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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 26, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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5 conflicts, police kolowski rules. we decide to follow the stories, the good, the bad, i think. and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy, asked me to tell the stories. the, the drugs nearly 6 months into the wall of the united nations security council demands an immediate cease fire and concept, the hello, i'm darn jordan. this is all just they are a life from don't also coming up on the ground, little changes the casualties still amount as randy as strikes had targets across central gauze. big political changes and set a goal with a country set to habits. the youngest of a president and
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a busy day and cool for donald trump, who sees 2 rulings as he continues his campaign for 2nd presidential to the united nations security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease fire in guns, the optim months of failed attempts. nearly 6 months of israel's war one garza has left more than $32300.00 palestinians that the resolution codes rest seats far for the remainder of the muslim holy month of ramadan. which ends in 2 weeks time. it also demands the unconditional release of all captives held in gaza. i'll just say it was gabriel is on the up against coverage from human headquarters in new york of the drugs. this is the 27th 28th in a rear brake of decorum. the security council chamber eruption to applause. perhaps he signed a release. it was moments after the council adopted
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a long awaited resolution for an immediate ramadan, cease fire and gaza, and the expanded flow of humanitarian aid. the vote was decisive. 14 council members voting in favor. the us abstain, was allowing the resolution to be adopted. the fight in most of the killings. most of the suffering and inclusive punishment must and after more than 5 months of a war of auto, tara and destruction, i cease. fire is the difference between life and death. for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians and orders re add, man sure, the palestinian ambassador. god emotional, this must signal the end of this assault about thrust with these, against the lot of people and nation is being mad and that the nation is being disclosed as
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a nation is v displays for decades now. but not at this scale since then on these really ambassador said the council is biased against his country. this council is rarely blood is cheap. this is a travesty. and i am disgusted. indeed, in the last few months, the us has vetoed 3 separate draft resolutions demanding a ceasefire. but this time was different. critically a cease fire and the release of hostages will allow much more humanitarian aid to get into gaza at a time when famine is looming. large when you and security council resolutions are adopted, they become international law. but during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding. after the vote,
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when asked about this, a un spokesperson said that the us appears to be wrong. all the resolutions of the security council are international law. so uh, so to that extent, uh, they are as binding as international law, as you know, post on social media, un secretary general set deceased by a resolution is long awaited and called for it to be implemented, saying failure to do so. would be unforgivable. gabriel's on the out is eda at united nations in new york. one of the hours off of that resolution little has changed on the ground in gaza out of here his topic, eyebrows, whom has moved from rough and southern gauze of the blue, magically this step. and the resolution that's having a passed a day by the you on the security counseling to set it to be a gates of hope for palestinians here, who has been on the unrelenting bombardment for over now 5 months as the i have a multiple fail is that the security council did not manage to agree on
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a ceasefire resolution, but now they have agreed with us attention that could clearly a fleet shaft and the american stands against isabel. that is to now is pressing on with millions, with its military bombardments. of course, the territory and the palestinians believe that its been might not fully and completely commit to the un security council resolution. but they believe that it will, by the way, later to increase and exec international pressure on as well to commit to commit to . it's a to it's resolution that had been created, created and issued by the on security council. initially that will also be a key change in the situation on the ground. and the same time palestinians are looking from the f, looking from the un security council to accept more pressure on as well, to commit to the resolution of the same time to agree more later when there was an ocean that might bring a permanent c spy to old palestinians and to stop the blood,
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the blood to, to you into 2 or 3 can cut down rate is like the hospital way injured. palestinians are flooding in. of course the size, the emergency department in a lot of the hospice and in the middle area of the gods as to where the hospital is past with injuries. after that is ready for says target to a house in the why the in the middle area for us having family we see the injuries severe the at hard by the is there any error strikes the target to limit the area? and this is the 1st attack after the you and resolution caused by the security council. and earlier today we see women. we see also children injured. the air strike targeted this time and the after they had their
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mean of a star in their house. according to my witnesses, there are also children and babies that were killed in the air strikes after the you and the resolution that passed or the the thing the bomb in the district. but still policies have been killed and injured. this isn't the, i just need to have that as well. how much has issued a statement welcoming the un security council vote funding its readiness to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners held by both sides of my soul. so sad as important to ensure the freedom of movement of palestinian citizens, an entry of humanitarian needs full residents of the gaza strip. i sold cold on a security council to pressure israel to commit to the cease fire and stop it's genocide. a wall of extermination. an ethnic cleansing of palestinians as well.
