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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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my life, this is exactly the kind of thing. it is real discharge. israel's motives are clear, rate campuses suppress students, fresh hopes for a better future by trying to deplete power. stein's greatest resource, it's people. the drug facilities of the 5th off the almost 6 months of israel's war. on garza, the un security council of demands and immediate cease 5, but only for the remainder of the month of ramadan. life must prepare the freedom must put a bed in front of the
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color that i'm installing here today. and this is al jazeera life from dell also coming out as well as prime minister cancels visit via highlight high levels, allegations of washington up to the us. doesn't be to that un, resolution is rarely bones, continued to strike, cause i mean, lot off to the passing of that presentation, strikes of killed or a 100 people some time with women and children and, and synagogue a 0 do a, my fi is on, goes to become the country, the youngest ever president, he needs the race off to preliminary results and his rivals have completed the a 171 day isn't for more than 33000 palestinians killed. now the. 8 last time, the united nations security council has cooled for us the spot in garza of the drugs. this is the reason the 5728
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is passed. a resolution that demands an immediate cease 5, but only for the most them holy month of ramadan, which is now already hoffer. the resolution also close to the unconditional release of captives held in garza from 1948 to one to 24. we have endorsed. we have survived, we have or is it acted only to face this once again, life must prepare the must pretty bad and because freedom must be bad in palestine. we're getting closer to a deal for an immediate cease fire with the release of our hostages. but we're not there yet. now let's be clear. a ceasefire could have come about months ago. if
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a mouse had been willing to release hostages months ago, all members of the council on members should have voted against this shameful resolution to this council is rarely blood is cheap. this is a travesty. and i am disgusted a oh, here's what the resolution says. an immediate cease 5 for the month of ramadan, leading to a last thing sustainable c spy. it also demands the unconditional release of all hostages and ensuring humanitarian access to address their medical and other humanitarian needs. and further develop. the old policy is comply with their obligations under international when dealing with persons that they detain. 14 country is voted in favor of resolution at $2728.00, only the united states abstained from that 1st quote and alignment tires. i was there in will join us from rafa and southern gaza. i'm the so hook isn't occupied east jerusalem can be how good is in washington dc. but 1st let's hear from
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gabrielle as under. he's been across this for us at un headquarters in new york. gave this was a remarkably nearly unanimous vote. can you talk us through the implications for me? well, the implications are the more weight of the united nations security council has finally spoken when it comes to demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza certainly has been a long time in coming. this is the 10th vote for the security council has taken on resolutions relating to guys or not. all of them demanded immediate cease fire, but several of them did. and 3 times the us used it's vito power to block it. the difference this time is that the us epstein allowing this uh, resolution that was put forth by the 10 non permanent members of the council to be adopted. and so what are the ramifications moving forward? it is binding under international law. it now becomes codified under international
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law meeting an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan. and the release of all captives now is international law. so the focus will turn to a, the palestine and full turn to israel, particularly. what will is real do? will it will bide by a cease fire or not? those are the big questions moving forward, but i think for now you got a sense when the chamber broke into applause. and after the boat was trying to lead, you got a sense of the significance of what happened. as you say, gave many think that this has been a long time coming, including i see the un secretary general himself. yeah, that's right. the secretary general has been calling for an immediate cease fire for months now. those calls have not been heated, but we did hear from the secretary general. finally he posted on x. he goes to statement that says the security council has just approved
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a long awaited resolution on guys, a demanding and immediate cease fire, an immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. this resolution must be implemented. failure would be unforgivable. and now that's the key thing. moving forward is he says it must be implemented, it's clear that is real, does not listen too closely to what the secretary general has to say. in fact, it almost seems like is real sometimes does the opposite of what the secretary general calls for or says, nevertheless, you hear the world's top diplomat calling on this to be implemented and saying clearly that it would be unforgivable if it isn't gabrielle this on to that with all the very latest for us from the united nations. thank you very much. gave. well, let's now get a sense of feeling on the grounds and speak to talk. i was there and he joins us from rafa and southern garza tarik, escape of st. obviously, implementation is the critical part here, but there is also shortly some symbolic value of people that finally feeling
