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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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being the the other online site, this is the news outlined from coming up in the next 60 minutes as well as ministry says it's now killed, 90 palestinians, and detain hundreds during an attack on the l street, the hospital in northern garza, malnourished exhausted concern is growing for garza's don't just baffling to save lives. us next year say onto the blinking, arrives in saudi arabia on his latest rounds of diplomatic totes in the region. one part of leadership is knowing when the time has come to pass on the pass it on
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to somebody else. and then having the courage to do is that time is now a surprise resignation. as odd as prime minister near the rock test says he's stepping down for personal and political reasons in sports and that'll be season gets underway in south korea as the adult is $700000000.00 amount in the show. hey, a tony helps his niece size beat to san diego padres 5 to the it's 15 gmc, that's 5 pm in gaza, where explosions and gum fi have been ongoing. around the l shape of hospital 2 days of israel launched a major ministry operation is riley army now says it has killed 90 palestinians over the course of the raid spacers have a med showing people being tied up and detained inside the hospital as well. says it is interrogated more than $300.00 people and taken at least
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a $160.00 out of gaza for further investigation. gauze health ministry says the situation inside the hospital is critical and hundreds of displaced civilians, patients, and stuff on inside. the palestinians who been sheltering in our safe a hospital say that is rarely soldiers detained them for hours before ordering them to move. sound good. i know we will see you on the on demand called abusive. instructed me and other men to take off our clothes and get down. these riley's kept the women at l shape, but took us to another building that by the way we stayed until the evening. they investigated us, took out ideas and eventually returned us back to elsie. they kept some of the men, the rest of us were told to follow and it's rarely tank until hide around about. from there we were free to go to bed. besides the some good things ready times for firing up to despite the fact we were raising white sheets, these ray soldiers spoke to us in english and we didn't understand them. i'm
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diabetic. we spent 3 days without food or water. i'd rather have been killed than suffer without food, all just the days. the size i came from i'll she saw the journey here was terrible . i'm injured and i fell 4 times. it was almost a miracle to leave. i'll ship it and come here. but i am in excruciating pain. it's intolerable. an amendment will speak to him, ron con, in okie potty stories. the in the 1st let's go. just hire a couple resume who is in rough and southern golf for us. so tara, what is the latest you're hearing about the situation that all? she said, yes 1000000. in fact, she felt medical facility has been so now surrounded by is very minute treat tanks, which are stations, and all the roads that are leading to the hospital. i'm the very intense of bombing come back and let that hit by this by the 5 digits and onto the unit being
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a station in different areas on the neighborhood of a ship at hospice, a word bottles are still arranging to come off. the light is on the east very soon . we just we have been absolutely upset. i think a number. busy of, of fi exchange of incidents inside the she felt hospitality. also in some of the areas that are leading to as the situation being described by eyewitnesses the on the ground. that's be i be talking to them to be very difficult. i'm dying of where they are on april, typically even to the south on the, the, the, the momentum level of abutment and also for exchange. and so now according to is really media reports and it's very official type. isabel has arrested till now. hundreds of palestinians alongside they have to at least 90 palestinians and the rate on a ship out hospital to now they are also preventing the departure of patients while there are so hundreds of people being trapped inside to come back to now and meanwhile topic. the strikes continue elsewhere in gaza, including russell,
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where you all bring us up to date of the yes, that's in the 1000000 uh the, the bombardment did not stop. there were so many in top in the plumbing campaign that they did up ideas verified to just rep in saying that the main concentration is right now on guns, a city where israel had killed 3 palestinians, 10 of those, and that it strikes that target says they know that part of the gaza strip and also we have been seeing that 2 palestinians have been killed with dozens of injuries off to our destruction over residential building in the western parts of gauze and city. and in the saw, the situation is still seemingly very critical. even a rough which is does ignited as a safe zone where 7 the palestinians have to report of killed. and one of the latest attacks that reduced to the russell, one of the residential houses in the eastern part of rough um, its ongoing efforts being made by the civil defense cruise to evacuate and recover my injuries from under the rubble of the destroyed buildings. okay,
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thank you for that update topic up was doing that for us in rough uh less tonnes and we're on con, enjoying this now i from occupied east jerusalem. and ron hasn't been any more as ready reaction to this continued raid on how she felt. of the all these riley is telling us, is that the sofa, they've killed 90 palestinians by calling them a mass a terrorist. they both are arrested. some 300, the palestinians, a 160 of those that actually been taken into is really territory. they've been taken out of the goals and strip. now this is very alarming to the international guarantee. the international community is watching the events in health sherpa hospital. i'm wondering if this is a mini blueprint, a mini run into what could be a far larger operation in 2 rough ground offensive that that's certainly something that the americans are very concerned about. in fact, president joe biden has said it to these riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu,
