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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you to the the hello, i'm about this and this has been use our life from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. i see it's been a week cuz since emerging international community to tell these values that the ceasefire is live, it's the un security council is set to vote on another resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in guns vote comes as a israel attacks targets across through stripe, at least 22 palestinians have been killed in central gaza. i'm searching to send an
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attack on a how send that off on israel says on why the age trucks are no longer allowed into northern jobs or the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees calls it a death sentence. and accusations of torture us for suspects appeared in a russian court charged for fridays concert hall attack in moscow. in full time or 4 weeks hunting of forces, the suspension in play at the nation afflict final between the us and mexico, the referee stop the game 3 times in the final minutes of the match, which was one to now by the united states, the doctor more than 5 months of war, tens of thousands of palestinians killed and many more injured. the united nations security council is once again set to vote on a draft resolution demanding, i mean, immediate cease, fire and gas. so that vote is due to take place in the coming are,
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is just days out to the council failed to pass a us draft with slightly different language, recognizing the need for a cease fire in gaza. the new resolution is supported by russia and china. both of whom vetoed the us draft, $22.00 out of nations. i've called them to cancel 2 adults. the measure, meanwhile, across the gaza strip, that will be more is where the air rates that have hits residential areas. and then i'll bala, i started on a family home, killed at least 22 people, 2 children and 5 women. what among them and in the southern city of an alpha on aristotle, because i kept sheltering, displaced upon the standings. the right, the secretary general says there's a growing international consensus, but a cease fire is urgently needed in johnson county on monday expressed hope for the security council vote. we have today and just a courtesy call to a resolution in which sure as these fires is required
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to give this but not in the linkage with the, the, the release, the unconditional release of all subjects. and we have also always claims for the needs for that please. so i see a growing consensus emerging international community to tell these valleys that the ceasefire is live. it's jordan is foreign ministers of slammed israel's government as one led by what he called radical racist menaces. speaking along side b, u and chief accused as well, of acting with a punitive and m e n. an at the end of the day israel is doing what they're doing, perpetrating crimes simply because they have not deterred there is nothing to do to as well. we have gone beyond the is really government is led by radical races, menaces. we cannot allowed them to continue to drown the region into further chaos
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. rather than sending homes to israel. diplomacy must quote, delegations must visit as well to direct the coverage is way the government and they must be held liable for their crimes. the draft resolution being put forward calls for an immediate humanitarian seas far in garza the council. as yet to pass any text calling for a 655 draft resolutions failed us. israel's biggest ally has used as veto powers 4 times. and just days ago, russia, i'm china veto to us the resolution that stated, i think spy is imperative. now we've got several correspondence competing the story for us in a moment, so we're going to get the view from occupied east jerusalem with honda. so hold on honey. my mode is in rafa in southern guys are for us. first of all, i'm joined on site to buy our diplomatic address a james base the crucial parts. and the 1st question of course, has to be what's the difference in this one? what is the wording of this one? first, this falls into us drafted resolution that comes from the norm pub and the elected
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members of the security council. those 10 members who serve on the security council for just to, to yet they've drawn up this resolution. it's a much smaller resolution. it's just a few paragraphs compared with the mold of 40 paragraphs in the us. everyone was complaining about the language in the us resolution. and even those that voted for it privately was saying that it was somewhat ambiguous and wasn't a very clear coal of a demand for see spa. this one is clara. what is also interesting is that it's all of those elected members now was sponsoring it when it was 1st emerging on the end of last week, 2 of those which close us allies, japan, and also south korea didn't have the name to it. they put the name to it, they think a smelling, but this could be the resolution that has success. also, the us wasn't touching this resolution. didn't want to negotiate on it when it had its own resolution in play over the weekend on told the us has started negotiating
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and trying to and they have actually managed to change bits of this resolution and added things to the resolution. again, suggesting the us is negotiating, the us may well be favorable to this resolution. the word i'm guessing from out is there is teams the u. n. right now, and people i'm speaking to is atmosphere of optimism. they feel it is very likely, quite likely. let's be careful with only an hour away. the for the 1st time the security council might speak with one voice and cool for resolution. i'm told by the way, the world that didn't the last. even the last hour that been fresh negotiations last minute negotiations about one word and the tax. let me go through exactly what's in the resolution. we'll explain that to you. the resolution demands an immediate cease file for the month of ramadan, respected by all pauses leading to a permanent sustainable ceasefire. now that would permanent,
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there was some discussion about each of us. wanted to get rid of a time told by diplomatic sources, and they may well have been a compromise to replace the wood permanent by the last and sustainable c spot. the 2nd amount of the resolution, the meet i'm conditional release of all hostages, as well as humanitarian access to address the medical and all the humanitarian leads. and the 3rd part of the resolution, demanding that old part is comply with the obligations on the international law. in relation to old persons, they detain, it also talks about expanding the flow of humanitarian assistance across the gaza strip and lifting the battery is a little provision of that you might a certain assistance at scale. remember, the security council has already agreed to resolutions at the end of last year on humanitarian assistance. a resolution of 27122720. and israel has not complied with that since you have coverage. so many votes like this and you have explained to us before about how important the wording and the choice of words is and perhaps this
