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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm AST

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today's is paula mentioned majority for the 1st time and sees being challenged by new policy creation by former president, jacob. zoom a hiring latasha reports. these women in rural posley and tell province say they've never had running water at home. so need. this is what swimming in the what do they use your tadpoles so that because general election is in may, politicians are again promising to improve services for the full full full lot these creatures we'd be most in for a long time. but we've gotten nothing. was gonna tell problems, is a home, a former president jacobs who might be suspended from the governing african national congress to back and use new party who not formally resigning from the amc . my leads, i'm going to as easily which means the speed of the nation in english, co in k, as is widely known. the part is only a few months old,
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but it's already won by elections in this province, prepaid. why in, in mt? i'm not the only people who are coming from, from, from, from, from, from in the, on the coming from biomass do funded for the to kind of organization just because of the districts fixing at this point that they've been maintain for such a long time. so now that due to zoom, i was previously jail for contempt of court. he's still facing corruption charges of a multi $1000000000.00 on this deal. despite that, he has annoying following and see politicians say they are not worried. we're not going to notice. it wasn't not that way the people they conducted in connecticut to suddenly no incorrect to nothing was really natal is a key political background for votes with his v as a violent attentions rise ahead of voting day. in south africa, the president is elected by parliament. if the a and c gets below 50 percent at the polls in may, it will have to form a coalition without the opposition parties to govern frustration over the
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struggling economy failing public services and repeat the corruption involving top officials as eastern away and see support. that's why some analysts believe the governing amc for face. it's tough of election. so taking over opposite of pa take 30 years ago, a hardened latasha out. is there a number on the saw that for them? all right, that's it for me. not inside lots more information on a website out there and they'll come to check it out. the news continues here and i'll just there are options. most of the, like the a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suff websites. pilots who use thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double stand to all of us
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. any anyone in particular? i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question as binding lays out a red line with israel and then he says, oh, there are no red lines with israel. what impact is whitehouse confusion having on the war and gaza? let's get to the bottom line. the was to realizing that he's losing a good chunk of his electro base. us present, joe biden, and other democratic party leaders have turned up the heat on his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, in words, if not necessarily in actions biting, said that, you know who was hurting, is real, more than helping is real. and a few days later, us senator chuck schumer, who's also been one of the leading supporters of israel for decades called the is really prime minister and obstacles
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a piece. and actually said he needs to step down. but does this just make netanyahu more popular in his own country? and how does this public spot do anything to end israel's war on gaza now? and it's 6 months of starvation, disease and total destruction, the millions of palestinians who just got nowhere else to go. today we're speaking to professor jeffrey sachs, the director of the center for sustainable development at columbia university. and one of the world's leading economist, dr. sacks, thank you so much for joining say, where is the conscience and where are the policies that are focused on the potential a war crimes every day in every way that you see out there and what should be done about it? well, what should be done about it is straightforward. of course, what the government of israel is doing is unconscionable. a world opinion is united against israel. the problem is the united
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states remains complicit in these war crimes because it's traditional in us politics that politicians show no space between the united states and israel. now what's interesting is that we have seen i verbally by who i am schumer, i have been pretty explicit about the absolute unacceptability of the israeli government policies, but they haven't acted. but of course, a strong effect of us president would do, would be to stop the flow of munitions if those munitions are being killed, they use for slaughter for killing tens of thousands of innocent people, which is exactly what's happening by them is a very weak president. we don't even know his real mental state, frankly, but he's
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a terribly weak president, so he rings his hands. he complains, but it's as if i don't run this the us government actually it's, it's something i can't recall. i in this way where the president says our policy is so one. so and that the offices? no, it's not. i. and in fact netanyahu way is the one that seems to be calling the shots day by day. my question to you is, could he lose the election against donald trump over this conflict? as i've been telling guy i friend is, i don't know whether they would count me as a friend any more. but i've been saying to a democratic party leaders actually for years that divide the foreign policy, not only piece of the israel, that's more recent, but also the ukraine work and other tensions. absolutely,