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that he ones options on the table to avoid a ground defense. if that's something that the prime minister, these are all ready rejected. he's actually turned around and said, we're agreed with the us on the objectives of this operation in rough up, which is not great on the handle that will take place now and to be blinking as you've just been talking about that is in the region at the moment he's jude to come and surgeries my mind to tell of age he'll be talking about the c spots. but no doubt, you'll also be laying down those options that involve a known that ground defensive into israel. but like i said, it was already rejected. that it says that that's the only way to go into rafa. and finally, destroy all of the mass fighters that may be in the southern territory that they know in the mood to back down hassle. okay, thank you for that. and ron calling that for us in oki party sources says, really strikes on the news there. it's refugee counts and central goss. i have
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killed at least 24 palestinian women and children. witnesses say people are sleeping when, when, when they were attacked and their residential area was completely destroyed. thousands were engaged in rescue is a trying to reach all those missing on the level and is really a strike on another refugee camp in central garza. his killed that nice, 17 people, members for an entire family died in the boyish come witness to say a nearby bakery was destroyed in the attack. before dawn, the bay create was critical for feeding the neighborhood. over $100.00 palestinians have been killed across the strip. in just the last 24 hours, the united nations extra general has again urged as well to ensure the aid gets to the people who need it. nothing just besides the collective punishment of the follow stevens people. today, more than also of the population over
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a 1000000 people are facing catastrophic. and this, according to the scientific classification that was recently published. and so we must fix, know the 40 these 2 lights. i called all these variable study to use to ensure to complete and then sensitive accessibility, meditating goods. so altogether and for the international community to fully support all would be made, sevien efforts of the world health organization says don't just in cause a suffering from malnutrition, weight loss and exhaustion. they work in continuously to treat the engine, but without enough food. busy struggling to get through that shift and story guys can be reports. dr. bashaw, abdul called that hasn't stopped working all day. he's doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in garza and surviving on
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a few plates of rice and this low lot of books or group of people that are fun to knowledge bett. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to shed between 2 doctors and consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables. no protein is not enough for adults and working these always. the head of the emergency department is worried about his teams. ability to keep going. he says die of food shortages mean staff stopped the shift exhaustive. i'm astonished in the money we're seeing malnutrition, among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin that come with live nation, especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours for who. at the hospitals make shift kitchen, they tend the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become a staple with little l suite during more than 5 months of will. bosses fall from being an adequate sources suit. the way we're suffering from nutritional
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deficiencies, fruit and vegetables aren't available, so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of that go sky high. without adequate nutrition, there's a high risk of health work is fully sick and that's the last thing causes collapsed health system needs. victoria gates and b l g 0 to all the health system and gaza has almost collapse due to as well as relentless attacks. the world health organization has documented full $110.00 attacks on health care facilities and goals that since the war began. they say is rarely forces have killed 685 healthcare workers in engine 902 sites. the hospitals across gauze i have been damaged, along with around a 150 ambulances mouths. gilbert's is an emergency doctor with over 30 years of experience in palestinian health care. he says, as well, is systematically attacking causes medical services. this is telling us the game
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that these really occupation army, unlimited kind of tech civilian hospitals without being stopped by the un, by the u. s. by the you, by anybody they keep going with these attacks on civilians and on the health care system in augusta. and we know at the same time that people are starving and, and that's children and women in particular, pregnant women, i'm like, taping, women are extremely exposed to diseases now. so what is killing people in the north? the guys are now is not 1st and foremost, the bone being, it is the triangle of starvation, like a water and the seas. and this will be slowly, olga maintained by the lack of a medical services in shape hospital, which by the way, once one of the 6 remaining operating hospitals in the north delivery system, i think about the sl oh, killing of the people in the north have got some to well us next year,
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stay on the blinking has arrived in saudi arabia. the talks on israel's war on gaza . he will be discussing efforts to secure a sci fi and move a deliveries to the strip. this is his 6 tor the region since october is expected to head to egypt and israel next for more towards that's bringing. i'll just there a senior political homeless more one that bizarre. let's start with lincoln's visit his 6 visit to the region since october to saint, genuinely believe that he can make any difference given what he is a chief, so full, so fall, which is nothing. do you know your one the right one wonders because on the one on one can see how the united states, the by the mystery shows kind of playing it both ways trying to have it's, it's cake and eat it too. it's both trying to maintain some distance from then it's anyhow government, why providing on conditional support today is really government. so you can see
