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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 25, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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the m the, the claims of victory as but it's accounted in center goals tight to contest the presidential election. the other them or kyle, this is out. is there a life from the also coming up? is there any forces around 2 hospitals in southern guns? i walked in the news, soldiers continue a deadly week. long raid on the strips launches hospital as well tells the un no more food convoys from unreal will be allowed into northern goza. was a desperate need for age and suspects of parent and coach charged with
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terrorism. off to friday's deadly at times out of most go come said the beginning gauze. when he is ready minutes he continues to conduct heavy and ground attacks on something pops up the strip and he's a 2 full pallets. citizens have been killed in the past 24 hours, 7 of them died and as really strikes on the city of rasa next to the egyptian bulls a. that's where i moved and 1500000 people, 1000000 full survey displays, palestinians seeking shelter. the injured have been rushed to a nearby l not to hospital 3 hospitals and goals that are on the siege by the israeli minutes. a visa pictures from inside nasa hospital and 20 minutes. you full says have surrounded is all about hospital located only one kilometer away is also
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under attack. so all of a sudden been almost done. so my mary, yet since 230th night we have been carpet bombing. tobias really were plains the entire area near nicer hospital was shaking. it looks like we're in the earthquake . we took shelter in our building stairwell until the morning. we seemed these really soldiers release each to the area. so we ran for our live off some shelter in the hospital, and others remains trend. it is really snipers or shooting bill is moving in the road. many dead bodies are lying in the street, both master injured damian, hospital servicing, everybody's reading tanks, etc. and what that number suspend, or if i've gotten a sock the stuff i did on so the early morning hours, we kept hearing done fine, many injured to right. and this medical facility, mostly women and children, one child to come to his wounds and for others are in critical condition. the old stuff, a direct head injuries. all of them are displaced from other parts of the gaza strip. to either to the left left, left the down, you know, months of it,
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since these really occupation forces returned to the nasa hospital area. we have lost contact with the medical teams that many are still working on are storing parts of the hospital to provide basic services to canadians and the injured. we do not know what has become on the medical team operating the gun when asking, what are the normal file shave all special in goals are 50, has been on the, is re the siege for 7 days. goals as health ministries, as is really forced as killed at least 5 medical stuff inside the complex hundreds of palestinians have been detained per capita. as soon as moved from rafa and southern gaza is verified. the jets had targeted residential house in the vicinity of the jar hospital in the eastern parts of rough off as the number of casualties have been transferred to the hospital to receive medical treatment on. this was not the only attack that had been carried out against rough district today you bought,
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isabel had been hitting a rough or multiple times or are talking about the full residential houses. have been completely flattened where at least 23 palestinians have a report that killed while 20 others being injured till now. and that's absolutely a specific number that had been resulted from the ongoing is very a tax on a roof on this area where more than 85 percent of guns with population are taking and seeking refuge. and as these very forces had been designated since the beginning of the were on the safe side and the situation is, is guessing much more die and difficult because as to has been time to be a graveyard, hospitalized residential houses being attacked and destroyed. where the most that i'm that i'm a hospital in calling you and has had been on to complete as well as the during the past 24 hours where these very forces in the hospital had been forcing a number of patients to day to sleep from the hospital under really critical conditions, while the ours to patients inside suffering with from disabilities are still unable
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to get out from the hospital as people abutment and confrontations between almost like this. and that is what it is to just continue. but what we can see on the ground that is a systematic creation of a curse of environment in which israel, through out it's a systematic destruction of neighborhoods and hospitals. they are completely changing the milestone of living, the making it livable for the majority of causes. and this absolutely force the residents to flee more to the south in order to seek safety. where heat in the south compartment did not stop in the past 24 hours. that's exactly the situation that were different fee was being made in order to evacuate the patients from such hospitals. what are you? an agency for palestinian refugees as israel will no longer allow the food convoys to enter northern garza, but people a dying of hunger director. general philippe, that's where we need a release statement on the social media platform. x saying these regulatory season
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phones are you and they will no longer approve any unreal food convoys. it's a north of gone. so, and what has cooled that decision, outrageous, and says, as well as making it intentional to obstruct life saving assistance during a man made famine. sam raised as the director of planning at over what he says as well as decision as a death sentence for palestinians. the implications of dramatic coming after 5 and a half months of the relentless or the an independent no authority was last week of, of immune, of assignments. people are already dying of starvation up and up in the north. and this is essentially a death sentence on many of of those people. i'm hearing ralph in this situation. the bombings are relentless everywhere. but, but the situation conditions, particularly harsh in the northern gauze, is for it. where we estimate there are about 250000 people who been trapped there
