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tv   101 East Spoiling For A Fight  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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me and my boat. uganda is wild life population has boomed over the past 40 years. the threats of poaching lots of habitats and conflict between humans and animals is bringing fresh challenges. katherine story reports from queen elizabeth, national park, and western uganda. the boat crews along a water channel that opens up to leaks out, but an edward is breathtaking. you can see i knew he was on the shores of queen elizabeth national park. the easiest in uganda. this is the highlight of poor is visiting here. the number of elephant spots and lose it. he paused, has increased in the last several decades. bodies revising, years of decline caused by porches, an encroachment on wildlife areas. all these would be yeah, yeah. many officials attribute this to you gun does protection efforts, but there is another challenge. climate change as well as
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a new invasive weed that is killing healthy plants because climate change the speed at which is moving. i don't thing what i was, i said to catch up with this pete, because you try to multiply to one plant here. i'm not a product concept. you why do we have movie when you sort those big elephant? that is the area we tried to remove that cross studies media in the back row, so that you submitted that by stadium kimmy, the dunden sleeves. and the other pock also said in leaving a nightmare. a big problem here is human. why live conflicts? ellison's are increasingly going into villages in search of pastor and what, how much of a dusting, cup of done big shows those? well, a heart of elephants destroyed. he's perhaps become here nearly every day. he says
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the bach has been partially fence or the side is still open. in oak somewhat though, we try to trace the animals using many means for example, fire and v vi dollars. we often sleep at the farm to protect our yield. enable was killed while offense. on the other side, all the village of the pharmacy, peoples, how the invaded the rice funds and killed several people gain what is said. they are aware of the distress caused and tried to compensate those who have been affected, but they also blamed those who brought the new more migration routes catch me. so i alda 0 queen elizabeth national park, uganda. well, that's it for me for the time being. you can find more information on our website, delta 0 dot com. $11.00 is the once every 14th molded $200000000.00 institutions will have the challenges for
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folks, one of the largest selection of edit history from the 3 candidates will they choose to be the next president's and how this impacts the future of the country. the race to lead in tenicia special coverage on l g 0 the they were told both like these wouldn't notice for them. the girls don't buy board propane or 60 fortunately that to buy his it's the life, the bottle jaden. so yes, golden india would not allow to even step inside a boxing ring or onto a wrestling match instead, most were expected to get married and have children. many families consider as a cause to have a daughter unless it would then have them in there to keep that that would be the
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side or the but today women are becoming champion boxes and they're also taking the flight to the street talking to the agent for the one the indian so they're right in the of the, in the rural ha stuff. and yes, have you on a think this is this a many of the boys as young as 5 are taking pos in a deal on competition as arresting schools known as in the car. we're about
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to go to the in northern india, there's a thing that goes every family must have at least one boy interesting young and old have come from nearby villages to watch the fight. it's a sea of men and boys then. and then usual thing on the audio over the line you up with something very interesting. i just played out where the boys tournaments, but the 3 girls came here and they demanded that to be allowed to rest though. uh so they're on the math right now. 6 the president of the imagine there's a few years ago when women were not even allowed into a product or someone who knows this all to wells is 62 year old community data.