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that they are sort of playing good both ways and it's important to continue to play that diplomatic card because that helps deflect from the real tragedy that's unraveling in garza. so perhaps that is the task. the task is not to save the people and garza, the task is to save the united states from the complicity being known as the void. that being that the united states is complicity in general . so i think that's your set deflect but deflect for who, because it's really interesting. i get a sense that every time the us tells the is riley's off anything. what's the situation get some gaza? this is the thing, right? so we have here in the studio and inside the room in the office, you know, number of screens. if you watch international media, especially western media, they're talking about how the, by the instructions trying to move a to the,
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to the port that is to you. then you would watch the video just kind of on an bbc say, how wonderful is gonna that you can't roll isn't trying to establish a 2 step solution somewhere down the road or was doctors are being killed. and guys why children are being killed and guys. so you have these worst time officials, not the americans continue to about stuff, right. diplomacy, a humanitarian aid is there. i just don't think it's fair. it's just not doing good . spanish is really government is when a government, while children are di, why people are dying of starvation. why more women? more doctors, more nurses, more teachers, more academics continue to die in guys. so while the western media is busy talking about diplomatic, this and that, and this and the technician different, that's interesting and destructive, that captive. we've been busy for 5 months talking about 100 plus captives in terms of how much, what every day. so i'm 100 people i can buy is right. it's not for. right. so it's
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definitely helps the in this kind of diplomatic circus helps the united states and is right, the flex from the tri hit. there's one big rock. if anyone out here we are talking about blank, but we are. so, but we are smart enough. i hope everyone else. good, good, be smart enough to always mention on the line. right. emphasize the fact that while these people are trying to waste our time, it is that people are diag, simon is not something at the brink of happening. it is happy. it is, it has happened. it's a state of farming, as you said, what are the names of the e u for them? policy chief has on the line just the day before yesterday. so in fact, the trying, the continues on travel in plain sight, it is on the tv screens by western diplomats, basically on behalf of israel wright continuously trying to defend the is there any lines repeat these really sound bites on western tv screens so that
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the west continues to provide support is read while maintaining some kind of a distance from us. i also wanted to talk to him what's going on at el cheapo hospitals. so little information coming out from that is, i believe, day full often is riley rate on the hospital mar one i, i wonder if we should remind audience, you know, that this is the 1st hospital that was rated back in october a why all the is rarely is back here again, and then in 20142009, there's a whole memory, right? so this where it started, and you probably remember to remind people that on the what our viewers around the world about how this was supposed to be on the top walls, multi layer multi level, how much headquarters, right, where all the operation in the world tell her right, was really being, are being,
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being designed and engineered from there and that there's nothing up shifting. ok, so why is what's happening is worse than what happened back then. and then what happens like then 1st order the tragic or for criminal or crime and so on, so forth. because it's sort of less than working on some assumption that somewhere, you know, some, perhaps convinced of that. they could probably find something they didn't find anything. 5 months later to continue with the attack. and the way that i talk to the doctors and the nurses is i think i would love to, you know, for us to stuff and, and think about. i think there's a special place in head for people who think of doctors and thoughts are doctors because these people, amongst all of us, the ones who are so think lives to can people who are saving lives do definitely have a special placement and how so there's a, there's an israeli government that is the literally attacking hospitals attacking doctors who are trying to save lives on the pretense. i think
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they're basically run out of pretenses. right. so now they say, i think it's associated or smells like someone is perhaps that elective of someone that's worked for how much sparks work and the health ministry or anything of that nature, which is by every single definition of what is read, continues to commit for crimes in daylight right. in plain sight on tv scripts and what dr. meds told us in his own private conversation with people with doctors in the hospital, which is i believe 100 percent to be trustworthy on the lines. the fact that there's or i can continue to do that because if you are, if you were in is us position, the world continues to talk and does nothing. it continues to one is i don't do that, don't do that. i think there's or does it. and nothing happens,
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then why shouldn't is right continue to do what it's doing. and when i run away with it, get away with it with both an infinity because the world continues to one and does have salutes, need nothing except the trail of human rights of universal values and of every value of decency. definitely, you know how to say, we're a senior political analyst, but i wanted to show thank or the russia says it plans to evacuate around 9000 children from the belt around the region that ford is ukraine due to continue with shutting ukraine has increase long range strikes into russia, here's a oil refineries. i'm all the infrastructure president brought me a page and it says he wants to create a buffer zone to protect board of regions. and ukraine. russia continues to strike khaki. rob mcbride is in case you can tell us more. this attack happens early
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wednesday afternoon, local time in the cult in the history, the district of khaki, which is to the west of the cities. a mixed residential and civilian area was said to have been targeted, damaging, an 8 story building and also damaging a nearby prince. whoops, and other workshops involved in the production of furniture and paint products which was said to have possibly contributed to the large fire that broke out of one point covering 2000 square meters, emergency cruise still at the scene in addition to the dead on the injured to there is an ongoing search for annual victims and also people who are on the country for a given khaki regions, proximity to the voted with russia. it is very difficult to give advanced warning of incoming gas strikes and also very difficult to intercept any incoming
