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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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talk what we do in order to sara, is try to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the i'd be tell it says it was. and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into mine is he asked me to tell this story. the, the these are in the military says it's now killed at least 90 polish to me in steering it's ongoing attack on the house to the hospital complex in northern got the are you watching l g 0 live from to have with me for the back to also coming up, fuse of mine nutrition among guys, house workers series concerned. it's affecting their ability to save lives. doctors who was teen hospitals, andres really bombardment,
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describe the har is the experience. one child. never forget had done so bad. you can see the facial things. we knew there was no child's us of only thing that there was no more thing to give. the prize of fun during stops to dine. we'll have the latest on some shortages, suffered 5 thousands of people who fled fighting in neighboring since the we begin in guy's our way explosions and gunfire shaking areas around the i'll shoot for hospital 2 days after israel launch a major military operation. these are in the army now, says it scale. 90 policy means over the course of the raid photos have the most showing people being tied up and detained inside the hospital. israel says it's
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interrogated more than $300.00 people and taken at least a $160.00 out of gaza for further investigation. because as health industry says, the situation inside the hospital is critical, and hundreds of display civilians, patients and staff, a trapped inside just as find out the latest without his ears. honey, my hold was in a rav 4. is what more honey, are you hearing about what's happening inside? i'll shoot for hospital. yes, follow. well there, there is really monitor is still acting aggressively inside a civil hospital. complex, under heavy coverage of intense bombing campaign and its vicinity, where the vast majority of the residential buildings have been targeted and destroyed. right. where people are still inside, people are not given the opportunity to evacuate these homes. there's really monetary has said in a statement that it has eliminated almost the $99.00 each individual inside of a hospital, accusing them of being operatives. and how much milton inside a ship,
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a hospital. but without providing any sufficient evidence or substance. so evidence on the claim itself. so far we've looked at up, hundreds of people are still inside the super house for that, including the medical to stop the injuries and evacuated, who are trapped inside the facility and unable to leave it, giving the intensity of the situation. just this is the 3rd day in a row, and there's really military at move in and a storm the hospital out there. a list of the 3 of allegations of pride are among them that the hospital once they get it a g n. u is by how much the elements and try to conduct their operations or from inside the hospital. honey, thank you for the update. that's honey. my mood life for a scene. rough, i in 7 guys, but let's get the view from i'm desktop who now isn't occupied is use them for. as i come to tell us more about what these really is the saying about this operation
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at all. she fine. what's the reaction to this continued rate of the holy is really army, has said that their conduct same what they're calling a precise and targeted operation on ship a hospital. we have heard this from these really army before, when they have rated and storms, medical facilities all throughout the gaza strip. now they're saying that there is still have mass activity. they've been asserting this from the beginning. the semester is using the hospital for military activities. remember back in november when the hospital. busy first rate advise really forces they had alleged that there was they have mass military headquarters and command center underneath the hospital . but those claims have never been proven. now these really army has killed, at least 90 palestinians in gun fights in and around the hospital. and they have arrested around $300.00 in the latest army statement. they're saying that they're
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doing what they can to not harm civilians trying to keep medics and patients out of harm's way. but i witness accounts and other sources on the ground. tell us a different story. that's a lot of the civilians were beat, some of them detained, even journalists like our very own as a z does. it's not available. no was being entertained by these really military. so this rate is now entering is 3rd day falling. yeah, and there's growing international patient on israel because of this raid because of the planned operation on a rough and southern gaza. what's been the reaction of these really governments of the, in the last 24 hours, there has been a lot of pressure on israel from the international community. specifically, some of israel's biggest allies like the united states, the united united kingdom and canada events of canada has passed a non binding measure in the house of commons that would ban arms sales to israel.
