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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 23, 2023 3:00am-3:31am AST

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is detained since august 2021 which is 0 calls for the immediate release of its generalists detained in egypt. journalism is not to cry. the firefighters discover bodies of 18 people believe to be migrants in greece. but lodge while find something raging for the days. the hello, so robert, the watching over their life, my headquarters here in the hall, also coming up far as far as the north west into kia pulse is a suspension of maritime traffic through a vital shipping rate between europe and asia. thailand's formulated tax instead of
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walked his jail's activities megs on hours before his policy phones and new governments and a 12 hour roll deal. and 8 people in the box install and rescued from the present table. cost taking 300 meters above ground. the welcome to the pick up from grease to kia from hawaii to canada, dangerous wildfires of sweeping across the pots, the 3 continents right now. families have been up rooted from the homes, entire towns and villages, but the ground in northern greece firefighters. say that they found 18 child bodies of people believe to be migrant. wildfires that have been waging the days. drugs helpless begins all the coverage from the nearby port town of alexandra police on the greek keyboard on the hills above alex, i'm to police
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a roof furnace of heat and smoke and flame firefighters. stand toe to toe with a blaze baffling to push back in front of the despite the crews. extraordinary bravery the fires of being friends by gale force winds. there is little that can be done to stop them around the house, up the way to fly, stall to it has completely burned down. there is nothing left now the far is moving downwards towards the rest of the village. for example, if we could have another fire only fire, that's what we could see. the wind was so strong and no one could do anything. no one. it's here. that size is found 18 buddies on tuesday as shop and shocking increase in the desktop from these wild fires. this region is close to the border with tucker, and it's hard to say the victims may have been migraines trying to reach your the
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blue lights event, the lenses snakes, the way through the safety and convoy as the glue. the advancing wildfire group price and closer to the suburbs at the cities, 2 hospitals. the time for hesitation was passed from one to 100 patients. many of the elderly and frail had to be evacuated to safety. every available vehicle was pressed into action, even removal buttons and laundry trucks. they would take them to the cities port, where passenger ferry has been hastily converted into the closing cost of the passenger lounge. now re purpose does a clinic. patients placed on mattresses on the floor. nothings tending intravenous trips and oxygen line because you're stuck with one yet. i really haven't ever experienced this before and i've been working for 27 years. it's like well, conditions stretches scott that everywhere patients here, patients that reinforcements are on their way 565 fighters have already arrived from romania and molto snow and the equipment are on their way from the czech
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republic, croatia, germany, and sweden fast is welcome. use thoughts for those who have died here, and full villages have been displaced from their homes. it is already too late. a terrible twilight has enveloped the whole area. the smoke has tons, the midday sun, black, the glow of flames brings destruction and steph jumpstart. awful us out just their electronics will produce the across the board and took it, they far as far as ranging in the north west and province of genetically authorities, a temporarily close the dog at l straight volta way. so far as finding helicopters can scrape up sea water to fight the blaze, the key shipping route connects the a g in to the black sea, not local emergency services, say 3 villages have been evacuated, and traffic told a major highway has been halted from a stumble suddenly facility has been monitoring developments. i look forward to 7 doing their best to fight the fire and chuckle,
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a proven substitute here. the dog dentists freight is now open to one way. murray traffic from north to south. it is very important that there is no interruption in the trade that connects the black sea it to the agent and the mediterranean. that's why the position of the garden of strength is very strategic and very important not, not only about trade, but also historically the locals in the area are going through a very tough knowledge because the wind that has expended the fire throughout the day, so continues despite a slow down, according to the authorities, the wind blow 7 kilometers per hour and around. 15 kilometers of area has been effective by the fire and some of the villages that have been over the evacuated. who wants to say, i know the name of the houses are burning, and some people say that they can not even breathe. and the tip has the district of color, which is adjacent to the, to the center of a campus of the state university has been evacuated and the state hospital is ready
