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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 20, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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the what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's international perspective with a human touch zooming way in and then pulling back out again the a 3 year transition until civilian roles. that's the proposal for me to share as qu, leaders as they try to stave off military intervention. the hello i'm can really help if this is out 0 live from to ha. also coming up, thousands more people leave their homes and british columbia as wildfire as ripped through western canada. as spain takes on england in the battle to win the p felt women's world comp plus i'm to see and human and key to where it would orange will
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be going to the polls to elect a new president after a campaign marked by unprecedented by the new jersey military leader is proposing a 3 year transition to civilian rule. the statement from general abdur rahim on she, on a follow talks with a delegation from the west african block echo us. they also met with new jersey to post president mohammed assume that goes hawk has more answering the dentist called to mobilize tens of thousands of volunteers gathered outside of new year's nationalist take him to join the armed forces to the agenda. this is a show popular support for last month's cute, inactive defiance and the face of the threat of military reactions from the west african body eco box, which wants to reinstate the depose,
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elected president buses. and the crew leader general gianni delivered a message of his own after meeting an echo last delegation in the capital in the greenville plaza. neither the national council for the safe guard of the homeland, nor the people of new york war, and remain open to dialogue. but let us be clear, if an attack were to be under taken against us, it will not be the welcome to park. some people seem to think the costs delegation also met with president, but assume he's being held with little access to food or electricity. his health is reportedly deteriorating. we met him, we heard from him what was done to him. she told us about the problems he's facing, that people take the leaders that sent us here. the june to accuse him of treason for acting in the interest of a foreign state, alluding to france, the former colonial power, the tempe, didn't have a need to meet them all the wheel tact militarily,
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is to stop what could be seen as a contagion of cruise. there's been cruise in guinea, burkina faso, and molly countries who carry the echo last mandate like center goal and ivory coast, want to stop this. but these dates are seen as to close to france. the former colonial power for part of the population echo was seen as the armed branch of the former colonial power. the gentle leaders in neighboring molly in burkina faso have sent their military plains in solidarity to new shares coordinator general gianni. and his supporters seemed to be determined to cling onto power new matter. the consequences. nicholas hoped. alger 0. all right, we're going to get more now on the story from i did raise his live for us and then i during capital a boucher alright talk to was a little bit about general chinese address. what did you make of it? kimberly the dominant team of general the chinese address as being the sanctions,
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an indication that the sanctions and post by our courses biting. and he talked about how cool and insensitive besides this have been. and basically you said the such as have chopped off our supplies, food and medicines to the poor and also talked about electricity that we spoke about the transition program, city a transition program. it's not clear how civil society and the positions work. take it, most of the support for the crew is coming from the opposition. uh, based mainly in the capital. yeah, man, that's the main boss to know if they will position. is your politics for the last 10 years. so it remains to be seen whether or not they will take longer transition . oh, they will not. but again, what will determine, what if this will go down well with them is how fast he's able to resolve the shortages we see in the electricity, water supply and even the sellers have not been paid complete and maybe
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a promising sign, correct me if i'm wrong, the fact that general johnny met with a delegation that he had previously turned away, is that correct? and this could potentially signal a breakthrough in the tensions a exactly, it could be a break. so some, i'm going to see this as a breakthrough. but again, it's unclear at the moment how that costs, where is phone costs for the transition program, or seen this play out in monday, and brooke, in a fossil and those leaders are still in power. and there is no specific time table that the equity could say, would let. this would be the, it would be kept by the minister who lives in those countries. so pretty a transition program is an invitation that they're willing to go probably negotiate . but because we also wanted to keep pressing moment by them out of the heads of the many field soldiers i but the minute trips or just image of a holding by them as a bargaining chip, whether they really seem or not. what probably the next few days or a few weeks will determine what, what does that going to happen?
