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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. commer takes the bottom line the . ready ready ready it is rarely strikes cause death and devastation across the gaza strip as warnings grow about the dying shortage of food. jordan, this is all just a red line from tow. so coming up, we have from doctors who worked in kansas hospitals during israel, as bombardment. they describe the higher risk, seems they with this one child, and i'll never forget had been so bad. you could see her facial bones. we knew there was no show us of only thing that,
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but there was no moving to give us supreme court routing, allowing police to arrest migrants across the board or from mexico and legally is not put on hold on. china is 4 minutes to one e as in australia, it's a 1st visit by facing stuff different, not in 7 years the . we begin with new warnings about the shortage of food and gaza and suggestions that is, randy restrictions on aide put amount to a will crime. it follows a report by the international food secure which he monitor earlier this week. st gardens would soon be dying of hunger without a ceasefire. un human rights to folk, a texas as well as restrictions put them out to using starvation as a method of which is a little cross, is quoting on the international community to insist. israel allows unrestricted entry of a into gaza that the risk assignment will much of the small amounts of food entering
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. garza comes in tin cans one pallet in the, in the has decided to send the world a message. the unconventional way of times on the how many hours report i'm missing from the field with the g come the wi fi fi wants to be noticed around the was a mixture shelter, meat of pink guns that she hopes, increase awareness about starvation and looming fund. we will see a reset and what i love, i'll go behind his creative book, is to send the message to the whole world. and that's the only age delivered to goldens in the new kind food ways of causing misery to children here, mainly male nutrition and diseases. all i wanted to tell the world, this is not our life. we have our traditional cuisine payments around the world. but for months we are stopping by a few feet didn't do it alone. children will be one of the main victims of is rides . what on god's played a big part. and while i live at the, the is the,
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the comes with divided by all the children, if enough and refuge account in the model. it is made up of $13000.00 cans, collected by volunteered children valued together. we opened cons. we've taken cement inside and built the time during my district. you also saw of the reception for palestinians escaping is rise, destruction in the north. what if i did, and we're living in misery? this tend symbolizes us suffering. we're trapped between a rock and a hard surface. the relief a being delivered is not enough. all children are stopping and falling sick with suffering on many fronts, lack of shelter, lack of food, and above all, the lack of security. it's a small but defined piece of thought that a few wants to bring attention to the palestinians. blind hands and let him know that you are a secretary of state says the entire population of guns that is in dire need of humanitarian aid. anthony blinking says food deliveries must be
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a priority. is collins come off to the us human rights street playing this route for blocking a truck from entering the street? according to the most respected measure of these things, a 100 percent of the population in gaza is that severe levels of acute food insecurity? that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. so we also see again, according to this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . compare that to a sedan about 80 percent of the population. there are some of your managers just afghanistan, about 70 percent. so again, solving under scores, both the, the urgency, the imperative of making this the priority. this is really strikes of targeted an area of crowded with the residential homes and buildings. one attack hit
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a family of them getting 15 people. first responders struggling to a treat more buddy is stuck on to the rubble. i'll just say it was unassailable reports from the scene in the morning. some of the pictures in his report, a disturbing lot. the slightly of them to follow up, i'll find them is really rates have not stopped attacking, cause the city since the morning and have more jets have targeted a family home at the center of cause. the city feeling 15 people, these dead bodies were retrieved, moments ago from under the rubble of this house. that's what we're seeing is that the majority killed here are women and children. and this was a direct targeting by is really we're just off on a house of several stories. and just as we can see, these dead bodies on the ground have just been recovered from under the rubble. again, a number of people remain missing under the rubble, as medical staff and civil defense crews could not reach this place. that okay, this house, emboldened by the mc bill family, it has been completely destroyed. but it's really hard to judge of, i don't know me, so i'll try to do that. and yeah, i mean, yeah, and that's,
