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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 27, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the thing, and i guess i'll just, there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the u. s. president joe biden says he's fruitful of the seas 5 between israel and the by next monday, the 11 o'clock this is out to your life and also coming up and is really strong community to a hospital in southern dogs that kills at least 8 palestinians, women and children per month with that, a desperate scramble for 8 hundreds of palestinians rushed to the seeds to collect food trucks by the jordanian f. m,
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or on the front lines was on groups and the democratic republic of congo. you say they've joined forces with the military to battle m 23. the so now you as president joe biden says he hopes to cease by can be reached in guns at by next monday. more detailed, to remind you about the framework for potential deal sources of told, down to 0. 400 promised indian prisoners could be released and return for 40 as rarely captives united states. egypt and casa immediate control is between him us and israel probably go ahead and his more now from washington dc. this is an administration that has been very, quite. busy about anything to do with the ongoing talks for a ceasefire just in new york, where the president was there for a campaign to parents. he was popular into an ice cream shop and a reporter asked,
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what do you know about the ceasefire? and he actually answered no precedents have a tendency, you just simply ignore reporters. it's very common of it that they do that when they want to send a message. so they will take those questions and the president interestingly because again, they've been so silent about it not being side of it at all, but being very specific by next monday. so that was interesting. he also use the word ceasefire, not temper ceasefire, not true. snap pauses on humanitarian pause, all the different language that the binding ministration is used in this conflict. always avoid in the term ceasefire. so let's listen to how the president said that . well, i hope my, my not security adviser tells me that we're close because it's not done yet. my hope is by next monday, the president, very purposely it seems, trying to send a message to the negotiators that he expects this to be done within days. and it is
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going to be interesting to see what happens next, because we've seen these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu come on american television and say that there will be an incursion, a military incursion in to russell, as he said, if, if there's a pause, then that's fine, but it is going to happen eventually. now that is something the administration is been very concerned about. they've been very vocal saying that they have to a lot of this is the 1500000 palestinian civilians to be able to get safe passage out of rasa. they really don't want to see a full scale invasion of ruffled the things that can very well to complicate the situation, especially with egypt. but still the prime minister of israel being very defiant and jo biden's team let it no be known that the president is growing increasingly frustrated with how this war is being handled. meanwhile, his poll numbers are falling across the board. young people, people of color are said that he's handling this badly. a recent poll,
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50 percent of americans think these relays have gone too far. patty, calling l g 0. washington. i. let's get more in this with, with a monks from occupied histories for the last couple of days since the end of the talks in paris is writing media has been reporting in some detail, the potential framework for jail between on us and israel. that would lead to a cease file since then the that has been no concrete response from us to any of those proposals. these ready media also reporting that a delegation from israel has arrived monday in doe all the comforts of the tall and out of their arabic reporting. that is spoken to sources who outlined. busy the details about what this framework could consist of. they included the possibility of a prisoner swap involving full 100 palestinians. currently in his writings, attention being swapped in return for around 40 is really captives. that would include women, children, older men, and those who might be suffering from medical conditions. it would involve the
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repositioning of these writing and i'd treat to allow more people to move freely through the gauze and strip. it would include a cessation of aerial recognizance by these ready ministry for up to 8 hours a day. that's something we did see during the last series of prisoners thoughts with drones in particular, when moved away from areas web presence, monthly release, the concern from us and that moment was a cause that they would betray the location of wherever that holding the captives. in terms of these fresh details, the, the one of the thing that's important to stress there is going to be great to aid coming into the gaza strip. something that the arabic soul says a telling now to 0 would involve the acquiescence of these radius. these ready to proving that increase an aid and the people wouldn't be allowed to move back towards the north of the territory, except for those of military age. the months out 0, occupied east jerusalem. and what on the ground in southern dogs,
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in his really strength is killed at least 8 palestinians. the time struck a house near the q 8 hospital in rafa, injuring thousands of people. the strong con garza southern may city k. this is randy army for past and launch ground defensive and the city target was im, reports now from rough or palestinians of rough. a few ringing is very ground. defensive for the troops till comes from the scotch and is drawing kits near the quantity hospital out camera capturing the sound as for the children, uphold the mind from the roots and area. and meant to be, say, as ro has this tip top it's attack so rough in the past few days, killing and enjoying several women and children, and raising more for use of what might come next. the north,
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waiting for the aid has become a painful part to blowing thing. goes for menu, mondays, fine, and can they do? they need military drops. it flies up the coast of areas that are in central cancer . hundreds raised to the ph. wading through attempt to reach the precious cargo white, the not old could be collected for the lucky ones. it was much need me. but most food aid is required in casa in another part of garza, palestinians risk palms of slips to find the suit. once again is but it's the only place to palestinians waiting for a fish built only wants to expand its ground defensive into rough or 1500000 palestinians, or she'll treat the following suit. good with a terry cup,
