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tv   The Stream Gaza Is Starving - A Weapon of War  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am AST

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some of the 4 suspects have appeared late sunday evening ads. does monte court in moscow under very heavy security. the 4 men range in age of $19.00 to $32.00 are believed to be natives of tajikistan. they are facing terrorism charges which carry a maximum life sentence here in russia. the foreman did appear to be fairly bad shape physically. they had bruises on their faces that were visible. and also one of the men was semi conscious. he was wheeled into the court house with his doctor . there is allegations that these men were tortured wall in custody, or when they were interrogated, not confirmed by any officials here. and when the spokesperson for the kremlin was asked about these allegations. dimitri pest golf said i will leave this question on answer. there is a heightened sense of security here in the capital, which continues on monday. there on so far, there has been at least 10 uh, security alerts at various shopping malls,
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which has to be evacuated in the capital. the extra security officers positions at the shopping malls checking people under belongings. and many people are so grieving the loss of a 137 people who lost their lives on friday evening. got the crocker city homes for now. the government is saying that they've taken extra security measures and how long that will continue is unclear what is clear is that there's a lot of questions for us already is about how this security breach could've happened. and how these men, the suspects were allowed to carry out these attacks. and one of the biggest, some busiest venues in the capitol on friday door, safari alto, sarah, moscow, and united states. former president donald trump, has seen 2 rulings on cases that have followed him. fee is from school a short time victory in the us federal court, which will that he could pay just off of a $454000000.00 bond on a penalty for tax. for while he appeals running against and found his toys unable
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to secure a delay in a separate criminal case, over the concealment of harsh money payments to a woman who said they had on the trial is now set for the 15th of april. oh hold on sent for me and i don't see a time and i'll be back with a news hour for you here on out of there on often the stream say with the to develop drugs with humans. scientists conduct the test on animals monkey so in high demand for the global associates have led to assuming black market. one. 0, one east travels to cambodia, whistle blowers excludes electric government involvement in smuggling monkey based
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on our garza is on the brink of starvation for some it's already too late. while israel continues to book aid from answering palestinians all desperately trying to find ways to survive. those outside of gaza, a trying to find ways to help what can actually be done to confront this humanitarian is off the primary impulse. well, this is the street the the situation and gaza is guessing was by the day. let's take a look at the numbers to get an understanding of the extent of the devastation. at least half a 1000000 people are facing a man made some and o 2 points. 3000000 people are experiencing acute food shortages and children all dying. davy, now d simone, nutrition as
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a desk toll continues to rise. the reality of this problem, and is the dangers coming from multiple sides, which all compound each other. as a crisis remains on addressed to help us understand the varied and is it connected risk associated with funding. we have a guest with us who has been working with many n g a is to help coordinate aid through that are crossing. i mean, i mean, but all we is a social impact specialist for the palestinian medical release society and the ceo of health workers for palestine. i mean a thank you so much for being with us. now you and officials say that garza is on the brink of famine. what does that actually mean to thank you so much for having me and i, i'm really glad that we started with this question because i think it's really important to unpack the language that's being used. and so if i may, i'd like to answer this question into parts. and the 1st just to sort of highlight
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that when we use language like the brink of famine, it sort of sounds like to the average person that's maybe not in this particular field. and not aware of the technicalities associated with this kind of definition that, you know, there is food and it's about to run out. but i need to be really blunt here, because the reality is that the people in, in does that have been starving now for for months. and eh, we've already started c, as you pointed out in the introduction at children are starting to die on a daily basis. because of this issue of the star of ation and lack of access to food. i know people that are leaving in the northern parts of a guys that on a car to day if they're lucky, sometimes they need to split up. you know, these types of russians with their families and our people, including my husbands, family in the southern parts of a guys that are leaving on a whole family to one teen of, of beans a day if they're lucky. so, you know, i think that it's really important to sort of highlight that the word simon is