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i mean, i know you, ma'am. it's a business. my brother's house. unfortunately, women, children and the neighbors were struck. you know what? they were peaceful people that have sleeping often having the last time you know, of a full fostering. suddenly we were taken away by what happened and the despite all those, we say praise be to god to cause them due to the lack of resources. well, you know, there remains a number of killed people under the rubble and when we are unable to bring out to the relentless bombardment on cause a city by is really wor, jets has now targeted this family home as the killing most of its residential. he bought trapping others under the revolution. and us a shot of jersey a my do you have to was 7 more explosions and gunfire around the whole ship. a hospital in kansas city, at least 50 palestinians have been killed and many more detained, displaced palace demands, patients and medical stuff from entrapped as of right continued the hospital and only recently resumed partial operations of the suffering,
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large scale destruction during his ready raid in november and despite one saying rough, it was a safe area, as well as regularly bombing the southern city and gauze, the show drink more than a 1000000, just base people. i'll just say it was topic i was doing reports now from russell as well as was unrelenting. yet more palestinians, very, it was who carried him show to suit and facing simon before the whole month end of the month. we are in from a lot of people have to hold. yeah. having some of the domains black done this. this is over more than 1000000 palestinians are seeking show think i was a self forced here of the of the devastation in areas for the north east. very all me to the drop off would be saved by the messiahs have continued destroyed is densely populated area, monthly. little there is no safe area,
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but they're saying this is a safe area, but there are no safe areas. they're hitting from every direction and they don't care about people. they display stuff from here to there. and we don't know where to go. is we'll say is mission is to eliminate the most fighters. it's food and re people who are being killed. we are unarmed innocent civilians. we never carry donald. this is the majority of the palestinian population and gaza. know when this trip is being spent. this is amber. se ross in central garza and i got the name is emily. at midnight we woke up to the sound of the bloss rushed the area here and found that this house completely destroyed half its residents were killed in some still under the rubble. the death building gauze and now was more than 31000 with the people sheltering key roughly, i think typically coordinates the dust to were wise. if the is very offensive grounds continues a direct about as boone, how just a rough,
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rough off southern guns, with several doctors with 1st time to experience and gauze, i spoke to journalists that the united nations were counting the difficulties, medics are facing. trying to save lives in the collapsed health care system. i'll just say what is gabrielle is on the as more of all of the doctors who spoke to journalists here and un headquarters on tuesday recently returned from gaza. so they have 1st hand knowledge on the situation there. for some of them, they really wanted to put a human face on the suffering that they saw 1st. and what i focused on the people at this is the other. she's 7 years old. she is one of the victims of the war and was a bomb, had tell her family home. so her father and brother were killed and her mother also was injured and she had burns and she sustained a 3rd degree burn as 140 percent of her body. another doctor spoke of some of the
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medical supplies that are not reaching patients that need it. the most simple things like pain medication and even an inhaler in this small bile of medicine. here is a medicine that we use for sedation, metabolism 1st set. this is something that we could be using for our patients where there are in pain who are trying to, we're trying to reset their fractures, we're trying to clean their burns. it's an incredibly painful process. and this is something that can help something this small. we're not able to get into the gaza strip because the trucks are stall or if someone is having difficulty breathing, as you may suspect may happen as bombs are dropping in, the air fills with smoke, not able to get a rescue inhaler and to be able to treat their asthma and the medical professional from the u. k, who's been going back and forth to guys for nearly 15 years. says he was not prepared for what he saw on his most recent visit, especially when it came to young burn victims. the most devastating funds in small
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children, one child, lo, never forget had been so bad. you could see her facial buttons. we knew there was no chance of us, of only things that. but there was no moving to give that says not any wish you never to be going to die, but she would die and i can a and what made it even worse, there was no way to go and die. so she was just left on the floor of the and those into the farm and to dine. many patients and hospitals and gaza have open was that cannot be healed properly because of a lack of supplies. what does this mean over the long run? the, the longer this work goes on, the, the longer these wounds have to rot. i mean, really right to the infections are getting worse and worse. and it's perfect. it's terrific for our providers and it's absolutely horrific for these patients. palestinians are not suffering just from physical loans,