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is a little bit unfair to put you on the spot to have somebody like me, the words permanent and last thing are pretty much exactly the same thing in diplomatic terms. what are the differences? i think that would be a feeling that permanent is more permanent than bostic. if i put it that way, um. but yes, um the fact that the us i am told, did not like the word permanent, suggesting if you didn't have to wait permanent, then you could obviously spa and then israel could resume its military operations off the woods and go back to rafa and go back to the tunnels in rafa, that's perhaps where this was coming from. and i'm told that that objection to the word potent was a last minute objection that came directly from washington dc rather than from the us diplomats in new york. they found a compromised. i am told by diplomatic sources with the word last thing we'll see just before the about whether that is in the final version that is, that is put to, to, to the members of the security council. and i don't at the moment from what i'm hearing
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here, of any objections from russia in china, remember, they objected to the us resolution on friday. the veto has meant it didn't pos, i think, given that you've already got all 10 of the elected members supporting this resolution is good enough folks. you only need 9 votes. so the, any reason it wouldn't pos is if it's a b type. so that's down to the us and the fact that us of, and such as language in here, negotiated on this resolution, suggest to me the us are either going to vote for it or abstain. but i'm saying that as just guess working stage, we have to watch when the hands go up and, and i was talking, yeah, we did her here until you go to her a saying that he was getting your signs, but there was a going international consensus towards us, he's fine, maybe that's what we're going to say this afternoon. if it is, if the vote, if the resolution is supported, i want obligation is though, if any, on israel to abide by this and what happens if they don't israel has to abide by. oh, security council resolutions because they are international law. that is what
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a security council resolution is, but his route does not abide by security council resolutions or a countless resolution is going back to position 2421967, which said that the occupied territories are you the west bank and gaza, occupied in that war israel had to withdrawal from them, and of course israel never complied with that is not complied with dozens of security council resolutions and ga resolutions from the security council. remember also the international court of justice came up with this provisional measures at the end of january, saying there should be a scaling off of humanitarian aid. these are all need to stop. and the thing that could be potentially seen is measures that would lead to genocide. has israel done that? i think most of the other site it's not. so israel has very serious form on defining the security council and defining international law. and if in terms of what measures could be taken of what the security council would normally do if someone didn't comply with that resolution is come up with a stronger resolution with sanctions on that country. i comp see the us,
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which is taken about 4 times. they b times in the past, and it looks like they might support this one. all they're gonna come up with something stronger. that punishes is rob, very unlikely. they'll go that far. james. i know you're gonna stay with this over the next couple of hours when we get into the votes as well. obviously we're going to be talking to you about that, but i'm going to want to go to honda. so hope she's an occupied east jerusalem. james was describing there is rose reaction in the past. find resolutions have been, have been passed at the united nations and very often the they have not abided by them. i'm talk us through how resolutions like this typically are viewed in israel . the, these kinds of resolutions are either dismissed or can damage by is really officials historically since 22. see. and you're looking at a 148 different resolutions that have been brought through against israel. that has been either condemned or ignored the last un security council resolution we solve
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brought forth by the united states. there was simply no comment from is really officials publicly. and when we had reached out to different offices of his really officials here, they had all said no comment. now israel's foreign ministry has released the statements saying that these really ambassador to the un, we'll have remarks on this later today in which he will quote, attack the human body for being hypocritical. and he will also condemn this resolution. the united nations is often something about israel accuses of being anti semitic. so offering no proof of that, saying that it is a western body that exists that exemplifies a lot of hypocrisy that is against israel. so in this resolution specifically, we can expect that same kind of response from these rallies that it will be condemned. they're going to attack the human body. and in any case from high ranking is really officials. we could hear no comment at all. honda,
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thank you very much indeed. 100 so good talking to some of your bodies to this and then we're going to go through i'll just do this kind of mood. he's joining us now from rough. in many ways, i would imagine the people in guys that are feeling pretty much that they have been here before they've had they've seen on these 4 occasions. votes appear before the un security council, all of which are being struck done. how are they feeling about this one? is there any indication the yes, well, one would imagine that people's reaction here would be very positive and happy that there is a much better resolution at the un security council, much of clear and coal directly for a permanent and immediate humanitarian states fire. but the fact when we talk to people who are just around in the vicinity of this area and largely this place, policy and family at this point, the feeling is really indifferent to what's going on, what they want as an end to the war, whatever form, whatever shape whatever mechanism they just one that in for the ongoing mass going
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the ongoing destruction. just to remind over here it isn't much lift of the gaza strip right now, nearly the central area and northern part on gauze and city. there isn't really much left of it, so at this point, not for people losing, the vast majority of their livelihood, wherever they belong. and that part of this trip is gone. the feeling is right now, very discouraged. just saying the positives that how is that different than the 4th past times and when we explain to them that this time it is much better in terms of the language in terms of where the called port and even meet the demand for an immediate cease fire yes, the one that but then the said, the hold right now the u. s. does not veto that because it's traditionally the us has sided with the with, as well and has protected it multiple times that the un security council. it's agency that protected it from all the actions that condemn not only that this for which is the culmination of 16 years old. so i forget it, block id, but also the ongoing, a subtle expansion of settlements in the west bank and,
