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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 21, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the in the us says they've submitted a resolution to the un security council that calls for an immediate sci fi in gaza and the release of captives the telling you watching out. is there a line from bill? how with me for the back people also coming up israel says it's killed, 95 is simians, and it's raise on guys as launch as hospital and has detained hundreds more and
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more. he's released as ranks in the occupied westbank. 3 palestinians are killed in geneva and a warning from the un that hundreds of thousands of children in so don could die from malnutrition in the coming. the thank you for joining us. we begin with breaking news. the united states says it submitted a draft resolution to the un security council, calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. secretary of state on to me blinking says the resolution is links to the release of captives and that helps countries will support the move. the us has previously vetoed attempts to achieve a ceasefire at the united nations as get more without diplomatic as a james base, we joins is on the line. so j is what more you hearing about this us resolution. will these comments have come from sex groups like blinking in the last all out? clearly sounds very important to take what we need to know is exactly exactly
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language of the un security council resolution to what she's refer to. and i can tell you the out you 0 as pain to copy all the latest we saw people salacious to us security council draft just a few hours ago. and this is, i think, where the language is important because he's talking when he spoke to a port is a short time ago, was about to meet at 6 law. the resolution of the company we've seen of use the words in nature and sustains sustain seesaw. but this is where it gets complicated and this is important. the language house has the security council determines the imperative i'm going to meet you at the same spot to protect civilians are sites now determines determines the imperative means such as in egypt and sustained c swap. the security council police is important. what other members of the security council one is going to get them on for one to take place? and it's not clear in this resolution, but that's actually what the us is demanding. and i have to be honest with you,
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it's not clear whether this copy of the resolution that down to 0 obtain just a couple of hours ago is the copy. the secretary of state clinton is talking about . it may well be, this is a fluid document. it's been updated all the time, but the language has been changed. it is certainly the strongest draft that i have seen with regards to the situation in cars that demanding and meet with aid. going to casa, talking about international humanitarian, little being compliant with these links, the document, this is something us has been working on. i dropped the solution for some weeks now, and it's been constantly evolving, generally the strongest language yet. but these are quite what the rest of the security council won't moan for the regency saw. or is it just as a resignation what a security council would say. let me just see. so it's something that's very important. and he may then, of course, be able to refer to the ongoing talks that are taking place in dough hall to try and get a 6 week c spot. as you say,
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james strong language in this draft resolution that the us is putting forward. and this is, of course, a significant change it would appear given the us is previous vito's at the security council and got some yes, we have for 3 times. we've had the us representatives in the security council raised them in veto against the rest of the security council. only the u. k. has been on 2 legs resolutions not supporting the resolution and abstention. but the us is the only one that with the total power locked those resolutions, the security council would have called for an agency slot at the end of last year. if it hadn't been up for the united states. and i know from diplomats in new york kind of elsewhere that there's being considerable concerned about this among the security council. but also i think among the us diplomatic community diplomat,
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senior diplomats have told me they believe us ambassador of self and in the thomas screen, feel uneasy about the us position and has been advocating for the us to take a stronger position given at the scale of the gas caused by israel is bump up. it's james, thank you very much for the moment. that same space that different matic edison on the line that will have more on this breaking news story throughout the day. here, of course, i'd be us serve reportedly submitting a new draft resolution at the security council calling for an immediate c site in casa. meanwhile, israel says it's can to more than 90 people during his rate on out she for hospital complex the northern gaza. it says it has interrogated more than 300 detainees, optis storming the facility on monday, photos heavy mag showing people being tied up and detained inside the hospital, which is the largest in the gaza strip. at least a 160 people have been taken from off chief for further investigation, almost 32000 hours to me and to have been killed by is ready for assistance. the