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for about 5 and a half months under is the i saw the largest aid organization inside garza start blocking unrra from delivering of the arrows. i say just lessons the conditions and is a deliberate obstruction. as my boss set the commission to general of on road a deliberate or destruction of life saving assist is to offer a population that is already facing hug for funding on starvation. so sick pub simply, most people will die as well. meanwhile, the director general of the world health organization has released a statement saying, blocking on rough i'm delivering food is in fact denying staffing people the ability to survive. this decision must be gently reversed. all efforts to deliver food should not only be permitted, but that should be an immediate acceleration of food deliveries. and the ones actually general antonio gutierrez, who's a neighboring egypt as repeats of coolants and desperately needed supplies. looking get guys. it's almost appears that the photo of cement of war or fat mean conk was
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then this out of galloping across it. and that is why the time for the media to made it satisfy it is now that i'm about to speed. it's difficult best. and i also urge the immediate and then conditional release of hostages, the suffering must. and while the scene ends even does a desperately needs, what has been problem is a flock of 8. that's why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has vowed to kill lastly, that guy, austin. well, he compared this mission to the death of a biblical count, to quote her mom who is an enemy of the jews. he said, we are fighting and will be victorious. will end to run for the chief total victory . we eliminated her mom and we will also eliminate san juan. when us, vice president come to her as is refusing to move out consequences for israel. if it pushes ahead with a ground invasion of rough or she may be comments during an interview or maybe seen
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you so this week, a see, believe it and yahoo was an obstacle to peace. i believe that we have got to continue to enforce what we know to be and should be the priorities in terms of what is happening and gossen. we've been very clear the far too many innocent palestinians have been killed. we have been very clear that israel and lives rarely, people in palaces are entitled to an equal amount of security and, and dignity. and frankly, we have been very focused on also getting the hostages out and getting aid in nan, yahoo appears to just be flat out ignoring president biden's warning about an offensive and rasa. is that a red line for your administration? we have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in rafa would be
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a huge mistake. let me tell you something. i have studied the map. there's nowhere for those folks to go. and we're looking at about a 1000000 and a half people in rafa who are there because they were told to go there most of them . and so we've been very clear that it would be a mistake to move into rafa with any type of military operation, a mistake. but would there be consequences if he does move forward? but we're going to take it one step at a time, but we've been very clear in terms of our perspective on whether or not that should happen, or you rolling out that there would be consequences from the united states. i am ruling out nothing. the doctor sent a goal, whether being celebrations by supporters of some of the candidates of to sundays a presidential election opposition supposes a celebration outside the headquarters of the empty establishment. candidates as
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a jo, my fe, he's a key ally of opposition need to us means sancho, who is disqualified from the race because of a defamation conviction. vote counting is underway and the results are expected in the coming days. what makes us talk is outside the opposition need to us main suncoast house in the capital dot com. the next the sound good notes on the fall let's he was disqualified from running. but so please is that essentially cooling this, an early victory for him? the election results victory, including for the candidates, the bad political party bus, a bus or dom i 5. but here outside of we spend some goes that was, it is not even here. he's in the southern city is the guy i saw. people have come out of the celebrate, and the hard me rob john saying the name of
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a man that isn't even in the, in, in the running 1st run sancho. it is really no matter what happens after time. no matter what the results are. it is for him, and for those that support him or real victory were circulating name data all in the case that by, by the candidate a response on code is likely to claim victory. here were the people that are here. we're seeing families ask about as a young man that was come out. there's a real side that does it set it, go has one to walk up. there's a real sense of celebration of relief in the celebration. it's all about a man that was in jail for over a year. the candidate for the band,
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for the party process by sir to my 5 was all know that he was walked out there just a week ago following address t last. that was purchased by the president and over the course of the week, he has reason to start and is electric. we can certainly seen it coming through on the screen from way you used to. mentioned a little bit about what's remote to is lead up to this and food has been quite a long time coming up in that. right. everybody's alexis, a lot of people and all the water finding, again,
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security forces. look at the sheer celebration a moment for them over their victory to the election results are not out where there's such a feeling of joy for a lot of people here because sancho i had and, and it's kind of your best to reach out to my 5 represent for a lot of people here in san diego rep, the fact that they were in prison represented this feeling of injustice. so this election took place today delayed, but by chance if payton and there is a lot of expectation as the counting, the votes continues. take a look at this report. dressed presidential for the occasion, julia sonya cast her vote. for the 1st time, a solemn movement that almost escaped her. i felt like i make my voice heard for
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all the fight i've been doing. when president mike, you saw a cancelled february's election and security forces stored in parliament to remove opposition and peace, who had tried to prevent the delay. sonya says she felt robbed of her voice. voting was a right she had taken for granted. so yeah, it took to social media to fight while young people across any go demonstrated, the constitutional counsel stepped in, forcing the president to hold that vote, that this is the part of you have where i saw the main one is, is just we feel like sending guys, small families, we feel like they so much a gap between the point to go, the lights and the youth. it's candidate to put on a show and a short and fast campaign unemployment, good governance and reducing the gap between poor and rich had been the main issues for voters to former tax inspector. stand out opposition. pick your best through wi fi is competing against his former boss,
