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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  April 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:56pm MSK

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the road car has become even larger, even more spacious, they plan that this year it will appear in russia, the new product is very pleasant, what i want to pay attention to is the gear shift knob, such a robotic joystick, very unusual, this brutal suv has already established itself as ultra-passable flagship model, now in a new body, as for exclusive sports cars, the loud growling sound is also a thing of the past turbocharged electric... that's all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the program time will tell. hello, live on channel one.
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time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today we will talk about the most important, most current events, or rather about those important current events that we manage to talk about when looking at the agenda, the agenda is very diverse, and the issues we talk about, every time we we note that it is very diverse, even if we talk about geopolitics, there is a regional level, there is a geopolitical level, there is economics, there is a military-technical component, diplomatic component, ideological, informational, psychological. whatever, just within the country, this confrontation that we, in which we now find ourselves, with the collective american-centric west, it is also very multidimensional, very important for achieving the success of our common victory, so that all these many directions, on which victory depends, including victory on the battlefield, did not remain outside the scope of attention of the state, so for me, and that’s why i want to start the program with this, it was very important that today
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came together in this one plot, here is the battlefield, here is industry, here is the state, and here is society, the very military military-industrial complex that the president said about, this is the most important, and well, it is impossible to overestimate the significance of what it is doing now, with all the importance of the military-industrial complex, where equipment and our attack drones are assembled, and so on, i just know, due to the fact that i am doing this... what a huge
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number of problems from the very beginning and is still closed by volunteers who buy they carry it, and by the people who produce it one way or another, when the president says that the ministry of defense does not have time to follow these proposals, these words do not have time to follow, there are so many different meanings, so i’m literally right now before the broadcast an hour before, in parallel with preparations for the program, i was talking with my friend, who has been mobilized in the zaporizhzhya direction for a year and a half, they have been mobilized under the energy gift, so they told me some time ago, well, we are fpv, this is a common topic, we have been bullied by fp, we are needed, well, besides the reb, which rap, rap, everyone is asking for, drone detectors, drone detectors, there is, i can’t name this brand on the air, because i don’t understand with this popular and non -popular military-industrial complex, whether this is a commercial brand or not. with this commercial
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brand they will consider it advertising, they will not consider it, capitalism is also superimposed on this, you understand, yes, that in one place it costs only money, by the time it reaches the front, it costs other money, because some produce. and others then cheat, and this, by the way, is a problem where the state could probably control somehow, but when i say this to many volunteers, including those who produce, i say, listen, maybe somehow the state needs to control prices, they say: no, no, no, we’d better handle it ourselves, otherwise it will start to control the state so much that it will control it so much that we won’t be able to produce anything, we won’t be able to accomplish anything, we won’t be able to do anything, there is such a problem, there is something about it they say this is... very important, this means that attention has been directed to this area, i hope that even more attention will be directed, because, for example, we have a very well-known manufacturer of weapons, including sniper weapons, very high-quality sniper weapons, which many special forces use, again, because this is a trademark , i can’t name it, but everyone
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who works with these weapons, alexander germanevich understands me, everyone understands what we’re talking about, a special operation has been going on for more than two years, all his wonderful tools that are brought there, including ammunition for they still go by it like, well, i don’t even know what it is, how to put it this way - well , it’s something like this, it just comes from somewhere, here it is, i’m mine and it’s not licensed and nothing, and so on but it would also be possible to somehow do this so that it all becomes more organized, so i was talking to this friend of mine: here is a drone detector, that is, a person sitting on the front line tells me: that he needs a drone detector, i start looking this drone detector, it turns out that in order to buy this drone detector is the turn is 2-3 months, and he finds through some institute where
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people rivet and do something like this and so on further and so on, this is the people's military-industrial complex, these are folk craftsmen, it is very good that there are those who make, and those who order, and those who pay for and bring, should it be like this in the third year of the war, i don’t know if it’s good that it’s like this, should it be like this, i don’t know if it should be like this with communication, which i know, i told you last weekend, i’m only talking about what i know, personally and personally touched, last weekend i went with my fellow soldiers, who regularly carry help to our soldiers, here is one of them, chairs, here he constantly... is there some kind of regular connection there ? he says: well, there is one, but they ask for this one, because this one works, and that one, well, that one seems to be there. well, what's this all about? it’s very good that at the union of russian
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industrialists and entrepreneurs the supreme commander-in-chief raised this topic and the state mentioned. i hope there will be more attention to this topic, but what is important, attention that will... help and will not interfere, so we will win. advertising on the first channel. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown. by the key swamp thing. russia is an existential evil that must be destroyed if america's glory democracies are to be safe. this is the general of war. he was involved in nuclear planning and the practical use of nuclear weapons. he is the author of the program for... quota reduction white air force officers in the us, they want to radicalize the army, he has shares in a company in the military industrial complex, which directly make him a beneficiary of certain orders. it is loket martin who promotes the concept of a rapid global strike, they understand that the alliance between russia and china
