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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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in human appeal makes the most of your message the the us says it's drafted a un resolution that calls for an immediate sci fi in gaza and the release of captives, the hello. this is out to 0 live from to hi. i'm for the back. people also ahead is around order scottish cnc evacuated off, she for hospital in gaza, threatening to go up to building if they don't have warning from the un that hundreds of thousands of children in. so don could die from the nutrition in the coming weeks. and venezuela, as government is accused of repression after arrest warrants or issued for several
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members of the officers, the thank you for joining us. the united states has submitted a draft resolution to the un security council, which appears to call for an immediate cease fire in gaza. secretary of state on to me blinking says the resolution is linked to the release of captives. he made the comments following a visit to saudi arabia. it's part of a wind, a trip to the middle east, where blinking is holding talks on ending the war and gaza. the us has previously vetoed attends that the security council to achieve a ceasefire and gaza for me on this. that's bringing our diplomatic editor, james space tennis. more versions about what's in this draft. u. s. resolution that's circulating at the un was comments have come from extra state blinking who's in the regions, and we have the resolution that is in new york. let me 1st tell you what the us secretary of state said in an interview with an arabic tv channel. before he left side, the rate that he's just now arriving in egypt with pressing for an immediate c spot
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tied to the release of the hostages. in fact, to we've actually put for the resolution right now before the un security council. the does cool for let me just see spot tied to the release of hostages. well, couple of hours go out to 0, obtain this, which is a copy we believe with the latest us resolution. i think the language is important . so let me read you the key point of the resolution. it says the security council determines the imperative of an immediate and sustained c spot to protect civilians at all sides. allow for the delivery of a central humanitarian assistance and olivia humanitarian suffering. and towards that end, unequivocally supports, i'm going into an actual diplomatic efforts to secure such as the spot in connection with the release of all the remaining hostages. i think that's important because normally when you get a cx 5 and the other sees far resolutions that come from other policies up in the us, they do mom to see saw this one, the screwed against the term, determines the imperative volume. it says it's important. there is a c spa,
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it doesn't seem to be demanding long, and it's also linking this, the spa, directly with the release of the maney remaining captives being held by hamas and other groups in gauze. and so it's a little bit more complicated then the secretary of state made it sound in that tv . and so, so what blinking is saying is somewhat different to what's in the draft resolution the circulating at the un, but this is still significant. all of this given the previous us vito's that the security council and gosh, i think things are changing. i think things are changing in 2 ways. one, we have those very important talks in though ha, secretary blinking also says he believes the gap has been narrowed. it may well be that the us is trying these, but this resolution forward often they've got a deal here in dough. the other thing is that this is not the only resolution floating around the security council of the elected members of the security council . the 10 members who own permanent, just sub 2 years, they've had enough, they've got together, they've drawn up a resolution that close, i believe, to putting that one to
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a vote to mom. do you need immediate c style with no complication in the language whatsoever to those permanent, sorry, elected 10 members of japan and south korea? i think a little bit hesitant because that very close us allies that i want to further attacking those to us and from is also working on a resolution we understand it and my understanding the whole. so is the us, i think, is very hesitant about the idea of yes, again, given what they've heard about family and coming to gone. so what we've heard from the international court of justice. very, very words it, it might have to use it's vito again. so i think that's why this us resolution, which has been in the works for some weeks now. now has tougher language languages around what like, what is it language the good for? so let me just see start. i think we need to ask some more questions today. while the sex your state is in colorado right, diplomacy then at the u. n. but also in the region, cairo, the secretary of state meeting a number of regional need is fair. and there is hope, cautious hope. it will seem about
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a ceasefire. d o being achieved in the coming day, spot towards the technical talks on the sea. so i'll continue that. going ahead and throw ha, but it is both capital in egypt who being the key media to see this extra state and to as time is meeting present cc in colorado to get an update, i think on the tools and the original situation. but he's also going to be meeting during his time in colorado with representatives of egypt. jordan, saudi arabia, you a casa, i'm the policy and all sourcing. so for the meetings, i think with all the key players in the world, including the policy new 40, that is why don't just talk about the c spa, i think they are also looking at the policy in the 40, how that can be reorganized, revitalized now it has a new prime minister and then how you potentially look at the governance of gauze of trouble. and then it seems a long way off, but trying to get political thoughts back on track for that to state solutions. the us always talks about and it was wes reminding people that by to invest in yahoo
