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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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in finding, did you find everything is much more difficult? ukraine has accused both testers of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up. images of farmers carrying pro russian fantasy f made things even worse. the is really airstrikes cube, at least $22.00 palestinians in central garza 0 dollar range. the single venue is good to have you with us. this is l 0 light from the also coming up . you in chief antonio gutierrez reiterates calls for a ceasefire and gaza expressing hope, a head of another un security council vote. the set of goals celebrates after
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a peaceful presidential election. most counting is underway. the police in brazil making arrest and the killing of a prominent active is that sparked in international outcry. the . it's a g n t that's penny. i'm in gaza where israel carried out attacks on areas across the strip overnight. at least 22 palestinians have been killed in darrow butler. this is in central gaza. 2 children and 5 women were among them. meanwhile, in the south, a strength on a family home in the camp in rough or killed at least 3 people. the dead and injured had been taken to the quite hospital. and the un secretary general has reiterated calls for a ceasefire, expressing hope, the head of another un security council vote. that's later on monday. despite more than 5 months of war, the counsel is in deadlock and has failed to pass a single ceasefire draft. and i see a growing consensus,
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emerging international community to tell these valleys that the ceasefire is live, it's and they also see a growing consensus iron, and it's in the u. s. i heard it from viewed appear in union. not to mention of course, the muslim world, a growing consensus to tell clearly to these values. that's a, in the grounds, evasion of rough uh, goods mean it gets us that all fixed humanity and these offices. and i strongly hope that these consensus that's easy matching the hold of the international community will make israel reflect and the voice. what would be a good emetics catastrophe? aus is 0, is honeywell mode is life from ross at honey. in a moment, i will ask you about what's going on in the gaza strip in terms of the bombardment . i know that has not relented, but we have to address what's going on on a, on
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a u. n level, which is that through all his just analysis real will now deny access of an want food deliveries to northern gaza. i want to ask you what's going to happen now for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who live in northern gaza and will not be getting that from the yes sir, with more catastrophic human interior situations are going to be on folding within the coming days. and within this pattern of just a tightening the grind around owner when it's work across the gods through his signing of, from the prevention, the restrictions on the delivery of aid. and then the content delivery, the tax on a coordinate seekers and workers on the ground just hindering them from doing their job. and right now it's a plan to the public as well as going to prevent unaware from delivering fluid to the northern parts and gauze. a city which means a depth, sometimes 425500000 people stranded in a war res. part of the gaza strip,
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already struggling on daily basis. defined basic needs, the famine of spreading everywhere. and because of the in force, the hydration, and it's our vision you through the extreme shortage of food supplies and medical supplies, one clean water to drink and other survival items that that could help people survive, that the very grave difficult conditions have been experiencing since the beginning of this genocide of what we're looking at, the more we talk to, to aid work as an 8 organization and i've tried to do it on the ground and not what from what we're seeing. and i think it's shorter than a force exposure and nothing short or that as one put it up. and if they get close it because people do not have food or water to drink, they will eventually die. and so far we're looking at $27.00, it's children who died of the in for is the hydration and his tard vision. and there are many more in the hospitals are in desperate need. right now of food
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supplies the nutrients because the supper from the money attrition $1.00 and $3.00 children right now in the northern part that across the gods to is suffering from malnutrition, dehydration and as far vision. it's going to be a very difficult time. the coming days for, for at least a vulnerable group right now, the children and the women. honey, it's 10. am where you are. the is really bombardments across the gaza strip. have not stopped. what's the latest that you're learning? this is what so far? we've got to confirm report is from the john half of the overnight the tax across the roof. i city cause the death of 10 people free of the children. 5, we looked at 5 women here and remaining aware this place individuals in these residential homes in 2 separate attacks, one in central rubber and one in the eastern part of rough i city. and that number just increasing the casualties of what i've been. what of those who have been
