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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 26, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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when we were composing the play, she probably came and loudly declared herself, who is killing time here, and apparently it’s me, cut off his head, and the older you are, the faster time goes by, that’s probably what our play will be about, stage the spirit of freedom and hooliganism, a riot of fantasy that is only possible in a dream, and how much you don’t want to wake up, sometimes, of course, it’s worth it to see what happened while you were sleeping, i did. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program.
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hello, live on channel one, time will tell the program, i’m artyom shenin, and today is such an interesting day, interesting in what sense, that today is like friday, if you look at the calendar on the one hand, and if you look at the work schedule, then today is like thursday, i’ve just entered to the studio, and people who check the equipment, and they tell me, well, it’s thursday, thursday, i say, and tomorrow then, what do they say, and tomorrow is friday, although it’s saturday, and i say, what happened yesterday, yesterday was still one? well, that is , why am i saying this, it has an immediate attitude towards what today i want to try to touch upon both myself and my guests , to talk about this world, which is actually more complicated than it sometimes seems to us when we follow the news agenda, because the news agenda is obviously it consists of very important, certainly, well, significant things, and it consists of the ongoing
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conflict directly on the ground, it consists of the fact that our troops, enemy equipment and personnel are being hit , that new formulations appear there, which are very important, for example , today, for the first time in the entire time that i have been reading reports from the ministry of defense, such a unit of measurement of the destroyed enemy as a train appeared there, i wrote about this in my telegram today that i like this trend, it’s as if we are already starting in trains, yes , if we start already in echelons, then in principle. you can move further, there is, for example, a train on a bridge, a train in a tunnel, a train at a traffic intersection, and so on and so forth. there , in this information agenda, there is certainly an important and noticeable movement, for example, in the approaches of the americans. we talked about this all this week, consisting of two thursdays and some other days of the week. today, in this sense , us secretary of defense austin made a very important statement about the f-16. let's listen. this year, more than one
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squadron of donated f-16 aircraft will begin arriving in ukraine with pilots and maintainers trained by members of this ukraine defense contact group. this is the first time, we don’t think, we don’t consult, we don’t gather, they will begin to abide, and so on and so forth. movement, movement, important, important, and no less important, and maybe even more important, if you rise a little above this situation by the front line, echelons, planes. and so on, the picture is a little broader, which turns out to be no less, and maybe even more important, today, for example, the minister of defense meets in astana, our minister of defense met with the chinese minister of defense, the shanghai cooperation organization is happening there, they talked about very important things, which, of course, are an attribute of this kind meetings, well, it’s a fairly formal story that we train there together, conduct exercises, and it’s very important to attach combat personnel there. that everything is as usual, but
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you and i understand that not everything is as usual, we understand that when such words from the minister of defense of russia and china are heard against the background of the united states, which is already saying that we will supply aircraft, against the background of this they are carrying out some kind of conference, posing as peacekeepers, these words of the defense ministers at this rather traditional event, this is certainly not just like that, these are very important building blocks, but at a different level for that same agenda. in which there are no less important things, such as, for example, the fact that blinken, from the very states that provide airplanes, and who at the same time pose as peacekeepers, came to china, the same one with the minister of defense whom sergei shaigu is meeting in astana, i arrived, they talked with vany, with the minister of foreign affairs of china, and look what an interesting picture, well, as they say, two worlds, two empires, listen to the minister foreign affairs of china, listen, china...
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always advocates respect for each other's core interests, demands that the american country not interfere in china's internal affairs, not suppress china's development, and not cross the red line of the chinese side when it comes to sovereignty and security and china's development interests. the question of whether china and the us should stick to the right path of stability or repeat the mistake of a downward spiral is the main question facing the two countries. if the us will always be consider china as your main enemy, sino-american relations will be difficult and full of problems. one look at how the world could and should move and develop, and which is based on me personally. i’m sure, and not just some of today’s views of chinese politicians, the communist party, the chinese people’s republic, which is based on some centuries-old, and perhaps millennia-old tradition of how china approaches the way everything in the world should go how it
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should happen, at some stages this hindered china’s history, at some stages of history it helped china, when these 100 years of shame began in china in the middle of the 19th century, this is... stronger, smarter and so on, but because that approach at that time, he crushed this one, well, now we see that everything is different, and the approach, and the approach is demonstrated by tony blinken, who in response to this demonstrates a different approach in general to how it should be, well, he’s such a mess... well, on press conference alone, there’s no one next to him, it’s like he’s speaking to a vodinar, listen, as we have long told china, ensuring transatlantic security is one of the fundamental interests of the united states. in our discussions today, i made it clear that if china does not act on
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its continued support for russia, we will. the united states has already imposed sanctions on more than 100 chinese organizations responsible for exports and other matters. and we are fully prepared to take additional action. and this is also very revealing, very important, very interesting, this can also be important to discuss, but as i already began to say, today i suggest to my guests, since today is such an unusual day, either friday, or thursday, the second, and in the week, and some kind of may 31st, but to speculate, based on the fact that this news is very important. well, if you like, these are the bricks, yes, well, or the mortar that these bricks are, but we understand perfectly well that despite the importance of the bricks of the wall that is made of them, they are part of the house, and the house is part of the city, and the city is part of the ideas of a particular civilization
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about what architecture is and how to build and how not to build, and so on and so forth, many, many, many other levels at which, due to the format in which i work, we usually reach... . we don’t have time to get there, there is a lot of news and topics that i know that the guests of my program write, and think, and discuss, but the agenda eats up a large amount of our time, justifiably it eats up, but there are a lot of these other things, that you think about and talk about, not all the time we there we read who said what and so on and so forth, today on this amazing day, which you can look at from different points of view, consider it either thursday, then friday, then the second thursday, whatever you like, i just ...
