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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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hearing a medium meal with their families, not knowing when and if they will be able to return home the no end in sight to the death and destruction and gauze us. alas, size is rarely mediations have rejected a sea spot and the withdrawal of the forces, the kind of them are kyle, this is down to 0 live from doha. also ahead is where it is, riley and tennessee of cooling for deal with him boss to release concepts held in garza plus the moon. we will identify and punish everyone who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people, process prized and vows, revenge that the death toll from an attack on the capital vices to
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a 133 count down to elections and sent a goal of to weeks of on assessments and fun and protests a vote for a new president. we'll go ahead on sunday the we begin with the struggling mediation efforts to end the blood shed in god's how much the official has told down to 0 is waiting. negotiators have rejected the latest proposals for a cease fire report stays where the delegation has left and returned to israel. that's where a pressure is bouncing on prime minister benjamin netanyahu over his handling of the will protest as have again in gathering on the streets of tel aviv demanding more will be done to secure the release of is really captives. and it is as how much says, one of those being held in garza, especially 4 year old as riley,
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has died due to a lack of medicine and food tons us all hood has more from tel aviv demonstrators and television really prime minister 9. and that election should be immediately additionally, they're calling for a deal to bring back, and the remaining is really captive. the big payment enters each month. the government simply has not done enough to secure their release. no pressure has been bouncing along the direction both internationally and domestically would be mainly on paid by all of these protests that are still going on. and 6 weeks later these protestors say they're going to continuously be blocking roads every saturday until those demands are met. come to some who just need all tell of you. let's take a closer look. now what we've heard from the latest round of negotiations,
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according to al jazeera sources, israel has told me the h as it rejects stuff in the wall and withdrawing its forces from gaza on some access to monitoring a full c 5. and i thought that was posted in to be able to attend to northern gauze, but israel says it will only allow 2000 displaced people a day to return that rage, it would take more than 2 years for old, displaced palestinians to leave rafa as well. once all is where the captives of categories released and the 1st stage of the deal, but how much as indicated, it will only waste release women and children. there was a different sense of the release of policy and presence of a life sentence is in is way the jails last name as a member of how much political bureau and he told down to 0. that as well as only interested in securing the release of captives and not ending its will on garza, it is very shocking the, the, it does have a unfortunately accept it to, to uh,
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to uh, to convey or to handle this. so any ideas to, to, to, to, to our, to our side, because based on the bodies went on. but he's too long to talk suddenly confusions on contacts with them and it does. and with the americans, we have promised that at least these to 3, the minds of adult ethics, fail the tooth and withdrawal, and that attend of a lot of this dispute will to them houses, there is a positive and there's an acceptance from that. so either, so i know suddenly uh out of nothing this right is object and therefore we believe we believe that it is not about negotiations. it is not about you sees fab is about benjamin ethan. y'all is the. ready your thing, vinegar, she issues as a cover and to gain more time and more attempt to continue with his plans by complete bombardment. the rest of the guns, a slip and coughing, cut off until the attention inside is played. and also to amuse the enter the
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electron. i'm pretty sure you're in the security council of discussion. they have been for it is about new or rejection of and think this aggression, despite of all the bushes. if you're in section general and turning. gutierrez has again called for a single spot and garza during the visit to the junction side of the roof, a crossing on the ground. the ministry of health says $72.00 palestinians were killed in the last 24 hours. is where the forces open fire on crowds waiting for the aid, killing at least 19 people and injuring 23 of those. victoria guys and the reports a hungry palace. jennings, desperate for food shows that buys really full, says nick, you wait round about an intersection often used by a trucks and goes to the city. many were left seriously injured and strong. the 2 more wish arrived this, they showed that this there are many that many injured almost died to get our