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the foreign minister has responded to this, saying that it was a disgrace and that it gets in the way of quote israel's rights to defend itself. though it is a non binding measure. canada, as foreign minister did say that it is real, implying that this would be something that would be implemented. additionally, you have the united states who has been saying that a ground invasion instead of class would be catastrophic. it would be a mistake. the us president us president joe biden requesting from nets and yahoo to send a delegation to washington to brief the americans on how exactly these really are planning to carry out an operation like this given how many palestinians are seeking refuge in gauze. the southern most city and finally you have the united kingdom who said they are not only needs to be a ceasefire immediately for the release of captives and for more savannah, terry and a to go into gaza. but this, these fire needs to be turned into something sustainable so that it can be
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a permanent one. so why all of this pressure is mounting on israel. they still say they will invade dropbox and it's just a matter of time. thank you for the update. that sounds easy or something does sound hoops reporting they live from occupied east jerusalem. meanwhile, the world health organization says doctors and guys are a suffering man, nutrition, weight, loss and exhaustion. i mean, catastrophic food shortages. they're working continuously to treat the injured but without enough food. the struggling to get through that shift. victoria gets in be rewards. dr. bashaw, abdel carter hasn't stopped working all day, doing a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex the hospital in gaza and surviving on a few plates of rice. and this low model looks like a copy of the function knowledge bett. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to share between 2 doctors consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables. no protein is not enough for adults whacking these hours
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. the head of the emergency department is worried about his team's ability to keep going. he says die of food shortages mean staff stopped the shift exhaustive. i'm finished on the, in the money. we're seeing malnutrition among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin, the come work like this, and especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours for hold. at the hospitals make shift kitchen, they turn the few ingredients available into meals. the staff can food has become a staple with visual l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far from being an adequate sources suit. the we're suffering from nutritional deficiencies, fruit and vegetables aren't available, so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins. we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of the go sky high. without adequate nutrition, there's a high risk of health workers folding sick. and that's the last thing goal is,
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is collapsed health system needs victoria gay to be allergies. there several doctors with 1st hand experience industry passed spoken to during this at the united nations recounted the difficulties medics phase trying to save lives in a health care system that's collapse. i'll just here as gabriel. it is on to has more from neil's of all of the doctors who spoke to journalists here un headquarters on tuesday, recently returned from gaza. so they have 1st hand knowledge on the situation there . for some of them, they really wanted to put a human face on the suffering that they saw 1st. and what i focused on the people at this is the other g, 7 years old. she is one of the victims of the war and was a bomb, had terror family home. so her father and brother were killed and her mother also was injured and she had burns and she sustained
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a 3rd degree burn as 140 percent of her body. another doctor spoke of some of the medical supplies that are not reaching patients that need it. the most simple things like pain medication and even an inhaler. in this small bile of medicine. here is a medicine that we use for sedation, metabolism 1st set. this is something that we could be using for our patients where there are in pain who are trying this. we're trying to reset their fractures. we're trying to clean their burns. it's an incredibly painful process. and this is something that can help something this small. we're not able to get into the gaza strip because the trucks are stall or someone is having difficulty breathing, as you may suspect may happen as bombs are dropping in the air fills with smoke, not able to get a rescue inhaler and to be able to treat their asthma and the medical professional from the u. k, who's been going back and forth to guys for nearly 15 years, says he was not prepared for what he saw on his most recent visit. especially when
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it came to young burn victims. the most devastating funds in small children, one child, lo, never forget had been so bad. you could see her facial buttons. we knew there was no chance of us, of only things that. but there was no moving to get that says not any wish you never to be going to die. but she would die and i can a and what made it even worse, there was no way to go and die. so she was just left on the floor of the and those into the farm and to dine. many patients and hospitals and gaza have open was that cannot be healed properly because of a lack of supplies. what does this mean over the long run? so the longer this work goes on, the, the longer these wounds have to rot, i mean, really, right. the infections are getting worse and worse, and it's perfect. it's terrific for our providers and it's absolutely horrific for these patients. palestinians are not suffering just from physical loans,
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but also increasingly from trauma. next month, a mission made up of mental health experts is expected to visit the besieged strip . it's believed to be one of the 1st such commissions to look at mental health issues. since october, when israel's war on kaiser began gabriel's on the i'll just need it at united nations in new york. at least 23 finest means working to distribute aids in northern gas. i have been killed, spine is really a strike. well plains bomb targets close to the great round about way supplies for the north. distributed intersection is on the sellout. dean rose at least northern and southern gaza. several attacks have been carried out on palestinians taking aid at that same location. last month is really forces open fi on a crowd back, killing a 118 people seeking for the
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another. well, he is more than 18000000 people in sedona facing acute hunger because of the civil war. many can't be reached by 8 agencies, while others have sort refugee neighboring countries. the un estimates more than half a 1000000, so the needs have arrived in south so don, since the conflicts began between the army and the power military rapids afford forces last year, malcolm with reports of my transit campaign, the board, a ton of rankin sauce with us of the students who is forced about a 1000000 people from their homes, and that's more than twice stop facing a queue tongue whose mothers and seeking help for that children having arrived at this transit camp in the board, the town of rank is south threw down. yeah, court capital acts i see was among the 1st to fleet of fine thing almost
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a year ago. she's been in the camp ever since. and kate, bessie, it's in the tongue. she says her husband died. the, the red shows me a chang's um, is far too fading. for his age. he severely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the children. i work selling t to earn money for their survival. but it's really difficult for me to support them. ring depended on suit on for food and across the board of trade before the war. now the traffics. one way many come empty handed. most of the people arriving here are hungry. it comes from cost a seat on or to be cut off from food and other essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well the seed program is registering new arrivals, taking fingerprints and then so you're everybody and it's a, it's a base of displace people see you and says it shows of funds to be able to see or