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secret societies, they destroy humanity, they reduce the population of the planet, having come to nato, he automatically began to lobby the interests of bill gates, you give us the opportunity to conduct any experiments, this is an alternative structure that prepares nothing less bacteriological weapons, if
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it is beneficial to nato, some kind of epidemic may break out, a person without any moral principles, ens stoltenberg, comrade general secretary or an agent of the glass? dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. show, fashion verdict on channel one. i am with you, alexander rogov. over the past month she ordered. black leather shorts, bold, bold, red tracksuit, what a disgrace, i don’t like the way my daughter dresses at all, especially lately, how she ’s put on weight, a tough mom, mom really wants to, so that i can be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet that good attractive girl, all this can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me that... something like that can be performed in such an image , you need
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something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale, the image of your daughter, i did not expect such a result at all, this is a different person, lena, you are super, fashionable verdict, new season, tomorrow on the first. vanka, you fool, i can feel it the smell, these are apples, suddenly someone sees, he will tell his father, he will not have mercy on you, but what, i ’m not touching you, and we grew up together, we grew up and grew up, i’m bookish, you, the cathedral from april 29, on the first, who is this? made the little one an orphan into his house, the wife of the deceased persuaded him, pick up your holob
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, get out, you are irresistible, like a prima ballet, all the beauties of the world, i took the keys from my heart, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, tell me, mom i said you! strong without him not on the blue unrequitedly you did not expect such a cold wind at night remembering your cherished paradise, it was worse for the two of us, so know that if you leave , i will stay, let the russians not stop waiting for you. the golden gramophone people's award ceremony, premiere on april 29,
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on the first. shillov, alive, svetka, i can’t believe my eyes. stay with me, svedorenko, we will work together. military prosecutor's office, everyone stand. "life without pain, it simply does not exist, all
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we can do is try not to hurt others, according to the laws of war, new episodes from may 1 on the first, you you think that i don’t have a heart, or that i don’t feel anything. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, we have a live program today, which i defined for myself as, well, an attempt to talk not about the agenda, with all its importance, which is set by the presenter, well, which is set by reality, but to go from what they consider important to discuss, perhaps in some completely broader and unknown to me contexts, my guests, and alexander kazakov, even i know, he is always on every broadcast, he takes photographs.
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and the higher we rise, if we have the ability to analyze and generalize, then one way or another we begin to
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lay down all these micro-movements, large movements, wars, and meetings, warming, cooling, whatever, less into the picture so that it acquires a certain harmony, some kind of balance, we won’t talk about the words of civilization for a long time, this is a very complex term, there is a religious tradition, i didn’t want to talk about it, no, not about it, let’s talk about what you wanted is in this i mean, for me, this is the theme, literally since february 25, 22 of the second year, i have always designated it this way, it’s in a larger context, so i just tried to always link or
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tie this picture with threads to the whole world, pay attention to the word svo , automatically the guys are there. after such a general introduction, i will allow myself to bring up this topic, it is not the most popular for television, well, because it is not short, but i will try to keep it very short, to suppress it. will still occur, they are associated with a global cataclysm, witnesses which we are, and in this sense we are incredibly lucky, because the last time this happened was about 500 years ago, yeah,
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this is this global cataclysm, a tectonic shift, which is happening all over the world and... yeah, that is, we and you are witnessing the decline of the era of capitalism, which is just plus or minus 500 years, but what is very important, that is, not just capitalism as a method of production, by the way, adam smith wrote about this in his time right in his classic book, he wrote that the main way to grow production is expansion, yeah. sooner or later the globe will end, and it ended, by the way, at the end of the 20th century, there is not a single place where capitalism has not reached, including our country, everything, further where, then internal redistribution, and this is already a conflict, that is, yes, and at first he fills everything with himself, then he begins to slightly eat himself up from the inside, and then he begins to bulge out, so from the inside
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you are not talking about all these conflicts, it is he who produces them, it is as if he himself, but this is already a product of his inner nobody. inside the ussr was laid in the thirties and forties, another was laid, another future was laid, but we ourselves, unfortunately,
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khrushchev abandoned it under khrushchev, kosygin and so on. so, this means that it is very important to understand from this general thing. over all these centuries, capitalism has acquired a huge number of mirrors, that is, this method of production is addressed to a person with its various faces, recognizable, understandable to a person, influencing him, well, for example, culture, yeah, culture is one of the mirrors, which also went through a certain evolution, but everyone, every person in our country, because everyone studied at school, remember the painting of the renaissance in italy, look at the faces here, russian painting of the 19th century, portraits, and then look, supposedly painting of the 20th century, painting killed itself, because kandinsky or painting passed into a different quality, which...
