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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 4, 2023 12:00am-1:00am AST

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regardless of what the location, they'll get the job done, the best have space to deliver your vision. the color on top mccrae, this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes as well as the prime minister goals for the media. deportation is, are trying to solve them, so it is up to running battles on the streets of telephones. ukraine's president dismissed as his defense minister saying new approaches needed us goals for an in today's have been fighting between its allies in northeast and syria holding it could lead to
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a resurgence of iso working for longer and from small was the price the age of a time is going to affect the one of europe, largest economies in schools. it's the light light charted for also in the english premier league to injury tar and goals, giving them i 31 when i was emergency in order to have the everett a full round up. how many of the b as rarely prime minister has cold for the immediate deportation of are trans involved in running specials on the streets of tel aviv benjamin netanyahu met with ministers following the fighting on saturday. at least $170.00 people, including is ready. police officers were injured as are trying to excels forthwith supporters of the retry and government appropriate and sent us this report from taylor. i have this is what's left of the function which became the epicenter of
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the tel aviv rise. virtually every sticker of furniture in this venue has been smashed. the p a system has been supple from the stage. tables have been over tons, and the damage is estimated in excess of half a $1000000.00. but it's the damage to community relations, which could be the big cost i'm looking for how much of up to it will take us 6 months to recover from this. everything is destroyed. what they didn't destroy, they still, they even took my bicycle of the intensity of the violence between rival and it's saying groups that sent to shock way through his reading society. not for the 1st time. the government is talking about the for taishan. mastercard. what's happened just to cross the red line? it's a riot blood. should these pod riots we cannot accept. the business owners who is live is that's what she has a during the rise. agree that supporters of the smaller government should have best
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ages reviewed him. i'm sure those are support their government over there. what are they doing here and as well, they should leave the others who are us, which is there is no problem to protect. how many israelis on notes on sympathetic to the plaintive refugees but on the evidence of the last 24 hours? many is really is also believe that those responsible for the kind of damage and vandalism that was seen on site today should be deported. the question is, how to where and how soon whole brennan alj a 0 tel aviv as they were try and government ended supporters had been holding events around the world to celebrate those years of independence. but they had been disrupted by opponents of the government in recent months, especially in sweden, germany and canada. or travis had only one president since it broke away from h e. r. p. a 1993. analysts say it's become the most recluse of states in africa and the size of wiki, and is ranked near the bottom of the world press freedom index rights groups are
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triad, forces that citizens to take up and definite national service, which includes compulsory military conscription, more than $1000000.00 are trans, hopefully the country over the past 3 decades, many refugees and neighboring countries, while others have tried to cross and to europe. and then well, be the miriam is in or try and write it unless he joins us from washington d. c. thanks very much for being on al jazeera festival. this finance seems to be linked to independent state. fist deputies, i mean, shouldn't really be up to the government to organize them rather than be community late because that seems to be a major source of the tension here. as well versed. thank you for i me and i think the narrative is very skewed here. the 1st of all is not for the independence of age of the independence. okay. trends on may. this is the air trim festival legacy stretches above since the 1970s. a transfer being gathering,
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conducting this facilities and the delivery of this is how a trans have managed to come together state together and then ask for and supported each other. got to know each other, got informed about there are communities and they do it every year. around the world and it is targeted because they want to target are trying to identity. and i think that the narrative is completely skewed. and when you say the discharge of sight of seekers with desire to try the side of the entrance and they are fighting with each other because they are pro government around government, this is not correct that this people are from to go ahead from the northern part of the 2 of you, and just to give you a little bit of a historical context in 2002, after the audience agreement was decided and majority of the line that was contested, ended up becoming the atria. the teacher decided to do wage war by that means they
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call it no war nobody's. and at the heart of the kind of a life they wanted to ensure that they cannot make psych, she's a hardship on the, our trip people. and, but most importantly, they focus to on the use because they don't want them to defend the country. they also want to make sure that the country is empty. right? because you're sorry to interrupt. the situation has become so bad. the violence uh, obviously uses seen a number of countries try to bend these festivities, germany for example. i mean, why is the government assisting and holding them when clearly there is such great divisions between governments, supporters and people who are against the government as well. i guess they, they're not. i guess the government does have people photographs that are extremely angry after the last. the war in 2020, 2022. they got estimated over a 1000000 due to grants. were uh,
