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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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in bringing you husband loves to palestine for all to see said donates with confidence. knights with outcast foundation, we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts, that's time the fuse at 9 nutrition amongst health workers in guys that is affecting their ability to save lives. play watching out you 0 live from the house. and so, you know, also ahead we hear from doctors are watching gas as hospital steering is ras. from bond meant they describe the re 16 say wait one child never has again had been so bad. you could see her facial buttons. we knew there was no jobs
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us of only thing but, but there was no moving tickets. and he's really yes. right. and that's for distribution center in the north of the gaza strip kills 20 to kind of see an 8. the and cries of hunger in sounds of don will have the latest on food shortages for thousands of people who are fed fighting in the brings down the thank you for joining us. we begin in guys our way the world health organization says doctors are showing signs of non nutrition, including weight loss and exhaustion. i mean, catastrophic food shortages. they're working around the clock to treat the injured, but without enough food, they're struggling to get to the shifts. victoria get to be reports. dr. bashaw, abdul called that hasn't stopped with looking all day. he's doing
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a 24 hour shift in the accident and emergency department of alex hospital in garza and surviving on a few plates of rice and this low metal books, a group of people that are funded knowledge bett. we've been provided with a few meals, but nutritionally, they are not sufficient out of each meal to shed between 2 doctors and consist of rice and a small amount of vegetables. no protein is not enough for adults and working these always. the head of the emergency department is worried about his teams. ability to keep going. he says die of food shortages mean staff start that shift exhaustive. i'm famished. in the money we're seeing malnutrition, among health workers in the emergency department, white gloves, pile skin that come with live nation, especially with so many injuries coming in. they don't have the energy to work for more than 2 hours. who at the hospitals make shift kitchen? they tend the few ingredients available into meals, the staff can food has become a staple with visual l suite during more than 5 months of will bought. it's far
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from being an adequate sources suit. the way we're suffering from nutritional deficiencies, fruit and vegetables aren't available. so we're not getting any minerals or vitamins, we depend on canned food, but sometimes the price of the go sky high without adequate nutrition. there's a high risk of health workers, fully sick. and that's the last thing causes collapsed health system needs. victoria gay to be allergies. there were several doctors with 1st time experiencing guys. i have a spoken to jen. they said the united nations they recounted the difficulties, medics phase trying to save lives in a health care system that's collapse. i'll just here is gabriel is on to has more from new york of all of the doctors who spoke to journalists here un headquarters on tuesday recently returned from gaza. so they have 1st hand knowledge on the situation there. for some of them, they really wanted to put a human face on the suffering that they saw firsthand. what i focused on the people
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at this is the other. she's 7 years old. she is one of the victims of the war and was a bomb, had terror family home. so her father and brother were killed and her mother also was injured and she had burns and she sustained a 3rd degree by is 140 percent of her body. another doctor spoke of some of the medical supplies that are not reaching patients that need it. the most simple things like pain medication and even an inhaler in this small bile of medicine. here is a medicine that we use for sedation metabolism 1st, that this is something that we could be using for our patients for their or in pain who are trying to. we're trying to reset their fractures, we're trying to clean their burns. it's an incredibly painful process. and this is something that can help something this small,
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we're not able to get into the gaza strip because the trucks are stall. or if someone is having difficulty breathing, as you may suspect, may happen as bombs or dropping in the air fills with smoke. not able to get a rescue inhaler and to be able to treat their asthma and the medical professional from the u. k, who's been going back and forth to guys for nearly 15 years, says he was not prepared for what he saw on his most recent visit, especially when it came to young burn victims. the most devastating buns in small children. one child, lo, never forget had been so bad. you could see her facial buttons. we knew there was no chance of us, of only things that but there was no moving to give that says not any wish you never to be going to die. but she would die and i can a and what made it even worse, there was no way to go and die. so she was just left on the floor of the and those