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no, not. all right, and just for our viewers. so i can clarify that was a, a class delegation just for those who maybe aren't following the story as closely. thank you so much there. we really appreciate that. i did raise reporting from a boucher thank you. at meantime in neighboring molly, the un peacekeeping mission is speeding up its withdrawal as the security situation worse since the military government has pushed the united nations mission to leave the country before the end of the year. fin 10. monahan reports the un peacekeepers in their in northern molly are rushing to pack their bags, dismantle equipment, and shut down their operation summer from ivory coast others from bangladesh. their objective was to protect this dark city of tim book to from iso and all kinds of fighters, but they're being forced to leave before completing their mission. in june, molly's military lead government called for the withdrawal of the un peacekeeping force, known as been news about saying there was no peace for them to keep accusing the un,
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if an action to the face of attacks and blaming it for the deteriorating security situation. the head of the mission disagrees. let me show the money actually and how i feel the mission did a very good job, of course is not perfect, but we worked with devotion, sincerity, and coverage. and we paid a high cost. 300 and my colleagues have lost their lives and 700 were injured saving molly? so we feel we have done a lot not enough says june to leader a seem equally to. he believes the country is better off without the international peace keeping force. but with the help of russian mercenaries from the wagner group, human rights organizations accused molly and soldiers and russian fighters of war crimes, including rape, torture, and the killing of civilians, their men to protect. number yeah, lot of mean by the, in the body and state and the body and we will try to take over those you in positions which appears to make sense. but given the context and the solar piece of process,
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their presence may increase existing tension. as you enforce with pulling out all kinds of fighters attack the compound and bear injuring several peacekeepers. since there's been fierce fighting armed groups against the valiant army and russian mercenaries, each side trying to gain control the compound, looking to replace the peacekeepers and goals in the middle or the people of tempe up to vince and monahan, l g 0. the artillery shelling at explosions have been reported in sedans. capital, as fighting between the army and the paramilitary rapid support forces shows no sign of indic. gunfire has also been reported in um durham, and across the nile river. from her too. many people are trapped in the city and they're caught up in the conflict that has been ranging since april the
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. okay, we're going to turn to our other top stories now, the 10s of thousands of residents in western canada that have been forced to leave their homes as to wildfire threaten urban centers. the 1st fire, the mcdougal creek fire, has destroyed several buildings in west colona in the province of british columbia . canada further north crews are trying to keep the flames away from yellow knives, the capital of the northwest territories. i'll de zeros patty complain reports. this is why wild fires are so terrified in an instant it shifts grows, consuming everything, and everyone in its wake. oh my god. this was nicky lawyers view from the passenger seat at the very ends you where the right to the right. that
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is where we felt the most intense heat in the car. you could feel a little bit of warm driving through it. but most of it, it was just the fear of all the rad. the read, the glow is all that lights up. the skies here in west cologne and british columbia were tens of thousands of people, have evacuated or been told to with a no numbers of homes and buildings already destroyed. we will start counting the number of houses when we stop fighting the fires that are burning today. soon as we know, we'll share the information with jeff and julie hoffman evacuated. but they say their community is keeping them updated on what they left behind remotely. with the doorbell, cameras were on a facebook group, a community face for a group that just is posting constantly. here's how things look right now up the front door. it just gets piece people some peace of mind, a reassuring glance at their past,
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and they hope their future after this experience that they say has only strengthened their love of this area. we were generously offered our friends house while they're out of town. and we've heard again, just hundreds of people offering their places, offering their acreages to store all of their vehicles in their, in their toys, in their things. this has been a terrible wildfire season for many parts of canada. right now, the country is battling over 1000 wild fires, many of those classified out of control and headed toward new communities. every day, patty calling out to 0 and stay with the wildfires on the hawaiian island of maui. search teams are continuing the grim task of recovering the remains of victims. cruise from washington state and the state of california using police dogs to search for hundreds of people still missing. after wildfires raised much of the