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children a bite to eat. the injured were taken to ali baptist hospital, bought with gauze is health care system. it near collapse many which we to do outside in the openness with the ones who could wait round about because they wanted to eat. they wanted to live these release fired at us. some people died, some were injured and some got back unscathed. may god have mercy on us. more than $32000.00 palestinians have been killed since israel launched it's wrong gauze and more than 5 months ago. and this is not the 1st time israel's being accused of shooting at palestinians waiting for age accusations. israel denies this attack was carried out around the same time, un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, was visiting the egyptian side of the rest of the crossing. he again calls for an immediate cease fire, and israel to lift its brocade and allow the delivery of desperately needed age is
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our only hope. it's that i am totally flop guys, so we'd like saving a choice is clear i the search was thought of ation. let's choose the size of how the size of the home and the right sides of the city. the diplomatic efforts are continuing to find some form of agreement between israel and thomas. the people of gauze in no time is notes on this side. victoria gates and b l g 0 to the goals. a health ministry says 240 patients and 10 medical personnel living pins down by is really false is inside l shape for hospital also is honest. al sharif reports from a school nearby getting them in a little sort of plan, which i'm not sure if that would be what that means. we managed to reach this part of the l. she for medical complex as the northern areas were being heavily involved
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with time of all this really occupation forces had burned and destroyed the number of buildings here is you can see as if you had the, the amount of destruction is massive due to continues bombardment and error rate on that guy that i know most of families are still here because of the presence, i mean is really sniper and this really armies policy of targeting and shooting it, everything moving in the area. i mean, what are some of that that are still under the rubble of the plot and the medical themes couldn't get to this place because of the danger. and because you can see the buildings and the roads are destroy, the match it up would be also the machine. right? yeah, we are under siege and the northern part of the chief medical complex. we have no food. we have no water. all the houses had been leveled and is really at 16 attacked at least once or in every building on the remains of dead bodies are lying in the street. so there is no way anyone can help anyone out in the system. there are 10 people in my time and again, so what can i do to find food for them? all these rates have destroyed everything in the complex. i hope i can see just one
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person with a good conscience. and i hope to see just one person who believes in god designs and stuff, the genocide and guys that can hold on a minute. and we managed to reach us cooled under siege in the vicinity of the l cheap and medical complex. josh, this school has been under siege for the last 5 days. there is no food in the water for the display space on the inside. the prussia is stepping up security to at least a 133 people were killed and nearly 200 injured in the attack on a constant hole in moscow. on friday, the attack claimed by a group link to iso was the west in russia. in decades present, vladimir putin had declared sunday, a national day of mourning. those of jabari reports for months ago. the scene, the morning after one of the worst attacks by an army group in russia's recent
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history, emotions are running high as the russians come to terms with what happened, including those who survived. and it was this list and they started to shoot in our direction. they shot people and through federal bombs. people were panicking and so scared only now i understand how lucky i am. can you text me by now? it is so terrible. what's happened here? i really can't comprehend this. it is an ugly, active tear. there animals still not a heavy security and check points now surround the suburban area about 20 kilometers northwest of the center of moscow. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives and what officials called a terrible tragedy. the task of recovering that, that is expected to continue for the next few days as well. the morning of the families of the victims, along with the rest of the country. president vladimir putin has called the attack a bloody and barbaric act and vowed revenge. what was the move in?
