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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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when i went to the it is really a strike on an a truck in central gaza kills at least 8 palestinians. we report from darrow, above the time 0 then. yeah, it's good to have you with this. this is alice's here. a line from the coming up in the program is really forced as long strikes on residential areas across garza, at least 90 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. the us says there's a framework agreement on the table for a 6 week ceasefire and gaza. israel has not turned it down. a mouse is yet to respond. also a worsening security situation in haiti. gang storm,
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a prison in the capital. hundreds of inmates are now on the run, the at least 8 palestinians have been killed in darrow bala while they waited for aid to arrive. israel's constant military bombardment of gaza along with its targeted attacks make it extremely dangerous for those trying to find food. the army also bombed residential buildings across southern guys and killing at least 90 people in the last 24 hours ourselves. i'm of it. she begins our coverage as these people are running for cover up to res. really, soldiers fired on their relief, conroy in their own fall off the several philistines were killed as they were trying to get much needed food to survive my number as one of our party. it was on my way to the was well, suddenly we was showered with miss hobbs, shrapnel flying around for the past of the tone to pieces. it's beyond description
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of this is the 2nd time in a week is rarely forces have targeted a crowd waiting for food. on thursday, at least 118 palestinians were killed and hundreds injured while trying to climb on a truck carrying 8 according to you and workers. many of them headed gunshot ones, but israel says it was largely the result of a stampede. simon is ravaging gaza despite some aid to drop you from the sky. the supplies fall far short of the men's to meet on the ground. need to see so we need it immediately. we know it. we repeated to be able to increase. you entered 8 ed drops will look for these renewed sustain ceasefire to bring in a safe way. but a to the people and the medical careful of the constance shelling and air strikes
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are worth sending. the community are in crisis, although they do in a rough i in the south. this was the home of the alonzo family. but now it's raised to the ground. the oven renews. entire family was killed, including for a new born twins. and had it that we were sleeping, there felt like a bottle of water shoot me and my babies were next to me and i called a number of the 10 people told me that my babies were dead and the father was dead . 2 people here say this really armies targeting the last few pockets of safety, electing gaza and families like really is, are caught in the crossfire. again. i'm heart broken. these relays could have killed one child and left me another. but they're both dead. they're both gone. how can i bring them back?
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tell me how you con unice. some people happy in order to move to another area. again. this voice message finding these really soldiers says the area near the how much towers is an active combat. so after 5 months of war and more than $30000.00 philistines killed human rights organizations, warren life is slowly draining out of gaza. they say only an immediate cease fire can bring in then to the sufferings axles i much alger 0. so as you just heard, an act sales report is really forces again targeted in a truck. 8 people were killed. well alice's here was the hand who diary was at the scene of the attack. and darrow bhalla and she sent us this reports a quick turn key on other sheets street where this truck that was carrying passengers from that has been left to to were targeted by the is reggie airplane.
