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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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in palestine together we are changing the world. one halts that's time the . ready ready the hello, i money in site, this is the news out live from the coming up in the next 60 minutes is wrong. and it's rate on l. c for hospital and detain hundreds moles. and the okay pod westbank is really strong scale 3 palestinians in jeanine thousands of people continue to face food shortages off the leading the fonts
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against the down the cross. this has been raised that the un security council, one part of leadership is knowing when the time is come to pass on the pass on to somebody else. and then having the courage to do is that the time is no surprise resignation as odd as prime minister near the rock says he's stepping down for personal and political reasons. and on piece of same it's still useful. it's news. the new m l b season starts in south korea as the la dodgers. $700000000.00 man show. hey, tony helps these new team people san diego padres, 5 to the hello. welcome to the program. it's 18 gmc, that's a pm local in garza where at least a 100 and full palestinians have been killed in multiple attacks across the strip.
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the fighters have a mud showing people being tied up on detained inside the l. c. for hospital in northern garza, israel says it has interrogated more than 300 and taken at least a 160 out of gaza for further investigation. meanwhile, at beat and is there it's refugee camp and central golf is a 20 full palestinian women and children have been killed. witnesses say strikes hit a residential area when people were sleeping homes that have been completely destroyed . another is rarely asked right at the marriage refuge account has wiped out members of an entire family. at least 17 people killed in total in the attack that it will say, talking to a bakery crucial and feeding the staffing population in a moment, will speak to him wrong, connie's ok, ok parties, jerusalem for us? for us, let's go to tart. assume he's in rasa in southern gaza. sorry. what is the latest your hearing about the situation at all?
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she thought a yes, this situation the is this still a read in the states of 3 more or less the clashes we but we spots from us on the east, but on the ground, the continued to take to mount generally specifically old, the roads and the neighborhoods that are surrounding us without hospital and that's absolutely a part of the ongoing is very military campaign and which is 2 now did not talk is well at the same time, had been keeping hundreds of patients if activities to the truck inside the medical facility, while people who are still trapped on the vicinity of the hospital are cooling unappealing, for more rescued by foot being made in order to evacuate them from the area of bottles. the as no one can get in or out from that place um, an ongoing foreign exchange. we both bought stuff on the grounds and i think the best the computers have been imagined and released by the military wing of homeless
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showing that there's bottles still going on the under unrelenting fund cover by that is very fine to just in the entire region. and tara, what about the situation elsewhere in gaza? all strikes ongoing that to yes, uh, the situation is still very critical and die as specifically in the past 24 hours as well. has killed more than 100 palestinians and entering more than 140 others. so now where we have been seeing most of it is where the attacks on guns the city. they have destroyed a residential tower in a remote neighborhoods and more attacks on a shulty refuge account where a residential building was completely reduced to the rep. let them both citizens being killed, untainted, but new one managed to recover them from that area to now, because if it is ready and willing to bump into that, as soon as it's over a that's placed by the same time we've been hearing ongoing auxilary bombardment up
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from our location here right now, the roof off, in terms of the stubborn costs of the city of san eunice work. and so the confrontations, the continues where these body forces had been stating that they are continuing on pushing on with their military operation until it shipping over the goal is being such earlier. and the public opinion minister bills had been also urging for an immediate humanitarian and medical intervention in order to rescue what had be left from the majority of hospitals that are right now injuring the majority of one of the people. okay, sorry about assume that 1st and rasa in southern golf. let's turn now to iran. con he is in oki parties, jerusalem and wrong. has it been any more as rarely reaction to that continued raid on al schafer to well, these right. these have been saying is that they've killed the 1000000 t palestinians in al shift hospital. they've arrested almost 300 other stadiums. a
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160 of those have actually been taken into is really territory for interrogation of bases. and on going operation, it shows no signs of slowing down, and that's causing concern to the international community, particularly to the united states. united states are worried that this might be a dress rehearsal, in effect, for a much larger operation in 2 or a 5. and that's something that the americans are pressurizing these rightly as an oscar and not to do, they simply don't want to say a large scale land invasion in the to roof or net present jo guide and all the us has presented alternatives to probably based benjamin netanyahu alternatives, he says that we need that large scale ground invasion, but then, you know, who has been tough. he says, the only way that we are going to be able to get rid of him ask completely, is if we go in to a rough up in large number. now remember this about 1800000 palestinians who have
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been stuck in that tiny enclave for months now. it's supposed to be a safe starting now. it's completely under threat of this land invasion as me blinking us extra. your site is almost like visiting the region. he'll be coming to jerusalem in the coming days. he's likely to be pushing for a ceasefire. but he's also going to be talking about these alternatives of this land invasion coming. and he'll be discussing that with there's any kind of moving on that these really sticking phone. okay, thank you for that. and we're on conk, the 1st law of unoccupied east jerusalem. let's bring it in by some name. he's a member of how must his political 0. thank you for joining the program. what is the situation at all? she for hospital as you on the standards, according to these really ministry, they say the dozens of how much medicines have been killed that and taken for others have been taken for questioning. is this true a thank you very much. the situation and shift almost within his very. busy serious,