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into the farm and to dine. many patients and hospitals and gaza have open was that can not be healed properly because of a lack of supplies. what does this mean over the long run? the, the longer this work goes on, the, the longer these wounds have to rot. i mean, really right. the infections are getting worse and worse, and it's perfect. it's terrific for our providers and it's absolutely horrific for these patients. palestinians are not suffering just from physical loans, but also increasingly from trauma. next month, a mission made up of mental health experts is expected to visit the besieged strip . it's believed to be one of the 1st such commissions to look at mental health issues since october, when israel's war on kaiser began. gabriel's on the i'll just need it at united nations in new york. at least 235 simians working to distribute a to northern guys or has been killed. fine is really yes. right. well pains bombs,
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targets close to the great roundabout way suffice for the north had distributed the intersection is on the salon. dean road. that means northern and southern gaza. several attacks have been carried out on policy and seeking aid of the same location. last month is really forces open fire on a cloud. they're killing a 118 people seeking food. these are in the army also shout a un warehouse meant to receive humanitarian aid in jamalia in northern gaza. at least 2 people working in the building were killed. the facility was preparing to receive trucks carrying desperately needed aid intended for people in the area. let's get an update on the situation in guys and speak to i'll just hear is honey. my motors in rafa force and 7 guys i need tell us 1st about this attack on the aid workers at the great round about what do we know happened of the yes. well, this is another, a tragedy of a delivery in 2000 the northern part and the situations that we witness that early
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hours of last night was a group of 8 workers organize a coordinated by the client's committee in gaza. and the northern part over the past week, the successfully managed the delivery of a to can boys of a to trucks to gauze in the northern part. but we were looking at as they were waiting for the truck. so arrive at the way it traffic sort go. the where attack by is really playing at that spot deep. the areas that we're waiting for, killing almost 24 people who all the transferred to the hospital that's in golf squared. that's the central part of garza city. as reported by a lead hospital that there were multiple injuries as well, different kind of injuries, either in the back or in the domino area. and what we're hearing of from the hospital is the fox compatible with the report about the hospital and the
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difficulty to treat it properly as it is just lack of supplies, make it very difficult for the doctor to intervene and to provide the proper medical intervention to save lives at this moment, the giving the short as you can stream for additional medical supplies and a sufficient medical to stop inside the hospital. now it's important to point out as well that this committee, it has successfully managed the delivery of a and past weekend based on a statement issued by the decline committee. the engage with another part that this deliberate attack is intended to cause the k is the state of k as in dog. the northern part of it prevents the delivery of a to people who are much needed them right now. and honey, which is getting word now from these really military about the situation at all. she for hospital, these really military saying that at least 19 people have been killed at all. she
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fell. so the decimal rising day, considerably going from $50.00 to $19.00 just 24 hours. what do you know is happening at the hospital? yes. well in an earlier statement is really a military made it i issued a statement sites talking about about 90. people have been killed inside a to the hospital and it's 300 were interrogated and there are at least a 150 people who are digging into further investigation. now what's really important to point out is these are these really statements, allegedly a stating that these 90 people who were killed were in fact, thomas operatives without providing any sufficient evidence to this claim. and we've seen this pattern happening over and over. there is no statement by how much or the hospital to comment on this. uh, this is statement by this really military,
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but the fact that there is a tragedy going on right now inside a ship, a hospital, particularly the most vulnerable goober. it existed in the hospital right now, which is the injuries and those who are live support suffering from extreme extreme difficulties right now and conditions given the fact that no fuel is given to the hospital and is running out of oxygen right now. honey. thank you for the update that sandra 0 is hunting, my mod reporting deadline from rough i in southern gaza. now despite previously describing rough size of say so, and is rand is regularly bombing the 7 c team. gaza is home to run one and a half 1000000, displace people. now the us is warning and is really ground offensive. they will depend on a key in casa, die capitalism. wait for some rough, the, the, as well as was unrelenting, yet more palestinians, berries. who was, who carried him show to suit and facing simon. and the we are in, from
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a don. people have to hold, looking at having some of the domains black than this. this is our feet. more than 1000000 palestinians are seeking show to and cause the south forced here often onto the devastation in areas for the north east. very all me to drop off would be say, the messiah let's have continue. destroyed is densely populated area monthly on there is no safe area. well, they're saying this is a safe area, but there are no safe areas while they're hitting from every direction and they don't care about people. they displaced us from here to there, but we don't know where to go. is we'll say is mission is eliminated to must fight is it's food and re people who are being killed. the we are unarmed innocent civilians. we never carry donald. this is the majority of the palestinian population. and garza know when this trip is being pat. this is i'm