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with this crisis. here is your rivals issued a voucher for about $14.00, which is meant to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people have arrived here or returning south to denise but a growing number of suits and these people and now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or support here. i haven't received any and since i arrived, it's my 2nd day of waiting. my doctors are very hungry. i'm the has better luck this time. so students currencies losing finally was oil revenues full because of the war. food prices occurring out severely malnourished children like me a time, a treat to the terms that come by irish charity. go with a nutritional paste. the specialist here told us that the worst case is that people
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who stayed here a long time waiting for the location is this times that children that really you know, that condition be coming. what? yeah. quotes like many here. so she doesn't want to be located. hi, mary, are in south seat on stuff is on the conflict flooding, a more displacement. she says the transit company of the buddha is the only place she can survive. the malcolm web address era rank south seat. on the still ahead on al jazeera release for undocumented mexican migrants after law allowing texas ways to arrest them is put on hold. and i'll, australia, and china rebuilding relations after years of tension and trade disputes the
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critical debate. postage farmers are angry. people of starving and we actually have to experts. oh wow. good. because we've money to buy informed athenians. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians with the often in the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me come out to him and dave, and course the rivals. inside story. on al jazeera, the colleges explode 2023. the fascination
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of joining us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the the welcome back. a recap of our top stories on algiers 0. these really ami says it's now killed at least 90 palestinians during an ongoing rage on i'll, she, for hospital in gaza city. is there any soldiers began their latest rates on monday? i'm off has described it as a massacre. st patients and the space people. armando scale is really s right to
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northern guys, are killed at least 23 thomas use working to distribute fluids. we're paying state reclaims round about which makes northern and southern casa and, and the world health organization says doctors and guys as showing signs of knowledge attrition that working around the talk to treat the injured by without enough food. they're struggling to get through the shift and having use fishermen in indonesia as crumbling to rescue dozens of ro, hanging of refugees after high ties, capsized the boat off the province of my check. and the 6 people have been rescued . thousands have been trying to flee over crowded camps in bangladesh to may bring countries. the un estimates around 2000 were hanging. i have arrived in indonesia since october 7 crew members have drowned off to a chemical time to capsize off the coast of japan, for waters were rescued from the rough seas. the south korean ship had around a 1000 tons of a credit gas it on board pollution experts are looking for any sign of
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a leak. now after years of tension and trade disputes, australia and china say their own course to patch up relations. they solid 4 years ago after the previous australian government backed calls for an inquiry into the origins of colby 19 china retaliated with trade tires estimated to have costio sterling economy, $13000000000.00. adrian braun report. so wanting to have you as this report contains scenes of flash photography from the beginning, sign. the hand shakes and smiles belie the high stakes video stadium. government faces in managing its relations with china. australia is foreign minister penny wong, conceding the talks with one he was unlikely to result then many differences. all of them enables us to manage all differences. it doesn't to eliminate them about this government cindy interest of his try them. will always say to manage those
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differences wisely. as i said in the outside of my meeting, kind of will always be trying to astride. it will always be a strike there. there was no joint media conference, was only comments ahead of his talks on china. he said never into fees in australia is internal affairs, australia should do the same woman to jump on when it comes to china is suffering, say, dignity, and legitimate concerns. we have cause hope that the strategy a will continue to abide by the commitments made at the establishment of diplomatic ties all phone regional secured. he remains a contentious issue for australia. but i'm afraid fiction is easy. prime minister anthony open, easy, hopeful for 218 percent tires on australian wine will be lifted shortly. punitive chinese terrace, most of the exports have already been removed during the height of the diplomatic pulling out how straight and generally strongly was jail to move in 3 years on ill
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defined allegations of sharing chinese state secrets overseas. last month and australian academic young hang june, accused of espionage was given a suspended sentence. let's try the ins was shocked at the sentencing, paused. and am i to to him that the this trial and government will continue to advocate from dr. young's behalf. since changing thing became china is lita 11 years ago. he's made one repeated pledge to find any challenges to china, 70, a 70 in full se analyst by intimidating taiwan. claiming ownership of almost all the south china sea and establishing a security presence in the south pacific, which china now has the largest diplomatic presence in the region as well as long as he has been talking afraid enough delays. here is us counterpart anthony blinking has been deepening alliances without allies, south korea,
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and the philippines. many smaller nations in the region though, a wary of both united states and china and don't want to be forced to pick sides. more analysts say could be the beginning of a new cold war. adrian brown, al jazeera weddington, the european union, and the united nations. they, hong kong is new security law, could erode fundamental freedoms. the legislation strengthens the national security law introduced by china 4 years ago that followed the flashing of mass protests to demand more democracy and less control from badging, nor westbrook by 4 small here in hong kong probation, lawmakers that voted unanimously to pos home comes home, grow national security law known as article $23.00, and unsurprisingly, that's made front page news in all of the new spaces. this prove aging newspaper said that it passed with full votes. this newspaper used to quote from john lee saying that hong kong had completed its own emissions and the english language
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newspaper known as the south china morning post says that hong kong had wrapped up its historic mission. that's using a quotes by john lee. he said that how come had finally filled its constitutional juicy and then acting its own national security. little. he says that it will fit along sides. the badging impose national security low from 2020 that was implemented after months of anti government protests in 2019. john lee says that this nor is necessary, and that it's a defensive law that will acquits hong kong with a strong to unlock back in 2003. when this law was last proposed, half a 1000000 people took to the streets and a very show of public opposition. today though, this time around, we're not seeing anything like those kinds of protests. the farm is in poland to have stepped up, protest against cheating for some ukraine by blocking roads across the country. they say they can't compete with ukrainian parties such as flooding. you markets.