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and all the land. graphing for the past year, the us always stood by is relative, prevented any meaningful, any useful action in for the, for the interest of how of city and so far tiny while you've been talking to us, we just looking, looking at some of the pictures of the level of devastation that has been happening in various parts of the gaza strip is just talk us through because of course the air strikes and they are telling me, attacks are continuing. what's been happening in the strip today? well, you know, this is such an interesting time and run over time. there is something going on in an international body like the young security accounts a life easier. we see it on the ground. a storage of is really action, very practices on the ground so far over not a talk this cause. ringback further destruction of civilian casualties across the city, where 1500000 displays policy have been pushed to stay here. given the fact that
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the entire remaining part of this sort of houses are give you bombardment. but we're looking at 10 people overnight within the past 24 hours, 30 people have been killed totally in dropbox. it, it just gives us an exact how the situations are getting really terrible on the, on top of that, the depletion of resources on his car, city of a basic supply makes life very difficult. and he's passing the in there. but i said there were 22 people were killed inside residential home. and in fact, what we were told by civil defense, the crew and the ground. more people are pushed into further into this place because of the damage caused by the kind of bonds and dropping these residential blocks. they're talking about equate bonds that are shaking the very foundation of your building to the point. if the building is still standing as a skeleton, it's not even good for living right now. it's not safe for people to stay in more bombings, more deliberate, the tax on hospitals and public facilities. literally, guys, a has become unlivable, were all means of life. have been being completed,
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destroyed and, and gone. it is a gradually become any clear to people. there displacement is becoming permanent right now. honey, thank you very much indeed. honey mccloud, in rough or well, just ahead of the vote of the you and us, vice president come of the house, essentially refuses to real life consequences. if israel pushes ahead with a grand invasion in his office, she made the comments during an interview in american media. a see believe it and yahoo was an obstacle to peace. i believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening and gossen. we've been very clear the far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. we have been very clear that israel and lives rarely, people in palaces are entitled to an equal amount of, of security and, and dignity. and frankly, we have been very focused on also getting the hostages out and getting aid in nan,
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yahoo appears to just be flat out ignoring president biden's warning about in a sense of in rafa. is that a red line for your administration? we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafa would be a huge mistake. let me tell you something. i have studied the map. there's nowhere for those folks to go. and we're looking at about a 1000000 and a half people in raffle who are there because they were told to go there most of them. and so we've been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafa with any type of military operations, a mistake, but when there be consequences, if he does move forward. but we're going to take it one step at a time. but we've been very clear in terms of our perspective on whether or not that should happen, or you rolling out that there would be consequences from the united states. i am
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ruling out nothing. okay, let's bring it out diplomatic. that is a james base. so kind of how does they're saying or agreeing that the us regards moving into the off or by israel as a red line, and yet when she's pushed and the consequences, if israel does do that, she's a lot more vague about what the baker b is. this assign a more us richardson's towards punishing israel or is there something more to that than that? well, we certainly know that the white house has been getting stronger and it's criticism of the nation. yahoo! a government latching chuck schumer of the senate, majority leader, condemn nothing, yahoo! and say it was time for him to go and present button seemed in his comments to endorse that speech. but yes, on this specific point to rafa, it would be a huge mistake is nowhere for these people to go. but when asked, what would be the consequence of this in terms of us reaction, i'm really nothing out about not saying what they would do. but it is very
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interesting timing when you have this resolution, which is going to come from within an hour. and if the un was to, to, to mom's an image at c spa, where does that live leave is around? is rafa operation? because remember what, nothing you all who told the secretary state has to be blinked in just a couple of days ago. who is the region we are going ahead with the rafa i'm operation with or without us support like this. even this resolution, if it is voted for, encourage the us to, to expedite this operation. it's a very wiring thought given the number of people, well over a 1000000 people who as a, in rafa it certainly would get condemnation from the united nations from other members of the security council. the un secretary general has talked about the disaster that it would be. but remember, the un secretary general is someone that problem isn't that, you know, it hasn't spoken to, at any point during this war,
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you never answered his goals. you've had the had of unrest, the main un agency that delivers the age in gaza in the last few days, not allowed for the 1st time found from gauze and nothing allowed to come into the territory. and now the un being told is trucks and not going to be allowed to deliver aid in northern garza, they seem to be completely define the united nations at every point. all they going to defy the united nations security council if it has the support of the us in the now is time we'll see. i think it could be a very important development of the security council pump pauses this resolution. but this still, i think, very worrying times ahead. the, and the other thing to add to that robust is, remember, is, so what's going on in the, in the city where we are in the hall right now. because this resolution is going to talk about a c spot, and it's going to talk about the immediate non conditional release of old hostages . and that's, it was part of the talks to be going on. here we have the head of the c, i, a headed most of the head of egyptian intelligence. come here to go. ha,