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but also increasingly from trauma. next month, a mission made up of mental health experts is expected to visit the besieged strip . it's believed to be one of the 1st such commissions to look at mental health issues. since october, when israel's war on kaiser began gabriel's on the i'll just need it at united nations in new york. the attorneys for ministers visiting australia for the 1st time in 7 years, australia and china are rebuilding ties. following a period of strange relations of the camera, coal for an independent investigation, and to the origins of code 19 in response to beijing in post power of some inputs and australian goods. the tires cost us trailers, economy and estimated $13000000000.00. don't you? ticket women do in the past twists and turns over the decade,
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leaves us with lessons to draw on as well as valuable experiences. i think that fundamentally it's about staying committed to mutual respect. china never into fee . as an australia is internal affairs. we respect the system and the part that the strategy has chosen and when it comes to china is offering to dignity and legitimate concerns. we have cause hopes that astray and will continue to abide by the commitments made at the establishment of diplomatic ties. and since then, to provide your respect and proper hands, electrical tennis, foreign minister, i'll have emphasize that it is in all of our interests to commit to preventive architecture, to reduce the risk of conflict. and that communication never be withheld as punishment or offer this reward. as you know, dialogue enables us to manage all differences. we both done. it does not eliminate them as trying to always be australia in china will always be china. now move the neighbor, it is important that we have channels to discuss, upholding a regional and global order,
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shaped by aggrieved rules and norms where we respect each other. sovereignty. adrian brown has more now from new england's capital willing to a lot has happened in the last 7 years since when he was last here and using it and, and also in australia we've had quite a bit of goals and australia is called chewing co. but for that to be a full investigation into the origins of the disease that led to china imposing punitive terrace up to 218 percent on australia. wine is what it seems like be and tough. know that hurt post clarity is economy very much. it costs them something like $13000000000.00. well now it seems that relations all finally easing. but as penny wong, who has pointed out, great challenges remain in trying to manage the relationship with china. they're going to have to agree to disagree. penny one says that australia wants to cooperate with china, but they will disagree when they have to one g is essentially politely reminded
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australia to respect china sovereignty. and of course, during the past 7 years, we have seen china enforcing that sovereignty in the south china sea and also entering into new security arrangements in the south pacific one g. less than 2 years ago, visited 8 countries in the south pacific. china now has the biggest diplomatic presence in the region, and that is a concern, not just to australia, but also to new zealand. for personal break here. and i'll just say when we come back, how cobit 19, let's been stipends, a former present in president tribal some hours on suspicion of food. a rookie stops argentine as president has mounting a 100 days in office. would explain why he's not good so many argentinians want to stay with the the
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there where there's been very, very active over the middle east and the law a couple of days. in fact it's ray. you could actually draw what effectively is a cold front of you running across some at least increasing the radium financially across the red sea in towards africa's mainland. as a result has been flooding, there's more to come, but most likely it's going to be a reduction. the share of running out through around the heaviest writing for the north into madison. for example, with a call with the standard is but because of the frontal system, it has to kick out the wind. and the cooling trend briefly will not the temperatures back, but is that when springs back right, it will nothing west inside the ones will make her up to about 35 though higher and the wind did about 27. yes, this is likely to be a sandstorm of which they've been many warnings recently, but it isn't improving situation for iraq, if not necessarily for 4 of them event. throughout equitorial africa, the shelves are showing themselves once again, next towards the beginning, and maybe thoughts of the western di i'll say,
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in republic of congo. but it's tons of data that has the warning. so potential heavy rain and where it's been very hot recently you nothing to enforce 2.3, which is the end of the record. that's a significantly cool down the forecast who's 34 degrees in the right. south africa mostly on the eastern side, showers not more likely of the human appeal. we know just how precious every moment of remedy them as every 2nd of these beautiful months brings you the opportunity to embrace the spirit and blessings of mercy. your 13 nights is a human appeal platform, which enables you to automate you with a nation's on every night to from a done hoping to make the most of this beautiful month. trust us with your messy this ramadan. the
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book i'm actually watching out just a real quick reminder about top stories here. this our new warnings about the shortage of food in garza, the us human rights, shrink focus services as well as restrictions putting out the use of starvation as a method of at least $23.00 ton us demands cost, with helping to distribute a have been killed by others really from bottom to plain struck the position to the, to a from, to balance them in several attacks on us to man seeking aid at the same location for us. house of representatives is reviewing a bill of questions. the country's relationship with south africa, the bill of chooses that advocate of building ties with countries and actors that