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dead. now they are angry. decide the people that feel entitled so entitlement and their race because of their sense of believe is destroyed and they're angry and they're like, you know, and grief and anger and they are very trias. and like i was saying earlier in 2003, the bush administration press a israel to accept this people of the refugees and ended up accepting them. and most of the people that came through the site and i, at that time where people frontier dry the little refuse asylum and, and try to know what to accept them because they're not very trans. and they weren't being sent to africa to one of the countries in africa in the long uh, yeah, the runners were taking money. sorry. this, i mean the seems to be quite generational. they those the, remember the independent struggling,
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the younger generation to feel no real affinity to the country. a, they say as repressive. i mean, don't you need the younger the use of or try to, to continue to have a future as a country. again, it's a misrepresentation of the facts, the address, how big celebrating they are organized. and they can do this every year. this our families, the people that came to attack this communities are holding it as a terrorist. uh, the, the, the western governments, the support of them gave them blanket. silas incentivized them to come to europe. and now they see this of the entitlement and they'll go to the talking. they are trying to me to choose to opt out. they're trying identity, decided to feel a to got to post liberal. she brought pages and degree because they are defeated, a sense of their reality just trying because they wanted a greater to ride. and unfortunately for that,
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they were not able to do that. so they are lashing out in ways that are dissipated . okay, thank you so much for your time. we will have to leave it there. that is a manual beat of miriam. a tran, rasa and analysts. thank you. thank you very much. you kind of in prison for a lot of minutes. savanski has announced the dismissal office, defense minister saying you approaches a needed lexi rest. nicole spent much all his time, securing billions of dollars with a military aid from caves, allies, but his ministry, his vice, a number of corruption scandals. he dismissed those as smith, as the landscape says he expects parliament to support his nomination, rest them immoral for for the wrong. yeah, way to show for it was does that mean the menus that overall no green. i have decided to replace the minister of defense of ukraine elect. the resident coff has been through more than 550 days of full scale war that is simple through. i believe that the ministry needs new approaches and other formats of interaction with the
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military and society as a whole. of a lot of major lensky has page to clean up all the is one of the most corrupt countries in europe as you cry and looks to join you and nice her opinion. a businessman has been arrested on charges of food and money laundering from mcbride's reports. from cave away from the front lines it's you brains out the battle, the could impact the outcome in this war. the fight against chronic corruption. there is some sort of institutional inertia that's your to not just easily overcome within uh like, like within a couple of years and then say that it's over us and you might do locked heads, a new agency designed to make defense procurement more efficient. there's been a series of fraud scandals involving military contracts. the government says it's determined to tackle corruption to make you crane more acceptable to it's overseas, back as well. i understand that this war is about values. we understand that this
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values, they are certainly about uh, making the government accountable to its citizens, not the other way wrong. and the billions of dollars in military aid ukraine receives from overseas is quickly being matched $5000000000.00 small, the reconstruction. the task of tackling corruption is made all the more urgent given the massive effort that will be needed to rebuild ukraine off to the school. earlier this year, on the 1st anniversary of the invasion, the price tag for recovery was pulled at more than $400000000000.00. giving good sense of the scale of rebuilding that will be needed when the guns full silence. when civil society organizations are exposed, interruption is proving that there is onto corruption fighting ukraine. happening right now, despite that, there is large scale invasion, diarrhea,
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collecting your cars, being campaigning against corruption for more than a decade and sees change happening. driven in pod, she believes by ukraine's move, be internationally accepted. the next step of the unit goes stations about membership. it will open up the new package of leverage for us for civil society to unplug, the of the government, to delivery forms and also the perspectives made a membership for many he, a success in this war will be measured not only on the battlefield, but in the kind of civil society that emerges from it. but mcbride, i'll just say era. keith man, so to becomes ukraine's new defense minister has been one of the negotiators for the black sea grand jail turkish presidents reach of type. other one is due to meet the russian leader of letting me a patient in surgery on monday and a bit to convince moscow to return to the deal. to such a battery for pulled from searching. half of you craze green exports across the
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black sea to nations around the world. but after july's attack on the curse bridge link you russia and crime? yeah. they stopped. that's what moscow quit the deal with the un and took you to ensure safe passage on car is now seeking to persuade russia to return to the agreement under which that's a c parts ship tens of millions of tons of grain. the 2 men last met and so she just over a year ago, after the green deal was reached. now the russian president is refusing to allow safe passage for more than 20 percent of the world's grain supply. so when you do, even though your president, putin says the agreements and rich western businesses and promises made to exempt of russia, exports from sanctions have been broken. a sentiment echoed by the russian foreign minister during a meeting with his turkish counterpart in moscow last week to bring it to me or to me as soon as the measures are taken to solve all those issues that have remained