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we know that most of the people have been taking these trucks as the only way of transportation because there has been no fuel and people who are only either taking trucks or donkey carts as you see. the truck is completely damaged. where here, there were passengers, ton thing when they were targeted by the is ready for says that the paramedics run into the area and started collecting the parts and the bodies and the injured people from this truck. it's obvious from what's on the truck, that's this one. is up at n g, those who are working on the ground in housing housing in displace families because all of these vendors are for projects implemented on the grounds. the people who
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are targeted are parts of this initiative is right, is not only located the 8 into the causes for, but it's also killing palestinians who are working in helping people from starvation. this is in the military, i just need a did by us. and the strikes also continue in northern gaza at least 20 palestinians. there have been killed in attacks on the residential buildings. these really military targets at homes and the jamalia refugee camp. and the suff though, we area goes to city, at least $30410.00 palestinians. most of them women and children have been killed since israel began its war on gaza. houses here as tarry cowboys, whom can join us now on the phone from southern guns at tarik. i gather you've just heard just learned of a new attack. yes, that's completely right. the is really a military occupation, not targeted people. the waiting for flu trucks near the okay to round about in kansas city. now those people who are waiting for humanitarian comb boys to get to
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the north in order to get at least a back of the flour. but inside, they had been targeted again in a different and separate location from a novelty around the box and the coastal line of the territory. now just as a way to round about is one of the main points that the leading to slide team road and people there were waiting for humanitarian systems. again, they have been bombarded by the is there any minute treat seems that is very minute treat is right now is targeting people who are waiting for a desperately waiting for food waiting for anything to survive. one is completely on justifiable actions, actions because it's real, have mostly talking to people who are waiting for assets in justifying back. it goes in actually the same time, new humanitarian comb, voice can be allowed to get to the north without any prior coordination with
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another. treat and at the same time as well. the full control over the ground means that they control what they're doing and what comes out now people have been targeted according to the ministry of health. dozens of people have been killed and injured. i do a waiting for assistance for out of the strokes that are loaded with food items for them. it's hard. the ministry of health also says that 15 children died of mel nutrition in the last few days alone. what have you learned about that? a yes, in fox uh the golf industry state, you said that at least 15 palestinian children are good to right now because of the hydration and mounting portion uh in the lowest amount of one under shipment hospital. and there are 2 other children in the very disc, brittany critical medical conditions. and additionally, the global nutrition class documented s t y, as in mt nutrition among not only the children, but also pregnant, breached feeding women. and the goal is a strip which additionally, bose is grieved threats to their health,
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which means that the number of children being did right now. and i because of the moment christian is expected to rise if they are not for just an immediate medical and nutritional intervention that can say the losses domestically dr. isabel is most of lead targeting humanitarian chromeboys until now 8, dropping to not be the optimal solution to mitigate aggravating human. it's eric crisis. people just really to are coughing to death. children as did not really get killed because of the bottom and the mark killed because of hunger as it's completely unfolding all of areas in the north of garza and tarik. also, the us says that there is movies on c spy, or indigo. she ation. so there's a deal on the table is not saying no, and according to the americans, the ball is now in how mazda is court. i wonder how palestinians or absorbing that new is how they feel about all of that. well in fact, uh so now there was no any further information had been made by i'm often times of
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a successful negotiations right now going on in cairo as a vi is ready, media report saying the come off with us to deliver the less of that you've already talked to as far as them like, but also how much i'd be saying that if he's the exits or the month, we will be able to announce that we have arrived to see for you within the next 48 hours on the tool that is going on right now, alice billions of waiting on behalf of since and the glen of hope that the own giving negotiations will be fruitful. but also with this up to missing is mixed with a great fear of the collapse. so these totes, because the understand the real cost for the collapses such folks, it means that there's going to be noise k lot been fighting who attacked it by the user name and a treat. specifically, the palestinians are 18 closer to the whole, the month of ramadan, which the situation and will be domestic and more complex as is that is completely
