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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  April 25, 2024 5:00am-8:58am MSK

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now decide, we are waiting for you, let's go already, so let's go,
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stepanets, well, report it to your superiors, comrade military lawyer of the second rank, comrade state security captain said not to let anyone in to see comrade state security captain, why are you there, come here, they are saying.
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is busy, we heard they are advancing on kharkov, they will soon take and drive out every last one of the fascists, we are not afraid, and we have a machine gun, a german one, if the fascists come, we will kill them all, don’t mess around with the machine gun, hand it over to the police, of course, and then you look shoot someone, god forbid, you shoot yourself, we won’t shoot you, only danka can do that, because he has a rocket launcher, someone else has a rocket launcher, you’re a skinny fool, but why are you calling him names like that? i’m not calling names, my mother said, he’s crazy, and you know where he lives, you can show him, otherwise, let’s go, it’s not far from here, there he is, danka, thank you, well done, hello, we could talk in the building. you can
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call him, he’ll come out on his own if he wants, but if he doesn’t want to, you won’t get the call, but why do you need him, don’t touch him, god has already offended him with his mind, he didn’t do anything, why have you degenerated into a jacket, hero, they say you have a rocket launcher, really, yes, yes, yes, what are you carrying, and weren’t you the one who fired it at night during the raid, me, me, what are you , you’re rambling without pushing, listen, he’s telling him off, he’s talking, what are you doing? egor, what are you doing? well egor? well, that's it, show me. there was a shooting recently. don't be afraid, that's it, don't be afraid, he won't happen again. yes, egor? i won’t, your jacket is so beautiful, it’s your father’s, he himself was at war. where did you get this rocket launcher? where? the man behind the houses gave? he says that the guy gave it behind the houses.
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what kind of guy do you know? he says he doesn’t know, he’s a stranger, so there was a fool in our village too, we played knuckles with him. yours, excuse me, he understands everything, well, everything is clear, we need to bring him to us, we’ll figure it out there, where are you going, why, what are you doing, you have pity, you fool, let danya show us first where he was hiding, you hid so well that even the security didn’t find you, remember where you were shooting from, so take us there, yes, let’s go, that’s it. semyon vladimirovich, we caught a saboteur here, what kind of saboteur is he, this is a local
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fool, let's take a look at this fool, show me. they took me right away, i ran away, i’m smart, i’m fast, no one found him, it’s not him who’s lying, it would be him , he says that he’s smart and fast, and that’s understandable, well, greshko, a whole platoon of security for one fool i didn’t find it, it’s the fault
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of comrade state security captain, the muzik said that he should let me keep the plane, the man says... who will give the order for the downed plane, when, when this man comes, not a man, not a man, the general will come, you are the general yes, i upset you, that’s what i’m supposed to do, and not an order, and it’s a sin for you, for sloppiness, stepanets, load these two, let’s go to us, stop the noise!
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figure it out, we’ll figure it out, we’ll figure it out, people have offended me, according to the laws of war, a fish, where are you from?
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thank you. why do you miserably offend, it’s better to catch those who abuse the child, they are the real enemies, and what about danka, he
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’s still just a child, well, this man of the tongue told him to do it, you understand, mother, to find that... your danya is needed, because he was the only one who saw him, listen, danya, we need find the guy who suits you. he gave me a rocket launcher, he’s an enemy, you know, he can do a lot of trouble, i don’t know where he is, but we’ll catch him, because only you know him, no one else , help, red army, i’ll help, stay at home, assistant, i’ll help, i’ll help, then let's go, don't worry, mom, don't be mean, i'm taking it away, there's no other way, let's go,
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all the necessary measures have been taken on our part, i personally checked, comrade division engineer, i understand, we'll do it, comrade division engineer, that's right, i'm doing it, allow me in, go away. head of the fuel and lubricants service, military engineer of the first rank ustinov, military lawyer yalagina, military yushilov, sit down, comrades, i’m listening to you, how did information about the fuel storage warehouse and the movement of a train with fuel become known to the fascists? i don't know, comrade.
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“i understand, comrade military lawyer of the second rank, that’s good, don’t worry, don’t worry, he won’t promise, hello, dan, listen, remember, please, this is the guy who gave you the rocket launcher.” he gave it away, there’s something you remember about him, maybe he had a mustache, like grigory ivanovich, he had a cap,
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he said, he had a cap, well, maybe you had something else i noticed something special, maybe he had a beard, a jacket, he has a jacket, yes i understood, light, let's go, it's useless, why is it useless, well, something before... well, then let's talk on the way, dan, let's go back, you're great, dan, dan, come on quickly, we have a lot to do, nkvd, grigory ivanovich.
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dan, maybe you remember what kind of guy you were, maybe you were so tall, tall, no, maybe small, fat, or maybe so skinny, no, ordinary, says the ordinary, well, that’s it, the portrait is ready, consider the job done, ordinary man, pichaka and cap, we'll take this one right away. there's only one like him in the whole city, eggor, stop it, now they'll remember something, he was carrying something in his hands, maybe some kind of briefcase, or something special to you, here are keys, keys, keys, here , here, here, there are hooks on his jacket pocket, and some kind of hooks, well, some kind, fishing hooks, a great rarity, nowadays, during the day, you won’t find them, so he sells them, well done, tribute,
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he didn’t give me a flare gun, you got me you're confusing him with someone, don't lie to me, look me in the eye, he gave the rocket launcher to the fool so that he could signal during the raid, what fool sitting in the car, danya, come here! dalia, free, yegor ivanovich, where is he, he ran away, well, he scared him away, if he didn’t talk on c, but you don’t need
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to talk, you can scare everyone with one look, the man arrived normally, grigory ivanovich, he told us everything. almost what i had to do was dance in front of him, so how much time wasted, now we ourselves are fools, the one who gave him the rocket would have left the city 10 times already, or this fool would have run to warn him, but not such he’s already a fool, we need to understand people, our profession, my profession is to catch criminals, i’ll catch him. and next time you need to be more quick, stepanets, do you understand me? yes, sit down. can i have some water? well, did you catch the kid? to be honest, i won't tell you how you're going
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to work with him. if you take him around the city so that he gets to know that guy, he will immediately fall in love with you. will point, say that it was he, already, that already, he already pointed at the first guy he met, he ran away, to be honest, i didn’t like this idea right away, well, which one stupid witness, sladan petrovna, well , so be it, we should have spanked the little guy, that ’s all, so, we have his testimony, we need to coordinate our actions, it’s quite obvious that an organized group is working, yes, they have informants from the fuel and lubricants service, and a walkie-talkie. a few days ago, our radio direction finders detected the broadcast, but neither the radio nor the radio operator were found. we need to check all the fuel supply employees. stepanets, you’ll get busy in the morning, check everyone , start with the head of the service, ustinov. eat.
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suslik, my comrade engineer of the second rank, did you see? eh, now let’s shoot a couple, they’re so delicious fried, have you ever eaten them? talkers, the order was to drive without stopping, so now there will be a right turn, then another 30 kilometers. rumble, comrade military engineer of the second rank, that the planes, eat the engine,
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eh! but i need the head of the service, military engineer of the first rank ustinov, he’s not there, comrade sergeant of state security, why not? where is he? he called and said that he had gone to check the warehouses. collect all the papers here, and you will find out where he is now. so, how about will i find out? as you wish? connect me with
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captain tkachuk. collect papers. “sorry, it’s not me, you connect, oh, well, yegorevich, great, they took the head of the gsi service, ustinova, they’re bringing him here, in novocherkassk, he wanted to hit the official car, can you imagine, listen, semyon vladimirovich, elagen and i were with him yesterday we’ve already talked, let’s continue as soon as they deliver it.” conversation and good, come on, i don’t know, comrades, i don’t understand how they route the column. found out, i personally thought it over, personally, and before leaving i said radionov, personally, as they said, out loud, no,
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what, drew a diagram on a sheet of paper, showed it to him, only to him, not a single living soul could see, i swear, but they gave the sheet to him, that’s right, gave it only to him, no one else could know. radionov and i, me and rodionov, why did you run away then, if you are not guilty, i was scared, you will think that it was me, but it is not me. well, why is he silent, he denies everything, i’m not me and the horse isn’t mine, well, someone gave away the route, we
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couldn’t have the germans living in the steppe by chance, and even notice the column at night, we couldn’t, we’re in we’ll talk to the hospital with the order, well, good, and i ’ll shake this one, something doesn’t work out, if ustinov is a traitor, why did he get there like that, not yesterday? where are we going to the hospital, i understand, ruslan, very lucky, the vital organs are not affected
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, the burns are not that big, ruslan, they came to you, thank you, please, great, military engineer, is it you, ustina, did you take it, did you take it? i got out of the hospital with my own hands and strangled this nit, although he handed over the routes to the nazis, what do you think, and maybe someone else could know, well, hear something or see the route, no, no one else knew, but the main place they chose was ideal for a bombing, you couldn’t turn anywhere, you couldn’t hide, they knew for sure that we would be there. they shot a chicken, thank you, you get well, go,
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i have nothing else left, i will beat these bastards to the last, civilian. come on in, come on in, don’t interfere with the consequences of your actions, comrade military lawyer of the second rank, uh-huh, there’s this fool from yesterday, strangled, yes, with a thin strong rope, string or fishing line. "so you found danka after all, that guy who gave him the rocket launcher, and you didn’t believe it, who knew that everything was like this,
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it was my fault, he believed you, persuaded the boy, and you, if he hadn’t come with me, would have been alive, eh, you! comrades, has anyone seen this tree before? it seems that yesterday he approached sashka, sashka ivashkin, selling fish, where? here on the corner, in the morning he was, now he’s gone.
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come along with us, show us where he lives, and they don’t fear god. petrovna, hello, hello, petrovna, you haven’t seen the ivashkins today, you saw them, they ran to the don with suitcase, faster, please, faster!