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to be evacuated. this is a tough night for everyone else. there. as the wind still continues to blow, when it makes it difficult to contain the fire scene after solar l, just the risk stumble. this is basically every uninstalling font is the battling a launch. whiles on the taurus island of 10, the reef. now the windows have slowed down a nonce, cut the plains from spreading feather and destroying hines, the canary islands, largest of a wall, find stocks a week ago. some 12000 people were false to leave the homes. in canada, the mcdougal creek fi continues to track more homes in british columbia and both of them $30000.00 residents on the evacuation notice in west colona and the northwest territories. 20000 to being forced to leave the homes from the capital. the yellow nyc fire that continues to be an asset control. the government has ordered residents in both areas to stop and involve essential visits. both communities and government officials, all pulling together to help people in need as well. but those are polls. the felt
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west colored were in west cologne, a british columbia, where people who have been evacuated from a mass of wildfire are gathering to register for assistance and housing aid. there also a lot of volunteer agencies here handing out the subsidies and food and the people that we've been talking to have told us that many of them are unsure whether their houses are actually still intact or not. as you can see, there are a lot of people here. some of them have brought their, their pets, that they rescued from their homes. many people are here with families and children, babies, even. so what's happening here is that people are getting registered. they're being uh, set up for, for aid of summer being set up for places to stay. a lot of people are staying with family or friends. some of them are sleeping in their cars. so it's
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a variety of things. but the over and over what we hear is the sense of uncertainty and also the sense of shock. that's a very, very suddenly and without a lot of warning people's lives were suddenly up ended with a pounding on the door from the royal canadian mounted police saying it's time to pack your stuff. it's time to get out of it. people are also expressing a lot of gratitude for the quick response by authorities here, which they say was very efficient and gave them sufficient warning to move out and save their lives. so far. we know of no casualties here, but that remains to be seen will be getting updates on the situation as the days go along. i'm rob reynolds, elders here in west colona, british columbia, or research as say, climate change, mold and double the trends of the weather conditions in record finds that east in
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canada, the macdougal creek can gather life qualifies early to have more than a 1000 binding across the country places that broke out 2 months ago prompted by an avalanche down wind from canada. pause in june craze the hayes and by the quality and the great lakes region in the us pots of the central and eastern us, including new york on the unhealthy advisories. by cold southern qualifies a share of being attributed to explain the dry brush halter temperatures and climate change that spring in. yeah. and blows out. he's one of the researches who collaborated on the report. he's research scientist with natural resources, canada, the canadian. it for a service and joins us live the from quebec, mississippi launch. i welcome to algebra. we just start with so many wall funds are merging the way that they have is old to easy to claim that it's all about climate change as well. actually we, we have proven we are with our in the us and allies is that, uh, you know,
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this year is a very, it's a record year. we have 15300000 actors that burn throughout canada, including in eastern canada. and the problem is, let's go back more than 511000000 after that as already bird. so when we look at the weather conditions that fuel, those fires or extreme intensity of fire, very, very warm temperature to drive conditions. those conditions. if we are, look, if you're looking to the past, when 5 minutes was way cooler than it is right now. so without any climate change, so without any extra old, any final thoughts about the climate change, we can say that those conditions like no more either. well, they'll probably be or more than twice then what was in the, in a world that is, that was not for me in the pre industrial era, while human impact on the globe leak, i system is often without doubt because what sort of changes have you been able to record in canada that draws sort of to the conclusion that the size that you're
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experiencing right now would do to bends into favorites with the ecosystem. yes, right. so because of the climate change, the temperatures are getting warmer, the kind of simple. they are getting much more much dryer in the, in a lot of parts of, of the country. and so these competitions are very, very far conducive so far. control that well they've kind of invited mold, beginning 9 more rapidly, more easily so they can spread also very, very quickly. so because of those conditions that have really changed since the previous to your era. so the fire weather in this is because of the warmer temperature because of the dr. barton foundations, they are getting much more intense. and that's pretty much why we have seen these conditions this year. so while we wait the politicians and industry just trying to lower the global temperatures, is there any way of mitigating physically these 5 some spreading?