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is becoming too tough for me, he can easily advise, as the chief military adviser, to use these nuclear weapons, he wants war in order to be realized personally. i'm not playing for second place. i don't play to lose at any cost, including nuclear war. charles brown, black general. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. show, fashion verdict on channel one. i am with you, alexander rogov. over the past month, she ordered black leather shorts. boldly. boldly. red tracksuit. what a disgrace. i don’t like the way... my daughter dresses, especially lately, how she ’s put on weight, she’s a difficult mother, my mother really wants me to be a decent girl, this is what i call a spectacular appearance, meet me, well, a good attractive girl, this
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everything can be cheered up, look, we can change the color, it seems to me that this is something like that that can be performed in this image, you need something completely new, you are very beautiful, we will prove it to you today, exhale, inhale , the image of your daughter, and i didn’t expect it at all. colonel shilov, this is captain yalagina, why, captain, didn’t you follow the order, why did you go through the forest, weren’t they? not the germans, who are forest brothers, lithuanian partisans,
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he is from the forests, from the forests, but this is marta, his daughter-in-law, what happens, grigory ivanovich, here there are only forest people all around, you are afraid, well , i feel uneasy, they would like to kill our wounded and help their own, or both, in any case, a group worked, you would have figured it out, svetlana petrovna. which one of you is the commander here, otherwise i’ll get into trouble? according to the laws of war, new episodes from may 1st on the first. where is the real map? if it falls into the hands of the germans, they will know the direction of the main attack, that’s all. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a room for hotels, yes for... here, and you catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you
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’re lying, why are you lumping everything together, we’ll get used to it, live separately, we’ll break up anyway, well, understand, well, not us we decide, and then come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i nichaev, yuri nikolaevich, i want to live together with my wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna that world. together, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, that’s right now i’ll tell linka that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry and calm down, where’s the champagne, i’ve overwhelmed him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello , lian, a frivolous conversation, are they sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, i’m done. life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on
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the first. the program time will tell, we continue to work live, and now we’ll deal with different levels of technology live problems, that difficult confrontation with the american-centric west, is what i started the program with in the last few days, in my opinion. quite a large number of guests on my program this week, there have been some changes, in my opinion, they continue to occur, in some approach, or even i would say, in the very approach of the united states of america to the conflict in the territory of the former ukraine, in rhetoric that accompanies this approach, and let's say, in some kind of, you know, there is, well, all russian people understand everything, you understand, there is a difference between beer , no.
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well, in general, listen to what they say. the united states delivered long-range atacoms missiles to ukraine in march, including them in the march military aid package, without public announcements. the atacoms missiles were included in the $300 million military aid package to ukraine that biden approved on march 12. the new york times, it seems to me, is even more revealing, please. last week, the united states secretly sent a new missile system to ukraine. long range ukrainian forces immediately used these weapons. atacoms missiles
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attacked a military airfield in crimea, which is located approximately 165 km from the launch site, and also attacked russian troops in berdyansk. the transfer was kept secret so that the russians would not move their targets far enough away. the most interesting thing is, where the russian troops could have moved berdyansk, given that it is located on the seashore, is not very clear, but this is not the main thing. the same article states that they transferred only 100 long-range missiles, plus a large number of missiles with cluster munitions, which the united states itself has these missiles.
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words that he will go in the next few hours, and this was just yesterday, all this rhetoric, what does it say for you from the point of view of the us approach, something new has appeared in it, but i can’t really understand what it is... something new in the approach to the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine, or is it some kind of internal political tone, why are they pushing all this out, today, well, in my opinion, artyom grigorievich, there is some agreement here with british terrorist tactics. russian federation, we stubbornly ignore their conditions, their conditions relate to the division of ukraine, perhaps some other small territorial concessions , that is, it is called let’s negotiate, as in the era of 1851, the crimean war,
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i recently raised sources there on lydia narochnitskaya, not on... but they say we need to strike, strike seriously, then the russians will become more negotiable, because at some point they will have saturation, that is, an overabundance of goals, they will not absorb everything and they won’t shoot down, if you take the same attack with an m57e1 attack, this particular modification flies 310 km, this is a very serious thing, really with a cluster warhead, so to speak, with artificial intelligence, one might say, it has been modified.
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to be honest, i somewhat did not understand the irony of some experts who said: well, they show how you and i will attack crimea, and at least to say that you did not understand anything, good gentlemen, they showed that military operations will be carried out everywhere, the arrivals were shown there, including on territory of crimea, that is, they just want to engage in terrorism, why? biden said, wherever there is sovereign territory of ukraine, these missiles can be used, they believe that crimea is the sovereign territory of ukraine, for them, according to their logic, they will then send 500 atacoms units, how many more unmanned units?