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say ross in central garza and i got the name is emily. at midnight we woke up to the sound of a bloss rushed the area he and found this house completely destroyed hoford's residence with killed and some still under the rubble. the death building gauze and i was more than 31000 with the people sheltering key roof. i think typically cool and at the desktop we're wise is very offensive. grounds continues direct about as boone. how does the rough, rough southern guns the the pain of the world he is more than 18000000 sudanese are facing acute hunger because of the civil war. many of them can be reached by 8 agencies, while others have sought refuge in neighboring countries. the united nations estimates more than half a 1000000 so the needs have arrived in south so don, since the conflict between the army and pine military rapids force support forces
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began last year on some web reinforcement transit camp in the border town of rankin south to don i was forced about a 1000000 people from their homes and left more than twice stop facing a cue tongue whose mothers and seeking help for that children having arrived at this transit camp in the board, the town of rank is south threw down. yeah, court capital acts i see was among the 1st to fleet of fighting almost a year ago. she's been in the camp ever since. and k bus here in the time. she says, husband died the, the red shows me a chinese um is far too fading for his age. he severely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the
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children. i work selling t to earn money for their survival. but it's really difficult for me to support them. ring depended on suit on for food and across the board of trade before the war. now the traffics. one way many come empty handed. most of the people arriving here a hungry. it comes from cost a seat on or to be cut off from food and other essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well the seed program is registering new arrivals, taking fingerprints and then so you're everybody and it's a, it's a base of displace people see you and says it shows of funds to be able to see or with this crisis. here is your rivals issued a voucher for about $14.00, which is meant to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people have arrived here or returning south sea denise. but
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a growing number of seed and these people and now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or support here. i haven't received any and since i arrived it's my 2nd day of waiting. my doctors are very hungry. i'm the has better luck this time. so students, currency losing finally was oil revenues full because of the war? food prices occurring out severely malnourished children like me a time, a treat to the terms that come by irish charity. go with a nutritional paste. the specialist here told us that the worst case is a people who stayed here a long time, waiting for the location. is this times that children that really you know, that condition coming? what? yeah. cause like many here. so she doesn't want to be located. hi, mary. are in south seat on stuff is on the conflict flooding, a more displacement. she says the transit company of the buddha is the only
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place she can survive. malcolm web al jazeera rank south, see don had still a head on alger 0. how australia and china rebuilding relations after years of tension and trade disputes the the us now the atlantic is still feeding weather into europe. but notice the direction of these cars moving more or less no fee. so it's now july's wolf to come up from below. is a good part of firms. for example, i was enjoying reading the bloom sunshine. paris could be up to about 20 degrees during wednesday at mid to late stalls. what was it was in spite impulse cobra shouts building. but for most of europe as walshe, sunshine, there's difference down the bottom right hand corner is still causing that forbid
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of snow and remain here. i'm probably torque here as well, but in between what looks like early spring. now given what's coming in from the atlantic every now and again, it, it affects myrtle co. now here it looks like this spinning wheel coming in to increase the wind, at least in medication to shout to near rebecca. otherwise looking fine here, the season will bring to her machin has picked up a lot of dust recently and the warnings of the dust or dust storm is actually north and the cameron come rooting for the next day or so. but in canter to that, the shelves are moving, starting north with the sudden nothing much coming out of them, but maybe in gap on it will be particularly wet. jupiter is showing real heated in edmonton, sassy, then the average is about $37.00, and we're looking at about $43.00 sometime the next couple of days. reco, it's $43.00. on surprisingly, all the schools have been christ, african narratives from africans,
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perspective for symptom of 4 states and to show documentary spine african filmmakers coordinated to like, he has said to simply me chocolate revolution from booking of 5. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa, direct on, i'll just be around the, [000:00:00;00] the, you watching out a 0, a reminder about top stories. the world health organization says doctors are