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and these ready governments now that i don't even agree with that. indeed. thank you for a much james james spaces on different medic editor. let's get the view now from occupied east jerusalem and bringing him ron con, who's there for us? so m, ron, this draft resolution and, and the reaction and comments from the us secretary of state in saudi arabia. how is that all likely to go down with these res, will they be paying any attention? well, we've spoken to the prime minister's office. they've issued us a very tough no comment on this of also reached out to benny gans, who's the full, the prime minister. and a key member of the war cabinets the same response from him as well, reached out to others within the governments they likely to all follow suit. this is going to be certainly an official, no comment date by the looks of things. however, they will be poring over the language. the james was just referencing that, they'll be looking at what this actually means for them. but remember,
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the un security council of the item nations in general is treated with this thing by a v is riley's a. they say that this is a organization that has a lopsided attitude towards is wrong when it comes to is role since 2015. they say they've been about $140.00 resolutions against israel and it's something that they've often dismissed. the israelis are incredibly good at ignoring united nations resolutions. however, this one is going to be incredibly difficult signal given that it really is coming from that key. alex, right, so let's see what happens officially. i think we all going to get a no comment, but people will be talking about this case. be big talking point. so we'll get further reaction i think was the date goes on. and what about how much same ron this draft resolution also relies on them agreeing to free hostages? will they as well, it's all about the language and that so we'll be looking at this. they've made that
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position incredibly clear they want a and seized by this resolution doesn't qualify for an increase by weight felt site . is it once the immediate c spy? but the interesting with that maybe this does give some wiggle room is sustained cx 5. does that mean every pulse stage the is released for every set of hostages? raise the si, fi gets extended and that's what we saw during the last phase 5. which of a mass actually is accepted? i'm not supposed to have been very critical in the past of united nations resolutions. take a look at the one on december 22nd. that was quoting for aid coming into cause like i said, it didn't go far enough. so the language for mass is going to be very key. they're going to be looking at this is likely that they will reject to given that previous positions. but this idea that it's the media to sustain c spy may will be something . how much might i stress the word might be able to work with a ron, thank you very much for that. that's the wrong kind of life or say and occupied
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east jerusalem. the situation in gaza now and israel has been using landscape loud speakers overnight. attending policy needs to leave. i was chief of hospital in northern garza troops, the threatening to blow up the building while people as troops still chopped inside food and water and not being allowed in on wednesday. israel said it's killed 90 fighters in the complex and detained a 160 others. we spoke earlier to by somebody who was a member of home office. political bureau, he denies. claims is russ claims that they were homeless fighters inside the hospital. this situation and shift almost within his very. busy serious, very, very visuals. we used to hear this to somebody named provo gummed up the body to the prison. so for a must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the hospital. i come back to the one. i'm concerned that normally the people inside the hospital, the vision of the house executed in the fields, hundreds of our people,
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including as innocent civilians. some of our practice can around those within one v r q 50. then you'll envision for the hospital, i think the most important points here is not, is not about how many they have can only, but the, the repeatedly in saving was for me. uh huh. and it is destroying the house with the slim, big shift, tens of thousands of the 100 a month. so some of the hundreds of them were good enough, including instantly mine. most of, most of the stuff has been taking hostages by the intro to gape, and some of them executed in the feet to palestinians have been killed. and then is there any drones strike me a to correct me in the occupied westbank as emergency close to the bodies to hospital is really forces rated the nearby neutrons,
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refugee camp. israel has been sending more troops to the area. meanwhile, the is really military is killed, 3 palestinians in janine also in the occupied westbank and asked wry kit the vehicle at an intersection. on wednesday, the policy me in red crescent says one person was critically wounded. they would confrontations during the funeral procession. security forces find on large crowds of mourners. at least 27 palestinians were injured, nor a con has small from my la. a hundreds of palestinians attended a funeral of 3 men who had been killed in this way. the s drive just on the outskirts of jeanine refuge account earlier on in the day. as they began the procession, they actually march to the policy and authority police district, where they demanded what they called political prisoners to be released. the police then fight once the crowd, we know at least 27 people in just one of the shows in the head and this now