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i will hurt them terribly at the polls. i said that in the mid term, so when the republicans captured the congress, i've left the party here because i'm so unhappy with the war monitoring of the democratic party. but it's basically a war monitoring. i think i in support of a president who's a war monitor, but is just generally weak and, and i think you incompetent, frankly. so people see this, they don't want 5 even to run for re election. they think he's too old to infirm, and he's a display of incompetence on these foreign policy issues. is that it is clearly i very much hurting him in these opinion, surveys to add in his approval ratings, which are awful going into a re election campaign. but to give the president and element of a,
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i don't know whether to call it credit. but to kind of note some things they've done. there's clearly a shift in the rhetoric. clearly a shift where, you know, even chuck schumer has come out and said, you know, is really fine. mr. b meeting, you know, who has to go that you've got a commitment. now although it's taking 60 days or so to build a portal and i mean, i don't know whether that is sounds like a good thing or the world this thing. wow, the united states cannot build a port very quickly, but 60 days to get materials in who there are there any net positives you see in the shift in tone, the commitment to try to get another aid portal in the gaza. then they have now as well, you know, this port, the thing is a, a tragic comedy because why are they building a port when they have a road? i, they're building a port because the israeli government is blocking the road. we don't need to build a port to get aid and we need to stop the absolute,
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the more crime policy making of the israeli government. and that can be done by saying as the us has on other occasions, no more arms for this kind of policy. we don't want to be complicit in genocide. you know, the genocide charge use in front of the international court of justice for those of what us who watched very closely those proceedings, read the pleadings and know the 1948 genocide code. it's, i think quite likely that the international court of justice is going to find that israel is in violation of the genocide convention. and does the united states want to be complicit in genocide? this is a pretty straightforward question. i. all of the rhetoric shows the pain, but also the weakness of the us in this is, are we really simply following the line of the israel lobby? is that what this is?
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or is the president so weak, maybe incapacitated? we don't know that he's not able to effectively be president of the united states. i don't know why, just watch it along with the rest of us and i don't much like what i see. so yes, rhetoric is one thing i and to me blinking has been ringing is hands in pain saying we want the israel is to do this and that. and then in the same breath saying, no red lines, no red lines, won't come on batch complicity in these war crimes. when you're an expert in development and you've been talking a lot about famine conditions, i want our audience to understand what would be possible. if you had a true famine condition you had through starvation, real starvation. how that scales in terms of the potential casualties of those
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conditions. well, 1st let me say that we are seeing a massacre in front of our eyes. it is a absolutely easy to main. uh, it is absolutely war crimes. it is arguably, i personally think likely genocidal. according to the legal standards of the 1948 genocide convention. and so all of this is shocking to me that this does go on day by day in full view. we haven't had their genocides by captured by your video feed day by day. we have id f forces. these railey defense forces standing. there is psalms up as they blow up, universities, mosques, hospitals, apartment buildings. it's unbelievable. we have members of the israeli cabinet preaching hate. we've seen these
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a religious nationalist extremist rabbi's talk about killing all the people in gaza and asked, do you mean the children? rabbi says, yes, the children, they can grow up to be terrorist. we're seeing things that are absolutely unconscionable, and we need is railey leaders and intellectuals to stand up and say that is not acceptable for our country and our society and it, we're not seeing it, but we need to see that. so this is the 1st point on the scale. well there's, there's no limit to what's possible because there are hundreds of thousands of people who are profoundly under nurse right now. food rations have been to a minimum or not of rations. actually. we have seen emaciated children come to the remaining hospitals and died in the hospitals. we see people swarming the for
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relief and then being killed. we see people being killed by this novelty of a mirror or dropping the packages and killing people underneath by the weight of these packages fall into the earth. rather than the decency of opening up a supply line for food fuel water, which is absolutely a necessity under the conventions of war. israel plainly violates day by day and the us remains complicit. so it'd be the scale if, if is real attached rafa where it has pushed the people of gaza. they unbelievable concentration of people in the south. i'd say that's where you're safe and then start. so a or encouraging and to wrap up,