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escalation, pretending that they are going to increase military operations, as a proposal, on the contrary, just diplomatic, that is, approaching yes, diplomatic pressure, in the sense of what you said, accordingly, then the reaction press secretary of the president of the russian federation dmitry peskov, in response to their statement about atacoms dmitry peskov, should be regarded exactly as in the concept of what you said, and he said that the united states is involved in this conflict. are following the path of increasing the operating range of weapons systems, and he said that this will not be able to fundamentally change the course of a special military operation, we will achieve our goal, that is , translated from...
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based on your logic, that they will increase pressure, including shock pressure , and for this you tell me, they stick out these missiles with a longer range, as a proposal like, sit down and negotiate, otherwise it will be worse, they tell us, but at the same time, in parallel, they, against the backdrop of the already allocated package of 61.8 billion dollars, about which they themselves said that we have now supported ukraine and so on, they... continue to drive a wave of publications in which they themselves say that this assistance provided on the battlefield will not change anything much, this is where
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i start to get lost, well, let's give some examples, let's the hill, incoming plastic bag assistance will not magically solve all of ukraine's problems, since additional timely assistance from the united states is not guaranteed. in addition, a possible new ukrainian counteroffensive could quickly exhaust resources. analysts say ukraine needs to work. on holding the position and preparing for a counteroffensive next year, including by training and mobilizing desperately needed forces. well, or let’s make it clear that this is not just one, that this is really a series, remember how we always said that when it was necessary to push through this package , these publications came in waves, everything is bad with the ukrainian army, they are dying, they are sagging, they, give, give, give, gave, voted, again, well, here you are, well, here you go, let’s do what , please, a new package of american military assistance will help ukraine avoid defeat in the war with russia; achieving victory requires long, painstaking
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work. $61 billion should allow ukraine to slow down the bloody advance of the russian army and block its attacks. ultimately, this gives ukraine a perspective stay in the war this year. sometimes in war you just have to stay in it. you just have to not let yourself get knocked down , said michael clarke, a military professor. ukraine is still under serious pressure on the battlefield. of course, it is possible that russia will achieve new tactical successes in the near future. i can confirm that in
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february, biden directed that a significant number of atacoms missiles be provided to kiev for use on sovereign ukrainian territory. a batch of these was sent in march missiles they have already arrived in ukraine. we now have a significant number of attacks arriving at our warehouses, as a result we can move forward in providing them to kiev. yes, that means, well, that is, no, everything corresponds, everything is also very simple, on the battlefield these missiles will not make a difference in terms of creating terrorist pressure on russian society, because a strike on the crimea health resort, a strike on belgorod, is impossible absorb with the help of air defense systems, as they probably think, absolutely all of these systems, i’ll give you another proof from kusmena, they just used it. sdebi, which they had been threatening to use for a whole year earlier, that’s why this is building up pressure, they say this, restraining the russian army, nothing more, waiting for the transition to
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negotiations in order to achieve a ceasefire and naturally further accumulate forces to strike us again , sooner or later, of course, this will all definitely continue, now they need time, they just need a ceasefire, as has happened many times on the territory of the middle east, as happened after the first world war, that is , nothing they have is completely consistent with one another, yes, well, simply - where sullivan says that it is possible that russia will achieve new tactical successes in the near future , there, in principle , he had one more phrase, well, they’re just talented people, they, in order to make it all tighter, they glue the most important thing together, and what’s in the middle doesn’t matter, and there he said that we need even before half a year for it to be expressed in english, well, let’s just say that in order to dig ourselves out of the hole that we created for six months by, well, sort of prolonging the non-voting of these packages, moreover,
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in the same thing. speeches, he says that this money, he says, well, in principle, the ukrainians should have enough until the end of 24, but we all understand that this amount, as peskov says, will create problems for us on the battlefield, but she cannot change the situation on the battlefield, i again have the same strange question that they gave 61 billion, they said about missiles, they jingled their testicles, they continue to apologize to them, but at the same time they themselves emphasize: that they are not expecting a fundamental change on the battlefield thanks to this help, and are not expecting another one by the end of the year, according to sullivan, here i have, if they are forcing us to negotiate, to negotiate, then it’s strange that this is not enough, but what is happening, what, what is this ringing, maybe this is not about at all, maybe there is a conflict in ukraine here
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just like a reason to talk about something. i think johnson was very sad in general, as we discussed more than once, somehow trump was generally not heard, after this was voted on, trump seemed to be gone, and i’m thinking, and i’m not the only one who thinks, well, how would i present my logic, just before the broadcast there.