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somewhat seen by the international community. the well, in fact, it's extremely significant development that has taken place that finally the un security council is shouldering it's responsibility where it goes. and he, as we have been talking to them, say that this a resolution must be implemented during the whole, the month of ramadan. specifically that there are only far 2 weeks or 2 weeks only from the end of this the holy month. and it's from the palestinian perspective, they simply evaluate this resolution to be a date of hope for the resolutions that month by the way, later for reach thing for a 10 minutes ceasefire between homos on the is when thought on the other side as well, keeps committing to its military plans here on the ground as its pressing on with its military offensive. and indeed, according to this context, the uh, is where the prime minister benjamin its in yet, who has suspended
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a scheduled visit for an is really delegation to buy the white house to be because of the american up sentient regarding this resolution that had been passed today. but dramatically, palestinians also one, so he a resolution that's more bring an end for the fighting on the ground as a day by day the dust, to learn casualties amongst the billions continues to royce and normally taught in fighting till now in different locations. of course, the territory was in there with the situation and reaction force from the ground in the gaza strip. thank you very much, tired. well, meanwhile, israel has now cancelled an official trip to washington and protest against that post un resolution courting for a cease 5 prime minister benjamin s. and you know, his office issued a statement saying that the fax of the us did not meet or the resolution is and i'm pushing it clear retreat from its position since the beginning of the war. the statement says this retreat is hurting war efforts, as well as efforts to release the captains. according to the prime minister's
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office. i'm off now has heard that there will be a safe spot without releasing the captain's. well, if more, let's speak to him. the sound which he isn't occupied is teresa honda defiance and pushed back from his route even. i say potentially threats to intensify its military campaign. a lot of reaction from is really officials tonight from the prime minister, the defense minister toward cabinet members, as well as israel's foreign minister, is rolled cats who said that there will be no ceasefire. in fact, the war is going to continue until these are all achieves it's military goals and eliminates have as additionally he says in a tweet that until all of the remaining captives are brought back to israel, this war is going to continue. this is sentiment that has been echoed across the board from his really officials, specifically israel's defense minister. you'll have the launch who said quote,
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israel has a moral right to fight this war. so we're looking at nets and yahoo! now not sending. this is really delegation to washington later this week. this was something that came out the request of us president joe biden because he wanted is really officials to brief american counterparts on how exactly this ground invasion into the fall is going to work. american officials have been quite outspoken with their objections about this, saying that there's really no way a 1000000 and a half palestinians can be moved from it off off into other parts of gauze. so this is now a continuation in the public disagreements between us and yahoo and the us presidents . but these really reaction all remains the same that this vote will not mean anything. and that the war will continue. lands from israel still. and us how hot that with the reaction from occupied is true. some. thank you. 100. well, that's now get the reaction from united states white house correspondent kimberly
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hall. cook joins us now. can be, we know israel has canceled this delegation visit, but the defense minister is still in town, right. of the yeah, that's right. and the white house is unhappy about the decision by the is really prime minister to cancel this meeting. that was set to take place later in the week . this was to focus on, not only the as really offensive into roswell, but perhaps alternatives that could be explored according to the state department. what their concern is, is that this planned by israel to go into rafa with a military campaign would not only cost and do civilian harm, but could also put israel security at risk by reducing it standing in the world. now, as you mentioned, there is another meeting that's taking place on monday. and just prior to that meeting with the national security adviser in the secretary states, the is really defense minister said. but essentially, there was