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that trying to work a framework with those that are being held up by a mass of kept is being held by how mass um the uh, the elderly, the female, the sick hostages are released. and then in return a large number somewhere between 50 and a 100 promising and prisoners in his right of jails, including some who held a very long sentence is also released. not work is still going on. and that's the bit to the story that's a bit under the water line. we're not really getting much, much view on what's going on that. but that's another important part of the story that's developing in various different parts of the world, diplomatically at the same time. and i just briefly, james, because a lot more of this, of course, will become figure off to the volt, goes ahead, but in the event, as you were describing in the event that the volt goes ahead and yet israel decides that it is going to be going into the alpha, all the way down the line, the us international credibility, it's the, it's diplomatic. creditability has been taking
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a hammering over the way that israel has been continuing to ignore it. one would in engines that have that scenario happened. but despite the us voting for this, the roof, our tax still went ahead, that would be make things even more difficult for the us international. extremely difficult, extremely difficult for the by the administration. what would they do? they have the tools, if they want to, to, to punish israel to make israel's operations very hot. they have the tools because that is a vast source of israel's money and weapons. the us is where a lot of these things come from, where the buttons being dropped from gauze are all made in the united states with they perhaps take that sort of action. i was speaking to one diplomat a few weeks ago in new york, who said to me, this would always be very difficult because the us has such strong ties with his route systems. they see themselves as to very, very close allies, even more difficult. but this year, the charge the of us selection,
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you know that if president biden was to do anything to punish israel, then that would become an election issue. and president trump, uh would then try and make himself as well as best friend and, and, and, and contrast, i think what, by from the store and use it as a side go to the i know to split up on the a is defense minister and you'll kilometers upon a heading to the us and he's gonna be talking to jake sullivan, i believe, and lloyd austin as well. it'll be interesting to see whether or not that ties in with whatever action the us may feel it's necessary to make james for another. thank you. very much indeed, we appreciate it. so what do you find agency for palestinian refugee says israel will no longer allow its food from boys to enter northern garza where people are dying of hunger, the head of own what is called the decision of rages and is accusing israel of intentionally obstructing assistance during a man made finding some aid trucks reached garza city on monday. the meant to be delivered to the north. and you run reports, find guys as populations facing catastrophic hunger and that it could be hit by
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farm and any time between mid march. and may, jonathan filed as a spokesperson for on monday he says preventing the agency from delivering a to northern gauze, or will have a catastrophic impact on palestinians. this is a mind my assignment and northern casa, is the epi sensor about non made funding. so we simply have to have access to get food supplies in this kind of weight. we cannot be delayed and we certainly cannot be boss. i should stress that our schools close to close at the beginning of the war, and they have been transformed into almost all of them into emotions. he shouts as a 1000000 internally displaced people, but we're still able to continue running our clinics to some extent. so we have $24.00 clinics in the gaza strip before before the boy we still are able to run a service is nowhere near enough. but any move which reduces the capacity for us to work on the ground. because of course, going to have a knock on effect on the people that we saw. we are the largest humanitarian agency
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on pricing and the cost is trip. i mean, just to give you one example, we have around a 1000 magical stuff. oh, toes. um we have uh, 13000 star pricing and the guys district before the start of the war around 3 to 5000 just being able to continue working on as i said, well, thousands of those are medical stuff. others are involved in coordinating supplies logistics this week we are an essential boss of the chain. so as the un secretary general is stressed, we are repeatedly, we all the backbone of the a to pricing and cost us. if you unplugged us, you basically unplugging the lifecycle system for the entire population and they occupied why spike is ready for us is a shot at least 5 palestinians during a raid and novelist palestinian groups confronted soldiers in the east of the city . terms of also rated 6 of those cities including gonzales and khaki. yeah, 15 palestinians were arrested along with a child and former prisoners. this also in the west bank of video has emerge showing as many forces assaulting
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a child in the shop and have it on. it happened about 2 weeks ago. so this can be seen attacking the boy and forcing him to take off his top upon roughly because it had a gun slogan on it. off of the video was published these really i'll be right in the shop and try to confiscate the original footage that i had been reports from them on. we know that he's a 7 year old who was wearing a shirt as you've seen there in the video that has a picture of a rifle. this sort of a fashion. let's call it. we've been seeing many policy and children wearing those plows in the occupied westbank leading to similar incidents. we've reported activity on a boy who was 3 or 4 years old. who also was asked by these, where the army to take off his shirts and go through a check point in a similar incidents in the north of the occupied wes thing this time we have actual footage of what happened, slapping the boy, also it being very violent towards him, just because he was very that shirt,
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we spoke to the store owner who was scared of releasing that video. and you would know why he was scared because he is really forced. as soon as the video went viral yesterday, they stormed his story, trying to look for the origin and footage he tells us because the incidence has happened 2 weeks ago. they could not find the original funds, but that gives you an idea of why would we report on so many stories here in the occupies westbank. much of the story is the main untold because people fear to show those with is to show what happened to them feeling is really retaliation is as we've seen, happen in hubbard. and remember, we're talking about this neighborhood in the old city of had thrown in the outskirts of the old city. this incident happened in the neighborhood that sees still nights, curfews, people that we went there, they can not use the cars to go, they can only go walking if they want to go and buy the groceries and stuff. so that gives you an idea about the intensity of up to the difficulty that
