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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 18, 2023 8:00am-8:31am AST

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will increase the number of tens of russian arrivals. the 2 countries are to the thousands of the citizens living on the side of each other on this intrusion. i alena too is had a bakery and keep. for now, she says she'll remain here the dreams of the day, and she can return home the thousands flee the capital of kansas northwest territories, a head of an approaching wildfire, the mccrae, this is l 20 life from dow hopkins. so coming up the emergency services chase on weiss, malley island resigns mit criticism for not activating sirens. as the flames bridge us pushes for 3 ways. security co operation with leaders of japan and south korea
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at the summit in camp david. later on friday, the continued to ship the list, the ukrainian pools for just a defined russian warnings crosses troops. the key is posts for stress, the ball, pause, or threatening. the capital of canada is northwest territories. 20000 people have been ordered to leave their homes as the fast moving flames approach. residents of yellow noise from the surrounding areas of crammed into a local airport in thousands of cars have filled a major highway trying to escape both of them. jordan has more. the wild flyers are burning within 17 kilometers of yellow knife, the capital city of canada, northwest territories. officials say it's time for the cities, 20000 residents to leave. please take this order seriously and prepare to leave the
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cit, the city by noon on friday. officials already have started air lifting. other provincial residents who can't drive themselves just safety. those who can drive may need police escort to help them navigate smoke field, highways, emergency personnel say right now, the weather is working against them. there is a possibility that without rain, the fire reaches the outskirts of yellowknife by the weekend. it is approaching, but there's time to complete the community. evacuation 20000 square kilometers of land have already burned across the province. the prime minister has promised logistical and financial support to local authorities. some $6800.00 evacuees have already headed south to alberto for the time being. but they have no idea when they can return. russell and jordan elders, era the satellite images show the drifting smoke from fires in canada and the
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united states moving across north america. these time lips videos show the spread of the smoke and how it is forming new clouds. canadian authorities say the 669 out of control was 5 in the country. the head as now is emergency management service has resigned after criticism of the agencies handling of wild fires in the honda and inquiry has been launched into why the islands h. e. so not be allowed. alons didn't sound earlier. the form ahead of the agency said he was worried. the sirens would have prompted people to move inland towards the 5. at least 111 people have been killed. a number that's expected to rise as crews search for hundreds of people still missing. the governor of hawaii says he will protect land honors from being victimized by i'll put you in just a biased when my response to rebuild. nbc correspondent j grey has more from la honda. so what the governor has reassured so many about is that we're not going to
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let these corporation sloop in at, at a dire time for these families and by their land out from under them at a time when they desperately need that money. how well they're gonna make sure that they have a supplies and, and, and funds for these families as they now begin what's going to be a difficult recovery. but even more, so what the governor said point blank is good. any corporation, any company, any one who comes in and, and does that buys uh, this land out from under somebody who is desperate will face a zoning restrictions will face the highest taxes possible. and basically what he's saying that he's going to use everything within his power in the government to make it so difficult for them to build or use that land. and so he hopes that that will be enough to scare people off of the idea of trying to take advantage of some of these people who have lost so much here. and so many have lost so much. it's a,
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it's a situation that's continuing to one full and, and you really get this sense when you're here in the area and talking to a lot of those who are struggling right now that they kind of begin to see the initial shock we're off the will and, and, and are beginning to understand that it's going to be a very difficult recovery that's not going to last, you know, weeks or months. but instead years, there is a lot of work to do defense chiefs from the west african block, a co, well say, constitutional order will be restored, initiated by all available names. they are in, gone to, to discuss military interventions following the qu, last month shel strep. that is following the main thing in the capital across pomp and ceremony for the 2 day meeting and across the credibility of west african regional book at co us is on the line defense cheeks from across the region are focused on a potential so cool. last result, a military solution that gains to leaders in these uh let the resume
