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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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photos, the showcase. happier times, these women tried to lighten, but with the uncertainty only deepening, there's little comfort to be found. the problem of moons had child well says really attacks killed thousands of people and something garza, the other them or kyle, this is out. is there a life from doha also coming up from in a news and goes up, but trucks carrying live saving a comp is hidden because of safety concerns as well. psychological warfare and the
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occupied westbank when rates and destruction of homes of foot palestinian lives on homes. and you need a 1000000 people. i wish it from that homes by the west and in conflict and eastern, the democratic republic of congo, the lease to austin, southern calls or weather as rainy military is once again targeting the city of rough or well than one point. 5000000 palace citizens, a sheltering that in an attempt to seek refuge from israel's war bodies have been pining off at the outlet john hospital. at least 25 people were killed as a result of his riley strikes on rough. uh, a con eunice 8 children are amongst the dead. there have been problems in my life place. kenzie. she was a year and 6 months old. i was that's my in laws for my wife and daughter. we a t and i played with my daughter an hour after i left i heard air strikes on the use. they said there was an air stuck in the house around back only to find my
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daughter, my wife, my in laws many members of the family killed and central gauze or an abstract talk to the crowd. his elders are right, refugee come killing, at least for palestinians. people are left to dig through the rumble with that by hands to find survive of the wounded were taken to nearby hospitals, which already overwhelmed with patients and running out some basic medical supplies . and the a handful of health facilities are still functioning and garza and only badly the policy in red crescent as warning that a number of people have died as a result of time. and in garza as well, has block supplies. if you monetary in a, since the beginning of the war, allowing only a trickle of trucks into the strip that overwhelmed by people desperate for any supplies. now the world food program says is pausing deliveries to the north because the conditions, the a to dangerous to are a couple of assume reports from rough. the buildings would use to rustle
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in the fire rocked off. so another day or is where the bombing palestinians pick through the rooms. searching for the following is often only find the remains of their loved ones as the perry. that many wound, if the plumbing were at the end, the level of, of the law. we want them to look at also with massey. this is just wrong today. no one can stop is right with that. yeah. even our country's content, the door that will be, it has been in. so this is what kind of situation is like now look at the semi trees are everywhere and they're all full. no west sites even for this was trying to help the world with program had only just resumed 8 deliveries to know the ring cause of to us feet weak suspension. now they are stopping again for you and you don't see say that it's simply too dangerous as strikes up constant consent. but with goes on the brink of famine,
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many trucks have full so diluted by desperate people with no. what else to tell the world with programs said that they didn't take its decision lightly. they say a system needs to be set top to into deliveries can be made safely. and the big thoughts of this is opening more crushing points to live in more essential supplies until things change the future for people in goals that look, split is really performing opposes any immediate danger along with district almost tough ation on the topic about doing. oh, just a rough, rough suffering dollars less to now to honey mackwood. he's nice for us and rafa and southern gaza and how the festival tell us more about the deadly strikes that we've been seeing hitting residents of gauze though. the yeah, it's laura. well, the defense of it, silver and inside the hospitals of what the law that wrapped in white seats
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continue to dominate the daily routine. here as these really military continues to pounds across the gaza strip, just over not a tax and dropbox cause it is a 5 members of one family destroying their residential home that they've been filtering. and since the beginning of this war in the central area will look at out, at least within the past 12 hours, a close to $45.00 people have been killed, including the past due hours where a car was this truck and, and kids gilligan's all the passenger inside of it, we were told by a source in a central area that was a family trying to lead parts where the, where is residing and thereby into a safer area. but as they were moving, they were targeted by a missile, fired by it, a talk, a drawing in a new toyota refuge account more residential won't be targeted and destroyed. whole people are reported and is strike on to residential homes in western parts of and the rep as you can the maybe what's tragic about the over not
