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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the flow this is in use our on out just 0. i'm for the back people live in bill coming up in the next 60 minutes and is really as striking a full distribution center in northern gaza. at least 23 policy and aid workers. i q these really military continues to target the largest hospital in gaza, at least 50 palestinians have been killed in a seizure about she's also dissolved the prize
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of hungering sounds. who don will have the latest on food shortages with thousands of people will select fighting in neighboring sit down. and the us appeals court blocks a law that allows police in texas to arrest and default on documented migraines from mexico. the thank you for joining us. we begin in northern guys where at least 23 palestinians working to distribute aid has been killed. spine is really a strike. well, pain struck near the coates round about way supplies for the north. i distributed into section is on the salon, dean road, a main road linking, northern and southern gaza. they've been several attacks on palace to me and seeking aid at the same location. last month is really forces open fi on a crowd bag, killing 118 people seeking foods. and he's really ami has also shown
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a u. n. warehouse meant to receive humanitarian aid in your body. i know them guy. at least 2 people working in the building were killed. the facility was preparing to receive trucks carrying desperately needed aid, intended for people in the area. or let's get an update on the situation in gaza and speak to andras. here is honey. my motors in rafa for is honey. tell us 1st about this attack on the aid workers. that'd be great round about what do we know happened? the as well another aided tragedy just took place that early hours the last night at the can with the traffic circle on. so i had been road where 24 people been confirmed, killed by a highly hospitalized. you were transferred all the way from so that had been brought into the central part of garza city where a lively hospital is located, a very small size hospital with limited capacity. we were told there are still more
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people on the roads among the injuries as the attack was massive. and it not only destroyed the aged fox and the people who were gathering at this point, but also the vicinity of their including public facilities. this is not the 1st time we've seen the rec and deliberate attacks on a humanitarian aided trust or on people who are gathering in large groups. given the fact that famine is a spreading it widely in the northern part in gauze it'd be and people for the most part are very hungry. meanwhile, in your body, or if you get a distribution foot point was targeted and destroyed and we were told it is the only one available in the northern part of the god, the city. and it was set up in the 2 days and we're seeing 80 trucks. it delivered into another part of garza city in a smooth and a secure way that forwards distribution port was set up for that purpose. and now it has been destroyed. and honey,
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what is the latest you're hearing about the situation at all? she for hospital, which has been under siege by these relays with at least 50 people killed, of the work for the 3rd day in a row, was deemed as really military is still operating aggressively inside a ship that hospital and conducting these aggressive search from building to building room to room, as well as at the vicinity of a ship, a hospital that's outside the fence of the hosp to the western part than the northern part of the health facility in which it rated at the in the, the entire residential buildings where its 3 of them have been destroyed by massive air strikes, as well as the reports of many people who are being who are injured in those attacks and many who were arrested in the mass of rest conducted by this really
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military 8 the back right now. what's going on inside the hospital is extremely difficult. we're talking about entire facility right now as it was recovering a step by step and started to provide a basic, a treatment for the injuries is now completely out of service. this really monitor is still in says that it is operating inside the hospital based on the uh, the, and the intelligence information it received of the, the presence of bells operative the militant inside the, the complex. but without offering any substantial evidence at the same time, it was that is really military still storming the uh, the uh, the health facility complex and tens bombing campaign continued to pound across the garza thread. mainly in the syndrome area where more residential buildings have been targeted on the right, probably didn't both and will say that refugee camp and a raise refugee camp will look at at the very large number of people have been killed. honey, thank you very much for the update. that sounds his ears honey. my most live the in
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the rough in 7 gossip. and these really strikes have targeted an area in gaza. city crowded with residential homes and buildings. one attack struck a family home, killing 15 people inside 1st responders and struggling to retrieve more bodies kind of arrival. and i saw sharif reports on the scene, a warning, some of the images in his report are disturbing. up to the other slightly. i'm to follow up, i'll find them is really rates have not stopped attacking cause the city since the morning was on, had war jets have targeted a family home at the center of cause of the city killing 15 people. these dead bodies were retrieved, moments ago from under the rubble of this house. what we're seeing is that the majority killed here are women and children. and this was a direct targeting bite is really war jets off on the house of several stories. and just as we can see, these dead bodies on the ground have just been recovered from under the rubble again, a number of people remain missing under the rubble. as medical staff and civil defense crews could not reach this place. that okay, this house,
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emboldened by the mic bill family, it has been completely destroyed, but it's really excited to as an adult. oh no, me. so i'll try to do that. and yeah, i mean, yeah, and that's, i mean, i know you, ma'am. it's a business my brother's house. unfortunately, women, children and the neighbors were struck. you know what? they were peaceful people that have sleeping, often having the last meal for full, fostering. suddenly we were taken away by what happened and the despite all those, we say praise be to god cause them due to the lack of resources. well, you know, there remains a number of killed people under the rubble of whom we are unable to bring out to the relentless bombardment on cause. a city by his really wor, jets, has now targeted this family home as the killing most of its residents was even bought, trapping others under the revolution and the city of jersey a my do you have to was in the south of the gaza strip despite previously describing rafa as i say, stone is red, is regularly bombing, the city is home to around one and