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to the, the width of the book. this would be ready to diplomatic efforts by numerous delegations, including echo with the african union, chad, the u. n. m. the us, the bids to find a peaceful solution to the crisis. that's so fall failed of the military leaders of the coo and need a full and what they say is a transitional government. and not only are they still refusing to free, detained democratically elected president mohammed bar zoom. but they are now putting them on trial victories and move echo as in many of the international community. se blatantly contradicts the juices pledge to find a peaceful solution to the crisis. image across sanctions and the suspension of
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international humanitarian aid is beginning to bite. and it's the people, many of whom support the to who was suffering the most of the we flooding security to come here with hyatt some days i find food of the days. i don't find food some days i can walk and other days icons. so now let's say there is no unity among a co us member states on how best to respond. now you're getting across the region, particularly from the parliament, from the people. and even from some members, the not deputy from get visited, which is the leading democratic states that the opposed to any use submitted to the 1st. so this is a project that is no longer consumption. this unity amongst west african states, political opposition within them. the danger of potentially causing a wide regional war and the risk of giving all groups like al qaeda or lie. so the opportunity to take advantage and launch more attacks despite these dangerous it
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seems that the west african defense chiefs of fall from taking the military option of the table, yet, charles ref, without you 0 across as the leaders of the united states, japan and south korea amazing at the u. s. presidential retreat at camp david's summit is the 1st of its kind between the 3 powers in some of the service side. this may be a possible step towards a nice hostile collaboration in the region. but mcbride reports from so 3 like minded lead is forging close that ties as they see growing threats common to them. old us president joe biden wants to build on the mocked improvement team relations between japan and south korea. since coming to office, japanese prime minister, familiar casita and the south korean counterpart to you. and so you have set a course to overcome traditional differences. so the bar is set low really to improve relations. and i think washington wants to sort institutionalize try
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lateral cooperation and once a joint statement in which the 2 countries commit themselves to enhance security cooperation. all 3 countries have been broad close by the threats of north korea's continued weapons development was designed to be over. in order to fundamentally look north korea's nuclear missile threats the republic of korea, united states and japan, most closely cooperated with co since assets and shared data in real time. your role draft from you that of the 3 have taken part in joins military drills and balked on intelligent sharing. raising alarms in north korea's only significant ally, china is watching this tri latrell meeting intensely suspecting the us. and it's ne, asian allies of trying to restrain its growing power at the time when say june's friendship is being eagerly sold by moscow,
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as it looks for any support. it is continuing war in ukraine. this was russian defense minister said go sure, go on a recent visit to north korea, which is allegedly supplying russia with munitions, followed by the 70 authentic verse re celebration of the ending of the korean rule . also attended by a high profile delegation from china. of course it also goes the other direction, you know, the more that the beijing, moscow and, and john young cooperate with each other. the more that sol, washington into a gear or want to cooperate with each other as well to shifting power blocks of the asia pacific as neighbors seek security and the advantage made increasing in security. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so the united nations security council has held its 1st open meeting on the human rights situation in north korea since 2017. you in experts, a warning of deteriorating bronze inside the country. they side the situation poses
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threats be only shown yags borders. kristen salumi reports from the united nations . as the agenda is adopted for the 1st time in more than 5 years, the united nations security council took up the issue of human rights abuses in north korea. the meeting was requested by the united states, japan and albania, accusing town yang of over spending on its nuclear program, while millions of people go hungry and are denied basic goods and the dpr case, repressive political climate allows the government to divert resources to weapons development. at the expense of the welfare of the people in the dpr k who suffer from severe economic hardship and now nutrition. the north korea has consistently denied the accusations, but the high commissioner of the human rights described the system designed to keep the north korean leader kim jong in power. the widespread use of course data,
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including the present comes 1st use of schoolchildren to collect thomas the requirements for families, trying to take labor and provide a quote of goods to the government and policies. cation of wages from overseas workers, or support the military operates as of the state and its ability to build. one young man who escaped, describe being forced to work in the fields instead of going to school and having family members in prison for not reporting his departure. the un estimates there are more than 80000 political prisoners in the country. not a single country defended the actions of the dpr k who's in bassett or decline to take part in the meeting. but there was debate about whether or not the security council, whose mandate is international peace and security, was the appropriate place to talk about human rights. north korea continues to develop nuclear weapons and missiles in violation of council resolutions. and china