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a tax is the fact that evacuation so in a mossy area, that's the western part of han units, an area that's been large, they've designated that saved zone for you back. and we literally these really monetary told people in the northern part and garza and parts of han eunice in order to avoid being bomb the how to move to a mossy zone. only to find himself at air. the hours of this morning subjected to relentless attacks from the presence of some 30 tanks. those doors are out of pocket drones. 9 people are being reported killed, including women and children. the attacks continue and more tragedies are being created as the work continues across the gaza. strip on honey, we've just been hearing the wells, food programs of pools, food deliveries, juice, and news and gaza. that's about the impact of having on already desperate people the as
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well. so far this ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in the northern part has caused a great deal of damage to people who are stranded in this war zone. the northern part been largely and effectively cut off from the remaining parts of the gaza strip. nobody can go into the northern part and nobody can come out of it. people are merely concentrated in that area without any food supplies, or necessity that are essential for their survival is really military. unfortunately is using food as a weapon. and what people describe lars. yes. what for now using food and use in starvation as a tool to put more pressure on people. if people have not dying of bonds, they are likely to die of the ongoing famine, the world. freedom for the program suspended. it's a delivery to the northern part because there is a broken system going on and delivery mechanism that is not helpful at all. and
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most of the time the aides did not get to people who are in desperate need due to the ongoing, relentless bombing of the area. okay, honey lockwood bringing the latest that from southern guns. and rafa, thanks very much, honey. was honey just mentioned that at least 5 people from the same family have been killed off of that call was attacked the darrow, paula and central gaza. it happened on the main cell outing road where the bodies of the victims were covered with extreme difficulty. thousands of others were injured in taken to all acts of hospital. the tennessee populated area has been targeted by multiple is really strikes in the last few weeks out of citizens across calls that have been repeatedly displaced by, as well as unrelenting attacks. their obama is one of the areas where people all seeking refuge, full to live under desperate conditions and could already went that to speak to a family about their experience, us from the last date of loss,
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and then back from gruff off to dated bella. this is how palestinians, internally displaced, have been moving around different areas across of the godless trip. after being ready evacuated from the another in area, palestinians have been displaced a couple of times during the past 4 and a half months today were visiting us. the mooney family in the bella where this area behind me is complete, was completely transferred as an area for palestinians who settled up their tents and build their own tents and lived here for more than 4 months. now we're going to go in her tongue right now, and the situation is very sad and the, the living conditions are her perfect. this 10 where we are here. it has been a home and the only shelter for us. i'm when
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a family of so many family evacuated from as a, to a neighborhood in the veteran bella where karen currently as a to and has been witnessing a lot of, of, of, of air strikes. and also that is really forces are, have been stationed there for the past couple of months. and the 2nd is that one is imagine i'm call photo. we left the area now as a to and because the risk situation to be is released took 3 of my children. well being on the say for my children, adela, her mom's and for us were arrested 3 months ago. that's still prisoners. and these re details. i know nothing about them. they lost the father when they were young. they also lost that brother during the 2009 though the father and the brother of motus, i suffer too much. my heart is full of sadness. i dream wisdom between my owns, i missed them, i want to help them all. jeremy to be here was catastrophic. i left rasa and i went
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to darrow, paula, because of the structure, the role of the place and rasa want to be honest with you, there is no safety and security anyway. and because the strength would benefit this is the bella and it's one of the areas where these palestinians have been displaced . and we have been seeing a lot of areas of precaution areas, empty areas. course universities and hospitals that became shelters for hundreds of thousands of palestinians misplaced and forced to evacuate their houses. this is in the quality, i'll just eat a better. but the, this is day 3 of the you and top costs as start herring's on the impact of as well as occupation of palestinian territories. us and russia amongst the countries due to present the arguments in the coming hours from the hague,
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by the smith looks at some of the submissions so far south africa's ambassador to the netherlands, like old south africans, of his generation, grew up under a passage. he knows how it works. we s of africans sense. see here and filter cool. the in, in a humane discriminates the policies and practices of the as well to jim. as an even more extreme form of the protects, that was institutionalized, i can make people in my country. let me see to the south africa is one a 49 states arguing at the world called the israel is occupation of the palestinian territories is illegal. only the united states in fiji will later argue that it isn't saudi arabia, which before october, the 7th look set to establish diplomatic relations with israel highlighted what it says is eas, rails intensifying colonization of the west bank. the city of live, one of the governments,