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we will identify and punish every one who was behind the terrorist attack. who prepared this strike against russia and its people keep them on you. no one will be able to. so the poisonous seeds of discordant panic connection multinational society as a president, address the nation. hundreds of people cute, to donate blood at centers in moscow of the fs. the security service set for suspects had been arrested while heading to the border with ukraine. and that they had contacts in that country. ukrainian officials have denied involvements. these pictures reported we show stores of ammunition seized by officials inside the caracas city hall, suggesting the attack was planned in advance. i. so and i scanned, a son has claimed responsibility door, so jabari alcera, moscow, and his address to the nation present. prison said the latest attack, cars were arrested. was flint to ukraine. your claims present for them is lensky
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has a cubes, puts in of trying to ship blame to keys for the attack, which is i me, stories of st. montessori you instead of addressing russian citizens put in, was cited for the whole day. thinking about how to link it to you in a crate and everything is completely predictable. step, send a relevant pride centers, best update from key. the ukranian officials here have dismissed any claims of a ukrainian connection to this attack. we've heard from, under the use of who's a senior representative, where the military intelligence here at cooling such claims and nonsense, that the alleged perpetrators were apprehended good as they were approaching the buddha area with ukraine saying it's the kind of explanation put out by russian security the f s b a for what he called a zone defied russian population making the pointed up to more than 2 years, a full scale rule that both the area on the russian side is so saturated with roadblocks, with soldiers, with security. that if you were trying to escape such an attack into state free and
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then the escape, the law is the one place that you would not be heading. and we've also heard for the from the center, full counseling, this information, another government body here and other government agencies which is gone further by suggesting, suggesting but without any evidence that this may have been the work of the russian special forces as a so called false flag operation intimating that russia has been suspected of conducting such attacks before running about the. busy of the century is that was as a pre cost. so they say to the invasion of chechnya and the reason that the security forces of russia may have august, right, it'll be involved in this attack is as a justification for a new round of mobilization. rob mcbride, i'll just say eric keith coming to the side. grandma so is a senior electra and security and development at king's college london. she says russia is an attempt to link ukraine to the attack and that most goes on justified
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. and i see that this is a huge security failure also because of the, of the safety of the attack, the number of casualties which keeps growing. and uh, the big fire which and dogs, the place i also left behind is that we're not many policemen. they took them quite some time to get there, and this is the sort of the security structures. and that is also quite astonishing because this is a very big place where people like gatherings. so one would have expected some kind of for least deployment is only for internet and security reasons. you know. uh, so it is, it is very embarrassing and where the service side is like, it seems that the russians are using this to bring the connection with the brain. so i, i fear i very much see about ukraine and it's going to see my secret tax and must've a sort of bombardment or something of that kind coming from russia. or though i don't think they have any connection whatsoever. but base amc showing that they're
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in your brain is that somehow behind you don't have voting to sort of divert the attention because where would he attack otherwise? i mean, he's not going to start bowman or funds done. still a head hair on alex's era, morocco's sunshine policy, we take a look at how the north african nation hopes to provide renewable energy to europe . the brought to you by visit capital had a lot of a let's have a look at the weather across north america. and it's been something of a mix up in the seasons. it may be spring, but it feels more like wind. so and we've seen more snow in places like minneapolis in the 1st week of spring then from the whole of winter. and there's more to come
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because there's one, a powerful system pulls away from the east coast of the us and eastern canada. we got another one developing across central parts of the us. that thanks to the woman air blowing up from the gulf of mexico, musing with those cold conditions that cold air. and that of course brings in most snow. we can see blowing snow is gonna affect some travel. we all likely see disruption from some of these conditions. with very heavy rain flipping all the way down through to texas, we could see some flooding on the potential from some tornadoes from that system. behind it, most snow coming in on the rockies, it remains largely unsettled across the west coast of the us. some of that snow and west, the weather dripping into the very north west of mexico. it's going to get cooler here. but it remains very hots across the you could tell me peninsula, the hot conditions drifting away down to 100 us a bit of rain here in that west of the wet weather pushes out with the storm system moving across his spin your la of the quote to you by visit