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very, very visuals. we used to hear this to somebody named broke under the body for the prison. so for a must find some sort of minutes from the people inside the us to con. uh i found dish to the one i'm concerned with the normally the times people inside the hospital, the business uh they have executed in the fee. hundreds of our people, including as innocent civilians, some of our crackers can around dollars within the why would be on a few pacing the new invasions to the hospital. i think the most important point here is not, is not above how many of you have kids on the but the, the are repeatedly in saving or storming the president is destroying the house with the sewing machine, thousands of thousands of the 100
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a month to some of the pin number, including instantly mine most, most of the stuff has been taking hostages, but actually the intro to give it some of them executed in the feet. well, they is riley say the reason that they are attacking l shufa is because they believe that they have us operatives within the hospital. so you are denying the fact that they are that they all know how much the operatives inside the hospital, the hospital compound. yes i do like this because yes, so did they have talked about i'm going to assume a poor was can it said the hospital he is the chief command, the police serial police who was all the time. cool. but then if and when they, you on the but is on the, you will be how to organize the income of the whole of the human. assume it's from the sauce to the model. and this is what one isn't with you. we have talking about
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is different twenties and they have announced that they have to unload. busy mandel from us, if you will send them a doctor or a list for the police, because he is working in the government to live. but from us, he is. this is unexcused to execute him or to kill him. this is another story, but we are talking about the people who are the members of the government. don't go to the notices, music on stuff, voice, the police and stuff who are taking table, the shift of the. but some of our partners can outside the hospital. again, why be we're trying to resist that conversation with them vision of those for television . okay, so, so just to be clear, these reports that we have been getting about ongoing fist by saying that it's taking place between how most fights is in the is really ami. you're saying that is outside the hospital. are sure i have seen the video are distributed
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by a concern, but again this evening i know the area, but it will, i was some of the sort of sense and there was a doctor, an inch of us because this is at least 152 to 400 meters outside the hospital. yes, i kind of the resistance, but this is the natural response of all the people to defend our hospitals or innocent people. i will shift those, but no minute kind of business incentives because okay, i think i'll just, you know, have months, a go record reported about the blinds of those. so it is doing business and she phones with them. and that's the, we've all seemed from the destruction is, are those are they were not able to special unable on military existence in those. and mr. name can i also, when you look at the level of destruction in gaza, the number of palestinians that have been killed, the number of children that have died or are starving at what point is, how much go, okay, enough is enough. we will find a way to end the war and,
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and the suffering of causes people this is, 1st of all, i think that's a blessing on the justice court of justice have clearly defined what summoning them is as you can assign, this is not the vision. this is not the, the, for the mistake or the crime of the victims, then they have what is this good? the, they are looking for freedom and dignity. this is a clean the, this will separate it feel that coupons ball, which is this laurie, that they are clearly revelation on international law that i was just in the u r l i c g. on the other hand, yes, we have both in the last few days. the very last one on the proposal to each of these toyota to and this aggression against the people which was bred by them in depth of income and do also by the americans. what problems, but as far as the creative side, we have to know that we haven't received an offer show. this was but all the
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signals we have received from the technical team. the indoor for today is very, very disappointing. it is clearly signaling the listen. y'all is using the negotiations as a tool beginning to get a lot of time limited gloves to continue that vision of the crimes against the laws . because i'm going to invade uh, you want to go off the phone. okay. i appreciate your time by sending them a member of thomas's political bureau speaking to us the well as we were hearing earlier by all corresponded in ron con. us next, just asked me blinking has arrived in saudi arabia for regional tooks on israel's will. on garza, he will be discussing efforts to secure a ceasefire and more a deliveries to the strip. this is a 6 tour of the region since october is expected to add to egypt and israel for
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more tools. for a while, these riley ministry is targeted a vehicle in jeanine and the occupied west bank. at least 3 palestinians were killed in the asteroid, and the palestinian red crescent says one person is critically wounded. at least 440 pounds as indians have been killed in the old pod westbank, including a 102 people in jeanine. since israel launched its will on gaza. let's go to laura con, she's in ramallah in the occupied westbank. what is the latest that you can tell us about the strike? well, 1st of all, i'll tell you the very latest and that is that a funeral procession is currently taking place that's underway. just on the outskirts of jeanine refuge account. hundreds of people, happy matching with the bodies that going towards the most, where they will be holding press, and then the friends and family of those 3 people killed will get to very their