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a technical term. and it's used by organizations like the united nations to sort of assess the severity of the situation. but either it's, it's stages and it's actually broken up into 5 different stages where you're looking at things like food insecurity, which is split into 2 different levels. when we're looking at the official sort of definitions and assessments. you're looking at food access as well as livelihoods, because obviously if people on earning an income, they're not able to access food because they're not able to buy it. maybe there's not and years working in those areas that can actually provide the food as we're seeing in the gods over the blockade. and then you sort of looking at the humanitarian crisis and then you come to the point of simon, one of the sort of more easier ways to sort of assess whether or not you're reaching the pharmacy as sorry, simon's status is whether it's 30 percent of the children in that particular area are malnourished. now what we're seeing already right now is that in the northern parts of because of 31 percent of children are now considered severely malnourished
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. and i just want to highlight that that's a really extreme start jump from the, the statistics that we're looking at in january where it was on use 15.6 percent. and now we're looking at 3132 percent percent in the northern prophecies as already as well in the southern parts of because of where some of the 8 is getting in there is more explode, access to food. although it's, it's extremely limited. a children already have reached and not every 28 percent in the unit assess reports. this just released in the last few days is really highlighting that you know, the speed at which the severity of mt nutrition amongst children and the rate of deaths now is expected to increase exponentially. and it's extremely dangerous. so i think it's important that when we're looking at this sort of technical terminology that we're not forgetting the fact that people and the guys that have been literally starving and suffering, the consequences of that started ation for months now. yeah, i mean i, i also wanted to ask you about this statement. the un spokesperson has made saying
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that once time and is declared, it's too late. so can you explain to us what that means? yes, certainly. so, you know, when we're looking at severe and chronic malnourishment, when not just looking, we shouldn't just be looking at the death toll. we need to be looking at the wider and bigger picture. and so, you know, there's certain complications that arise specifically in children because they're the most vulnerable groups when it comes to starvation. and the adults told that stems from not, and also dehydration. so that's another important point when we're looking at this definition, it's not just students also including water and we know that water supplies in regards of for months since the 7th of october have also been severely limited. and so, you know what this person is alluding to is the fact that there are multiple kind morbidities illnesses that arise as a result of mountain attrition. which in children we see the substance. so that's a, a stomach full body infection that can also be faded. so we're looking at developmental
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delays, we're looking at mental health issues. we're looking at cardiac issues. and even once you start to introduce crude, it's not just a matter of opening the floodgates and people having access to food and just sort of consuming as they would normally. it's actually a medical condition that needs to be observed by people that are experts in this particular area where they're introducing the nutrition on a regiment that's specific to that person and to their needs to ensure that extension and quote, re feeding syndrome doesn't occur, which can actually be fatal. now before i bring in my guess, i just want to uh, very briefly off to you. if you can summarize for us to somebody who regularly coordinates aid into gaza, some of the challenges that you and others facing and trying to get a into the strip start to summarize that quickly. i mean, the main issue is the fact that israel is continuing its uh, 17 years the gym blockade on because this unfortunately is nothing new for the
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people of government in terms of having limited access to a supply. now, before the 7th of october, the $500.00 trucks going in on a daily basis. and now we're averaging around a $130.00. but obviously the needs have increased because of the shared devastation in scale of which monetary and crisis, which is you quite rightly pointed out as a mind made situation. yeah, so it's a multi faceted issue. yeah, thank you so much for that summary. a mirror that's welcome to move guests now, who are joining us for this conversation? i'll only green is a national co director standing together a jewish palestinian growth rates movement working for shed. i'm equal future. he joins us from new york on sunday. the thought of the resident of all to part east jerusalem and the founder and director of pilgrims for peace. gentlemen, thank you so much for being here. i'm only if i might start with you. your group was recently involved in trying to push aid through a, at the roof or crossing. can you tell us a little bit more about the organization you work with and what you've been trying
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to do lately? a yes store. so standing together is a joyce posting and restaurants moment of fighting with in these very society within the borders is always well among the public students in the sense of reason having the choice to, to some of us to end occupation, to end the war to and see if he's very promising in peace and to kind of be the reality where well we are on equal and free and independent. before october 7th, we were active against doctor base. and now we are urgently working to end this warrant to be the majority within our society to resist this reality that we see in front of our eyes. we do so because we understand that, you know, having a reality where millions of people, millions of palestinians are living under military control or living and guides us without the basic rights and freedoms. it is not something that we can be silent when we see it. but not only out of solely directed towards the students also