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themselves. mcbride houses there. he's, i see you on the security council is currently discussing the unfolding humanitarian crisis into don. had a few monetary and a fast mountain griffiths will brief the council on the dangers of the conflict, i'm finding that is facing civilians from the start that she gives me. by the time the leading season arrives in may, people in some parts of the for could face what we term. i p c, face 5 level acute food insecurity. we call this stage a catastrophe. nutrition is soaring, so alarming levels and is already claiming children's lives. the recent m, as of report revealed that one child is dying every 2 hours and exams i'm comp and know if i should know stuff for our humanitarian travis, the splitting out since we're done on the available international inaction and in attention. simply put, we are feeling the people of sedan. let's go to gabriel. let us on the east
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following that for refrain from the united nations. so gabriel, what else are we expecting from this you and the session as well? this was a session that was called a as an emergency meeting really by the security council after osha, there were office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs issued a white paper to the security council. essentially what that is, is a raising up the red flag telling the security council that there is a threat of potential famine in a country where there is a war happening right now. and that is the case in sudan, according to the united nations. now the security council heard from both an ocean official that you just heard from there and saying that basically the world is failing. sudan, and they also heard from the office of other officials as well from the un, talking about food in security. there are some incredibly soper numbers that are
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coming out of this briefing. 18000000 that suited news, facing food in security. 6.5 student needs internally displaced just in the last year since the war broke out in sudan. and so essentially what this is now is uh, the un as a body, if you will, racing the red flag to the security council and the security council now figuring out how they are going to put the issue higher on their agenda. that is the key of this meeting, get an assessment of what's going on in sudan because we are also hearing from you and officials saying that they are not able to get humanitarian aid in to the people that need it. the most, the entire agriculture section of sudan is under the complete collapse. and so they're really what we've been hearing from a security council members over and over is potentially for an immediate cease fire in sudan, calling on both parties in this conflict to respect to international humanitarian
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law, and primarily open up all of the border crossings to get a in to sudan, that is needed it. there is needed for millions of people, primarily with the border which had cable. as of today that for us at the united nations over 18000000 people are facing acute hunger because of the civil war ensued on many of them can't be reached by humanitarian agencies. others have fled to neighboring countries to seek safety and help malcolm web such as this report from a transit camp in the board, a town of rank and south. through dawn, dunphy was forced about 8000000 people from their homes and left more than twice stop facing a cue tongue whose mothers and seeking help for the children having arrived at this transit camp in the board, the town of rank is south threw down. yeah,
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called god black went to see don to look for what 3 years ago. she says she was among the 1st to play to so i think when she was forced to come back to south seat on last. yeah. she's been in the camp ever since. and k bus here to me. yeah, chang. she says a husband died. the thread shows me a chinese armies father to fame for his age. he sincerely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the children. i work selling t to earn money for their survival, but it's really difficult for me to support them. ring depended on suit on for food and cross border trade before the war. now the traffics one way and many come and see 100. most of the people arriving here a hungry it comes from cost to sit on it to be cut off from food and other
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essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well, the program is registering the new arrivals, taking fingerprints and then to your everybody. and it's a, it's a base of displace people see you and says it shows of funds to be able to deal with this crisis. here you arrivals issued a voucher for about 14 dollars is minutes to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people have arrived here or returning south sea denise. but a growing number of suit and these people and now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or support here. i haven't received anything since i arrived. it's my 2nd day of waiting my daughters a very hungry. i'm the have spent a lot this time. south students currency losing 5. you was oil revenues full because of the war. food prices, again right now,
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severely malnourished children like your tongue, a treat to the terms that come by irish charity. go with a nutritional paste. the specialist here told us that the worst case is a people who stayed here a long time waiting for the location to this time that children, that really you know, that condition be coming with their quotes like many here. so she doesn't want to be be located. hi mary. are in south seat on stuff is on the conflict flooding, more displacement she says the transit company of the buddha is the only place she can survive. malcolm web al jazeera rank south seat on mia? veronica, stepping down as orleans probably minnesota and lead of the governing freedom a go potty. he made the announcement only 2 years into his 2nd ten's premier has
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been lead a scene to go since 2017 when it became party leader and patient back in june 2017. i knew the one part of leadership is knowing when the time is come to pass on the bass on to somebody else. and then having the courage to do is that time is now. so i am resigning as president of leaders and the guy was active today . i will resign as a teacher. as soon as my successor is able to take up that office will reach helen's has malware from london becomes a big shock. even political inside, as in dublin, one expecting this and that announcements that came through earlier in the day that for acura was about so it gives to his resignation, speech. to many people. uh, by consult, surprised, completely. and i think even now we have heard from veronica, many will be thinking that they don't know the real reason that the,