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i can prove here in contrast to painting, because the most famous, this is important, are not the best, but the most famous, promoted composers of the 20th century, there is stackhau.
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we have the most democratic country today, although we are called an authoritarian country, so, well, in fact, there are a lot of these mirrors, the media, yes. which have become the means of mass disinformation, yeah, not all of them, well, i’m not talking about our country now, so, and we are seeing the collapse of this system in these mirrors, yeah, because they are obvious, they are an eyesore, they rush into eyes, a completely different story is happening inside, the breakdown of this production mechanism, it leads to the risk of leading. to dire consequences, starting from hunger, and mass hunger, because the crisis of production within one method, and most importantly, in the 19th century, karl marx
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told what would happen after capitalism, and we read all these books, the entire 20th century, firstly, many no longer read , but in the 20th century we read them, now they are read mainly in america, by the way, now they are starting to be read again, i am surprised at how large a number of leftists and... such conditional marxists are, well, in any case, they were not among themselves then only twenty-year-olds, fifteen-year-olds, they have there marxist, communist, leftist there, they don’t consider it something like that - i don’t know, maybe they, not understanding everything you’re talking about, maybe they feel it instinctively, this one, as you say, there’s disintegration, half-life, everyone feels this to varying degrees, which is fundamentally important, starting from the same era of the renaissance, there is companello, thomas more. european culture, which became dominant in the world later, it always produced utopias about how we were described in letters, the contours of future
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happiness, and the utopian socialism of the 19th century, one of the three components of marxism, the same karl marx, they described tomorrow, today no one describes it, we only have dystopias, and terrible ones. such that i understood, that is, with us, with us, we are going absolutely into the unknown, into the absolutely unknown, oh, you formulated, formulated the problem and the topic, we, of course, won’t have time to discuss them all today, our task today is to sort of outline sketch, but it seems to me, well, in this section you have already outlined a very important story, that the system, well, the model that exists, it has obviously outlived its usefulness, and what lies ahead is not only unclear.
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in fact, i think that it is much more important to go somewhere completely in the other direction, that is, there is no such usual connection that we will try to arrange on the air, it does not have to be at all, that is, roughly speaking, you have a blank slate in front of you, and then you will also have a blank slate in front of you, although if you want to argue, well, you can argue forward, in general, what i ’m doing now, my friends, while no one hears, in general, what i’m doing now, i’m kind of i understand that i’m not, that’s not the point, i’m violating all the laws of television, all the laws of television. socio-political talk show, but for now, at least, well , i don’t know, i’m interested, i think you’re interested, since you’re hearing what i’m saying now, let’s move on, yes, well, according to the laws
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of discussion at the table . and we are all at the tables, i will continue the actual thought, i will try to add something of my own to them, i agree that a global special military operation greatly influences what is happening to the world, which is in crisis, not not in minoz, in crisis, this really is the case, the crisis is obvious, everyone is interested in what will come of it, what empires will collapse, what national states will appear in their place, maybe nothing will appear, maybe there will be a desert? sprinkled with nuclear ash, yes, as some predicted, note that we are discussing this as almost one of the possible realistic philosophical disputes, in principle, so we can allow ourselves such a hypothesis, for example, that what is happening now reminds me , for example, the trojan war, because since the times the trojan war is basically nothing, little has changed, and the world is still aikumena, that is, it is perceived by a person - that part of the earth’s space that he knows, yeah.
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there is nothing further, or he thinks that he knows, so he thinks that they are blooming, i ’ll talk about this now, simply because this is a very interesting phenomenon, and so the aikumen consciousness, it assumes that we are we, they are they, and this is an eternal war, because they are always aggressive, they always attack, and we must defend ourselves, i will not compare, now, well, for example, all of greece, yes, decided to attack troy, because the woman chose.
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let me remind you that the war went on for a little, not a little, about 10 years, so not everything is so simple, although various intrigues seemed interesting, everything else, but i would, all of greece was opposed by one small troy, but for 10 years, but they only won by cunning, and here it is very important, of course, to learn the lessons of history, i will remind you, by the way, that as a result of this great battle, the battle of nations , the iliad appeared, a great work appeared, thanks to which we -
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not all of us were ready for this, information can kill, information can save, and information is everywhere, i agree that the earth is more or less explored, although i don’t agree about the world’s oceans, there’s still work to be done there, as they say, but the information field becomes the battlefield now, this is a fact, in my opinion, and here, there are still many different fronts, because, because yes, the western world has done a lot to ensure that many...