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killed within the past 24 hours? the looking at 13 people have been killed in these attacks across across dropbox. it is a shattering, you need the remaining sense of safety or security for people already traumatized and displayed since the beginning of this genocide, the war in the central area. the worst attacks happen in there, but actually the and by the way, a reminder to offer a viewer that did it. but last, it was designated on the safe zone for the vast majority of evacuated and displaced families of the northern part and in hon. you and is where literally told to go to dinner, but actually to avoid being bumped only to get funding died inside their residential home. 18 people had been killed and civil injuries door lock box hospitals. meanwhile, there's really military continues to operate aggressively around that. i'm in the hospital. another hospital with the snipers, ours position everywhere. also in a ship, a hospital, the situations are no lighter than the southern part, were constant shilling of the house facilities to the point. people are going to
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say, when this war is over, there will be no ship a hospital anymore. all right, honey. my hood reporting from rough and the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much for joining us. live this our honey. now in light of the news that we were just reporting on that earned wife, who deliveries to northern guys are no longer going to be happening because this really is no denying them going forward. let's take a closer look at on the walk and what it does. the agency supports nearly 6000000 palestinian refugees across the middle east. it runs 706 schools, 140 primary health care for. so these it also provides food and cash assistance to more than $1800000.00 palestinians. most of them in gaza with joining us now is a deal of the gulf where he's a fellow and director of the foreign policy and security program at the middle east council in global affairs. israel wants to shut down and walk it had said so very explicitly has accused on want of stalling. the aid has accused while being involved and, and meshed with hamas and really covering for home us in various ways. israel wants
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spend a lot out of gaza, can you speak? can you give a review or is a sense of what that means to get rid of this agency on roy's basically a lifeline to the population because as well as to the other kind of taking the refugees across the region and the x rays. really objective here is the continued starvation and perhaps pushing out of the as and population outside of gaza. and overall the collective punishment of the thought of thinking people following the horrific attacks. on the 7th of october, a israel strategy to under cut on law is to a very large extent working right. a few weeks ago they were making accusations. but now it's far more than accusations the majority donors of and why have cut their funding. the us has cut their funding just voted into their budget bill. cut funding for the next year is realize now preventing and what a deliveries to the north they are shrinking. they're making this happen in
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shrinking the space for and want to operate. yeah, exactly, and it's basically the use of starvation as a, as a weapon of war which is against international humanitarian law and basically is raised want to make the conditions on the ground so horrific that the other things either die or basically have to leave or become refugees elsewhere and we, there's, there's actually controlling the other 2 crossings can open more aid to coming from growth, but they're not doing that as part and parcel of the continued collective punishment of the bus thing. and is there a possibility to replace all, i mean i'm, i'm thinking directly of the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who live in northern guys who face evan and famine. right? according to the official reports that came out last week, the minutes them and more than 20 people have already died of malnutrition and dehydration. is there another body or entity that can replace on the wall for a delivery? there is no body that has the people on the ground and established offices and reputation and will have been doing this for a number of decades. and that's why actually, for the x rays, i've had one away in the sites for a long time. and this current tour provides
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a perfect excuse to really end on realize presence because in those really thinking it's actually perpetuates the understanding uh issue and no longer allows the x rays to push out the presence outside. because and why is northern god does a particular area focused various real? it's been a particular area of focus militarily. that's where they, they flat and northern gauze and large parts of gods and city. they cut off the gaza strip into multiple sections and isolated, essentially northern gauze and things are even worse there than they are in the rest of the strip. why northern gauze? i think it wasn't because that's for these ladies in the far right. that's these to really have a dream of going back and establishing sacraments as a job questionnaire. the presidents, donald trump's ex uh, advisor as one said that the as the in specific you know, with, because it has prime beach front real estate. so i think these are, it is, see a future there where we can actually take a big chunk of, of knowing what kinds of threats populations pushed out. it's not only the
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destruction of, of the facilities, the schools and, and infrastructure and so on. but also the amount of the palestinians who would be in charge of rebuilding as your engineers, your doctors, your tech folks. all of these have been designated a spot in parson of this collective punishment of the. but it's taking a little of that. thank you very much. for joining us in the studio, this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu as pledge to kill him off as leader in gaza. yes, yes. in war he compared this mission to the death of the biblical character called him on who was an enemy of the jews. he said to quote, we are fighting and will be victorious. we will enter rough on and achieve total victory. we eliminated come on and we will also eliminate, send war and quote. so been against the member of israel's war cabinet, says that he will quit the government if a bill exempting ultra orthodox jews from mandatory military service becomes law. the proposed legislation is said to be tabled in parliament next week. ultra orthodox jews have been exempt from is really military service on religious grounds
