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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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national news of being applied and ignore the leak is ro cause the conflict is well above the low on al jazeera, the gunfire and an explosion in moscow is a constant hole comes under attack will be live and the russian capital for the licensed the control. mccrae, this is al, just their line from dow. how also coming up the drugs to reserve sions for not being adopted, phoning to the new york to vote over a permanent member over there concert at the un security council of russia. china and old jerry rejected us resolution recognizing the need for 6 fight and gaza arguing it doesn't go far enough to protect palestinians. you a secretary of state leads as well of holding tools with this for any leaders.
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benjamin netanyahu insistence he'll go ahead with an assault on profit with or without the washington suppose. plus it was for the my condition was known comes for us. the surgery was successful. however, the test to the operations on cancer has been present. my medical team, the following months of speculation, the princess of wales announced as she is undergoing cancer treatment, the we begin with some breaking news out of russia with several gunmen, headlights and file to come on constant go. is it a whole and most going? it was scenes of panic as the attack come folded. the reports up to 40 people have been killed. your silence us still for to be at lodge for more and this is go to our correspondent dosage. barry who joins us now from most going to so i know this
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is a rapidly developing story. the last we heard people were still trapped inside the concert hall. what is the license that you're hearing? well we're still waiting for an official briefing from emergency service as we're on seen as well as security personnel. what we understand is that the fire appears to be under control from the images that we're seeing from the live shot outside the shopping complex. which houses the number of stores as well as the concert hall where hundreds of people were gather for a concert at but at least 3 gunmen dressed in it, full camouflage, entered this mall, and started opening fire. we see some who, some footage of uh, indiscriminate shots being fired and then the security personnel falling to the grounds before the men enter their costs or call or attempt to there is
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a number of security forces that are uh, assessing the situation and on the seat we understand that according to the mayor of moscow, that's at the, at least 50 ambulances have been dispatched to deal with the victims and the wounded. and that's hundreds of people have been evacuated. it's not clear how many are still inside this shopping mall and whether or not the government are still alive, we're still at now it's getting a lot of detailed information situations still unfolding. so to, so we know that this is still unfolding, like you say, do we know anything more about who the gunman might have been? what would be behind the motivations for an attack like this? well, not yet. i think we would say now would be speculation at this point, but it is important to point out that these kinds of attacks are quite rare. but there had been intelligence shared as the american embassy in moscow. and russia
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rather had put out on the alerts earlier in march, saying that they believes and attack at a lower. it's, yeah, that gathering was possibly imminent in moscow and urged us citizens to leave russia and to avoid crowded gatherings. we do know, according to the federal security forces, boone is the see here, that they dismantled a plot to attack a synagogue earlier in march. and they arrested 2 men who were affiliated with his nomic states. but as for today's attack, this evening, it is not clear who is behind it and we don't even know yet whether or not the silence have been apprehended, or they are still alive or not to do so. what do we know about this concert hall itself? do we know what vince was on what was taking place when this attack happened and why this particular location might have been targeted? as well as on the surface,
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it appears to be another concert venue within a large shopping mall in moscow region about 20 kilometers north west of the center of moscow. there was a concert due to begin earlier this evening and a concert by the band known as picnic as that is the information we have at this point in new details yet about why this particular venue would have been the target . as of yet. once i think we have more information about the motives and the silence, then we can assess as to why they chose this venue for the attack. for the time being, the mayor of moscow has said that this is a terrible tragedy and that so they will continue to deploy all the necessary resources to try and facilitate the needs of the victims and possibly hostages that are still inside. okay, thank you so much for that to said that said, dosage