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she and her grand or just on the uh, the only 2 women. yeah. they loved wrestling b, and here was the lab the needs and in everybody's op, of course, to be married at 16 mostly could not even imagine being arrested. but she decided that her grand daughter would not face the same restrictions 3 years ago when suddenly i was 15. what do you convince done to cut off? you're home to take a in a mighty, put the difficulties getting a job and that's what i'm gonna have to do me to put the may i please individual? well, in the by, well my, i'll put the with the video, the a couple of hours drive away is a space which save you would have loved when she was young. it's an all gold resting center. her various in india. this is where an 18 year old
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resting sensation train in our lack of those of us and they said they're gonna put on the on demand gall became india's 1st female reckoning. well, champion when she want the junior women's title in 2022. it's a remarkable achievement, as she comes from harvey on states, which is one of india's, was 6 ratios due to sex, selective abortion. and has a significant gap between male and female literacy levels. one know, 5 siblings with a brother and 3 old assist as her name means final name and move of the debt that they gave her. and now making them as of those go, i lose it for this for some reason for to go to your game. maybe for this, for the music of image, and it will have to do it is a name. and then you can we by even refer to thank you on things. parents come from
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a humble background, phoning, a small positive land. you got a couple of those. why did you name her on the top 10 number of all useful. i'm on a heavy wisely. i'm assuming that the the but they do that could be available to the young thing. bellagio j grade, allow me to the money you have a will turn on my bill. now, i'm going to delegate, i get new her parents new. they faced criticism went on and started wrestling the little guy here. if i'm going to be the only money on the side of those, i love the quote on sunday so they can look at the age of $10.00 and then begin winning 5 boys that caught up. but there was no f o head to train. the family had to move to another village 70 kilometers away. whether it was
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a new facility that is mother will have when it comes to bowie. most avenue palm. mine is much like general religion, max care. my go to not much side. i shall not totally get a little kick, a beach, and one of the spots offending their lives, paid off off to and won the junior well championship. she was singled out as one of india's finest young talents. that recognition brought financial support from the government. a few weeks off, so we thought that she has a chance to prove herself on an even bigger stage. she's competing in trials for the 2023 asian, resting tompkins, at 1st, the new toner. the competition is yes, but on thing is foster more and more powerful since and your opponent that's
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a dominican they to do me a minute. don't ok there for the looking is less valuable members at face, ma'am about the to do give me a friendly buzz to me. it is a dentist and they got a a month lisa in april and went on to win the silver medal at the asian championships . in kazakhstan, a sparkling w for the young versus final, so we're worried about having 4 daughters. how do you feel about that? now? let's already give a call for that and it says sadie, so that's what the lady told is decided give her the the successful videos. female restless has transformed young women from remote villages and so household names. but in january 2023, they hit the headlines for taking a lot of fights outside this building or 7 up in the top, restless the cues, the heads of the countries wrestling federation of sexual harassment and abuse,
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they say bridge pollution, certain things had been abusing them for yes, being is also a powerful politician, a member of parliament. while he's never been convicted, he's been named in more than 3000 cases with accusations of best biasing attempt to murder and keep nothing. he denies the obligation. doxey malik. india is only female wrestler to we, none of them pick metals is leading calls for an investigation. interesting. somebody besides. yeah, he told me that they gave me this thing for the president to have the same thing. did not respond to our request for an interview. initially, he was told to step a sized by the sports ministry, which starts with an investigation. and weeks later,
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thing appeared to be back at work. and the findings of the ministry's investigation would not made public. the wrestlers went to the police, but they refused to file a case against being frustrated. doxey, and on the top, the restless return to the streets of new delhi in prose. the machine on the, on the bus not to talk to someone from the tab genuine move on the, on the, the, the ladies. and i'm wondering if you can help set a future good idea. so for the awful night now, these athletes are making huge sacrifices to come out and protest. they are
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disrupting the training, just a year out from the 2024 and then picks most ok. see the next king charles to go back to training center and are you on the dock? she is actually coach an icon. the manual. i say i trust probably cost you should be many should ok, so i'm sort of things is job alerted the this thing going to 5, so it'd be much less sufficient. and you with this a little focus on cleaning. i mean for the pc is pieces. the cut obligated is the shot, the goal and go to the gun. we do the thing is we can fit in scope board. the support followed by the end school board or the support who knows that will be via it goes at a 2 levels. the function i have my disease, my head stop, she's initial interest in wrestling stem from something simple desire to fly.