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the justification that he gave was not perhaps a, for the real reason for his decision. he said, you know, that's a, this was a personal decision. he said that this was a political decision as well. there's never a right time to resign, separate record, but this is as good a time as any the background. so this is, that's his policy. you've seen a go is not being polled in particularly well, recently 10 of its and pays as part of and saturday school td's in on and have less recently and that's never really a good look for a potty. i'm stay with to referendums in march. that is policy as part of this coast and government, happy and championing the aims to liberalize bits of the iris constitution. and those referendums were defeated pretty resoundingly with a very light side now. so that's the back row. but still a big, big surprise for iris politics that live broadcast. the youngest t shirts in the country's history should be stepping down. so really,
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she still has on al jazeera, more on why girls, over the age of 12, and being prevented from going to school in afghanistan will speech a form a m p, and prominent women's rights advocates be an expert on me on all predicts the turning points in the conflict between the ministry and ethnic groups that combine alex's back from head, does anybody have a ton, has raised some eyebrows among flooded professionals. all the details in sports with jemma, the well, the heat wave board and you know, knowledge and teen or wisdom paragraph has been removed. it's too hard to hear, admittedly, but the warnings. and now all of the size of the cheryl has tremendous done. the stones in central argentina, uruguay southeast in brazil are yes,
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they both have within, they brought damaging wins and they're still there, but they can be spectacular watch. so if they trust, there is a plate noticeable risk and the seasonal rains got heavy once again in the north of brazil about line stretching across to columbia and again, the child. so big charles are pretty high here as well. gentle trade winds across the counter being haven't stopped, the temperature is rising fairly high in nicaragua and home during but know these big shells in his spend the other probably puerto rican something behind was even a good part, a cuba. now that is becoming a weakening trend, but this is wednesday's forecast all the same us. and this is the difference. once again, winches returning to bring a surprising amount of snow to the upper midwest on think of minneapolis in particular. that's are on the test during the cold and this cold stretching down from some parts of canada i'll butchery particular. but in contrast to that, we're going to feed wants further size. so big shelves of developing now, in texas,
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the despite being housed in 2018 sort of practice, prime minister is back in power along with his hotline politics. he needs someone to hate. that's helping his own words, along with food in how would his reappearance affect neighboring you prayed, and the persecutes of minorities within the slovak republics, borders? honestly, i have to say that i'm afraid to go back here. the return of itself on a jersey to exploring type this culture examining political disco exposing societies. doctor award winning intense investigations. the good compelling insights into human
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open until the stories from asia around the pacific. 101 east. on now to 0. as the, [000:00:00;00] the to watching out is there a mind at the top story is this now is there any forces have killed thousands of palestinians in an ongoing rate on gauze as largest hospitals. hundreds of people have been detained and abused. israel has attacked more than 400 health facilities since the war began. world health organization says don't, isn't garza suffering from malnutrition and exhaustion. hundreds of thousands of
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people are facing simon. 27 children have stopped to death in recent weeks. for us to actually stay on to be blank and as arrived in saudi arabia on his latest visit to the regions. he's also expected to visit castle egypt and israel. much of the small amount of food entering gauze and comes in 10 cans. one palestinian has decided to send the well, a message in an unconventional way. i'm haven't explained a mistake from the feet of a few g. come dahlia. fifi wants to be noticed around the was a mixture shelter of pink guns that she hopes, increase awareness about starvation and looming funding policy. and they said, well, i love of, i'll go behind this creative book is to send the message to the whole world. the only age, deliberate to goldens in the new kind food ways of causing misery to children here,
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mainly male nutrition and diseases. all i wanted to tell the world, this is not our life. we have our traditional cuisine famous around the world. but for months we are starving a. c. c didn't do it alone. children will be one of the main victims of is rides. what on god's played a big part. and while i live at the the, is that home for you? the comes with divided by all the children, if enough and refuge account of the model. it is made up of $13000.00 cans, collected by volunteer children valued together. we opened cons. i'm with the cement inside and built the time during my district. you also saw of the reception for palestinians escaping is the rise destruction in the north. what if i did? i'm wrong. we're living in misery. this tend symbolizes us suffering. we're trapped between a rock and a hard surface. the relief, a being delivered is not enough. all children are stopping and falling sick with suffering on many fronts, lack of shelter, lack of food, and above all,