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ivashkin, come on, let’s get the can out of the boat, which can, do you need a second hand, or what? and open it, we'll believe it. grigory ivanovich, help this weak can open, please. yes
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, svetlana petrovna, i should just lubricate the bearings, otherwise there’s a lot of dust, the grease wears off quickly, but this one is good, thick, look carefully, maybe there ’s something else in there that’s not lubricant. so they risked their lives, or what? no, well, here it is, then, well, let’s see what’s here before that, yes, wait, this is the number, svetlana petrovna, come on, the walkie-talkie, grigory ivanovich, don’t touch
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the prints with your hands? yeah, i understand, how did you meet alexander ivashkin? he is my mother’s brother, but in taganrog the house was bombed, so i came to my uncle, i don’t have anyone else, you knew that she had a walkie-talkie, but where, from where, i didn’t even know what was in this poor place. i saw him for the first time in my life, write what to write, address of the house in taganrog, family composition, names, date of birth, who works where, studies, in general , everything you have to do with lyudmila markova, my niece, she had no one left, everyone
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died. where did you get the can with the walkie-talkie? i found a can in the garage in the winter, there was a german second gun, they left it, honestly, i wanted to sell it, you sell fishing gear, that’s the way it is, i also trade fishing with nasties, you have to live, you promised an order. for the downed plane and a rocket launcher i gave him, no, boss, i only have fishing, rocket launchers, i didn’t have any, today you finished trading earlier than usual, because the fool danko came to you, whom you then strangled, no one i i didn’t strangle him and i don’t know any fool, lyudmila and i decided to leave a long time ago. away from
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the war, you strangled a sick boy, you bastard will answer for this, don’t even doubt it. and what about vashkin and this woman? they open up, both of them, i’m almost sure that the relative lyudmila, a report from the laboratory, comrade captain of state security, well done, they’re smart, the imprints of the narration belong to lyudmila
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markova, that comrades, on the face of it, a sabotage group, we need to make a confrontation, i agree, now he will stop denying it. citizen osinov, do you know this man? no, you do you know the person sitting in front of you? i see it for the first time, you will see,
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citizen osinov, you know this woman, no? i don't know, do you know this man? this engineer of the first rank ustinov, through my uncle he transmitted information, which i then sent to the germans by radio, but i did not transmit anything, i had never seen that man before either, he is lying, he is lying, i transmitted the information received from him, about the movement of a train with fuel, last night... gave a place time, where there will be a convoy of fuel tankers, why are you doing this, girl, that i told you did, why is she slandering, comrade, i did not betray my homeland, i did not
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say anything to anyone, i am honest before the party and the people, you will see. i don’t believe it, lyudmila, i believe ausinova. svetlana, you are certainly a good judge of people, i admit, but in this case you are wrong. well, she's lying, she's lying. well, what's the point in lying to her, she hopes for a reduced sentence, so she rats out everyone i know, sometimes you just make things too complicated, they often answered. on the surface, what are you doing? well, of course, on the surface, i noticed something strange today, but at first i didn’t pay attention, let's go, let's go, let's go, carefully,
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officer on duty dmitrievsky, a suitcase with evidence, where is it, which was brought today? vashkin’s things, we inspected, inspected, inspected, but we didn’t inspect everything, my sister was, i don’t know where she was, a comrade military officer of the second rank. you will go to trial for treason against your homeland, as a member of a sabotage group, where is the fish, a comrade military officer, second rank, is to blame, i didn’t know that the fish was important, but you see,
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i see the fish, but no, pay attention to the wire , such a wire near the city. maybe does it tie up the fish? look how it's held together. the bundle that radion gave me was fastened in exactly the same way, as they say, what are you rich in? and you know, i don’t refuse. thank you, and this indicates who the real counterfeiter of markova and evashkin is, and this is not ustinov at all, as you thought, we need to interrogate radionov, i’m not recalling, i won’t assure you, you tell everyone that, you’ll forget my name, how as soon as they write me out of here, well, you have such a beautiful name, it’s impossible to forget it. admit it,
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how many men’s hearts have you broken here? 100, 200, not a thousand. so the battle alarm is calling, please don’t tell them where i went, i had an affair, a married woman and a husband, wants to deal with me, i won’t give you away, ruslan, hello, look. and you had a military engineer lying here with burns on his face, where is he?
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maybe in a bandage, i don’t know, i don’t know what he spat on you, girl, he’s a saboteur and a traitor, you’ll continue to aid the enemy, no, no, he, but, he just went left down the corridor. guys, the wounded man wasn’t seen here with a blackened face, maybe he was? everyone here is wounded, you are you looking for someone alive or already dead? this one is alive,
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for now. no, there are no such people here. crap! get up, artist, you got there anyway.
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your face is dirty here, take it, thank you, i have it, citizen radeonov, do you know this man, no, i don’t. citizen uvashkin, do you know this man? i see it for the first time, citizen rudeonov, do you know this woman? no, i don’t know you, are you citizen markova? do you know this man?
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no, i don’t know, take me away, wait, please, comrade van lawyer, can i talk to lyudmila markova alone? so you like fairy tales about love, lyudmila? i, too, you know, love alexandra sergeevich pushkin, especially ruslan and lyudmila, whatever, they lived a long time, died happily on the same day under the law of war for treason. nothing, another traitor will be science, a fairy tale, a lie, an old hint. a lesson to the good fellow. only this is not love, lyudmila, but passion. and she destroyed you and your ruslan. how did you ruin it? i didn't even say anything. there is no need to say anything, everything is already clear. same fabric, same letters, the same threads. all clear. yes,
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you understand. well, what do you understand? you will never understand this. it’s immediately obvious that you are callous. that you never loved, and ruslan and i don’t care about your war, if you don’t care about our war, then why did you start helping the nazis and not your own, because they will win anyway, we just wanted to live for each other , we just wanted this war to end, it is over for you, guard, radionova. ruslan, ruslan, my dear, my dear, you remember, you said that the most important thing is that we have each other, right, you remember that, dear, remember, i just now realized how right you were, what a fool, no, come back,
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look at me, please, i am begging you. so what, it won’t start, nikolai trofeevich, i wish you good health, my dear man, and you ’re insulting me, how can it not start, how can something not start for me, run? faster already, i hope, but i didn’t expect that you would come, as always, urgently on business, i myself didn’t expect, the light is so, well, it’s hard for her
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everything, i didn’t clean it up, because i got it, don’t blame yourself. and here is svetlana petrovna. kolya? kolya! svetka, my love, will you strangle me? how are you here? let's go and see you at the same time, there is no news from vanya! i haven’t heard anything, not yet, hold on, yegor, kolka, my fighting friend, well, great, great,
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i didn’t think that we’d see each other, and i didn’t think myself, you’ll have something there in the office. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one, arina sharapova is with you on the calendar april 25, it’s thursday, time flies, so we don’t waste a second of it good, cheerful morning, we have huge
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plans for it, we will find out how solar panels work and how beneficial they are for electricity. let's celebrate world penguin day, continue to prepare for may travel, figure out where to go by train, what's best to wear to bring food to the dacha, well, don't forget to go to the bathhouse, well, in general, a busy day awaits you and me, all this and much more soon, now three-time world champion in fitness anna dudushkina encourages all of us to exercise, cheerfully, for some reason, squat. good morning, the more often you squat, the stronger your legs and butt, and i. i'll show you how to modernize the exercise. now we will focus on the inner thighs. with a sedentary lifestyle, it loses tone
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the fastest. feet wider than shoulder width, hands locked together in front of the chest. as we inhale, we squat, our back is straight, we move our pelvis back. we tilt the body forward a little and rise as we exhale . we move our left leg diagonally to the right. we squat again, perform the exercise in one direction or the other, move without pauses, squats help strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and swings actively involve the inner thigh in the work. don’t relax, beauty is worth fighting for... well, we continue, and without delay, we offer you another selection of internet hits from yegor
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uspensky, only now only for you the very best videos of the world wide web, today, by the way, is world penguin day. yegor, of course, couldn’t ignore this topic, he created a real penguin hit parade, our today’s hit parade opens with a penguin named. marley, who draws well, right now you can see how he leaves his mark with his paws, or rather marks in art, and his many fans really like it. in fourth place, perhaps the most fashionable penguin in the world, at least 100,000 of his fans think so, the sea creature had problems with his paws for a long time, so the doctors made him these cute sandals, in which he now proudly walks around. the top three winners are opened by a high-tech robot, a penguin, it is equipped with a video camera and helps with a microphone scientists will study in detail the world of these animals,
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but the penguins themselves, as you can see, are friendly towards the robotic spy. an honorable second place goes to a penguin named din dim. more than 10 years ago , this brazilian fisherman picked him up and went out, and since then , every year din dim sails to visit his. according to biologists, such a strong connection between a penguin and a human is very rare. but the winners of our hit parade today are penguins from the moscow zoo, who love to play with soap bubbles, but who after what they saw will say that these sea inhabitants are short-lived and lazy creatures. here and there, revival and... yes, why, i don’t know, i started acting, but i’m used to paying alone, so i’m used to
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paying alone, these are the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project, among them, of course, there is a winner, the voice of shin. live on saturday on the first. three chords, new season, on sunday on the first. on the calendar , april 25, by the way, if anyone doesn’t know, on this day only in 1954 the creation of solar panels was announced, that is, they are 70 years old today, they are already in in general, they have ceased to be exotic, the question is, is this even profitable, how much? they will be occupied by the sun , whether it will be enough in our latitudes or not, now we’ll find out everything. solar panels on roofs are already commonplace, but what are
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the real benefits? in the moscow region, for example, there is not as much sun as in the south, but yuri kulyakov installed it in the house, albeit in addition to the main network. in winter there were problems with electricity, but the most important thing for us is this chicken coop, and so that it would be warm and light, i thought about how to keep it warm, so i installed it last summer. panels are not in winter there were no problems, they came, the chicken coop was warm, bright, the chickens were alive, running around, yes, this is taking care of the chickens, apparently they lay golden eggs, electricity around the clock, even at night, energy is collected in the battery, on a sunny day the panels give 1,300 watts per hour , for the refrigerator 500 w, tv 100 w, radiator or fan 150 w, 550 w goes into the battery, yuri’s battery holds 8 kw, respectively, if there is now a load of 800 w, photons of light that knock out an electron
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from the metal. these veins run through the channels into the converter, producing a current. now in cloudy weather it collects only 377 w, not even enough for a refrigerator, so yuri has a combined network, the battery is also powered by general electricity, but if it is turned off, there is a special switch to make it easier to turn off the system, turn it off, everything works smoothly from the batteries from panels, but it turns out it takes from... a storage device or directly now from at the moment takes from batteries. reduced electricity costs by 50%, but the system itself cost 130,000 rubles. but yuri it’s clear that chickens are golden, but what’s the point for an ordinary summer resident? there are a lot of private houses where they say that guys, you don’t have poles, it costs 5 million rubles to connect to you. yeah, but why should a person pay 5 million rubles, when , let’s say, he installed this system for 130,000 rubles, please, he has a house,
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he can have one like this on the balcony, this panel, it generates 50 watts, especially. an agreement with the networks, he gives them a part , installed panels in his house, immediately signed up for electricity, wrote an application, arrived, installed a meter, that the meter is considered as and on the contrary, at the end of the month money falls onto your card, the balance is approximately what, here i have the maximum allowed for...
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you will need to forget about the strict dress code to dress up somewhere, especially since in the spring you especially want to be bright, unusual, international instructor manicure, tatyana koshlyaeva suggests complementing the look with an openwork manicure with lace. if you prefer a delicate, feminine manicure, try decorating your nails with lace. this design is right on trend and you can easily make it. it's perfect for decoration on its own fabric made of thin threads with a small detailed pattern is suitable, and to make the design look sophisticated, i advise you to cover not the entire nail with lace, but only part of it, cut off a small piece of fabric, soak it in varnish, place it on the nail using tweezers, press the fabric along the edges so that it doesn’t stick out, when
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the decoration dries, fix the decor. colored varnish, look, i decorated the edge of the nail so that the design looked harmonious, i decorate the neighboring nail with a symmetrical pattern, this is quite enough for an elegant manicure, well and we continue our program, if anyone doesn’t know, this week, the last week of april, is world immunization week, its motto is to prevent, protect, vaccinate, and this is an excellent occasion right now... to remember what the national calendar is vaccinations, and who should get vaccinated when, over to elizaveta nikishova. we have been vaccinating for 50 years; the number of vaccines has increased from six mandatory children's vaccines to 13 universal ones. the first vaccination according to the national calendar within 24 hours after birth against viral hepatitis b. on
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third-seventh day against tuberculosis, at the age of one month, second vaccination. from hepatitis b, after another 30 days against pneumococcal infection, then in the third month of life from deuterium, whooping cough, tetanus, polyamelitis, against haemophilus influenzae type b, repeated after a month and a half, in the sixth month the third part of the vaccines is administered, total for the first 3 years almost all basic vaccinations in life - 12 vaccines, because young children are most susceptible to complications from infectious diseases and... therefore it is very important to protect this particular category population. vaccination reduced the incidence of paratitis by 1500 times, rubella by 700 times, deftheria by 200 times, and whooping cough by 40 times. after the administration of each vaccine, after a certain period of time , antibodies begin to be produced in the patient’s blood, yes, which protect against precisely the infection for which we vaccinated the child. most often,
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it begins to develop protective antibody titers within a two-week period. and up to the age of 18, vaccines are repeated, revaccination is carried out, and in addition, a separate vaccination against influenza is carried out for children from 6 months of age, schoolchildren, and additional. preventive vaccines for epidemic indications, there are 24 of them. in some regions, vaccination against polio, or against hepatitis or tick-borne encephalitis may be added. sofia just came to get vaccinated against tick-borne viral encephalitis; summer is ahead at the dacha. i'm not afraid. there are 24 preventive vaccines in total, from plague, cholera to smallpox and rotovirus infection. what about adults, women from 18 to 25 years old need it. give revaccination against rubella to adults from 18 to 35 and from 36 to 55 who are at risk from measles and once every flu shot for everyone every year. vaccination is not
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a panacea, it trains the body before meeting the virus, gives the immune system an additional skill, and explains how to fight. you yourself remember how mass vaccination against covid increased our collective immunity, so you shouldn’t forget about this vaccination, revaccination once a year. another american was eliminated in the special operation zone, the russian military tracked the tank for 3 days, studied movement routes, shelter, and paid special attention to how the enemy electronic system works. this tank is very well guarded by the enemy’s reb, we discovered it, the target was immediately handed over, we, of course, were told to destroy it, but the situation did not allow the reb, we retreated from different sides and flew around to
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understand where the turn was directed, whether it was directed differently or with a clear beam , that is, how will it be possible to enter, will it be possible, they worked along the altitude levels, that is, they tried to somehow penetrate there, it was decided to hit the enemy tank with a lancet on... in the footage, our drone overcomes electronic interference, they tried to jam it. on approach, the lancet is thrown from the side to the side, all because of the strong gusty wind, but in the end it hits the target. our tank crews worked effectively near kherson, the t-90m breakthrough crew eliminated a ukrainian armed forces squad on the right bank of the dnieper, and fired from a closed firing position from a distance of more than 3 km. a series of attacks on the enemy stronghold and infantry were carried out by the crews of su30 fighter bombers. used unguided bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow pilots to remain at a safe distance from the line of contact without falling within the coverage area of ​​the air defense system.