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how do western countries react, how does the united states react to something like this kind of challenges, and the united states must take this into account when it does not monitor language, in principle, this must be taken into account, because japan is already westernized to the extreme, and we see it now. but look, within the framework of what you are saying, this is very interesting, what you just said, you say, americans need to watch their language, and when they communicate there with japan and china, but you said two sentences earlier , that china and japan are very westernized, so, probably, that’s why americans don’t need to watch their language, because the further they go, the more they understand that they are not talking to something else, with what has almost become them, and stretches to become even more and
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alexey is right. what is the side effect of informatization of consciousness, is that a person thinks that he knows everything, in fact he knows an order of magnitude less than the man of antiquity knew, whose knowledge. we use it now and say, oh, and this has already happened, it turns out, in fact, it has already been formulated, how they did it, yes, you see, this is the illusion that a person now knows everything, owns everything, on the contrary, the more he thinks about this, i am like a historian to you i say, even more so, this is a myth, this is not really the case, this is how the brain is designed, it has not spent any effort to learn, so it treats information very easily, superficially, uh-huh. it’s enough to read the headlines, for example, yes, and not read the whole article in this, and based on this he makes some kind of feed, it seems to you that you see everything, you are aware of what is happening, in fact you are aware of a certain feed , which simply floats in front of you, for you,
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for you, politicians appear who, in fact, i call them, you know, here are the bodies in spacesuits, that is, they have an information spacesuit that speaks for him, he seems to open his mouth, but these are not his thoughts, these are... what he anointed himself during his becoming a politician, this spacesuit, in principle, here it is announced as, well, i don’t know, there is the head of the european commission, or the president of the united states and so on, and this describes a certain scope of what he should say, what he should talk about, and we know what he will say, in principle, and we are not surprised by this, because it does not produce content, it multiplies it, and multiplication essence - this is a mortal sin, interesting, interesting, this is really a huge problem that, well, at most you can try. somehow to capture in very general strokes, but which does not cease to be the fact that we are sitting here above us, discussing some things, and this, this, and i think a lot more, it is above us seems to be hanging over, well, as an example of what you are talking about, because you can discuss
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taurus missiles, the conflict in ukraine, you can discuss a lot of things, there are anglo-saxons, liberal democracy, but in reality, when there, conditionally, german chancellor scholz begins... a discussion of whose cant, this was in, this, you know, yes, this is one of the explanations why everything in the world is the way it is, because there is such a german chancellor, who already has such a button on his spacesuit, kant is ours, which means that scholz does not have the concept of a button about philosophy in his head, because kant cannot be theirs, because then it would be like he is not kant, kant is german, but not germanic , germany these things,
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somehow this is something, and i immediately, that means, delved into the content there, now i started reading carefully, well, i’ve gotten a little older, from the introduction, and the most interesting thing is where he describes that in different civilizations even the idea of ​​time is, in principle
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, different, that there are civilizations that generally live as if there is only the past and everything is determined today by this past, there are civilizations that live as if there is only the future, everything behind there dies, but there are civilizations that live in the moment, they are all, well, now of course, they gave me some kind of eastern prose, of course, they are all together, it’s just kind of wildly interesting that some are westernized there, some are not, but in fact we don’t even understand in many ways, well, because so i’m talking, i just said about spenger, i realized that i’m somewhere out there , that they haven’t been fired already, yes, that’s what i’m saying, i’m sorry, i won’t do it again, the experiments are over, then, no, there’s another experiment, please, andrey alexandrovich, first of all, the tapol is yours. compared to the wanderers, kandinsky is a greater painter, because the wanderers did not have much painting, but the question here is different: i would not, of course, want to talk about such great things as, for example, the phase transition
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from the neolithic to new ways, as some say, we are at the beginning of this transition, some say that we are experiencing the greatest moment of collapse , destruction... and this civilization arose on the bones, on the decomposed remains of the mediterranean, roman civilization, ancient roman, and this civilization does not exist, it has disappeared, there are no traces of it, just as there is no egyptian civilization left, not all peoples were lucky enough to become civilizations, now we are in such an amazing transitional period, on the one hand this is the death, the apocalyptic death of the west.