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loved ones. but let me just walk you through this. i see what happens as we know from the posting read present on local journalist on the ground at 537 local time, pm and these rated ministry carried out an as stripe. it's specifically talkative, a call 3 people were killed. one person was chris, critically wounded. 2 of those people assigned to as they belonged to an armed group of his allow me to have that known as it's janine battalion out. so it's ready on me, have put out a statement of missing to killing them in the strike, but said that they were planning an attack inside of israel, and they said the last may, 1 of them had killed in his radiate mom. but we do know that he was from an illegal is right assessment. and so up top need they are holding a funeral, but many people engineering according for why to protest against the strike. a lower give us a bit of context here because this is not the 1st time jeanine has been targeted of
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what it is known as a hot bed of palestinian resistance. there are a few armed groups working within that, but we certainly know that to happen to be in the 1st time. the last strike was on the 22nd of february. 3 men were killed and 14 people were wounded. and uh, we know this, this has been ongoing for about 2 years. we really intensified rates by the x rays happening throughout geneva, refugee camp, and the widest city. our team have been that on numerous occasions, i've seen personally how these right is on that not you rights have been tearing out the infrastructure all the time, entering with vehicles on the bolt as so really this town says the stones of this israel said they want to get rid of all things posting and fights as the policy you'll find to say they will continue that resistance. but what we do know is that the is right, is a certainly conducting raise on a nightly basis. thank you for that. laura con, that for us in ramallah,
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in the occupied westbank or the whole of an 18000000 people are facing acute hunger because of the civil war ensued on many of them comp be reached by humanitarian agencies. all those have fled to neighboring countries to seek safety and help mocking web, such as this report from a transit comp bought a town of rank in south. through dawn, dunphy was forced about 8000000 people from their homes and left more than twice stopped facing a cue tongue. whose mothers and seeking help for the children having arrived at this transit camp in the board, the town of rank is south to down. yeah, called god black went to see don to look for what 3 years ago. she says she was among the 1st to flee to so i think when she was forced to come back to south seat
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on last. yeah. she's been in the camp ever since. and k bus here to me. yeah. chang . she says her husband died. the, the red shows me a chinese um is far too fading for his age. he severely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the children. i work selling t to earn money for their survival, but it's really difficult for me to support them. ring depended on suit on for food and cross border trade before the war. now the traffics one way and many come and see 100. most of the people arriving here a hungry it comes from cost to sit on it to be cut off from food and other essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well, the program is registering the new arrivals, taking fingerprints and then to your everybody. and it's a, it's a base of displace people see you and says it's source of funds available to deal
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with this crisis. here. you are rivals issued a voucher for about $14.00, which is meant to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people have arrived here or returning south c denise. but a growing number of suit and these people and now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or support here. i haven't received anything since i arrived. it's my 2nd day of waiting. my daughters are very hungry. i'm not has better luck this time. so suzanne's currencies losing finally was oil revenues full because of the war. food prices going out severely mountain there is children like near time a treat to the terms that come by irish charity. go with the nutritional paste. the specialist here told us that the worst case is a people who stayed here
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a long time waiting for the location to this time that children are really the tutor. you know, the condition, the coming what yeah. quotes like many here. so she doesn't want to be be located. hi mary, are in south seat on stuff is on the conflict flooding, more displacement, she says the transit company of the buddha is the only place she can survive. malcolm web al jazeera rank south seat on well, the un security council has been discussing the unfolding, humanitarian crisis ensued on an official from the un humanitarian. the 1st appointment was given a briefing to the council on the dangers of the conflict on the severe farm and civilians that all facing to by the time the leading season arrives in may. people in some parts of the for could face what we term. i p c,
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face 5 level acute food insecurity. we call this stage a catastrophe. nutrition is soaring to allow mean levels and is already claiming children's lives. the recent m. s of report revealed that one child is dying every 2 hours and exams. i'm comes in. no fashion, no stuff for our humanitarian travis, the splitting out since we're done on the available international inaction and in attention. simply put, we are feeling the people of sedan as good as a gabriel alexander has been following the briefing from the united nations. gabriel, what prompted the security council meeting, as well as to what's called in the un language, a white note that was issued to the security council from the un office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs is white note is essentially a red flag alert if you will that osha is required to deliver to the security
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council if there's ever a conflict around the world of war, if you will, that is causing enough displacement and harm to people that it's potentially leading to a famine. and that's exactly what is on the path to happening. in the sudan, this is essentially the un going to the security council and saying stop what you're doing. put this issue at the top of your agenda because lives are at stake and many millions of lives are at stake. as we heard from the refers to the security council. so that's sort of the back story to this. i should point out that there already is a security council resolution that calls for a ceasefire in sudan and clearly uh, both sides of this uh, conflict uh, have disregarded that, as the fighting goes on. and it's hindering 8 officials from reaching the people