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palestinians go through day in and day out. in the military, ringo. com us as part of bothers overall codes towards the southern is really city of washed or is there any defense systems intercepted the rockets launched from gaza while others landed in open areas that are no immediate reports of casualties . ok, let's turn to some other world news though, for suspects in the most school concert hall attack, i've been charged with terrorism. there appeared in the district court in the russian capital of sunday. they've been placed in pre trial detention for 2 months . at least a 137 people were killed in the attack when gunman opened fire on concert goers on friday nights, dosage of bodies joining his time from moscow. just bring this up to date with the latest and the invest investigation. but also these claims of torture, as well as these 4 men were brought into budwani court in moscow late sunday evening,
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under very heavy security where they were read the charges against them. terrorism which carries a maximum penalty of a life in present mature in russia. the foreman, i believe, to be and natives up to g cust on range in age of $19.00 to $32.00. and when they appeared in courts, they really did seem to be in pretty bad shape. many had bruises on their faces, and one of the suspects was a semi conscious he was actually brought in on a wheelchair, accompanied by his doctor and another. one of the men had a huge of band aid over his his ear. there were at the allegations that one of the sucks suspects had his ear cut off when he was captured earlier on saturdays. of course, at that cannot be confirmed at this time. but the state of the men appeared and clearly showed that there were some a physical violence involved. now whether or not that took place why they were in
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police custody or when they were interrogated is not confirmed. now, we have heard from the spokesperson of the criminal and dmitri pest called during his daily briefing to the media, he was asked by a journalist about these allegations of torture. and he responded by saying, i will not answer this question at this time. so it gives you an idea of how the criminal is responding to his obligations for now, these 2 men will spend the next 2 months in this as detention facility was a wait for their trial to begin. adults, i understand that president vladimir putin has been ordering a step of security around the country. what's it like in the capital where you are and of course the moved amongst people off to the attack. well i have to tell you over the past 48 hours so we can hear saturdays and sundays and it's been very quiet. usually moscow city has a very vibrant night life and the past 2 days that hasn't been the case. many
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people decided not to go out into very crowded public places. there had been a number of events cancelled over the weekend due to security concerns. and we understand just today in moscow so far that had been 10, a bomb scares at the very shopping facilities. so they had to be evacuated and we've seen footage on social media of extra security measures being put in place in shopping malls and crowded areas, searching people under belongings as they entered. there was a sense that another attack could be immune and so they haven't this, but it's all these haven't said so, but people are certainly very angry and their beings are careful about their move. it's in the city, but the life does go on and there's this seems to be a sense that this was a tragedy and there's a lot of anger for now. uh, the security measures seem to continue to also thank you very much though such about a must go powerful winds or threatening more sandstorms across the north, west africa. here's jeff for the check of the weather as well. when you consider
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the winds pushed past a 100 kilometers per hour in ne morocco, this was the sea and we've got the orange on the map here. that is the sending dust being tossed around. so really apocalyptic seeing here is that sending dust was tucked up from this a hard desert. it's been white's and windy and this part of the world. so for northwest africa, that was in windy combo continues to try to send storms also continue. so let's go in here for a closer look. i think, anywhere actually across the old jerry, we could see a sandstorm pushing into it's an easy uh, and also northwest libya impact almost all of algeria under weather alerts for just how intense these winds are. and more rain coming in to morocco survive just said 15 degrees by wednesday. really think the best fit for those sand storms will be in northwest libya. now on the european side of the mediterranean, we're also getting pelted with rain and wind especially farther in portugal. those winds up and down the coast of portugal will gusts to about 75 kilometers power in
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some a fire, who is of rain into the south of france. it's been an incredibly wet march. another place, it's been what march is in most and peaks capital. my put so picking up more than i'm punts worth of rain in the span of 24 hours so the streets were flooded there, but the rain turns lighter on tuesday. so yeah. are you still ahead on this? how does it and these are waiting for the winter people in senegal, hope sunday's election will and use of political tension on, in sports, we're going to take a look at the unlikely loops that could end with a lucrative nfl contract. the a boot whole of the patient resulting in a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify israel was soaked on gaza. dozens of children bound them up during them and executed them.
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this information has been used by officials books by october 7th on tuesday or the latest news as it breaks. that is really our talary shows this area last night . understanding families was remo, done with their tears, and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments a week from the heart of the story. this far hole has been diminished, their prayers continue with the situations to get it to the the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the we want to go to 0 reminder of adult stories is, are, the one security council is going to be meeting in less than an hour to vote on resolution calling for 8 last name seas 5 in guys are often more than 5 months of war. cancels yet to pass a single draft calling for seems fine. is there any error rates of choose 22 people in den obama in central jobs and a number of children among the dead air strikes have also had a comp sheltering displaced palestinians in the southern city of rough un secretary general. and tony of battalions has condemned israel decision not to allow its food phone voice to enter northern gossip found on his eminence. their pages is a warning for 70 percent of the population is already suffering from catastrophic levels of fund the supporters of an opposition candidate incentive gone. i've been celebrating sundays presidential election.