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a half 1000000 disgrace policy means now the us is wanting and he's really ground offensive, able deepen on a keen, gaza tie. god bless them before some rough it's the isabel's was unrelenting. yet more palestinians berry who was, who carried him short to suit and facing simon under the we are in, from a lot of people have to hold. looking at having some of the domains black done this, this is our faith. more than 1000000 palestinians are seeking show to and cause a self forced here of the, of the devastation in areas for the north east by the army. tobin drop off would be saved by the messiahs have continued destroyed is densely populated area monthly for the month there is no safe area. well, they're saying this is a safe area, but there are no safe areas while they're hitting from every direction and they
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don't care about people. they displaced us from here to there. but we don't know where to go. is we'll say is mission is to eliminate the most fighters. it's food and re people who are being killed. we are unarmed innocent civilians. we never carry donald. this is the majority of the palestinian population in gaza. know when the strip is being spent. this is, i'm say ross in central garza and i got the name is emily. at midnight we woke up to the sound of a bloss rushed the area here and found this house completely destroyed. hoford's residents were killed in some of the end of the level. the death building gauze, and that was more than 31000 with the people sheltering key roughly, i think typically coordinates the dust to were wise if the is very offensive grounds continues. starts about as boone. how does the rough, rough southern guns several doctors with 1st hand experience in guys i have spoken to jen and they said the united nations in new york,
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they recounted the difficulties, medics face trying to save lives in the health care system that's collapsed. i'll just there is given that is on to hospital from new york of all of the doctors who spoke to journalists here un headquarters on tuesday recently returned from gaza. so they have 1st hand knowledge on the situation there. for some of them, they really wanted to put a human face on the suffering that they saw 1st. and what i focused on the people at this is the other g, 7 years old. she is one of the victims of the war and was a bomb, had tell her family home. so her father and brother were killed and her mother also was injured and she had burns and she sustained a 3rd degree burn on 40 percent of her body. another doctor spoke of some of the medical supplies that are not reaching patients that need it. the most simple
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things like pain medication and even an inhaler. and this small file of medicine here is a medicine that we use for sedation. the dazzling 1st set. this is something that we could be using for our patients who are there, who are in pain, who are trying to, we're trying to reset their fractures. we're trying to clean their burns. it's an incredibly painful process. and this is something that can help something this small, we're not able to get into the gaza strip because the trucks are stall. or if someone is having difficulty breathing, as you may suspect, may happen as bombs are dropping in the air fills with smoke. not able to get a rescue inhaler and to be able to treat their asthma and the medical professional from the u. k, who's been going back and forth to guys for nearly 15 years, says he was not prepared for what he saw on his most recent visit. especially when it came to young burn victims. the most devastating funds in small children. one
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child alone, never forget had been so bad. you could see her facial buttons. we knew there was no chance of us of only things that but there was no i'm also going to give that. says not any wish you never to be going to die. but she would die and i can a and what made it even worse, there was no way to go and die. so she was just left on the floor of the and those into the following to dine. many patients and hospitals and gaza have open was the can not be healed properly because of a lack of supplies. what does this mean over the long run? the, the longer this where it goes on the, the longer these wounds have to rot. i mean, really, right. the infections are getting worse and worse, and it's perfect. it's terrific for our providers and it's absolutely horrific for these patients. palestinians are not suffering just from physical loans, but also increasingly from trauma. next month,
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a mission made up of mental health experts is expected to visit the besieged strip . it's believed to be one of the 1st such commissions to look at mental health issues. since october, when israel's war on guys it began gabriel's on the i'll just need it at the united nations in new york. now as a distribution sites come under is really a talking guys are, they are new warnings about diet, food shortages, the you and human rights g says these are as age restrictions because constitute a war crime. volta kirk rhetoric says these drugs actions could be seen as a, as using starvation as a weapon of war. he's called on the international community to pressure his route to live toll restrictions on age flows and softer. a un batch report found that simon is in an into northern sky side. us secretary of state says the entire population of guys are, is in dire need of humanitarian aid. on to the blinking says for deliveries must be
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a priority. is common just come after view and human rights chief blame this route for blocking a trucks from entering district pointing to the most respected measure of these things. a 100 percent of the population in gaza. is that severe levels of acute food insecurity? that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. and we also see again, according to, in this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . compare that to a sedan about 80 percent of the population, there is indeed even measures of data stand about 70 percent. so again, this will be under scores both the, the urgency, the imperative of making this the priority much of a small amount of food entering guys that comes in 10 cans, one, palestinian has decided to send the world