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russian artillerymen are also pushing back the enemy. the crew of the akatsiya self-propelled gun, supporting the advance of motorized riflemen, strikes at the fortifications and columns of military equipment of the militants. the kiev regime is preparing the ground to force them to return to ukraine. citizens who fled the country from conscription by the ukrainian armed forces, the cabinet of ministers adopted a resolution according to which men aged 18 to 60 years will not be issued foreign and internal passports at foreign diplomatic missions. shipping is also prohibited. you can get documents only in person at the territorial division of the migration service. peace, as expected, caused a wave of indignation among citizens who fled the country. at the ukrainian consulate in warsaw , dozens of people blocked the work of the institution, demanding that they be given new passports. against this background, the polish minister of defense announced his readiness to return citizens of the neighboring country to their homeland. he pointed out that the poles are increasingly irritated by the company of young ukrainians fit for service, who
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do nothing but relax in hotel cafes while europe demands more from warsaw more support for kyiv. meanwhile, on the social network tiktok, the number of videos of ukrainians is growing, which show that they either already have a second citizenship or are about to receive it. demonstrative reaction. missions to resolve kiev. in brussels they refused to comment on it, whereas in the twenty-first year they strongly condemned the belarusian laws on stopping the issuance of documents to citizens outside the country. the chinese embassy in washington called the us decision to install a chinese owner on the social network tiktok a robbery before the elections, either sell the business in the states or close it. the corresponding law passed by congress has already been signed by president joe biden. at its core, this and...
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they called the law unconstitutional and are going to appeal it in court. argentina witnessed the largest protests since president javier meley took office. his scandalous economic reforms. this time, about 800,000 people took to the streets of buenos aires, dissatisfied with the cuts in government spending on education, and throughout the country they counted a million. these are mainly students and university teachers. they demanded that the right to free education be preserved and that universities continue to be funded, without which some were already on the verge of closure. javier miley, who won the presidential election last year, immediately after his inauguration, announced a package of shock measures for the economy. argentina, as a result
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, inflation in the country jumped to 290%. many state employees were laid off, and the purchasing power of the population decreased sharply. and lastly, the level of the ishim river is rising in the tyumen region. the most difficult situation is now in in the village of obatskoye, where the water rose to a level of almost 11 m. the bulk of the population was evacuated. that night there was a threat of a dam breakthrough, but the ministry of emergency situations employees were able to eliminate it in time. meanwhile, in kurgan the level. is steadily decreasing, but more than 2,000 residential buildings and about 700 summer cottages still remain flooded. rescuers are helping people eliminate the consequences of the flood; they are pumping water out of yards and basements. work does not stop in the orenburg region, where over the past 24 hours they managed to free more than 80 hundreds of houses from floods. personal plots. water levels are falling throughout the region. the highest ones so far are in the ural river in the orenburg region, a little less than 9 m. in
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orsk, those affected more than other cities are already less than 5 m. that’s all for now, stay with us, the broadcast of channel one will continue with the good morning program. good morning, arina sharapova is with you. it's thursday on the calendar and it's april 25th. in just 3 more days, consider today, the long-awaited may holidays will arrive. and then another one, and this is a great reason to go on... a small trip, what is called a change situation, and even visit relatives in another city. many people choose to travel by rail if you are already at a low start, here are some things you should definitely remember. more than 1,200, the same number of tickets already purchased by travelers for may, and no wonder, this is almost the most popular transport for family trips. styopa, you are impressed. that’s it,
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so it’s time to remember the rules of conduct, first: you can’t change shelves, no matter how much you want to, even if all the passengers are in favor, these are the transport safety rules. second with pets are allowed, the list of those allowed is on the russian railways website, bring certificates and passports with you, and most importantly, check the carriage to see if the carriage of animals is allowed there. if it is a small pet, and a small one is one that fits into a carrier of freely established dimensions based on the sum of three dimensions.
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paints, stickers, the conductors only have checkers and dominoes. by the way, a life hack from parents, for very little ones it is better to take with you such a playpen, it’s comfortable, fun, so that it’s generally very convenient, of course, it doesn’t fall off at all, that is, good. and finally, the last and most important thing is what to do if you overslept your stop. the job responsibilities of long-distance train personnel include warning the passenger about arrival at the destination station; if the passenger is resting, he will naturally be woken up. on long-distance trains it takes 30 minutes, on high-speed trains - 15 minutes, but if something goes wrong and you pass the station, you need to notify the train manager, they will fill out the documents and take you to the desired stop for free. anastasia savileva, dmitry likhachev, channel one. in the spring you really want something delicious fresh, but during the winter your body yearns for fresh herbs, the shelves are full of them, wild garlic, basil, dill and parsley. i’m not even talking about green onions, however, on social networks... you often
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read that all this greenery is baked with fertilizers, all sorts of chemicals, is this true and is it worth being afraid of, is this really true, and how to choose real early fresh greens? yulia kozlova will tell us everything now. the earliest greens are already on the shelves, we're flying into wild garlic definitely a champion in the fight against vitamin deficiency. this smell is just the taste, yes, garlic, onion, this is just a large amount of fetoncides in wild garlic, it also contains potassium, calcium, vital microelements, iron, vitamin c in wild garlic is 15 times more than in lemons and oranges green onions are a little inferior to her, but they contain a lot of essential oils, so the taste is sharp, spicy, destroys microbes, cleanses the respiratory tract, it is desirable for her along with a young white onion, we also don’t forget about basil, this is almost the main one a source of folic acid, as well as vitamin
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k, which is practically nowhere else to get. green and purple basil differ little in composition and nutritional value, the only difference is taste. the sleepy-colored leaves are brighter and spicy, other types of early greens, parsley, dill, cilantro, are about equal, mostly rich in b vitamins and useful as a source of fiber, like spinach, but spinach is such a vegetable, such a green crop , which still accumulates more nitrates than we previously did listed green crops. you can recognize greens that have been overfed with fertilizers by their appearance, from obvious signs: the leaves curl towards the bottom or turn yellow at... the edges, without fertilizers there is no way, but believe me, everywhere at the plants, wherever they are grown, the instructions are strictly followed, that is, because that feathers and food also affect not only bad health, but also bad for the plants themselves, they become transparent, they become some kind of bluish-green, that is, they
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themselves look ugly, and withered, slightly we don’t take wilted greens if they were cut a long time ago and have lost not only moisture, but also some of the nutrients; freshly harvested leaves have strong, crunchy leaves. but in fact, in order to find out the real area and set exact boundaries, we need cadastral engineers to register them in the cadastral register and also protect ourselves from the fact that no
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neighbors can seize our lands, but there are possible pitfalls with cadastral engineers, let’s sort them out together with experts, here we will measure the first without a contract in exchange. for a discount, you definitely cannot agree to this, without documents, if errors in measurements are discovered, there will be no one to file a claim with. we recommend that the contract , first of all, contain a condition that the result is registration with the state cadastral register in the russian register of the results of cadastral activities. and one hundred percent payment only after you have seen your plot on the public cadastral map. now comes the second possible catch. let's draw the boundaries of the area. remotely, real measurements are a waste of time, this is also in no case, boundary or technical plan only with on-site visit. within the boundaries of populated areas, coordinates must be determined with an accuracy of 10 cm. if a cadastral engineer tries to determine the coordinates from a map of a sufficiently small
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scale, or by using the coordinates of neighboring adjacent plots, there was a crisis of errors occurring, this is not uncommon, it is enough to measure the length and width of the plot. regular tape measure. third subtle point. here we remember that in order to determine the turning points of the boundaries of the site we need special, and certified instruments, without them it is not possible make do. data on verification of equipment, electronic tachometer, satellite receiver, are entered into the technical plan, boundary plan; if verification is not carried out, then the coordinates may be determined incorrectly, the measurements will be incorrect, and the rosregister will not accept such documents. there will be no further fourth trick. notify neighbors, but land surveying is considered legal only when the owners of adjacent plots are present. the adamovs invited me, the neighbor has her own interests, so that they do not move their borders onto my territory. the act of coordinating boundaries, it it is necessary that the boundaries of the site pass
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exactly along the coordinates that we have determined; these coordinates are entered into the rosregister. and finally, the last fifth catch, we will increase the area of ​​your site several times, we don’t believe it, a real professional. will never offer something like this, so before calling engineers, we check on the rosreestr website, the length of service is important, plus how many refusals there have been in registering publication sites for cadastral registration. nadezhda pravdina, pavel dits, channel one. the signs of spring are everywhere, all over the country the summer passenger navigation season is starting, somewhere in moscow, it has already opened, somewhere it is about to open, the berths and the river embankment were being prepared for this event with all the care. stations, and of course, the ships themselves, i think they really missed us and the passengers. the moscow river, navigation does not stop all year round. the yachts paid. unique in that it has a reinforced keel, which allows it to pass through
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and break ice thickness of 20 cm. before this , river icebreakers cleared the water from ice, and such yachts sail freely on this crumbling ice, so not everyone can, here with a reduced cross-country ability they are waiting for the start of navigation, winter is the planned time. the engine and main auxiliaries are being repaired so that the ship can move safely in the summer, so that there is no problem . failures in electricity, so that our guests always have water, there is always light, so that it is comfortable and cozy on the ship, this ship will receive its first guests tomorrow, they are finishing with cosmetics, literally touching up, we are cleaning up all sorts of these red spots, this we get some rust from last year, it's just directly with sandpaper, then we degrease it, wipe it, apply white paint so that it looks almost like new, all that remains is to powder the bow of the ship, apply white paint. now eyeliner is not just for the eyes, we are on the sunny deck, this is the highest
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point of our ship, now we are painting the plancher, what are we painting? the plancher is what we call the railings on our ships. alina has been working on the ship for the first year, she is still learning navigation, her dream is, of course, to become a captain. in the capital, navigation started yesterday. in yaroslavl, for example, the official beginning on april 27, however, some decided. don't wait, but that's it. the beginning of navigation depends on the passage of flood waters and, accordingly, the establishment of the necessary water levels for safe navigation. start on april 29. last year they counted 80,000 cruise passengers, this year they are expecting more, they are launching a new electric tram route. two modular berths have been manufactured, which will be located - in the zakamsk microdistrict and on the first berth , the first one, their installation is planned after the required water levels have been established, this
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they plan to do it by june 1, but for now the test voyages are sporadic, here the shipyard finishes work on the yachts, once every 5 years the vessels undergo a major cleaning of the hull, checking the thickness of the metal and its extension. in the lower part , preparations are over. we give away the mooring line. the first motor ships and electric catamarans depart from their wintering grounds to the piers. the official start of navigation here is april 27, although the first motor ship nizhny moscow set off on its journey yesterday, ice conditions are already allowing it. elizaveta nikishova, sergelendazh, dmitry gordienko, channel one. oh my dear tv viewers, we haven’t prepared anything so delicious for a long time, now we’ll correct this gap. zucchini casserole with cheese sauce will decorate any table. chef igor molotkin. i suggest you start
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the day deliciously. let's prepare a delicious casserole for breakfast. i cut the zucchini into slices. fry on both sides until golden brown. in the same frying pan, sauté the onion until golden brown. i turn down the fire. i pour in warm cream. i warm the mixture over low heat. when the cheese melts, turn off the stove. in a separate bowl, beat the eggs, continuing stir, add the cheese base, you get a thick filling for the casserole, assemble the dish, lay zucchini slices on the bottom of the mold, as tightly as possible, maybe even slightly overlapping so that there is no gap left, evenly distribute a little filling on top, repeating the layers , filling the mold. i bake for 40 minutes at
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180°. let the casserole cool slightly and serve warm. breakfast is ready. with sour cream or garlic sauce, the dish is simply delicious. in order to live and enjoy life, you need to do what you like. why are you tatyana mikhailovna decided to become a teacher? because i love children very much. i am a ceremonial master. who is this? the man who connects hearts. i work on a crane in the ferrous metallurgy. i go to work with joy from work, with pride. study to become a heating engineer. and you won't regret it. one day i became an artist. well, for example, we can voice some grandfather with such a wonderful voice. i wanted to be
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an artist, then a navigator, a sea captain . at the end of tenth grade. i decided to become a doctor, like my mother, in small steps you can move towards your goal, nothing is impossible, the flood in russia continues, in the orenburg region the water is gradually receding, but the situation is still very difficult, in the kurgan and tyumen regions the situation is also difficult, the number of victims of the high water numbers in the tens of thousands, they are being helped the whole world, because someone else’s misfortune doesn’t happen, and...