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undermine america's national security. so that because international relations minister and the lady condo is in washington dc to discuss the tense ties, i'm supposed to, i'll just say it was my kind of, that is almost an implication of that. so when america holds a particular position, south africa must follow. and it's very interesting, but other countries that share the perspectives that south africa hold. i'm not being uh, you know, a dealt with in the way that we all. so i don't know if it's because we africans or some other reason. it might be also the fact of the style. and so we've taken with response to the current, a war of israel, which is being visited upon the people of palestine most cautiously and painfully. and the facts that we've approached the international court of justice may be causing some discomfort and the disquiet. we are an important
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partner for the united states of america as they are for us. and so i do hope that we will be able to repair the relationship and continue on the established basis that was built up over many years. so he believes south africa's decision to take israel to the international court of justice is a primary reason for the tenseness of the relationship will assist me. this is mentioned in the number of resolutions. you may be aware that was a laptop type of petition letter by over 200 an interest slate toes across the party lines of bipartisan atlanta, which alleged disquiet at the fact that to south africa doesn't support a israel and supports palestine. and then the going beyond that
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to, even as the book does claim that the african national congress has some formal partnership with a months, this is entirely improved. also related to the number line stones we've taken, with respect to russia and ukraine with south africa, continues to talk to both countries to the lead. as opposed to attempt to persuade that they should agree to arrive at a point where they sit around the colon table and begin to discuss what's negotiated. a sacrament may look like with full respect for or uh, the provisions of the united nations. a child to south africa has strong relationships with russia, with china, and the speed of advantage to the united states in terms of forcing links with
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these countries our on the line fund a mental philosophy and foreign policy is we only seek peace. we only seek negotiation. we are monday to buy the freedom shot of south africa to always pursue international peace and friendship. and that is all we've come back to them ourselves. of course, having be a people who suffered under the impression of a pod, tate, we reject oppression wherever we find it and seek to reduce home for people who are striving for freedom. and us a, it is, i think, natural, that sub africa would support the just quotes of the people of palestine as well as, of course, support the people of israel in having their own state. but we can never agree that it is correct to kill thousands of innocent civilians in palestine. and for
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us to then attempt to pretend that there's some just cause behind this murderous on slowly. donald trump has filed a bid with the us supreme court for criminal immunity for trying to overtime. he's trying to turn to presidential election laws from florida. have submitted a brief on tuesday ongoing. the presidents be shielded from legal action for official acts, while in office. lower courts have already rejected the bid, but the country is high school will listen to for long events of a case on april 25th. from some legal bid doesn't criticize as employed to delay the trial until after november's election. a little that allowed the us state of texas to arrest them to fort migrants who across the board of a mexico illegally as been put on hold by an appeals court. the law known as s b for briefly went into effect when it was given the green light by the us supreme court. but as the legal back and forth continues, migraine said they remain worried for themselves and their families upstairs. how
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does your castro thoughts? dozens of men recently arrive to the united states from central and south. america are waiting at a houston, texas gas station for work. their hopes evaporate with each passing car that offers new jobs for undocumented laborers. do you know me like that? and i was 27 year old alfredo from guatemala, says he'll take any work that's offered, but money is no longer his primary worry. as before, empowers any passing police officer to arrest these men on suspicion. they crossed the texas mexico border, illegally by name was on each of the v i. we came to fight for our families not to harm anyone. i just want to work nadia s before says anyone who cross the border between ports of entry may face up to 20 years in prison unless they agreed to return to mexico. alfredo says he'll never agree to deport himself. he owes