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governing party candidate and former tax inspector. i'm at 255 voted from his hometown in the countryside, react instead of silver and he's on the one. so for a need to end reality, and that is that of the people who to day will choose a man or woman to be the president. if i'm his opponent and i do by voted in the car massage to the last message we are sending out is one of peace sending out belongs to us. we are old children of this country. they looked a little companion. well, even if it was short, but it was swift and called popular opposition to figure it was meant sako, who has been disqualified after a criminal conviction for defamation, is supporting 5. and so it goes to puerto, say his charges were an attempt to derail his candidacy. there is a high border turn out in this election with many travelling across the country to cast their votes at this pulling station. a lot of young women and young men coming out early to vote. they are a key demographic that can take the vote in what is
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a tight race. the counting has begun. there is a sense of anticipation and excitement after 12 years of mucky cells. and the last few months of interest and delays. san diego awaits the outcome of the vote. and the name of it to you, president nicholas hawk. l to z, right? the car, the net just before we let you go, because i clearly already us as an over the result. but when do we expect the actual official outcome, the well, the actual election results are supposed to come in for the end of the week, where there is so much 10 steps mentions that are being relieved tonight, following the selection and never just having the selection was a fight for many people here. and so 2 houses selected, take place for the tower,
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things have started in to see a result that, that is actually bringing a lot of joy to a lot of people here has brought out so many people out on the street to celebrate this election. it took place at the very last minute, a short and fast campaign during the holy month of ramadan in such a night that people are coming to really express their emotion and bus you. so my boy was unknown a week ago. that's been a year in jail and they reach side, we're going to his final rally. so our router right, rising, proud of the supporting him is because he has been so much time in job because he is not from the political establishment that people here trust him. because the main issue of the main criticism that there has been towards the ruling party and the ruling party candidate i do boss is these allegations of corruption that the
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rich are getting richer and the for our getting for. and so many people that built this in franchise recognize themselves in the candidate, but to re jim i 5 and also and we spend sancho, he's calling for radical change, said they're going to change. and the way the country is govern the power to the president, more power to the people, or re think about the relationship with brown, the former colonial power. perhaps every bit ties with the currency, the union of currency that you have in west africa. that changes that he is calling for are radical in nature. but it seems that there was a radical ideas, have attracted a lot of people. and the more that he was prevented to express himself, the more that he was put in jail convicted by the justices of the board.
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he rose in popularity. and what's interesting in there, in that respect sancho in buster, would you mind very campaign slogan was it's not about sancho, it's not about question, would you mind if i but it's about their project, their project, the change center going that's why so many people are out tonight to celebrate perhaps this know, make a change for the setting of these people days. an extraordinary turn on the events, the in the center goal crowds celebration will be believe to be the wind of the opposition. candidates dresser, joe, my 5 that car. many thanks for joining us with the scenes from dr. chance constitutional court has ball 10 candidates from running in the presidential elections settled early may 2 of them are outspoken critics of the minute treat government. the court rejects and the application of slicing regularities. 10 of the candidates remain in the race, including the current gentle leader,
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must let interest debbie it know and has prime minister. the may not position need to was expected to join the race for president was killed that his policy had courses last month, a sort of head hair on alex's era. the end of a night now $137.00 night jerry and students kidnapped by gunman released the the, brought to you by visit the hey, their highest level alerts issue for rainfall. in brazil is realtors and narrow states and as proceed to assign to a state this in the southeast corner of the country was in copious amounts of rain . here, roads turn to rivers, cars flipped around, and that is set to continue on monday, we've got this feed of moist and humid air off the south atlantic,
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so that will continue to spark the storms. also north of rio in patropolis, there's been more flooding there just 2 years ago. so deadly rounds of funding elsewhere in the country around the m. a zone estate getting into some pretty big downpours there. but i want to take you to central america. we see those winds pick up hopefully that will give us some relief from the heat in sun spots storms rolling across his spaniel and now pushing into bought the rico let's go to the us for these storms are fueling out bubbling up pretty much from texas, louisiana up to missouri, but north of this blizzard conditions for the upper midwest. i think for minnesota, we could see 20 to 42nd peters over the next little bit. let's go to the west. also snow draped over the northern plains, moving into the upper midwest. rain returns for western canada and it begins to dry off for california. so los angeles, 19 degrees for you on monday. that's it. catch you later. the weather
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brought to you by visit castle. this is the 1st part of the field. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers how the news is given. nature does not function. we don't, we depends which takes care of itself. we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. dying are coming soon. the the and then again, you are watching out there as a reminder of our top stories this hour. at least 7 pallets today is have been