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unfulfilled. despite the promise of the un secretary general, whose efforts are appreciated. as soon as the talks turn into concrete, decisions will be ready to resume our part of the green deal the same day. of those measures. moscow wants include the reconnection of the russian agricultural bank to the swift international payment system that was cut off by the e u in june last year. and all the rushes green and 1st advisor exports are not subject to western sanctions. it says curbs on payments, insurance and logistics are hampering shipments and it wants them lifted. the un secretary general says he has sent a letter to the russian foreign minister urging resolution. we believe that the black sea initiatives has given a very important contribution to make the foods markets. moss has equates to all of the objectives of food security to that. russia's foreign minister says nothing in this new proposal. guarantees versus demands where we met
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. president vladimir put in summer residents, which are of rotate and imposing style in error. a palace near here is where he will host his turkish counterpart on monday. a storage location for a grand event as a turkish president and 6 to restore order and convince the russian president to agree to a new deal. his failure or success will have global consequences. dorset jabari l g 0 searches us, but there's plenty more ahead on this news out including keeping up the pressure of thousands really in the she has capital for 3rd day, demanding friends with towards the troops and the invested in an uncertain future. why more than a 1000000 university students? and so don, unable to continue this studies and the perfect 10 rice wins as mex, wisconsin takes victory at the italian chrome pre. that's coming up with roland sports. the
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american officials in north eastern syria are attempting to stop fighting between arab and kurdish allies. civilians were among several people killed last week during the violence in the region of the as or fighting broke out opposite the could actually 3 in democratic forces. the rest of the, combined from a local era of tribe fighting is now taking place along loud slides of is, do you have controlled territory from the east and puerto and as or to live o and surrounding provinces in the north, the alliance of kurdish, an arab militias, backed by the united states, controlled large areas of northern eastern syria, shown here in yellow. they have, they know ships and these lines of control to 3 years. and hand rid, as you can see how the syrian government forces have secured most of the country during the 12 year long civil war over. so sit is following developments from
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a stand bowl and neighboring took care of the fight between the us that killed dish and out of practice was into making seas years. but the passion particularly started in 2017 of the curious let's as do you have to control of data as or improvements. that's all the majority of the population is. i would, i'm also a home to 70 large out of tribes up into the fetal ice drives have sold to administer the region, but that demand was typically rejected by s. yeah. instead of meeting the of demands as the for the extended control over the region and out of tides. how, how the demonstrations, i guess, as the several times over the years, they say that the social fabric and the demographic. yeah, the 2 of the region is as long as you need to vote by the us, m s d. and they also accused of trying to raise out of culture in the region. but the tipping point was the arrest of how much of the commended, of the data as old admitted to these calls on
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a former ally of the inside. a guest parcel of his arrest just means that the, the crushes. you've also seen the company side or is what i'm done with the north of the north of the concert. know the diplomatic efforts are on the way to be yes. can i distribution the american officials have brought more parties to find a way for a solution. however, that deprives of demands, they say that they want, as they have to stop the force, constriction of the miners and out of citizens. they want the employment in the living conditions in the region. and also they want to see the presentation in administration of the region and they said that they would not stop on to the demands are matt likely set that up to 0 to stumble of the serbian democratic forces were found in 2015, nearly 4 years. often um, rebellion erupted against president the shotwell assault washington. um the if the if and 2017 as part of the fight against iceland, northern and eastern syria,
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it's mostly made up of kurdish fighters. some ethnic militias including arabs, lift the force off to the face of the iso in 2019 joshua land. this is direct to all of the sense of the middle east studies that the university of oklahoma explains why the u. s. must urgently resolve the conflict between cushion error, malicious and syria. well, we've seen a video surface thing just today and yesterday of various isis groups in the shadows, they're taking a little video to themselves, claiming that they're going to come to liberate l, hold prison. and to $60000.00 prisoners, isis prisoners, mostly women and children that are still held in camps in the northeast. now this is a very uh, you know, this is a strategic claim by isis. because a, these, most of the prisoners that are being held by the sds, are uses prisoners, our error tribes, women,
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and men who have joined ices from the local air drugs. so by say they're going to, will, they're going to liberate them from the kurtz, in a sense they're, they're trying to find a wedge issue to bring the tribes on the side of isis against the s d f. and that's what's particularly dangerous for the united states. thousands of people are demonstrating outside of military by some issues capital in the i me for the day that demanding the departure of about 1500 french soldiers relations between nisha and former colonial power, france of deterioration since president's moment presume was full stamps. and the crew in july of the address has moved from outside the military base as they came in the numbers. but nowhere near the figures we saw on saturdays when hundreds of thousands of the supporters turn up at this military praise. but before their arrival on sunday, the security causes why ready for them?