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god knows how many more thousands, tens of thousands will die if there is no aid relief, heaven knows what's going to happen on all of this. and so this isn't something that we should be pondering as a intellectual or forecasting exercise. it's something that should and today, and it could and today it could and by the united states government saying we are not providing the munitions for slaughter period. that what ended israel cannot do this one day without the united states, but all the hand wringing all the complaining. all of the supposed i statements by, by the net. yeah. i was in high school and i'm quoting him, i'm not making that statement. i'm quoting what has been in the papers that's meaningless. if we continue to provide the munitions and we have the statements by,
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by the blinking, that there are no red lines for his real. it's meaningless. so it's, it's really amazing to me that you're, you're, you're eval all over the world and talking to leaders all over the world. people are still on this continuing in this way day by day. they don't understand what's happened to the united states of america, israel, they, they, they don't like what they see. right? but the united states of america, they don't on while i want to, i wanted to ask you a question about your interaction with leaders around the world cuz i know you interact with them. i've seen you do this. i mean, just saying, as they are looking at that what you just said, are apparent, inability or unwillingness to pressure israel to open a road gate to get more substantial supplies, medical and health and food in you know, it. what does that say about use the conversations about trying to deliver to state
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solution or trying to accomplish anything? i think, are they seeing a centrally or united states that's completely impotent in this? yes, and what are the ramifications for american credibility globally? america's isolated, it is a i, on the losing end of every vote in the united nations. we may say, oh, who cares where the united states, you know what it's like to be on a boat, where the world says palestine it deserves firms, has the right to political self determination. and for countries in the world for vote against that israel. naturally, the united states of america, micronesia, which by compact, is bound to vote with the us. so it's not even a choice. and now right now, room is a very nice island of 12000 people. that's america's allies. this
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hurts bad weight. and so the reputational costs are enormous. but the sense that america's rudderless liter list is very wide spread. let me ask you about the un relief and works agency for palestine on right. now 3 countries, canada, sweden in australia, have reversed their positions that they had stopped supporting and right in, in there was an investigation going on looking into potentially 14 individuals who may have conspired or been part of from us when this went on, that's out there. that's public um united nation. so said it is investigating this . been very forward with that. but on right employees to thousands of people, 16000 in gaza alone. i'm just interested from your you know, title which is sustainable development. is there any development? is there any ability to economically support and sustain the people of
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a palestine after this? if one rock does not get support from the united states, there now is now a bill trying to make american suspension of a permanent actually, i'm just interested in your thoughts on that front on right. because her role with work in a the award zone and it has lost a huge number of staff to this war is real targets. the united nations i is really use is the united nation. so as it's punching bag and honora has taken the brunt of this, israel make some statement about on. right. and then all of these politicians run into immediately cut off the a, they see a genocide or mass of war crimes going on before their eyes for weeks and weeks and weeks. and they take no action at all. but israel makes
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a claim about on roth and within hours. the aid is cut off. is the word is shambolic, meaning b to be shamed. the idiocy of these politicians, as they scurried around to try to win favor with this lobby and bath lobby is disgraceful. that's all it is. this is they, they play a game in their politics where it's life and death by the hour. that's really at stake. and the attack on, on roy is despicable action by israel. which of course should know better on that account. but it's a country after all of it's just killed 31000 people, most of them women and children. so it doesn't seem to know right from wrong on many other things as well. what are your thoughts, jeff? on the appointment of someone, i imagine, you know, mohammed missed the fuzz,
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the new prime minister of the palestinian authority. housing authority from my book is an interesting organization because in a way, part of his job is to manage the occupation of palestine. you know, under israel, in, in a, in a certain way, but also to look and tell us any interest. but you've got another world bank economist who is now in the mix here. what are the blind spots of that, or what are the opportunities? well, the opportunity is the following. everybody's other than israel, everybody in the world including the united states, says we need the 2 state solution implemented. this is actually even the united states. this is chuck schumer, president by base, say it. okay, let's do it. because this has been talked about for decades, we don't need any more piece process. we don't need any more discussion. we need to implement what is already international law. in the form of repeated un security