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killed and there's ratings drank on the city of rough. i've gone says something nice to see the engine of being rushed for nearby on natural hospital within 1500000 full. so pete displaced palestinians as taking shelter in the city to an agency policy and refugees as well will no longer allow the food convoys to enter. northern garza firemen is eminent in the northern gauze as 70 percent of the areas population is already suffering from catastrophic levels. of hung up and instead of goals or pulses of the anti establishment kinds of bestardo joe, my fire celebrating is a key element, position, need elements. ok for accounting is still underway on sundays presidential election . the official results are expected in the coming days in russia. full suspects and fridays, dudley must go cold set whole attack of being charged with terrorism. the man appeared to the district court within the russian capital have been placed in pre
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top trial detention for 2 months. at least a $137.00 people were killed when gunman opened fire on concert goers at crockett's city hall. 11 people was arrested in connection with the attack. russians had been observing a day of national morning. a service was held by and make 6 memorial just outside the concert hall emergency services. there was still recovering brodis from under the deputy of the building. it was mostly destroyed by a fire that was started by the attack as officer of the shooting. and russian president vladimir putin went to the russian orthodox church, and most guides light a candle honoring the victims. fujen vowed vengeance for the attack and his address to the nation on saturday to more now from out of there is dosage of already who's in moscow. these ruins are all that's left of caracas, city hall. a popular concert venue in moscow. emergency personnel are working
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around the clock to clear the rubble and recover bodies buried beneath it. despite the weather, mourners keep coming to the scene of the attack to pay tribute to those skills here . when gunman, storm the venue you know what? i feel terrible for the people who suffered here. it's horrible. at least the situation makes us think that many things need to be changed to this house. reality . i'm assigning over the summer i me have with my colleagues and i worked here at the events, competition, it will more than 1000 children participating. when this whole start to do on the desire was to remain calm and evacuate the children, which would be the last one. i have no words to express what i'm feeling at the moment. the security service says 11 suspects are in custody. 4 of them were detained while heading to the border with ukraine. investigators say they have contacts there. the ukrainian government has denied involvement. the flags are at half staff and government buildings across russia. more than 5000 people have
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answered the appeal to donate blood for the injured survivors. president vladimir putin has called this half a blow to the nation and promise revenge. while the security services continue with investigation. many questions you may not answer about one of the biggest failures in russian intelligence in years. sources, avari algebra, moscow and you crated increase in russian attacks, is putting pressure on your premium medical units on the front line. health workers are looking at and negative ways to help wounded soldiers recover from mcbride travels the eastern new crane to find out more not far from the front line that you've done yet. regions. this medical cruise stays mostly hidden during the day for fear of driving attacks. it's night time they work really begins and the number of casualties is rising. stars is attributable to the bottomless. there is a lot more work to do, especially with the recent attacks. so we have
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a lot busier fellow medical a and it shows us there on the lens which they used to meet up with unit springing back injured soldiers from the battlefield to be treated and transfer to westfield hospital on this night. they get just one soldier. he has slight shrapnel wounds and concussion and will likely return to duty officer treatments. the sense is like this one in how to even ne, in ukraine, of the physical and psychological support to help recovery, but deem is still suffering from the effects of a serious concussion 2 years ago. so we can always mushroom a shell landed nearby and we were all thrown out of the car. everything was like a fog. you only remember fragments t like via the. so just come here for regular treatment before returning to the units with the prospect of a spring defensive by russia. there's a growing awareness in ukraine of the need for most soldiers, with an emphasis on keeping experience troops on the front line,
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even after injury. the centers also offer vocational training for students while mobile units travel to the front line, i don't think is the patients are so high, but it's like they're on holiday when they are with us. there is a psychological burden on the front line and this offers a distraction from that. as this was shows no sign in defending these a service is seemingly in increasing demand. rob mcbride, douches era, how to keep ukraine and advise from nigeria as president says, all 137 schools students, abducted earlier this month of being freed previous major reports and put the number of children taken at $287.00. going with the tax, the school in the northern states of kaduna on the 7th of march. can we all can jojo is the executive director of the engineer partners west africa nigeria. she says there was several other lots of questions surrounding the release of the objective children. i believe that there might be some that was based on taking
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place. right. and we are in the rama them season. but whatever, 18th, right, whatever the, whatever the reasons are, and the fact that the girl, the children have been rescued. we do not see there's still an element of lack of accounts to be. so who are the people that took away this go took away the children. oh the, what's good? why did they take the, the children the way? i mean they, if we run some was not paid. same reason. you're asking, why did they release the the, the children? these are questions that i big info and that is not enough to have the children.


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