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5 years, i'm plugged into a set out around the military base. yeah. which is causing at least $1500.00 french troops now, because everybody is set up around the military base. the protest as what compartment allies interest, one, a group that was easy for the security forces to control, move on to control the crowd. as a result, what do you see over there behind those is that is one who was preachers are being delivered on people watch. jerry and people are because after one after the other what condemning the french. it's military. it's a part of the, the gentleman community of west africa says i'm states inmate echo was groups of people who are supporting i'm going to change the version is yeah, but more than one way past the deadline given to the printer and present it to me. they still are wrong, and so more than $1500.00 french face in this bad,
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it's all military base. this is what they protested. one done. they want them to leave a long time with me. i'm positive as ways. yeah. and is very popular. but again, many people they're organized as of this the most pressing the protest as themselves. i'm even members when somebody believe the cross is front of a dangerous reaction from the supporters as well as the june to attack these. yes. and that is what they are asking. their supporters not to try to do there was to, to embed on such a day when sizes tried to break the protection of the cold on, around the military base here in order to confront the principles of but also under control. how many degrees as is it us? recently getting green will be sold in is a couple transitional presidents on monday. but the country is all positions as the jump to is legit and bits and cooling for a recount of the votes from august presidential election. nicholas hawk reports
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fear and uncertainty ahead of the swearing in ceremony of good bones, gentle leader. but these are the ingram opinions are divided for some he is a break from the past. it's a new era for good on us. the old we have stuff that it's a new beginning and we are taking the right steps. it wouldn't be easy for leaky, but we have to support him. others point out that when he is a cousin of the deposed president, that he don't go whose family ruled the country for 55 years. they see him as a continuation of the regime. a bone go in uniform, replacing a bone, go into c scotsdale good. they mean, i don't think the military is fit to manage your country because to manage your country, you need a social project. in my opinion, they have to redo the elections. you have to have a president that the government needs people have chosen and breaking his assignments is good bones. the opposition in coalition candidate from august
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presidential election of back into with says he won the vote and is the legitimate representative of the people, not the june to the you just see the book good. i'm a democrat and a democrat doesn't accept the crude data, either your democrats or your or purchased from that moment on. i ask the military to return to republican order. the dentist says the vote was marred with fraud and lacks credibility on leaky promises to bring democracy to his country. a promise made to the people of good bond before but never failed. nicholas hawk al jazeera, a democratic republic of congo or government delegation has been sent to investigate the killing of at least 46 civilians. and the eastern city of going to the group was sent by president felix to shoot katy following a military crackdown on demonstrations against united nations peacekeepers. since
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last year, the un mission has faced the public backlash. commit accusations, it's filed to protect civilians against finances. the u. n has demanded an independent pride almost 5 months of filing. and so don has destroyed nearly 60 percent of schools and universities. the rest of either been closed by the government or turned into shelters for refugees of the complex stephanie decker reports. this isn't what a mad had in mind for himself. his studies have cartoon university had been put on hold since the war stars shooting through dawn and april. now he makes ends me by selling food. universities have closed indefinitely. i mean, i'm not positive since 2019 universities have been under the pressure of political unrest, then the revolution. and most recently, the ongoing war or future of students is filled with that doesn't have to imagine the only one facing and uncertain future. the academic journey is more than 1000000
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undergraduates has come to a hold of to universities, closed their doors, thousands of academic archives and student files in many academic institutions. i've also been destroyed or stolen. the ministry of higher education justified the decision to close them, saying they've turned into shelters for the displaced the cut off. this decision was built on solid reasons. the premises had been transformed to a shelter for those affected by the war and difficulty of movement within the country. that provinces is another reason for the closure of the government is no longer able to afford to pay salaries to university stuff. the losses suffered by academic institutions who don't are estimated to be around $3000000000.00. many have been damaged in the fighting. 60 percent of universities and schools are reported to have been destroyed, ruined to, at least for now, the dreams and academic future of hundreds of thousands of students. stephanie
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decker, o g 0. if it is being investigated at banding, then festival off the heavy rain full strength of tens of thousands of people in the nevada does. the festival side has turned into much pulsing organizes to close access to and from black rock city to 73000 people attending pending man have been asked to stay in place and consume food and voice. a cell reception has been patchy but one trip festival going managed to send his experience there's no vendors for food. no um. ready a bunch of the really nice people that are sharing with they have are care of things out supplies and we have a kind of a mix ship kitchen where we prepare 2 meals a day and we still been preparing meals for our campers here in cherry. you know for people that are there. ready needs so i don't, i don't think they're gonna be worried that people are going to run up to or water . here's what's the hit on al jazeera,
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a curfew is lifted in the rocky city of cook cook and funerals or help to those kills instead of those bonham's victims of violence. how months of ethnic conflicts in india's multiple states is depriving people of medical care and a role packed with these sports news, including action from the big guy between also and next united plus players on the way of the us, sorry for and with, for the final price is half the graphs, the, the hello there. we saw some very unsettled weather across europe. over the weekend, things are improving. we'll see more in the way of settled conditions and sunshine, certainly across the western most central areas. thanks to an area of high pressure . we're just starting to cling on monday,
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but we still got some heavy rain pulling across spain that quote, flooding in the east. it will work its way towards portugal where we are expecting the rain to link up monday into tuesday. and things are going to turn most stormy and certainly windy across the se for the bulk, as you can see those briscoe winds blowing down into grease rain. it's lucky to help a wildfire situation this. so that's walk rein monday into tuesday. not quite so across the mediterranean, with it's amazing temperatures pick up and that trend will continue further north. it's going to be a story of heat nova scandinavia, though places like noise. still seeing that very heavy rain continue before the east of this for western pots of rush, a little bit cloudy with temperatures picking up for places like moscow. and the system of this trend for the north west. the person on the island of on and lots of hot weather to come. he wave conditions expected this week. it's a simple story for fronts paces like powers. we're expecting temperatures to touch up into the early thirty's, or by the time we get into wednesday with clear skies and sunshine
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the are examining the impact of today's headlines. we're flying now with a new. we don't really understand what the rules are, how modern, setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. what can you do? boxing? i've seen goes in every sport, extra boxing, international filmmakers, and will cross journalists bring programs to enforce. uninspired. how old are you?