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there are five things that the aid package for ukraine won't do: it doesn't give enough money, it doesn't give the weapons it needs and doesn't give them on time, it won't give ukraine desperately needed manpower, and it won't ensure victory. the only thing it will lead to is this is to prolong the war and continue the loss of ukrainian lives and lands. in an attempt to help ukraine, the aid package will actually prolong its tragedy. and there is so much, so much. and
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apparently, this point of view is there, but this. after all, they will have to not only us, but this comrade who is behind your back, zelensky, and in order to bring down the ukrainian euphoria, that since euphoria began in ukraine, yes, at first he cursed them, that’s when the first news about the breaking of the package came out, remember , but zelensky said, well, this is impossible, this pure politics, they don’t do everything else like that, and then suddenly they gave it, unexpectedly, surprisingly they gave it,
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yes, it passed very quickly. well, what they gave is not so surprising, this is what they gave all 60, all, all 60, yes, and accordingly, they gallop there, and accordingly, they gallop there, yes, and so that - in the future of geneva they gallop not so much , they also need, uh, what they won’t give, they are also kept on a leash, but i understand, they don’t give everything, not all the money, so that in the middle of june you tell me, you came to geneva without this euphoria, without these conversations, what are we tomorrow we'll bring it.
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there they openly say, well, donald, you understand, this is one of the questions that i ask, when i was talking about mine, i’m talking about this as well, i just don’t have time, well yes. but you understand, someone thinks that trump has merged, someone thinks that they bargained with trump for something beneficial to him, no less than resisting it now, someone thinks that trump cunningly stepped aside, it’s a case that if they don’t succeed, then they won’t succeed, but no one can to present in the fall that it was he who prevented the ukrreich from giving money, and that is why the ukrreich merged.
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so, naturally, write it down here like this, it’s yourself, yes, david, yes, well, i can make this movie in my head, but look, when cameron was prime minister in power, trump was a big, but ordinary, weakling, who decided his own affairs,
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be careful, because on the air we have people who react to every word, now this is going to start, you have an expert swearing there, swearing, well, he’s a nonsense, but when deciding his own affairs in england, he after all, he could - just on tiptoe and smoothing his forelock - enter cameron’s reception room. i understand you, you know, this version is also interesting, at least for him, the senior comrade, it, yes, it fits in any case in such a chain of assumptions that something is not just with this clearly emboldened democratic, that means this yes, they unexpectedly won, well , speaker, okay, johnson, he’s fighting for his seat, yes, but why trump? in this, that is, i say, in this there is, in this there is something connected, apparently, not only, but maybe maybe not so much with ukraine, but since you started talking about the british and about the englishwoman who shits, within the framework of this intensified ringing in the usa, which we can discuss within the framework of the election campaign
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there and so on, but here you go, commanders of the armed forces of great britain, who do not participate in the elections in the united states of america, but within the framework of this. changed approach, it is very interesting to listen to what he says and what emphasis he places now. radakin, listen: ukraine intends to increase the range of strikes inside russia, as the influx of western military aid is aimed at helping kiev fight the war in much more decisive ways, said the head of the british armed forces, tony radokin. as ukraine gains greater capabilities for long-range warfare.
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some character from star wars, he just needs to take off his cap and put on some kind of space helmet, purely yes, or from game of thrones, it doesn’t matter, but here, by the way, there is another interesting nuance, and i don’t know this is the nuance accidental or is it also... not accidental within the framework of this changed rhetoric of theirs, pay attention, if the americans emphasize strikes within the framework of sovereign ukrainian territory, strikes within the framework of sovereign ukrainian territory, sovereignly deep, then radokin has the range of strikes inside russia, which means , strikes on russian territory, continue operations deep into russia, and so on and so forth, the only sabotage raids on russian territory, there are two options. or radokin surprisingly admits, in
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difference from all his western comrades, the entry of new regions into the russian federation, or he is slowly erasing another line, which the americans still stipulate as the sovereign territory of russia, the sovereign territory of russia, and ukraine, and he is already talking about the territory of russia, yes, but here, in fact, you...
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even kamala haris scolded zelensky, he somehow wilted there for a while, i think that zelensky thinks about kamala haris about the same as we do about zelensky, well, probably, yes, she totally deserves it like him, well, yes, but nevertheless he scolded, and here another red line has been erased, that ukraine’s attacks on russia are not just , well, the realities of war, ukraine is defending itself, and we certainly don’t approve of their logic, where should it go? , but where to defend. and this is a strategy, this is a strategy of an offensive,
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an offensive within the framework of what alexander germanovich spoke about, an offensive with the aim of forcing an unfavorable peace, and accordingly, two more red lines have been erased, out of the many dozens that we are talking about, but we are not saying anything, in response, add, bye, bye, bye, although, if my memory serves me correctly about the long-range attacks, not once or twice, it was said very loudly that if they were there...