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because we understand this is not the self interest of these really people. we see our leadership destroying, really destroying the ability to have a normal life in gaza. and that destroys the ability of us having a normal life is when we understand the different elements of this reality. and we are working to try and stop in to bring it into the public discussion. and that's the reason we're led to the, for the, in a convoy is from cds, and these routes directly to the border and gaza and were stopped by the israeli army. so what i want to bring you in here, of course, is a palestinian yourself watching the reaction of the international community to the farm in on folding. what more could be happening from your perspective? what more could you be hoping might be done? and. busy into the international community activists. that
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is an amazing achievement. so the global community to stand. ready justice and goods by the city in price and against occupation and against the oppression. whereas if you're talking about politics and politicians who have been trying to even create a just mentions that come down in such actions as nothing. i think that is much to be done on both sides. ready for example, has been doing this instead of the bringing for the city ends living is 80 citizens as well as the eighty's bring back together to come to. busy come in on this. busy thing on the common ground, the only 2 step. busy where the foot no, because the so much work to be done. i mean we've, we have been a, as the community has been sending us stories for 75 years. we at the city is
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quite tired of such a that's what lake and west we if it is. busy we wouldn't know the communities that are sending to us just this then to make the decision. we would. busy we would need this and that's up to the court of justice. and currently it's or the off on is the to, to allow humanity. and he said that the possibilities of genocide support for all of this to be implemented by the international community who has all these rules and regulations, otherwise we're living into with them as well. um let's just remind ourselves of the situation inside goals. and let's take a look at this from all digital correspondent who is that in gaza. eckles mother, i'm a made. she's the telling us about the dire situation for mothers in gaza. just this is just facing emilia. and then the last on ethan,
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available as high sizes that cannot provide us conditions. as you can see here in the surroundings around the center of johnson people, us just and i have conditions with, without even the basic for me, i am on with it off a 61 and busy. i'm facing the same problem. yes, i'm able to some how to, to provide for my food. my son put me, i changed inside of the biggest one, you know for my son more than 11 times and it'll be closed in as nbc off the market. but it's good as it is to kind of use as the most of the leisure you'll see. send me this is the challenging to via the day before they had the incident
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because he's 9 and they've been test the name of the shaking. huh father. see how the doctor put the name of the messiah as even though he was 60 and they had you had anything he's i guess i'm sort of in chicken. the yes. my name is the name is you 46 pm shaken, and the tennessee babies cannot the subsequent edition. they cannot hear the sense of time to be exposed to, to the sense of patient that the, for me because i live at to the state. so the situation for the, for the, the good it's the case is just to testify these and it's just how it is to an agent, to, to save the life of a mirror, i'm off the back of that. can you tell us some of the challenges that all
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specifically affecting mothers in gauze are right now to yes, so i think one is for me as a previous nurse that worked with mothers in the pers, needle words. it's really distressing to hear these types of reports that you've seen from these mothers, where the severity of the lack of access to food and water has effected a mother's ability to be able to produce breastmilk and to be able to feed her children. which in this particular context would be the most ideal solution because of the lack of access to clean water is extremely dangerous when you're dealing with newborns and young children under 2 years of age when you don't have access to clean water. so you know, this is what we're seeing is that there's 5 and a half 1000 women every single month, but are delivering investment. so it's about a $180.00 women a day without access to safe spaces or clean spaces, or hygiene kids or even safe bursting kids without access to anesthesia. i mean,
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i just want to point out the situation for the new born just so dire, especially for those women that don't have access to formula or they don't have access to clean water because that's the thing you need access to birth at the same time. and either they're getting one with the other and they're not able to have 1st, we're seeing the images of mothers putting dates to pacify the newborn babies in their mouth. but i've started to see videos now where babies are crying and there's no tears because there's there monarchs and so dehydrated, that their bodies not even able to produce tiers. it's such an unnatural state. so you have to mothers being killed every single hour and it has the uh you have a lack of access to sunny tree supplies. there's, you know, thousands of, of dignity and, and sanitary packs going in. however, you have over 600000 women of menstruating age, not able to access the past, you and the war to that you need to be able to bade yourself. and this is also extremely important, postpartum, it can lead to infertility. it can lead to infections, which can actually cause, you know, even further depths. i think also we need to highlight for, for women. and as of right now, 16 me on the states,