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this is nebraska lady how old her code is. barnowski to 0. the, [000:00:00;00] the for you. what you notice here, a reminder about top stories, the salad, ukrainian presidents, a lot of missile lensky has dismissed his defense minister saying new approaches on needed. alexi risk. nicole secuity millions of dollars worth of military age from keats allies. but his ministry faced a number of corruption scandals. american officials and ne, in syria are attempting to stop fighting between arab and kurdish allies violent
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split. and as all of the courtesy slaves are in democratic process, the rest of the command of an allied arab correct. these ready, prime minister has called the immediate deportation of are trying to sign him, seek his impulse and violent protest. some televi tv's is where the police went among 170 people in judge on saturday, as retry and exiles forth with retry and government support this as well as home to 20000 or try and refugees, 90 percent of them, a seeking asylum as well has acknowledged refugee status, but only a small number of them hold on a mini and or translate to foreign countries since independence in 1993. but to the mind and con joins us now from tel aviv. she is kind of found to of african refugees, women's collective. thank you very much. as to being on al jazeera festival watching some of those them as of the violence and the damage to people in property
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. i'm interested in yahoo have every right to the ports. those that were involved um hi, thanks for having me on. um. well in my opinion actually just getting off the, the, the, the protection as being on the cost the government for a long time. and they really had a attempts to, to pull it in 2018 when there was a civil uprising. and israel was quite undecided, entered, and people manage to stop the government's going through with the people taishan make, or that it was overturned by the supreme cole's back to so, so right now, this is nothing new. it's just a, maybe a category stole and actually got me. if this one is breaking up and when they're coming out with different sessions, right? yes. if this one is breaking out in any of the country around the world, wouldn't the author already say i have the right to try and put an end to this because, i mean, it's not just the protesters that we're into. there are
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a number of police officers as well. oh, wow, absolutely. i mean, it says it ready? preventable situation. and the cash is between pro and anti american forces. that'd be happening on your next president providing in european countries on the stand. and the police have been warned that this event, which was made to be a sort of an edit trend and to see advance should be cancelled because it for the extra get for the thousands of asylum seekers with lead the regime and the air tra and left behind family and the country that they live and the, and this is seen as a, as a, as a bill took as a back shack for them. it was suggested, said it'd be canceled that it was not canceled. unfortunately, there was an extreme violence, there was police protect including the use of the 9 fire. and unfortunately, many people were injured including as you say,
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do many police and editor and assign because with this it was 20000 or try and refugees. and the southern citizen is right. well, what is the major general cod for them? and can you just outlined a couple of the reasons why they are trying to escape their own country? why, why they have, are you asking why they have tried every track? yeah. and, and why they've chosen israel as, as a place to try and seek asylum as well. um they been, you know, the numerous honesty said one of them is that people, um, people fled out of their countries. you don't necessarily choose immediately where you go to some people. so they went to the board of, of c dad and the see us. yeah. and some paperwork from the smugglers through the sign i many wanted to go to europe, a document was capital. many will kidnaps it was she went trafficking and told you on the way to as well through the sign. i was
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a terrible jeremy which has been very, very well documented. and you know, at one point that was 7000 victims of georgia in israel to an asylum seekers from east africa. can you just talk through a little bit about this compulsory military conscription and what sort of impact that is having especially on the the use of or trial um i asked him about me to construction eritrea. yes. i am. yeah. and. and just yeah, the place. mm. hm, i mean, i know people fled people a letter to almost all the population i understand because of the because of very compulsory and military service from the age of 16 to the age of 65. so basically your entire adult life and this, this is most of the air trends that have said that i know all that has come. j a has fled, and the ministry regime and the other chair which has been described last in north
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africa as a north career of africa and people have escaped compulsory made the service for the entire adult life. okay, thank you so much. oh yeah. yeah, but it will have to leave it there, but thank you so much for your time. we really do appreciate that that has to be mind and kon from the african refugees we mentioned collective. thank you. so i guess the catch you imposed in the rocky city of cook has been lifted. the shut down was ordered following violent confrontations between kurdish ero been ethnic. took many communities. at least 4 people were killed. i'm at my moods, i was over. he has sent us this report from cook as life is getting back to normal in the rocky city of critical following such a day's fight as that left for dead and civil others. and now a few in order that has been held for the victims in could cook and the kid that was imposed on saturday nights has been lifted and the highway linking could prove