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a lot of disappointments about the actions of the united states to abstain from the vote at the un security council. and as a result, there was also a thinly veiled threats about israel's reaction to it. take, listen along those who will solve it. we have no more a right to stop the war and gaza until we return all the hostages home for you not reach a clear decision in gaza, may bring us closer to a war in the north. you feel, neil, i will stress the importance of destroying a mouse and returning the hostages home. we will operate against almost everywhere, including in places where we have not yet the guns. now there has been some criticism by israel that in fact this abstaining as opposed to a veto is somehow is shifting us policy something, but the national security council spokesperson, john kirby is countering he says, this does not reflect a shift in 5 ministration policy with respect to israel, instead, what he's saying is that the reason the united states of stain is that it's felt
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that they're needed to really clear condemnation of how moss and it's access on october 7th. an absence of that. it was not something that it could support. kimberly how to get there with an interest for us from washington d. c. thank you. kimberly. well, the palestinian authority has welcomed the cease fire resolution in a statement. the ministry of foreign affairs that welcomed the un security council of efforts to assume its responsibilities and protecting civilians subjected to genocide. had also said the success of the draft resolution today is a correct step, but it needs development on the pos to the un security council, fulfilling its assigned role and maintaining international peace and security loss has also issued a statement welcoming that verse funding. it's readiness to engage in an immediate exchange of prisoners health by both sides of muscles who said it's important to and show the freedom of movement of posting and citizens and entry of humanitarian
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needs. all residents of the goal is to strip muscles that hold on the security council to pressure israel to commit to the c spy stuff. it's done aside, a war of extermination and ethnic cleansing of palestinians. joining me here in the studio as mom sharon, i'll just share a senior political analyst mountain. so we now finally have a resolution that as we've been saying for days, the critical part here is going to be implementation. this is obviously a legally binding resolution, but seemingly as well doesn't care what the international community is asking it to do from what we're hearing. is there a way to force compliance but also the united states thinks it's not binding. i mean, i think that's important. i'm not sure the united states thinks it's not by the that's very important. do you know, i think international law is is not that that mean? yes, there is such a thing as international law. but this is not like national laws. it's more subject
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to interpretation. and the implementations are much stuff for the national laws. so whenever we talk about international community and international law, we are dealing with very ambiguous terms when it comes to reality and implementation. and i think the palestinians have suffered through that 47 plus decades because we've been having us to go through the solutions is what, like at least 24242 or 338-5267. i think over the 3, none of them is are implemented. now we're talking about 2 weeks in international law for 2 weeks. by the time we figured out the difference between permanent, that last thing, but think we split up into. right. i think and that's the worst part of it, right? i think these writers are not simply not going to abide by my, my fear is my an electrical theories that nothing. yeah, i was going to use the next 2 weeks to prepare for invading it off. i think he
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needs now to speed up the invasion over 5. he's really keen on doing that and thinks that this is the only way to do time us. this is, is wonderful for trinity because i've to have that, that window might start closing with international pressure in addition to american pressure, i think up. so it's his best time today to of, you know, dot dot dot, the item cost that these as it were. so when you say per path, the side of the roof offensive, you expect that there will be some kind of, of dying down a sizing over the next couple of weeks. and then potentially a big offensive on the other side of that. i mean, you know, it needs to, he needs to push back again. um, some, you know, hundreds of 1000, maybe more, a 1000000 people back towards. i don't know where. right. so it has to be some movement of people eventually in order for them to engender, but he cannot and verify with too many people in it or in that vicinity. so something got to give that, but stephanie is going to be using the time. and if he actually wanted to invest
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that offer, no matter what this is, you should, i think, spend not slow down. is there any plans right now his sending us about, i'm not sending the delegation to washington and all of that. you know, at the end of the day that that edition was meant to coordinate the invasion of it off. i know he's not saying i don't want your money. i don't want your arms because grant is there for the money on the arms. what he's saying is, i don't want your advice, i'm not going to send my team in order to discuss our options on rough off. i'm just going to do it my way. that's what you say. but when it comes to raphi was saying that if he, if you wait for longer, they might be more international pressure in terms of international pressure. right now what we're hearing from the whitehouse mean, some people have said that this is a, a soft move by the us this choice to and stain that it is meant to be a signal to is route at washington's displeasure. how does washington run thought