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as in oh, just a rough, rough southern guns it was different to do it is the space when if the united nations secretary general and he told my colleague, lord kyle, that's in his reading. invasion of rafa could put more lives at risk. no place right now in the, in gaza is safe. there is even if there is a places where they may not be come back there. lot of unexploded ordnance is, or there are destroyed homes, you know, homes do go back to and it is, you know, we do pretty bluntly, we will not be party to any force displacement of civilians. you say that the halls view in 8 operation is in rafa. a february 8 deliveries would down 50 percent from january. so was woods and invasion of rafa due to those deliveries. well, i mean, you know, it's, it doesn't take much imagination to see what that would do to the civilians,
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to our ability to deliver which is already extremely limited. we were trying to deliver aid in an active combat. so we're trying to deliver aid without any real security for our own stuff. we saw a number of a lot of them were killed in the it's really been barman's. there is also a breakdown of law and order and parts of gas it, which makes it difficult for 8 operations to go on. so what the, what is the un quoting for, for that age, to be wheat, sitting the people who need it most as well. we want a humanitarian see as far as quickly as possible, which would allow us a greater freedom of movement within garza without having to de conflict. if there was a cease a c spar, we need to see or reach her to some semblance of, of organization within uh, within garza and most importantly we need more humanitarian
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a to go through right now. there is only a trickle. we need a lot more to go through to do things that are more predictable. right now we're operating with a, a humanitarian reserves of about 3 days or so. should things be completely turned off. so you can imagine how difficult it would be if there was a, a ground operation to get a humanitarian cease for this stage. a completely reliant on a deal being struck between israel and how much because all that fits of un security council have been stymied with the us continuously vetoing any resolution for an immediate cease fire. how frustrated all you about the situation at the security counseling? what can be done to change it? well, it is. uh, it is frustrating and the secretary general, his remarks this morning is the human rights counselor, i think, was very clear in expressing that frustration. now the counsel has passed a number of resolutions on garza,
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we saw the appointment of our senior humanitarian reconstruction of core day. so there's been there is the possibility of moving forward. the fact that there is no council resolution doesn't stop the you when in terms of the, the staff of the for who work for the secretary of work for unable to do whatever they can to deliver. uh that you mad to turn aide. but you know what we want us to use, i said as a humanitarian ceasefire on conditional release of the hostages. and more a going in the 3 palestinians have been killed by his rarely forces during your rage in the occupied west bank in cash and happened in the northern city to bus monday night ministry vehicles and bulldozers was seen moving through the streets at least 407 palestinians have been killed in the occupied westbank since october. the 2nd person in president with the bus has accepted the resignation of the prime minister and the government. how much it is said, the escalating violence in the occupied westbank and the will and gaza led to his
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decision to step down to has cooled for new political arrangements that take into account the developments in gaza stands, national court of justice in the hey, cause held as the final day of hearings examining the legality of israel's decades long occupational policy, the land, 50 countries and 3 international organizations have addressed the quotes. both schools, israel's occupation, to be declared illegal and for it to end. but in smith's reports now from the hague, over 6 days is rails occupation of the palestinian territories has faced unprecedented scrutiny before the judges of the world's highest quote, is what is acting and has been allowed to act in complete disregard of international that cannot continue. it is clear that is what else you need. an occupation is also being administered in breach of the prohibition of the time pop up box is royal, has been consistently ups truck thing negotiated to spit solution is rel,
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must renounce its claim to sovereignty over the palestinian territory. all settlers must be removed immediately. lawyers, and i'm positive from every corner of the world, argue that israel is deliberately preventing palestinian self determination by building sacraments. this is really the language of the colonized nation, the language of liberty that we've seen exercise in these reservation since the 1960s. and the other arguments have really been around the is really violation of the international law surrounding use, the force surrounding portion odyssey and also surrounding international humanitarian. those, do you in general assembly asked the will court to consider the legality of israel is occupation fucking 2022 was right or was escape punishment. but it's been impossible not to stop the horrors of the war and gaza impacting the proceedings here on the 1st 1st 100 cops, once
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a 4 conscious architect, the sort of mississippi we came here to the, to the us justice for justice, for the senior people. and i think that the court wouldn't, uh, wouldn't linda. it's opinion that this patient is illegal. i'm do with you. if you worked opposite sides genocide, colonialism, and that is q patient is involved. but the united states says the quote shouldn't or the israel is unconditional withdrawal from the occupied territories. now, under the establish framework, any movement towards israel withdrawal from the west bank and gaza requires consideration of israel's very real security needs. we were all reminded of the security needs on october 7 and they persist. israel isn't taking pos in the