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to the city of that appeal that was locked on saturday has no when we opened out security forces have been deployed in the area to prevent any more confrontation between the life of the products. now good coke has been almost at the house of disputes between the both regions, the government and thought of that. and that was what it is in this and me, it's in the us to this region. and now despite the fact that it, many institutions menu for should have been calling for. com. but many here see of that this latest incident could provoke or isn't a conflict in the it searching now? is it probably minnesota how much? yes. what any the prime minister about it that the government has sent instructions to postpone the hand over of the operations headquarters to the cause this 10 democratic party in order to prevent any more violence in the city. but many people
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here like yourself, especially the arabs and to come and protest as say that this does not guarantee and into the crisis. because this is the pain of the problem. they believe that the handing over of the operations headquarters to the good this time democratic party is part of the deal between politicians it to gain that mutual interest is at the expense of the people in the city, especially at ups and took the money to protest as they say that the postponement of this hand over it, it cannot guarantee and answer the questions because postponing a problem and does not mean solving it would have to do i had a 0 critical. oh jerry yes. is that security forces? i've been filing a group of jet skis from the roll co opted they refused to comply with orders to
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stop. 2 people were killed last tuesday office trying into l. jerry invoices, broken media is reporting a stood man, was wounded and detained in algeria. hundreds of moments attended the funeral in morocco on friday. the 2 nations have a long history of tension tied to morocco's claims to the dispute of wisdom to hara one of the date is a joe french national. and his family says that lawrence legal action and friends in france, presidents, a manual crones, new pension law, has come into effect, advises the minimum retirement age from $62.00 to $64.00. the people will have to work at least 43 years to be eligible for a full tension. the change comes up, the months of protests and nationwide strikes. natasha. butler reports from northwest in front. this model sees at least 30 patients a day, a district nurse in north west and from she says she enjoys the job, but it's physically, mentally exhausting with little now was unload pay. okay,
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fantastic. i drive around a 100 kilometers, but some colleagues in the countryside can drive up to 300 the day. the french governments raise the minimum retirement age by 2 years to 64 for work is born often 1968, but many people will have to work beyond 64 to fulfill the required criteria that includes working at least forcing 3 years. and for model, that means retiring, it's 67 stopping what earlier would mean losing 2 thirds of the pension was calling to discuss was i can see myself lifting people i to be carrying the icon. imagine people doing this job, it's 6 to 7. we are asked to k 4 people, but no one k. so as far as the civic for his presidency manual, my girl says from suspension system need to, to change to save money and reflect the fact that people are living longer. they don't know somebody from most people realize they'll have to work a little longer on average because otherwise we wouldn't be able to finance that
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pensions properly. some in frogs disagree insights on say, months of protesting strikes moody this he had caused disruption and at times led to violence. the french government's decision to force the bill through parliament by degree. only made things worse. forcing the reform is not democratic by phone fault, since we're angry with crohn doesn't listen to us a fridge presidency. manual maxwell has fulfilled. one of his campaign promises by pushing through the pension were 4 boxes, come at a cost. the pension reform is left a legacy, which is very difficult to verify the presidency is twice to do as if it doesn't exist. but the problem is still lingering. and the fact is now is governments is very much, and course on the right side of the phone, it's called spectrum. so he has lost the left and the more time passes, the more is on the right. micros government wants to forward to head with more reforms, including on immigration, but it doesn't have
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a parliamentary majority. this week the president met opposition party leaders in a red attempt to build bridges, whether it work remains to be seen and is still simmering over the pension. know the next months could be challenging. latasha butler out to 0 shores a north west and fronts residents and mitre. i'd have been advised to say in doors, they have a full cost of heavy rain. with ours, he's in the city, shut down, train lines, and postponed to football game, up to the national weather service issued warnings for intense rain storms gets to your provence firefighters. risk people trapped in flood voices and the accost. tens of thousands of households last palette and taiwan as typhoid and high clay bass at the island on sunday. the storm packed winds up to 190 killing me, just put out. thousands of people were evacuated from mounts and communities because of the risk of land slots. businesses were closed and flights were canceled
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ahead of the storm to receiving treatments of cancer and other life threatening. diseases has become more difficult for some in multiple states in north eastern india, people from the minority cookie community site i have lost access to health care. since it's an exciting stance at 4 months ago. with best public hospitals in the regional capital, which is dominated by the rival, may take immunization. muhammad file reports to clinic by to is worried about the lack of treatment for breast cancer. the cost of care stopped when ethnic violence has talked to didn't, may, between the may take a quickie communities and she was forced to move nearby, hospitalized short staffed on the equipped for basic health emergencies. so he a my, my wife's son. well, she has cancer on a lift breast and was supposed to get surgery done and she's hospital and file. she