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i mean, i'm in the office and they say suppose that is my suggest it would be in forest brush like battery is management of the area. so just digging trenches or fire breakers is that a possibility or making natural bolts? a battery is why to but actually those fire are so expensive and sometimes they are so intense that actually they can not be suppressed using the method that we are or noted. so even if we are using air tankers or firefighters, those fires are very, very intense, and the, those we cannot contain them. unless there is more rain on this, we are getting to, to winter actually. so there's a lot of those while fires that weren't indicted in may or in june, but they will burn through all the seasons. and the only thing that will be able to, to put them out is, is winter actually. but there's also something that you can do, of course, at the, at the scale of the fire. so there's already on the fire parking that can be done
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on the slides. for example, when the, the intensity is less, uh, less important. and also for to protect communities and to protect infrastructures . we can also change, we can, we can build the fire race. we can also use, of course, the air tankers or the firefighters when it's appropriate, and uh, and just to, to mitigate the impact of fire when it's getting closer to infrastructure is or communities. the one thing that we are hearing about is that when they're all these large files is of the countries and provinces a sending that result is in to help with hearing that certainly about what's happening in greece right now. again, while, while the politicians decide on trying to get the global temperatures down, it really means they have to invest more in the infrastructure to try and fight these 5. whether it be more plains, as you say, or more of $510.00 does to put the spies out. they need to invest in these areas as well. yeah, there actually is a lot of investment in canada just to uh to improve our fire buying capacity. so
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there's a lot of, uh, of teaching i would say uh for uh, firefighting. and there's also uh, money that he's getting through to better tech and to better um, better detecting the emissions of the fire and also to better follow the steps of the fire. so there's, there will be a satellite emission that will be launched in 2029. that is called a while far as that mission. and this, this mission is especially for, for canada. it will be much easier for, for the provinces, for the territories. one of ours to do better a follow better detach the conditions of the fire and to better see the fire grow so sure, and of course, there are many of the inducement also in the research young just briefly as we come to the end of this interview call gathering into by late to this year. well, everybody focuses on what's happened this summer. this next class meeting of global
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leaders surely cannot be a talking shop again. they have to act decisively. well, i would say that because our, our study is directly showing that funded change. so greenhouse gas emission is really involved in these and these impacts or greatly increasing the probability of is of course, one of the, of the situation. one of the reasons we have to, uh, to follow is that we have to decrease our greenhouse gas emissions to uh, to make it so that in the future, those of us will be not as likely to occur then within a different apartment which see what happens it's been good to get your insight bullshit. thanks for joining us from quebec. thank you. the problem is though, sit in a military coup and lived in self imposed exile for 15 years, and that's highlands full believe it takes instead of what it does return,
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don't need to be j. o that was late to full on this day where his policy will tend to pub by joining banks with it's full, the minute 3 rivals tiny change report. so from bangkok tex interested in what emerges onto the tale soil for the 1st time. in 15 years. the 1st order of business today of flu offering and to neil ingratitude before an image of the king. then waves and smiles flanked by his children. he drank in the name of quick handshake with friends and supporters. to minutes of freedom. this whole thing was the way, thanks upset about his them back inside the terminal to me, the police. but as supporters are still out here and, and find boys that come out in the thousands to welcome and i have all this time. besides, i guess i am very happy, i have only wanted to see him coming home like yours. maybe the country would be better. not allowed. do you come here today? and we are very happy. why?