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in the basement, this is the first time it’s not just the yard that’s flooded, the street was all flooded, here’s the water, here’s the bricks, you can even see how there was water in the house, at least the furniture we were all raised for stools, for chairs, my husband and i have already partially removed the floor, volunteers from student teams have come to help, they are helping to clean up the entire village and surrounding area, targeted help
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for pensioners, removing linoleum, removing garbage, clearing dams of debris, dirt, because with water washed up... the garbage is pushing it to the shores, we clean it all up, the garbage is removed by trucks several times a day, and yamal rescue employees continue to work day and night, evacuating animals, well, okay, not here, in temporary accommodation centers for children are given quests, master classes, they are always busy with something, dozens of neighboring regions continue to help with general development, they take them to museums. collecting aid throughout the country. in yekaterinburg, they are collecting food, personal hygiene products, and clothing for victims in the orenburg region. this is not the first time elena has brought things. when these are our brothers, when these are literally neighboring regions, it is very important to help loved ones. and we still need clean drinking water, disposable tableware, clothing, people are gradually starting to return to their homes.
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there is a long recovery ahead. help still available needed. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, elena savina, channel one. the fact that high water is not a joke, i think, is clear to everyone, so don’t relax, please carefully follow the messages of emergency services, do not ignore them, if there is a message about evacuation, evacuate immediately, but even when the water goes away, it’s far away problems don’t always go away with it, survival instructor dmitry kolesnikov will tell you and show you how to act after the water has subsided. the flood is over, you are returning to your home, beware of damaged roads and bridges, there is a risk of falling through. there may also be damage to the house. if there are broken, loose wires, it is better not to touch them. in general,
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be careful with electricity. do not turn on the machines in the panel and do not use electrical appliances if they... have been flooded with water. in all these cases, the serviceability of the electrical system should be checked by a specialist. and the most important thing now is to start drying the house. open windows and doors to create maximum air movement. do not drink or use tap water. in the pipes could get an infection. be sure to use gloves while cleaning. first, water and dirt must be removed from the house. after. disinfection is necessary, products containing chlorine are available; they can be in powders, tablets, gel form and diluted in warm water. a reminder for treating premises after flooding is available on the rospotrebnadzor website. help your neighbors and elderly people, together we will cope with the consequences of any disaster. well,
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now the attention of all football fans, however, if you are far from this sport, that's how... don't go far from the screen anyway, i assure you it will be interesting, so let's talk to my colleague, sports journalist of the first channel, viktor gusev, he will tell you about those who... don't go out on the field, but absolutely root for their idols more than anyone, because this idol is his dad. the invariably calm, modest sergei semak has amassed an impressive collection of trophies during his career , both as a player and as a coach. another unofficial title for the head coach of zenit is the father with the most children in our football. together with his wife anna, sergei. raising eight children, according to simak, he tries to evenly distribute his attention time in order to find an opportunity to be alone with each child at least a little.
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if simak’s team can be said to have a mixed composition, then valery karpin only has daughters. not many, not few, five. the head coach of the russian national team and rostov is an exemplary family man who devotes all his free time to his wife and children. the youngest daughter sasha, like... two peas in a pod similar to her dad, turned 4 years old in early april, her birthday was a success glory. russian locomotive champion dmitry tarasov and his wife anastasia also like to organize fun holidays for children. by the way, there was a new addition to the large tarasov family not long ago. the older children, of course, helped their father pick up their mother and baby from the maternity hospital, and that’s how they chose the name for the youngest child, calling him yaroslav.
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this will be useful to me, thank you, what does military lawyer svetlana elagina keep on her tablet?
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this tablet, it’s enough, it seems to me, yes, it’s old, the id is there, the card is there, the prosecutor’s office and the text, for example, here yalagina. ekaterina klimovo admits that she sometimes corrects her character’s lines in the script. over 7 years of filming with...
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but there are nuances, just such passions, or what other passions there are, the continuation of an exciting detective story based on the laws of war, today on channel one, how can i
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then look vanya in the eyes that i i’ll tell him, he’ll understand if he’s a fool, and if he’s a fool, then why do you need him? asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. a series of explosions occurred in the south of ukraine in nikolaev. the strikes hit military targets within the city. footage posted online shows thick black smoke rising above one of the buildings. according to some reports , an ammunition depot was hit. a video of the arrival at the senelnikovo railway station also appeared. it was published only now, although the strike itself occurred at the end of last week. then a train of military equipment in the ssu was hit. nato vehicles that manage to reach the front line also
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burn well under the blows of our military. one of the recent targets of this calculation is the american abrams tank. he was tracked for 3 days. what roads does he travel on, where is he hidden, but the main thing was to understand how the enemy’s electronic warfare system works. it was decided to use the lancet attack drone. in these shots he overcomes all enemy defense levels. they are trying to suppress it; due to the strong wind, the lancet is thrown a little to the sides, but in the end it is an accurate hit. the video shows, yes, they say he dived like a dolphin. everyone was surprised there, it was just difficult weather conditions, different the wind was on the echelons, and the product tried as hard as possible to taxi, to hold the target in order to hit, partly it was successful, but it was difficult, we decided to hit the tank’s upper plane, its weakest part, that is, the roof of the tower, this is where this armored vehicle poorly protected; among other things, this unit did not have additional screen protection. tower on top.
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several more nato- made armored personnel carriers were destroyed in the southern donetsk direction. this is the result of the work of the crew of the mstas self-propelled howitzers. she hits the nodes supplies, places of deployment of personnel in the armed forces of ukraine and heavy equipment of the enemy at a distance of up to 30 km. cover for the ground unit is provided by anti-aircraft gunners. in the donetsk direction, they destroyed an enemy copter, the so-called baba yaga, which was carrying several mines. more and more men of military age, whom the kiev regime has made unable to travel abroad, are trying to leave ukraine. people, in order to save their lives, try to move abroad by any means, even floating on an inflatable mattress. one of them was detained on the dniester. despite due to the fast current and flood of the river, the man tried to get to the other side of moldova, but to no avail. another ukrainian turned out to be much luckier, who on the street noticed
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a car with people in uniform in time; a military registration and enlistment office employee failed and, out of frustration, threw a stone after him. the kiev regime is starting to hunt its citizens outside of ukraine. the cabinet of ministers adopted a resolution according to which men aged 18 to 60 years will not be issued foreign and internal passports at foreign diplomatic institutions. shipping too prohibited. it will be possible to receive documents only in person at the territorial division of the migration service. the measure is expected. caused a wave of indignation among citizens who fled the country. at the ukrainian consulate in warsaw , dozens of people blocked the work of the institution, demanding that they be given new passports. against this background, the polish minister of defense announced his readiness to return citizens of the neighboring country to their homeland. he pointed out that the poles are increasingly irritated by the company of young ukrainians who are fit to serve, who do nothing but relax in hotel cafes, while time when europe demands from warsaw even greater support for kiev.