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borders that are important for us, not only for us, by the way, this is the border between east and west, it required borders, it was a world without borders, and now where the border will be, and one of the most like some kind of civilizational ones, so powerful, new borders arise, globalization not only geopolitical, but also economic and sociocultural layers, and this is the border, the great border now passes through ukraine, it passes, it divides ukraine. in part, it is a terrible burden to be a great border, at one
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time this great border passed through poland, and this poland was torn apart by two huge inertias, when the special operation began, president of ukraine zelensky spoke out and said that ukraine will be a fence between civilizations and barbarism, meaning barbarism, apparently russia, as well as iranian civilization, persian, and also great china, that’s all for him it was barbaric, but also india, probably by the way, yeah. and now such a concept is being formed as a counterweight to the already established, accepted collective west, we know what the collective west is, we can count it, we know how it is structured, we see its design, the collective east is being formed, while it includes five countries in total, but this the collective east is already a subject, already 10, well, i counted only five, brix plus, after all, it’s still russia, china, north korea, iran and belarus, yeah. this is the collective east, undoubtedly, this concept, it already
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influences geopolitics, we see this in the crisis in the middle east, and this is in your opinion, this is the change that you really described very dot-to-dash, this is what kind of order there is, i don’t know years there, or i don’t know, centuries or whatever, you and i, we have a unique experience, because no matter how they say where the soviet union was built in its foreign markets, we lived outside of globalization, we were born... the end is their death everything
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happens fast enough, everything happens fast enough, in general evolution is a fast thing, since everything, from the mesozoic already here we are, we are here, and we are here, by the way, when i asked you this question, well , well, you mean about civilizational strata and so on, and i asked this a question like, well , i asked it, i’m a socio-political presenter, i need some specifics, like how old is this, and having already asked myself i say, are you a moron or something, you asked, you asked, that means the topic of conversation about this, a person... answers you with these layers, and you say to him, how old is this? that is, you immediately take it and, as it were, translate it this is in a purely european, anglo-saxon, i don’t know what it is, linear time. some kind of granules, then it suddenly piles up, and this is a bunch of unaccounted for, nameless phenomena, and we cannot read them, and even name them, and even name them, and even asking questions about it, now
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i understand what i asked the question is exactly from a certain spacesuit, in which it is, as it were , written down that it’s like how many years, there ’s like, when... here you go, like the relativity of this process, you can basically say, that at some point the usa will blow the switch, and the usa will disappear, because the stock exchange will disappear, money will disappear, logistics will disappear and so on, yes, yes, yes, simple, so this could be
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a one-time act, but you can turn off the switch just like that, little by little, slowly, as some countries are doing now, if you understand what i mean... a real treasure, around which everything revolves, around which everything revolves, because what did it all come down to in the end after all, eat , have any sex, that’s it, like this so smart, this is the pinnacle of human development, wealth is material wealth, but in response to this, to this very
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aggressive thought, which was aggressively planted everywhere in the east, by the way, in that very east, yes, which has always been famous for the fact that. .. related to this, although the wealth of the east is also a certain thing, but opposition arose, because for every action there is always a reaction, not material, the main thing, the main thing is how we feel ourselves as people, we appeared the principle of justice, which very much disappeared in the 20th century, simply because, well , the rule of law, yes, the united states, by the way, tried to reload this menu into international law by introducing rules, but... to put it mildly, it doesn’t work out very well, it doesn’t work out very well, it appeared , there is a need for the absolute, and a need to turn your thoughts upward, not downward, well, what we are now trying to do a little bit, now we will continue to do this, and i will complete it, and it seems to me that exactly this is why western civilization broke down,
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because she can’t offer anything else, she’s done, she’s exhausted the entire list of offers, the entire menu rider, everything from me. become the west, and it’s very sad to see, because in fact, the chinese civilization itself is self-sufficient, when it tries to become something else, it’s honestly very painful to see, yeah, russia in this sense and iran, by the way, two countries that are completely calm, how many times have we become different in history.
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and we will continue our experiments with even greater zeal. don't switch. shelov, alive. svetka, i can’t believe my eyes, stay with me, sidorenko, we’ll work together,
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i’ll entice you, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone stand, we ’re investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the cases of these people, why did you take her with you, every single one of us is a fighter , she is not a fighter, she is your wife. grigory ivanovich, where are you going, there is someone with you who is unkind, maybe evil, downright wicked, not evil, incredulous, where is he, here, life without pain, it simply does not exist, all we can do is try not to cause pain others, according to the laws of war, but... new episodes with may 1st on the first, you think i have no heart, or i don't feel anything,
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old barrell cognac, a product of stellar group, steersman bourbon, a product of stellar group, mancacher whiskey, a product of stellar group, gin. sheaf product of stellar group, montechoca cognac, product of stetellar group, this is a fashionable verdict on the first channel, i am with you, liliya rakh, girls, we are guessing, evelina, leggings with fleece, how do we feel about this, what is it, let’s quickly get acquainted with our heroine, yes, good, you ended your relationship.
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let's not go dressed like this, mom, dear, well, that's it’s not me, all together, beauty, beauty, there will be suitors, a fashion statement, a new season, tomorrow on the first, with fabulous ease a provincial resort has turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, but i’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors? in this film i play a negative hero, i am an avenger, i just left my rights, the script is real
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literature, we can’t leave, thousands of journalists came to the festival, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack, damn, i have it feels like i made from one piece of film, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador, tomorrow on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. he is completely captivated by different styles. it was as if you were laughing at yourself.