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that they need to to deliver aid and gave what a un agencies saying about they work in sit on right now. what are the challenges that they are facing of the fighting number one by both sides is clearly causing huge difficulties in getting aid into the people that need it the most. but beyond that, it's opening up the borders to get aid in, particularly from chad where that's where most of the aid would be or should be coming into a particularly for dar, for region. that has been part that has some of the highest levels of people that are, are don't have enough to eat. but the u. n is saying this, and this is really the key of this briefing to the security council. they are saying that there are millions of people right now in sudan that we cannot reach. we have no contact with them and we can not get to them because of the
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fighting in the report you just saw there for malcolm web r r r r r corresponded there. clearly on the border w, f p is able to reach some people. that's a good sign, but the highlight of this briefing, if you will, or low light, if you will, considering how gloomy the situation is, is that the un cannot reach millions of people. and that was really the call to the security council to figure out some sort of urgent action to resolve that. okay, thank you so much for the update. gabriel, alexander, reporting that from the united nations talk says in kenny is public hospitals have been on strike for almost a week now demanding the implementation of a pay deal, agreed back in 2017 full of and 5000 adults is the taking part, the spine. kennedy is labor code, ordering them to return to work counseling, so it reports. so that is kenyatta hospital,
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at least the main referral hospital here in kenya. millions of people come here to receive a specialized treatment and other services as well. but with the doctors on strike, it becomes very difficult uh for the people who come full of the medical care. 7 to get that uh, treatment we have been told by the stuff who are around that. so basically, um, emergency services are you are mainly more also being told that, you know, done no referrals that are happening and it's not just came out to a hospital there. many of the government hospitals that are facing the same predicament. so we have, doctors are getting posted now, but the shortage of doctors who has dis offices, we have going tons assistant and they keep on breaching all these vehicles is
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because they feel like they can bridge. now they move to court to try and compare the quotes you've got to bring us to the table. oh, the upside bought. last year, we spent a whole year negotiating on some of the elements that will be there about 5600 government doc says we have been speaking to a union officials who say that that number is too little more doctors needs to be employed to feel the gap and what all this means is that people continue to suffer. uh, we went to a hospital where people are trying to find a private hosp tools to deal with a different elements. but it comes very difficult because we're talking about people who cannot afford a private cap. this doctor say that they want to go to to come back to work, but their needs have to be met as well. catherine story all to 0 is
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so heads on algae 0, the us federal reserve analysis that it will leave interest rates on changed. we're life the reaction in washington dc announcement of how that is back from head typing down by advertisements. waste on the eyebrows among fellow professionals that's coming up in this for the the, the last couple of days and next day our services are very active to weather and we'll see some more active weather over the whole of the middle east end to of, to the picture on so say, an increasing breeze, or from 11 to northwoods to southern turkey. it's like to rain even on show breezing in significance. now as you can see, that will be wet, snow in the high ground in eastern took a long show. brazen produce showers in some parts of egypt, and again,
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some possible event. not as bad as it was, the new rock things are improving. this was a very active systems, just that because this remains over afghanistan, it was snow. here you'll notice, but let's come back a bit. iran, so looking, find the wind is showing itself, had to be rather more active in saudi arabia. so for the anti coal, to pick up the gas to make things probably a bit. mickey in mecca, which is the rain recency and the shaft developing uh, broadband, notable because once again we go to big learning, especially across the eastern society to bomb, right. and possibly to, to our ha, and again, shaving the 1000 pounds of iraq, even in the knolls back carbonate is floating on the ground. be about their initial cost, equitorial less cuz he's more significant, right? intends near the eastern side of south africa as well. for the west and not being to where it was so hold, things have cooled. the
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unique perspective status done is one of the most egregious example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard. voices, luxury, to be honest, people, i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves, to be able to identify what is freedom and what is it not to stream on out. just the are the latest news as a phrase several tell us the news weren't killed as they were trying to get much needed food to survive with detailed coverage. families of captive for joined by thousands of his really, as they marched from the gauze, the border to west jerusalem from the heart of the story on my left, it's a mazda has been to the police lost in the news. really. they have no place to where everywhere is top nowhere say the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching out. is there a mind if i told stories this hour? is there any forces of killed dozens of palestinians in an ongoing rate on gauze as largest hospital? hundreds of people have been detained, abused as well as attacked over 400 health facilities. began on his right. yes. try cuz targeted a vehicle in jeanine kenning, at least 3 palestinians. one person is in critical condition,
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least 440 pounds of students of entailed in the old. i find since the un security council has been discussing the unfolding, humanitarian crisis ensued on the humanitarian affairs agency. has brief members on the dangerous conflict and severe simon and how what it poses to civilians. the health system and gaza has almost collapse due to israel's relentless attacks. the world health organization has documented full $110.00 attacks on health care facilities in gaza since the will began and says is rarely forces have killed $685.00 health care workers and injured 902 fast. the hospitals across garza have been damaged along with around a 150 ambulances. or we can speak now to margaret harris. she is from the world health organization. she joins us live from geneva. many thanks for joining the program as an organization.