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a message in an unconventional way. i'm home, it explains a mistake from the field with the g come the wi fi fi wants to be noticed around the world. a mixture shelter of pink guns that she hopes to increase awareness about starvation and looming funding policy. it was set on one level. i'll go behind this creative book is to send the message to the whole world, and that's the only age, deliberate to goldens in the news is canned food, ways of causing misery to children here, mainly male nutrition and diseases. all i wanted to tell the world, this is not our life. we have all traditional cuisine famous around the world. but for months we are stopping by a. c. c didn't do it alone. children will be one of the main victims of is rides. what on god's played a big part. and while i live at the the, is that home for you the comes with divided by all the children. if enough, you and refuge account of the model. it is made up of $13000.00 cans,
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collected by volunteered children valued together. we opened cons. i'm gonna click on cement inside and built the time during my district. you also saw of the reception for palestinians escaping as far as destruction in the north. what if i did, and we're living in misery? this tend symbolizes us suffering. we're trapped between a rock and a hard surface. the relief, a being delivered is not enough. all children are stopping and falling sick with suffering on many fronts, lack of shelter, lack of food, and above all, the lack of security. it's a small but defined piece of thought that a few wants to bring attention to the palestinians. blight or i'm, i'm still ahead on this, i'll just there and use our we meet the families returning to so don's wart on capitol region as the military gains territory from its power military rivals also
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ahead how australia and china are rebuilding relations after years of tension. and trade disputes, the town more than 18000000 sudanese are facing acute hunger because of the civil war in saddam. many of them can be reached by 8 agencies, while others have sought refuge in neighboring countries. the un estimates more than half a 1000000. so denise have arrived in south so don, since the conflicts between the army and the power military rapid support forces began last year. let's go live to mock and web. who's that a transit camp in the border town of rankin south. so don, talk to us about the scene where you are mount come what, what is the situation like for the people who arrive at that time said, come the people arriving
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a some say that seeing the violence abuses again, civilians targeting a populations of sexual violence and others say they've left just because the conditions that and sit down and become a livable. but there is cuts off from food and other essential supplies. but some of the humanitarian agencies working here say that people who stay in the transit come for too long are also suffering mountain nutrition. we spoke to one woman who's been here for nearly a. yeah. and is struggling to feed her children. let's take a look at that story. the, the dentist was forced about a 1000000 people from the hines and left more than twice stop facing a que tongue whose mothers and seeking help for the children. having arrived at this transit camp in the board, the town of rank himself threw down. yeah, court capital accessing was among the 1st the fleet of fighting almost
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a year ago. she's been in the camp ever since. and k bus here to the time. she says her husband died. the, the red shows me a chinese armies father to save him for his age. he severely malnourished. the living conditions here are very difficult. i'm the one that supporting all the children. i work selling t to earn money for their survival. but it's really difficult for me to support them. ring depended on suit on for food and across the board of trade before the war. now the traffics one way and many come empty handed. most of the people arriving here a hungry. it comes from cost a seat on it to be cut off from food and other essential supplies because of the fighting. so here you as well the seed program is registering the new arrivals, taking fingerprints and then to your everybody. and it's a, it's
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a base of displace people see when says is sure to funds to be able to deal with this crisis. here you arrivals issued a voucher for about $14.00, which is meant to feed them for 7 days. most of the more than half a 1000000 people who arrived here are returning south c denise. but a growing number of suits and these people in now fleeing here to most don't have any connections or support here. i haven't received an missing since i arrived. it's my 2nd day of waiting. my daughters are very hungry. i'm gonna have better luck this time. so students, currency losing finally was oil revenues full because of the war? food prices, again right now, severely malnourished children like near tongue treated at the transit come by irish charity. go with a nutritional paste. the specialist here told us that the worst case is that people
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who stayed here a long time waiting for the location to this time that children, that really you know, that condition be coming with your quotes like many here. so she doesn't want to be be located. hi mary, are in south seat on stuff is on the conflict flooding. a more displacement. she says the transit company of the buddha is the only place she can survive. malcolm web al jazeera rank south seat on the you and says that the people, the 18000000 people who been uh, facing a keys on guy uh because of this crisis. uh, 5000000 of them are expected to face catastrophic, hung up in the coming months out of people who saw it in the story. uh, at least accessing some help. millions more in see don,
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he's still comp the health tool and the un security council seems to be briefed on this matter in the coming hours. meanwhile, the rain, the seasons due to start in just the coming weeks. and that means that more roads will be costs off this areas. prior to the presence of flooding, the roads can become impossible. and the humanitarian agencies say they expect, that means it's going to be a spike in cases of malaria and colorado, as well. malcolm, thank you very much for that side. sanchez there is malcolm web reporting from a rank on the border between south saddam and so dawn. well, in so daunted south people who have been displaced from the capital on now returning to some areas of costume, that despite ongoing battle was between the army and prior military rapids support forces most are returning to the city or from doing mine during the fasting. most of the month of ramadan, he but morgan reports it's been a difficult time for the last comment and his family. they had to flee from their