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up? is this not enough israel to take a step back? see, but this way, there's nothing new that's happened today and it's kind of as, as good be outside, it's important to symbolically important button. we've set back a last friday that the us, the us was going to upstate or vote for. and i've been saying for a good number of days now, but this war has ended in as far as the united states, this is the beginning of the end. and what are, what is gonna happen, verify, which would it be handled delicately, not getting another $50000.00 people, but for nothing, you know, this is only the end of the beginning that he is now the story that good part of her mazda saw so forth. now he's gonna have to destroy the rest of it. he's going to take control of guys all pacify it. then he's going to take care of lebanon, especially if i that. and then he's going to do something about one with the united states as far as he's concerned to pacify the region. so for him, this is just the,
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the, the end of the beginning, while for by then there's a is the beginning of the end. so the gap between them is quite substantial, unimportant, right? and how both handle that gap in the days to come. i think that's where that i live and see is certainly very interesting to see how that all plays out. that and that didn't sound very optimistic on your part. thank you for joining us, taking the shar, regardless of this slow, still a head for you here on the 0. 3 more people have been accused of participating in the attack on a concept for new moscow on friday. the . the latest news as it breaks, types of on any social media platform could face court challenges over the issue of freedom of speech. but before that, this would have to pass the senate with detailed coverage. people here come from places where this home life knows the full health services
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a close that comes off from food from around the world. now migrants rights advocates are taking the federal government to court, saying it has failed in its duty to care for migrants, including children. on counting, the cost nuclear pallet is back in the energy debate. is it on the edge of a come back? the e u has pledged, but it's of dollars to cash strapped egypt, what's behind the deal? and how could it potentially bad all text, all the math and creations and businesses counting the cost on algebra resourcing from the section 3. when i'm hearing this thoughts, how is 10 or airbnb content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, if president must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens across the world . when you click sensitive the fonts at the store
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back, you're watching al jazeera and that's remind you about top stories. the ssl is a united nations security council has passed a resolution demanding an immediate and lasting safe spot. and also during some of them how many months of ramadan historic resolution calls to be on conditional release of captives and unrestricted access to desperately need his life savings from us on the palestinian authority. welcome to the policy. is that resolution or the muscles of funding? it's rising readiness to engage and in an immediate exchange of prisoners held by point. meanwhile,
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israel has cancelled an official trip to washington in protest against the adopted un resolution court and from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his office issued a statement saying that to the us didn't know to be told with the resolution is a clear retreat from its position since the beginning of the signing on um, where the main opposition presidential candidate for 0 july i fi is on cost to when sunday's election, his arrival the ruling coalitions counted on the do. bob has conceded defeat a fine 153.7 percent of 90 percent of the guards counted. he's an anti establishment candidate chosen by opposition leader. it was on the phone. they were both released from prison just ahead of the verse. nicholas hawk has more from the capital dot com. i want to end it story, turn of events for a candidate for from a bound political party that had spent almost a year in prison for facebook, post spending just
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a week campaigning. going for political prisoner to the next president of san diego, jamal i 5 will address his supporters in the hours to come. but there is a sense that real change is coming with it campaign that was almost run like an american style campaign on this tickets of sancho and by sewage in my 5 together, the opposition leader with when sancho was disqualified to run in this race. and so together they brought about a new project, they say for sending out a project to change the entire system. minutes on the day of his birth date that the ruling party candidates due by conceded defeat. and that president mark himself congratulated 5 for his victory. the young former tax inspector
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who has turned $44.00 today will be one of the youngest heads of states in africa, making history not only for his country, but for the continent altogether. nicholas hawk alger 0, the car in nigeria, a 137 school children, a back in safe hands off to being kidnapped by an armed group. the students were taken out of there in march by coming from a school in the town of korea and the countries know if they could not visit them onto the run some of nearly $700000.00. and then jerry and ministry rescued them just before the deadline to pay about some or moscow court has accused 3 more people of participating. the attack on a concert hall which killed a $137.00 people. they've been placed in free trials detention now for 2 months, for 3 suspects of father and his 2 sons have been charged with complicity and terror attack. one of the sounds is allegedly the last owner of the call that the