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did to came out of sessions and then file. but then the conflict broke out on the day. we had to do the 3rd session. we can no longer contact the doctor. for months of conflict in money for have led to any form of population exchange. more may take half a move to the valley where the community dominates, while the cookie minority in the body slid to the hills. victims of violence from the cruelty 5 cats. problem for treatment in find the state capital the which is dominated by the may t. that's where most public hospitals are located. we are having like, uh, sort of trucks issue. because like you to look at the location, we cannot get into minutes in s. we used to get in the previous month. i would like to request the government to provide us medicine to air listing, made us into our listing. and if possible, if it can, if they can provide us more dr from the mainland in deal because we cannot expect
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the doctor from the values and the conflict began after they made a demand to tribal state, assuming that to the quote key that gives them professional status to land drops and education. at least a 160 people have been killed as tens of thousands from both communities 1st from their homes. since may, the indian government has sent over 50000 troops. but so far off that i'm nuclear science, it has managed and the files, how much fun our design team, the funky ologist, have discovered an ancient pre hispanic science that was used for the worship of ancestors. the side of northern peru is from the vari periods that pre dies the impious. it contains burial changes, human remains, and ceramic offerings, the peruvian cultural ministry. so is the findings to allow for deep understanding of the lifestyle and ritual practices of the engine societies which inhabited the region but still a hit on al jazeera,
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nama csa scores political about his future with a couple names on susan, a full premier league round up this coming up the september. well now i'm just india, who's the g 20 summit, where leading economies will discuss global challenges. generation support meets the icons who are challenging preconceptions and using the platforms to change societies, wildly dis, gathering new york for the un general assembly with the ukraine and climate change expected to dominate towards the broad cost premier of a new series. exploring the implications of u. s. a. n g for golf clothes for the 1st amendment rights. celebration of sports and see is competition. is expected of china who c h. a game. september on al jazeera,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the son to school. now his role. thank you very much tom. well, we get his thoughts with the big guy with his i in the english framing league as last season's run is i've also been met just in our to the gunners had all the
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pressure at the m ritz. but it was united who sold fast, free markets rush, but it was the ingram 56 go against awful. well, you know, if it's phones will still set up pricing, but also what else the other random from the equal i see that captain martin. oh, to god put into the 2nd wholesale and much as united suicide one of the months when got a master ran through up to 87 minutes to put the bull post our run style bots. v i o. rules it off. sorry. i've been in the 96 minute off of $132000000.00 funding. dixon royce smashed to deflect it short in the from aqona, but also was finished with the north. you the pressing for an equal ours that gabrielle has. this was put through and he made it 31 to the got as they move up to 5th in the, in your simulate cybil. whatever, pulling up the, the, just 2 points of the lead off the baby aston villa 3 and another and feel some exciting dominic footballs while i set them up that way with the goal. and the said minutes,
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a magic hash aren't going to double little full lead. then in the 2nd hall, mohammad fell out. who was the subjects of a $190000000.00 bid from saudi drop out of 50 had last ways while he's still the to go find a school 3. know the little poll ruffles that adjust their speculation about some of the future hasn't distracted history. i didn't realize a little bit of a disruption a whole week besides answering questions about it, about not from people inside just on people outside. so i have no clue. nobody came to me and told me something would happen or whatever on friday, nothing. and i'm pretty sure i would've thought of call my didn't and more than look for a 2nd, like he thought about anything else, then about eskoville or crystal palace has moved up to 7. send the sorry, but while 3rd option pack 2nd house against what was that so far?
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a goals frenchman was the only i was struck twice to hell. then 2, a 32 victory was grabbed the consolation 6 minutes in for added tar, but they couldn't get that full impulse. an equal are exhausted. all right, despite now the league of trump is boss, florida needed a laser robot live in dallas. the penalty to skills 3 points against also sooner things look to be guarding supplies. when boss i took the lead through court and i would like to the end of the 1st off, but then the height of sorry, the car is also the right with this fantastic. go back to me. i below i said with just a few minutes remaining, the visitors were awarded a penalty and 11 bowsky put it away as he does for somebody to win 21, the likelihood and the league a terrible to for is the hard ground that we're in from spain league or the percentage amount of 2nd in the table, thanks to the full one, when at little back in favor of spark. it could've been by scoring twice us. sorry for that term. been ego sure. and tech will be looking tomorrow. so i mean to the quarter finals in new york right to man the 2nd. so you know that just which also is an action?