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for decades. thousands of his release have protested against the bill in recent weeks. um the actually meet the nation kind of accepted the chemist at most. most votes for it covered under my colleagues and i will most of the members of this emergency government should such legislation. pause in the connection and to enter the little bits of his route in a way that's we'll have to unity. i'm from national security in general. and especially in time of wanting to come up is to be occupied westbank where a video has surface showing is really forces assaulting. it's showing a little shop in hebron. this was 2 weeks ago, but the video has just surfaced soldiers can be seen attacking the boy and forcing him to take off his shirt. this was apparently because it had a gun slogan printed on the t shirt. so after this video is published, the israeli army then rated this chart that you see and tried to confiscate the original footage that the video has drawn from mid abraham reports on this from
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ramallah. and we know that he's a 7 year old who is wearing a shirt, as you've seen there in the video that has a picture of a rifle. this sort of a fashion. let's call it, we've been seeing many palestinian children wearing those a louse in the occupied westbank leading to similar incidents. we've reported activity on a boy who was 3 or 4 years old. who also was asked by these really army to take off his shirts and go through a check point in a similar incidents in the north of the occupied wes thing this time we have actual footage of what happened, slapping the boy also it being very violent towards him just because he was very that shirt. we spoke to the store owner who was scared of releasing that video. and you would know why he was scared because he is really forced. as soon as the video went viral yesterday, they stormed his store, trying to look for the origin and footage he tells us because the incidence has
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happened 2 weeks ago. they could not find the original funds, but that gives you an idea of why would we report on so many stories here in the occupies with back. much of those stories that remain on told because people fear to show those with is to show what happened to them feeling is really retaliation is as we've seen, happen in hubbard. and remember, we're talking about this neighborhood in the old city of have run in the outskirts of the old city. this incident happened in the neighborhood that sees still night curfews. people that we went there, they can not use the cars to go, they can only go walking if they want to go and buy the groceries and stuff. so that gives you an idea about the intensity of the difficulty that palestinians go through day in the day of. this is really forces have shot at least 5 palestinians during a raid and novelist how this thing in groups confronted soldiers and the east of the city. troops also rated to a car, him to kill you ramallah, bethlehem. in hebron,
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at least 450 palestinians had been killed in more than 7700 arrested in the occupied westbank since the war on gaza began. still ahead on elsie's 0 for suspects in the moscow concert hall attack that killed a 137 people make their 1st appearance and 4th and the doctor striking south korea widens other medical professors joined protests against a government plan to increase the number of medical students the the hello, we often talk about sand storms in africa, but we don't always have the video to show you that, that changes this time. let me take you to ne morocco who we saw this sand storm here. winds pushed past a 100 kilometers per hour. so that drag drop sam from this the hard as are pretty
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close to the border without jerry and this rain and wind combo continues monday, tuesday could cease incense stores across algeria. and to use the over the next little bit. also dealing with a rain and wind combo through portugal in spain, much different feel in spain. and those winds up and down the coast of portugal about 75 kilometers per hour, disturbs whether it's swirling around the islands of ireland and britain. but check this out by tuesday is going to be cold enough 1st shot of snow in eastern scotland, slushy snow, but above 300 meters, 10 to 20 centimeters through the scottish hills. what weather cutting across the balkans here freshened up the atmosphere. so sophia bulgaria, 9 degrees this what, whether moving into the western side of turkey, a from assemble breakdown is mere. it's going to be a washout. and let's go back to africa right now. my pluto moves and beach capital saw half a month's worth of rain and the span of 6 hours. but the good news look at that roads turn to rivers. but the good news is that rain will turn lighter on monday with a height of 27 degrees in my put so of the
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listings in the gaza strip as easily as long. lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best the, the, the,