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is trading up similar to attacks within the past few days. the believe that the american pressure. ready on getting a regional f, a click my regional mediation, john helped about the wait for an agreement, but it still clearly a showing that there was a gap between both sides in terms of the return of people to the north pole says of this will it is really military withdrawal from the gaza strip were full spots like now the badge as a stumbling block for the process of negotiations. all right, sorry, thank you for all that reporting. that's the else is there. a startup was quoting from rossa and southern gaza is go to honda. so what's in occupied east jerusalem. and so hope that you may have heard that tara was just telling us. ready listings in gaza, hope there's going to be a ceasefire. they're fearful of what happens if the current thoughts break down. what's the latest and you've been able to find out about the ceasefire talks, the will from the is rarely side,
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the talks are stalled and that's according to anonymous official speaking to is really media who said that these really is will not be sending a delegation to cairo to meet with mediators. and the reason for that is how masses refusal to provide a list of names of all of the captives who are still alive. he's really upset that this is important for them in order to proceed within the negotiations and the talks. so at this point they are stalled. there are also a lot of sticking points. remember that how mass has said that their position remains the same, but they want to see the end of the war. not just a pause in the fighting, where as these rallies have said, if there is a pause in the fighting, the war is going to continue after that. and remember there is anticipation for this ground invasion into that box. that these really is headset. they are going to do, even if there is a deal that would say a pause for up to 6 weeks. right after that these really is would commence with
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that ground invasion. so now you have these 2 gaps with in the realm of the talks and negotiations. then you have mediators in the middle trying to bridge all of these gaps. but there are quite a few things that are still on known mediators like the united states. for example, is showing to be the most positive, hoping that there will be some sort of deal coming together before the start of the most num holy month of the month on, which is just about a week away. so the is really prime minister himself though, has said that until there is something finalized by both sides, all of this talk around the deal is just that it is just talk and nothing itself is confirmed. and that even though there are these negotiations ongoing, again, these really haven't sent this delegation to cairo. so until there was something that is solidified, we are nowhere closer to a deal. okay. oh,
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that's so really interesting. thank you very much for that reporting honda. so who's that the is really war? cabinet minister benny ganz is on his way to washington dc for talks. and that's notable in this context. rosalyn. jordan has more on that from dc. according to our reports in these railing media. many gallons is coming here to washington without the permission or approval of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. but of course, let's go back to the obama administration. when benjamin netanyahu received an invitation to address congress without having an official invitation from the white house to come to the united states that was considered a protocol breach. well, at the time joe biden was the vice president. now, here in the middle of the war on garza, the by the administration, has grown increasingly frustrated with benjamin netanyahu. his conduct of the war on garza. and so it perhaps is not surprising that the vice president,
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pamela harris, is going to be taking a meeting with benny gantt on monday, as well as the national security advisor jake sullivan. according to the statements from benny kansas office, he apparently is also going to be meeting with congressional leadership, both democratic and republican. so this is perhaps the by the administration's way, and i'm speculating here of putting more pressure on benjamin netanyahu to try to wrap up the war sooner rather than later. and certainly there are numerous reports now indicating that when the vice president meets with gaps that she's going to be pressing him on all things. as part of this ongoing conflict, the humanitarian crisis, the hostage or captive swap out the question of how many palestinians could be released by the israeli government. the need to put in the 6 week long though temporary ceasefire, as well as trying to get to the next steps of trying to end the war once. and for
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all a full court process being reported. that is coming from the by the administration . and it is significant that they're going to be talking to someone who apparently is doing better in the political polls in israel, then is the sitting prime minister. so let's see what's so tom dark out thinks of this full court press alternative the professor of public policy at home. i've been felicia university. you heard rosamond jordan's reporting this appears to be uh, this could be biden's way of putting pressure on benjamin netanyahu. several elements here, several things going on at the same time. a netanyahu rival, benny ganz is in the us. the us is dropping aid into the gaza strip. and at the same time, within the all of this and 36 hours, the us saying publicly the israel is on board or at least not saying no to him a ceasefire deal. do you read this is us pressure on israel while it has the pressure of news or the us in a position where they cannot the pressure is there a direct the the administration has already given his red light green the green