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this someone is who lot you to do want get the senior vp or don't pay for just wondering what's up with that. give that up and down the 1st over the last quote and how i done what i could do. so this was on you're going to come in and i will see lorenzo magnitude will be many beated. that seems to be the one i should will get double them fix up, but the to allow the money to be able to email them, fix me. but it hockman flag had automated hotmail. i'm thinking where the dream came to the 2016 violette was been an exact same woke of all the met. many imagine you have called me to talk to people hi j. i see how you all ready out to her family's home. signs of socrates, success are everywhere. so beautiful, but that is what the high you favorite for the olympics murder. it gets hot. how do
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you get flag? decide do minutes to him, but they absolutely flag decides many than killing them. fix me o e c, but the talk she's parents tell, know they were reluctant to let her take on the wrestling. if there was a high, i've got them. could be like, i thought, i don't know, but other suburbans idea of giving my you've sampled into it. so say need and within about, i think, what are we looking to miracle because of these auditing cookies noticing while a lot of kids, hey, i'm going to be paying for something. give them is that affordable lease on life? i've got a sign language was nothing but a few to be who was nominated, the admitted thing, both hit him pneumonia despite the success of wrestler such as soc sheet, many a card of sales, then women like this one in you get it has produced some of the country's most famous male champions, the, those, the edits in the community wrestling full,
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surprised place in india's grace ethics. with the practice dating back more than a 1000 years. look at the money they know human human. the. remember the ma thing row has been a coach you for the past 2 years, a longer good. we obviously want to bridge the bus for the 2nd job coaching as a government training facility. he's reluctantly had to accept women's participation in the support body of i'm seeing the deal or do you see him to use these get kolowski? yeah, i'm going to think it will see many done. it isn't the money but, but he was the gunner way, but i think the but allow the to deal with that or more about the course of the below who died. but they say in the fight for justice change is not coming quickly
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. you know, the rest of the back on the streets of daily demanding police arrest thing, alleged sexual abuse to time. well, champions med list, be nice products and mail and then pick metals about junk food. you are among them . good amount of money has anybody had? people tend to go to the last and find the last 34 because how many goods i cited in april with the police still not taking any action to protest the petition. the supreme court a few days later, the cost or does the police to register, okay. the stock in the sporting arena, a young fica is making him off in another combat. both in 2022 naked series made a sensational view by winnings of boxing well championships and they can't get sick as decisions we've been given rare access to india and then big training center to
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meet the 27 year old, a c protest to defend how well title, good, good, good, good. yeah, yeah, i definitely cannot. vic ludo on 2nd the board, but yeah, not good. may i ask for families who belong to a job? they like it's not like you support mainly the no one can, the baggy and i'm like, equal was torn up front on the car, get try because i do it for you. if that's what i did though, as a to be. so that'd be made talk, you must force melody, but you did have the support of one family member of followed. what to you to box, things i've seen goes in every sport, extra boxing. then as the guys really i as my father, we're bus boxing bus and medicaid goes to the again, the beginning because he said that labor the boxing that again because of the uh, but up hummadi ive been already getting voicemail subordinate or the goal of becky,
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boxing is is 4 meg at home up new, but look young will be dang it, boy in your old yang gate. and you will jagow to fear though. uh, chevy phone. got a going, i was a 1st going to start booking in the district for starting mimic i had to train with boys that think of what might be party. but i did not give up a lot of going guess outcome to get by like within one me a i became national jams. yeah. because is known far determination to win. so that's a good terrify before you go to why as of last hope you're fine. i've on the what i sort of a, maybe the even losing a casual game of badminton against one of her coaches, but not done a form iris champion box. her friend
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after training come, because it's surrounded by the cream of india as boxing talents most have overcome grey zones. to get like love lena bar guide. in 2021. she became only the 2nd the indian woman to within the live pick metal inbox, percussion butler, going to me that target pound into community. so it's good. they can be lovely. know left her remote village and those sounds stay it. when she was jo, 12 to join the government sports school in the city of go off to her olympics success, life changed not just for lovely, not but for her entire vintage committee comment that they don't us, that will be much of us on a time. maybe maybe looking bad for the ground change over there already there. how