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there are no states spaces. uh, you know, the, the reports coming out of the spectrum, however, us magenta based violence. i mean, the list goes on. we haven't even touched on the, the, the silent work that women do, and caring has families. you have 3000 new female lead households because their husbands have been killed. yeah. or abducted. thank you. i'm going to be is really government has blamed the lack of aid and a failure in distribution by the aid organizations. let's take a look at this instagram post by co gets the program is an opening more crossings. the problem is distribution. the aid to the people of gauze, the international organizations do not have the capacity and have yet to take real steps to improve on the distribution of a across goals. including in the north alley i want to bring you in on this the, the problem is the 8 organizations and i read the responses of these where the army and these really government, i'm and i'm just shocked. i mean,
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we all have eyes. we all have years and we see the, the refuse of, of our administer as the declarations of our ministers, not to, um, being able to guys, uh, this is a direct policy, direct strategy of these really governments and of starvation. and we see we read all the news, we understand that our settler is coming every day from the west bank to block our trucks from getting um, being when we are blocked, to get to the same place. the settlers are with our food in a very and i'm a joyce stevenson as well. so i want to talk about my society for a 2nd. if someone's things that this serves us. if someone thinks that we benefit from such extreme companies must see on the people that the control is well, the are creating starvation is of a rec policy. as an open policy, they are wrong. we will also lose from this reality palestinians are paying an unbearable price right now when the guys up, but also in the west bank. by the way,
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don't forget what happens on the west banks on a daily i live in people there. i know that out toward people, there are suffering from settlers of violence, and we understand that we hit the store in conjunction. i started the junction where we as an, is rarely as even as village society. we need to decide whether we're going to the path of the turn on a more occupation, more settlement, more violent and living every person on this land paid a terrible reprise, not only the students and we need to understand it. or we choose to go in the direction of ending the occupation of achieving a reality of freedom, equality and independence for. and it is this moment that to understand that these really lead actually is refusing to go in the past of these 2 going the path of, of, of actually fixing the reality. this war is only making things worse for the type of thing just but also for days when i'm at the island, the you mentioned the is ready leadership that somebody the you said recently the
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israel is deliberately using starvation as a weapon of who in gauze a was a palestinian who's lived under occupation, your whole life. what do you see is the end goal here for these really leadership? i mean that's the, is it will have been the same. they have just been quite amplified to genocide levels over the past 5 and a half, 6 months of the incentive we should listen to this earlier. is there any, there are, there are 2 different types of facilities and i can, i think we see this or going on internally as well as ex 70. i'm on our resident in the jewish community. that is, that is a fight off of zionism and how zionism has infected. ready jewish mines has, has created the say so as a to,
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to in the beginning and was very instrumental and beneficial in creating, in the saw the source of this government. if you, we have to remember that the beginning the cause, the $750000.00 palestinians to be kicked off of their homes that. ready it is that the cities, everything was a social display leaning government to the campus. obviously boots is also the next huge mess. it good was then based on 11 on which was also a source of this government right now we're dealing with a government that has brought in people who they have. busy not only come down, it's what's they have charged outside of this, and these are the people running the government, unfortunately for, but for both us, for the city and there's no alias for the palestinians living in this uh, every one. well, on that note on this, on the sorry, oh, not know somebody, i just want to bring this and i, i'm in the,
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i want to ask you about the statistics and february and a new is really democracy. institute survey shows that 68 percent of jewish has radius of powers, the transfer of humanitarian aid to goals and residents. we've even seen some of these people, as you mentioned, blocking aid from getting into gaza. so many observers this just seemed unbelievable. how do you make sense of this as well? um it is a very, very, very difficult thing to operate right now. um, um, under these feeling of fear and trauma, we can be angry about the fact that these values are feeling feel we can um, condemn it, but it will not change the reality that these were the societies heavily traumatized right now off to domestic goals from us in october, 7th, and we do need to understand that there are spaces in our society to convince, to try and be with this politic of narrative display as it goes towards that the
