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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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to buy all fishes books, there's also the 7 on tuesday or the election day instead of goal of to weeks of political time on the public on risk, millions of costing their products for new press the on the clock. this is out to 0 life and death also come in. is there any strikes targets? civilian homes and central and southern gaza at least 15 palestinians have been killed. russia in morning of to fridays, constant heart attack. they killed a 137 people. suspects are expected to appear in court for the 1st time. the russian is trying to ukrainian capital for the 2nd time in
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a week and says that miss all 5 aged its aspects. the so we begin instead of goal website seeing in the presidential election is under way polls will stay open for a file to them to as a 7000000 eligible faces, choosing a new lead it, there are 19 candidates in total and one of them is to become the successful to president mackey, so he's been in pa for 12 years. the election date was any confirmed just every 2 weeks ago. i'll shoot attempts by the president to postpone the fight to december. that spot mass protest last month. a threatening set of goals positions, one of west africa is most stable democracies. so let's look at the main kinds of it's in the election 1st up, i'm gonna do virus present. microsoft hadn't picked a successor from the alliance for the republic party by so do. jeremiah fi is the chosen. constitutive officer, shanita was and some kind of both of whom were recently released from prison. f. i
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is part of a coalition that includes members of the dissolved pest of parties. i me for about because cell is a 2 time met the capital jackal. he was previously jail them for challenges, which is supposed to say were politically motivated them as attributes, a sick. he's a former prime minister who came 2nd in the 2019 election. and how many boot abdullah d on who's also a former prime minister was chief of the central point 2 of west african states. and then i'm type of cotton gum, is the female candid and she advocates for helping the private sector and free health care. that's it now from nicholas hack, who reports from the setting of these conference. they were in medina, in downtown to car, and just outside this pulling station, just weeks ago, there were protests of people going out to protest after we present like he's all had cancelled the election. they are now here in numbers and we've been here since
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this morning to exercise their democratic rights to vote and choose the next president we've seen. and we've spoken to observers including the european union, the west african body, echo all c a u. once the counting starts, that's when things are going to become tough. this is going to be a tight race out of all these candidates to stand out to form or tax inspectors. one is i'm gonna do boss who calls for change with continue rating. he's the ruling party candidate and then there is a then you come or the outlier bussey due to my 5 from the opposition. he calls for an overall of the of, of the system. he wants to renew, we negotiate all the oil and gas agreements that were made during president markets all the time in the office. he wants to break away from the common currency really calling for a sweep through the political system. in fact,
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during the campaign, he was holding a broom. he saying he wants to sweep corruption in clean of this country. and sweep to victory will find out in the next couple of hours. the people that we've seen supporting him. if that will translate into a vote, but we expect a tight race ahead. the now these rarely minutes are as low as heavy and ground of attacks on southern guns and tugs and con units rough or at least 15 people have been killed off to is ready for them to 3 homes. children are gain among the wounded and have been taken to the nearby our job hospital. meanwhile, these really military has surrounded all entrances to a mile hospital, and emergency black inside are all reports of intense shelly gun finance facility. how the sun red crescent says displace palestinians, and patients who may well have been evacuated,
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but still find patients with disabilities. they remain in the hospital apparently a we towards the space pass in for the palestine red crescent society that simple process. and she describes these ready siege on the amount of, of the situation is just escalating about the whole speaker. the we just learned one of the engine for she wants to who are taking shelter is going to the hospital being shot and injured with the injury in the head is right in his drawings are now calling for everyone inside the hospitals to leave the hospital. his truck stripped off their closes, the situation is very dangerous and kind of shedding is all taking place when high think gun fired is ready. the v comes on now reducing the area in front of the host between the surrounding area of the hospital, the closing the main gate of the hospital with a batter's every one inside the hospital is now be chopped. since there