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the lack of security. it's a small but defined piece of thought that a few wants to bring attention to the palestinians blind. i'm, i'm just the school. yeah, and i've gotten this. dawn has begun many goals. i'm missing from clos because of the tyler bond fund, united nations and it's agency for children. unicef says over a 1000000 goals are excluded. goals be on 6th grade on so loud in schools making ask uninstalling the only country with restrictions on female education despond initially. promising more moderate rules the group impose what critics describe as harsh restrictions following the withdrawal of us nature forces in 2021. but you and estimates that 5000000 goals missed clauses before the tell about in return to power 3 years ago. to speak now to files. yeah. could be she's the fast female deputy speaker, and i've kind of stones paul them. and she's also
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a veteran campaign of i've got women and children. she joins a small i from london. thank you for your time. so this is the 3rd year in a row girls who should have been attending secondary school or university today will not be allowed to go to school as a woman. and as a full mouth female, i've got m p. how hard is it to come to terms with this a need um today and tomorrow? uh, is the age of getting this start the situation here in a finest on the 3rd year in a row that the school would have been string without a team of students being allowed to go to the schools. and obviously that are the penalty for the pin numbers. but i say i, i believe none of those. uh, 3 guys are basically err explanation of the situation on the ground. i believe minions of goes in upon his son are not allowed to go to school on university. it's
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painful for me because i have lived this experience during the 1st time that the color band came to colorado from 1996 to 2001. they but they implemented the same measures against students. i was also banned from continuing. my so my education is a month ago. so the, so i can see, i don't altering my conversations this morning because it's also the beginning of new year enough on us on a know who celebration says my conversation in the mornings with different students, teachers. i see a huge level of mental health pressure. you know, anger, frustration. i luckily, i hope i'm, you know, optimism for the future because we remember in 2022 and the caught up on 1st issue, the decrease a binding goes from going to the computer and get integration. young group 6. they said this is a template image. sherman 3 years helps him put it to me just that in courses. and can i ask, has it been any progress from the united nations and other international buddies to try and get this fund reversed?
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of the have been some, a 10 some the a pressure by the united nations, i think by some member states as well. but the problem is that the member stated the security council member states countries according to the german countries for like in the global, not they do not have a united physician. and they'll engagement with some of that. it presents that because of countries from the region, our neighboring countries, the neighboring countries of a find, a son. we have had ask them to use their liberty because they seem to have more leverage, most financially. but it's also they have, by electronic engagement. we're kind of gone for the past 3 years, some of them actually accept to college on the pretty much credentials. they have different months on the ground. they have and bussey's open sweetheart in guzman with them. we asked him, how can they live at age? and they clearly tells us for them women and human rights is like number 2 or 4 thing. the agenda for the group on our big push for this 2 statements position paper. but something concrete is happening, guns, a funding goes from this pro goes from education,
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and upfront us on is not only about a human rights issue different if it is a human rights. i'm probably the worst human rights crisis in our century, but also it impacts our economy. it's impact the security of the sun. and also if in fact the mental health, i'm more important fits, it impacts the boys in a little bit because money, families are leaving upon us on taking the migration rules, leaving up on a son to a better future for the boys and girls, which actually also impact the boys endorsement. some boys also choose to go to work because if he cannot make special ed, so it's no telling you about the goals, education, so integration, system and upon his son is impacted. i think on this we can talk how about united voice from the global communities and also a problem on the ground from the patterns, from teachers, from students, from those fathers that were coming to me when i wasn't wanted. so i knew so, so sorry to interrupt, sorry to interrupt,
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to mrs. cushy. you're saying there isn't enough of a pressure coming from the ground. i mean is that, is that, is that part of the problem that you're not hearing of people come together and raise the voice, pick up salutes a i see that as a main problem and as i was stating before your question on this, we do not have like every father who was coming before the 15th of august, asking you to cation unfortunately, coordinator goes, every of brother was asking a better job for their sisters. i'm just those boys do not you nice and did not see the woman's problem of the problem of the problem for the country. i think the expectation would continue. yes, we need global united position from the global north and global. so our and he's, the countries are very important. the, or c member states, most the majority companies because what caught up on do obviously, does not coordinate with his mom. i mean, it's on, in the near contradiction with hispanic guns about but more importantly,
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i think that should be more pressure from the ground. and it's probably, it's me, it's shocking to see people think it's normal or they're afraid because of the circumstances. obviously women processed and we have seen women continue to this, but i think that is a sort of attitude needed on this from pilot. and so we'll see that they have their goals, have no future. me. very interesting. okay, thank you for that. 50 cookie. speaking to us but from london. thank you. the united nations is quoting on the international community to take action to protect civilians in manual. the special reference of human rights in me on law says the ministry john to is increasing its attacks on civilian areas as countries to tighten sanctions. if we can restrict and caught access to revenue of the hunter um through these it targeted sanctions on banking institutions by shutting down. there are the variety of ways that they're getting