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light and then open check to go all the way at the administration. the nice space is not under direct special from that anyhow. but from those radio they'll be in the united states. so part of their conduct is to try and speak to these res nicely, which they have done. now i think they're trying to introduce measures of pressure on the attend yahoo to get them to adjust his accent. it's a bit. and the invitation of the minister of defense could be one of those. it could be also related to the day after they all of the one knows nothing, nothing now has no political future if this war, when this war ends, and they may be now a try the way we'll, we'll, we'll believe this is true because the polls say this is the case, benjamin netanyahu doesn't seem to agree, he seems to still be looking for a way to stay in power. so while he's trying to do as really likes it means what's the reason i point this out is because the man is good at staying in power and
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coming back to power. yes, i'm afraid that's true. and he may surprise us all on and the remaining power. but i think the us, the, this talks with the minister of defense, the ad drops to undertake that despite the fact that the noise is effective, it's a signal to the israelis that we're willing to break. you're located on the palestinians. it may lead to greater efforts to actually break in the, to allow aid on the ground and of the, the way they continue to talk about the possibility of ending up reaching an agreement. these are all signs that the u. s. position is shifting, albeit very, very slowly, and now they have not called for a cease fire. and they've not publicly condemned the beginning of children day. they showed a lot of regret. i think the last couple of days, the statements have been repeated. they're getting the game regret and the killing of children, women, civilians, etc. so it's very, very close, but not quite
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a clear cut as to have the, the nerve to is to or stand up for those raiders and say enough is enough. and this is what it reminds us as a bit to with the last few days of obama administration in 2016 when he tried to advise nathan yahoo in many different ways on the issue of settlement. and then at the end, he had to abstain from voting in the security council. and that was the last measure to show this raise the, the unhappy. but this is, i think it's, it's a path to establish in terms of an issue with the us and, and there's ro, muscle tone barracka, professor of public policy at home. i've been a felicia university. thank you. think still a head on al jazeera is mia. how much your boss should he's sub, has secured 201 boards. and he's in pakistan. electra balance touring says be prime minister for
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a 2nd time the brought to you by visit castle. hello right after that we saw some pretty violent weather in northwest india. so this was in punjab state. here we had a tornado at overturn cars and toppled trees. it's a much quieter picture right across india though on monday that's the good news. if we see any active weather will be in the northeast with some showers in storms, but nothing major. now this was the same storm system that swept through afghanistan in august on smell, being replaced by cold air dropping down from siberia. okay. combo week and up to minus 13 monday morning, that is well below average. and this cold air has slung as far south as karachi the other day. for the 1st time in 40 years in march, the city of lights didn't get up to 20 degrees,
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but i think we'll change that by monday. we're shooting for a height of 25. let's go to indo china written out for the quiet pitcher is still hot inputs at 37 degrees and we're pumping in a lot of humidity and moisture of the south china sea. so that's going to produce some showers for southern and central china, maybe some heavier pockets of rain to be found in the east of the country. still talking about snow force depends honshu island. right through to whole kado. we're looking at about $25.00 centimeters of snow and 12 hours. and there's been flooding on borneo island in east kalamazoo time prophet and see how the weather brought to you by visit castle in an increasingly complex world. it's paramount to be direct capture, walter sheds moments. the national law is vehicles lead this model on sort of discussions. the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does that affect the community?
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a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate. upfront without using the you're watching out a 0 reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces have killed more palestinians while they were trying to get food in central gaza. an a truck was targeted and there was a bother killing 8 people in northern gauze, at least 20 palestinians were killed and is really strikes on the residential buildings is really forces targeted homes, and that you volunteer refugee camp and the stuff that we area of guys a city the us says there was a framework agreement on the table for
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a 6 week ceasefire and gaza. israel has not turned it down now the weight is on for almost the response. this guy says health ministry says at least 15 children have died from mel nutrition and dehydration at one hospital alone. in the past few days . for weeks, the u. n. has been warning the 10000 children in gaza risk of starvation. and this video from northern gaza. mother is mourning the death of her child. she told the palestinian journalist, her daughter died of mount nutrition and lack of oxygen. doctors at the hospital said the child was lacking critical vitamins and minerals and then my daughter has died. she passed away due to mel nutrition, all vitamins and minerals dropped sharply and my daughter's body with an accepting heart. all i can do is pray to god one night, but the number that this child was suffering and acute lack of oxygen and severe amount nutrition. we did our best to save my life. unfortunately, the child died. we do not know how many like,