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a battery for us in most go. we're going to stay with this story and joins now by samuel romani. he's a russian to say is and list and, and associate fellow at the royal united services institute. he joins me now from london. and thank you very much for being here on l just there. i know that that is very little information to the stage about exactly what has happened and what could be behind us. but if we can just talk through a few things, 1st of all, russia's federal security services. it's taking all necessary emissions. what other security measures do you think will have been put in place and most goes to night? is the city effectively and locked down? a lot of the definitely there will be painfully some locked down slope lines locked down. different ones that will happen. probably very similar as the 9 the security measures that were imposed on the city during the laundry mutiny that happened in june. and franklin is right. so by that i think the also the russian officials that attended stage one restore normal c fairly soon. i don't think it was mentioned last time. yeah. the russian foreign ministry has just come out and said that this
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was a terrorist attack. can you just give us a little bit of context about the divisions within the country at this point in time, especially since the war and you crying and the death of alexi know vonny and food and being re elected in the last week or so? will they agree as the forms of chair as in the credentialing be responsible obviously this the immediate threat of transactional terrorism. i mean for my assistant of janice that and also there's domestic terrorism that could be coming from a region. so i think you should hear where there's been an increase in engines between the local authorities and raised the rest of the populations. and then there's also one rush of a dangerous activity, honest and activity that we've seen inside rush out like we saw in chris, for example, just headed the elections. now the white house has recently in the last half hour, so come out and say there was no indication. are you crying was involved in this at this stage? mean these were, um, shoot as info kinda flies get who at the stage could potentially be behind this as
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well. i mean, the us is uh, definitely coming out and trying to preempt any kind of russian propaganda which would label this and link this attached to a ukrainian activity. and, but i think that it's possible this could be linked to gunmen from some kind of and this lot of catastrophic, like isis, or for me to shoot the emotions or problem out of the product. and as i said, it's really too early to tell exactly who it might be, but those seem to be the 3 most likely scenarios like have a know we will get more in the coming out as a correspondent dose a was earlier saying how many russians in my of letting me put in for his ability to manage the security of the country. what sort of political fallout could it be after an attack like this? but one of the things that was really quite interesting and quite noteworthy was a fever selections were not accompanied by any kind of large scale, unless there were none of the purchase that we saw in 2012 and the company,
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the implants where the company, the collections then produce it cancel after on fraud, that siphoned the new marches that we started st. petersburg. they were really no major 0 demonstrations about and of all of these data altered nationalist. they who are some of the presenting with production ross of why there was an atmosphere very common russia. and now that i missed your call and security engine broken just days after the russian election. so this is a blood if it was great ability, isabel is image as a man who brought for guy chaos and order, which is a big part of is like i say like the 1990s were full turmoil junction separatism. she brought stability at the expense of personal freed up, and now freedom is declining in russia. s ability and security may also be there either. okay, we'll leave it there, but thank you so much, samuel, we really do appreciate your time and insight into all of this, samuel romani, the a for us. thank you. you the,
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as the united nations security council has failed to pass a new us resolution recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire in gaza, russia, china, and l. jerry, evaluated against the draft chinese and best of the criticize the us, the dodging the issue of a sci fi, while the rushes and best of the said, it's failed to put enough pressure on as ro control. but the team on human, those 2, i wish to draw attention to the following. the us draft contains in effective green light for israel to mountain military operation in rough or at the very least the old. this try to make it such that nothing you would prevent weston, jerusalem from continuing the brutal cleansing of the south of the gaza strip goals will relieve about the use that i usually or combine both war chose to oppose these it's and promotional legal obligation of mistake they
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must bundle this fiction while speaking off to the vote, the us and best of the state of russia and china had to be towed to the resolution because they wanted to see the us fail once again. russia put politics over progress over progress. russia who has carried out an unprovoked war and his neighbor has the adapt city in the park, proceed to throw stones when it lives in a glass house itself. nicholas and the river. yeah. is that francis and best of the to the you when he explains the issues within the us draft resolution in the us draft was a good draft on this is why for us voted for that. i think it was a step in a good direction, but of course their language on this is probably a was a not strong enough. and the main program is also the link between the,