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is a very intense and heavy dog as the life of all of the patient and the medical staff and those who are taking some that are in a very dangerous because of the continuous fun i for your as when off, as i said, the continuous city as well. this is not the fear straight food. i'm supposed to be to the hospital. i was under continuous seas for more than a 40 days. and now again, is really the occupation forces to see the hospital and demanding everyone to leave it from inside. the hospital at the same time they are firing um the boss at the hospital. one of the whole speaker leads to it for your because of the smoke bones being lost at the hospital, it would be an agency if a pen,
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as the new refugee says that israel will no longer allow that food convoys to the know where people are dying. of hunger and, or has cooled, the decision outrages accusing is relevant essentially, obstructing life saving aid during a man made from and your inspector general intended gutierrez, who's a neighbor of egypt. as also reiterated cools, with desperately needed supplies, looking gift, gaza. it's almost appears that the fault of some man of war, family and conquest than this out of galloping across it. and that is why the time for the media to man and satisfy it is now that i'm about to speed it's of compression. i also urge the immediate and then conditional release of hostages. the suffering must and policy means even guys, a desperately needs. what has been problem is a flock of 8. well talked about was him is in reference, southern browser, and following developments to the you on the correct 3 general and toner gutierrez,
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had been stating and saying this because of the severe and the concrete fact on the ground, the palestinians are completely helpless, desperately needs a cli, amount of unprecedented flu or humanitarian supplies into the territory just to help them to recover from the off to mount. so these are the ongoing compartment that close. she destructions in all areas of life as the lights up being financially broken. um, they are mainly depending on oil, humanitarian supplies being delivered throughout the roof and to come up with some of the crossing into the territory to now after the repeated codes being made by the secretary general. and lots of it's a national organizations there. is there any increase of the capacity for humanitarian comb, voice being delivered to the cell or even to the other part of garza, specifically in the past few weeks, we have been seeing a partial access for humanitarian called voice to be another at pots of guns upon
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yet with the ongoing repeated attacks on people who are working on securing aid supplies and, and or h seek, has themselves. there are new access, back to the, to the another part where israel has denied the uh, the axis of humanitarian, cold voice to the north in the past of if you die, you spot. yet it under what has will, has been repeatedly cooling as well to mitigate the restrictions and to allow for folder access and the flow for humanitarian supplies. thus, people in the north can get an amount of age that can help them to recover and also to cope with the current situation of the ground. observing remo, dining dogs, it has been a challenge, of course, for many palestinians, but despite the hardship some of finding ways to keep the spirit and traditions of the fostering month of life. calculus, hardy, and as well. i got my bill, but for the luckless job, the rain never thought she'd have to prepare a meal in a mixture of tent for number huh. without
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a kitchen or electricity. but since these rules were on cause a mirror, life has changed. she's managed to get some vegetables but says food is now a luxury. many can't afford the ham, i is never mother before we would include beef chicken and turkey to make out traditional mac labor, rice dish. now we have to make do before the well we used to have delicious meals, but it's just too expensive. yeah. yeah. much i with e. even if last name a. yeah. all the cooking in these conditions is challenging, especially during ramadan, many palestinians like if i a say it can also hoping a sense of normality and a taste of home. it's only for a moment, had the cliff enough to almost to lose a put peanut and traditional palestinian mail. everyone loves it. despite the will, will use every opportunity to celebrate the old tradition. yes, there is no b for chicken, but that doesn't stop us. we share it with our neighbors. we must show blessings
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with one another. like thousands of palestinians and garza people living in this camp and bravo have lost everything. and many are still trying to make sense of how much their lives have changed. and the one the button, the vis ramadan is different than others. last year was full of joy and happiness. demarcus were full, then we were living in the house on apartments. but now this year we live in the 10th, i seem to view, it shows that even though reminders of loss and war are unavoidable, still there's a sense of community and resilience. one of them, i don't have them cabinet electric, the why not this room a gone and stuff because of the lack of food. we also got to put an end to this war to help us to go back to our neighborhoods and the houses. i may have this sierra more than others, family say cooking isabel, much more than food. it's a reminder of faith, generosity, tradition,