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critically wounded. so let me you back just a few hours at 537 p. m. local time. he is ready. the treat struck a vehicle that was driving just on the outskirts of to the refugee camp. 3 housing in killed and one was wounded. 2 of them will fight to 2 belong to the janine battalion. now these, right, the army did release a statement along with it's right intelligence. they said they struck to senior. it's not a jihad operatives inside a vehicle. and they said they were planning attacks and wanted also kills. and what they called and this really that last night. but this is actually, that's where the settler living and legal assessment not far from janine so. but jeanine has long been a flash point in the past 2 years as being the center of intensified and find the right. by the way, the military, a many people, not just
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a fight to say that they filled the form of collective punishment against them. nor comes out to sara ramallah in the occupied west fines. a several former diplomats and military officials are counting on the us president to warn israel against depriving palestinians of their basic needs and an open letter. a group of around 70 retired officials, joe biden, to take concrete action, including restricting funding to his route. the latter ones of rising discontent over the administration's handling of the war, these really prime minister. meanwhile, benjamin himself has spoken to us republican senators via video link. he wanted to firm up support for the war on guys up, but senior democrats declined that he, i was request. let me say this. i care deeply about is real and it's long term future. when you make the issue partisan, you heard the cause of helping israel. the democrats talk about the 2 state solution, in my opinion, the 2 states they're most worried about our michigan and nevada,
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which are states that biden is very worried about in terms of his own re election. president biden would have the backbone to stand up with the people of israel. instead, he is running scared of the extremist of his own party. last name, jordan has more from washington dc. a. benjamin netanyahu has been accusing a congressional democrats of interfering in domestic politics in israel. so consider that irony. what you see here basically is a lot of political posturing by senate and, and house democrats, by senate and house republicans and by the government of benjamin netanyahu in israel. but essentially, there is going to be no easy way to resolve this. first, the meeting that tab benjamin netanyahu spoke to remotely of senate republicans was
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essentially a uh, a regular luncheon of these members. and so for chuck schumer, the senate majority leader to deny benjamin netanyahu access to his democratic party members own luncheon is really it's really not that big of a deal. this is not the matter of having him appear in the chamber of the house of representatives for a joint meeting of the house and the senate as he was able to do back in 2015. when republicans controlled both the senate and the house leadership. and essentially brought him in to try to undermine the obama as a bomb administration's efforts to negotiate the around nuclear deal. this is a very different political context. and so you have basically this big game of chicken which party might want to blink and which party might want to stand fast on its own position,
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considering ongoing us support for israel in its war against homos. still ahead on ouch is 0 at why the you case largest expansion to its nuclear program might not be enough to solve its defendants on fossil fuels. the and then it all goes to the polls as a whole. this delayed presidential election on march 24th after weeks of trouble and protest could be recently free and political prisoners propel the opposition to power. stay with alger 0 for the latest updates and in depth analysis of boost hole occupation. resulting in a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify these rails the
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soaps on garza, dozens of children bounds them up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th, on tuesday or hod. his name in to be used as the aisle c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular, i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the the
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welcome back. a recap of that top stories on allergies here at the united states has submitted a draft resolution to the un security council, which appears to call for an immediate sci fi in guys on the us secretary of state . on to me thinking says this link to the release of captain is around, has been using louse because overnight telling palestinians to meet. gosh is the hospital in northern gas on troops of threatening to blow off the building while people are still chopped inside. and at least 5 policy means they've been killed in 2 separate age ranges, tri city occupied. westbank troops also rated the newer shops, refugee camp, overnights, and out of world news. the united nations is wanting that 220000 children. and so don could soon die from malnutrition, millions of others who denise face salvation. after almost a year of fighting between the army and military rapids support forces. tens of thousands of people have been killed in millions for some that homes. gabrielle is