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home and the man incidents capital to win the conflicts began last year. he says the battle between the 2 wearing sides and artillery shells falling around his home, made it hard to see after maybe a year of displacement. they've now returned in time for the fasting month of problem of down. and then it could be that we suffered a lot when we were displaced. then we heard that all part of the money stable. there is water and electricity and the shunning hug less and a lot do not like when it was at the start of the world. so we came back here to observe ramadan and to stay home with nothing. the on demand is the 2nd largest city in the capital region, but the warehouse pushed out most of its residents while both sides used artillery 2 targets. each other st bottles have all from left to best cars on the walls of the city, the rapids support for it. this took over large parts of the man. during the 1st few months of the conflict,
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the sudanese army has been slowly recapturing ground from the parent military coup in the past few months. the u. one has called for the wearing parties to observe a ceasefire during ramadan for civilians to be able to attend to their needs. but the fighting continues as well. some families have returns to parts of on demand. less is still not back to what it was before. fighting began basic services such as running water and electricity are still cut off. some parts of the city and the sounds of heavy artillery are constant around the capital. despite that, families are gradually returning as the army continues to regain more territory from the recess. and some have not been able to lead since the conflicts began this problem, you know, kitchen in what's known as the old on demand area has been serving food for those who put into the window. amazon started, it began serving. it's hard to break the fast. yeah. you've been actually yeah,
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i mean we used to really struggle to get vegetables to feed people. the piece was under our self control, so it took hours to get to the market. now it's more stable since the army took over, so it takes less time. but people can't afford food or drink a bullet as his glad to be able to return to his home. he says he hopes of a parts of on demand also sees the ability so that other families can return not just flowed around with them, but to rebuild their lives. once again. people morgan, alta 0, i'm the man. now after years of tension and trade disputes, australia and china say their own course to pass shop relations they solid. 4 years ago after the previous australian government backed calls for an inquiry into the origins of colby 19 china. every time the aged with trade tires estimated to have cost just training economy, $13000000000.00. adrian bryan reports. as fuck, the hand shakes and smiles belie the high stakes video stadium. government faces in
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managing its relations with china. how straight is foreign minister penny wong conceding the talks with one he was unlikely to result then many differences. all of them enables us to manage all differences. it doesn't to eliminate them about this government. in the interest of us try them. will always seek to manage those differences wisely. as i said in the outside of my meeting, kind of always be china astride. it will always be a strong. yeah. there was no joint media conference. one's only comments ahead of his talks on china. he said, never into fee is in australia is internal affairs, australia should do the side on them to jump off on when it comes to china, sovereignty, dignity, and legitimate concerns. we have cause hope that a strategy a will continue to abide by the commitments made at the establishment of diplomatic ties, awful, regional secured. he remains a contentious issue for australia. but i'm afraid fiction is easy. prime minister
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anthony open easy hope for a 218 percent tires on australian wine will be lifted shortly. punitive chinese tyrants, most of the exports have already been removed during the high to the diplomatic, pulling out how straight in general is. chung lake was jail to move in 3 years on ill defined allegations of sharing chinese state secrets overseas. last month and australian academic young hang june, accused of espionage was given a suspended sentence. let's try it into a shot at the sentencing paused and i'll make it to him that the district and government will continue to advocate on dr. young's behalf. since changing ping became china is lita 11 years ago. he's made one repeated pledge to find any challenges to china, 17, a sovereignty in full se analyst by intimidating taiwan,
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claiming ownership of almost all the south china sea, and establishing a security presence in the south pacific, which china now has the largest diplomatic presence in the region. well one e has been talking upfront, you didn't authorize you, is us counterpart anthony blinking has been deepening alliances without allies, south korea, and the philippines. many smaller nations in the region though, a wary of both united states and china. and don't want to be forced to pick sides. remote analysts say, could be the beginning of a new cold war. adrian brown out to 0 weddington the you're in union, and the united nations have criticized hong kong this new security law that grants the government more power to quash, defend. they say it could be road fundamental freedoms. article 23 punishes offenses, including treason and espionage with sentences ranging from several years to life imprisonment. it follows that china in pose national security law, passed in 2020,
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after pro democracy protests a year earlier. your westbrook reports from hong kong here in hong kong probation. lawmakers that voted unanimously to post hong comes home, grow national security, little known as optical, 23. and i'm surprisingly that's made front page news in all of the newspapers. this prove aging newspaper said that it passed with full votes. this newspaper used a quote from john lee saying that hong kong had completed its holy mission and the english language newspaper known as the south china morning post says that hong kong had wrapped up its historic mission. that's using a quotes by john lee. he said that hong kong had finally spilled its constitutional juicy and not seeing its own national security, though. he says that it will sit alongside the beaching and pose national security low from 2020. that was implemented after months of anti government protests in 2019. john lee says that this floor is necessary and that it's