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sweating out, he said: yes, we gave missiles, they shied away, and we are like, we say, yes, this will not change anything, and you, professor , write an article that missiles alone are not enough, that french military force is needed, oh, now this is interesting, now returning to the new york times article that i cited today , which means, regarding missiles and everything
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else, there is one very interesting the phrase we have when they give this news, that they sent missiles, that they have already hit with these missiles...
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or are they putting the squeeze on them, as some people think, because they are his type, many write in connection with this package, that’s all, trump has already leaked the elections, i’m just talking about this, please, well, i’m not a conspiracy theorist, so i have enough, we don’t either, we’re on the edge, on the edge, i’m not on the edge either, we’re on the edge, we are walking, we are on the edge, so i will have a banal explanation of this whole situation and
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again about this cardinal turning point we will be back, so in my understanding that... democrats and republicans proceed from the fact that the most important task is to have on the territory of ukraine what is called a controlled conflict, which is possible, with which you can really put your foot on the gas pedal press the brake pedal, and accordingly, depending on the situation, either accelerate or slow down in order to solve some opportunistic problems, i repeat this again, fits into the logic of democrats and republicans, and... in fact the task of those for others, the goal is to avoid provoking russia to act directly on the territory of the united states. this means that in fact, the victory of ukraine, in zelensky’s version, is in no way needed by anyone in the united states, why? because the victory
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of ukraine in zelensky’s version means that ukraine will receive territory that russia already considers its own, that is, this is already definitely without red lines, this is already a threat to the territorial integrity of russia.
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well, i’ll outline it schematically, accordingly they naturally divided this money, that is
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, we understand that ukraine will get weapons, but somehow they will be disparaged, that is , in this regard, both sides agreed, well , let’s say you have a duel, you need to fight on something , you decide there, let’s fight, for example, there with pistols, this is the same thing, they fight with money, it’s like a duel weapon, respectively, everyone received a certain piece of this money, which is necessary for both. accordingly, they agreed, then each went their separate ways, then everyone has received certain financial resources, then he thinks, from a reputational point of view, how it all looks, here each country, in my understanding, finds its advantages, the democrats find an advantage in the following, their key thesis is that they heroically defended democracy, including in ukraine, so in their understanding ukraine cannot lose, so their logic is that... we did everything we could and even heroically caved in the republicans who were in the way, and allocated this package accordingly,
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then everything is in the hands of ukraine, so we did everything we could, if anything happens, naturally, they will blame the republicans, who didn’t give them these critical six months, i won’t say what aksent sullivan did for what, we it takes six months to get out of the hole that congress dug for us, of course, they will say, the republicans did it all, indeed, they... dug us there, from trump’s point of view, he also sees the advantages, why? because his main idea is that biden failed everything, now trump will come, and he will resolve everything, so it is important for him that this conflict remains in approximately the same state until november, and he will sell this idea to voters, in this regard, in fact, he also believes that he will win, if we assume that ukraine really has no will not receive a radical advantage, then in november. accordingly, there in october in september he will push the key thesis: look, they received 61 billion, we supported them, we did not interfere, they convinced us,
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they had several months, and where is the turning point, where is the victory, these are still talkers, and indeed there will be an accounting, that is, everyone will emphasize, they will say that they stole six months from us, and the republicans will say, yes, we gave them 61 billion, and what happened, they we were promised, in this regard , everything that you still show more more. well, we’ll see how it will develop further there, but it seems to me that these are the main semantic structures that will be the main ones. as for britain, i’ll say two words, britain has a different logic, a different logic, we do this all the time we say that britain is precisely the country that is combing out this conflict. they are combing as much as possible and there are a lot of examples of this from uranium tips and so on, that is , they are doing everything to raise this degree in
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this regard, what their general says, in general, there is absolutely nothing surprising in this, yes they continue this logic, they continue, they are definitely constantly increasing the degree of conflict and will continue to do so. it’s actually very interesting, well, i ’m kind of trying to put all these situations, well, what’s called into some kind of images, but perception of the interpretation, but here you are... what many people are talking about, and we said here, that this is still a pre-election story, and you gave a good image, that is, they now have a method for accepting this package, it’s like a kind of cutoff, the process began a year before the elections, in six months the elections, well, consider that there is november 5, that is, practically, and now we are at the point where one party will focus on the previous six months, and the other party will focus on the next six months, that is, the democrats will...
