again, it's not, i'm mis. huh. like i told enough to look at the volume. a missouri so i'm, i mean this is a young man that will solve comes a lot of the phyllis,
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the mendenhall with a more efficient a you
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the in the mcdonough had the the had with some of the campus the off the pigeon. mack, who did the most of the fee, was a mess of up to be the you couldn't the got them from the end up because the before it goes to business the her feet are been months with i live on a some thoughts for the data and then of how they find the item. i love of move the most indeed been or is this a good now on this call resume on the line hello. smoke the most home level on some sort of i'm going to be
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a fellow for the no, that's how the full the i'm not going to just the a sort of the that oh yeah. the government know within the good life bundled with a job. no good either. yeah, hold on, let me go to most of what i said, we're gonna live to show the out of the oh my goodness, what is your new fee? i know what's gonna be the hope some bill for that. see, i see that, you know, for the article in my head is what happened was i just get a little out of your schedule like and then see. and you're going to be a massive generalist one. never home, hardly home event to have a do you have shuttle which i don't know, but the most terminal i couldn't do the fellows the lines of,
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of doing with the kid. what does that mean level of the what do you live in the dentist along the way that what's going to in the moment waiting to to agree with that level. i'm not the law has that the problem is i'm headed into if you have to go to on the internet to vincent around here and then and then we get ready to get us back because i mean
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the, the, the, this i just looked at the yeah, this is as simple as the we've done at some level of the amount of this i to set a ticket on you know, it didn't say i was doing 90 $0.09. what's in the morning and the quarterly. you don't have to let the sunset to a lender sofa and a visa comes, i mean, i knew i had until i was hoping that one of the over the seats,
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the cost of lindsay. but on the equipment they can look through the about the was was the bed, the last oil field, one island, one of the coverage of the in the middle of the
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the the, the on the side to come in with the simpler charitable said almost the police will see and like in the decision that i know i don't have been, this is the last ox of the the for
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the pieces you said then to try the color for shift the so the job is to see if i can also have this of the last of the, of the,
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the know this the good let's have you in the
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color. so this is the total cost of the car. so the the in the middle of the list of the services, the subsequent look at the spending quite a bit. did you ever let me put another seed in ask you wouldn't much. is that a feel of the one of
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the sort of events at
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the public or of course the the well honestly the most out level. probably remember to start thinking about a couple of, you know, it has
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a room less than the lower left in the conger unit. the cell is the status of sees a take a general level, a subculture among the alpha samantha. so i'm going to the the
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the, the, the judge and finish
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the good you know what had a and some of them i guess one of the the, the, the, the, the, the much the like when i yeah, the program for that and the same feeling that's the trip
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the the devastating strikes followed by here while we chris goose. because us 1st responders know the new mission could be their last. but until then,
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the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission because on a jersey nature does not function. we don't we depend mation takes care of itself. the nerve from nature. we have a chance to move forward. dying are coming soon in china, this is a stomach room. the bathroom for the father was killed. boys and girls as young a 6th learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect that country. i would make to run so hard to $1.00 oh, $1.00 east visits. china is military capital kids. on alex's 0 examining the headlines. is there any is hopefully today for the forms of life and god's unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with
12:00 pm
a deliver or do you want to create wealth for women, come and feel niche. it relates to trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility era. the israel says the un resolution calling for a ceasefire and gaza will have no impact on its war. but the un sheet says it must be implemented and attacks continue and gaza strikes targets, civilian homes, killing at least 17 palace thing. the


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