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historic count of the high, now the remains of at least a 140 people have been found so far. most though have yet to be identified. meantime, while cyrus are also raging on the spanish island of henry, for nearly 30000 people have been ordered to move to safety. at least 11 towns have also been effected. i'll just here, as michael ask for reports to rephrase it ends can do little, but watches the west blaze in full decades. for instance, the north of the spanish china walled fires began earlier this week and a mountainous national park in the center of the island. the fires have laid waste to move in 5000 the heck. these are land within a 50 kilometer radius. no homes have yet been destroyed. residents are appealing to emergency services to do everything and they policy to keep it that way. i'll get back and forth with the state of the fi is near the farm. we have a truck event,
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the farmlands, and or la haynes, or they every turn. it's a business that was doing role, but the for, i could completely ruin us. please do something about it because the buyers are right they. they're worried about the animals. they've left behind. the middle, something of the passa, the farm man, are in front of the houses. we want them to stay the same, but the father doesn't go to the homes and maybe some of the animals can be saved. we all, as you can understand, novice thousands have been evacuated, but not every one is taking up the offer of temporary accommodation. the article just we are staying in the car, they offered us a place at a sports st down the but we prefer to stay in the car because that we, we can watch if the house bigs or not. we know that the smoke is hampering it fits the bath, hold a blaze from the air, but also already say they'll we're going to bring the wild fires threatening 11 towns under control. mike level,
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which is 0 and southern california is bracing for what the us weather service is calling catastrophic flooding. hurricane hillary is moving north along the coast of mexico's baja, california peninsula is expected to turn into a tropical storm. would it makes landfill late on sunday? for the 1st time in history, the city of los angeles is under a tropical storm watch. flash floods have already hit baja. these are the scenes from the town of central rosalia on the east coast with the peninsula forecast or say, hillary will bring heavy rain as much as a year's worth just a matter of days. the right time for short, right, but still ahead on al jazeera watermelons had to the poles to elect a new president with crime and corruption dominating the campaigns. stay with us, the
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frank assessments $3000000000.00. is it going to be enough to get, i guess, on the economy back on track? the short answer is no informed opinions for those who are attempting to flee to chat. how dangerous is that insurance is incredibly difficult for many people to manage to get out. but it's a great cost in depth analysis of the phase headlines. questions really? who controls what goes on an outer space in the future will be governments for won't be big part of the corporations and individual super wealthy cleaners. inside story on al jazeera across the us, millions of americans rely on conservative talk radio shows for the use of the detainment, diesel fuel issues for real people. the listening, 1st tunes in us is talk radio, evaluating america. there is no room for how democracy works is really just acknowledging differences that, that are already there. if anything, conservative talk radio created the republican party, talk to of
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a to fox special on that jersey to the colleges. the are with the the welcome back. watching algae 0 reminder of our top story is that this, our new chairs, military leaders, proposing a 3 year transition to democracy. general abdur, yvonne, she already made the statement after meeting a delegation from the west african blocking it was in the capital in may on saturday. the canadian province of british columbia has declared
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a state of emergency as wildfires ripped through the region. stories of order, tens of thousands of people to leave their homes, to a state of southern california, rather california bracing for what the us weather service calls catastrophic flooding forecast or say hurricane hillary, bringing heavy rain as much as the year's worth in just a matter of days the well england and spain spacing off in the fif up women's world cup final, both teams eyeing their 1st title. these are live pictures from where hundreds of thousands of fans in madrid are cheering their favorite teams. and we have correspondence at the found zones. we've got paul reese and madrid he is
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standing by for us, but 1st we're going to talk to sonya guy go. she is live for us in london. and sonya, it doesn't look like the england fans so far at least are getting what they want. still without revealing the score and maybe you can for us, what is the mood like there? i don't think there's any disguising the fact that there was tremendous disappointment. talk to that, go by kind of more 9. the 1st talk. that was a mess to the crowds is remaining resolutely pushing that team on full woods and positive about the whole thing that still time they think to do a for the so the women's team to do walks the men seem happy and unable to do since 1966, there is generally sort of a feeling hel, assemble one about, and i'm just a patient of the next go. uh, perhaps whichever side will when that ex full spots leading out to this. certainly