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walks against the background of what is random or not by chance, and i think not by chance, it coincided with the adoption of the most severe law on mobilization in ukraine, and as i understand it, according to the americans, this was one of the conditions for the fact that any money would be given at all, about this, in fact, and salevan speaks almost openly, they are not shy, please. ukraine is facing a very severe shortage of troops at the moment, is there anything in this
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aid package that will solve the problem that ukraine needs more soldiers to... this is very good question, obviously this package does not include troops, it includes the capabilities that the soldiers will need, but ukraine itself will have to supply the troops, while we worked day in and day out to pass this bill, president biden also worked with president zelensky, discussing with him the issue of mobilizing and delivering a sufficient number of troops to participate in hostilities, and as you know, just in the last couple of weeks, ukraine has adopted a new law on mobilization. and the new one commander-in-chief general syrsky, together with defense minister umerov, put into effect a series of protocols aimed at increasing the number of forces that are mobilized each month so that ukraine has the manpower it needs, along with the capabilities it now receives, that is, in fact , after all, a deal that sounds like this: money, weapons in exchange for new ukrainians who will
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actually throw this war into the wind, moreover... to the ukrainians, it seems to me, through the poles, who are always faithful servants of the anglo-saxons, they make it clear that if you think someone will sit out somewhere, then no, let’s listen to the pole. i think that many poles are indignant when they see young ukrainian guys in hotels and cafes, they hear how much effort we have to make to help ukraine, and we are ready to help ukraine, to return men of military age who left, but the form of our help depends more on the ukrainian sides. another thing is that while european countries are divided into, say, more humane ones, such as germany, who say: no, no, no, these are refugees, we won’t be there, that means, well, somehow they’re trying to win there, this is all
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anglo-saxon, that means, like the underbelly, the poles or... the comrades, i think the latvians will say the same , they say with all their might: “yes, yes, yes, we will send them there.” now i have a question for you from a purely military point of view. considering the deal, weapons and money in exchange for people, this is the number of people they are now, of course, according to this law, whatever one may say, they grab a lot more, plus some kind of weapon will come. this may somehow way to influence the situation on the battlefield as such, that it will be, relatively speaking, there are still 200-250 thousand there. man, artich, our minister of defense just announced an increase in the losses of the ukrainian army, actually bringing them to half a million, the conditions that just two months ago we were talking about 400 thousand there from 400,200, 420, so now it’s actually under 500,000, that is, their brothers work for them, well , thank god, so to speak, i’ll cross myself, we’ll continue to work, but the conversation about the fact that
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all these messes are reeds, that’s what i’m talking about...
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i wanted to hit the crimea a year ago, i understood, advertising, then we’ll continue, with fabulous ease the provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema, mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself, and i’m not repeating myself, my god, are there no doors, in this film i i play a negative character, i am an avenger, i
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just left my rights, jane's script is real literature. we can't leave, in kan for the festival, thousands of journalists came, this is not a movie anymore, please be careful, jack. damn, it hurts! i have it feels like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. matador on saturday on the first. this is a festival where there are films for everyone. this is cannes. vodka. stellar group cognac old barrel product lar group bourbon сtirsman product stellar group visky mankatcher
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product stellar group. сnop gin is a product of steller group. it is absolutely clear that the closer to completion of work on it, the greater the chances for other intelligence services. april on the first scout's job i must tell you, it requires great self-esteem, patience.
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to the end and full stop beloved, beloved, beloved, roads, roads, roads, we run away on different roads, don’t guess at love, if
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you are happy in your eyes, we know for sure, the ice will melt, the quiet midnight iblk will sing, long day. on april 30, at the first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but i saw the light, come here.
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sleep, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i’ll tell lenka right now that i’m leaving her, in the end, she’s not the first to cry and calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to part with her, hello, len, not serious conversation, whether they themselves are sure that they truly love each other, what are you ready for, okay. life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first, time will tell the program, we continue
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to work live, and as i already said, at the beginning of the program we are discussing live with from different points of view, from different angles and at different levels of confrontation, where this story is moving, this conversation is a very symbolic date, of course, this example has already become a little banal, but nevertheless, every year on this day we remember that well, what could this lead to this year? and today, in the sense of an even greater feeling, the meeting on the elbe, these are these two classic photographs of the meeting on the elbe, we once talked about how, well, we could... we couldn’t imagine, but i think , they
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could imagine that all this, so to speak, was nothing, in general, after this 4 years passed in the year forty-nine, they again stood up like this, in general, the story scrolled through and we understand that this alliance of ours was more of an episode in our confrontation, at least historically with the british, and today in general, looking at these photographs, well, i don’t feel much of a contrast with what seems to be happening now. they needed it then, it was beneficial for them, that’s what we say, that the americans are, as it were, about the benefit, we were allies, the base, they have their own interests, we have our own interests, this does not mean that you cannot negotiate, well, now they don’t want to, in fact, in many ways what we are doing now, in my opinion, despite everything the fact that there is a military confrontation, and talk about a nuclear conflict, this is a conversation about the fact that they should begin to recognize everyone on an equal basis, and not count everyone else.