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council resolutions and un general assembly resolutions. my recommendation to cut through this here is that the united nations immediately recognized the state of palestine as the 100 and 94th u. n. members state with capital in east jerusalem with the pre 1967 borders. and that we don't say that that's the end point of some vague peace process which has been the dame and the claim for decades. but that is what is needed for peace. now, interestingly, in september 2011, palestine, which is a state recognized by a 140 countries, but it is not
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a un member state applied to the united nations for membership. and when that happens, it goes to a membership committee that these constituted by the members of the un security council. and that membership committee looked at the qualifications of palestine, looked at the claim and said, yes, this is a valid application. but the united states, of course, blocked it and talked the palestinians into accepting a un observer status. that was 13 years ago. they set up a time by the way to the palestinians. you don't com, it'll come give us time. the united states is not an honest broker in this, the united states has been an agent to this real. israel absolutely is blocking the 2 state solution that the whole rest of the world wants and that is international law. and so my recommendation is vote the 2 state solution, the united states,
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my recommendation. don't block what you say. you want me? well, let me, let's move to it. well, let me ask you about that. part of, of palestine on the west bank that, that has, you know, i think broadway people see, often either from mazda is not in control, but you have 3476 new home units that have just been approved in the middle of this crisis, i would say you have harassment, you have detentions, you have check points, you have ongoing land facts, and you have, you have that area that so many of these countries, it recognizes the state under that sort of control and management by is really a security forces right now, and that's not from us running the show as it wasn't god. what is the, what are we missing in this equation, jeff? and so what we're missing is that starting at 1970 israel deliberately and the
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legally began to occupy the it'd begin to settle in the palestinian territories. and i, i 1st saw this and learned a bit in 197252 years ago. this was what at the time was called the alone plan. the idea was, well, you know, it may be illegal, but we're going to do it any way because we, meaning israel will make the facts on the ground. and they started this illegal settler movement. and it grew and it's now hundreds of thousands and it became a major extremist political movement. and a religious extremist nationalist movement with representation like a a bed is allow, it does allow a smoke which in the cabinet who's one of the most extreme is politicians in
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israel's history. and of course, that's the goal. they do not want any palestinian state, but that's illegal. and to run in apartheid state or ethnic cleansing, or a genocide or whatever they have in their minds, which is, who knows or will never lead to peace. and that's what we're talking about right now. so what are we do with it? it's clear, this is an extremist, is really government that does not want a palestinian state. and the whole rest of the world says the only route to peace is a 2 state solution. and my view is we can't leave this to israel palestine negotiations. we know what that's going to deliver. we need to put in place, but to state solution. that's
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a vote that couldn't happen today at the un security council today. or we'll have to leave it there. i really appreciate your candor. columbia university professor jeffrey sachs, thanks so much for joining us. great to be with you. thank you. so what's the bottom line we'll have for a year into a war where israel has killed tens of thousands of innocent people and destroyed the infrastructure of a closed off area with roughly the population of an american state like connecticut in direct talks between hamas and israel. are ongoing with the biggest and most influential player. and all of this is the united states, which is simultaneously shipping bombs with no conditions on their use and taking 2 months to build a port of entry into gaza to deliver supplies, food and medical. but let's just face it, we're desperately needed months ago, like the presidents before him, 5 and sees and one and the risks of allowing israel to continue is war. and then the other hand, the political consequences of stopping it,
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especially in an election year. when will he decide that one out ways, the other? that's when the war will end. and that's the bottom line, the hey, liz seems in the gaza strip as easily as long. lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes is ratings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best. then it all goes to the polls that they don't hold that delayed presidential election on march 24th after weeks of trouble
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and protests could be recently free political prisoners propel the opposition to power. stay with alger 0 for the latest updates and in depth analysis, or the me that you need to get to sunday the because the un, what to do the, do you want me for the new movies every week getting a new release of you. i'm one of them, you know, the money we can go from the the,
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the . ready the hello until mccrae. this has been use our life from dark coming up in the next 60 minutes. the u. s. has dropped to the un resolution. it says recognizes the need for an immediate spot in gaza. that's linked to the release of captives 5 months. nothing was of mine, but this rattle was palestinians to evacuate el cheapo hospital threatening to blow up the largest medical complex and cancer if they don't.


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