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war started in october. i was just as terry capitalism as more on the taco now, she felt from the rough and southern gossip of the situation right now and is she felt hospital is getting much more difficult as a residents are being trapped entirely inside the neighborhood. if you have been receiving more calls from boost residence will have been running extremely low in terms of food and water alongside that is very military troops have so far in and i'm part of a residential houses on the vicinity of a she felt hospitalized as a part of the disability, ongoing village with ration that did not till now and in the she felt hospital also, they have been attacking the reception department inside of the hospital. they have caused a critical damage to a number of the facilities of at the hospital. the specifically, that separate areas had been turned to be an investigation room where people inside have been absolutely integrated
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a by the is very minute to troops where are still hundreds of people and patients on april to leave the hospital and the ongoing classes and confrontations taking place there too now, and also we have been hearing from the monitoring of how much that they have. a tax number of is very minute, 3 tanks in all the areas that are leading to the hospital as a part of the ongoing. also confrontations that to now is it still ongoing that on the ground? so clearly we heard from by some name, a member of hamas, his political bureau, he denies israel's claims that they were him off fighters inside actually fast the fortune and ship. oh it's within, it's very, very serious, very, very visuals. we used to hear this, the somebody named broke under the body for the prison. so for a must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the us to come. i come dash to the one i'm concerned with the normally the 10 people inside the hospital,
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the vision uh they have executed in the fee. hundreds of our people, including as innocent civilians, some of our crackers can around dollars within one to be out of pissing the new and vision to the hospital. i think the most important point here is not, is not about how many of you have can only but the, the repeatedly, in saving or storming the head. first, it is destroying the house with the slim, big shift of thousands of the month of summer by hundreds of them were good enough, including in the early uh, mine of uh, most of the stuff has been taking hostages by the intro to give it some of them executed in the feat to palestinians have been killed and then is there any drone strikes me at to correct me in the occupied westbank area is really forces website
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to be obstructing access to emergency cruise, trying to reach the notions refugee camp is around. has also been spending more troops to the sending more tropes to the area. and these really military has targeted a vehicle in jeanine also in the occupied westbank. at least 3 policy names were killed in the strike, the palestinian red crest and says one person is critically wounded. a school 142 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank, including a 122 people, a 102 people that just say engineering senses rel, launches for on gas. they would confrontations between motors in policy and authority. security forces during the funeral procession. authorities find that launch crowds gathered in jeanine, at least 27 people were injured. several former us diplomats and military officials are calling on joe biden to take a hard line on israel. they one of the serious consequences of depriving policy
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means of the civil rights and basic needs. a group of i bought 70 retired officials have a us president and an open letter to consider restricting funding to israel. the group says the mission against hamas is necessary and justified, but that the operation has been marked by repeated violations of international loss . is there any prime minister benyamin? this yell has spoken to us republican senators via video league. he wanted to firm up support for the war on guys up a senior democrats declined and it's now it's request. let me say this. i care deeply about is real and it's long term future. when you make the issue partisan, you hurt the cause of helping israel. the democrats talk about the 2 state solution, in my opinion, the 2 states they're most worried about our michigan and nevada, which are states that biden is very worried about in terms of his own re election. president biden, or to have the backbone to stand up with the people of israel. instead,
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he is running scared of the extremist of his own party. also named jordan has more from washington dc. sentiment. netanyahu has been accusing a congressional democrats of interfering in domestic politics in israel. so consider that irony, what you see here basically is a lot of political posturing by senate and, and house democrats, by senate and house republicans, and by the government of benjamin netanyahu, in israel. but essentially, there is going to be no easy way to resolve this. first, the meeting that tab benjamin netanyahu spoke to remotely of senate republicans was essentially a uh, a regular luncheon of these members. and so for chuck schumer,