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argued that calling the meeting would only escalate tensions while russia choose the us of distracting attention from its own provocative acts. yep. literally legitimate us bundled like you. so we all know the usa, japan, and korea as part of a so called deterrence policy, or continuing military exercises in the regions. way more a, more than 50 nation sided with the united states and condemning north korea's alleged abuses, saying its actions constitute a threat to international peace and security. they vowed to keep up the pressure on p on yang. kristen salumi al jazeera, the united nations struggling chinese real estate. john, if a grant has filed for bankruptcy protection in the united states, the funding will help protect its assets, as it works. to restructure it's dead, it's estimated if a grand or has more than $300000000000.00 globally. china is trying to reassure worried investors off to another big develop a country guidance. missed did payments this week. the strong it's quite has
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shaking the colombian capital of bogota, a hospital had to be evacuated to, to the 6.3 magnitude quake leaving patients out on the streets. it struck around 160 kilometers from the city. one woman fell to her death out of a window. they have been no reports of major damage. a silly hit on al jazeera, it will tell you why tourism has taken a not gonna polish village near the bellows. buddha and the sun may have sailed, massages willed cop drain, but the matilda is historic run to the semi finals as left the positive legacy the let's get going with your weather update for the middle east and africa. nice to have you along this breeze off. these are mediterranean means,
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temperatures will lower just a bit for places like a level you're now down to 42 on friday, still keeping that breeze off the golf for us here in the house. so it means another incredibly humid day on friday with a top temperature of $42.00 degrees. it is also humid in southern buckets done with this breeze off the arabian sea for garage he at $32.00. this will feel closer to 40 and still some activity in the north of the country. temperatures are running on the high side and ask about at 42 degrees in temperatures will be going down for the turkish capital on korea 37 on friday, but over the course of the weekend they will continue to follow. meantime for africa, we've got pretty strong winds around the red sea as well. so that's gonna lift the waves to about 2 meters high, and plenty of thunder read down points for west africa, likely to see some flooding here. meantime, central africa is some pretty big downpours around engineering on friday that extends right through the central african republic and the western side of d. r. congo. meantime,
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this stiff southerly winds will eventually make it into southern mozambique. so my put so it goes from 31 down to 24 on saturday, of the time stop pushing today. she's fun when we talk some entries that inform our present and illuminate our pie. our people see these these for themselves and make up their own minds. to sweden, this become a thing to turn your back against and i'll think groundbreaking stories for most award winning for making, etc, in order to one elephant conflict. it's a motor official mentoring with conflict, sweetness on $20.00. the
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you're watching l g 0 reminder about top stores, the salad. thousands of people are leaving. the capital of canada's northwest territories is a fast moving wall. farm makes its white and yellow nice. it's the west wild fantasies and in canada with more than 1005 spinning nationwide. the head of malware emergency management service has resigned to criticism of the handling the wall 5 and behind at least 111 people of data. that's a number of bits expected to rise because hundreds of people are still missing. the defense checks from the west african blocking code was say, constitutional order will be restored, initiated by all available means. they are in government to discuss a possible military intervention. following the coo last month, the recovery teams and me and continuing, the full di search for missing work has added,
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changed my many with whips to the depths when a wrong sized collapsed on sunday. sending a wave of water into the valley below. 53 bodies had been recovered sofa and now the 39 were cuz of it did in the northern township. fall call. 20 chang reports. a group of jade mine is stand over of bost open. pick all your degree on the valley below phill bye to ritual rain. mine is searching for the precious stones along the banks. are ya give you one of them? it's going to pull say those above my god. steve will seem to be shifting a cascade of rocks. 7 then the whole hillside collapses as it hits the water, sitting on the way, sweeping away everything in its paul. 6