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access to these weapons. and by virtue of, of the money that they're updating and then we can stop their ability to buy these weapons. tiny tang were poets from the city of may salts on the border between thailand and me. i'm a to see you on special raffle to tom andrews. painted a grim picture of what's happened inside me a month over the past 12 months, but he did say there was one small ray of light, and that is the offensive by ethnic i'm is, and resistance groups since late october of last year, which has achieved unexpected the military success pushed the military john to bay . none the less, he said, the impact on civilians was huge. 2.4000000 people displaced from the homes. 18.6000000 people in need of humanitarian assistance and assistance that is not getting into the country. at this stage,
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he picked out the hangup most of the minority in particular saying that they are trying to flee the numbers not seen since 2014. and they are being hit hard, the most groups in this pushed back by the military, he of the international community to try and strangle the military john to like cutting them off for them from financial and military supplies. but if anyone is looking for a pass on the back, he wasn't getting, he wasn't going to give it. he said, the people inside me and my feeling desperately forgotten about and bitterly disappointed by the international reaction to what's going on inside the country. so anything else is 0 on the timing, on my board as a government have been killed off to attacking a port in southern pockets. don police say the attack on gloucester ports and felicia stones again with a loud explosion or
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an exchange of gone 5 followed off to the government, forced their way into buildings in the port complex remedied brigade of the separatists group. b believe just on liberation on me. is claimed responsibility. what a porch is, they send a piece of the china pockets. don economic cardo, providing china with access to deep worship port on the radians c. a gas explosion in a coal mine and pockets don has killed 12 people of last cause a collapse inside the pits in the town of cost, pocket stones prime minister ship. i should refuse, express, profound sorrow and grief over the loss of precious lives. 7 crew members have drowned off the chemical tank. good cook cap sized off the coast of japan. for others were rescued from the rough seas. the south korean ship had around a 1000 tons of acrylic acid on board pollution experts and looking for any sign of
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unique dealt as in kenya's, public hospitals have been on strike for almost a week now demanding the implementation of a pay deal agreed back in 2017 over $5000.00 doctors, the taking part despite kenya is labor code, ordering them to return to work. catherine sawyer reports. so that is kenyatta hospital, at least the main referral hospital here in kenya. millions of people come here to receive a specialized treatment and other services as well, but with the doctors on strike, it becomes very difficult for the people who come full of the medical care. so to get that treatment, we have been told by the stuff who are around that to basically emergency services are in our many more also been told that you know,
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the no referrals that are happening and it's not just cannot the hospital, there are many odds of government hospitals that are facing the same predicament. so we have doctors are getting posted now, but the shortage of doctors who has dis offices, we have going tons system and they keep on breaching all this vehicle is, is because they feel like they can bridge. now they move to court can compare the quotes you've got to bring us to the table or the upside buttons on last year. we spent a whole year negotiating on some of the elements that you mentioned there, about 5600 government doc says we have been speaking to a union officials who say that that number is too little more doctors needs to be employed to feel the gap and what all this means is that people continue to suffer. uh, we went to a hospital where people are trying to find
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a private hospitals to deal with the different elements. but it becomes very difficult because we're talking about people who cannot afford a private cap. this doctor say that they want to go to, to come back to work, but their needs have to be met as well. catherine, sorry, all the 0. the farmers in poland have stepped up protests against cheap imports from ukraine by blocking roads across the country. they say they call and compete with ukrainian produce that's flooding you. markets. farm is also want changes to restrictions imposed onto the blogs climate change measures as the former president of brazil, j a boss. nora has received his 1st indictment in the several criminal investigations that he's currently facing. he's been charged with criminal association. i'm falsifying his own coven, 19 vaccination data, also known as a keys of giving false information to make it appear that he and his colleagues had
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received the vaccine. so head on out a 0 and then today and in game and the n b a is denver, hold on a minnesota, come back highlight coming off the business latest is sponsored by intellect. tuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the base initial agents to be sponsored by intellect tuck, he's real estate consultant. the the, the assignment for he has the cumulative major league baseball season is underway with one of the biggest dogs in the game show. hey autonomy. and does that adult is choking off of when this full sized regular season game in south korea chan ho park the 1st m l b play of korean descent throughout the ceremonial
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fastpitch ahead of the judges game with the san diego padres. we sold out in less than the c minutes. you'll most is 16000 strong crowd. go to see i taught you make his baby for the doses and signing a record at 700000000 dollar 10 year contracts. the to i saw he's limited to vesting right now. following l by surgery. it's an all the i single casting a full run, aches, ending rally as the judges beat apologize. 5 to his new wife, monica, enjoying that from the stands for the doses that was the 6 straight, went over the padres in a nice know ahead of the game. south korean police conducted on extensive search of the stadium of to a reporting forms for us. again, so tony, south careers, consulate general and vancouver, i received an email from a man claiming to be a japanese lawyer wanting that sign explosive device would be designated during the game. around a 150 police offices used as sniff adults and x ray to texas to really check the