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the senate majority leader to deny benjamin netanyahu access to his democratic party members own luncheon is really it's really not that big of a deal. this is not the matter of having him appear in the chamber of the house of representatives for a joint meeting of the house and the senate as he was able to do back in 2015. when republicans controlled both the senate and the house leadership. and essentially brought him in to try to undermine the oprah bomb as a bomb administration's efforts to negotiate the wrong nuclear deal. this is a very different political context. and so you have basically this big game of chicken which party might want to blink and which party might want to stand fast on its own position, considering ongoing us support for israel in its war against from us. the
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other world news now the united nations is wanting that 220000 children in so don could die from malnutrition in the coming weeks and months. so you and humanitarian affairs agency has briefed the security council describing the situation as one of the worst. he monetary and crises in recent history. almost a year of fighting between me and the power military wrap is support forces i scaled tens of thousands and caused acute food shortages, given a zone to report some meal. and urgent united nations security council meeting to address the plate of more than 18000000 people in sudan who don't have enough to eat. and $6500000.00 for internally displaced our humanitarian travesties splitting out since redone and to avail of international inaction. and in attention, simply put, we are feeling the people of sedan the un is unable to reach millions of people in
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sudan who need help because of increased fighting between government forces known as the f, a f, and rival rapids support forces known as a r s f, regrettably, our ability to reach the most valuable, most notably in cartoon, the 4th quarter fund and do a da 0. states continues to be obstructed. area this month, the security council adopted a resolution quoting for full unhindered humanitarian access and sudan. since then, i regret to report, there has been no major progress on the ground. recent board or reopening is by the government to allow for 8 shipments where a start, but not enough or more border crossing must also reopen to get a team into the greater for region. we just recorded some of the highest rates of hunger and malnutrition. the, despite the dire warnings. sorry, hans ambassador told the council of situation is not as bad as it must be of our
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trade lead. i'm an attorney, so i knew you would like to be precise. here, there was no attempt to end of the supply delivery of humanitarian assistance and i should firmly state that and more of that, there was no indication that so don is hovering around all the time and the time is of the essence. and well, it's clear the council is calling on the warring parties to silence their weapons and allow the free flow of aid. it's unclear if those same warring parties are actually listening. gabriel is on the, i'll just say to at the united nations in new york. hundreds of thousands of refugees from don have been forced to flee into south. so don, many, a traumatizing, malnourished. i'll just here is malcolm web has this report from a trying to camp in the board. a ton of rank inside for the students who was forced about a 1000000 people from their homes and left more than twice stopped facing
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a que tongue to choose mothers and seeking help for that children. having arrived at this transit camp in the board, the town of rank itself threw down. yeah, called cadillac, went to see don to look for what 3 years ago. she says she was among the 1st to plato. so i think when she was forced to come back to south seat on last. yeah. she's been in the camp ever since and gave birth here to the tongue. she says a husband died. the, the read shows me a chinese armies file to send for his age. he severely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the children. i work selling t to earn money for their survival. but it's really difficult for me to support them. rang depended on su, done for food and cross board of trade before the war. now the traffics one way and
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many come empty handed. most of the people arriving here a hungry, it comes from cost a seat on it to be cut off from food and other essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well, the program is registering the new arrivals, taking fingerprints and then seeing everybody edit site, the base of this place. people see you and says it shows the funds to be able to deal with this crisis. here you arrivals issued a voucher for about $14.00, which is meant to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people who arrived here are returning south c denise. but a growing number of seed and these people and now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or support here. i haven't received anything since i arrived. it's my 2nd day of waiting. my daughters have very hungry. i'm the have better luck this time. so students,
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currency losing finally was oil revenues full because of the war. food prices going out of the mountain, there is children like near tang tree to the transit camp by iris. cherokee, go with a nutritional paste. the specialist here told us that the worst case is a people who stayed here a long time, waiting for the location. is this times that children that really you know, that condition becoming what? yeah, quotes like many here. so she doesn't want to be relocated home every year in south sea. the on stuff is on the conflicts flooding, a more displacement. she says the transit company of the buddha is the only place she can survive. a malcolm web address era rank south seat on the war and ukraine. now in russia has launched