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from the other side of the valley, work is trying to point out some tiny specks swirling around in the muddy wearables is more of the hills slides into the water to know the g line that you, we were at the spot where the large water waves struck it was a huge wave. i mean, we were able to flee the area by running. that's the only reason we survived. the rescue is have been struggling for days to recover bodies from the sides. very few survive the initial dance, the heavy rains hampering the rescue efforts in this remote part of know them. yeah . and boats on the reservoir. certainly able to drag the mucky waters with hooks more than $250.00 people died and similar accidents in the most jade mines last year with the precious stones that exact so very high price, toni chang to 0 rushes
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defense ministry has blamed you crying for attempting a drone attack on central las go. it says a defense system is shut down to try and near the cities exposed into fair grounds . no significant damage has been reported as one month off to the black sea grind. it will collapse. the commercial vessel has south through 2 kias, both for a straight from the ukrainian port of odessa. it was the 1st test of want to keep cold, say humanitarian colorado. the home comb, flights container ship had been trapped in odessa since the beginning of russia's invasion of your crime last year. but a step boss and reports from odessa and mariners are reluctant to take the risks. freshly harvested wheat is filing up all over ukraine. york's brett boss, good is struggling to send it supplies abroad. like some of the has 20000 tons of high quality weight stored and ready to be shipped. most boy,
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it hurts. we have been growing this for one year and it's like upsides you cared for it. you'll see that you're protected from this. after that you bring it home. you and now look at it. what can we do with it? which they have been 7 russian attacks on ports near odessa since moscow pulled out of the black sea green initiative, making the new deal with russia to protect ukraine's exports increasingly unlikely . your claim estimates that the russian attacks have destroyed more than $200000.00 tons of food and recent weeks with a unitarian car radar to country hopes that international shipping companies will sale the vital port of odessa again, sort of wells food supply can be guaranteed. the last march ukraine approved an insurance fund of $500000000.00 for ships willing to sail, but without safety guarantees from russia. the port bailey functions before the war
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on you was well, it was full of trucks, rail thoughts, shapes the boats, uh ships coming in, coming out of lincoln, patients floating, discharging bottles and it was full of noise. and you know, hustle and bustle of this 4th big 4th. but now it's opposite. the flu, successful journey through the black sea of container ship use of shoulder stuck in odessa since the start of the war is seen as hopeful. we all looking now how international shipping society insurance company being cyclops will react on this. i think it's not on the mild that due to being a formal sale, it's about to take the risk or not to take the risk. he believes only security guarantees will convince ship us to transport grain from ukraine's main. ford again, this is important because the ports on the roof was done you. they are using now too small to export. ukraine's massive grain supply right now,
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green from ukraine is much more expensive because the logistics costs, if we open up bigger support again, rain. well, the price was example, go down internationally. meanwhile, alexander tries to help small farmers to plan new crops with fairly little profit, and we binding up to some wonder whether it's even more fits next year. step 5, some l 20 to decimal region, given the pole in the arrival of missing rays from the russian wagner group, the neighboring bell roost is boring. people living near the border as how they've been johnson's reports. it's also bad news for hotel owners with p o customers at the height of the summit tourist season. this is where the, the ends people at this pool is farming village next to the board of and then of those have been living with uncertainty and fear. and you've got them all the, all of us. we do not know how to plan for the future. we do not know how to live, we don't know what's going to happen next month,
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next year or even next week. soldiers and border guards are everywhere. they'll also have threats from that notice fully for the visions accused by the roots of trying to destabilize the country, but commercializing migrant crossings. i think this prince was built with it is used to either help people of color forward, eastern and migrant. people in this town have but this benediction, helicopters entered policy is based, so they're aware of the threats, but many also see to build up on board or offensive motion sensors and cameras. scare mongering. the summer season is crucial for eastern poland, hotels and small businesses. they want visitors to return. i mean, york, savannah, is that the next? we don't feel any danger. we are open to visitors at arrow till we welcome everyone to who would like to visit us. i've got the return of all the tourist is unlikely of the government class to deploy up to 10000 troops at the border. soldiers will use drones and patrols aboard over it. there is no friend. we are here to stop