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do i find any of that data to find me the on the logo? because i to sports mobile has that improvement where i'd be able to but to i might have some full of books and came outside the oscar. but i'm focusing director of the sports authority of india says there's been a surge in newtown, in just a few years or hold on one of squared away for hell in my bathroom business. i'd my bob pulled up new, but to lift yada is newport test on me. see if go ahead but change it. so size became that artifact. economics is a key driver is change that successful last leads rewarded with big sums of money and government jobs off to their wins loveliness joined the police force. and because we've given a job as a government bank the today because lives with a family in hydro, but i've come to meet her parents and find out more about
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a yes you do for the guy and you guys are guy. oh my goodness. okay, well, but, but don't give up, can long guess of mazda, but once they told me the main body, because monica got the people, they will have a good one. me boxing with the, with the say that again, if it was it again, say the accounts payable to say and while i am on that, i must get a bottle that attended and i'm like, i'm going to do it that way. any. what was the reaction of the family of society at large? it was they gave a game saying here because the shots spend your mattress weekend with mattress coming on board by or especially on one of those things we kind of way middle schedule. so was loosely sports thinking, regardless of, of okay, and i can look at my case, i guess what? i mean, even when i one man, what time does she go on monday? uh, that'd be great little guy that he mostly may. if the job need bend, the no more than just kick out, which i got as it to but many like i'm no focus on such people. i'm very lucky to
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get such parents who are supporting me as a getting like, you know, get your kind of a bad gaping with james mid interview degree will be. but don't go support name he left in a bed in the mid it made a jeep knit, but i've got to keep that instrumentality to in your theater. so that's really be a great that you meant for me. the impacts of new cuts of success is with bubble raising throughout the states. in this conservative pots of hi jabard, a boxing club is encouraging women with that his job to come entry boxing academy was founded at the 1980s as a male on the books in club. the coach at john ahmed opened it up for women in 2019 off to the international boxing association announced by does good where they had jobs in the ring. honda of bolton can make up for the mission the that
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more comes into the account. i'm, what's the name of the funeral is that printer click on it as a video. so let's go back to that account. pulls out all the box up here because it any different people inside of that account. and then again, i'm sorry this such a nice 18 year old site. that's the john was the 1st go to join the club men inside really because they didn't say one month you had 5 dig do and was inactive. definitely because the opponent said it's not tech is that you may be of that when you get them. in fact is going to need to or maybe proponents it intelligence the news because the read is hoping to repeat last year success at the boxing world championship. this year the tournament is being held and you get the victory at home and back to back. well, titles could inspire even greater interest in women's books to india and fight
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to make it through the 1st few stages including the cuts on levine to make it to the point. because families attempted to hunt on me that they were to meet i. and like, i have to go in said, bidding, i need my own back the 18 minds as a man and i've got to take was we will get mad you mad. gave me on the day of the final, the noise inside the stadium is deafening. the indian women with gold medals in different ways to buy a nation because it's crowned well champion. i get
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the temperature back to megan, becoming was as she heads home with a 2nd well tied to the paris olympics in 2024. now back in the metals i'm facing on north pole in the e mail rest as a fighting for the top to spending more than a month on the street. that's been a little progress in that fights to hold the alleged abuse of the account. do you mind with those other and i can make unlimited if anybody's on develop them. but it's a little bit problem because it, on the day, 5 minutes and the movie is scheduled. took, you know, if you read in yesterday's fall event, doxey the nice and the others decide to march to the building to the goals. so
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they're angry. that instead of being arrested, bridge pushes the scene was invited to attend the donkey ration at the time. they don't get very far. the police cracked down on the protesters and oxy vinnish, and more than a 100 others opposed to be removed and detained. the diesel women in no way ready to give on their way to the highest decimals of the sports that they were told was in the fall of the town into down the ground. the
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the president biden says, wants a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis. what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy. and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. health coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on their suffering,
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but also on the more top listing and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in at p a and on bias. and as an applicant, i couldn't be more proud to be part of this business. uptake this voltage by the city bank growth partner of bangladesh. before to use the
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these business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash before to use the on the flow. this is in use our on outs as 0 for the back people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes is really war planes target homes in a rough spot in 7 guys, nearly 28000 palestinians if in killed since the beginning of the war the us warns against the offensive in the rafa after these really prime ministry order troops to target the area way more than 1400000 palestinians or shelter.


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