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the bulk of the population was evacuated; that night there was a threat of a dam breaking, but the ministry of emergency situations employees were able to eliminate it in time. meanwhile, in kurgan, the tabola level is steadily decreasing, but more than 2.0 residential buildings and about 7 summer cottages still remain flooded. rescuers help people eliminate the consequences of the flood; they pump out water from courtyards and basements. work does not stop in the orenburg region, where over the past 24 hours there has been flooding
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managed to free more than eight more. student record cards will become electronic in russia, although for now as an experiment. this order was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. the pilot project will run until the end of next year and will be voluntary. on public services in your personal account, in the section. document, new types of documents will appear, student documents will appear, a record book will appear, that is, they will be accessible, relatively speaking, well, there in the form of a human-perceivable one, well, that is, a student card will be written there, everything student card details are required and it will be available in qr code mode; such qr codes, among other things, can be
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presented to purchase discounted tickets for public transport, theaters, cinema and museums. electronic documents will not be canceled; regular ones can be used by any of them. that's all for now, stay with us. channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. good cheerful morning, dear friends, today is the twenty-fifth of april, and it’s thursday, well, early in the morning, it’s very important topic, maternity leave. any mother will confirm with a vacation, it can only be called in quotation marks, a mother’s work is 24x7, but many even on maternity leave are looking for how to earn extra money, someone needs extra money, someone wants... to add variety to their maternity life, so that it doesn’t look like groundhog day, of course, it’s not easy, but the heroine of our report tried it, they succeeded, however, i’ll clarify, the heroines and the hero, six children 12 years old on maternity leave, zineida
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sobelkina, worked before the birth of her first daughter kindergarten teacher. i was so happy with the birth of a child that i only worked with the child, we were with her during the day... developmental activities, in the evening a bath, massage, walks, healthy eating, well, that is, the first child, i just don’t know, there was a lot of joy and happiness , according to statistics, 34% of women do not work on maternity leave, zinoida had no desire either, and did not have to, there is about a 2-year difference between the children, well, as the director of a small enterprise , so that everything works smoothly, so that everyone is on time everywhere, in the shafra family everything is equally, maternity leave too, anastasia - personnel employee, went on her first maternity leave herself. this is hard work, especially since ulyana was a more restless child than mark. mark is calmer with us, he sleeps normally, he lets
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you sleep. with ulyana, i slept for 15 minutes, and so on for 24 hours. when the youngest turned 3 months old, the question arose: who is on maternity leave? my wife earns a little. more, either she needed to refuse work and i should stay at my job, or vice versa, as if in principle they decided, andrey is among the 2% of men who decide on maternity leave, but by profession the man is a pediatric massage therapist-rehabilitator, so there was no doubt that he could handle it. even when he had not yet gone on maternity leave, he helped me a lot when he was working, and it was clear that this was his fifth, tenth, fiftieth child, so... he was doing an excellent job, so there was no worry at all. four sons and 9 years on maternity leave. anna gubina never thought of being a mother of many children, she dreamed of a career. i was a doctor, i studied in residency, in the gynecological oncology department, i planned
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become a surgical oncologist. during my first pregnancy , i trained as a pediatric massage therapist for my child. for the first maternity leave, i was eager to go out, that is, i didn’t want to wait 3 years, and i was already ready to go out. others do both, a third work part-time as a hobby, every fifth woman on maternity leave goes to study, changes her profession in order to start a completely new job after maternity leave. anna soldatova, vladimir ilyin, igor kostyukov, yulia bykova, channel one. well, i
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realized a long time ago that it’s better for us women not to go into a cosmetics store, there are so many of all sorts of means, your eyes, of course, run wild and the consultants immediately begin to persuade you to buy everything at once, saying that you need this, and this and that, and so on. there's no budget here. that’s enough, but make-up artist and beauty blogger erisha krylova, we’re sure there’s no need to buy the entire store, three products are enough. if you want to save on cosmetics, all this can be replaced with concealer, eye shadow and lipstick. you will be surprised, but these three products are enough to do a full-fledged make-up. i show that the concealer evens out the color perfectly. face, but the product is dense, so first warm it up in your hand and blend it directly with your fingers, like this, with patting movements, well, here i am... i look like i just returned from vacation. the next product is
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long-lasting cream shadows, i recommend a light brown shade, it will look good on dark skin and light skin like mine . blend the shadows in a thin layer up to the crease of the eyelid. and we slightly raise the pigment to the outer corner of the eyebrows, creating the effect of an elongated fox look. and now the trick. i spread a little product along. century, this will make the look more expressive. great, now with a flat brush we tint the eyebrows with the same shadows and move on to modeling the oval of the face. this is usually done by a sculptor and we use shadows. apply under the cheekbone line along the edge of hair growth on the tip of the nose. we also darken the temporal area a little and carefully blend the product.
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so we added volume to the face in the right places. and finally, we need a bright accent - red lipstick. apply it to the center of the lips and blend with your finger only along the contour. the result was the effect of kissed lips. now let's mix lipstick with'. in order not to overdo it with color, we take twice as much correctors, we got excellent cream blush, apply it on the apple of the cheeks, it’s done, everything is as promised, three products and the makeup looks great.
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good morning, the more often you squat, the stronger your legs and buttocks, and i will show you how to modernize the exercises. now we will focus on the inner thighs. with a sedentary lifestyle, it loses tone the fastest. feet wider than shoulder width, hands locked together in front of the chest. as we inhale, we squat, the back is straight, the pelvis is pulled back. we tilt the body forward a little, while exhaling we rise, move the left leg diagonally to the right, squat again, perform the exercise first in one direction or the other, move without pauses, squats help strengthen the muscles of the legs and i. and the swings actively involve the inner surface
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of the bucket in the work. don't relax, beauty is worth fighting for. with fabulous ease , the provincial resort turned into the capital of world cinema. mr. wenders, why are you repeating yourself? and i'm not repeating myself. my god, are there no doors? in this film i play a negative character. i am an avenger, i only left my rights. jane's script is real literature. we can't leave piano. thousands of journalists came to kan for the festival. this isn't a movie anymore, please be careful jack. damn, it hurts. i feel like i'm made from one piece of cinema, from head to toe. thank you for being here. on saturday at the first, this is a festival where there are
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films for everyone, this is cannes. the grand opening took place today twelfth film festival, and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, but i saw the light, come here, and you ’ll catch me, i was in the studio, dozens of people saw me, you’re still lying, why are you lumping everything together, but let’s get used to living. we will part separately anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the nichaev spouses known to you, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want together with his wife, nichaeva, elena mikhailovna, to live together in the next world, what kind of love can there be, what eternity, i ’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving her, after all, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down, where? champagne, i soaked him with my
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hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, but i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello len, frivolous conversation, are they sure? that they truly love each other, what are you ready for? that's it, life after life, the premiere of a serial film, soon on the first one. well of course you are remember that today is thursday on the calendar, the long-awaited may holidays are very soon, which means you can forget about the strict dress code of dressing up somewhere, especially since in spring you especially want to be bright. a regular international manicure instructor, tatyana koshlyaeva, suggests complementing the look with an openwork manicure with lace. if you prefer a delicate, feminine manicure, try decorating your nails with lace. this design is just
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in fashion, and you can easily make it yourself. ideal for decoration a fabric made of thin threads with a fine detailed pattern is suitable. and to make the design look sophisticated, i advise you to cover not the entire nail with lace, but only part of it, cut off a small piece of fabric, saturate it with varnish, use tweezers to place it on the nail, press the fabric along the edges so that it does not stick out when the decoration dries, fix the decor colorless varnish. see, i decorated the edge of the nail to make the design stand out. i harmoniously decorate the adjacent note with a symmetrical pattern. this is quite enough for an elegant manicure. in spring you really want something tasty fresh, the body yearned for fresh greens during the winter. the shelves are full of wild garlic, basil, dill, and parsley. i 'm not even talking about green onions, however, on
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social networks you often read that all these greens are loaded with fertilizers and all sorts of chemicals, is that true... the earliest greens are already on the shelves, we're hitting on wild garlic , definitely a champion in the fight against vitamin deficiency . this smell is just the taste, yes, garlic, onion, this is just a large amount of petancides in wild garlic, it also contains potassium, calcium, these are vital microelements, jelly. there is 15 times more vitamin c in wild garlic than in lemons and oranges, green onions are slightly inferior to it, but they contain a lot of essential oils, so they have a sharp spicy taste, destroy microbes, cleanse the respiratory tract, preferably together with a young white onion, about let’s not forget basil either, this is almost the main source
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of folic acid, as well as vitamin k, which is practically nowhere else to get, green and purple... the face differs little in composition and nutritional value, the only difference is taste, dark-colored leaves are brighter and spicy. other types of early greens, parsley, dill, cilantro, are approximately on an equal footing, mostly rich in b vitamins and useful as a source of fiber, like spinach, but spinach is a vegetable, a green crop that still accumulates more nitrates than the previously listed green crops. recognize potions overfed with fertilizers. it can be by appearance, from obvious signs, leaves curl towards the bottom or turn yellow at the edges, without fertilizers, but believe me, everywhere in factories, wherever it is grown, the instructions are strictly followed, that is, because overfeeding also affects not only what is bad for health, but also bad for the plants themselves, they become transparent, they become
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some kind of bluish-green, that is they themselves look ugly, and we don’t take wilted, slightly drooping greens if they were cut a long time ago and have lost not only moisture, but also some of the nutrients. when freshly harvested, the leaves are strong, crisp and aromatic. yulia kozlova, mikhail chetveryukov, vasily yurov, channel one. well, now we have an astrological forecast in our program. we listen carefully. april 25 is the turning point of the 17th and eighteenth lunar days. seventh day of the sun. cheerful, energetic, hardy, when we, as they say, feel in shape, at the same time very practical and know how to constructively. think, an excellent assistant to everyone who faces some difficult task, he will add strength to our confidence, working with technology with all sorts of tools will be great today, and he also has good organizational skills, although sometimes he he can be overly straightforward and stubborn, he, as they say, lacks flexibility, more about the disadvantages, he is ambitious, sometimes behaves
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selfishly, on such days we don’t like it when something is not done our way, because of this aries risk being heard in your address, something seems to be enough here... you yourself have to defend your opinion, achieve something, perhaps eliminate some injustice, the star is on your side, but asks you not to go too far, otherwise the effect will be negative, after lunch it may go bad for no particular reason. mood, but the evening will fix everything. geminis can get on their nerves because of some incompetent people or simply incompetent people. calm down, okay, if you have to buy something from your own hands, be very careful, they might suggest a marriage, and don’t discuss your financial affairs with anyone. cancers, the latter is true for you, and in general talk less, listen more, you will learn a lot of interesting things, including about yourself. otherwise, the day is very
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fruitful, it will help improve something, strengthen it, in a word, add reliability to life and stability. leo has wonderful money, things are going well, work is in full swing and everything is normal at home, leo men will have a chance to improve relationships with their mothers-in-law, and in the evening, perhaps some interesting and useful acquaintances, most likely at a party. the girls are also doing well, they are businesslike. prudently rational, not a single little thing escapes them, in a word, a miracle, non-workers, in the personal life of the virgins it seems that something is planned, just be more careful when driving. libra could use a little revision of their personal finances, especially if something is planned for the may holidays. in general it’s a great day, when almost everything works out and no one bothers you, feel free to make a date for the evening. scorpios are also doing great when it comes to romantic rendezvous and personal contacts in general. but some kind of business meeting. it may not bring the desired result, but this is all fixable and being careful with the equipment can cause problems. sagittarius will have
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to deal with finances, creditors may remind them of what to do, debts must be repaid, and in general there will be a lot of things to do today, they will have to do a fair amount of spinning, but it’s already evening all yours. a new passion can burst into the life of capricorns, this can mix up all plans and turn everything upside down, but here the stars are powerless. about business, take it easy on the fact that you will be there. control and give all sorts of advice, be careful with fire. aquarius may have to explain something to someone, chew it out, explain it, the stars say patience, patience again, not everyone knows how to grasp everything right away, the evening is clearly going to invite you somewhere. not a bad day for the pisces, just a little overloaded with things to do and talking, by the end of the day it can get really tiring, some of the fish will decide to run away from everyone and retire, well, why not, but in the evening you will still go out into the world, it seems to be waiting for you. something interesting, good luck! on the calendar , april 25, only 3 days before the may holidays, many will go to the country or on a picnic, they will take
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food with them, of course, i really want to take it directly in the refrigerator, well, a large white refrigerator will not fit in the car, but there are such compact camping ones options, ruslan yunyaev will now deal with them. what's the news? food for the dacha or a picnic in an insulated bag or thermal container, or maybe in a car refrigerator? it is connected to the network from a voltage of 12 v; it cools when connected to the network, keeping it 18 ° below the environment. the car refrigerator does not have a thermal insulating layer, but inside there is a metal tray that keeps the cold as long as there is electricity, and the thermal bag is autonomous and should maintain the temperature for up to 3 hours due to a layer of polyethylene foam and polyethylene vinylacite. but here, in addition , there is also a reflective layer inside, which also promotes conservation. the container, according to manufacturers' promises, can last longer, up to 10 hours, because the lid fits tightly, it's all made of plastic, there's a layer of
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ulertane foam inside, it naturally conducts heat poorly, it allows you to keep heat or cold inside this thermal container, let's compare it with a bag, put ice inside and check after half an hour, from the results of our experiment we see... that a container with hard walls will retain cold longer, because it has a thicker layer of a substance that does not transmit well warm. however, in the blazing sun the situation may be different, thermal bags are made from materials that repel rays, plastic gets very hot in the heat, so it is better to additionally use cold storage batteries, or a car refrigerator, if possible, the bag will not let you down in any weather. experienced travelers, mikhail, julia and... quito assure that there are other options for preserving food on the road, sometimes even longer than 10 hours. you and i need to coat the egg in vegetable
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oil, i mark it right here, wrap it in a few napkins, our egg. thus, the egg can also be stored in a dry place in an oil shell for up to a week. do you always have a first aid kit when camping? what do you always have in your first aid kit? snow from bruises. and we always have the second one. yes, there is a safety blanket, we put the product in the safety blanket, and so that we still have something cold inside, we take a snowball, activate it, it gives off cold, in general, the entrance goes into... everything that can cool, but the main secret of all my travels is, of course, a dry plane, all products are stored for more than 9 hours, and life hacks work, but they’re far away not everyone has dry ice, a snowball and a safety blanket on hand; in any case, you need to prepare in advance. ruslan yunyaev, dmitry roshkov, vasily yurov, ksenia maklyak, channel one.