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cuts all in a world full of doggedness. hope was so scarce. you donated we delivered in ramadan, said bryce. we've touched lives in you, in this holy month. the power of kindness, great. in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint. we remember the blessings we all meant to shed for that, do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the the daniel, what challenges there. i have to remind you about top stories. this,
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our ukraine's presence, what amazing lensky says. russia's presence is trying to shift blame to claim the attack at a constant hold in moscow. make the 133 people were killed. that i'm approaching says 11 people have been detained, including the full gunman, pos, moving towards ukraine. says israel has rejected the latest proposal for a seas foncher and talks in dover unless official is told down to 0 is that israel will not agree to ending is from 5 minutes. no withdrawing. truth from concept on how much says and his way to captive has died in gone so due to a lack of medicine and food, it coincides with which protests in israel to putting pressure on the government is handling a full us as the number of a possible is being dropped into garza has increased as well, continues to block the entry of trucks into the strip of correspondence hunting lockwood. as details of one deliveries sent from an american at base and cattle,
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us air force it to make last minute checks at the low date military air base near go. to american c. 17 plains are loaded with 80000 meals as part of an 8 dropped into guns. us and baset are to put our jamie davis. is there to oversee preparation. i don't think there's a limit in our thinking to think we're willing to do with our partners. and we know that we have a military team here that is capable of doing much, much more, and whatever is needed. the nearly 2000 kilometer journey from don't have to gaza, takes a 3 hour. this is the largest us military a drop since the war and gaza began. it is an attempt to get a to those who are desperate for famine is imminent in the northern part of garza. and there is a risk of famine across the gaza strip. but as roman themes, if the blockade,
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much to the exasperation of agencies who say the situation on the ground is catastrophic. right now, you've got unnecessary impediments, you've got unnecessary restrictions. one land costing you could have 5 land crossings very, very easily. that's not happening. and when i does get in and remote i, it is now getting in food water medicine, but nowhere near the amount needed that is the critical point. the reason weeks is row has been accused of deliberately targeting the tiny amount of 8 available and shooting of palestinians waiting for it. here in gauze on one and 3 children is suffering from acute mountain nutrition, and health officials are saying around 60000 pregnant women are suffering from malnutrition and the hydration causing glo birth weight. and increasing the risk of a silver agencies say, a drop such as this are the most efficient way of delivering 8 an opening gland borders is the only way to ensure that enough food reaches people to prevent them
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from starving to death. honey, my more data, but i'll find that during garza now to send a goal of to weeks of uncertainty, voters will head to the pose for a long awaited presidential election on sunday. they'll choose a success as a present. mackie, sol has been impala for 12 years, and with one and 5 people unemployed and proving joke prospects will be one of the main issues for young faces, as nicholas hawk reports from in the on the edge of the fishing village of and die on lies a fashion design hub, it's been created by designers, so fusing a see to stop young people from looking to the west for opportunities that can be found here at home, instead of go. the cotton fabric textiles enclose. here are all source than made in senegal. in 2019, i think is he had hope that the presidential elections would bring support for young entrepreneurs. but in this year's election,
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she wants to change. in 2024. things are much more difficult. it is very difficult to get any type of support from the government at this point. i think there is just a magnitude of issues like job creation or quality training that the government hasn't been able to really just, you know, live up to the expectations for goods largest deep sea port is under construction here. and mega project meant to bring jobs to the small fishing village instead. it has brought despair, says unemployed. well, there yet, could you? there are no jobs for him, nor others from the village. he's preparing to travel to spain to use his skills where they're wanted. yeah, but what is this, what am i speaking with? what's an injustice that i can't find work? i was given a state diploma from the state count to find work for a month and i have dropped my cd in so many places. i have been working on the streets since 2019. it's degrading. i want my dignity back that 53000 migrants
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arrived in spain last year. most were unemployed. skilled men from senegal. the mayor of, in the end is on the campaign trail for the ruling party candidate. he's promising jobs and looking to persuade women not to let their husbands, sons, uncles, or brothers leave with the state. in the vote in this selection, women are a teen demographic in this presidential election. they often work in the informal sector and their contribution to the economy is overlooked. but they have a key role in deciding who will become the next president of this country. 6 they make up the majority of the electorate, and yet there is only one female candidate in the selection on top of a car, a young the entrepreneur calling for change. but for think a see politics is like sash and she says it requires a radical make over. he's supporting opposition candidate you might find,