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a missile attack against the capital of the green keys. america key says add defense, you need. so trying to repel the attack. nissan. debris has fallen in different parts of the city, leaving at least 4 people injured. residential buildings have been hit by the remains of the down to me size. some apartments have caught 5 seat, a head on out to 0. the us federal reserve holes interest rates at our historic high. what could that mean for the global economy? by the u. k is logics is fine, expansion of its nuclear power program might not be enough to solve its dependence on fossil fuel. the recent flooding in saudi arabia cost of it in q. right? certainly a rock could be top top bodies actually system still going east was because the backwash is here coming through. talk here,
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where is the high ground but rain running through northern iraq of the south we chose, i'm not drawing a picture and that's certainly true and you're wrong. but look at the winds, the despite the fact being. so ryan is not being very much in this problem savvy, right? because it's still drawn up to pick up the dust and the sand. and we've got called the fair a lot, the might produce symbol thunderstorms. so a repeat potential iraq, q 8 and eastern side of the which might bring rain to about rain, possibly even dining because in fact, the next 3 days, the doha full across friday, saturday, sunday, all contained some risk of rain, may be sunday, being the wisest with some of the storms. yep. it's a little bit late in the year for that. i know the such persistence through ex tauriel africa. the rain is just about to decide so times in the se, moldings for the matter of right. and it's certainly showing up as heavy stuff in those 9 gohler and up to the equitorial guinea to the south of this waltz. the western side of south africa's cool down i think to dial by about 10 degrees,
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the shaft and the free state. and i look particularly big and repeatable the, [000:00:00;00] the fucking back, every camp about 12 stories on o g, a 0 us secretary of state says a draft resolution has been submitted to the un security council. calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza onto the blinking says the resolution is linked to the release of captives and that he hopes countries will support the move. us has previously detailed attempts to achieve
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a ceasefire at the united nations. israel says it scales more than 90 people cheering its range on off she for hospital complex the northern gaza. it says its interrogating more than $300.00 people after storming the facility on monday, photos of the next, showing people being tied up and detained inside the hospital, which is the largest in the casa straight. and the un security council has heard warnings from saddam that 226000 children, could die from nutrition within months. 11 months of fighting between the army and paramilitary rapid support for success, give thousands and force 1000000 some doubts in india protest. as i've taken to the 3, so the, the doc region to demand the territory be given states code. the demonstrations come after talks between regional leaders and new delhi broke down. how some, how many dies more feeling
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neglected. thousands of people get to the streets in may and gotten to the months stated for the region. they also want tribal status for the areas that would allow them to form administrations within the state. your district keywords that you use, the youth in the back of an increasingly frustrated due to continuous neglect by the government. could that be as the person administration is addressing demand solely based on the population instead? district yeah. without thinking about how important the doctors typically work on, the maligned region was formed out of indian elizabeth cushion we have more than 4 years ago. the indian government decided to run the region from the deli at the time, many in the welcome to move across the board to know what this to see, the most wonderful the presentation accuse need in your mind, you know, liking them just like job go model american ministry of home, if it is now me chelsea this protest since the outcome of the field meeting with
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the indian home ministry, are we able to convey to both the government in the nation? the importance of addressing our demands was on the doc. you people want statehood for the doc and tribal rights. ok, and the restoration of democracy in the retracted, you moved yet. so you, bottom of all some treatise in the region have both to shut the businesses in process. and the appropriate activities has gone on hunger strike. we are expecting a democracy, basic democratic rights to choose our own representatives to make decisions about how this rigid place is managed. the government needed as phone a committee to look into the months of the put this, this and itself books with latest, from the region. but so far we thought success demonstrate disease said they would continue taking to the streets on the team that demands some of them. and