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the only result, such as possible, show me for using the lead, is an outline of opposition. the ocean sancho will be disqualified because of a defamation conviction. the governing combinations candidate i'm gonna do, boss says he's ready for run a boat. here's what results that are expected. in the coming days, because ox inside the building bodies headquarters and the capital costs sort of by to hold a press conference they make. what are you expecting? well, we're expecting for him to make clear headstones. we saw a statement yesterday from the ruling party candidate. i'm a do boss, he's felt that given the trajectories of the 1st um pulling station results that perhaps that would be a 2nd round. but there is an inclination giving the lead into giving the concessions made by some of the other candidates congratulating. but through jim i
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fi that could also be here. this stage of uh i do buy conceding defeat. we don't know yet. those are the 2 scenarios possible no matter what. what we saw on sunday this delayed but much anticipated election, showed a high turn out, a lot of people came out to vote. and there seems to be an inclination or lead from by through jeremiah fi. it's all down to what is going to be announced here from the sancho side. we haven't heard from him, nor have we heard from the candidate but sewage him. i fi, he voted from his hometown outside of the card. and in his last public announcement, he said that he was confident that they would be a sovereign decision made by the people have set a goal yet. make out, you will turn in your system the last few hours that opposition supporters have been celebrating on already. although we don't have a definitive resolved, yes. yeah,
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it seems of jubilation is on the streets leading to san coast house. it is for them of the road to victory. and it was quite amazing to see so many people taking to the streets in places where we had seen just weeks ago, riots between protest chairs and security forces. asking for this election to take place. people waving the room that has been used by sewage and my find during this campaign to sweep out corruption and to sweep to victory. and we saw in this unusual campaign a week long campaign, short and fast. where a bus here, jim, i 5, came out was relatively unknown. he was in prison for a year over a facebook page. he had a week to introduce himself to the senegalese public, this former tax inspector. now, a rising star of the presidential campaign and perhaps the next president of san
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diego, it is actually today his birthday and it would be a present way, according to his supporters, if he actually went this presidential election. but during this campaign from a but through to my 5, we saw an american solid campaign where we had sancho and joe might together rallying together as if one and the other were interchangeable. they say his supporters that it's not about the candidate, it's about their projects to change the system to change the way a center goal is government giving less room or less power to the president and more power to the people to different institutions. he's been campaigning on this and to corruption movement on re establishing good governance and also reducing the gap between the poor and the rich. a lot of his supporters, a lot of his financing come from the diaspora. they have a key role to play in this. since we've seen of the last year,
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drones of migrants leave this country to find opportunities at home. it is now in them that are funding sancho is campaign asking for more jobs at home to stop the flow of migration, need to re establish some sort of equity in this country all next. thank you very much. indeed for that. that's nicholas hock. i'm sorry, the really parties that causes in the capital dot com while in the us, the former president, donald trump, is facing 2 different legal challenges on monday. for sure. some live pictures from new york. these are inside the court where trump is jew in court. shortly, and a hush money case is legal team are going to be asking for a postponement of the trial. and at the same time, the deadline to pay a $454000000.00 bond is due to expire. that's in the last next few hours or so, and that is in connection to a fraud case in which he was found guilty of inflating his network if he doesn't pay the state code. stone, repossession is properties. chief executive,
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all boeing has an honest, he's going to step down the aircraft, manufacturers dropping with an ongoing safety and reputational crisis. buildings come under intense scrutiny all but its manufacturing process off of 2 of its backs . 737 aircraft crashed in 20182019 that was made worse when the door panel blew out of an alaska airlines plane and the others here. the police in brazil has arrested 2 politicians and a former police chief for ordering the killing of abriya visioneer to cancel women in 2018. but he at least franco was killed in a drive by shooting. she was a black and gay, active us known for defending minorities and for speaking out against police brutality. want to say you're not gonna have reports from realtors, you know, it took 6 years for federal police to make the arrest and answer the one question. many brazilians have been asking who killed by the foot on the council. woman and
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her driver was shot dead in march 2018. and the streets are free edition. narrow this to moment this work and at least now until new elements emerge is at this moment we are very clear about the perpetrators of this heinous crime, a crime of a political nature. congressman shaking him, but as soon and his brother state auditor the mean was but so were arrested accused of having ordered the hit to the brothers allegedly have political ties with the militia. gangs made up mostly a former policeman who controlled many poor neighborhoods and re addition narrow and charged. the residents for protection of 3rd suspect was also taken into custody. realtors in narrows former police chief, he followed. bob laza is being accused of obstructing the investigation. and you have all to bump was rather barbosa received the family the day after the murder, saying that it would be the police, his priority to solve the case. and we learned today that the man who hugged us
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pages respects and smiled is involved in this crime. to try to get his sister was also minister of racial equality. he said that putting the culprits behind bars will strengthen the model or seeing that of my age. we can finally give ounces to all those people who voted for her, who believed in her ideas, and who felt represented by her lawyers for the 3 suspects said they were innocent and denied that they were involved in the murder. marielli found who was a champion for minorities and stood up against political corruption and violence and reels for ballast or swans idea that i full of. she was human. she would always be present among us. i am happy that you forgot to call it. people here and we have just a narrow swavay hope solving my daddy's murder is a step towards impressing one of realtors, a narrows main problem. 60 percent of wheels, metropolitan area is controlled by drug lords. somebody's of power,