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today is april 25th, world penguin day. congratulations to all these amazing birds, by the way, there are 18 species of them, as well as to all those who study and love them, and how can you not love them? some people call penguins clumsy somehow, well, personally, i categorically disagree with this, they are dexterous, graceful and each has its own character. awkward on sushi and graceful in water, penguins, we used to think of as not-duckies and friendly weirdos. they perceive every object that they see in front of them, especially bright or large, as an opportunity to play king of the hill. scientists from the arctic and antarctic research institute have no reason to show themselves as alpha twice. in general, pindwins are quite quarrelsome comrades, scientists have long figured them out; when they are at sea, well, in general, they are on their own,
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they do not feed, they do not notice anyone, they are beautiful birds. swim in the water, as soon as they come to dry land start to multiply, they become grumpy, and their character deteriorates, they begin to steal stones from each other, well, the scream is so loud that in general you don’t want to come close to them. these adélie penguin species, one of the habitats of the coast of antarctica, what is surprising, is that it is quite comfortable for them to walk awkwardly, the tail is like another leg, they even stand on it sometimes, the wings and flippers prevent them from falling onto land, although penguins often fall . when a penguin needs to overcome some snow-covered space, he of course he will use his belly, because the smooth , hard feather on his belly allows him to glide like on a sleigh, especially if there is only a little hump, and you don’t have to waste energy on this kind of waddled movement, but just go. penguins are generally for saving energy,
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but not in water, there they behave like full-fledged fish, look. these ones are from the novosibirsk zoo. this is another type of penguin - the humbaldah penguin. and recently their mating season ended. they build nests themselves, sit in burrows, choose a place for themselves, this is usually one and the same same place. here is the same pair formed once, it, well, remains throughout life. usually the couple takes care of the offspring themselves, but in the wild the survival rate of babies is 40%. people help them here. here they brought the baby. an inductor with a suitable temperature, so small, and already with its own apartment. another species of spectacled penguins lives in the krasnoyarsk park; they are generally almost white and do not like the cold. not all penguins are found at the south pole, and some of them live, unsurprisingly, in southern latitudes. our penguins are one of those that don't really like snow. in general, each penguin has
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its own character, and taming it like a dog is problematic. but you can stroke a cat like this if he comes to you himself, like this little guy from the seaside aquarium. it turns out that not all penguins are brawlers. liliya lobkova ilya kuvaldin, channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. another american one. abram was eliminated in the special operation zone, the russian military tracked the tank for 3 days, studied the routes, movement, cover, special attention to how the enemy's electronic warfare system works. this tank is very well guarded by enemy troops. we discovered it, the target was immediately handed over to us, of course, they told us to destroy it, but the situation did not allow the rap, we retreated, flew around from different directions to
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understand where the rap was directed, whether it was directed differently or with a clear beam. that is, how will it be possible to enter, will it be possible, they worked along the altitude levels, that is, they tried to somehow penetrate there, it was decided to hit the enemy tank with a lancet, in these frames our drone overcomes electronic interference, they tried to jam it, on approach the lancet is thrown from side to side, all because of the strong gusty wind, but in the end it hits right on target, our tank crews near kherson, the crew of the t-, worked effectively 90m breakthrough. liquidated a branch of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper, hitting a closed firing position from a distance of more than 3 km. a series of attacks on the enemy stronghold and infantry were carried out by su fighter-bomber crews. used unguided bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow pilots to remain at a safe distance from the line of contact without falling into the range of air defense systems.
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russian artillerymen are also pushing back the enemy. the crew of the akatsiya self-propelled gun, supporting the advance of motorized riflemen, strikes at the fortifications and columns of military equipment of the militants. the kiev regime is preparing the ground to force citizens who fled to return to ukraine. from the country from the conscription of the ukrainian armed forces. the cabinet of ministers adopted a resolution according to which men aged 18 to 60 years will not be extradited border and internal passports in foreign diplomatic institutions. shipping is also prohibited. it will be possible to receive documents only in person at the territorial division of the migration service. the measure, as expected, caused a wave of indignation among citizens who left the country. at the ukrainian consulate in warsaw, dozens of people blocked the work of the institution, demanding that they be given new passports. against this backdrop, the polish defense minister announced his readiness to return citizens of a neighboring country to their homeland. he pointed out that the poles are increasingly irritated companies are fit to serve young ukrainians who do nothing but relax in
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hotel cafes while europe demands from warsaw even more support for kiev. meanwhile, on the social network tiktok, the number of videos of ukrainians is growing, which show that they either already have a second citizenship or are about to receive it. the european commission's reaction to the decision is indicative. kiev in brussels refused to comment on it when, in the twenty-first year, they condemned the belarusian laws on stopping the issuance of documents to citizens outside countries. the chinese embassy in washington called the us decision to force the chinese owner of the social network tiktok to either sell the business in the states or close it before the elections as robbery. the corresponding law passed by congress has already been signed by president joe biden. at its core, this is a famous business. in american terms, that same gangster offer that cannot be refused, all that remains is to fulfill it, for which the owner of tiktok was given 9 months, the us authorities framed their decision as a concern for national security, but in beijing
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we are sure that washington is abusing it to undermine the competitive companies of other countries, this is a clear example of the fact that american rules of order are not for the whole world, only for the united states, the chinese diplomatic mission added, a representative of the company itself called the law unconstitutional and are going to appeal it in court . argentina has seen its biggest protests since president javier miley took office and launched his controversial economic reforms. this time on the street of buenos aires they came out about 800,000 people are dissatisfied with the linkage of government spending on education, and throughout the country they counted a million. these are mainly university students and teachers. they demanded that the right to free education be preserved. continue funding universities, without which some are already on the verge of closure. jovier miley, who won the presidential election last year, immediately after his inauguration announced a package of shock measures for the
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argentine economy. as a result, inflation in the country jumped to 290%. many state employees were laid off, the purchasing power of the population has sharply decreased. and lastly , the level of the ishim river is rising in the tyumen region. the most difficult situation is now. in the village of obatskoye, where the water rose to a level of almost 11 m, the bulk of the population was evacuated, that night there was a threat of a dam breaking, but the ministry of emergency situations employees were able to eliminate it in time. meanwhile, in kurgan , the tabola level is steadily decreasing, but more than 2 thousand residential buildings and about 7.00 summer cottages still remain flooded. eliminate the consequences of the flood rescuers are helping people; they are pumping water out of their yards and basements. work does not stop in the orenburg region, there. over the past 24 hours , more than 80 houses and hundreds of household plots have been freed from the flood. water levels are falling throughout the region. the highest so far is in the ural river in the orenburg region, a little less than 9 m, in orsk,
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which suffered more than other cities, it is already less than 5 m. that’s all for now, stay with us, the broadcast of channel one will continue with the good morning program. well, we continue without delay long. box we offer you another selection of internet hits from yegor uspensky, only now only for you the very, very videos of the world wide web. today, by the way, is world penguin day. yegor, of course, couldn’t ignore this topic; he created a real penguin hit parade. our hit parade today opens with a penguin named marley, who draws well. right now you can see how he leaves with his paws. trace, or rather traces in art, and his many fans really like it. in fourth place perhaps the most fashionable penguin in the world, or so they say. 100,000 of his
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fans, the sea creature had problems with his paws for a long time, so the doctors made him these cute sandals, in which he now proudly walks around. the top three winners are opened by a high-tech penguin robot. it is equipped with a video camera and microphone to help scientists study in detail the world of these animals. well, the penguins themselves, as you can see, are friendly towards the robotic spy. an honorable second place goes to a penguin named din dim. more than 10 years ago this brazilian fisherman picked him up and went out, and since then every year din dim sails to visit his savior, covering thousands of kilometers. according to biologists, such a strong connection between a penguin and a human is very rare. but the winners of our today's hit parade are penguins from the moscow zoo, who love to play with soap bubbles. well, after what they saw, who will say what? then these sea
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inhabitants are short-lived and lazy creatures. everyone to the bathhouse. that, in fact, is the motto bathhouse attendant viktor zakomaldin. in the spring, when the weather is capricious and changeable, when many people around you are coughing and sniffling, this is relevant. right now we will drive away the remnants of a cold with the help of aroma oils, honey and a birch broom. it often happens that the cold has passed. the cough remains, a bath will help get rid of it. we take a pea of ​​pharmaceutical balm, suitable based on minthol, camphor, peppermint or cloves, apply it to the wrist, wait 15 minutes, if there is no irritation, dilute the product in a quarter of a bucket of water, put it on the heater, we get a bright aroma that clears the airways of phlegm, infection and
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relieves inflammation. we walk over the body with birch brooms, their smell also improves lung ventilation. let's go to the dressing room to rest. here, if the heart vessels are healthy, there are no allergies to bee products, we prepare an anti-cold mixture. mix a pea of ​​the same balm that you breathed in the steam room and three tablespoons of honey. in the second pass, apply the product to the entire back, steam it thoroughly, warm up the lungs, turn over, smear the chest, press brooms, warming up the respiratory system again, now we’re also working on it. sides and of course
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feet. here are biologically active points, the stimulation of which accelerates recovery. after the steam room we take a warm shower, wrap ourselves up, drink tea with raspberry jam. bathhouse. will quickly relieve you of the remnants of a cold. be healthy. good morning, dear friends, on the calendar on april 25 the program “good morning” is broadcast. by the way, if anyone doesn’t know, on this day only in 1954 the creation of solar panels was announced. that is, they still have today just turns 70 years old. in general, they have ceased to be exotic. you're driving along the road and you see, oh, someone's roof is sunny. the question immediately arises: is this
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actually beneficial? the battery itself is not a cheap thing, how long will it pay for itself, is it enough sun in our latitudes or not? now we’ll find out everything and do the math. solar panels on roofs are already commonplace , but what are the real benefits? in the moscow region, for example, there is not as much sun as in yoga, but yuri kulikov installed it in the house, however, in addition to the main network. were in winter electricity problems. here , the most important thing for us is the chicken coop and that it should be warm and light, i was wondering how to keep them warm, so i installed panels last summer, in the winter there were no problems, they came, the chicken coop was warm, light, the chickens were alive, running around, yes, this is taking care of the chickens, apparently they lay golden eggs, electricity around the clock, even at night, energy is collected in the battery, on a sunny day the panels provide 1300 watts per hour, for the refrigerator 500 watts, 100 watts, radiator or
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battery, yuri has it 8 kw holds, the fan is 150 w, 550 w goes into respectively, if there is currently a load of 800 w, it will work for 10 hours. and it will completely sit down, but we take this without taking into account what the panels generate, and if it rains, as now, the panels still generate electricity, although not so much, the silicon plates capture photons of light, which knock an electron out of the metal, through channels like these the veins run into the converter, a current is obtained, now in cloudy weather only 377 watts are collected, not even enough for a refrigerator, so yuri has a combined network, the battery is also powered by general electricity, but if it is turned off, there is a special one. to make it easier to disconnect the network , turn it off, everything works uninterruptedly, it came from the batteries from the panels, but it turns out it takes it from the storage device or directly now from the batteries, it reduced electricity costs by 50%, but the system itself cost