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a desire to a face gunmen has been killed after attacking a 14 southern pakistan. police say the attack on want, on 14 baluchistan, began with a large explosion. an exchange of gunfire follow down to the gunmen forced their way into buildings in the port complex. the san francisco, the baluchistan liberation army has claimed responsibility. quite a port is the centerpiece of the china box on economic cordele, providing china with access to a deep water port on the arabian sea. the u. n. is calling on the international community due to take protection to take action by the to protect civilians in myanmar special rapid tour for human rice in march. as the military june dies increasing its attacks on civilian areas. if we can restrict and caught access to revenue of the hunter through these targeted sanctions on banking institutions by shutting down, there are the variety of ways that they're getting access to these weapons. and by
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virtue of, of the money that they're updating and then we can stop their ability to buy these weapons. the u. s. federal reserve has decided to keep interest rates on change at 5 and a quarter percent, which is a for 23 year high, high borrowing cost aimed at cutting. inflation. fed chairman jerome power sitting facing is still too high, but signal the central bank would cut rates 3 times later in the area. we heard from william lee, who's the chief economist with the american institute, think tank. and he looked deeper into the numbers for us. the overall economy is that is doing quite well, but it's that distributional impact is where the concern is. one of the things to keep in mind is that the overall and if you will give you a roll economy, interest burden breakfast, that by credit cards is only about 10 percent of the people's income. it was much higher back in the great financial crisis. close to the 1314 percent of your income,
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so the burden is fine in aggregate. but when you look at, we are really affecting people the most. it's at the lower end of people becoming more more discontent because at the lower rent, they feel that their wages are not keeping up with prices. the wages, like keep you up with inflation. and the resentment is being taught, pointed towards the policies of jo, bye. and because under donald trump, they were saying, well, we noticed that our incomes actually rising faster than inflation. we were not having these debt burdens as much as we are now. why is it that we are having to resort to more and more borrowing under ministration that says, i m pro union pro workers pro the little guy and then is waiting to address warrants have been issued for 9 members of the opposition. they're close to marina carino machado who's describing the challenges as completely fall. she's leading the opinion polls despite being banned from running for president in july. my new
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and rapid only for security forces in get out guess carrying out arrest against 2 opposition members. been as well as the attorney general that accept confirmed the detentions on wednesday. adding that more arrest warrants have been issued for venice willing opposition. leader, money equity. you know much of those inner circle, it means that you're bored eco, the public ministry gas would not arrest. maybe 2 of them had been carried out the only yeah, they'll share natural ethic di us, the rest of henry alvarez and ignore hernandez had been made effective out. is the note i am not in this despite her landslide victory and a primary organized by the opposition, last october, much of the remain span by vin as well. and authorities from officially registering as the presidential candidate, much of the who has been polling above president nicholas mother of calls, the arrest warrants against members of her staff. a cowardly act by the government
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to say that it appears the regime once to close the road to democracy and peace with the regime is doing is not a show of strength. it's a show of great weakness and that's what the, the rest words against opposition. members have cast a new doubts over the upcoming presidential election scheduled for july. been as well as supreme court, which upheld the ban against much of the in january, accused as the opposition leader of corruption and supporting us sanctions. when residential elders here a leo of a rock, guys stepping down as islands, prime minister and leader of the governing, seen a galle potty rock. i made the surprise announcement only 2 years into his 2nd term, s premier. he says he's stepping down for personal reasons and because he feels a different data will do better at the bottom of the box. following the recent loss of to referendum a u. k. government recently announced the biggest expansion of nuclear power for 70 is as an alternative to fossil fuels. but it may not necessarily deliver the
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promise of energy independence for some time to come. sonya gregory for some dungeon us in southern england, an efficient low carbon sol subpoena or a complex, expensive and has it this way. of guaranteeing energy security, nuclear power has both captivated and alarmed politicians and innovation that holds the promise of a stable source of power. as a way of guaranteeing demand for green renewable energy, but on it. so it's not enough to wind countries of dependence on fossil fuels. i've announced the largest expansion to our new career program in seventy's, and we're being realistic about all need for oil and gas to nuclear power provides 15 percent of the case energy supply and has been promoted by energy supplies as a reliable source. the promise of low comp and nuclear energy is not without its
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risks. dungeon this be behind me here was the 1st of its generation of nuclear


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