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what has been really driving the support has been the fact that the women's team is indeed extremely popular on what is what it's dawn in fact has raised support, raise the profile of women's football internal, even though there are searing discrepancies between the investments being putting up men's football compared to women's football. nevertheless, it has galvanized the movement to make women spoke much more high profile than it currently is. at one point of contention, of course, was the ok that in this final, this, this spanish queen that the dcf has indeed flowed out to a stranger with one of her daughters to view the match. and that it's something that hasn't been followed up by the president's all the football association, which we do instead is watching it from the u. k. all right, tanya geiger, reporting lives there. i'm going to cross to paul reese,
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who is standing by for us in madrid. and things, at least for the knowledge, looking good for spain, talk to us about the anticipation where you are the well yeah. so maybe would do it in august. as i said, if it goes time, the streets are generally pretty, i'm say on a sunday the committee was from the case this morning to solve and get for funds by the way, today in the later which is pretty loud and you can hear every time sky and give it to him because of all levels one to the really one spray the opening day. uh, the reason that it's in this, into a reader is the temperature is a really, really pushing up, pushing them over to very high hearing, but right at the monument. but i'm sure people be celebrating out in the streets and the hates and the fountains of a direct. what were you saying some action if they were not 1st women's woke up and
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talk to us a little bit about just like how important is this in terms of the significance of this moment in terms of the support in general as well. i think that's the best match spying against. den glenn, kind of highlights the, the progress and the lack of progress in the women's guy. and you're in central. anyone hopeful when spoken with getting a real face? i think we saw that with them winning the the european championships, and that is the investment most structured going into the game that it's easier for people to make a living, playing football in english, although that's still a chasm against the men's guy. but of course i have the issue with bonuses for, for the told about, but in spite and it's certainly been slower, we talked to someone earlier who happened, stopped playing the division football to get a normal jump because he just turned the hood and this frightened team a number of players left the side and the lead up to this woke up because of issues
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eva over logistics. and because they just weren't getting the resources to play football properly. dyslexia, incredible attainments, gulf, i well, having lost guys players. so explain to me when this 1st woke up, i'm down to play when it's full, then we'll get it fixed and not be humping. so i can make the sort of surprise have a nice in england. i'm the other one for me not as well. all right, paul reese live for us and madrid. thank you so much. i to okay, equitable holden's general election in the coming hours. it comes just weeks after presidential candidate was assassinated. the army has been deployed to several cities ahead of the votes. soldiers have delivered election materials and will be monitoring cooling stations. meantime, voters in guatemala are also heading to poles in a president run off. they will choose between progressive congressman bernardo era valo and sandra torres, a former 1st lady and conservative, can do that. well man,
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well wrap. hello is following the preparations of guatemala city. anxiety is brewing over the want. them all is national election. which county bank gets in guatemala city police that says she's trying to stay optimistic. i know that whatever happens, i feel that we should take it in a positive way and extract something good from it, because there will always be something negative. scully's thoughts echo the minds of many guatemalans as the nation prepares to cast its vote. the lead up to the election between center left candidates the matter what a bundle and former 1st lady says that this has been marked by smear campaigns, allegations of fraud, and even concerns over the integrity of the democratic process. the upcoming national election not only represents a critical test of guatemalan democracy, there's concerns over worsted in crime, food security and climate change. but it's the question over how to jumpstart the