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the release or for stages and the ceasefire. if you make the ceasefire dependent on the release of the stages, you think the risk of, of being a thousands of thousands of more cleanings in the does that strips in the weeks and months to come. so you need to of course the image yet and condition i really use of a stages. but you need for the ceasefire right now i test to stop it. stop. what's happening is that the contrary to geneva conventions, the language on rough uh, was weak as well. uh, you have to explain to spread it. operation on the roof is off limits. it's a red line. it has been said by many to us. it should be in the resolution as well . you cannot just say, uh, we would be concerned with the possible effects of an operation in russell. so we need to us a clear resolution on this is why funds revolt in favor of the 2nd resolution that
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i hope it would be put to the about sort of the us secretary of state entity blinking has wrapped up his latest visit to israel. he met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu warning against his plans of the ground offensive and profit. that's with 1500000 forcibly despised palestinians of trying to seek shelter. didn't yahoo has bound to push forward with its plans with or without us pause. and blinking says this will not any risk killing most of billions, but also jeopardize as well security. a major military ground operation process is not the way to do it at risk killing more civilians. it was a freaking greater habit. with the version of the manager and assistance, it was further isolating israel around the world and jeopardize is long term security and standing. definitely let me see, let me do nothing cuz i'm of the most. i told them that we wouldn't be able to beat him, us without entering roughly and killing the rest of the battalions that i told them
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that i hope we do this with us support. but if we need to, we will do it aligned. we recognize the need to evacuate the civilian population from the whole science and of course, to care for the humanitarian mates. and we are acting to achieve this home to salute has more from occupied east jerusalem. these early prime minister has a firm vote this week, and in recent weeks, is that no matter what international pressure comes his way. israel is still going to invade drop off on the ground. then he says, this is the only way of achieving an absolute victory. overcome us, the us secretary of state relating messages from washington, a balance. they are repeated opposition to this kind of measure, just given how many palestinian civilians are seeking refuge in rough off, we're talking about nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are sheltering in drop off. even though we know guns. the
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southernmost city has come under repeated is really a task, but the americans are trying to relate this message. there is really counterparts that there is perhaps another way to solve this issue that a ground invasion is not the way to do it. but these really prime minister has said that with or without us support it is going to happen. he would prefer to have american support, of course for it. he says, but it's not. israel will have to go through with this ground evasion alone as well as the diplomatic push continues as well has launched. most strikes on gauze of the latest attacks were carried out in the nor fairly on friday. at least 10 palestinians were killed. it follows the killing of at least 18 people in strikes on homes. the rougher and con eunice on thursday nights. we'll talk about wizard joins us now from russia in southern guys are going to start. can you just tell us a little bit more about these rarely drones that have been doing surveillance runs over the strip. i think i can still hear them behind you right now.
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yes. in fact, they did not stop catering in the close of the past. couple of hours in the facilities of inquiry to hospitalized in the central areas of rough idea have been touring themselves in order to gather more intelligence information about the possible target stuff onto that, onto the pay to, to be paid within the coming hours. we have been also seeing a, the, the great size of these minutes returns as they were flying in a very low altitude, says residents become completely terrified and intimidated because they are completely understands. and that there's going to be a foreseeable attack within the common dollars as they are also do not know well when the attack will be a charge. us precisely bought this sound promising is happy and completely familiar with that since the october, the 7th. and also 3 times as a part of the ongoing military intelligence assets being made by is about to gain more information about targets on the ground. and that's absolutely terrifying as
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also responsible for targeting the residents. of course, the territory as what happens in different videos that i would use here. i had to obtain showing a group of palestinian youth in the city of con, you to speaking kits directly within his very drone messiah, they were completely disarmed. and there was new threats for is ready to spot. that's a pump to the ongoing decides admitted to campaign being carried out by israel since day one of slicing in tears. can you just tell us how people are feeling there about all the diplomacy that has been going on over the last 24 hours or so then i mean, there's been plenty of politicians talking about what should or should not be done, but really no change on the ground there in fact the floor complete and to close the front of everything that goes on in diplomatic carina and close to here to reach us these 4 agreements between almost an east west. but they have been completely shocked. disappointed regarding the new