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you're watching else a 0, a reminder of our headlines this hour is really air attacks on central guys are killed at least 22 people overnight. a family home in darrow butler was hit, 2 children were among the dead. israel has killed at least $32226.00 palestinians since october. the sent you an agency for the palestinian refugees says israel will no longer allow exclude convoys to enter northern gauze or famine and is imminent. their agencies have warranted 70 percent of the population is already suffering from catastrophic levels of u. n. chief antonio gutierrez hes reiterated calls for a ceasefire and gaza, an express hope a head of a vote later on monday. and the un security council members will be holding on a resolution cooling for a ceasefire during ramadan. before suspects in the most school concert hall attack had been charged with terrorism, they appeared in a district court in the russian capital. on sunday, they had been placed in pre trial detention for 2 months. at least
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a 137 people were killed in the attack on friday night. and you'll yourself of all of the joins us now from moscow. you'll hear what can you tell us about that court appearance the well the court hearing was held behind closed on sunday evening. most case, monday calls charged those to some specs. in the case of the project topic put was to the whole, with terrorism demand not going to spend 2 months in free trial detention. as you mentioned, the time sheets, nationals, and say age ranges from 19 to c. t a is hold on the tears from the old school the 4 times over to check. one of the suspects was in school for the funds they dropped his head as during his arrest, part of his ear was console. another one. 5 with a swollen face was reported between stun guns,
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the said one with bruises on his face could not stand. one should be taken from intensive turn. he was wheeled into the courtroom a company side. so a whole thing to be investigated to me. so a total of 11 people were detained in connection with that. and that happened on saturday. the 20 says i'm same. i also be very soon at the press service of the committee. it has not commented on it yet. meanwhile, brushing media source has continued fine to convince students that that talking focus was carried out by ukrainians with the only one more or less reasonable on humans, in fayetteville dispassion is that the white car would be suspect. we're driving was driving tools to build up with ukraine. you'll use shut valuable reporting from moscow. thank you very much, julia. the supporters of an opposition candidates and set
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a goal are celebrating after sundays presidential election. the really results suggest bessie, who do my findings in the lead e as an ally of opposition leader, it was meant sancho who was disqualified because of a defamation conviction. the governing coalitions candidate, i'm a new boss says that he is ready for a run off. so now remember, if no candidate gets past the 50 percent threshold, there will be a 2nd round of voting. official results are expected in the coming days for the 1st round. nicholas hack has more from the capital, the car. and this is the fun so. so it's house i for people here. it's a road to victory, the candidates it as presidential election, but his deputy president jim, i board is some of the other candidates in the running. i've already conceded the seats and have things rush related to my 51 of the arrival candidates and the
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selection. it was the ruling 40 candidates. i met you by chris cross relation to try to tell the these people that continue or this was the way forward. but for people here change a break from the past. a more fair or society is the process that they're going for . and during that campaign, we saw most of your wi fi who was just recently released from prison. this former test inspector that's relatively unknown to the public over the course of a week, rose to the start of the project, saying that it's not about the candidates. it's not about or when it's about changing the system to create and really don't see the oil and gas didn't change the
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dressed presidential for the occasion. julia sonya cast her vote for the 1st time, a solemn movement that almost escaped her. i felt like i make my voice heard for all the fight i've been doing. when president mikey saw cancelled february's election and security forces stored in parliament to remove opposition and peace, who had tried to prevent the delay. sonya says she felt robbed of her voice. booting was the right she had taken for granted. so yet took to social media to fight. while young people across indigo demonstrated, the constitutional counsel stepped in, forcing the president to hold that vote. this is the far we have where i saw the main one is. it's just we feel like so many guys, small families, we feel like they so much gap between the point to go life and the youth. it's
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candidates put on the show and a short and fast campaign unemployment, good governance and reducing the gap between poor and rich. had been the main issues for voters to former tax inspectors. stand out opposition. pick your best. bu jim, i fi is competing against his former boss, governing party candidate and former tax inspector. i met you by 5 voted from his hometown in the countryside, react instead of silver, and to get is on the one. so for a need to in reality and that is that of the people who to day will choose a man or woman to be the president on his opponent. i do by voted in the car limits as to the last message we're sending out is one of peace synagogue belongs to us. we are old children of this country. they looked at her companions, well, even if it was short, but it was swift and called popular opposition and figure it was men, soto who has been disqualified after a criminal conviction for defamation is supporting fine. so it goes to porter, say his charges were in attempt to derail his candidacy. there is