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nation's economy. that resonates most among voters. it's one of the greatest challenges guatemala is next president will face is creating prosperity in a deeply, an equal country where over 60 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. i look forward is perfect, is compounded by unemployment worse, in which conditions and also the increasing price is between 20212022 the basic cost of living rooms by 12 percent. but salaries only increased by one. so these realities, generation, and immediate and daily concern among with them all, and i mean, they don't know economy say a lack of job opportunities makes guatemala, one of the countries with the highest emigration rates in latin america. with them i looked in, which is what they might not 80 percent of the economic, the active population disengaging for my labors. so therefore, when population can find form unemployment, they typically have 2 options of working in the form of sector, or migrating to the united states. just grandfathered in full set of fund or not. i
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meant to say begin issue. basically the owner update goes coffee shop says despite voter anxiety, there is hope the winter of sunday's election will have the necessary qualities to stir the nation toward a brighter economic future. even, and it's nice again, fertilizer, but they're the people will have their sable. so for what we're going to do is try to continue working in the best way to feeling our legation, to the extent we can. because the situation is also complex. much like the intricate part of brewing the perfect cup of coffee, addressing the many economic challenges facing the country will require a delicate balance of policy and strategy. but it isn't f o l d 0. guatemala city. was a past prime minister says there's no decision yet on when to begin release increase at water from the focus stream and nuclear plat into the c familia. she that was speaking at the focus stream is sites in northern japan which was destroyed by
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synonymy in 2011 the plan to release the waters of post by fishermen and neighboring countries. but the international nuclear watchdog says it is safe. at least 11 people have been killed in the attack in north western pockets. dawn police in the north was 0 stand regency, a bomb detonated near a truck carrying construction workers. authority say they were working on an army outpost. no group has claimed responsibility to police in india have stopped a meeting of a prominent activists and academics ahead of the g. 20 summit in new delhi and september nearly 400 participants and spent 2 days debating the g 20 agenda. so the critics of prime minister no render modi's government. they accuse him of using the g 20 summit to boost his profile. organizers of the we 20 conference, say police and the event, citing lack of
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a proffer permits. critics say assault on freedom of speech have grown under modi's leadership and then pockets start at least 18 people have been killed. after a bus collided with the van and punch of province. police said the bus crashed into a parked vehicle that was loaded of the fuel drums, causing a fire. 13 people were injured in the accident. and rushes, luna 25 space craft has crashed into the mood. after spinning out of control. this happened hours after experience. what the space agency described as an abnormal situation, the craft was preparing for maneuvers before landing. the mission was launched earlier this month as part of a race to explore the south pole of our planets, closest neighbor. and that's all for me. kimberly healthcare and the team here. and
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uh huh. stay with us. we have the weather next. and then the inside story exam has concerns about china is growing in fluids in the asia pacific region stay with us, the will cover asia, pacific india and the middle east. and this was a report. so let's go saki forecast just to these to beijing for north korea. and same goes for that ne size of china is still high heats and humidity across a few spots of mainland japan. as we shift toward that, this part of china, it's pretty much south at the yankee river valley, where most of the concentrated rain will fall. so for example, in one g, providence looks like a wet day for you. on monday, off to india, we've got weather alerts that have for a term for him, actual production,
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altura con states in northwest india is those monsoon range pick up and really that's where the bulk of it will be. otherwise just a few showers and storms falling across the rest of the country. temperature is just slightly above average through upper same province and punjab. providence in buckets done. and then as we look toward the middle east, plenty of hot sunshine to go around for everyone here. maybe the odd storm coming into western areas of saudi arabia, along the huge as mountains and for the gulf states still a times that breeze off the gulf. so it means a humid day for us once again. on monday in tow high will max out at 42 degrees and we've got you in for 43 and divide. that's a snapshot of your y there by on the, on charles times. you want to rate for hindsight, dramatize pod costs from i'll just here to investigate, re here from some of history's bucks, notable women,
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and unconventional and extraordinary office. i am free that gun, no communist revolution of everyone in china, new my state. you've heard all of them power it's time you have from these and 6 of hindsight is out now. subscribe. wherever you listen to pope cast segmenting a security line leaders of the united states, japan and south korea agree to shore up relations in the asia pacific. washington says it's not about china. does anyone can boost and what does it only mean for the region? this is inside story, the .


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