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showing signs of mile nutrition. i made catastrophic for shortages in gas stuff working around the clock to treat injured without enough to each they're struggling to get to their ships. at least 23 palestinians working to distribute a tough being kills finance really? yes, striking northern guy will things hit that location at the quite fond about in the a got the city. the intersection is on a main vote thinking northern and southern casa and fighting is continuing around all ship. a hospital in kansas city is really forces rated at the complex on monday they have killed at least 90 palestinians and the change many of those hundreds of people remain trapped inside. let's speak to somebody i read about these latest developments in gaza. he's the director of the center for his mom in global affairs that he assembled same university. thank you for joining us. once again. i wanted to ask you 1st about the situation on the ground and israel, claiming to have killed 90 gunmen what they called gunmen, y,
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preventing that the death of civilians they say. but we know, of course, that this has to be taken with a grain of salt. what is your reading of the way is really, is conducting this war, going into areas that were seemingly under their control. because obviously for hospital, of course, is a paste of rated multiple times. how's the will going for each route? what is what has been ignoring international law and domestic and ventures, international humanitarian law from the beginning. and that's just another incident in which they go until dozens and sometimes hundreds of people every day and claim that these have been government. and then everybody knows of over 70 percent of the casualties have been women and children. and what's happening in the ship is, is, is this, and this is what is what has been conducting because it's feet of just of this to make, does unlivable for the, for this thing is the story civilian life lives and trying to force and evacuation, you know, whether this is happening through it all filed the through the new port at the time
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to establish on the p are on the seat. and that's what is of this been trying to do all the long. right. you mentioned rafa and we've heard multiple warnings from the americans, from the categories against the ground invasion on ralph. and he's reapplying these really ground invasion on rasa. specifically looking at the american position. it would seem that the language from the, by the administration has tough and invasive days and weeks and weeks. and as you've said, they're trying to establish just for now to, to get 8 into guys that they say because it's not going to that. the fruits, right. the language and the language on, on misty who is getting tougher. what, what is, do you think the objective ultimately for the american see, are they really concerned, as they say about the civilians being killed and gosh, americans are complicit in this mass success and this tragedy in this genocide that award the americans have been betting is a to the health militarily, to for method can you politically all along. so the difference is really tech
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because they're trying to get is able to achieve its objectives without having the score pictures that everybody has been seeing that americans are part and parcel of the treasury digital policy is, have been going through. america does not need to create a report or any kind of visitation if it's once really to get a to the 1st indians. it has a lot of leverage over the is what it is over the egyptian side. in order to have these thousands of convoys that have been waiting and running at the border, i mean, america does not need to know all these shows of, of, of aerial a then. and the bill of the peer, actually everybody in palestine is very concerned that the read purpose of the piano, this port is actually to facilitate what nothing else it yesterday in the commission that the real name here is to have outdoors to facilitate or the early evacuation and the, and has been threatening to storm profile in order he wants to achieve this goal by, by you looking by having this, this,
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have it read them the 1st it will be americans allow it. so i mean, when do you think they will use a leverage or are they not going to use a leverage? what happens in the election year also in the us? that right interest. i mean, assuming that the americans did not share the objectives, but they do share the objective, they just different on tactics americans want to achieve politically. what is what it is i'm not able to achieve minutes early, but there is a broader objective for the americans. also, they would like to reach a normalization dean between us so that everyone is well this year. but then it's, and you know, it's not really interested to have this this year. he wants to press to eliminate thomas and the resistance to, to evacuate as many or expel as many for the students from guys as possible. and his is trying to push the schools and he's been some push. it is successful. what's on the other hand, the percent as are determined to stay in guys that determines the flights and determines to make sure that miss danielle would not achieve his goals. thank you very much for speaking to us about this. thank you for sharing your thoughts, samuel arian. from assembles,