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smugglers $32000.00 and fears for his family safety until he pays up. he says he'll have to move to another state. migrant crossings have already shifted away from texas to other border states and the laws advance. i have use a clause in the constitution that a power states to defend themselves. the white house says as before, is unconstitutional and will continue to challenge it in court. and sean tier, the leading candidate to become houston's new district attorney and november, says it also invites racial profiling. you would have mixed families, meaning some people are here with documentation and some people are driving in the same course. you would be calling the person is driving if they do have documentation, a smuggler in charge them with a felony. and rip a family party immigrant families near the texas border say they already live in fear 18 year old ana is a us citizen, but her mother is undocumented. she always shows me to work hard on my studies so i
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can get out of here obviously like she doesn't want me to be the same. she worries her mother who she says has broken no laws other than crossing the border to give her daughter a better life won't be labeled a criminal by the state of texas. heidi to castro algebra, former personally, and president jive both tomorrow, has been charged with the criminal association on falsifying his own cobit 19 vaccination data. is the 1st indictment for the in baffled politicians facing several criminal investigations. he's accused of putting false information into the public health data base to make it appear that he received the criminal virus vaccine, along with several people in a circle. during the pandemic, whole scenario was openly skeptical of vaccines and felt it help inspections starts and tina now where it's a 100 days since president happy and been a started work, it's been a tough time and office so far off of adding to reverse decades of economic decline and chaos. just as theresa by reports in the capital,
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but as i was on the continuing resistance to his cost cutting reforms, which i getting the pool it's become, i know to come on seeing things coming in and be late to coffee is a 100 days ago. flashes between protestors and the police on the streets of when a fight is protested was demand more food assistance for soup kitchens. as a nation has left families struggling to make ends meet. the only do we know that every day, but those who can each eternity one today, we have at least 70 percent of the population under the poverty index. a many more working people under the indigent index. this is unsustainable. quality. we have on the wrong scene item. the main reason nation is over 50 percent since we, they took off his last december 1 who tries to carry a reforms that he says will stabilize the economy. have you had any like coffee for warning people that the situation will get much worse before getting better?
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and it has the government evaluated subsidies on electricity and transport them in places like this one. it shows, it has had a huge impact on people's purchasing power than what you said to him. what a site is. he says the situation is difficult for everyone. there is no doubt. there is hardship every way. i'm embarrassed to increase prices. but if i don't, i go out to business, i have children coming here to beg for food. but i cannot seem to be nice. reform plan has been focused on a mega bill that failed to pass in the warehouse. and a degree with over 360 articles to introduce sweeping reforms, the origin to use economy with that in confidence. it was rejected in the senate last week. and it was even though it's still valid, if it is rejected in the lower house, it will complicate the economic plan even more. president relate, has one very strong thing, going in his favor that he has a clear objective,
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a clear vision of what he wants, call it liberally, libertarian free market, reducing the deficit, not printing any more money. and he's very clear that he's not very good at actually governed. he hasn't done this before. have you had any late who calls himself a lie on both the cutting down government spending has left the budget surplus for the 1st time in years. and that inflation has started to go down in february, but those protesting against him are concerned. legs, economic plan has to come a bit of expense. very so i'll just see that window side is a lead to one of haiti's guns as ranita. his support has to regain control of a neighborhood in the capital as equal example, and the crowd report defense operates, escaped from prison and, you know, recent wave of violence, which means warren gains. security forces are struggling to control the increasing unrest. international efforts are underway to for my transitional presidential
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counsel, to pay the way for 5 minutes. that leads resignation. know time is quickly running out for humanity to address the climate crisis. that's the message on the will meet your logical organization. as it confirmed 2023 is the hottest deals on record. is describe the state of climate as of the charts. and will that 2024 is highly likely to be even the halter is. i'll just say, let me try to just have a ton of folks since the 1980s each decade has been warmer than the previous one. with the past 9 years being the warmest since records began. now 2023 has officially been confirmed as the hottest on the record by a huge margin as the average annual global temperature, a priced 1.5 degree celsius above pre industrial levels. and i symbolic because it means the world is edging ever closer to the limits set in the powers agreement. the shift from the cooling, natalie india, to the woman el nino,
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by the middle of last year feel the hate and 2024 is expected to be even hasa.


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