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mohammed and as i was a member of how master's political will be around, he told out to 0 that how much requires an agreement with israel ahead of the release of captives and we've been gone. we are literally to put the reason your settings regarding the mix. these files is because that are really is commented to limit events is find out how much is the limits for you about the government did know we have negotiations and we are really, really nice. the is, i really did the dams what's harass, but we want to make an agreement to make it really easy. oh big is that ideally it did we thought
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without an agreement? we can't really then freed. meanwhile, the palestinian authority, the body that overseas parts of the occupied westbank welcome the resolution, but also cool for a permanent holt. israel's war on guns that marathon has more from ramallah. it has to be much reaction from palestinians, but let's stop at the united nations security council policy and then pass to re admin. so he accepted this resolution. but he also chastised the council saying it's taken almost 6 months in that time. that's the genocide, the feed must have the golf a strip, completely destroyed from and is sweeping through as his disease. and he said finally that made a decision. and we've heard this restaurant repeated throughout here in the of the pied westbank among senior officials. we did speak to some earlier in the evening supper sit down, he's a senior official from the readings back to our policy. he said, she said,
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especially vanessa. and he said, this should pay for away the delay rights of the palestinians. we've also heard from his saying shake the secretary general of the policy and the patient overnight session. he tweeted, but he welcomes the un security council resolution, but also he says, we call for a permanent cessation to this criminal war. and israel's immediate withdrawal from the gaza strip. we've also spoken to human rights group out of hack. they. it tangled. some of the language being used in this resolution saying it's not quite strong enough. they said they, they want a last thing ceasefire from the resolution. but here they want a permanency spy, and they also said that the calling for robert on c spy, 2 weeks into realms. and this only essentially 2 weeks left. so they feel that no kidding following up is pushing in a pressure on israel. but it's where do you, when you speak to the people here on the ground, the frustration, the sadness of the anger and grief they feel to see the people in gauze that going
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through this, but also the week the caution, so will here in the occupied westbank that seem most finance from out from is really sole just and also is a sat was living and legally here on the line. they have done in the last 2 decades north on out there ramona and occupied westbank. that when in response to the resolution is rainy, officials have canceled the trip to washington in protest against the us. failing to veto his policy. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office issued a statement saying the fact that us did not feel the resolution is a clay of departure from its consistent position since the beginning of the war. the statement says the resolution gives how much hope that international pressure i will force israel to accept a ceasefire without the release of these randy captives held in garza, i'll just say it was home. that's what it was. reports now from occupied the stories of a lot of his really reaction this evening and to the un security council vote.
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we've been hearing from his roles, prime minister from the foreign minister, from the defense minister, and also prominent and more competent member benny ganz. now essentially, all of them are saying that there will be no ceasefire, and in fact, the war will continue until all of the goals and objectives are meant to be as rowley defense minister jo i've go launch has said that israel has a moral right to fight this war, while israel's foreign minister has said essentially there will be no ceasefire until all of the remaining captives held inside of gauze on our return. and also until how mass is eliminated. all of this comes as nets and yahoo has now canceled a trip line is rarely delegation to head to washington in order to brief american officials on how exactly they plan to invade garza southern most city of dropbox. this has been quite a point of contention for both american and is really officials. this delegation even came at the request of us president joe biden, who has said previously,
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but entering about flash would be a red line. the americans maintained that an invasion, interguards, a southern most city would be a mistake. but these really prime minister remains defiant with canceling this trip from the central jersey to occupied east jerusalem. israel may have canceled that delegation visit, but its defense minister. you have gallano is already in washington for separate tool to the officials that i'll just here was white house correspondent kimberly healthcare has moved from washington dc. the white house is calling the decision by the israelis to cancel a meeting with us officials later in the week. disappointing. the meeting was designed to discuss is rarely campaign plans into rafa. and whether or not there could be alternatives, the state department say that there was a fear that there could be undo civilian harm. also the belief that the by the
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ministration feels that this could reduce israel standing in the world. and as a result undermined, it security will ahead of another meeting taking place. on monday, these really defense minister spoke to reporters ahead of his meeting with the secretary state and the national security advisor. saying that he felt that the actions of the united states at the un security council. we're certainly not supportive of israel. and as a result, he issue this thinly veiled threat. take a listen as long as hope will solve it. we have no more a right to stop the war and gaza until we return all the hostages home for you not reach a clear decision in gaza. may bring us closer to a war in the north. you feel neil, i will stress the importance of destroying hamas and returning the hostages home. we will operate against almost everywhere, including in places where we have not yet be no white house security council spokesperson john kirby has counter the argument by israel also that there has