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i'm university. now the world news after years of tension and trade disappears, australia and china save their own course to patch up relations a solid. 4 years ago, after the previous australian government backed calls for an inquiry into the origins of coby 19 china retaliated with trey titus estimated to of costs yesterday and economy. $13000000000.00 adrian boundary for some wanting to have your story for contains teens or flash fonts. fuck the hand shakes and smiles belie the high stakes video stadium. government faces in managing its relations with china. australia is foreign minister penny wong, conceding the talks with one he was unlikely to result then many differences. all of them enables us to manage all differences. it doesn't to eliminate them about this government cindy interest of his try them. will always say to manage those differences wisely. as i said in the outside of my meeting,
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kind of will always be trying to astride, it will always be a strong there. there was no joint media conference, was only comments ahead of his talks on china. he said never into fees in australia is internal affairs, australia should do the same on then 3rd of all, when it comes to china, sovereignty, dignity, and legitimate concerns. we have cause hope that the strategy a will continue to abide by the commitments made at the establishment of diplomatic ties all phone regional secured. he remains a contentious issue for australia. but i'm afraid fiction is easy. prime minister anthony open, easy, hopeful, a 218 percent tires on australian wine will be lifted shortly. punitive chinese terrace, most of the exports have already been removed during the high to the diplomatic, pulling out how straight in generalist chung late was jail. to move in 3 years on
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ill defined delegations of sharing chinese state secrets overseas. last month and australian academic young hang june, accused of espionage was given a suspended sentence. let's try the ins was shocked at the sentencing, paused, and i'll make it to him that the district and government will continue to advocate from dr. young's behalf. since changing ping became china is lita 11 years ago. he's made one repeated pledge to find any challenges to china, 70, a 70 in full se analyst by intimidating taiwan. claiming ownership of almost all the south china sea and establishing a security presence in the south pacific, which china now has the largest diplomatic presence in the region as well as long as he has been talking afraid enough delays. here is us counterpart anthony blinking has been deepening alliances without allies, south korea, and the philippines. many smaller nations in the region though,
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a wary of both united states and china and don't want to be forced to pick sides. more analysts say, could be the beginning of a new code, will adrian brown out to 0 weddington european union and united nation state. hong kong, new security law could erode fundamental freedoms. the legislation strengths in the see national security law introduced by china 4 years ago that followed the question of mass protest to demand more democracy and less control from badging. laura westbrook report some how come here in hong kong pro, aging lawmakers that voted unanimously to pos home comes home, grow national security, little known as article 23. and i'm surprisingly that's made front page news in all of the new spaces this prove aging newspaper said that it passed with full votes. this newspaper used a quote from john lee saying that hong kong had completed its holy mission and the english language newspaper known as the south china morning post says that hong
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kong had wrapped up its historic mission. that's using a quotes by john lee. he said that how come had finally filled its constitutional juicy and then acting its own national security. little. he says that it will sit along sides. the badging impose national security low from 2020 that was implemented after months of anti government protests in 2019. john lee says that this floor is necessary and that it's a defensive law that will acquits hong kong with a strong to unlock back in 2003. when this law was last proposed, half a 1000000 people took to the streets and a very show of public opposition. today though, this time around, we're not seeing anything like those kinds of protests. 7 crew members are missing after a chemical tank, the cap size of the coasts of japan, for others were rescued from the kiln song in rough seas there is no word on the thread of pollution or what kind of course, we're on board. the south korean ship, the coast guard, launched our rescue operation after receiving
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a distress call. now, a law allowing the us state of texas to arrest and report on documented migraine. so across the border from mexico has been put on hold fine a p, a scored the law briefly went into effect when it was approved by the us supreme court. but with a complex legal picture, my friend, this remain where each entre 0 is heidi's row castro. a dozens of men recently arrived to the united states from central and south. america are waiting at a houston, texas gas station for work. their hopes evaporate with each passing car that offers new jobs for undocumented laborers. do you know me like that? and i was 27 year old alfredo from guatemala, says he'll take any work that's offered, but money is no longer his primary worry. as before, empowers any passing police officer to arrest these men on suspicion. they crossed the texas mexico border illegally. the name was on each of the we came to fight for


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