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hearings. the saying the cause involvement could be harmful to achieving a negotiated settlement with the palestinians. these hearings of late the israel international installation, the now the court may rule, but his realm us withdrawal from the occupied palestinian territories. it'll take the judges around 6 months to come back with an opinion, and it will be non binding. but his international court of justice says it's rulings carry great legal weight on moral authority. bernard smith, alger 0, the hate as well, and still the head here, we're not under on 100 in dearborn michigan where profile is standing and democrats are opting not just for joe, but also building barricades in brussels. how farm is true that protests to the h q of the you is that cultural ministers relate to the
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frank assessments. here's essentially delaying the democratic process. the current government knows about being picked up when the elections say they want to buy time using fix critical debate. ok, some of them are struggling. that's give them some cash. but let's look at the reality. 80 percent of these farming subsidies are going to the big voice informed opinions, but we don't live in a post colonial award. we live in a neo colonial one. and gaza is resisting that termination inside story on al jazeera being that this is a privilege i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find the challenge and the huge responsibility we
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keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make that positive voice is relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the, the other guy you watching out 0. and what about some stories is uh and you as president joe biden says he hopes to see if i can be reached in concert by next monday. sources of towels down to 0. 400 pallets in prisons could be released from the west bank. in return 40 is really kind of tips. and it's really as striking
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rough for his killed at least 8 palestinians. the attack struck the house to the cue, a hospital, dozens of people destroying cold, rougher happens, disease ready? um even past the ro, jamie an air force as carried out an ad drop operation, delivering much needed humanitarian, 8 hundreds of displays. people got dropped much bit, fell along the coast at rough to the united states and in michigan's presidential primary on choose day job. 5 minutes old. but sutton to be re nominated as a democratic candidate bought, as well as more on god's look set to make michigan made a test to the president strings. in the states you any narrow. the one in 2020 growing campaign led by the states lodge, arab and muslim american population, is demanding that by the negotiated seas, financing garza to 100 has a story from dearborn in michigan. this is where the problem came in. the
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warren garza, his devastated i'm in of light is family we left over 90 members of my family. 83 died in a single is really bombing to pass a world away in michigan. abu ida blames president joe biden for his support of the war. on tuesday he and thousands of others who usually support democrats planned to vote uncommitted in michigan's democratic presidential primary. i feel i have betrayed that i bought it for bite in 2020. you know, we felt it for somebody to bring us democracy and a humanity on the table. well, we see, you know, a government that aligns with a genocide, the government to co might people innocent people, thousands of them. hundreds of traditional democrats gathered around and the majority air of american city of dearborn, they're demanding a ceasefire and gaza and pledging to vote. uncommitted. dearborn mayor of dill,
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a mood says it's not just an arrow, the american issue. so not about being out of her being must have been having an attachment to the people in full us there in her being related by blood. this is about people coming together and seeing right versus wrong. they are joined, lead really by rashid, it to leave the only palace getting an american in the us congress. if a campaign helps trump, she says, playing by, present about is risk and another 12 term over just support for the most right wing government. most extreme is government in the history of israel. there are 300000 air of americans in michigan twice. biden's 2020 margin of victory when you've got that big of a population that that might or might not to support the president in re is re election efforts. boy, that could really swing the outcome in the michigan primary anger, his turn to action. but the real test comes in november when those supporting the uncommitted campaign will have to decide whether it is afford president viber or
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risk electing. donald trump, for many like i'm in, i'd like to the answer is simple. how do you feel about joe biden? i don't think i'm i want to hear his name again. does america have blood on his hands? yes. with polls predicting easy primary victories for trumping biden. on tuesday, the war and gaza threatens to cause democrats at least one state. they've been counting on to keep bite and in office in november, john henry and l g 0 dearborn, michigan. the to the democratic republic of congo with the ministry he says, is joined with several local long groups to fight m. 23 rebels in the countries east and north kiva region. until recently they were backlink government forces. catherine, so i spoke to finance from one of the groups. courtney themselves was
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a lender and she sent us this exclusive report. not too long ago this. kimberly spies does work by calling the ami are they call themselves, was a lender swahili. what? 4 p, just their role on groups have decides that differences, how the government forces their goals to defeat. what they see is a common enemy to thousands of fighters have been deployed to boost the number of soldiers on the front lines. yeah, the seeing phones critical and run this president on cuz i mean, they accuse upon the entity 3 levels. karen says, she's not afraid to die. you're to go. so then you know my team disease, i'm a soldier. i see my relative suffering there in comes for the displaced. my home is can move uh, we have to leave for funds. that's why i decided to come here,