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a high border turn out in this election with many travelling across the country to cast their votes at this pulling station. a lot of young women and young men coming out early to vote. they are a key demographic that can take the vote in what is a tight race the. the counting has begun. there is a sense of anticipation and excitement after 12 years of mucky cell. and the last few months of interest and delays, san diego awaits the outcome of the vote. and the name of its new president nicholas hawk elgin's the right. the car in south korea professors, that medical schools are submitting their resignations in support of striking training doctors. they want the government to withdraw its plan to increase student enrollment and medical training institutes. thousands of training doctors walked off the job in february to protest against the plan, saying it would drive down wages and compromise the standard of care up to one
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a. so what we did, the expansion of medical school admissions glitches, will lead to the collapse of our country's medical education system beyond the breakdown of medical education itself. unless the government withdraws, this decision on the admissions quote has, unquote, time vacation. this crisis cannot be resolved. if the government has the intention to withdrawal or is considering yet, so we are ready to discuss all issues in front of the people. houses here as unis kim has more on this from so that we're right outside one of the top university hospitals in the country. so national university hospital, this is one of the many hospitals that we'll see. it's senior, a doctors who's double up as, as medical school professors begin to submit their resignations. uh, and this is a roof that really has been keeping a distance from the stand off that is now has entered a 2nd month. these doctors have been working overtime to fill the void that was left behind by the some,
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13000 resident and entering doctors in protest of that government plan to hike the number of doctors in the next decade. now the good news is if there can be any good news in this situation, they don't plan to walk off the job immediately likely to your doctors did, but they will let the process play out with the resignation is expected to process throughout the better part of the month during which they hope the government will be able to find an offer out, but they will be working shorter hours. and by shorter hours, i mean 52 hours per week. that is the maximum cap allowed. but they had been working a back to back 24 hour shift. they press conference this morning, said to keep up with the hospital operation needs. and it's led to not only health concerns, but also psychological health concerns. really providing a rare glimpse into how much pressure the medical staff across the country has been under. over the past month to the philippine foreign ministry has summoned
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a senior chinese diplomat and instructed at stuff engaging to lodge a complaint against what it costs. aggressive actions by joining us coast guard on saturday, the chinese coast guard fired a water cannon at a philippine supply vessel in the south china sea. the philippines said the ship was damaged, but reported no casualties. it happened near the 2nd thomas show that they disputed reef control by manila, but also claimed by china taiwan and getting them a number of incidents have taken place between chinese and philippine vessels in recent months. rescuer as an indonesia, i have recovered the bodies of 3 were injured. refugees believe to be from a boat that capsized last week. 75 feet for rescue that see from the overturn vessel on thursday. un agencies say around 70. others are feared missing from the attempted crossing from bangladesh. around 1000000 mostly mostly were hinges. people lived there after seeing persecution in man or police in brazil have
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arrested 2 politicians and a former police chief, ordering the killing of a rio de janeiro council woman in 2018 marielli. franco was killed in a drive by shooting. she was a black, gay, active is known for defending minorities and for speaking out against police brutality, monica yanna kia reports from rio de janeiro. it took 6 years for federal police to make the arrest and answer the one question. many brazilians have been asking who killed by the foot uncle? the council, woman and her driver were shot dead in march 2018, and the streets are free edition, narrow. this to moment this work and at least now until new elements emerge is at this moment we are very clear about the perpetrators of this heinous crime, a crime of a political nature. congressman shaking him, but as soon and his brother state auditor the mean was but so were arrested accused of having ordered the hit to the brothers allegedly have political ties with the
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militia gangs made up mostly of former policemen who controlled many poor neighborhoods and re addition narrow and charge the residents for protection of the 3rd suspect was also taken into custody re edition, nero's former police chief evolved. bob laza is being accused of obstructing the investigation and you have all of the bomb was relative. barbosa received the family the day after the murder, saying that it would be the police, his priority to solve the case. and we learned today that the man who hugged us pay his respects and smiled is involved in this crime. fighting it is sister was also minister of racial equality. he said that you putting the culprits of behind bars. i will strengthen themselves democracy. that of my age, we can finally give ounces to all those people who voted for her, who believed in her ideas and who felt represented by her lawyers for the 3 suspects saved their innocence and did not.


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