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i saw and heard everything that this genre was about, there will be for many, many years, clear days, i leave it to myself, three chords, a new season, on sunday, the program time will tell, we continue to work live, live we continue to move our - experiment, when we talk in general, not forgetting about the agenda, about events, about some very important things that are happening,
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when we try to look at them, too generally, too globally, come on , which seem, well, this is kind of too high, more specific, but we need to remind ourselves sometimes that what we consider specifics is derived from global things, from the idea of ​​time, the idea of ​​what civilization is, the idea of ​​what the meaning of life is, and so on. and the like, what we talked about in the first part of the program, by and large, is the conversation that well, the civilizational approach, well, has shown that it is correct, and it is returning, that globalism, which, well, as they say, tied everything to consumption by and large, is well, somewhat now, let’s say, this fight will not easy and fast, but nevertheless, moving
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further within the framework of what i proposed, what we are discussing, what we consider to be the most important things for understanding what is happening, what is happening and what will happen, because in fact, this is the main question, which is all, what’s next? yes, from the front to this conflict. i will allow myself to say about one thing that seems to me to be one of those topics that everyone seems to be discussing, but it seems to me that it is not in the context in which we are talking to you now. and it seems to me that it can and should be discussed in the very context of what is happening with civilizations, what will they discuss about us, about this turning point, which you all talked about one way or another, and by the way, will they discuss it at all, or perhaps , something is happening now that we discuss little or do not consider central, but it will actually determine the future of our civilization, i’m honest, for me this is
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a topic that i always hear about it, here’s artificial intelligence, here ’s to me... perhaps without noticing that some other thing is already latently growing and developing , about which we still understand little, but maybe it will determine our fate, having said all this, i must make a reservation, i’m a conservative, i’m kind of an obscurantist, i mean, well, a quilted jacket is a matter of course and so on, but it’s surprising that what i talk about is what people talk about,
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which seem to be, well, the vanguard here... at the national and international level, to make sure that we don't do something very stupid, with the help of artificial intelligence we summon the demon, the fourteenth year, 10 years have passed and he chips implants, 10 years have passed, he introduces chips, he flies for a minute , sends ships into space, he does a lot of things, he is not an obscurantist, he is not a conservative, now, he is not a retrograde, but he continues
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to talk on this topic, note: existential threat, listen to that, now let's go back, like everyone else, there is some probability above zero that artificial intelligence will kill us all, i think it will be slow, but the probability exists, this also applies to the fragility of human civilization, if you study history, you will understand that every civilization has a kind of duration life, by the way, what you talked about, he talks about what you talked about in many ways and talks about what is possible... the end of our civilization is not at all in the needle that we are all talking about, but that, what might happen study historians of the future, if there is a future, they will say, listen, they were arguing there about some, that means these nuclear warheads, about some other something, they fought something, and before their eyes there was a fundamental discussion about where this will all go, because there is musk, and there is who? zuckerberg. let's listen to
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zuckerberg. as for all the concerns about the more existential risks of artificial intelligence, i don't think there's anything on the level of what we or others are working on right now, really.
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it was developed there, closer to these centers where it was developed, and the desire to limit it so that god forbid it does not get anywhere, so that it does not spread to others, does not get into either china or russia, this technology is certainly related to some kind of military achievements from the future war, in short, i would leave this whole white noise associated with artificial intelligence aside, another thing is that the digitalization process itself has a colo.