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under before some un headquarters in new york. and urgent united nations security council meeting to address the plate of more than 18000000 people in sudan who doesn't have enough to eat. and just and 6500000 or internally displaced, our humanitarian travesties splitting out. since we're done, under avail of international inaction, and in attention simply puts, we are feeling the people of sedan the un is unable to reach millions of people in sudan who need help because of increased fighting between government forces. no one is the f, a f, and rival rapids support forces known as a r s. f. regrettably, our ability to reach the most valuable, most notably in cartoon, the 4th quarter fund and do a da 0 states continues to be obstructed. area this month. the security council adopted a resolution quoting for full unhindered humanitarian access and sudan. since then,
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i regret to report that has been no major progress on the ground. recent border reopening is by the government to allow for 8 shipments where a start, but not enough or more border crossing must also reopen to getting into the greater for region which has recorded some of the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition. the, despite the dire warnings, sorry, hans and bassett are told the council of situation is not as bad as it not being of our trade lead. i'm an attorney, so i knew i would like to be precise. here, there was no attempt to end of the supply and delivery of humanitarian assistance and i should firmly state that and more of that, there was no indication that to don is hovering around all the time and the time is of the essence. and while it's clear, the council was calling on the warring parties to silence their weapons and allow the free flow of aid. it's unclear if those same warring parties are actually
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listening. gabriel is on the, i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. and venezuela arrest warrants has been issued for 9 members of the opposition that goes to a party leader and maria corina machado. she was describe the charges is completely false and is accusing presently for us, my door of brutal repression. my new arrival reports security forces in get back as carrying out a risk against 2 opposition members. then as well as attorney general that accept confirmed the detentions on wednesday, adding that more arrest warrants have been issued for venice willing opposition leader, money equity. now much of those inner circle as many 30 or 40 go, the public ministry asked, but now interest, 2 of them have been carried out and the only, yeah, those are natural if it d us. so the rest of henry i'll be or is you and ignore hernandez have been made effective out, is ignored. i am not in this despite her landslide
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victory and a primary organized by the opposition. last october, much of the remain span by vin as well. and authorities from officially registering as the presidential candidate, much of the who has been polling above president eco last model, caused the arrest warrants against members of her staff. a cowardly act by the government to say that it appears the regime once to close the road to democracy and peace with the regime is doing is not a show strength. it's a show of great weakness and that's what the, the rest words against opposition. members have cast a new doubts over the upcoming presidential election scheduled for july. been as well as supreme court, which upheld the ban against much of the in january, accused as the opposition leader of corruption and supporting us sanctions. one resident below alger 0, the former president in football style. reuben, you has been ordered to serve a 9 year sentence for rates in brazil and not in easley where he was convicted. the
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former ac milan striker was found guilty of taking part in a gang rape 11 years ago. at court in brazil i paddled his conviction and ordered a sentence to begin immediately. the us federal reserve has decided to keep interest rates on change at 5 and a quarter percent, a 23 year high economies. william lee looks deeper into the numbers for us. the overall economy is that is doing quite well, but it's the distributional impact is where the concern is. one of the things to keep in mind is that the overall only if you look at the overall economy interest burden breakfast, that by credit cards is only about 10 percent of the people's income. it was much higher so i can decrease that actual price is close to the 1314 percent of your income. so the person is fine in aggregate. but when you look at, we are really affecting people the most, it's at the lower end and people are becoming more, more discontent because at the lower rent,
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they feel that their wages are not keeping up with prices. the wages, like keep you up with inflation and the resentment is being pointed toward the policies of jo, bye. and because under donald trump, they were saying, well, we noticed that our incomes actually rising faster than inflation. we were not having these debt burdens as much as we are now. why is it that we are having to resort to more and more borrowing under administration that says i m pro union pro workers pro the little guy. at least montenegro has been appointed prime minister of portugal after his send to right democratic alliance, natalie won this month's elections. the president has invited him to form a minority. government montenegro has ruled out forming a coalition for the fall. i check up party, we saw the biggest gains in parliament, he'll take office on april. the 2nd are you k government recently announced his largest expansion of nuclear power in 70 years as an alternative to fossil fuels. but it will take some time to actually deliver as promise of energy independence.