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a defensive load that will equip hong kong with a strong to unlock back in 2003 when this low as last proposed, half a 1000000 people took to the streets and a very show of public opposition today though this time around, we're not seeing anything like those kinds of protests. 7 crew members are missing after a chemical tank or a cap size off the coast of japan. for others were rescued from the q young soul in rough seas. there's no word on this right of pollution or what chemicals one for the south korean ship, the coast guard launched our rescue operation after receiving a distress call. a law allowing the us state of texas to arrest and the port undocumented migraines, who crossed the border from mexico has been put on hold fine a p. s. court. the law briefly went into effect when it was approved by the us supreme court. but with a complex legal picture,
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migraines remain where age i'll just there is heidi's will castro reports. dozens of men recently arrived to the united states from central and south america are waiting at a houston, texas gas station for work. their hopes evaporate with each passing car that offers new jobs for undocumented laborers. you know, middle, i've got a 27 year old alfredo from guatemala, says he'll take any work that's offered, but money is no longer his primary worry. as before, empowers any passing police officer to arrest these men on suspicion. they crossed the texas mexico border illegally. my name was on each of the at the the i became a fight for our families not to harm anyone. i just want to work nadia s before says anyone who cross the border between ports of entry may face up to 20 years in prison unless they agreed to return to mexico. alfredo says he'll never agree to
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deport himself. he owes smugglers $32000.00 and fears for his family safety until he pays up. he says he'll have to move to another state migrant crossings have already shifted away from texas to other border states and the laws advance. i have use a clause in the constitution that empowers states to defend themselves. the white house says as before, is unconstitutional and will continue to challenge it in court. and sean tier, the leading candidate to become houston's new district attorney in november, says it also invites racial profiling. you would have mixed families, meaning some people are here with documentation, and some people are driving in the same course. you would be calling the person who's driving if they do have the document, jason, the smuggler in charge them with a felony and rip, a family party immigrant families near the texas border, say they already live in fear. 18 year old ana is a us citizen, but her mother is undocumented. to your shows me to work hard on my studies so i
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can get out of here obviously like she doesn't want me to be the same. she worries her mother who she says has broken no laws other than crossing the border to give her daughter a better life won't be labeled a criminal by the state of texas. heidi jo, castro alger 0 still ahead on alger 0 and columbia calls office. he's fine with the break away function of funk rebels, operating vision. this school visit the times. they probably kids in the us household a hearing over the k arctic american except for me, i've gotten his son and their latest faith depend on price and 5 in the next. the, the, the line to feed of weather systems is becoming a bit week and a half ago, the ragged remains of all came in from the west, still sitting over many of the countries of central and eastern europe. further
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west, i think single stops of slow down in their progress. so well, if we've had health weather in spain, there won't be necessarily an increase in the amount of rain coming in for the atlantic. but i think cheryl is a grow by day. so nimble 1st degree say, but it's nice, i'm going through most places you want us. this is sydney west in england, and there certainly were patches in ukraine. facts cold enough here, but it's slow to have that to show itself in the in romania. but the real action is taking face just on the edges. now, this cold wind gives a stumble, only 9 degrees, quite a bit, and through the g. and so the eastern met and then talk in fairmount or right, even though from left in this part of syria and southern turkey with snow on the tops of the hills. meanwhile, in the sahara of north africa in cuba, 44 degrees is full, customize the fast we could see 45 in south sea done as a result. all the schools have been charged disease held this out to be done at this time of the year. and also a fair breeze burning down the the seas know how much it is quite strong. so again,
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throughout so how as a warrant, typically i'm nursing the share of dusty wind, a unique perspective that plays himself and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening because of the tests and media attention the stream on out just the or examining the headline. is it or is properly today for the forms of life and got unflinching journalism just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe or, or do you want to create
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a world where women come and feel natural released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the the welcome back. you're watching the news hour on now to sierra with me for the back people, a reminder of on top stories, at least 23000 simians working to distribute aid have been killed by is really strikes in northern gaza. will pains at that location at be quite round about me. a guy is a city intersection is on a main road linking northern and 7 guys and fighting is continuing around. i'll
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shoot for hospital in gaza. city is really troops rated the complex on monday can at least 50 palestinians and detaining many others. hundreds of people remain chopped inside the medical facilities. or let's discuss these latest developments in gaza with samuel arianne, who is the director of the center for his lab. and global affairs that he stumbles . i'm university very good to have you with this the salary. and so i wanted to get your thoughts 1st on the situation right now in gaza. and this is really military operation. we've had them in all she for once again, the medical complex in gaza city which is under siege. this is also a facility that they targeted early on in, in the conflict and target at several times. what does it suggest to you about the military operation as well as conducting, and whether it's a cheating, any of his goal sees they're still targeting areas and facilities that they said had already on been under their control with adults with let's review with is