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the codes are overly made to for soberly funds. fav ethnically cleanse font. a city is out of that homeland expense settlements, even photos of onyx for the areas if it was banked, and at all costs to reject the notion of a stablish in the city in the states along the lines of the 2 states solutions. these headings been planned for more than a year. they've attracted new focus because of the blood shedding garza, i'm the separate genocide case against israel, that this court is considering a thread running through the submission. there's a focus on his rails encouragement at expansion of settlements, but toleration a subtle violence and a positive light restrictions on the palestinians in the west bank and east jerusalem buffle illegal under international law. and its winds. being on here to the israel occupation should be declared illegal. burnett smith, alger 0 the heck. and while the i, c. j considers as well as illegal occupation,
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its forces have continued the rates in the occupied west bank. this is the theme in the janine refugee camp where it is one palace to me and mine was killed. so just as a call on fire, as they went through and the hours of wednesday is ready for it is also still in the us call refugee camp in the city of nablus. andre, the towns the 2 of us on calculus. yeah. as well has increased the frequency and intensity of its rates since october the 7th. speak now tuesday mr. avi is our correspondence in the occupied westbank joins us now from novelist zane tell us more about these ways. notice a booth for the intensity that is correct. rays were ongoing before the events of october 7th, as we have been reporting, but they have gone up in, in intensity since the war on gaza began. and overnight we saw those rates. those nightly rates continue in cities and towns across the occupied west bank. but the
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most intense, not just overnight, but in recent memory happening jeanine last night, special forces going into the city, going in to the janine refugee camp. a footprint that extended across the city and the refugee camp. lasting 8 or 9 hours special forces going after one posting and resistance fire fighter artist could do me in his twenties, was killed in and suing cautions in a confrontation that went on in the junior refugee camp over night. now the intensity of the, of the operation, that heavy involvement environment vehicles, dozens of special forces units as well as is really aircraft really does suggest how significant these resistance fighters are to the messaging. they are very much seen as a threat to the israeli military. but for the people on the ground, they are considered an important part of the armed rebellion going on inside these refugee camps. also, we saw this morning is really forces closing the entrances to the town of runt, this north west of rumble of blocking roads. and the already also carried out
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a raid in the town of a boot decent bulldozing roads there yet again, making life very difficult for residents of the occupied west back. yeah. what's to ask you, is that and how people are coping with these ongoing disruptions is daily disruptions to the lives to that is exactly right. we've seen and spoken to palestinians living in these refugee camps. they say that routinely their homes, the streets around their houses in these very poor, humble communities are turned into words zones. and many of the people we've spoken to say they are seriously concerned that what is happening and gaza could happen to them soon. here in the occupied westbank as well. here's our report. what are the patterns of israel's decades long occupational core component of psychological warfare being waged against palestinians is the destruction of their houses or a practice so common the collective trauma. so pervasive are some mental health experts here have coined a phrase, homicide,
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shorthand for the suffering that comes from losing the basic sense of safety. a home provides in this are has lost family members and is really raids. explosives used to blow up her house. still, she says they cannot stop her from smiling and a bit mat valet. i missed the house, but what really matter are the memories? and i remember my brother sitting here and taking the pictures their memories. they are all gone. but even the photographs we lost them are used to collect all the old photograph. they burned everything before they left to where residents of this refugee camp and to cut them say, when one suffers, they all do. that is real, is doing in the occupied westbank on a smaller scale, what it has done, and god keeping pace with the intensity of as rarely, military rates in refugee camps like this is a real problem. no sooner do repair words begin is really military rates resume and