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have you ever seen destruction of health facilities on this scale before, as you've seen in gaza? a good evening money? well, we're seeing more and more concerning a tax on health actually around the world. we've actually seen it, for instance, in so done and ukraine, but certainly the speed, the intensity of the complete destruction of the health system. as you said, 3036 hospitals damaged very, very few hospitals, less in the strip able to verify even the most basic services. uh, at a time when you've got millions of people who are desperately in need of, of care because of not just a physical injuries, beautiful abutment about the, the infection and the rising levels of infection due to of a calling and also salvation. and ma'am nutrition,
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685 health care workers that have been killed and injured, 902000, your numbers does not sound incredibly high eighties, idiots. and this is also a shocking of that. since we've begun documenting a tax on health, the numbers have become so or has the have rate resume so rapidly. it's very, very clear and international humanitarian law. and this was one of the 1st of the agreements around the rules of war that healthcare must be neutral, must be protected. because health care is something for everyone doesn't matter whether you will fighting or not. health care is something that all society's need as a basic human right. do you think is role is deliberately destroying garza's health system and infrastructure to so this is really something for the analyst. what we are simply seeing is that they, it is destruction. and this is making it harder and harder for those who us simply
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provide a trying to provide lots, saving k to a large population of people. not only the people who are each of the people who have got ongoing illness when i think so many people no longer getting the cancer treatment who are no longer getting their diabetes treatment, who are dying of things that they would normally be able to overcome. oh, oh, who would be able to leave a normal life, but they no longer have access to the care? that's a basic human rush, and it's the health coworkers as well, isn't it? you released a report today saying that health work as a dealing themselves with starvation and mountain nutrition, which is making it incredibly hard for them to do that jobs. tell us more about your findings. now desperately hungry. i'm hungry, i'm lucky, warsaw. i most people already have this much a day to and that's everybody. and just imagine you uh, working incredibly hot, incredibly,
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physically hard running for patient to patient dealing with things that you're going to be mentally on a full. but also physic pay a lot full and you have very, very little food. now we mount emissions as often as we have permission. and when we come, one of the things that we're asked for 1st by the health care workers is food. and we do our best to bring some we're also increasing we bringing the nutritional supplements for children, re feeding for because that is now the great need stones, haitian is stopping every doorway in gaza. when was the last time w h, i was able to distribute fuel on all the live saving health supplies to major hospitals in northern garza. and we have regular missions and as i said, it just depends on the on them being facilitated or agree to. we have the, the most recent article details. i was just
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a couple of days ago and we were able to get to the pediatric hospital prior to the hostilities around a sheet. but we were able to get to that hospital last week and it was beginning to get off its nice beginning to provide at least basic services. but sadly way enough thing because of the hostility stays in the back, has been interrupted. and as i said, and what we're doing much more in the north now is looking at how we can set up nutritional stabilization centers for the many, many children, but also adults who are now at a serious stage. all severe tooth, non nutrition. we have been struggling to communicate with doctors and health care workers in northern garza. we have an ongoing situation at schaefer hospital. what is your understanding of the level of health care now available in the north and
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it's minimal. so we know that there they were. i mean, before the hostilities around us she for or 6 hospitals that were doing what they quoted, but most of them relax fuel. and whenever we go to the north, we, the one of the things we bring is fuel so they can get the generations going. in some hospitals we have to repair the generator will bring a new generation because that spain destroyed. and it's a lot of the stuff, the specialist stuff you need. remember the injuries a senior at risk, they bugs and last injuries. and you need to be a very experience and skills so as and to be able to deal with that. so one of the other problems is the stuff themselves. don't have the skills and don't have the support of the experts because they by the last 2 died or the big display. so they do their best. they're doing their best. but
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maintaining just basic hygiene is a struggle. margaret harris from the world health organization speaking to us back from geneva, thank you so much for your time. thank you for having me by name. well, as we've been discussing, the world health organization says doctors in gaza, all suffering from malnutrition, weight loss and exhaustion. they're working continuously to treat the injured, but without enough food, the struggling to get through the shift. victoria gave somebody as the story, the show abdel carter hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in gauze us and surviving on a few plates of rice and this low model because of the noise bett. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to shed between 2 doctors consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables, no protein. it's not enough for adults and working these hours. the head of the