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confiscation of assets about the issues of our financial and economic response, material response to this step, from which we continue to warn our opponents, many high-ranking representatives in our government have already spoken out, it is not that either or we are now studying the optimal form of response, where countermeasures include actions against the assets of our western opponents and where diplomatic responses are present, and i specifically checked, but...
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confiscation of the assets of the russian federation would be justified, but this is not the only option . a range of options will be considered at the g7 summit in italy in june actions regarding funds of the russian federation blocked in the west. well, here’s the question: strictly speaking, i don’t know how scared they should be by lowering the level of diplomatic relations, i really don’t really understand, maybe this is really some kind of tough measure in international relations, but apparently. they
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answered without leaving the cash register that they were not interested in this at all, well, yes, but in fact, here is a quote from rebkov, the date there was april 25, 1924, and the question arises that we could do all this for some reason they still haven’t done it on february 25, but february twenty-second, and wait, we haven’t done it, because in this logic we...
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it’s not the same thing, freezing is depriving you of your right access, and confiscation is a seizure in one’s favor at one’s own disposal, well , listen now, i’m not, i don’t work for the foreign ministry, but i’m for logic, for common sense, from the foreign ministry’s point of view it’s correct, that is, what can be done, yes, lower depot relations, recall the ambassador and leave a temporary one, believe me, in fact, we have lowered depot relations with countries of the same baltic states, now there are no words, only attorneys ad interim. in business and what actually frightened these baltic states , no, and it won’t frighten others, it’s just that it’s not the baltics, our counterpart is not the baltics, but our counterpart, but here i’m just saying, in my opinion, you have already
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since we won’t see this money, my clear position, but the whole the world will understand that someday and if the same thing can happen to their money, you know, i’m here again - here we are saying 2 years to both the chinese and the arabs and everyone don’t invest in the dollar there
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yes, because look, they froze us , they will freeze you, but it’s one thing when it’s confiscated, which is rare, which has happened, by the way, sadam’s money was confiscated. i won’t argue with you there on anyone’s behalf, i just want to tell you that there are several different logics of the approach, for example, what if they are eventually frozen, and we ultimately, for one reason or another, decide to continue to remain in within the framework of international law, but we continue to drive oil and gas, what we will gain from this, that is, everyone will see that americans can do this and they won’t get anything for it, so i would like one more, one more red line for now, so that’s why , in my opinion, it’s still there. play this ping pong until we decide what we can actually do, maybe we haven’t found everything yet, let’s add briefly, let’s move on, i’ll briefly add, firstly, the ping pong being played is far from without profit, as they say, not no profit, because they are frozen, so what is our purchase in this ping pong, and look, with frozen assets you can increase the volume
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russia's money supply, yeah, because our bank is no longer subordinate to us, maybe we can get the remaining 300, this is an important thing, this is not chatter, this is very important, what i 'm telling you, this is, among other things, pleasure at the front. because until recently, as i understand it, mrs. nabeulna and the central bank obeyed certain global trends, to put it mildly, imperatives, because we simply did not command our bank, starting with the central bank, we now command our bank, but let’s say, having worked in the ministry of property , in the ministry lvitin’s adviser, and not only that, i know very well that we have always had a deficit in the money supply, we were never allowed to completely fill it, in principle, and now for frozen assets, by the way, i am a semi-financier, too.
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thank you, thank you, but as for issuing money, in principle, a sovereign state can issue as much money as it sees fit, adjusted for the consequences, the key word is sovereign, today, by the way, putin discussed the topic of inflation, the key rate, precisely in this context that the question here is that we can carry out emission, the only question is that this will naturally affect inflation there, here a balance must be ensured. as for this freezing, i emphasize once again, freezing is theft, you are absolutely right, i completely agree, these are different things, different things, well, that means i agree with myself through you, these are different things, fundamentally different things, and we know examples when many
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years later, the united states returned frozen funds to iran, this is a classic situation, and well, it would seem impossible, but no less, this happened, they are really afraid of it, they indicated that they froze, and now they indicated that they unfrozen, but by the way, pay attention to elin’s words, this is not the only option of action, but it would seem that everything has been decided, it would seem that a law has been passed, which allows this to be done, and elin says that confiscation is not the only option, but here konstantin, it’s not a statement, i’m turning you to what alexander germovich says, perhaps this is in words that this is not the only option , this granny is hinting that in it would be possible to come to switzerland, today you... but this, by the way, is also interesting that this law is not a law obliging the president of the united states
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to confiscate our money, that is, the parliament of the united states gave the president of the united states the opportunity to steal it, that is, he now allowed him to do it, but he hasn’t done it yet, so when he steals it, then really, and we tell him, if you do it, we’ll write a sports lotto, yeah, the question is not ours, let’s be honest, the question of course it’s not that, but absolutely naturally you won’t be frightened by the ambassador’s comments, this obviously worries them. it is also a completely understandable thing that the chinese, the saudis, they will understand that their money can really be stolen by simply declaring that these are totalitarian countries, and the united states did not know this before, or i am telling you the logic of the americans, or the chinese and the saudis will understand that it’s better not to get involved with the united states for now, because the russian missiles over there have combat boys and so on, but something seems to be, well, you know, it’s always the same as if anyone doesn’t take risks, yes, but nevertheless , 2 years have passed and you see...