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there is yet more property destruction. julio is using what's left of his neighbor's house to repair the damage to his. he says nowhere feel safe, but the low level of mental health is destroyed. you look to your children, they are all right. i mean the, the young ones with themselves out of seattle, but what can i do show we have to get used to this, that there is nothing we can, the whole is really troops often brutalize parents in front of their families during the daytime rates. children are forced to shelter inside their classrooms for hours, listening to explosions, and this really gunfire coming from the neighborhood where they live. medical researchers have even tied stress from the destruction of homes to stunted growth among palestinian children to within the situation of the house demolition. you are taking out all kinds of resilience and the patient or adjustment conditions from
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the people. so it will effect that are of families and the kids. and 1st of all, they have to find a place to 3 stablish their life. so it's kind of blowing up the family and the psychological life of every individual within that family fear. anxiety trauma, on repeat for decades. palestinians describe having no control, no ability to plan for their future. always adapting to the only constant in their lives and list is really oppression. the same bus route of the old is 0. total korean can be occupied. westbank sir, is state tv says is rainy. strike is has a residential area in the capsule, damascus. so it may just at least 2 people were killed in the car for us to say, neighborhood strike as opposed to the damage, the full full of a 10 story building and dozens of cause as well. has lots,
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hundreds of s strikes in northern syria, mainly targeting security and military facilities. so it has hair on alex's era, protests in columbia to move the hundreds killed by power, little to groups and guns. in the years since a peace deal was supposed to end the fighting, the, the color, the sky is allows the clear across a good pa solve the indo china. the philippines generally sing a lot of fine and sunny weather end of days when you have a has those things, some very wet weather, particularly to western parts of the region. so by $94.00 millimeters afraid in a 24 hours, the showers coming into cost, much of sinatra wetso weather. once we get into a good part of borneo, southern areas of the philippines also sing some,
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a lot of yourselves just around them in the now. but for central northern past, you know, we try and there's that drive by the continuing across the good parts of the in that's showing that we are going to see that 5 by the down of course, most of them like peninsula. then you get back down into indonesia and you can see more hefty showers, coming through. heavy showers are made on the costs, full, positive west and australia. this is what remains of what was typical sites, the lincoln, which may well reinvigorate into a tropical side over the next few days. it will slide its way into central parts of a w way ahead of that's sadly dried to central. there's lots of hates around. we have got to just high temperatures, continue to cause a good possible straight. yeah, i'm still down towards the se, full now a lot of time, we just pulled away here as we go on into friday. and it says increase the way financing and the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, again, you are watching, i'll just remind you about top stories this hour. at least 25 percent of citizens have been killed. them is ready as strikes on vasa and hun, eunice and southern garza, on the job hospital is struggling to treat the survivors amongst the dead or 8 children to sit in red, crescent says won't that the number of people died as a result of time. and in gaza it comes as the well food program causes a deliveries to the new pricing. what it says is the complete collapse of simple order sir, is state tv is saying and is really strange because hands on residential area and
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the capital damascus. these 2 people were supposedly killed strike to establish the full full of a 10 story building. israel has continued to build a separation wall on palestinian land cutting off palestinian communities. despite an earlier you and rolling that said the wall was illegal. will head into the break, it is to move it with an account of one pound, a student activist who says, although the wall has made the life impossible, palestinians remain steadfast, to survive the occupation with resilience. it's a prison. it's imprisoning the blessing and peace to the one. was this the best way to destroy any possibility of blessing and speak? you come to a well, the word alone as it is in the concrete that we see here, 9 meters high, 800 to them with as long got on those to but it is inside those, but it's with the will with the streets, the, the up a type role is that it was the complicated need to worry that somebody's little spinning from the roots of the the, the, is the,
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the system. because victor points of controlling the posting on the scene like you to create things, calling different duty to the for the scene is would be a been enabled. the thing is to live in the gate was the name. it is what it is to control the palestinians for ever. he or for example, was talking about 17 communities that has been isolated from zillow sent to us to be part of the us. he and this, this place and we came in and goes to maybe they didn't came like any to, to, to, to, to approve the people and throw them out. but they make their life impossible. like they have to live in studying on the other side of the, the one to continue living. they have to go all the way to the left to columbia. takes them almost 3 hours in the morning with the rush. i was pleased with that because of this course. now it's like 20 is on the and the icy to early, like from 2004. when the issue that this was a legal and this is must, like any, had been destroyed, then must be given back to the people that come to the foot compensated departments,