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because he comes back to todd involuntarily. even if he has to go to prison die, and that was exactly where the former prime minister was headed. his crowd to support his way to the outside, the supreme court techs and was driven inside 3 guilty verdicts in his absence is to be so. and then as most pulse has talented outside, he was driven into plum prim, central prism discounts and sentence. but how long will the spend and so many think a deal has already been done for an early release. testing might have made some sort of agreement in order for him to be coming back. and in order for him to, to sort of bring some of the issues away from the parliament and from the court. which of those issues include the formation of a new government and finding a new prime minister the debate that was taking place in parliament across town of the several months of stalemate, texans political allies. prototype,
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say they formed a ruling coalition with votes coming into the normally it was clear, the military bank sent it to my approved top, sets out how we send a property. developing tycoon confirmed thailand's new prime minister with techs and should walk from his jail. so may still be pulling the strings. tony chung hilda 0, think of well still had held out. is there a 1st come by lies and george's election, some fashion case, surrender, and leaders representing the hosp, the world's population gather in south africa. those stories to the, by the big going little changes and crypto guarantees, disruptive technology to join with me and introducing a bill to outlaw crypto currency all the way to a federal financial system. because of open source software,
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we can create or money without banks or governments award winning filmmaker toast and huffman looked at all sides of the complex crypto crypto. the queen looked james and the engineer on ocean sierra, the documentary, the informer present, and illuminate our power. all to see these things for themselves and make up their own minds. witness on 20. award winning 27 years and thoughtfully consignment. it's an extreme formalized solution. i think it's designed to break international $1212.00 clause, janet, 80 percent of 8010 percent is controlled by can bring programs to if you don't pay any time on an amount of that. i'm trying to push myself all the time. pushing, pushing see the world from a different perspective. one, altos, air, the,
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the about to watch the officer lisa, who robin to remind the top stories firefighters increase the size of the bodies of 18 suspected my going to the area hits by a major wildfire. now those fine is all being sent by strong with thailand's parliament, has voted full set to tie. we seem to be the new prime minister entertainments of political deadlock. his appointment was an ounce of to be formerly to tax. instead of what pretend time was it be to the child. now the african union has suspended new jazz from all activities and does as a goal, countries to refrain from giving any legitimacy to its qu, lead is, is maybe
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a month since the military to pose debit constantly elected president human policy . the a you is also a warning against any of the favorite stuff or can security if this by any upside, is including best and reach some private ministry companies. well, the head, all rushes, the best summary group has appeared in the molly's capital. obamacare is getting a precaution posted a video online saying the presence of his group on the continent will make a couple free. and it's 1st public address since he let it fail verbally. the gates russian military leaders in june protection also said he's recruiting fights has like brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa, a collection of major economies seeking to 10 breaks as a counterweight to the west. and it's read the economic summit to injure him, his back ukraine's will. russia's great consolation and global economic table dominate to those tools. bushes present the document to, to address the got the reading and
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a prerecorded speech rallying against west. and the sanctions extension of the group is also set to be discussed in the summit. i do see that these to be the decision of stablish in the new development bank are present the market. the collaboration between emerging economies just coming to bank must be a global leader to finance the most urgent projects in a 5 time prison seating thing. and i discussed the ongoing conflict between russia and ukraine and its significant impact on developing economies in africa and elsewhere. we both agreed on the importance of dialogue and negotiation between the 2 sides of south africa, we are encouraged the tristan shooting thing has wrote come the piece mission as to russia and ukraine, initiated by african leaders leaching,
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changing mind quote. we have good democratic independence through great hardship and sacrifice and do have continued to explore a path of development that is in line with our own national conditions. all such we have done as a final analysis is to enable our people to lead a prosperous life. however, some countries i'm willing to use up to 100 minutes position half arbitrarily blocks and suppressed emerging market countries and developing countries. curbing cool, that's what he's developing. well, then to pick up whoever is catching up, seek to have donald trump's co defendants and that election into favor in this case of surrender in the us state of georgia tony's, but was the full but us president's lawyer and this call told is a republican poll watcher, there were books 19 accused of conspiring to over to the results of the 2020 presidential election in the states. trump says that he'll surrender on thursday i'll official has moved from the courthouse in atlanta. this is
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a huge moment. the former president of the united states had to post cash bill. he was treated just like anyone else who, with discussions between his attorneys and the prosecutors on monday, was agreed that his bill would be $200000.00. that will speed up the process of fulton county jail when he shows up to be fingerprinted to be processed through the normally he would go before a judge and an appeal would be decided. this just speeds that process. so i wouldn't actually have to post $200000.00. it's normally about 10 percent of that, so that's $20000.00. and it's not sure that the money will come from his own personal check book. he's got a number of political action committees that have been doing his legal expenses doing this, so it's like place. so money will come from that. want me can send the code on to the source of doing the last few hours. don't pump is jewel jewel about taking his branded plane and leaving the country. it had the head of the key to a corpse don't attempt to take a few more terribly well,
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particularly when it's talking about skipping out on bill conditions. but of course, donald trump should be here on thursday, missing the republican debate as we expected, hoping to stop all the oxygen i of the post coverage of that. so penny was hoping to get bump from that. donald trump is good to steal all way. at least 2 people have died of the heavy rains, southern parts of central chile thousands of being evacuated, but about 20000 people remain strong, didn't flooded regions. president gabriel barnet, chest of people to follow emergency alerts. so evacuations in the united nations has documented 800 cases of serious human rights violations. since the telephone seized power have gone this on 2 years ago. the pieces include torture, full disappearances and killings. a form of government officials and security forces. the gun foreign ministry denies allowing any extra 2 additional killings.