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failure for the security council to add to code for an immediate cease for agreements. and this is a new delayed by the security council that will post palestinians thousands of months. again, as the i'm coming get taxed by these very minute trees still going on here. and site cons apply to now. so i was thinking just to have a window heard regarding the american prussia being exhausted and post when he was willing to mos in order to bridge the gap. so understanding as of the, the american general success rate had st. sequestered to go through general, have been stating that there's the, the gaps between how much and ease of us to exist, but they are doing their best in order to narrow the gaps between them. in order to approach for more ceasefire upon the for palestinians, a ceasefire that cannot guarantee a full written sort evacuees to the newest and full station or facilities and fights and on the ground would be baseless and meaningless as specifically that
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they have been displaced from the house that they have lost everything behind and they are completely unsafe right now, even in areas that are designated as it saves. so as you can clearly hear from the back around the sounds of easily drove it a rough off, where people have no sense of tranquillity at all. to thank you so much, tara, once again, we appreciate everything that you do for us. terracon who is in for us there, and rasa. this cable is still a head on l. g 0 rusher admits it's in a state of war, as it carries out. a major attack on ukraine's energy facilitates the the hello that the 1st weekend of spring is set to be a pretty salvi, a fast, much of europe. that seems to cold front, that slinking. it's the way down from the north west to most southern areas. and
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central parts of europe, which is a set to see more rain, sleet and snow because he's very strong winds as well blowing about fluid in areas of britain and the island of island and a wintry bloss. coming back into norway with bits and pieces of snow stretching across, interested in on west in pots of russia. there's a heavy rain coming into poland, stretching across into austria as well. it looks very wet for northern pots of fronds once again, with some snow falling on the outs for the south of this, it is going to dry out for much of it. so the things are picking up as well for the southeast corner for greece. temperatures coming back in the rain stopped to move across the balkans via to the east of this for took a attempt just starting to come up here in temperatures have been sitting high to spain and portugal. we want more of a southerly flow coming in. that's going to kick some so hard dust the co, spain and portugal over the weekend. but temperature is all set to come down across
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the region. if we have a look at the iso, some shots, you can see that it's going to get very cold across scandinavia on sunday. the african narratives from africans perspective, for symptom of forces and to show documentary spine african filmmakers coordinated to like, he has said this to bring me chocolate revolution from booking of 5. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa direct on. i'll just the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top story is the cell separately come and have open font as a crowd in the concert hole in moscow? at least 40 people are reported to have been killed. the silence a still thought to be at lodge the united nations security council has failed to pass us resolution, recognizing the need for an immediate cease fire in casa pressure, and trying to chose to veto the drops saying it's styled to put enough pressure on his room. and just ready from mister benjamin netanyahu says he's determined to carry out his plans ground defensive in process with or without us support his comments, follow to meeting with the secretary of state, who's on the regional to, to show up support for sci fi and gaza, lynn the u. k. catherine, the princess of wales has announced she has cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy. the condition was disclosed in
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a video and message. she hasn't. she had details on the type of cancer or stage it is been an incredibly tough couple of months from tal family. but i've had a fantastic medical team who's taking great care of me for which i'm so grateful. in january i on the one major told me no surgery and one done on at the time, it was thought that my condition was known cancerous. the surgery was successful. however, the test to the operation found cancer has been present. my medical team that for advice that i should undergo course of preventative came to therapy and i'm now in the early stages about treatment. this of course came as a shared shock, and i have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family. as you can imagine, this has taken time. it is taking me time to recover from major surgery in order to
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stop my treatment. but most importantly, it is taking this time to explain everything to george charlotte salary in a way that's appropriate for them to reassure them that i'm going to be okay. hold you on a how is live for us now in london for more on this and you and this video comes up to months of the social media speculation and many conspiracy theories. to what extent was an announcement blank, the santa surprises? oh, well it certainly wasn't that dissipated that the princess of wales would announce that she has cancer and he's being treated for it. so she says that back in january she underwent a very serious abdominal surgery. but at the time the palace giving very few details away didn't specifically say was known cancerous. was it anticipated though that something was wrong with the on the details of a condition, but being kept from the british public? yes, very much so as you were new to the case condition shrouded in fee. but speculation