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emergency department is worried about his team's ability to keep going. he says, die of food shortages mean staff stopped the shift exhaustive. i'm famished. in the money, we're seeing malnutrition, among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin, the comp. what like this and especially with so many injuries coming in, they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours for who. at the hospitals make shift kitchen, they tend the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become a staple with little l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far from being an adequate sources suit. the way we're suffering from nutritional deficiencies, fruit and vegetables aren't available, so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of that go sky high without adequate nutrition, there's a high risk of health work is pulling sick and that's the last thing causes
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collapsed health system needs. victoria gates and b l g 0. the u. s. federal reserve has decided to keep interest rates on changed at 5.25 percent, but it did signal that it would cut rates 3 times later this year at $25.00 basis points. each time high barring costs are meant to slow economic activity seat to prevent inflation regulates as imposed high rates back in 2022 off to move in a decade of keeping them near a 0 off. the shock of the great financial crisis is gauge of had to go. hey, angie's live outside the federal reserve in washington dc. so we've just had that decision come in uh, is that what we were expecting? no change. oh, absolutely. i don't think there was a maybe why the economists do thought that they might cut rates yet. they've been
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really signaling ahead of this that they weren't ready to move the term. the term paul of the federal reserve just said that he thinks installation is still too high, but they are. so, as you mentioned, they're signalling, they're gonna do 3 more cuts throughout the year. likely starting in june, at least that's what most economists think. and that would bring interest rates down to 4.6 percent. one thing that they didn't change is the amount of inflation originally they sell at the end of the year. it'd be about 2.6 percent or 2.4 percent. now they say it's going to be 2.6 percent and their goal is really to get it to dow to 2 percent. so nothing really unexpected here. but i will have to wait durham, how's doing this press conference right now. and it is all things when it comes to reporting on the us economy, reporters and analysts like to read between the lines of every single word. he says . so we'll wait to see how the market draft. right? so uh, i mean,
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how economy is going to interpret this is this positive news for the us economy? it absolutely depends on the situation you are find yourself. and if you're in a business that want to do expand, you're probably not going to. so that could hurt the job market because business loans are so much more expensive. now, if you're someone who has a lot of credit card debt or you're looking to buy a home, you're probably going to have to put up that home purchase. and your credit card debt is just going to continue to increase with higher interest rates. now if you're somebody who has a lot of money in savings of city on a lot of cash, treasuries, we're getting pay a lot more from the banks to hold on to your money. so it really is a mixed bag, but what really matters is the inflation now when the fed takes to look at inflation, they look at court inflation that strips out volatile things like food and gas, what the american people look at in this right of the election is the price of gas, is the price of groceries as anyone go into the furniture store right now will tell you. it's kind of insane. groceries are so much more expensive. they've been that way,
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getting more expensive since the beginning of the pen demik and to people who are like, just using their own money. it doesn't actually seem like it's getting any better. so the fed says the economy is doing well. the a lot of the american people think it just is okay, thank you for explaining that to us classical aid outside the us federal reserve, but in washington, dc. well, as patsy was saying, the federal reserve decision on interest rates has a direct impact on the amount of interest americans pay on the credit cards. while the stock market reaches record highs and unemployment remains low, americans trying to get by on low incomes all feeling the burden of credit card debt. for simmons, pessimism about the economy could play a major role in defends as presidential election credit card debt in the united states hit a record $1.00 trillion dollars at the end of last year. growing of the fastest
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rate in 2 decades. u. s. consumers pay 50 percent more and could todd interest and fees in 2023. that was compared to 2020. so the total sum was $257000000000.00 in 2023. upholding shows that 28 percent of americans say credit cards are one of the biggest sources of financial stress. off as americans say, they feel worse off now on the president joe bought and then they did 4 years ago under donald trump. let's get him on this join his life from santa monica, california is william leads, the chief economist with the milk and institute thing time. thank you for your time sir. who or what is to blame for america. sparling. credit content, which is for the fair resort, told us that the us economy is doing quite well. and yet we have a situation where us of population is becoming more more stratified. they are the haves and the have nots. and that divide has gotten even bigger. and i think the
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problem with credit cards is really affecting the people who are living paycheck to paycheck, hand to mouth, and they're resorting to credit cards to try to type themselves over. and that's the situation that we're facing increasingly difficult. the situation. yes, the credit cardboard is higher than it's ever been before. but the, the adjusted for inflation, we really haven't reached the highs to be seen since of the great recession, 2009. so. so i think one of the things to keep in mind is how much of a burden is truly on a represent a bird for the middle class. and those were at the lower end of the income distribution on the other number that she keeps. sorry, it would be k, it just to be clear. so what you're saying is, yes, it hits the people that it affects, but it's not necessarily affecting the wider economy. absolutely. the overall economy is that is doing quite well. but it's the distributional impact is where the concern is. one of the things to keep in mind is that the overall only if you don't give you a wrong economy,