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6 children, 2 adults who were trapped in a cable car dialing 300 meters above the ground in northern bulk, the son of bean rescued. some of the children were left to safety before doc. this fell while others were late to rescued in ground operations. michael apple ripples taking a leap at nearly 300 meters above the ground. this child and 7 others spent always dangling between 2 mountains and a damage. cable call talk is done. special forces eventually lifting some of those stranded in the cart, hanging by only one cable to safety us. but it was an operation, complicated by strong winds in the valley, with the forces generated by the road to the blades of a helicopter. posing a danger to the unstable caught a stranded train to your old using what little battery he had on his cell phone made an appeal to a local media channel as they hung in the air,
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where the hot green, i don't know how to make this request but it's a motto of human lives here. utilities issued rescue all of us as soon as possible . is there a ticket in the darkness felt engineers were called in to assist in the risk of operations from the ground. right now we are installing another key move. so that to, to another, make shift trone, we can make an access to the ones who are already tracked there and get them out. well, sorry seas explain. they initially had contact with one of the stranded people who has since been rescued. one of the guys in the, in, in the throne he has bought a phone, but as white as by now, what can i understand is that his battery has run out and uh, the communication is no more with the guy who is inside the trolley before this despite the challenging terrain risk who is worked throughout the night to bring
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everyone to safety mike level l g 0 and you can follow the stories on the website that i'll just say that don't. com is updated throughout the day. you'll be watching officer with me. so rahman in tihawn, i'll be back with more news and half done. next, it's inside story to stay with us. the the while the monsoon rains are backing off through buck this gun, that's where we begin this weather reports. so plenty of dry conditions. up and down the country, a bit of a stiff window for a southern bucket, strong garage, you're looking to see when goes about 50 kilometers per hour. but the monsoon rains are intensifying across northern india really right across the country. so from the northwest in him, actual per dash right through to the northeast and are not troll per dash. keep in
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mind dark of the blue and the yellow that some more intense rain falling again as it was not to rains intensify on wednesday. monthly rates have also prompted severe flight advisories in the southern philippines needed now. island enough to china. i gotta show you this. what weather hanging around. such one, providence getting striped with solid bands of rain here. and then with this patch of what weather off the east trying to see that is just being driven into the korean peninsula. so there is likely to be some flooding here. well this the other day, tokyo sides 21st day. so far this summer with temperature is above 35 degrees, that's good enough for a new record. but with some what weather in the forecast on wednesday with temperature is down to $33.00 for this part of southeast asia, it's fairly quiet, but we've got a bit of rain running across for new island on wednesday. that's it. that's off. we'll see you again soon. take care. the
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latin america is a region of wonder, i'm joy, tragedy, and yes of violet. but it doesn't matter where you are. you'll have to be able to relate to the human condition. the i've been covering all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a light and it's my job defense lights on how and why. see what went wrong with the moon or $25.00, the russian spacecraft flashed on the moon instead of making a salt landing at the south pole. as all the country is compete and the waste of space was less than was a thing, none from the failure. this is inside story the .


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