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130,000 rubles . but yuri understands that the chickens are golden, but what’s the point for an ordinary summer resident? there are a lot of private houses where they say that guys, you don’t have poles, it costs 5 million rubles to connect to you. yes. well, why should a person pay 5 million rubles, when let’s say this system costs 130,000 rubles, he installed it for himself, please, he has a house, you can have one like this on the balcony, this panel, it generates 50 watts, it won’t provide you with much electricity, if we are looking specifically this model won’t fit on a balcony anymore, but in private houses they make their own power plants, yes, yes, they actually sell them. vyacheslav chukavin from idmurtia installed panels in his house, immediately signed an agreement with the networks, gives them part of the electricity, wrote an application, arrived, installed a meter. that is, the meter counts the pros and cons, at the end of the month money is deposited on your card, and the balance is approximately what it is, for example, my station costs the maximum allowed for microgeneration of 15 kw, it earns 8,000 rubles in the summer. in winter i pay approximately 8.00 rubles. that is, every year i
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break even, that is, i completely turn off the heating and electricity, and the contract with the networks is unlimited, now i will always earn money, but that is if the weather does not deteriorate. sotnik anastasia novokhatnyaya, andrey ivanov, channel one. what's big water is not a joke, i think everyone understands, so let’s not relax. please carefully monitor the messages of emergency services, do not ignore them, if there is a message about evacuation, evacuate immediately, but even when the water goes away, problems do not always go away with it. survival instructor dmitry kolesnikov will tell you how to act after the waters subside. the flood is over, you are returning to your house, beware of damaged roads and bridges, there is a risk of falling through, in the house too
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damage is possible, if there are broken , loose wires, it is better not to touch them, and in general, be careful with electricity, do not turn on the circuit breakers in the panel and... in all these cases, the serviceability of the electrics should be checked by a specialist and the most important thing now is to start drying the house. open windows and doors to create maximum air movement. do not drink or use tap water. there could be an infection in the pipes. be sure to use gloves while cleaning. first you need water and dirt from the house. remove, after the necessary disinfection , products containing chlorine are suitable; they can be in powders, tablets, gel form and diluted in warm water. a reminder for treating premises after flooding is available on the rospotrebnadzor website. help your neighbors and
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elderly people, together we will cope with the consequences of any disaster. well, we are continuing our program, if anyone doesn’t know... what the national calendar is . and this is an excellent reason to remember about vaccinations right now, and who needs to get vaccinated when, over to elizaveta nekishova. we we have been vaccinating for 50 years, the number of vaccines has increased from six compulsory children’s to 13 universal ones. the first vaccination according to the calendar within 24 hours after birth against viral hepatitis b. on the third to seventh day against tuberculosis at the age of one month, the second vaccination against hepatitis b, after another 30 days against pneumococcal infection. then in the third month of life from deuteria,
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whooping cough, tetanus, polyamylitis against hemophilus influenzae type b. after a month and a half, repeated ones, in the sixth month the third part of the vaccines is administered. total for the first 3 years life almost... all basic vaccinations - 12 vaccines, because young children are most susceptible to complications from infectious diseases, so it is very important to protect. this particular category of the population. vaccination has reduced the incidence of disease. paratitis 1,500 times, rubella 700 times, deftheria 200 times, whooping cough 40 times. after the administration of each vaccine, after a certain period of time , antibodies begin to be produced in the patient’s blood, yes, which protect against precisely the infection for which we vaccinated the child. most often, the protective antibody titer it begins to be produced within a two-week period after vaccination. and up to 18 years of age , vaccines are repeated, revaccination is carried out, in addition, a separate point of vaccination against
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influenza, children from 6 months, schoolchildren, there are also additional vaccines, preventive for epidemic indications, there are 24 of them. in some regions, vaccination against polyamylitis may be added, or from hepatitis or tick-borne encephalitis. sofia just came to get vaccinated against tick-borne viral encephalitis, summer is ahead at the dacha. i'm not afraid. there are 24 preventive vaccines against plague, cholera to smallpox and rotavirus infection. what about adults, women from 18 to 25 years old need to get a revaccination against rubella, adults from 18 to 35 and from 36 to 55 who are at risk from measles and once a year a flu shot for everyone. vaccination is not a panacea, it trains the body before meeting the virus, gives the immune system an additional skill, and explains how to fight. you yourself remember how mass vaccination against covid increased our collective immunity, so
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you shouldn’t forget about this vaccination, revaccination once a year. elizaveta nikishova, roman denidov, yulia bykova, channel one. the beginning of the dacha season, the time when many people traditionally draw up documents for land, clarify the boundaries of the plot, and for this they need a cadastral engineer, here attention is, as they say, there are nuances, a word for hope and truth. the adamov family recently bought a plot of land, according to documents, six hundred square meters, but in fact, in order to find out the real area and establish exact boundaries, cadastral engineers are needed to register it with the cadastral register and also protect themselves from any neighbors could not seize our lands, but with cadastral engineers, there are possible pitfalls, we will sort them out together with experts, so we will measure the first one without an agreement in exchange for a discount, they will agree to this... it’s definitely impossible, without documents, if errors in measurements are found, claims there will be
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no one to present it to. we recommend that the contract , first of all, contain a condition that the result is registration with the state cadastral register in the russian register of the results of cadastral activities. and 100% payment only after saw their plot on the public cadastral map. now the second possible sub-two: we will draw the boundaries of the site remotely, using real measurements. it becomes a waste of time, this is also in no case a boundary or technical plan only with an on-site visit. within the boundaries of populated areas, coordinates must be determined with an accuracy of 10 cm. if a cadastral engineer tries to determine coordinates from a map of a sufficiently small scale or by using the coordinates of neighboring adjacent areas, errors will occur. and this is not rarity. it is enough to measure the length and width of the area with a regular tape measure. third. moment: here we remember that in order to determine the turning points of the boundaries of the site, we need special, and
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certified, instruments; we cannot do without them. data on equipment verification, electronic tachometer, satellite receiver are entered into the technical plan, boundary plan; if verification does not take place, the coordinates may be determined incorrectly, the measurements will be incorrect and the rosregister will not accept such documents. we won’t notify the neighbors further on the fourth catch, but land surveying... is considered legal only when the owners of adjacent plots are present. adamovo was invited, the neighbor had her own interest. so that they don’t move their borders onto my territory. the act of approving the boundaries, it is necessary, that the boundaries of the site run exactly along the coordinates that we have determined, these coordinates are entered into the rosregister. and finally, the last fifth catch, we will increase the area of ​​your site several times. we don’t believe it, a real professional would never offer something like this, that’s why. before calling engineers, we check on the rosreestr website, work experience is important, plus how many refusals were there to
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register publication sites for cadastral registration. nadezhda pravdina, pavel dits, channel one. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown. swamp thing. russia is an existential evil that must be destroyed to keep america safe.
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the black general of the doll of the heir tutti today at the first mankatcher whiskey - a product of the stellar group gin сnop a product of the stellar group cognac monteshoka a product of the stellar group rom castro. steller group product, veda vodka, stellar group product, here and there, excitement and bustle, i don’t know why, strava is clear, but i’m used to paying alone, so i’m used to paying alone. these are
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the finalists of the twelfth season of the voice project , among them, of course, there is a winner, voice, finale, live broadcast on saturday on the first, my fight, line, my fight, favorite, favorite. beloved on roads, roads, roads, we run away on different roads, resent love, if your eyes are happy, we know for sure, the ice will melt, the quiet midnight willow will sing,
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it’s a long day, it’s long, it’s so short, it’s hot for us, it’s oak. day is delicious, let's prepare an appetizing casserole for breakfast, cut the zucchini into slices, fry on both sides until golden brown, sauté the onion in the same frying pan until golden brown, reduce the heat, pour in warm cream, heat the mixture over low heat, when the cheese has melted, turn off the stove, in
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a separate bowl, beat the eggs, continue stirring and add. the result is a thick filling for the casserole, i assemble the dish, put slices of zucchini on the bottom of the form, as densely as possible, you can even overlap it slightly so that there are no gaps left, i evenly distribute a little filling on top, repeating layers , fill the mold, bake for 40 minutes. i let the casserole cool a little and serve it warm. breakfast is ready. with sour cream or garlic sauce, the dish is simply delicious. signs of spring are everywhere, and the summer passenger navigation season is starting across the country. it has already opened somewhere in moscow. it's about
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to open somewhere. the people prepared for this event with great care. so that there are no power failures, so that our guests always had water, there was always light, so that it would be comfortable and cozy on the ship, this ship will receive its first guests
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tomorrow, they finish with cosmetics, literally touch up the paint, well, it turns out that we are cleaning all sorts of these red places, we get rust from the past years, just directly with sandpaper, degrease it, wipe it, apply white paint so that it looks almost like new, but it’s left from the ship... powder, apply white paint, now the eyeliner is not for the eyes. we are on the sun deck, it's the highest point of our ship, now we are painting the planchers. what are we painting? the plancher is what we call the railings on our ships. alina has been working on the ship for the first year, she is still learning navigation. the dream is, of course, to become a captain. in the capital, navigation started yesterday. in yaroslavl, for example, the official beginning is twenty-seven. april, however, some decided not to wait, but this is a feather. the beginning of navigation depends on the passage of flood waters and, accordingly, the establishment of the necessary
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water levels for safe navigation. start on april 29. last year they counted 80,000 cruise passengers, this year they are expecting more, they are launching a new electric tram route. two modular berths have been manufactured and will be placed. zakamsk area on the first pier, right first. their installation is planned after the required water levels have been established. this is planned to be done by june 1, but for now the test flights are sporadic. shipyards are finishing work on yachts. every 5 years a lot of work is done here, cleaning the body, checking the thickness of the metal and building it up. in the lower preparation ended. we give away the mooring line. the first motor ships and electric catamarans depart from their wintering grounds to the pier. finally we got on the water, finally we will walk along the volga, finally it will all begin. the official start of navigation here is april 27,
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although the first motor ship nizhny moscow set off on its journey yesterday, ice conditions are already allowing it. elizaveta nikishou, sergey folendysh, dmitry gordienko, channel one. let me remind you that today is thursday and it is april 25th. our morning broadcast continues, right now there is a news broadcast on channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. a series of explosions occurred in the south of ukraine in nikolaev. the strikes hit a military facility within the city. footage posted online shows thick black smoke rising above one of the buildings. according to some reports, an ammunition depot was hit. a video of the arrival at the senilnikov railway station also appeared. it was published only now, although the strike itself occurred at the end of last week. then a train of military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces was hit. nato
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vehicles that manage to reach the front line also burns well under the blows of our military. one of the recent targets of this crew is the american abrams tank. they tracked him for 3 days, what roads he moved on, where he was hidden, but the main thing was to understand how the enemy’s electronic warfare system worked. it was decided to use an attack drone. to the levels of protection, they are trying to jam him in these frames, he overcomes all the enemy strong winds. the lancet throws a little to the sides, but in the end it’s an accurate hit, in the video they say how a dolphin dived, that’s all we were surprised there, it was just a difficult weather situation, different winds on the echelons and the product tried as hard as possible to taxi, hold the target in order to hit, luckily we succeeded, but it was difficult, we decided to hit the tank. plane, its most poorly protected part, that is, the roof of the tower, it is in this place that this armored vehicle is weakly protected; among other things, this unit did not have
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additional protection for the screen on top of the tower. several more nato- made armored personnel carriers were destroyed in the south donetsk direction, this is the result of the work of the calculation of self-propelled gaubstas. it affects supply nodes, places of deployment of armed forces personnel and heavy weapons. enemy equipment at a distance of up to 30 km. cover by a ground unit is provided by denichki; in the donetsk direction they destroyed an enemy copter, the so-called baba egu, which was carrying several mines. more and more men of military age, whom the kiev regime has made unable to travel abroad, are trying to leave ukraine. people try to move abroad by any means to save their lives. ways, even while floating on an air mattress. one of these was detained on... the dniester, despite the fast flow and flood of the river, the man tried to get to the other side, to moldova, but to no avail, where another ukrainian was luckier, who on the street