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sonya category for some dungeon ac in southern england. an efficient load cup and saucer power over a complex, expensive and half of this way. of guaranteeing energy security. nuclear power has both captivated and alarmed politicians and innovation that holds the promise of a stable source of power as a way of guaranteeing demands, the green renewable energy, but on it. so it's not enough to when countries of dependents on fossil fuels, i've announced the largest expansion to our new career program in seventy's. and we're being realistic about all need for oil and gas to nuclear power provides 15 percent of the case energy supply and has been promoted by energy supplies as a reliable source. the promise of low comp and nuclear energy is not without its risks. done to this and be behind me. here was the 1st of its generation of nuclear
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power applause. and it was designed to be only in use until 2008. however, it was extended until 2028, but a series of technical faults months, but it was shot down in 2021. another issue just fueling and the contamination and the site will remain radio active for 10000 years. as the 2 nuclear reactors being built at henkie point c in the west of england are expected to provide energy for more than a 5th of bushes homes. but it has been beset by delays and spiraling costs. local residents are also wary of the environmental impact. it's a very does the process. so the fuel itself is filthy in terms of contribution to climate change and pollution before it gets anywhere near processing and ending up as fuel for nuclear power station. so,
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101 form of atomic technology that holds much promise. nuclear, a fusion, relatively inexpensive compared to a nucleus fission produced in power plants. it is seen as a se, full tentative as it doesn't use long last in waste, 6 before mega to football, but have been major breakthroughs in successfully generating more energy than was used to creating it. the challenge will be producing it on an industrial scale that compelled the world. so nearby ego, i'll just sarah dungeon s. the los angeles dodgers baseball team is find an interpreter for the use of a saw play a show he or tawny, the interpreter. he paid me so hara is accused of stealing at least $4500000.00 from the player to pay off gambling debts with tiny just made his dont just if you after signing of record 700000000 dollar 10 year contract and that is in use for now, and i'll just here, that's it from me for the back to go. my lean side will be with you with another
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half hour view of news right after inside story to stay with us. thanks for watching the the recent flooding inside of your ray be costs are being key, right? certainly your rock could be top top by this axis system. still going east to us because the backwash is here coming through. talk here where there's snow in the high ground, but rain running through northern iraq. how's a savage or so i'm not drawing a picture and that's certainly true and you're wrong. but look at the winds, the despite the fact spin. so ryan is not being very much in this pops out here, right, because it's still drawn up to pick up the dust and the sand. and we've got cold up there a lot. the might produce symbol thunderstorms. so i repeat potential iraq, q 8 and eastern science, which might bring rain to about rain,
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possibly even dining because in fact, the next 3 days and the doha full across friday, saturday, sunday, all contained some risk of rain, may be sunday, being the wisest with some of the storms. yeah. there's a little bit late in the year for that. i know the such persistence to extra oil africa. the rain is just about to decide so times on the scene, warnings for the amount of rain and it suddenly showing up as heavy stuff in those 9 gohler and up to the equitorial guinea to the south of this waltz. the western side of south africa has cooled down and i think to dialogue about 10 degrees, the shaft and the free state, and i look particularly big and repeatable. a unique perspective that is done is one of the most. the 3 just example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury, to be honest, people, i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect
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with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on algebra as well as long gaza has we live mostly on western um then technology to come around. so to 2000 alice jennings and just fine growing la position, those weapons keep flowing. so who's supplying as well, with the tools for genocide and could they be legal consequences? this is inside story. the .


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