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really going my grandson. we are here because of the border guard and ask for support of police on forces coming in is if you can let me just from the board and believes heavy 100 measures a come to productive activists. say they're finding more people who are pushed back into better who's crossing back into poland and some bullet rid of just say the content, a blind eye, the wounded or hungry humans. the developer shows the best in customer from 2021. i started putting green lamps on the houses. it is a signal to refugees that the house is friendly and they can get who met a terry an age. my family has been through, i lost my wife, was pulled out of a call and pony security able to get into it. we are not going to stop helping people. it's almost an between phones, moral duty and national service. for g splitting hardship. continue to come. so i'm going to drop it down to 0. the poland, better to support this idea is causing 2 of its 6 border crossings with fellows. so i think the threatening geo political environment. the decision comes just wakes up,
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the russian found the group missing, race took refuge in the neighboring country. the 2 rural crossings are not used by commercial vehicles and will be closed from friday. poland has also close to but one of the border points with belarus, the u. s. has approved a deal for israel to sell a long range missile defense system to germany. israel wanted washington's approval because the arrow 3 system was developed jointly with the you, with the 3 and a half $1000000000.00 science will be, as well as largest military deal. it is rarely false as have shot and killed a palestinian healthcare workers during a ride. and the occupied west bank, the 32 year old was shot in the hit in chest by soldiers restoring the house and the city of jeanine at the mountain. mimic and a 3rd victim was also shot as soldiers a wrist of 2 young men shooting the victims in the process is where the army has also to melissa palestinian schools in ramallah. and some of the school in the
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occupied with bank was destroyed just before the start of a new academic year. the palestinian ministry of education has cooled, the attack in humane. it's asking the international community to ensure the protection and rights of palestinian children around foreign minister has made a very, a visit to saudi arabia and says, relations between the 2 countries around the right track. his arrival in pre ad follows a trip to, to run by the saudi foreign minister in june, china appropriate a deal to in the a diplomatic rift and to establish relations and much the gulf rival site. they will work together to in complex and human, syria and iraq with some sports news now in australia will play sweden on saturday in the 3rd place, playoff at the fee for women's world comp. matilda is impressive front in the tournament has won them and you find dice, and then spot a new generation of football players. alex told us reports from sidney of as the sun stops the set on. this woke up. everyone in women's football is digesting where
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the game goes from. here. following australia is inspiring run to the semi finals that goes with this training session and sydney still idolizing them. matilda is despite the fate to england, even the ones who were at the game. it was really amazing. the right when the crowd went wild was like, i couldn't even hear my voice when i'm playing. so we always choose someone from the to what is the that person who re, school we do those integration and it's actually one of the coaches from australia is youth development system is overseeing best practice and says there's been a fundamental shift in the way this board is the, i think everyone's starting to, to realize that you know, that when it's football is football and, and as i love this board assigned to follow, but it has changed. so it's changed in terms of participation that interest the
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commercially also. so it's exciting. australia may have lost the battle against england, but the war was already won, attracting new funds and players. so the sports, particularly young ones. i'm growing the guy both here and across the globe. a t. v viewing sake has reached as high as 11000000 in australia, not for the 1st time shattering records, but also perceptions of the commercial viability of women's book. to feel like we need a group hug though this morning. guys, feel it a little bit low. i feel you guys, let's get something with the people who really costs the space here and around the world, even when it wasn't in both when you was coming. gosh, we've always been waiting for the watershed moment in women's football where everyone realizes how awesome this board is. and it finally feels like it's going from a nice sports and something that only women's football fans are watching into something that's a lot more mainstream. everyone is talking about,
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it's not just football fans who we thought that we were going to as hoggard. it's everyone, it's families, it's kids, people and crying. so the matilda is it's been amazing outcry. the hope to fulfill is the young bills like this will mimic the new female football heroes in other countries to offer a tournament has been more visible than any before. alex thomas out is era sidney, the disabilities here. these are the top stories, the south. thousands of people are leaving. the capital of canada's northwest territories is a fast moving wall. 5 makes it twice a yellow nice. it's the west, 5 season in canada with more than $1000.00 wildfire spinning nationwide. there is a possibility that without rain, the fire reaches the outskirts of yellowknife by the weekend. it is approaching, but there's time to complete the community evacuation the head of mountains
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emergency management service has resigned to criticism of the agencies handling of the wildfires and la hina and inquiry has been launched into why the islands.


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