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there are also these mines, you have to live with it somehow,
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work, but the most interesting thing, of course, is absolutely frankness and a huge amount of how society can change under the influence of these digital models, systems, how you can build the necessary, important, valuable society for us, if you want to build it. a society where they will endlessly give birth, give birth, give birth, give birth, this, this is endless childbirth, endless multiplication, you can build a society of euthanasia, where you can tell people that at 40 it’s time for euthanasia, that’s it, everyone will do euthanasia at 40, you can build , that this is necessary if you grow up like this from the first day of life religion, build a religion on this, explain that this is necessary, you will be reborn, take hinduism and mix it in, this, for example, with the help of social networks, because everyone is transparent, everyone has been studied, everything... means that it is under the influence of captivity, you can build a super-traditional world, so take into this so-called artificial intelligence, put in the idea, that is, house-building, the idea of ​​spanish,
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the idea of ​​endless domes and churches, and you can build such a world, or you can immediately build many worlds within the contours of one country, for example, uh-huh, interesting view, yes, i emphasize, i do not encourage discussing artificial intelligence, arguing, agreeing and further, maybe you will say, listen, in general this is all very interesting. but that’s not what i wanted to say, that’s not the existential threat, that’s not what’s important now, whatever, let’s go, yes, but here there’s something to talk about, only again in a broader context, in the context of history, this is an eternal story when a person creates tools that should help him, and then these tools change his life, starting with the wheel and him, of course, and society, the most striking example in recent history is the creation of a car, i mean the engine in... how much has society changed, you talked about time and space, how much ideas about time and space have changed with the advent of the car, yeah, let me remind you that from moscow to the sunday liturgy in sergiev
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passad at the end of de shmilov it is described that at the end of the 19th century we traveled for two days by cart, there were inns, even now they even remain where they stayed overnight, now traffic jams are also helpful, well not for two days now, now, if there are no traffic jams, you didn’t have time to close the door, open it already. yes, this is a change in the idea, and you drove for two days to the liturgy, now you sort of sat there, there’s a gas station, drove here for a day, got ready, fasted and prayed. not in our memory, but this is our generation, no, this is a story closer to this, i’ll tell you about it now, well, no, i’m just talking about how it changes, well, i ’m asking everyone there aged from there, i don’t know, thirty to there to infinity, you can actually imagine now how we are, well, no, how... how we went for walks, for example, as children
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, i watched here how now we don’t even go for walks, yes, no, no, i watched here how, it means, young teenagers, fifteen-year-olds there, they have somewhere to- then it was necessary to either go or go, but it’s just an hour in the chat, just an hour in the chat, you know, and you ’re thinking, but we, how we agreed, it’s not clear at all, that is, this is what you’re talking about you say, before our eyes, just in 20 years, a radical measurement, because it’s not a question of changing the connection there.
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they know how to do it just like we do, in fact, so, come back to this toy, this toy changes the settings of society, this is what turgenev once wrote a whole big, great book about, this thing turned into a gigantic social conflict between generations, because this is in our country, unfortunately, this too, this thing has driven into...
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words, i wasn’t talking about toughness, i’m saying that it’s smarter, i’m talking about words specifically, categories, abilities, talents and so on, because the question is what kind of person they ask you frame, you know, well, i’ll give you an example from life, you know, when i came, for example, to the army there, yes, i ended up in afghanistan, we had stoves and potbelly stoves in our tents, well, to heat in the winter, because the mountains, yes, i was, in principle, such a not stupid boy moscow could push something there, japanese language studied everything and everything and everything, i never lit a stove in my life, but i was in general... i thought that i was such a completely normal guy, and the guys who were from the village , they didn't study japanese, they didn't read parts of the books that i read, you know, but they knew how to melt this stove, as if instantly, in that coordinate system, i was for a very long time, well, yes, it’s not a fact that it will be more useful in the future, i’m not talking about that, i ’m not saying at all that it’s so i dropped to this level there, no, when i learned to light this stove, when i was still...
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let’s enter and everything fits here and the era has made it global throughout the world, we are now consuming and socially new, these digital structures, tools, etc. other. and pay attention, from this angle, look at the state propaganda in overwhelming in most countries of the world, we are entering an era of pedocracy, why pedocracy, pedocracy. the power of children, because ours thought bad, yes, and i thought bad, by the way, after all, we have an experimental program, but you are using terms like that , there are nine young reformers, there is thermopedology, now we are generally talking about teenagers, because the state influences through them on parents, on
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politics, on the development of industry, capitalism survives on them, because they are consumers, they either need it themselves. they go, this is about the question of who is cooler , but they are already making money here, by the way, oh, alexey alekovich, one second, it’s very important to what you are saying, you know, no, because i’m pointing out please note that many, well, not fifteen-year-olds, they have not yet, twenty-year-olds, many, they do not come home for dinner, they prefer not home
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-ordered food, they die quickly, well , really, i’m saying this for sure, for sure, because i just know who was i talking about, well, by the way, i’ll be healthy. wanted to convert attention to what we will live with, artificial intelligence is very good, now i’ll push away from our mask, but what generations will think about is, unfortunately, known, this is high-quality food and high-quality water, because that’s all, this will be in very short supply, so we, in principle, know what, at the current pace of development of world industrialization and industrialization of the world economy, we, in principle, already know the main resources?
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second, i would honestly like to point out that artificial intelligence is very a noble name, because in fact , by artificial intelligence we mean an artificial brain, that is , exactly this, this is very important, because the terminology determines our perception of this phenomenon, the artificial brain is certainly hostile to humans, because it has no morals and humans perceive it like something that bothers him with his own. and as soon as he understands that he can do without a person, he will do without a person, in exercises, in exercises where artificial systems are used intelligence, there are more than one or two cases when artificial intelligence decided to kill the one who, so to speak, controls on its part, or a nuclear strike,
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this is not the next level of development and a departure from the laws of robotics for a second , yes, which were formulated by man , so thinking that the robot will be theirs. to comply, well, now , yeah, well, so we are now, in my opinion, in that situation, in a civilizational sense, when you know, they took a hare, pulled out a duck, yeah, duck, egg, here we are now we hold the egg and think, damn it, there’s a needle in there or something, that is, well, i mean, that’s all, that’s all, so short, so i suggest in this sense , after all, put vodka on the hare and let the owl go.