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a science that she is here is what has been saying all along that wants to eliminate how mass from guys plus to degrade the ability to interact, to facilitate the resistance as much as possible. but there is a hidden agenda here also that is right. it's trying to make does unbelievable, it's trying to convince the philistines basically evacuate either forcefully or internally. and that's what it's been, it's work yet science. so look at it as a today does a is pretty much destroyed. tens of thousands of people have been killed and the, the, the starvation strategy that it's been pursuing also is, is design so that, but his dentist would have no hope with this fair. and then would eventually leave the guys a step. but, but do you feel when you look at the situation, not, not that they are achieving any of the goals that they, they laid out at the, at the side of this military operation mostly comes to dismounting a mass completely. for example, in so far they have,
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they have failed. still the resistance in all parts of the gather step, even though the north has been to to isolated, was didn't see that there is vs resistance coming in. and if anyhow, said yesterday, that there are kind of 6 battalions left of how mass that this trying to eliminate . and he's trying to convince the americans that he can go a, in found invasion and sort of i, in order to achieve this, will obviously, you know, has his own agenda, which is to prolong this war so that he can not be facing the trying that he is supposed to and also to try to prolong this because i think his profession, trump, so he's not trying to help by didn't achieve any political games out of this longest for, by the way, against a senior. this is the start of this conflict right back in 1948, which brings me to my next question. i mean, we've heard warnings from the americans against the ground. evasion defined this really grounded vision on vasa warning. some of the categories as well has been
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serving as mediators in ceasefire talks. do you think bite and, you know, the strong language we've heard from the white house and in recent weeks in recent days. it, is he really wanting israel to stop? i mean, does he have the leverage? does he want to use the leverage? he has on this now to stop that ground invasion from happening because it seems so because obviously the americans have said it over and over again that they shared the goals. as i said for it, so the, the, the, the difference is really tactic telling more than to fidget. the u. s. has also more objectives in the middle east, which is basically to normalize relations between is an unsolved area. and what is, what it is doing now it's, it's making this more difficult, particularly in an election year where you only have few months left before everybody's going to be turned into the election cycle, which probably by the summer. so it's not, as you know,
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it's not sufficient for the us to try to see more telling and more suffering for the palestinians if they try to achieve this goal. right. on the ceasefire talks we've had the most, i, chief, was in doha, in these indirect negotiations. where the countries have been serving as an intermediary between hamas and, and israel. do you think, what, what are your thoughts? i mean, the categories of express cautious optimism that we could see a ceasefire given that the technical teams are still hearing doha negotiating. apparently, what are your thoughts about the prospect? so just to say that is really serious about these boxes and because actually the, the mass and the resistance is taking a step back. they agreed to the proposals of the americans to propose, which is basically to delay all the demands of time assets in terms of a ceasefire. negotiations, the return of the refugees from the south to the north. the goal is to and they, they, they postponed oldest to the 2nd stage,
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agreeing to release less hostages. i'm sorry, let's assume that prisoners in exchange for these really captives. and yet it has said no to all these demands and they have time basically to make the, there's a separate you like to all the demands which is not going to happen. so there is right, and there is a new position, has been the one that has been frustrating these negotiations. i think the resistance is not going to back down this time around because there is nothing else that they can give in. right. interesting to your thoughts about this. thank you very much for joining us on. i'll just share on this or send me a library and thank you. best or not attention to other wealth news now and columbia. as government has announced, it will resume military operations against the fog level faction that broke away when a peace accord was signed in 2016 prison. gustavo federalist governments suspended . ongoing talks with bianco after an attack on an indigenous community. alexander on kitty reports from the columbia in capital bobo, top a vicious attack on an arm civilians, members of
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a rebel dissident group opened fire, and this indigenous community in the western county region best sunday. when local to resisted the arms groups attempts to forcibly recruit a young student, at least 3 people, the wounded. when renowned indigenous oh tory t was killed, leaving kirk community long ravaged by on conflict once again in this array. and things have to medical and there's a lot of uncertainty, anxiety, and fear regarding desperate they're 12000 people in the indigenous reservation and people are stuck in their houses. kitchen, not going to school, everything is still because we don't know what will happen next to the question is now for the government, what will they do? we're trying to attend to buy. so security and social emergency pricing includes several pedro who is bet on negotiating peace agreements with the remaining. i'm groups in the country took to social media to announce that the attack was a violation opinion going ceasefire, and ordered
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a resumption of military operations against them instead of the stabbed them. i use in practice or e. m. c is the largest, they sit in facts and the former 5 gravels who refused to join the 2016 p. steel explorer say that since the accord was signed, columbia notorious these have failed to take control of the countries most volatile regions, allowing remaining on groups to expand and fight for control of illegal activities like drug trafficking and go, we're not the government is engaged in peace negotiations with this guerrilla group, because they argue that they have political agenda. but the truth is that the agenda is on chia, and they don't have support among local communities. and at the same time, they took advantage of the ceasefire to strength of themselves, militarily. and that's what the president has now understood and is trying to strong. the government says negotiations with this group will continue despite the setbacks. but the next steps are clear. on tuesday,