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and ultimately of survival. katia a little bit, so the again, houses here. it's a russian now and suspects in the west attack on the country and over 20 years have been brought to the investigative committee headquarters. the agency released this video showing several of them being taken to the comp time 11 suspects are arrested in connection with friday's attack of the constitution. most good, at least a 137 people were killed. and russians are observing international morning. just make sure more it is just outside the constitution on the outskirts of moscow. emergency service that still recovering bodies from london deputy of the building. it was mostly destroyed by fi that was started by attack is off to the shooting. and russian president vladimir preaching also went to a russian orthodox church in moscow. and the candle wondering the victims preaching valid vengeance for the attack and his address to the nation on saturday. now from meltzer, as those of jabari, in most of these ruins are all that's left of caracas,
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city hall. a popular concert venue in moscow. emergency personnel are working around the clock to clear the rubble and recover bodies buried beneath it. despite the weather, mourners keep coming to the scene of the attack to pay tribute to those skills here . when gunman, storm the venue, you know, what can i feel terrible for the people who suffered here? it's horrible. at least the situation makes us think that many things need to be changed to this house. reality. i'm assigning over the play me up with my colleagues and i worked here at the events competition. it will more than $1000.00 children participating. when this whole started doing, the desire was to remain calm and evacuate the children, which we did this last one. i have no words to express what i'm feeling at the moment. the security service says 11 suspects are in custody. 4 of them were detained while heading to the border with ukraine. investigators say they have
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contacts there. the ukrainian government has denied involvement. the flags are at half staff and government buildings across russia. more than 5000 people have answered an appeal to donate blood for the injured survivors. president vladimir putin has called this half a blow to the nation and promise revenge. while the security service has continue its investigation, many questions you may not answer about one of the biggest failures in the russian intelligence in years. sources avari algebra, moscow. russia carried out as drugs in west and ukraine, indiana. yeah. as of sort of sunday, it keeps says it's a defense systems managed to repel the attack. preliminary report suggests the casualties, all major damage. what is to say they heard explosions. and so some missiles being shut down, publish with her to say one russian missile violated there a space before trying to ukraine. move, are you creating forces,
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say they've had to rushing ship sick human occasion center and all the infrastructure in crimea. so we're look at who controls walk in ukraine after 2 years of war. russia has been making it smooth advances in the east. it says it sees the village on the west and outskirts of buckwheat. so it's a month for us. some troops also captured. and we've got that and that's the 1st major territorial gain in 10 months. this comes ahead of reports of moscow is preparing for new offensive possibly by the end of may. patrick barry is defense and security unless the university of both of the former data i missed the says rush or appears to have the upper hand. but somebody a, i think essentially the, the momentum is the landscape himself said the russia has one of the winter. and i think the men's and the ship said to, to the russian forces on the ground at least i'll give k was approved for that. they took it as high puff spots and they took it. and on the last, on the big question, natalie is, is there something brewing?
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um, in probably may ones the on what starts to dry in the area of ukraine. so we'll have to wait and see. and i'm sure the ukrainians priorities are basically mon power rather short. the soldiers are exhausted because they don't have enough chips to rotate them. right. so they really need to get the mobilization of the next batch of, of, uh, conscripts essentially sort of the items. and that takes time and takes time to train them up. and they've also got the issue of fortifications as they need to prepare um, better prepare than they have already there. they've been starting up since december and it's ongoing. and of course you've got the ammunition questionnaire and the weapons question, which is a lot heavily reliance on the us. so not entirely given france, u. k, germany in the you is pumping money in the so, so essentially the, it's not all by these b, u grinding. they've obviously hit, you know, as we saw in the last few hours they've hit the black sea fate. and so 1st of all again, um reduce some of their carriers that they have for it by 30 percent over the last