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military militia. that might be fought against monica and to of also sierra we have just a narrow sizes across argentine and taking pods and demonstrations to mock the anniversary of the 1976 military to human rights groups estimate around 30000 people were kidnapped, tortured and murdered. under military dictatorship is the 1st demonstration of its kind to take place on the president. have you in many critics accuse of done playing the atrocities committed to joining the crime or so it could be a professor that medical schools are submitting their resignations and support of striking training doctors. they want the government to withdraw. it's planned to increase student enrollment and medical training institutes. thousands of training doctors walked off the job in february to protest against the plan, saying it would drive done wages and compromise the standards of care. the still
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ahead on knowledge of spain sport as 3rd consecutive relations leave when city united states is overshadowed by the behavior of libel funds, son is going to be here with us store
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the the started for sports is on a thank you very much while while the nation sleep final between the us and mexico were suspended due to homophobic taunting the referee stops today all 3 occasions in the final minutes of the title. decide the a mexican sized. i have
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a history of targets in the old position. goalkeeper with discriminating language, the mexican football federation that has been hit with multiple fines and functions and recent years, as a consequence, mexico, the us and kind of that will be co hosting the walk up in 2 years time. in a statement for both governing body, for the region, the set conquer cost condensed is discriminatory, taunting security stuff in the stadium identified and ejected as significant numbers of fans and the referee and match officials activated the fee for the protocol. it is extremely disappointing that this matter continues to be an issue. usa one the match to an l to secure the nation as league title forth the straight time to the items. as for the opener, she already knows that 2nd half asset that made the game save us code said off towards the plays were hit by february's thrown up from the stands was celebrating that goal. the united states have now stretched there on beach and speak against
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mexico to 7 games so far is a group in terms of today, i'm just so proud of how we saw and how we stuck together. it wasn't a pretty game, but we took our chances and the guys are for everyone and then they make has produced the high school in performance and close at 2 full decades. often we've pulled off this no costs and the 2nd quarter as the lakers be . the indiana faces by 150 points to 145, the broad james team on mines in the west and conference with the top 8 co sign for the end of season sales. of the god spread around a lot. and so just gotta continue that trend and stay aggressive, you know, love and live in a pain as we like to do and try to win the freed online and, and just do it on a consistent basis. that imaginative continue the he's title defense with the said
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the wrong. when, as the miami opened, the world number full beating pretends cameron and roy in straight sets method that wrapping up the match in just a 21 minutes as he aims to when this 1st storm is of yes, the russian will now face germany. so many a design champion and the mri suffered another injury scared during his 3rd wrong match against it. set to promise much up. you said 6 year old has said he's likely to retire before the end of the yet my eventually losing dispatch and reset after close to 3 and a half hours of the nfl draft and it's coming up next month in detroit. the majority of picks for the sports biggest league will have played the game since they were children. but one individual hoping to break into the top level of american football has a very different background. police reports from april and suite,
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then it's american football. but not as we know, it's the error, probably black noise is a semi professional team in the sweetest leak aiming for an nfl career from harris . the spoke will sign something of a hail mary, but it's not impossible. this is home no matter when you go over to the us, she think, okay, they've tried 10 years more than me, but they're not better than me. in any case, they weren't what caught of them me? he's like, started playing the game in his native sweden, a teach 14. he was so good. but he said what, how it takes to american colleges and then played every single game of his 5 years at temple university in philadelphia is an offensive lineman of to last year's draft. he was recruited to rookie squads with the seattle seahawks and green bay packers in the nfl. and now place professionally and the next best thing, the cfo in canada with the calgary stampede is not bad for
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a boy from out of pro. and it could be just the stops of this kind of off the all good to me the out of if i don't wanna, in canada, i'll have a chance that the nfl, the see a family is great. and i learned a lot from the nfl veterans home. i have to keep playing hard and hope that i get a chance to read while the us is becoming less of a closed shop. the nfl is trying to get some more your pain players involved in american football. but the swedish leak is, it's fair to say one of the more unusual routes to the top. alongside games held in europe, the nfl also recruits elite plays from other sports through the international play, a pathway. welsh rugby world cup style lewis re summit is one of the latest. but the era roy black, north american coach, believe sweden can be a good starting place. the nfl dreams like these. like most one who was with the black knights, the black knights have really created a good organization. so it's like when he was over here, he was learning good techniques of yet didn't have the fundamentals. maybe he
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wouldn't have gotten picked up by a school in america, so it does work together. so we didn't known for having great, like athletic talent. so literally i just walk around the city and i see like these huge people and i'm just like you want to play football as the game grossing, sweet, and then to start to wiping in america. maybe more of the world. full rece out is era or broke sweet and basically the biggest start is set to 12 public key for the 1st time about legal gambling and the 5th allegations. so he'll tiny featured for the and a daughters. and next submission came on sunday, the japanese says and said to me, so hard was fired by the villages last week. and there's me so hard a so millions of dollars from oh, tiny, just payoff and gambling debts. why sports betting is illegal in california? the state world tonya is based on what time it is to to hold the media conference later this monday. and that's what for me, we'll have more for you later on. so thank you very much indeed. i want to bring