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the interest burden represented by credit cards is only about 10 percent of people's income. it was much higher back in the great financial crisis, close to the 1314 percent of your income. so the burden is high in aggregate. but when you look at we are, is really affecting people the most. it's at the lower end and people are becoming more more discontent because at that low rent, they feel that their wages are not keeping up with prices. the wages, like keep you up with inflation. and the resentment is being taught pointed towards the policies of joe biden. and because under donald trump, they were saying, well, we noticed that our incomes are actually rising faster than inflation. we were not having these debt burdens as much as we are now. why isn't that we are having to resort to more and more borrowing onto it ministration that says i m pro union pro workers pro the little guy. and so that contradiction is getting more and more discussed in the, in the discussions of every family table. you're right, i mean, fighting is a, is in
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a tricky situation when it comes to the economy because of deception. is there anything he can do about it? how can you change that? and one of the things that we have to realize is that the economy itself is changing. job opportunities are going toward skilled workers and the skills are very, i mean, skills can be of the sort that allows you to work at the amazon warehouse. now the warehouse worker and the blue collar worker is no longer the strong guy with the ability to drive a forklift. but the guy who runs the robotics terminal. so training is absolutely critical of getting people the right set of skills to be able to work in these new or jobs is absolutely critical. and that the, the people at the lower end of the income distribution are facing a double when a problem. not only do they not have the skills, but they don't have the opportunity to get the skills and one of the policies that think that can address this problem is to have the appropriate training, incentivizing companies to train the kind of workers they need not relying on outdated professors and now the school curriculum. okay, good. just talk to you william lee,
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chief economist with the american institute thing time. thank still ahead on al jazeera and entertaining game in the n b a as denver hold on a minnesota come back. kind of coming off just a few minutes. the business latest is wrote to you, boy i guess is i live slowly on. one of your lives makes most inflates.
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the business like just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your makes modern plates the the size of the sports. he has the money. thank you very much. bye jimmy baseball season has started with one of the biggest stalls in the game show. hey, oh tony, and he's a la dodges choking up
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a women the 1st regular season game in south korea. shadow park, the 1st m o b player of korean defense throughout the ceremonial. so it's, it's, it's all just game with the san diego holidays. it's sold out and this, this, this minutes, the almost $16000.00 strong crowd go to see tony make he's day before the congress and signing a wrinkled 700000000 dollar 10 year contracts to a so all his limits. it's a bad thing right now. following elbow surgery, it's an all be i single cutting the full run, 8 ending ready as don't just beat the pod race 5 to ease the wife mika, enjoying the f. one from the stands for the judges. that was the 6th straight. when the over the pod raised in an open the head of the game, south korean police conducted an extensive search of the stadium of to reported bomb threats against the autonomy. so 3 is consider the general in vancouver, i received an email from a man claiming to be a japanese lawyer holding that an explosive device would be designated during the
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game around $150.00 police officers. use smith for dogs and x ray detectors to 30 check the venue. no explosives were found in india and because of your kitch school, 35 points and made 60 rebalance is the denver nuggets held? if a come back from the minnesota temples renaissance is anthony edwards had a chance to send the game to overtime. but he missed this 3 point to ride at the plaza as of finished 115112 to denver. the governing body of women's tenants, the va, is considering new rules which would prevent supply a toyota doping from losing her will. ranking the rules change has been considered following the high profile case of simone and how to better for you, have been reduced and made a come back at the miami opened as a wildcard, but not everyone was happy with who would soon as tom size lived ripples so i missed these 2 time grand slam champion,
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somebody to help is back and well her to install it in the feats. it was a personal victory for the for mobile. number one, your last played a competitive match back in august 2022. that match was at the us open, where she tested positive for a banned substance before you had been followed, but on appeal, she was clear through a ton 18 months later, as it was called, entry at the miami open. here, it's something more than pennies. it's something personal and i really love to see that people are appreciating me, besides pennies and beside everything that's happened. well someone who didn't appreciate it was caroline personally yankee, a fellow, a former world number one was the ascii police of well called system is being abused and it's cold in tennis, will thirty's to produce a fist fights. simona situation has obviously drugged on for a long time. she got her suspension reduced, it was an a clearance, so it was