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year. and so they are making gains there. we've seen the attacks on the refineries as well, which will happen a harassing impact, but it doesn't look good either for, for russia. so unless yet, although they're getting into their groups, they haven't totally find it. yeah, i mean, they still have major problems. they are learning though, and getting better. as i said, i had here and out 0 america is a me to become ask is industrial power house. we'll look at how the nation is a truck to come. i can find i'm cost me sort out of school in west and, you know, with 36 people, including students were attacked by on group based in the democratic republic of congo. i'll tell you why such border attacks are owner rice the the,
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brought to you by visit if you're just in time for your weather report right across asia, that sco beginning in india. this freeze of debate then goals sparking up some storms in that northeast corner of india, right through bung with dash. but for the rest of the country, plenty of sun to go around. rain is moving out of the rock, pushing into iran around the zag ross mountains. i think we've got a deluge for sure as looking to see a month's worth of rain in about 24 hours. we've got this breeze off the south china sea that's pumping in humidity to northern vietnam. china is kind of an island. so your factor in that humidity, it's going to feel closer to 40, over the next several days, what weather working its way across the yangtze river valley. this one is going to drop down temperatures in shanghai and as it moves over the open water here pours into the korean peninsula, japan's q shoes, a, cocoa and funds you islands. but watch on tuesday, you're going to be in the sick of this. i wouldn't be surprised if we see landside
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alerts for q shoes and just dallas with rain through honshu dark in the blue and yellow. the more intense that rain is. let's and this one off in indonesia. so yeah, we'll focus on borneo island because i really think it's this western side what's column and 10 province where we're going to see the biggest burst of rain over the next 24 to 48 hours. that's it for me. the quote to you by visit cuts on ask like a narrative from african perspective for symptom of, for state info to short documentary spine, african filmmakers coordinator back. he has said this simply me chocolate revolution from booking of 5. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa, direct on, i'll just the,
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[000:00:00;00] the but again, you're watching out 0 reminder about some stories is uh and voting is underway instead of goals delayed presidential elections to the polling date was announced just 2 weeks ago after the attempt to postpone the elections to december spot months of an arrest. these really minute treat as low as heavy and ground to types and southern garza targeting con units rough or at least 15 people to be killed. updates ready forces, phone 3 homes, at least 80 full pallets the needs to be killed, buys really strikes the cost 24 hours. rush trips a is observing a national deb morning after shooting and most getting killed. at least
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a 137. i still think we've had claimed responsibility to the west came rushing to the politicians in tech a, a campaigning against a head of next week for local elections. the votes as will be like meds and city council members present the rest of the top rated ones i talked to, is trying to invite to the largest cities that system the incorrect. they were lost to the main opposition policy back in 2019, facing the rising cost of living and the post as quite reconstruction. if it's a major campaign, issues, assembles may ex and hulu is seeking re election under the main offices and republican people's policy is main challenger. motor out to cut them is a candidate put forward by the texas president as simple as seen as a critical battle ground its results could shape the future of the opposition. se, then, because the all new is inevitable and explains why the city is a crucial in the upcoming election. a calling to public sir ways it does it make a nick race between the oppositions? a mayoral candidates,
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a crumb and memorial and the ruling party is mayoral candidates more up to put them? put them is the former minister of environment and organization. and he became a popular figure into kit following last year that was stating earthquakes with his work done in the field. and actually memorial thing from mayor is a very popular figure in a stumble as he won the mayoral race twice in 2019 and caused a major set back for the holdings. all parties rain in the city which, which lasted about 25 years back then. no, again, it's a very tight race but compared to the previous municipal elections. and the, there was a split in the opposition block, the pro kurdish party, which was named as the king maker of a mom, although it in 2019 has nominated its own candidates and, and now they're a partner in the opposition lock room. and they said it's own candidates as well.