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since january fueled by online conspiracy theories and fueled further by just a few weeks ago, a family portrait put out showing who it was. the 3 children that subsequently was killed, spiked by the media press agencies who said that it had been docketed. it turned out by kate. she had to admit that she is an enthusiast. take amateur photographer and then just earlier this week, allegations of a data breach at the london hospital where she's being treated allegations that stuff is that i've tried to access her personal medical records. and the given that this statement comes just days off of that, it seems possible that they palace kinds of in the palace media machine trying to get ahead of a possible media breach of the story. nevertheless, it is a very significant development. you heard of the express her shock, she was due back to public news. he's off to the easter holidays instead. we hope you will understand. she concluded, saying that as a family,
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we now need some time space and privacy while i complete my treat intended this is obviously an awful for the princess and her immediate family, but it also comes at a difficult time for the royal family as a whole with king challenges on kansas diagnosis to yeah, i imagine the media watches this evening expressing grave concern for the royal family of the royal house. now very much in crisis. she's not, as you say, not just a member of a family who has been taken ill to be natural consent around that she is the princess of wales. she is married to the, to the throne. she's also one of the most visible, well liked hardworking members of the royal family. and as you say, the king himself is also now out of the public guy since february he diagnosed with an undisclosed form of cancer. he's also receiving treatment. so 2 of the most senior figures of the royal family rocked by ill health out of the public eye and all of this less than 2 years since,
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because the depth of the longest serving moment the queen had thank you so much during the agenda. how for us there in london, but you cry and says russia has carried out the biggest attack on into energy facilities in more than 2 years of war science. we're headed across the country, living many places without pallet, including the 2nd largest city hockey. and this comes as the kremlin changed its official language to describe the conflict, saying it is in the states or for public pride has the licensed in this report from keith, firing off decoy flash to avoid interception. a russian missile hits the hydro electric diamond power station in separate it gives you the advert tax. what a did you cranes critical energy infrastructure around a dozen missiles with 5 it's etherige, although there were a lot of explosions after the 1st of all, i had only one goal to ensure my child was a life or
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a team from durable around 150 drones and miss housing totals that came in ways from how to key the northeast, where large parts of the city had power cuts affecting water supplies and forcing people to use emergency generators. it's for the generator to keep water pumping and also to keep my business going somehow to the central western region of canal, netscape reports of damage and casualties was soon coming in from all parts of the country. and the biggest attack of its kind on ukraine's energy system emboldened 2 years of rule. the question for many people here is why now ukraine had been expecting a repeats of last winter as a tax on power stations in on a power into attempt to buy must go to freeze the population into submission. but spring is already arriving. and this escalation comes just a day off. the key was the targets of the biggest missile attack in a month and a half at defense's side to the 100 percent success rate. with ukranian, president full of them is
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a lensky cooling for more of the sophisticated practically of factories that defend the capital to be supplied for the rest of the country. public broad. i'll just say era keith in soon to go presidential hopefuls are holding their final relatives before elections on sunday. what position candidates? russell re fi kicked off his election campaign last week. after being released from prison. this indigo was plunged into crisis after president micky sol postponed to preserve the presidential election in february. the constitutional council been rescheduled device. hundreds of kenyan medical professionals have much through the capital to demand bit of pay and working conditions. they're accusing the government of failing to implement promises made in a 2017 agreement, and the government says it's budget isn't big enough to cover the pages made 7 years ago. catherine. so it was at that demonstration in, i wrote the,
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this is doctor said the plan to stay away from walk into the canyon government. he is dead things and sees the demanding better working conditions. they also want more doctors employed at understaffed, state hospitals. these complaints are not means and data back 7. yes. that strikes lasted a 100 days. the consequences for the health care system was devastating. some patients died, a deal was reached, but dr. see, the agreement has not been fully implemented and renewed negotiations hasn't resulted in much the local venture on the 3rd and toys in right. so that days that took you out in the year 2017. but the government no, much stretching on the most of the $5000.00 doctors


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