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couple follow these really military says most people killed and thursday's foot, age shooting, attack died as a result of a stampede. israel's report says its forces did not strike an 8 convoy in gauze on thursday, but towards what it calls. motors military says, soldiers fired warning shots 1st to disperse a stampede, and then responded to several individuals who they say poses a threat. that contradicts the statement of the u. n. team that met injured people and said, many of them suffered gunshot was the information we gathered from the commanders and forces on the ground. our initial review is indicated that following the warning shots fired to disperse the stampede, an after hour forces had started retreating. several looters approached our forces and posed an immediate threat to them. this, this been contradictory statements from his really officials about what happened
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and thursday's food age shooting. attack with run you through them on thursday is really forces spokesman peter learners said, quote, the mob storm to the convoy bringing it at some stage to hold the tanks. that were there to secure the convoy seeing the guys as being trampled and co, cautiously tried to disperse the mob with a few warning shots on the same day mark reg of israel's former ambassador to the u . k. told media, israel was not involved directly in any way. there was gunfire, but it wasn't as really forces there weren't as really forces on the trucks or around the trucks. that was palestinian arm groups. now in a video statement posted online on sunday, daniel rigari, the is really forces spokesman said no strength was carried out by the idea of towards the convoy. the majority of palestinians were killed or injured. as a result of the stand, pete, several looters approached our forces and posed an immediate threat to them. the soldiers responded toward several individuals. ultra orthodox jews have fought
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with is really police on the outskirts of tel aviv. they were protesting in the town of they may brack, angry about possible changes to acquirements, the military service. the ultra orthodox community is exempt from conscription. the government officials are calling for that to change. the police in haiti are appealing for help from the army of the gang members. storms of the countries main prison. hundreds of inmates have escaped in the capital. puerto prince holmes. i'm a home, it has this update. i got to make it an i've left him and the national potentially is where hate is higher profile and also a locked up for the government set in stone. the data of the fee has gone sites down the streets of the printer into a bundled drum. they succeeded in releasing federal government bus. disobedience
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was caught in the middle of the street buttons, and gangs around to us. we can't take it anymore. we have no way to go with no police to be seen in several parts of the city. shops and properties have been due to police say they're not equipped to deal with the gun violence is not ready to start. the all of the companies look forward to the driving around the nomic calls while the people have no on the vehicles and the police don't even have it present a paid for the split proof best. i'm just tell them that that's i'm wearing right now. also of my own pocket, the gun members who controlled large parts of the country, demanding the designation of the prime minister audio henry, a fleet to king of last week to try. i'm finalize a deal to send king security bus and as to hate the us part of why you end by task force to restore order, but with no sign of form forces arriving to patients in photo prince,
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i left with no option but to lead to violence in any way they con, how does that, how much does the politicians and pakistan have elected ship out as sharif as prime minister for a 2nd time? he secured $201.00 votes to beats over. are you khan, who is backed by jail? the former prime minister in wrong con, political violence, violence, and allegations of vote rigging mart elections last month. no single party won a majority, but the 2 largest parties in parliament agreed to form a coalition government, which allowed shareef to be elected. come on a height or has more firm, it's not a bad use for lessons. i never stay, but when it comes to bug, just on, also given the fact that these bar days have come together because of dell position jammed on con idea. logically, they have always been opposing each other, accusing each other, but they have now a common enemy in the gym, ron khan,
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which from k, plug your son, most of them leading a wide range guard, the 2nd largest amount of boards and the papers far the restore to the form that correlation a party as parties coming together to fall and the court listened to a leg, siobhan sure, do you find that target 3rd prime minister? indeed it is going to be a huge challenge for m a of cause as experience and governance is being the chief minister of the punjab providence. which in the countries most file for uh, for the 11 years he would have called the prime minister of progress done when he was elected by a 13 party correlation to our game run con, back in april 2022, staying in pakistan and at least 36 people have died after heavy rain triggering land slides and let the buildings collapsing in swamp valley. 30 people were killed while in baluchistan. flooding killed at least 5 people. south korea now where
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thousands of senior doctors have rallied in support of junior medics. we have been on strike for almost 2 weeks. health services have been disrupted and some patients turned away from hospitals. the trainees are opposed to government plans to increase admissions to medical schools, aimed at solving a shortage of dumpsters. the deadline to return to work expired at the start of the month. you just came, has the latest on this from the capital sol. the organizers say tens of thousands have come out to joined this sunday afternoon, rally in what they the main doctor as lobby group says, as to mark a long journey toward opposing government policies. now the pre and medical association are calling for the scrat.


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