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so, and this shows that the race is still very tight, but the chances of a crumb and memorial is less compared to the previous election. now everybody's worries how it is going to be. it is going to be a result of the next week in the election. and but one thing is for sure after ad on said that whoever wins is stumble, wins to keep both the opposition and the ruling side is after winning and assemble as it has the highest population as it has access to finance. and it is seen as the heart of the 2 key, c, 92. so the houses are assembled to a place in brazil. the rest of the 3 men suspected of ordering the killing of a rio diginero council of women in 2018 mattie any. franco was killed in a drive by shooting sparky and international outcry before my head to rid of civil police department was detained on sunday. along with
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a federal code congressman and his brother frank coast family believes the 38 year old was targeted for defending minorities and speaking out against police brutality . brazil is left wing policies have held release ahead of the end of us with the 1964 ministry to many people are still worried about the countries of the state of democracy, of the last u as a technical congress. one of the out of here for post off from saw power pro gestures took to the streets of some phone despite the heavy rains marking the 60th anniversary of the military cool, which led to a decade long dictatorship. they say that preserves young democracy is still a businessman, military and the right wing politicians who supported the dictatorship back in 1964 tried to stage a coup just last year or we don't want history to repeat itself. must demand
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punishment for those responses. the he's referring to former president tables. so now do we send or investigation by federal police? he's accused of plotting the school to keep himself in power. after losing the 2022 elections, demonstrators say they also wanted to show the strength of results left wing parties, especially after thousands of right wing voters attended both. so nato rally last month. we're seeing clearly that society is divided even an issue. there is no consensus in today's society that there was something bad for brazil. there are some people or would support on other things resend mutari, taking action against a government from running in the
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under estimate the right to chad. now, where the constitutional court is bought 10 candidates from running in the presidential election scheduled for any may, sir, a demo outspoken critics of the military governments court rejected the application is citing irregularities to have the candidates remain in the race, including the current going to need to know how much interest debbie? no, i just prime minister made opposition leader who was expected to join the rest of the president was killed at his party headquarters last month. your guns as military as well. and that's a non group based in the democratic republic of congo is planning more tax. yeah, lied to democratic forces has be linked to a number of killings that includes an attack on a school near the border last year that killed 43 people preference. so it hits
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this report now from point way in west, and you got to julia some boost that is still in morning live for his family, fell apart last june when 5 to is from an on the group based in the democratic republic of congo, crossed the buddha, to a talk, a secondary schools, 43 people, mostly students, were killed, included. he's 18 year old son, mckindoe's. i didn't go over, took over it, but we thought we are protected. but to our surprise, we were shocked to see adf across the border to come kill our children. meaning our porters are not safe, and it eliza i came to who lives next door is suffering. a different kind of pain passed on. festus was among several people keeping up during the rates. he's called release time and he came to him pond way to look for work and stay safe from rebel the talks nickel now, but i pay my child as a life in the far east. i pay to god every day to perform a miracle,
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so that he couldn't come home. the school is now on a bundle and shell. after the petrol boom talks, by a silence with machetes, the escaped across the border into the room, the national park. these are the remind as of what happened here. the students were in there don't. when that talk happened. and it's really hard to imagine the tyra and fear because there was no escape the adf, which pledge allegiance to i, so was based in uganda years ago before being defeated by the army. the rebels then fledged to d r. c, where they've killed or keyed knob to many civilians. various government forces including the, you've gone to an army and a peacekeeping mission are reinforcing the companies on a sunday, but big the money to give you permission to the room governments. because of the,
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the, you from me to fund it. we discovered there wasn't a welcome addition, including, i think, the press for the data or both over this core. now that enables these, i get to how do they get both the box important way ugandans here tyler's life may never be the same again, but they also say the will not in leaving fia kathy saw you all just there a pond way west and uganda. us to morocco now, which is a way to become a manufacturing help. the nation's car exports reach nearly 14000000000 dollars last year and is also hoping to make it smack in the aerospace industry. as a asthma bar reports from tunzia and then northwest the call and making industries taking center stage in morocco. this plant owned by friends. oh to manufacturer would know is it's right in africa. 2 and
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a half 1000000 vehicles have been produced here since to 1012. these robots checking for any of the sections as cause, move down the production line. as the industry boons, morocco is expanding, it's built in 10 years. the aim is to be able to ship more than a $1000000.00 costs every year. a seed, hawaii on his team, on a charm offensive to pursue a big german and japanese call makers to establish helps. here. the industrial zones have a truck to 1000 different companies worldwide. coming to invest in this, those and this 1000 companies have created 800000 jobs and the same 1000 companies are exporting over $10000000000.00 of exports value made in the zone. morocco


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