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with the americans, how much will they supply it for, they said, we’ll even make a ford trump , let’s call it ford trump, pay, now they already have svina usti gas terminal, i really like the name, and thus they now hold the whole of europe for zugunder, because through their terminal they actually trade lng to the whole of europe. network, which is quite difficult, but they seem to be coping there, i don’t know why, but they received crazy subsidies for that, that hosts mk-41s removed from ships, and this is already a variant of tamogaf missiles, which flies far with a nuclear warhead, this is a grounded version removed from a ship, placed on the ground, so if we speak from a military point of view, i’m finishing with them consider, in fact, it is already such an opportunity, but you still have to pay the americans, that is, in other words, you
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are answering the question to which many were worried, that this whole story of duda’s dispute with tusk about whether to take it or not, this in fact, such a struggle of the nanai boys to show the americans that they need to add a little something else to pinyondze so that they mean this, that is, as if there is a prospect of american weapons appearing there, that’s for sure. and this, of course, makes us think that we will have many more red lines, there will still be something to discuss, this is good, life goes on, and there is still a lot of good things in it, for example, advertising on channel one, wonderful, most interesting, chairman joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown, nickname swamp creature, russia - an existential evil that must be destroyed so that... the words of america will be safe, this is a general of war, he was involved in nuclear planning and the practical
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use of nuclear weapons, he is the author of the program to reduce the quota of white military officers. the usa, they want to radicalize the army, he owns shares in a company of the military-industrial complex, which directly makes him the beneficiaries of certain orders. it is loket martin who promotes the concept of a rapid global strike; they understand that the alliance between russia and china is becoming i’m tough, he can easily advise, as the chief military adviser, to use these nuclear weapons, he wants war in order to realize himself personally. i don't play for second place, i don't play to lose. at a cost, including nuclear war. charles brown, black general. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. a true rock and roll atorva. mom really wants me to be a decent girl, and not all this. she makes do with two items in her wardrobe.
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this is complete boredom. any rocker will tell you about this will say. it's boring. i understood. mom is happy , i think i want this too, a fashion statement, a new season, tomorrow is the first one, 52 steps to happiness, one step a week, today we will learn to take steps up and down the stairs, how radically your life will change after this, about this about many other things, we’ll tell you in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, for the centenary of danatas baniones, i’m going to dargate, you can explain to me what happened, hass, his trace is again, so far everything is against us, there are no photographs, we need a person who could would identify him, ask him, why me,
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why, thank god, and i’m ladennikov, how is he going to get to khas? “off season, he is an actor from god, behind him is the story of how you lived all that time, did you love someone, i don’t know, he was handsome, elegant, impressive, so foreign, at the same time ours, no matter how many in the frame there were no artists, i wanted to look at him, thank you for liking my pun, he creates his own heroes, so completely unique, behind which there is a whole "
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grigory ivanovich, where are you going, with you some kind of unkind, but also evil, just a shilov, not evil, incredulous, where is he, here, life without pain simply does not exist, all we can
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do is try not to cause pain to others, according to the laws. wartime, new episodes from may 1st on the first, do you think that i have no heart, or i don’t feel anything, at the end of the program, i wanted to say about one more thing, let’s say this layer or level of ours against, not even ours resisting.
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please, countries where there is war, all countries, stop fighting, strive for negotiations, to achieve peace, peace achieved through negotiations is better than war that has no end. it seems like the right words, but i remember that he was a dad since he was thirteen, and for 8 years donbass was being shot, and he didn’t worry about the smiles of children, from gorlovka, from yasenovataya, from... lugansk, for some reason he didn’t talk about them smiles, why did he suddenly start now, yes, smiles of ukrainian children, this should also worry him, you know what i’m talking about when i talk about hypocrisy, this is about this, there
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is too much of it, this needs to be changed, doll the heir to the cloud on the first channel, this does not need to be changed. back in 1991 , an american f-16 plane flying over the swamps of florida was struck by lightning. the pilot ejected and survived, spending the whole night in the local swamps. this pilot's name was charles brown. now he is the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown. by nickname. swamp creature. i wonder if his hatred of russia in the swamps came from being struck by lightning? let's figure it out right now. maria butina is with you. this is the doll of tootie's heir.
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begin. charles quinton brown, jr. was born in...


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