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gunman used to reach the venue and then to escape. 11 people have been arrested in connection with friday's attack on sunday. the same court charged for a suspect to come in 5 days. attack, those of jabari has more from the russian capital of the 4 suspects have appeared late sunday evening ad. so does monte court in moscow under very heavy security. the 4 men range in age of $19.00 to $32.00 are believed to be natives of tajikistan . they are facing terrorism charges, which carry a maximum live sentence here in russia. the form is it appear to be fairly bad shape physically. they had bruises on their faces that were visible. and also one of the men was semi conscious. he was wheeled into the court house with his doctor . there is allegations that these men were tortured wall in custody, or when they were interrogated, not confirmed by any officials here. and when the spokesperson for the kremlin was asked about these allegations. dimitri pest golf said i will leave this question on
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answer. there is a heightened sense of security here in the capital, which continues on monday. there on so far, there has been at least 10 uh, security alerts at various shopping malls, which has to be evacuated in the capital. the extra security officers positions at the shopping malls checking people under belongings. and many people are so grieving the loss of a 137 people who lost their lives on friday evening. that's across a city homes. for now, the government is saying that they've taken extra security measures and how long that will continue is unclear what is clear is that there is a lot of questions for us already so on how this security breach could have happened. and how these men, the suspects were allowed to carry out these attacks. and one of the biggest, some busiest venues in the capitol on friday or safari. alcera moscow in the us phone, the president donald trump, has seen it to earnings on cases that have followed him. fee is tom's quote,
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a short time victory in the us, federal court, which ruled, but he could pay just off of a $454000000.00 bond on a penalty for tax board. while he was appealing, a ruling against him, bought his orders, were unable to secure a delay in a separate criminal case over the concealment of hushed money payments to women who said that they had an offense. trial is now set for the 15th of april. and south korea, senior doctors and professes and medical schools also missing their resignations in support of striking training doctors. they want the government to withdraw as planned, increased students enrollment and medical training institutes. thousands of training doctors walked off the job in february to protest that plan. things would drive
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down wages and compromise with standard of k. the government says more doctors and needed to cope with the countries aging population. well that's it for me and associates, and i'll be back with much more for you here on out a 0 off to counting the cost to stay with the the hello. it is a very active pitcher in the south west of europe. so let's pick up that story actually. first, let's give you a wide look at what's going on. most of the action is here. so that's where we're going to start this story raining when lashing both portugal and spain quite a bit of rain coming in to northern portugal. and those winds up and down the coast of portugal, gusts to about 75 kilometers power. then got this fire hose of rain coming in to the south of france. once again,
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it has been an incredibly wet march and there is more rain to con, disturbed weather. also for ireland and britain were gonna see a shot of snow for eastern scotland. it's going to be, i see snow, but above 300 meters, 10 to 20 centimeters on the scottish hills. they're talking up warmer air through the bulk in so once again, temperatures are on their way up and that disturbed weather. now rolling across italy on tuesday, eastern side of the circle. yeah, we've got some snow through the mountains that's pushing into the caucuses. and while we had a sand storm in ne morocco, the winds here pushed past a 100 kilometers per hour. it's what it's wendy and that northwest slice of africa and that is set to continue, could see some sand storms across algeria or to needs the and same goes for libya and then where we had some funding in my poto, just some light shows in the forecast for you on tuesday, with the height of 27 degrees catch you later. the latest news as it breaks,
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that is really our talary shows this area last night. understanding families was remo, done with their tears. and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments a week from the heart of the story. these far whole have been diminished. their prayers continue with the situation to get it to the the hello i'm elizabeth put on and this is counting the cost on allison sierra. your weekly looks like a world of business and economics this week, nuclear power, as back in the energy debate, many nations are expanding the police, have
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a ton of plans. so is it on the verge of a very nice psalms?


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