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been a shift in policy as a result of the united states of staying on this latest u as security council resolution, as opposed to vetoing as has been seen in the past. in fact, herby saying that this is not a reflection of a shift in policy. instead, the united states saying that it wasn't to get to a place where it would see a clear condemnation of hamas and its actions on october 7th. and given that they could not get that language, this was a resolution the united states says it could not support. kimberly healthcare algae, 0 washington official break here and i'll just say right, when we come back, 7 people are charged for the upside come up on. so hold, they must go on friday morning. the or the
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theirs or headlines for the americas highest level alerts for intense rain had been dropped across se brazil for the states of rio de janeiro. and as proceed to santo, the rain is still falling, but it has definitely turned much lighter. rain has been intense, though through brazil's amazon is state just the other day, and now it picks up about a 100 millimeters within 24 hours through central america, the caribbean. most of the action around puerto rico now pushing into the eastern caribbean islands here. so some sundry downforce to be expected. they're the threat of tornadoes from i would say, arkansas right through to mississippi by tuesday that moves further toward the east draped over georgia. and the florida panhandle here now north of this we are talking about snow. yeah, it's spring but we saw about 10 centimeters in minneapolis. that's a what slushy snow and the snow keeps go important into northwest ontario province in canada. by the time it's all said and done $20.00 to $30.00 centimeters,
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if you can believe it, westbound, we go with temperatures rising in admin, saying that 4 degrees we've got this disturbance in the pacific. i'll touch on that one second. but 1st are forecast on tuesday. the showers through the us southwest, but look toward the end of the week that system on wind. so more rain coming for california, the, the teams in the gaza strip as is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanize of palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere here at the listing. post the
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welcome back here watching out. just a quick reminder about top stories here at this hour. the un security council has passed a resolution demanding and immediacy spot and gaza. during the remainder of the most devoted month of ramadan, calls for the unconditional release of captives, unrestricted access to desperately needed humanitarian. both from us on the palestinian authority have welcome the passing of that resolution, but i'm a spokesman told down to 0. the group requires an agreement with israel had deliveries of captives task and the number of kind of demands of died while trying to get food in northern gaza. they drowned in the sea well trying to retrieve aid
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that was dropped into the water. you and agencies allow us to me and refugee says, the situation in northern gaza is beyond desperate now, 7 suspects in friday's attack on a moscow concept hole have been formerly charged in court. security has been increased across the russian capital of to a 113 people were killed when gunman opened fire. a concept goes, i'll just say it was do a search bar. he has moved from muskets under heavy security for men brought into post monte court in moscow. all accused of being the gunman and fridays attack. caracas city halls appeared one by one bruised and battered tajikistan natives sat silently while terrorism charges were brought against them. charges which carry a maximum of life imprisonment. one of the accuse appeared semi conscious and was brought into the court on the wheelchair accompanied by his doctor as accusations of torture had been spreading, president put and once again questions who is behind the attack and come with the,
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with the who benefits from this. this atrocity may be just a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been at war with our country since 2014 by the hands of the neo nazi key of regime on the nazis as, as well known, have never hesitated to use the dirtiest and most in humane means to achieve that goal. seriously. on monday, 3 more men charged with complicity for their religious involvement in the attack appeared in court. meanwhile, the search operation continues at caracas city hall, that makes shift memorial at the side, continues to grow. hundreds of people gather to pay tribute to those who lost their lives. and what president vladimir putin called a blow to the nation. the prime minister of tajikistan set his country, a post terrorism, and intended to fight it together with russia. as he signed the book of condolences at the russian embassy and to show him back,
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the spea security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine. and that they had contacts in that country. the ukranian officials have denied involvement. security in the russian capital is still high at most public places. these measures are likely to carry on in the coming days as officials continue their investigation. and number of plants, large events, and most coal have been cancelled, including the golden mass festival at the bowl. sorry, theater, a reminder that russia is a country at war on more than one front door sense of worry. i'll g 0. moscow. senate goes up position presidential candidate. the 0 jamalia fi is set to when sundays election is main arrival, the routing combination cabinet. i'm a new ball has conceded defeat, fire has 153.7 percent of the 90 percent of votes counted. he's an empty establishment candidate chosen by disqualified opposition leader. it was months sancho. both are released from prison just ahead of the vote. i'll just say it was
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nicholas hawk has more from the stomach of these capital dot com. there's a lot of excitement in senegal to finally here. president elect brussard. jim, i fine take to the stage and address the syndic these people. we saw no the candidates, but the president elect in a suit and tie, trying to reassure the population. he also congratulated and recognize the fact that the other candidates, including the ruling party candidates, conceded defeat before the official results were out. but he also addressed the issue of trying to reconcile the country across that great. i vowed to fully devote myself to rebuild the institutions to reinforce a need for peaceful social harmony. the absent in this press conference is opposition, the dirt response on co. no. teen buster to my 5 referred to him in his speech
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banking him because none of this would have happened without we spend some coast supports. he has been a key figure in this election. it was almost like an american style campaign, a ticket about sancho and joe mike. and it wasn't the candidate that they were selling but more a project to change the way democracy is run in senegal. german guys, are we really i voted governments humidity in competing corruption at all levels of society. now the real work starts, which is behind closed doors, trying to find out what kind of alliances best would you mind if i will have to make what kind of government he will have to form present. lucky so will leave office on april. second, she has congratulated bus you with jamal i 5 who effectively at the age of 44 and on his 1st day has become the youngest president in san diego, making history,