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hoping for an overall of the system that she sees as unfit and unfair, and overlooked instead of goals on top potential. the nicholas hawk elder 0 and diane. so i'm going to head to miles as a senior risk analyst at the global risk intelligence from various maple croft. he says sign a goal is useful, population hasn't beneficent from the country's economic boom. this to a political can stand on the opposite side of the political spectrum. so the ruling college and up going present, been south and william calling since the candidate. and they are a set out the liberal policies mark and friendly policies and the present itself. proceed. building a landmark projects over the years and the sound like all of business and economic b as a result. because of this constant lea, a liberalization programs at truck, that the huge up in flow is also
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a for an investment. and on the other hand, we have a smart phone call and a position made a position can be that fire. and they plans to introduce a new power and see we negotiate contracts with oil and gas prices in the country. and, and they really getting that huge support from the young people. i think the issue here is that on the spot, the economy be that the country that it's over the years under the president. so as not to really facilitate that the why, the socio economic development for the countries, youthful population and a 30 percent of those age uh, between 18 and 35, they'll jump list hundreds of protests as a taken to the streets of the indian capsule for a 2nd day that demanding the release of that is to send stuff to see the rest of
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the corruption allegations he denies any wrong doing. and his and his policy says the challenges are politically motivated. the rest comes just weeks before the general election begins. in brazil, suppose is a present lewis, and i say, and it's a silver holding valleys in defense of democracy, protest as a cooling for those who posted last year is attack on congress to be punished and for the end to genocide and goals them. while he and i q has moved from south pallet showed up here in the center of the 3 of the 9 military. and the reason is that they see that the and the presidential palace in on january the 8th 2023.
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and the 3rd reason is that they are protesting against israel. and again, the attacks that are going on in the end, the death of so many children and women monitor, you know, to all just there are some full storms in southeast and brazil have killed at least 13 people. some of them died and we're just narrow states increasing 3 in the city of patropolis when the home collapsed. let's have the moved to 4 year old girl was found to live that off to being buried for 15 hours. she was one of 5 people rescued. the situation is being described as critical to to intense range and a nearby overflowing river. a new security law has come into force and hong kong, despite concerns over human rights. the no one knows all school 23 imposes heavy
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penalties, including life, imprisonment for that cause. national security offences amongst them. a treason, insurrection endangering national security and sedation, and also have gone the extra powers to police, such as the ability to cancel passports until the time suspects for 16 days without charge. christy young as a journalist in hong kong, he says, the know will have major implications for media watkins. a trim, this is on call, actually have been covering the china stories say in china and also living in hong kong and given out the advantages say you guys, charges as far as the in terms of coverage is always be very strong. but now in view of the view of france, all 5 of us, they see chris, the definition is quite for a lot to pay, almost cover everything. so um that will cost significantly and also it gives us
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the logical even press save on pull in terms of this. so probably what was the more so essentially ship how affording, say, extremely sensitive or unclear materials. even though it went through the legislative process with the legislators say scripting, i think the bill of cross spark crossed but still with there are so many questions left and answer. and in, in the find the worship of the, of the bill that, that, that becomes a goal. i think, effective today. there were, there was still a lot of things that are so broadly a fine and, and, and it was things that you never know until a case. uh, okay. uh, but, but then given the superiority of that whole one case, it is too much. i the morocco is best thing on renewable sol, so it's a secure is energy independence. i'm position itself as a provider of green pilot to europe. the government has set
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a goal of meeting moving hosp the countries energy needs with renewable sources by 2030 shamella bar reports from tunzia in northwest and more. okay. this is one of the wells largest solar plants built in the desert city of was of that. it spots of a major plan to shift to green energy. the abundance sunshine may soon be crucial to follow homes. not only here in morocco, but also the filled by the government. some fissions don't and the, the north african country wants to produce a surplus of clean power. we are one of the largest storage facilities worldwide with such kind of the technology. but to allow us to put this.


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