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a reduced sentence. and again, i just hope for a clean sport. caroline wasn't happy with him earlier and she was saying she doesn't agree that people who have been out of the game for the reasons you should be given a wildcard in competition. i just wondered what, what your reaction is to the i why she said that is the best company. yeah. but why? why she said that because i didn't do anything wrong. that isn't cheap. i didn't dope. so it's better if we added the decision from the task that it was a contaminated supplement, it was not the building and then it never, i never had something to do with building. so i never looked sorry. i'm not the to the 43 year old venus williams was a wall called entry to a straight search to fee $20.00 serving to raise further questions as to whether tennessee isn't a fair fight thompson's aus is 0. paula pedrosa, who these high level mixed face best friend, the reading a sub,
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a link just based off of the been the russians boyfriend died in an apparent suicide spending and has been speaking about how hard it has been, who to face the situation. yesterday i spoke with her a lot of times this morning the same, so i know what she's going through. i know the entire situation. what is happening . so that for that for me is a little bit shocking. also to go through to that because again, she's, she's my best friend and um, and i don't want her to suffer, you know, so it's, it's a, it's a very tough situation. and at the same point, leaning against her it's, it's also uncomfortable. a spanish quote has decided that from a brazil and boss to learn a foot board, a danny elves can be condition lead release from prison on a $1100000.00 bail. elva is must also hand over. he's possible so we cannot leave spain while the awaits the appeal of his conviction. for rape. 40 year old was found guilty of raping a woman in fossil luna, in
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a nightclub in 2022 and sentence to full use and 6 months in prison. alvarez has been in jail since being arrested in january 2023 and the criminal has criticized the aisle seized decision to band russian athletes from taking part in the opening ceremony at the batteries. games saying it runs against the audiology of the olympics, russian and been a russian athletes will only be able to watch the parade, which does to you. it takes competitors in boats down the river since, at least from both countries with band following russia's invasion of ukraine. however, those who qualified for the games can compete as mutual addition. yeah. look you, let's say you provide me and then the i o c's decisions are a legitimate and justin unacceptable. we are outraged by the conditions imposed by the i o. c on the russian. ashley's who compete in an individual. so called neutral status horse actually force to renounce any association with their homeland, their citizenship, the history of culture,
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the people i sold was full of things for the time being all of another updated bit later the money. thank you so much. the audience, prime minister has stood down. i need 2 years into his 2nd time is premier. he's been lita of fina gail since 2017 or a tons has moved it was a shock. so most times leah, veronica acknowledged that many would be left scratching my head, said his surprised resignation. i know, and that is really there be speculation as to the quote unquote real reason for my decision. these are the real reasons. it has to be heated to them as a combination of the personal and the political belief that another leader with the threat to the ballot box, unemployment sense that he'd run assets the however it politicians are human beings hover limitations. we give it every time until we can't anymore, and then we have to move on. and it says to me, a surprise decision from the youngest prime minister, ireland has ever had
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a man who with just 45 is well within his political prime. it's off indian, and open the gay. veronica embodied the liberalization of a country one scene is one of the most safety, conservative in europe, spots political clouds have been gathering lat, cluster poll numbers 10, departing parliamentarians from his fina gail policy. i'm the loss of to recent referendums and liberalizing parts of pardons, constitution. who might have taken that total of veronica? despite the opposition cool was for an early general election. that's not likely right now. in a gale is part is the full and the greens both say the coalition, governments will set up a full time. veronica stays on until feet, a gal cheeses in the leader who will be put before parliament for elections. prime minister, perhaps this time is april. the 9th glory talons. how does it run? okay, there's lots more law stories on our website. check it out,
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al jazeera dot com. that's it for me. my main site is nissan. start reading, obligate. i will be here in just a moment. the hey listings in the gaza strip, as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes is ratings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best examining the headline is there is hopefully today for the forms of life and unflinching journalism. awesome.
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every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a delayed or, or do you want to create a world where women come and feel natural released that trauma and create explorer and abundance of world class programming on which is era in china, this is a summer the bathroom for the father was killed, boys and girls as young a 6th learned to handle firearms and develop insurance to be ready to protect that country. i would make you run so hard to $1.00 oh, $1.00 east visits. china is military capital kids on al jazeera, a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can. as long as you say we're correspondence, that's what we strive to do. in the biggest global direction, yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me 3 new oxygen in this new ballpark
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cvs focusing on india. in this episode, i'll examine how in the rising majority in ism settings to turn the clock back on at the country. founded on secular ideas being report, fox, one on the israel says it's killed 90 people and it's raised on a ship out hospital and the change hundreds more ons and be occupied. westbank is really air strikes, kills 3 palestinians engine in the you're watching all the 0 life or my headquarters and 0. hi. i'm telling you


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