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tom as also want changes to restrictions imposed under the bronx climate change mess measures allowing the us state of texas to arrest and to full time documented migraine. so across the board or from mexico has been put on hold fine appeals force along went into effect after being approved by the us supreme court. but despite the development many migrant status, so worried i'll just here as hide is your cost or what's dozens of men recently arrive to the united states from central and south. america are waiting at a houston, texas gas station for work. their hopes evaporate with each passing car that offers new jobs for undocumented laborers. you know me like that and i was 27 year old alfredo from guatemala, says he'll take any work that's offered, but money is no longer his primary worry. s before empowers any passing police officer to arrest these men on suspicion. they crossed the texas mexico
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border, illegally by name was on each of the at the v. i became a 5 par families, not the harmony one. i just want to work. nadia s before says anyone who cross the border between ports of entry may face up to 20 years in prison unless they agreed to return to mexico. alfredo says he'll never agree to deport himself. he owes smugglers $32000.00 in fears for his family safety until he pays up. he says he'll have to move to another state. migraine crossings have already shifted away from texas to other border states and the laws advance. i have use a clause in the constitution that a power states to defend themselves. the white house says s before is unconstitutional and will continue to challenge it in court. and it's sean tier, the leading candidate to become houston's new district attorney in november. so that also invites racial profiling. you would have mixed families, meaning some people are here with documentation and some people are driving in the
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same course. you would be calling the person who's driving if they do have documentation, a smuggler in charge them with a felony. and rip a family part immigrant families near the texas border say they already live in fear. 18 year old on a is a us citizen. but her mother is undocumented to it shows me to work hard on my studies. so i can get out of here obviously like she doesn't want me to be the same . she worries her mother who she says has broken no laws other than crossing the border to give her daughter a better life won't be labeled a criminal by the state of texas. heidi to castro algebra, thailand's foreign minister has literally taken the bull by the horns for his made his photo shoot, weighing in at almost a 1000 and a half tons. the vinyl of buffalo met the tie leader in bangkok. the bulls become a tv stock source after featuring the popular soap opera. he's also a renown spent and recently sold for half
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a $1000000.00. that is the news for now on out as they are in that set for me for the batch of both. stay with us next to whether the inside story asks what can be done to bring the suffering to an ending process. thank you for watching options here. tom mccrae will be with you with one using the as we approach the spring accurate notes, we're seeing a return to winter in a good part of japan, particularly hong. sure, this is the last day of this real cold wind, i think. and the sheriff's will be restricted to the higher ground, but it has been if that a white boy tc now for next last day. and so in contrast, so that's over child, the sunny sides and the suns up from the surf, which means temperatures in many places in central china are 6 degrees above the
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average. and again, that we see in the full cost of north korea and this northeastern pump of charlotte, late gauss, maybe in the winter. i think it probably be, is that to the west of oldest, we've seen childs developing a dish or, and a bangladesh. they're still around and they're moving up to the northeast of india . the rest of it is fairly, dr. cheryl is asher themselves, as for like a, they could be perky, but this is the view more of interest that is once again, it's significant, right? and the significance no, it's certainly shown itself in the wrong and in the middle east and live on is the coming shelf, draft tennis down. so suppose possible on the grinding capital, certainly on the hard drive, it stretches through to northern pakistan and the fondles of india, that is to say, is full across many sent abusive snow. by the time we get to friday, it is weakening and somebody's prompts the sun has returned the approval of the patient, resulting in
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a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify these rails the soaps on gaza. they took dozens of children, bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person to the 7 on tuesday or the gaza facing fan in israel's genocidal assault continues after 5 months of slaughter, mostly with weston supplied wesson's. international pressure has amounted to little more than words. so what can bring causes? suffering to an end, this is inside stored the .


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