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well, the women's tennessee color and we'll call that books her place in the last night. she be the one showing you she's, that's the one that's the 1st time the check. claire has bite it into the quarter finals flushing metal also on assist. it has bodies into f says grand slam caught a final since 2009. the romanian who is seated says he is upset the 2020 to wimbledon champion, elena bettina in the last round. and now she's beaten the 15 c. belinda been church in the 4th round here in new york. the sister of it. so you coming in straight sets . the fairytale, ronald count on was not q is out of the 33 are all full. well, number one, making her turn to tennis off to are the 3, he is a why planning is a wall cost you took on succeed, tugged off a terrific mass on authorized, but the american golf had too much for danish, a part of the 366361. the final school it was a battle of the us i on authorized is 14 c, told me,
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poll took on his young compact fits the on seated. ben shelton not. you may not have heard much about ben shelton before, but you may well do off to this before the 20 year old upsetting pole to reach his 1st us i sent for to find a winning in full sets. he's now much he's best ever before was at a grand slam. having weeks the last i had the all straightening i put in earlier this year. well another rice and another record for max to stop, but he secured i ted sprites, when with victory of your time in gold. pre on sunday the stipend stopped in the 2nd behind cala science at long as the buffet cost is for already a part of the on the 15th lab and from then on just saw the rest of the season. no one could match the red bolt. i see that perfect 10 of victories has given for staff and a huge 140 hard point need are the, his nearest bible and teammate, said you have paralyzed in the drive. the standing power is finished. the secondary loans that with science completing the party. i'm
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a very happy with something that you don't even think about trying to trying to achieve this is very unlikely. you know that those kind of things happen, but they're very proud of that it happened and in general, of course, very product for the team as well. and also today again, i mean the whole year so far as to be pretty incredible. but also want to hear amone's i think is pretty special. martha gp well champion francesco bag. i know it's been taken to hospital officer across the catalonia molto gp this accident on ton one, took out multiple barks instead of a chain reaction which so the, the time to catch, you write the notes into the list, assign a goal, went on to win the race and dedicated the victory the backyard to create a new zealand of kept to live that teach right the series with england of to winning max 3 in building and on sunday, having smashed 202 for 5 off. but 20 is the new zealand bowl. is then bold in the dallas, so just $128.00 to wind bar,
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massive 70 full runs and they can level the series. if they with the final guy that takes place on choose that i side that is a full. is it bob? because your captain heat streak has died at the age of 49 from cold on kansas, frequent and bob bays by successful bowler in test. and one day cricket he played 65 test matches and took 216 wickets while it took effect at 213. or we could see no d eyes in 2021. he was banned for 8 years for corruption and was still serving that fired at the time of his day. now south to thousands basketball present. lou old daniels told al jazeera, he believes the country can dominate the sport one day. they made history on saturday by reading that fast, well, come back against our goals and that also i secure their place. so the powers olympics next year. the thing was only for them 3 years ago and it's dang, who loudly funded and recruited the place when i took over as the president of basketball for the ration in south sit in,
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the idea came as nobody was there to take the position and i knew the potential of what we can do in basketball. so when i took over, there was no funding. this really nobody had the vision of you know that south. so data will be capable going to walk up. that will, will have an opportunity to go to the olympics even play an arrow basket for our people back home that didn't exist. that would take crazy amount of work to, to achieve that. i believe otherwise. i really believe that we had the talent. i believe that we are one of the best teams in africa. i believe that we can dominate in basketball. and just like how can you dominates in track and field, just like if you, if you does or just like jamaica doesn't sprint. and so i decided to put my money where my mouth is and really funded to just show people that we can, you know, be out there. and we can be as good as everyone. and when we did that, you know, the players and everybody in my federation really surprised me by what we were able
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to accomplish and where we are now with just 3 and a half years. meanwhile they tell they have reached the basketball, woke up quarter finals for the 1st time in 25 years. they beat for re cards 73 to 57 in when they loved the italians out guarantee to have the best well come finish since pricing 6 back in 1998th us side stuff with that 1st last at this well cause they went down to 110 to one our full to lithuania, i seems, had already qualified for the quarter finals, and despite the loss, the us have secured their place that next year as powers olympics as one of the 2 highest finishes from the americas region. english gulf of month, fitzpatrick, seals, one of the law spots available on the european ride a comp team that despite this light collapse, that cost in victory of the european boss has been switzerland depot. get 3 of the last 4 halls to share the place. and that is all your support for now. they'll be more like to so, but,
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and thank you so much ro. well, that is all for may tell mccrae for this new job, but kerry will be here in just a moments with more of today's news state change so that the of the atlanta stein with legal tray. what you have here is not just american logical optics. you're talking about a political dimension where the spoils of war smuggled and sold to watch and houses, and private collectors, buying or selling. i mean,
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part of the fact is worth finance is to be headings of muslims in the middle east. don't sell, don't buy. that's one quick solution. ok, trafficking on i will just be around in the world of high frequency shed trading, exposed time is ended and that was basically trading. i could have lost $30000000.00 and was a terrifying experience. how onto efficient intelligence. as rates for stakes and risks on the money market is market scope faster and faster. we're opening up the possibility for an instability for no money bucks on out just isn't that the, the bosses with angela green. the says he doesn't find plastic quote in his. we've picked up a truck tire and a sun bed, but it's mainly bottles, plates, forks, steaks, fishing. net, all plastic. plastic is very busy and, and can fluid for years around the globe and oceans carrying with them fungus
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bacteria and al can we can predict to death with increase of globalcom creature and the sea temperature, the number of the stuff do we always going to increase as well, what changes to our ecosystem become visible 40 to 50 years later, but it's already too late by then. and chances of reversing it nearly impossible. the israel's prime minister calls for the immediate deportation of every trans asylum seekers. after running capitals in the streets of the


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