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you back to our top story now the un security council getting set to vote in just a few minutes and a draft draft drives the resolution calling for an immediate cease fire in guys. so we're going to go to gabriel. alexander. he's at the united nations. i understand there has been some sort of like to him following some of the doors asian is going on. um we understand that they don't even have a draft here. what are you hearing? yeah, vince are moving very fast here at the united nations headquarters in new york. they are expecting a vote at 10 am local time, or at least the security council to meet at 10 am or convene the meeting at 10 am local time, which is just a few minutes from right now. we are now being told by diplomatic sources that due to last minute negotiations, or i should say last 2nd negotiations in some ways that this competing of this meeting and this potential vote will be pushed back at least 20 minutes. just gives you an idea of how there are these last minute potential changes and negotiations
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that are taking place behind closed doors. at this very moment, the most recent draft that we have seen says calls for or demands an immediate cease fire. i'll say it again, demands an immediate cease fire for the month of ramadan. and that respects all parties leading to a permanent ceasefire. we're being told that the united states was not comfortable with the word permanent, and has apparently been asking for changes to permanent changing that to lasting, which is a word that means potentially a long time, but not permanent. so that's really the key tripping point. if you will or hold up that we're hearing. but uh, we're expecting that perhaps this draft could be put up for a boat within the next hour or so, but we're waiting to see what that last terminology is in the final draft. yeah. get we're going to come back to obviously when that vote eventually takes place to find out more about what's going on so far. not gabriel alexander. i'd be you. i'm thank you very much. i to want to save the children size $2.00 and $5.00 youngsters
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in yet. out of school because of conflict, that's about 4500000 children and with the declining economy, many of them have the no choice but to find work to help support the families. victoria getting reports it takes courage for 9 year old rebecca to attend school in the city of the huge in south west and young and many of her classmates stopped coming last month that the 2 children were killed when the discarded artillery show exploded. and this data i need to gather you have a lot happening. the explosion was violence and christ to our homes. it's the 1st time we've heard such an explosion. we used to feel safe, but not anymore. we're skate of stepping on. something like a bomb that might explode fia has taken over us. i get anxious when the teacher isn't around. said the children says there are around 4500000 children who aren't in school in yemen. lack of security is just one reason. moving 85 percent of human
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ease live in poverty. and the decade long was forced many parents to take their children out of school. so they can work and help ease the financial pressures that millions of families face every day out of a home. because they don't usually, my classmates quit studying, to support the families financially to assist the father. since things have got more challenging economically, many of them live to work on funds. honey knows best of the most the value of a good education, but his teacher's salary doesn't cover his family's basic needs. he's had to make some difficult decisions about or not. i have 4 daughters. i took 2 of them out of school, my son out of his $46.00 a month, which isn't enough of these days due to the cutting our prices and health care expenses. out of the whole saturday of the student fees. take 25 percent down. un broke, a truce officially ended in october 2022, but still lodge the homes that saved the children says without an official
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ceasefire. him and he's don't have the stability. they need to rebuild the lights and an entire generation risk being left behind. with long term consequences begins recovery and development. victoria gates and b l g 0. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more on that you and see as far vote for guys i'm robotics and stay with us. and i'll just see if is the biggest global electron yet in history. the world's biggest democracy off its own epic. so don't join main street of oxygen for a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode i'll be examining whether democracy is being undermined as political opponents of driving us in that in the body of the thing and have a lot of that often charges even before full talk. com. the other 4 spots do on the on counting the cost of new play
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a pallet is back in the energy debate. is it on the edge of a come back? the e. u has pledged for the ends of dollars, the cash strapped egypt. what's behind the deal, and how could it potentially bad all text, all the math and creations and businesses. counting the cost on algebra. when the alarms go off at the new jerusalem neighborhood on the outskirts of 3 young men, women and children, rushes with sticks and stones. the 5 year old jenny necessary living in fear, lo, mika ford. it's the only way we can defend ourselves from thieves because we can't carry guns. we have whistles in alarms to scare them away. in this already violated city, an unprecedented new crime wave has residents and the forward is alarmed and police is because of this illegal miners and peruvian gangs have allied with wonderful up in america's most powerful criminal organizations. and then this will and bring that out what they're trying to control, the country's largest goal deposits in the last week. the battle the bus has built
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into to heal homicides, kidnappings, extortion, any one is the target, the state governor. since the government, the name has not given him details of the security plan for this region, and the residents are angry at they have not yet seen the army or police securing the city. the on the web security council is a bug to vote on another resolution calling for i mean media and the last thing series. fire in guys on the i don't know about this and this is all just the life and don't have also counting up. the vote comes as israel attacks targets across the strip. at least 22 palestinians have been killed in central garza and 32 in an attack on


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