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after all, i understand, this is what we were talking about, that musk wants to register the protocol according to andrei aleksanovich, because it proceeds from
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the fact that he will be one of those who will register the protocol and will control the protocol. because financial and industrial groups that develop the brain, they need an artificial brain in order for this brain kept everyone else in a concentration camp so that they would consume, consumers, and make us out of us, but for this there is an institution that we have forgotten a little, it’s called, which , in principle, is no longer he.
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with artificial intelligence, that is, not he, but brix, takes on responsibilities, and this is no longer elon musk, this is traditional culture, and if we rise above musk, the global world government, then we will note such a feature that humanity, when it gets its hands on what something new knowledge. is overdoing it, so to the question about the egg there, duck and so on, but now what can we go too far with? this means stuffing
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eggs into a duck, then it means the return of the beautiful vaselissa is immortal, this is not all about us, we always move only forward, opening more and more doors and there will be no return, another thing is that in this in these new states we need discoveries, discoveries, discoveries, we must create an era of geniuses, always where it came from and what it means, you know, friends, it seems to me that sometimes we need a little bit like that,
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necessary, useful, interesting, to rise above, despite all the importance of the agenda of the current agenda, as one person who also understands these issues just wrote to me in an advertisement, and he wrote to me very interestingly, you decided to look at the agenda from where we and ancient greece contemporaries, yes, in principle, in principle very good.
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his path was built so that he would engage in global experiments in the world, his connection with certain secret societies, they destroy humanity, they reduce the population of the planet, by coming to nato, he automatically began to lobby the interests of bill gates, you give us the opportunity to conduct any experiments, this is an alternative structure that i...
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and these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, voice, final, live broadcast, tomorrow on first, boss, alive, sveta, i
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can’t believe my eyes, stay with me, sidorenko? we’ll work together, it’s tempting, the military prosecutor’s office, everyone stand, we’re investigating a criminal offense, we urgently need the files of these people, why did you take it away from us? everyone is a fighter, she is not a fighter, she is your wife, where are you going, is there someone unkind with you? he's just angry, he's not angry, he's incredulous, where is he? here, life without pain simply does not exist, all we can do is try not to hurt others. according to the laws of
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war, new episodes from may 1st on the first. you think that? i don’t have a heart, or i don’t feel anything, you’re irresistible, like a prima, all the beauties of the world, i took the keys from my heart, hold, hold, my hand, hold what you want, say, mom said, you’re strong, without it’s no different, poor thing, you didn’t expect such a cold wind at night, we’ll remember our forbidden paradise, it was for the two of us, so know, if you leave, i’ll stay, don’t let them stop waiting for you, the russians are coming,
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the golden people’s prize ceremony gramophone, premiere april 29 on the first. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, right? i am clear. come here. i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me. are you lying? why are you lumping everything into one pile? we’ll get used to it, live separately, but we’ll still separate. well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something. so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses, known to you, that after death they want to be together. i officially declare that i, nichaev, yuri nikolaevich, want to live in the next world together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna. well, what kind of love can there be, what eternity. i ’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving. after all, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down.
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where's the champagne? i soaked him with mine hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions. but i think that he only loves his wife and does not want to part with her. hello, len, not a serious conversation. are they sure that they truly love each other? what are you ready for? yes. life after life. premiere of a serial film. coming soon on the first one. well , actually, at the end of the program, before the advertisement, i already said what i wanted to say about this discussion, once again i just want to thank my guests, judging by the fact that i just skimmed over the edge right now eyes, judging by what they write to me in comments on the telegram channel, well, in general , at least for part of the audience, our
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experiment was justified, it made sense, thank you very much, i hope we will do it periodically. to allow yourself such liberties, by the way, regarding periodic liberties, i want to say right away that - it’s possible that i won’t be on the air for some time in the near future, but this is not...
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i received my first order, i just went recently, just with many guys, i met from there, well, guys, as they say, happy day, all the best, work, brothers, well, the seventh air assault division, here, as they say, i generally take it under the sun, because the seventh air assault division includes the fifty -sixth air assault regiment, which, so to speak, grew out of the fifty-sixth separate air assault brigade , and my dear, in general, guys, all the best to all, glory to the airborne forces, well , back to the question of friendship, and i have a request from one of my very great comrades,
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to congratulate his mother on her birthday. yulnasredinovna, i congratulate you on behalf of your sons, your grandchildren, daughters-in-law, everyone loved ones, relatives, raising good children, this... my friends, one of the most important stories of civilization, gulnasna seredina you did it, i know, the doll of the heir tuti is sacred, never changes. soviet. the sculpture “girl with an oar” literally became a symbol of a bygone era; in the meantime, nato came up with a copy. jens stolton.

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