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venue. no explosives were found in the m, the i initially off at school starts and 5 points on may. 6. the rebounds were out of the come back from the ministration symbol renaissance is anthony edwards had a chance to send the game to eva signs that he missed the 3 points, as i said above, as it finished 115112 to denver. in the 2nd in the west and kind of now in spite of how it is lost in the evening round the 1st tournament since being cleared to return from the dining band, she received a wildcard for the event, which is something solid plat, cadillac mostly actually believes it should not have happened tom size of your thoughts. so i missed the 2 time grand slam champion. somebody know how that is back and well her to install it in the feats. it was a personal victory for the, for mobile number one. your last played a competitive match back in august 2022. that match was at the us open,
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where she tested positive for a banned substance before you had been followed, but on appeal, she was clear through a ton 18 months later, as it was called, entry at the miami open. i would say that these days going to stay very special for me. of course, i had many results in the past because results, but here it's something more than pennies. it's something personal. and i really love to see that people are appreciating me beside pennies and beside everything that's happened. well someone who didn't depreciate it was caroline, personally yankee, a fellow, a former world number one wasn't yankee, believes of walcott system is being abused and it's cold and tennis will, thirty's to produce a fist fights, simona situation has obviously drugged on for a long time. she got her suspension reduced, it was in a clearance, so it was a reduced sentence all of that. and again, i just told right that for a clean sport and that's,
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that's all i want. i want to have good role models for the young generation. it's a sport that has a lot of money in it and lot of competitiveness and a lot of competitors and, and i want a fair, fair fight. caroline wasn't ask, you was here earlier and she was saying she doesn't agree that people who have been out of the game for the reasons you should be given wildcats and competition. i just wondered what, what use reaction is to the i why she said that is the best company. yeah. but why? why she said that because i didn't do anything wrong. that isn't cheap. i didn't dope. so it's better if we added the decision from task that it was a contaminated supplement, was not building and then it never, never had something to do with building. so i never looked sorry, i'm not that you that 43 year old venus williams was a wall called entry to a straight search to fi 20 serving to raise further questions as to whether tennis is indeed
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a fair fight thompson's aus is 0. a spanish quote has decided that from the present i'm boss laying a football identity off as can be conditionally released from prison on a $1100000.00 bail out of us missile site, hand over his passport. so he cannot leave spain while he waits. the appeal of his conviction for right before the road was found guilty of raping a woman and a boss late at night club in 2022. i'm sentenced to 4 years. i'm 6 months in prison out as has been in jail since being arrested in january 2023. the crown then has criticized the ice. these decisions have bottom russian aspects from taking pods in the opening ceremony of the powers games saying it runs against the ideology of the olympics. russian, i'm the russian athletes will only be able to watch the parade, which this year takes competitive insights down the rivers. send athletes from base countries with band following brushes, invasion of ukraine. however, those who qualify for the games come competes as neutrals shooting. yeah. look, you lead, so can you provide me or limit the i o c's decisions are legitimate and justin
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unacceptable. we are outraged by the conditions imposed by the i o. c on the russian. ashley's who competes in an individual, so called neutral status, or essentially forced to renounce any association with their homeland, their citizenship, the history of culture, the people we set, and that is we have support from me, but pain. so we'll have another update like so many. thanks, jenna. to now it's hard on prime minister has literally taken the bull by the horns for his latest photo shoots. so he can look at this weighing in at almost one on hall tons b, l b. no buffalo met the tie need in bangkok. the bowls become a tv stall, sol, solved to featuring in a populous cipher opera. he's also a renown study recently sold half a $1000000.00. that's it for me. on inside this news, i'll be back very and disappointments. much more here to stay with us.
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the the latest news as it breaks the is really our talary shows this area last night as to new families was remo, done with their tears. and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments a week from the heart of the story is far hold has been diminished. their prayers continue with the situations to get it to the why have american evangelicals become dis, real strong? this background is us president joe, find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line in unsettled tax upfront takes on
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the big issue. there is a context to what is happening now. it is a complex 3 question. question about 5 upfront without 0 back actual training center in har yano, soc sheet is actually codes and the sub menu should. okay, so instead of being to, john alerted the this, we can go to 5, so it'd be much less selfish. i knew what this is, little consolidating. i mean for the he is because he cut out this the shot, the go and go to the gun. we do the thing is we can fit in scrub or the support followed by the end school board or the supposed to necessarily be it because there are 2 levels, the fashion i have my disease,
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the as well as military says it's now killed, 90 palestinians on detain hundreds during an attack on the i'll ship a hospital in oregon garza the my. my name's by the sound. is there a life some time or so coming up? well nourished and exhausted, concern is growing for gauze as dealt as baffling to save lives. us next year of state, honest me blinking, arrives in saudi arabia on his latest round of diplomatic talks in the region plus promote was to be answers election as indonesians,


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