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the country's largest criminal organization declined that is good for and then they will also start talks with administration. and the end, there's no doubt that the suspension of this cease fire is a political blow for president. pay through us plans to consolidate peace in the country. and one that unfortunately pertains and increase in violence for dose caught in the crossfire. allison that i'm get to adjust the book that i lead to of one of haiti's gangs as riley to supporters to regain control of a neighborhood in the capital is a care alexander led a crowd to portal friends after his escape from prison during a recent wave of violence between warring guns, security forces us strongly to control the increasing unrest. brazil's former president, j to boston narrow has received his 1st indictment in several criminal investigations . this facing has been charged with criminal association and falsifying his own
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coven 19 vaccination data. all scenarios accused of getting false information to make it appear that he and his colleagues had received the vaccine of knowledge and t. nice mean a 100 days since president. have you me lay started work. it's been a table and time in office so far as a volume to reverse decades of economic decline and chaos that a simple report from when asari is on the continuing resistance to malays cost cutting reforms which are hitting the for it's become, i know to come on scene seems to have yet to be laid to coffee is a 100 days ago, flashes between protesters and the police on the street. so when a fight is protested was demand more food assistance for soup kitchens. as a nation has left families struggling to make ends meet. yes, i don't know, said gomez. oh no. yeah. i see the only do we not eat every day, but those who can each eternity once a day. we have at least 70 percent of the population under the poverty index. i'm many more working people under the indigents index. this is unsustainable. quality
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weights, i run the wrong scene item. the main reason nation is over 50 percent since we they took off his last december 1 who tries to carry a reforms that he says will stabilize the economy. have you had any they took off his warning people that the situation will get much worse before getting better, and it has the government evaluated subsidies on electricity and transport them in places like this one. it shows, it has had a huge impact on people's purchasing power on what you said to him, what a site is. he says the situation is difficult for everyone. there is no doubt. there is hardship every way i am embarrassed to increase prices. but if i don't, i go out to business. i have children coming here to beg for food. but i can't, i've seen the meanings. reform plan has been focused on a mega bill that failed to pass in the warehouse. and
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a degree with over $360.00 articles to introduce sweeping reforms. the warranty is economy with that and going through. it was rejected in the senate last week. and even though we still valid, if it is rejected in the lower house, it will complicate the economic plan even more. president relate, has one very strong thing, going in his favor that he has a clear objective, a clear vision of what he wants, call it liberal, libertarian, free market, reducing the deficit, not printing any more money. and he's very clear this. he's not very good at actually governed. he hasn't done this before. have you had any leg who calls himself a lie on both the cutting down government spending has left the budget surplus for the 1st time in years. and that inflation has started to go down in february, but those protesting against him are concerned. less economic plan has come a bit of expense. very so i'll just see that when a site is. now, jerry is tom general,
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it says the military has detained. those suspected of decapitating at least 17 soldiers. the troops were trying to broke a peace between 2 communities in the southern delta region when they were ambushed . following the incident houses belonging to the obama community were set on fire. but nigeria, as chief of defense, stopped an icy army, was involved we know the people that have done distance low over them at took off because they have indigo. i'm older. so they declared the more because they knew the truth were coming. and india took off and then the soul by time you just came to al gwen to around, to try and trace before we were able to get information of a way to add in some of these we phones. and that's why the troops also went on there. i know that beauty puzzle files. i know some of them probably did because they didn't want some details of the funding to the rest of this to probably set the place on fire. so that's uh to for me to go, we know they had a lot of things that were hiding. and we know that if we look at it to allow us to somehow related to the products, locations. we have information on where with,
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with, with enough cutting to donald trump has filed a bit with the us supreme court for criminal immunity for trying to overturn his election last 4 years ago. his lawyer is arguing that a former president enjoys absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for his official acts. supreme court judges are due to heavy arguments on april 25th after lower courts rejected them. trump is accused of using the arguments to delay his election. subjects evasion trial until after his re election date in november. and we probably can shed house of foreign affairs committee has been holding hearings over the exit of american tools. some of janice dining 2021. hundreds of afghans died after the fall of the us box government and the advance of the taliban. general mock millie was among those who testified. he was chairman of the joint chiefs of staff at the time. hearings comes, come live as a race for the white house intensifies. patio haine has moved from washington
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d. c on why the withdrawal could matter in november's elections. pretty much reserved from pretty angry republican representatives and pretty angry democratic representatives. the generals for their part are pretty much kept there. cool. and in fact, they came out and said, look, we've nothing new to say. so we didn't, they already testified before we took off or uniform and retired. so what we're seeing here is the republicans, they're trying to really put this at the feet of president joe biden said the withdrawal happened on his watch. well, the democrats are countering, well, it happened because the former president, donald trump's, the republican, he made a deal with the tell about in the so called doha agreement. that would set a date for us troops leading in exchange for a bit of a cease fire. no more a tax on us service members, but they were conditions. and so what we're hearing from the generals is this wasn't their fault in the sense that their recommendation was to leave $2500.00