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occupation does not serve us as these values that we do not and gain any safety any safe, like out of our pressing millions of people that live on the same land that get less rights than us or no rights at all, or why we live on the land and control the people that are not the citizens of our country. and we do need to understand that i'm working in these very society trying to add things. this trends seem to change this government to change. also the other governments. i acknowledge that also. busy other governments also leading to the left have deepened to delta pace and, and, and, and a press the policy unions, people as well. but there's no way to bypass the easily society, there's no way to bypass the posting in society. there are 2 people living on this land, 7000000 processing and, and they're going nowhere. but next to them, 7000000 jewish people and they're going nowhere as well. so we need to understand that he wanted to build the political capacity with or, or the police because we,
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with our society to achieve peace, to end occupation, to end this work. it's a hard work. it's not that we're very rewarding one. yeah. but we need to engage and it's not letting me thank you so much. i want to give a mirror the last word. hey, i'm a mirror. we know obviously there are people from one of the world looking at this thinking bit desperate. you want to help. what can people be doing at this stage? just a very, very briefly, please. so i think that, you know, it's really important that we're looking at the big picture. i know that it's really emergency event. sometimes we're compelled to be reactive. we might want to just donate to an organization that's offering some sort of through supply or other she monetary needs. but i think that we need to zoom out. we need to look at the bigger picture and we need to look at sustainability here. so i really urge your anyone that's wanting to help donate, i'm never gonna stop people from wanting to contribute to the very serious needs. but i think that, you know, we need to start taking these actions in these conversations to the next step. we
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need to be organizing locally, nationally, recently, and internationally. look at health records for palestine as an example. it's got stems from 2 doctors in the u. k. who didn't know did not want to be censored any longer. and speaking out, install the diety with health work is in palestine, and specifically in odessa on the square. and now to a global movement, you don't have to know all of the steps that you need to take in front of you, but you just need to know that you want. as we've all said here today, just just for the palestinians and to sam's, which you might have to you and to work together collectively to end the fees and the occupation, not just in regards of but in palestine. because if we don't do that, this is going to continue. this isn't the 1st time starvation has been used as a weapon in the gaza. thank you so much. a mirror, lonely and summer to thank you so much for joining us today. of course, thank you for watching. once again, stay in touch online on social media, send us your questions and suggestions using the hash tag or to handle
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a stream take care. and i'll see you soon. the these people of practicing skills needed to save lives in the heat of battle. they are roughly divided equally between men and women. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right to cycle logical motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man as a dentist. oh yeah. as registered for possible military service if needed, or look at my toll and someone will be hit as a person with a medical background, i have to know what to do is ukraine begins the 3rd year of this full scale war. there was a growing awareness of the need from old military purse, and now i do believe women have a high value in the army. and for some positions they're more suitable even according to my milk a month. so there is a place for each woman, but i understand also that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family.
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but as to when it rains on, it's a decision, increasing numbers of women may be called on to make things as the content creators have become journalists, rescuers, but heroes and targets to to customers. so when a visa comes, you mean on and yet they continue to report the close of business. the story of just want to be should be that have been had been hired for the love of cuz on i just eat a huge reserves of loose fuel used and electric batteries. i'm fine to for reducing a reliance on fossil fuels live. be nice to vast ideas, so player or unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower?
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asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on that, just the, the, the other this is in use our line from the i'm this positive to coming up in the next 60 minutes the throughout the series of the 5th of the 6 months, the un security council demands an immediate cease fire and gaza, that's pardon me for the month from israel's prime minister. meanwhile, councils, a visit by a high level delegation to washington. also the us doesn't feature, but rather i've stains from the verbs.


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