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but some commanders have been accused of meeting human rights abuses and are facing functions. the guy he also says there was a lender, is working alongside a group called the democratic forces for the liberation overland or the lar that he states do have been involved in the genocide in rwanda. in 1994, the deal was island f. the lower our nurse was a lender. they are based in d r. c. but they are a london. we host them because they kind of go back to rolanda. they should be rolanda is problem not ours. was a lenders based on fuel that overlooks goma and dwanda not run across the border. aquanda is here say their wall is to make sure that go, ma, is protected. they say that they're trying to make sure that m 235 does not advance into the city. they have new weapons and be new to speak. i asked them
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what will happen when the conflict ends? when i show up on the friend this is over, we hope that the government will create a special defense, eunice, which can be called in times of security trouble. we can support anywhere within the country. but for now, the see the focus is pushing back empty 3, your call is bold as or die trying, catching, sorry. you know, google democratic republic of congo, 9 people had been killed in what's been described as a terrorist attack in the african nation to burgundy. the rebel group, red vera, is accused of carrying out. so kennings while the family was morning. soldiers among the dead and 5 others were injured. authorities have described it as a cowardly attack. so young darren apartments has ratified sweden's bits of join. dates have to move clear as the way for the north country to join the west in defense of lines. hungry was the last of the date, was 31 members to rectify sweden succession natures, extra general insulting back,
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says sweden's membership will be a lives safer, stronger still claims abandons. it's policy of non alignment off the russia's invasion of ukraine, a farmers in europe, and not backing down on the demands for an easing of easy trade policies and stays . the latest protest as agriculture ministers were maintained brussels for almost attractive to the belgian capital blocking roads and demanding fare prices for their projects. and we just came back as this report. european farm is bent that and in brussels, around 900 tractors, book entrances to the european council, building e agricultural ministers meet in solid weeks. they've been protesting against policies. they say to them for making a decent living farm is say they want minimum price is set for their parties and the store to trade agreements that allow in cheap inputs. so here,
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such as the size, the american trade float, mercosur with phones all unrestrained by the regulations they face. all of us do what we wanted the definitive ends to the free trade agreement between the european union america. and we want prices that cover up production costs. they also claim the agreements, favor logical operations and businesses to create most environmental damage. and the use common agriculture policy will c a p needs to change. so if i could get that in one of these c, a p that we have now has so many bureaucratic steps that we cannot manage to comply . we need an agricultural policy. the truly adapts to the farm his needs and allows for profitability. and some complaints and environmental policies and to what's been called a green deal, or hampering their ability to what some european ministers agree, something green d zooms that some. we need to implement the greendale in such a way that it becomes practical and less bureaucratic. that can be done this
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commission unfortunately has not done it well. most it, you know, we need to reconcile farm is what they policy. the c a p, it's the policy. and without the see, i pay the $1.00 be such a powerful, ever quote from sic during europe. in a concession to form is the european commission scrap the low to reduce pesticides? a target to leave land on, foamed improve. biodiversity has also gone many and you politicians agree. more changes has to be made to such as by farmers. but it's not clear what they might be . image and kinda out a 0. depends on my mood. glenda has survived the 2 week new to nights of policy expectations. the country space agency says it's slim. re establish communications on sunday night caught in a miracle touch down a month ago, but land to the wrong way of forcing it to be turned off before regaining power. 8 days later, it collected some geological data from moon rocks before going into hibernation.
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last month, japan is a 5th country to place a pipe on the moon. that's the weather is coming up. but then inside story will examine the issue of where the peace can be achieved in the democratic republic of congress. so you know, the, the hello way looking at some try with them now. pushing in across a western pa, so be around cloud and re springs. know that. so making his way up towards afghanistan brought to dry weather coming back in behind. williams picking up a little around the golf as we go for tuesday into web stand. it will be a little cooler than a slight possibility of some showers, still affecting northern parts of the gulf by that stage, or perhaps a little bit of windshield but, but just stay with the high ground all around. but for most that you can see it is
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looking long as you drive a lot of the drive picture across the west side of the med. so it west inside of live and says, well, we have got some shops. i was just around, the guys are full, the positives, i brought us guys to come back to. we're all going to see it staying lousy dry and bright as we go one into wedding stay. so several conditions across that notation side of africa on settle conditions for the move west and sort of africa, northern iraq. i know them out to you area of what's the weather or so just coming it's, it's an easy as we go through the next day or so with quite a brisk way than just putting out sofa compatibility. so rocco, when bisk on shop shows the just around southern parts of west africa. i'm planning a shop showers into central africa. they're running all the way across towards and be at was mozambique and still unsettled for medic. jessica, the stuff ation is being used as a what the only way to stop. so i'm going to tell facing is to allow you then
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people are surrounding it, sparks go with the flower just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blankets, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacement. the a heavy fighting and the democratic republic of congo is forced hundreds of thousands of people to free for their lives. the conflict between the government and 23 fights is escalated in recent weeks. so what's driving all this and some piece be changed. this is inside the .


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