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troops plus contractors plus nato allies in the country until the conditions of the agreement could be met. so here's what they had to say about that. it was my view that absent those conditions, i was not in favor unilateral withdrawal of us forces because of my assessment of associated costs and risks. the fundamental tension facing the president in fact, to present was that no one could satisfactorily explain when or even if those conditions would ever be met. it's a really unusual and usually these kinds of hearings happen on like an anniversary date or some way to connect it and that's when they get more media play. so why now? well, we're behind the scenes. republican age are telling reporters that they're trying to deliver in their words a body blow to president joe biden. they know that this is a weakness for him. is he runs for re election. in fact, if you look at the polls whose numbers really started to dive below 40 during this
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whole tragic evacuation and they never recovered. and so i think republican say they're still just trying to get to the truth. they've got some family members in the gallery of the service members who died during their withdrawal and after suicide bombing. so they said to try to get answers to them. they're not getting any new information here. so likely, this is about politics because this is a week this for president joe biden. let's not forget he was elected mainly because he was able to tell the american people, he knew how government work. he could get things done. and the minute this started happening and people started to doubt whether he actually could do that could live up to those promises. and like i said, he hasn't recovered so most likely try to score some political points. it doesn't look like we're going to get any new information today. seen a head on al jazeera, america's national, past time, get his new season on the waiting, the home of one of his biggest eyes. soft great.
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the a challenge is 0. the the welcome back police in the spanish city of molig, i have been showing off the latest recruit. it says bravo dog. equipped with artificial intelligence so it can carry out image analysis and detects dangerous situations. on the side of the major league baseball season is just hours away. and for the 1st time, the opening game is
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a soft clip. tickets are supposed to be sold out in less than half an hour. for the curtain raising between the los angeles dodgers, any san diego padres, eunice came reports himself. major league baseball has landed in south korea for the 1st time. the los angeles dodgers received a hardy welcome over the weekend, a team with familiarity in a country full of baseball fence, topping a roster is its newest superstar show hey, or tiny function of i'm looking to know that i don't know, come over there. i'm on the new team and we had an opening inquiry, which is old, something out of the ordinary. in that sense, i'm very excited. i'm looking for the rest of the 29 year old to time american week, most valuable player will debut with the boys in blue and the 2 game season opener on wednesday and thursday, the newly was signed a record 10 years, 700000000 dollar contract part of the dodgers $1000000000.00 off season spending spree, they'll face off against california arrivals,
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the san diego padres and south korean shortstop kim has on a portal. you don't take up on your limited small games like this. a health many asian plans will have a bigger dream and take on the challenge and the m o. b. i really hope many will take up this challenge. a full circle, a moment is anticipated as a host countries 1st, and that'll be all star takes amount for the ceremonial for us pitch puck to and who kicked off his illustrious career with the dodgers in 94 and serve as an inspiration for many south korean struggling through the rough years of the asian financial crisis. now the m o b has come to south korea and just as japan hosted 5 overseas season openers with a week's 1st 24 years ago. south koreans are hoping that this is just the start of money so serious to come as the organization looks to expand its global footprints unit skim all to 0. so to stay with us, we'll have more world news on al jazeera after this very short break. thank
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the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture what there should moment international law is vehicle. be this model on sort of discussions. the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does that affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without a 0. well, it's hold on buildings in with new by we show signs of fighting with the marks of artillery shells that landed on them mid 0 in images of lives. this truly the army and the rest have have been fighting since last april. the united nation says at least 13000 for denise have been killed. local responders say that total is likely
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to be 3 times higher because many bodies have not been able to reach hospitals to be counted. and many others are yet to be buried. for the 1st time since last august. yeah. yeah. of the product. it's returning to his home district of what new boeing and on demand he's come to visit the grave of his friend and neighbour malia who is buried in the street in front of his best isn't the only cemetery in the capital that has been destroyed by the conflict, it's left to many families wondering about the bodies of their loved ones who they buried before the war. many others are also waiting for the fighting to end to give they loved ones, proper burial. with every donation given. with every hoss that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that love days. you donated we deliver upon the ship. we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see
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said donated with confidence. knights with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts at the time the fuse at 9. the attrition amongst health workers in guys is affecting their ability to save lives. play watching out you 0 live from bill house batch to also ahead. we hear from doctors what 2 guys of hospitals steering is ras from bond meant say describe the


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