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not only for center go, but for the continent as a whole. nicholas hawk, l. g 0, the car. foreign observers are expressing concerns over the upcoming presidential election in venezuela. many opposition figures have been blocked from registering as candidates. president nicholas venturo seeking a 3rd to me that possessions of a crack down. my rap that results approved government rally on the streets of got atkins, most or supporters of nicholas mother to was seeking a 3rd 6 year term as been as well in president. on monday, my little officially registered his candidacy in the upcoming national election. i've called molto new to the squad. my name well to inscribe the dream follow home life. though 9 other presidential candidates have also registered vin, as well as main opposition leader,
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muddy equity to my child. and her handpick substitute cody majorities have both been bored by the government from officially registering miss that until school to . i know in this, elana my rights as event as well and citizen are being compromised by not allowing me to access the system and registering my candidacy for the presidency event as well. the policy experts say this is part of a concerted effort by the government to block out political opponents, but allocate the same kind of thinking that we were expecting and on even playing field. but what we've seen over the last 48 hours is not only and not even playing field, it's become a vertical wall and that changes the game. human rights groups have accused them of the little government of not only undermining the democratic process, but of going to extreme links to silence the opposition of the somebody from 4 to 5 and showed me that the product at the end of the 1st disappearance, arbitrary detention showed that occurred against the political,
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the president's. despite all this, the opposition and the people have mobilized and have demonstrated a very important desire for change. they've been, as well as elections are scheduled for july. concerns are growing from international observers, like the us state department, which referred to the recent arrest of opposition members as a quote, disturbing escalation of repression. but was it up a little alger 0? donald trump will become the 1st for my president and us history to face a criminal trial. it will get underway on april of 15. the case assented on the concealment of hush money payments to an adult film star in a separate case and appeals court prompted from attend the extension to pay a penalty in a full case. here's my kind of it was a busy day for the former president and the man hasn't quote, is roy's had argued for the hush money case to be postponed for a lengthy period of time. offered to be dismissed completely. but the judge rejected the argument. i know that the trial to begin on the 15th of next month,
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the case relates to knowledge payments of $150000.00 to a form, a point stop by come, said lawyer michael cohen, just before the 2016 election. come, we paid the money but reported it as legal expenses and was charged with falsifying business records of the following. the president continues to maintain this along with 3 of the trials. is a plot to buy his political opponents to interfere with his campaign for this he is election all of these things. so what they do is they do election interference, which is court cases. and let's try and tie him up. and let's take as much of his money as possible. trump achieved a partial victory and another trial, a civil fraud case in which the judge found him guilty of lying about his assets and find him over $450000000.00. a 5 judge pennell didn't reduce the amount from those that ruled. he'll only need to post the bottom full parts of the total while
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he appeals $175000000000.00 and gave them 10 days to come up with the money. trump agreed to do so, but continued to lash out to the judge that the case the prosecute to new york attorney general leticia. james points out something still facing accountability watch of coals is staggering. fraud and says in the statement, the full $164000000.00 judgement plus interest against donald trump and the other defendants still stands. trump will now have his day in court, but the 3 of the prosecution sending is likely to have them anymore. mike hannah, out of this era washington, now 2 homes belonging to the u. s. heat. pump style shown to the tombs have been rated by authorities as part of an ongoing sex trafficking investigation. inquiry
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was launched by homeland security agents in new york. the music mobile has faced numerous sexual assault accusations since is for my girlfriend to sing a cassie ventura filed a lawsuit against him in november. i hate schools and government offices remain closed after intense von and some of the weekend and the capital footprints. residents assess the damage of the gang set fire to a complex housing small stores and workshops, financing across atheist spike. since the beginning of march, as leaders outside of the country, struggling to establish a transitional council to replace the prime minister real only. i've done this times. economy has suffered since the taliban took over in 2021. some sectors of been collapsing all together. but the businesses are still finding ways to stay afloat despite significant restrictions and banking solid in july had traveled to the west of the city of herat has been speaking to business owners. multi
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$1000000.00 production lines have been pumping up some of the funds most popular for the drink just like all the term on or the last when to use these bottles of not only retain the local base, but they've now found the market in $28.00 countries it's an important economic lifeline for hundreds of workers and associated supply chain industries. since the collapse of the form of government and the cons, exports have declined. many large business owners, instead of companies abroad to sacraments, sanction mama, that's kind of stone, has to be acknowledged as a nation. by all countries, we have to deal with problems related to banking visas and international travel. we need facilitation assistance and access to the global market for purchases and banking activities. although there are banking reflections on no other government recognizes this one.


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