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etc. and unfortunately this, this decision didn't have any implication officer given that the present situation on what's happening because i think it's became huge cost too much with the whole system. we also called the commission and look, it's controlled by this, this colonial po, it is that they're not in states. they utilize that the can adopted with that on the go into some benefits, i think was distinguished. the 1st thing is, is the sort of live on campus, the fact that we are trying to live no matter what the atrocity i'll hold up with these big. so even with the we'll get try still to, to live in our mind, sending our conscious denny, this is not finished. the defeated the let's get you some of the news now and the un security council has sanctioned 6 people from groups operating in the eastern democratic republic of congo. need is of m,
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$23.00 are amongst those hands of travel bonds and asset freezes. the rebel group is widely understood to be backed by rolanda, an accusation kick gully denies finance as intensified in recent months as i'm $23.00 flights of votes on a major city in the east. well, i'm trying to 3 is one of moving a 100 all good spaced and eastern democratic republic of congo. the group formed in 2012 in the d. c. border region between lawanda and you can to pulling me up. he will oft disputed presidential election later that here am 23 forces sees the eastern city of coma in cuba region. in march 2013, the un security council voted for its 1st offensive operation and authorized troops to target m. $23.00 fights, as they would joined by companies, forces and drive m $23.00 inch rolanda. and you can down. but in twitch toys to, to factions united to know it's a new offensive and the m. 23 fighters have since caught since caps of pounds,
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unto trees inside they all come go. several government said the group is boxed by rolanda. that's navigation valenda denies. let's get more on this out from katherine solely. she's joining us from gala in eastern democratic republic of congo. and catherine. we're hearing that the by saying is closing in on the city way. you all. what's the situation the, the, the, for the situation is quite dire in the last hour or so with a she would you move then all the security choices had been to selective socket is that weighs about the 15 kilometers away. and so they, the slicing that has been very intense and the different forces are fighting. basically, i am sent this we rebel to, we are being told are on hill ne, as back here. and the government is trying to push them father away from soccer.
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now we have a quite loose so no government forces um, you know, led by the government got led by the army. and we have a full says of from the 1000 off. we've got developmental, sorry, t, uh, fedex, who are helping the government as well. and then we also have a quite lucian, um uh, you know, defense forces, local defense forces who are also fighting. and the idea is to push the entity suite as far as possible because it is very important. and these kind of pull, they say, all sides have been accused of atrocities against the p. 40 for a 1000000 displace. what impact is this having on people that this? yeah, right now we are as an id, be gone, but it's not really an id be soc, is just the shelves of the people have made many of the people who come here are
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from soccer. the i the become that was, that was burned down so they've all called me here about a 150000 people who lived around that area have called me the last um, you know, 3 weeks. and they are really leaving a rough. um, you know, we have been talking to humanitarian organizations who are say that they kind of cannot cope with this numbers and you know, a little i do think that we're also talking to a say that they feel safe here and they say they will go to goma, if they continue to feel unsafe when down. okay. and catherine with un peacekeepers, us talking to withdrawal. how people feeling about that? it's phase. we've lost contact with catherine. so that in guy,
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what she was reporting from the eastern democratic republic of congo. now, protests to taking place in columbia as capsule to more hundreds of people killed by power. mercury groups and drug cartels. violence has continued despite of 2016 piece still. between the government and font rebels. as ones around pepsi reports from focus off is an act of collect the morning. i mean, in english, 3 i left that hundreds gathered in downtown bogota to demand the government to do more to protect those who were left behind by a peace deal signed nearly a decade ago. more than 400, the former revel fight, there's an 1100 community leaders have been killed since the columbia in state. and the country's largest give the group spark agreed to stop the war in 2016. the victims are mostly, i feel colombians and indigenous people caught up in or targeted by fighting the


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