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in time noticed a car with people in uniform and... the kiev regime begins outside ukraine the cabinet of ministers adopted a resolution according to which men aged 18 to 60 years will not be issued foreign and internal passports in foreign diplomatic institutions. shipping too prohibited. it will be possible to receive documents only in person at the territorial division of the migration service. mira, as expected, caused a wave. outrage among citizens who left the country. at the ukrainian consulate in warsaw , dozens of people blocked the work of the institution, demanding that they be given new passports. against this background, the polish minister of defense announced his readiness to return citizens of the neighboring country to their homeland. he pointed out that the poles are increasingly irritated by the company of young ukrainians fit for service, who do nothing but relax in hotel cafes. at that a time when europe is demanding more and more support from warsaw for kiev. meanwhile, on
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social networks... tiktok, there is a growing number of videos of ukrainians that show that they either already have a second citizenship or are about to receive it. the reaction of the european commission to kiev’s decision is indicative. in brussels they refused to comment on it, whereas in the twenty-first year they condemned the belarusian laws on stopping the issuance of documents to citizens outside the country. in the tyumen region, the level of the ishim river is rising. the most difficult situation is now in obatskaya village. there, the water rose to a level of almost 11 m. the main part of the population was evacuated; that night there was a threat of a dam breakthrough, but the ministry of emergency situations employees were able to eliminate it in time. meanwhile, in kurgan , the tabola level is steadily decreasing, but more than 2,000 residential buildings and about 700 summer cottages still remain flooded. rescuers are helping people eliminate the consequences of the flood. they pump water out of yards and basements. work does not stop in the orenburg region, where over the past 24 hours
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there has been no flooding. release more more than 80 houses, hundreds of personal plots. water levels are falling throughout the region. the highest so far in the ural river near orenburg is slightly less than 9 m, in orsk, which suffered more than other cities, it is already less than 5 m. student record cards will become electronic in russia, however, for now as an experiment. this order was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin. the pilot project will take place until the end of next year and will be voluntary, a number of educational institutions will begin to transfer data to government services, students will have the opportunity receive an electronic copy of your documents. in government services, in your personal account, in the document section, new types of documents will appear, student documents will appear, a record book will appear, that is, they will be available, relatively speaking, well , there in the form of a human being, well , that is, a student card will be written there, all the necessary details student card and it will be available in qr code mode, such
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qr codes, among other things, will be available before... then another one, and this is an excellent reason to go on a short trip, which it’s called a change of scenery, and even visiting relatives in another city. many people choose to travel by rail if you are already at a low start, here are some things you should definitely remember. more than 1,200 of the same number of tickets have already been purchased by travelers for may, and it’s not surprising, this is almost the most popular
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transport for family trips. styopa, are you impressed? at all! so it’s time to remember the rules of behavior, the first shelves cannot be changed, no matter how much you would like to, even if all passengers are in favor, these are the rules transport security. secondly , you can bring pets, see the list of those allowed on the russian railways website, bring certificates and passports with you, and most importantly, check on board the carriage to see if the transport of animals is allowed there? if it is a small pet, and small is the one that fits in the carrier. we carry out freely established dimensions based on the sum of three dimensions of 180 cm on a receipt, if when purchasing a full compartment from those four seats in a compartment car, no additional fee is charged for transporting an animal, this includes dogs large breeds. now, of course, the most important thing is the children, as much as you don’t want everything to go like this, in reality they have other plans, you’ll sleep, in short, right? tell me, what will you do? games to play, games to play i. here it is better
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to prepare thoroughly, coloring stickers, the guides only have checkers and dominoes. by the way, a life hack from parents: for very little ones, it’s better to take this manesh with you. convenient, fun, generally very convenient, of course, it doesn’t fall anything, that is, good finally, the last and most important thing to do if you overslept a stop, the job responsibilities of long-distance train personnel include warning the passenger about his arrival at the destination station; if the passenger is resting, he will naturally be woken up, on long-distance trains 30 minutes in advance, in high-speed trains 15 minutes in advance, but if something goes wrong and the station is passed , you need to warn the train manager. they will fill out the documents and take you to the desired stop for free. anastasia savileva, dmitry likhachev, channel one. in the spring you really want something delicious fresh, but during the winter your body yearns for fresh greens, the counters are full of it, and wild garlic, and basil, and
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dill and parsley. i’m not even talking about green onions, however, on social networks you often read that all these greens are loaded with fertilizers and all sorts of chemicals, is this true and should we be afraid of it? is this really true and how to choose real early fresh greens, yulia kozlova will now tell us everything. the earliest greens are already on the shelves, we definitely hit the wild garlic, a champion in the fight against vitamin deficiency. this smell is just the taste, yes, garlic, onion, it’s just great the amount of phytoncides in wild garlic. it also contains potassium and calcium. here are vital microelements, iron, vitamin c - wild garlic has 15 times more than in lemons and oranges, green onions are slightly inferior to it, but it contains a lot of essential oils, so it has a sharp spicy taste, destroys microbes, cleanses the respiratory tract, it is desirable along with a young white onion,
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don’t forget probasil either, this is almost the main source of folic acid, as well as vitamin k, which is practically nowhere else to get, green and purple basil differ little in composition. and nutritional values. the only difference is taste. darkly colored leaves are brighter and spicy. other types of early greens, parsley, dill, cilantro, are approximately on an equal footing. they are mainly rich in b vitamins and useful as a source of fiber, like spinach, but spinach is a vegetable, a green crop that still accumulates more nitrates than the green crops we previously listed. you can recognize greens overfed with fertilizers by appearance. long-standing signs the leaves curl to the bottom or turn yellow at the edges, there is no way without fertilizers, but believe me, everywhere at the plants, everywhere where it is grown, the instructions are strictly followed, that is, because overfeeding also affects not only bad health, but bad and for the plants themselves, they
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become transparent, they become some kind of bluish-green, that is, they themselves look ugly, and we don’t take wilted, slightly drooping greens, if they were cut a long time ago, they managed to lose not only moisture, but also some useful... the flood in russia continues in the orenburg region, the water is gradually receding, but the situation is still very difficult, in the kurgan and tyumen regions the situation is also difficult. the number of victims of the big water numbers in the tens of thousands. they get help from the whole world, because there is no such thing as someone else’s misfortune.
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students from the agro-industrial technical school of the city of zavodaukovsk arrived. they ask to stay for the second shift. we directly store landing gear. therefore, for the first 2 days we went to the dams. dams are being built and strengthened everywhere. in in ishima, more than 800 volunteers have already laid almost 2,000 sandbags and prepared about a hundred thousand more. kurgan region. the level of the tobol river is decreasing. the village of zverinogolovskoe. the water has already receded from tatyana vladimirovna’s house. it holds on a little longer. in the basement, like this for the first time , not just the yard was flooded, the street was all flooded, there was water, here were the bricks, you could even see how there was water in the house, at least our furniture was all raised on stools, on chairs, already partially with my husband removed the floor,
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volunteers from student groups came to the rescue, they they help clean up the entire village and surrounding area, they specifically help pensioners, we remove linoleum, we remove garbage, we clear the dams of garbage, of dirt, because the water washes the garbage out and pushes it to the banks, we clean it all up, the garbage is taken out by trucks several times a day, and yamal rescue employees continue to work day and night, evacuating animals. well, okay, not here, go, go, come here, go, my dear, go, don’t be afraid, in temporary accommodation centers they organize quests and master classes for children, they are always busy with something, general development was taken to museums, neighboring regions continue to help, dozens of aid collection centers across the country, in yekaterinburg they collect food, personal hygiene products, clothes for victims in the orenburg region, elena brings things not for the first time, when these are our brothers, when this.. . literally in the neighboring region, it is very important to help loved ones. and
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we still need clean drinking water, disposable tableware, clothing, people are gradually starting to return to their homes, there is a long recovery ahead. help is still needed. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, elena savina, channel one. well, of course, you remember that today is thursday on the calendar. the long-awaited may holidays are coming soon. this means you can forget about the strict dress code when dressing up somewhere. moreover, in the spring you especially want to be bright, unusual, international manicure instructor tatyana koshlyaeva suggests complementing the image with an openwork manicure with lace. if you prefer a delicate, feminine manicure, try decorating your nails with lace. this design is just in fashion, and you can easily make it yourself. for the decor is perfect. made of thin threads with small detailed patterns, and to make the design
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look sophisticated, i advise you to cover not the entire nail with lace, but only part of it, cut off a small piece of fabric, saturate it with varnish, use tweezers to lay it on the nail, pressing the fabric along the edges so that it does not stick out , when the decoration dries, fixes the decor with colorless varnish, look, i decorated it. edge of the nail, so that the design looks harmonious, i decorate the neighboring nail with a symmetrical pattern; this is quite enough for an elegant manicure. well, we continue our program, if anyone doesn’t know, this week, the last weeks of april, is world immunization week, its motto is to prevent, protect, vaccinate, and this is an excellent reason right now to remember what the national vaccination calendar is. and who needs to be vaccinated when, over to elizaveta
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nekishova. we have been vaccinating for 50 years. the number of vaccines has increased from six mandatory children's vaccines to 13 universal ones. the first vaccination according to the national calendar within 24 hours after birth against viral hepatitis b. on the third to seventh day against tuberculosis at the age of one month, a second vaccination against hepatitis b, after another 30 days against pneumococcal. infections, then in the third month of life from deuteria, whooping cough, tetanus, polyamylitis against hemophilus influenzae type b , repeated after a month and a half, in the sixth month the third part of the vaccines is administered, in total, for the first 3 years of life , almost all the main vaccinations - 12 vaccines, because young children are the most susceptible to complications from infectious diseases, so it is very important to protect this particular category of the population. vaccination reduced the incidence of paratitis by 1,500 times,
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rubella by 700 times, deftheria by 200 times, and whooping cough by 40 times. after the administration of each vaccine, after a certain period of time , antibodies begin to be produced in the patient’s blood, yes, which protect against precisely the infection for which we vaccinated the child. most often , a protective antibody titer begins to be developed within a two-week period after vaccination. and up to 18 years of age of the vaccine. repeat, revaccination is carried out, in addition, with a separate point of vaccination against influenza, children from 6 months, schoolchildren, there are also additional vaccines, preventive for epidemic indications, there are 24 of them. in some regions , vaccination against polyamylitis, or against hepatitis or tick-borne encephalitis may be added. sofia just came to get vaccinated against tick-borne viral encephalitis, summer is ahead at the dacha, i’m not afraid of all preventive vaccines. from plague, cholera to smallpox and rotavirus infection.
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what about adults? women from 18 to 25 years old need to be revaccinated against rubella, adults from 18 to 35 and from 36 to 55, those at risk from measles and once a year a flu shot for everyone. vaccination is not a panacea, it trains the body before meeting the virus, gives the immune system an additional skill, explains how to fight, you yourself remember how massive... well, now the attention of all football fans, however, if you are far from this sport, here like me, don’t go far from the screen anyway, i assure you, it will be interesting, because over to my colleague, channel one sports journalist viktor gusev, he will tell you about those who are not on the field comes out, but he cheers for his idols,
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definitely more than anyone else, because this idol is his dad, invariably calmly. the humble sergei simak has amassed an impressive collection of trophies during his career, both as a player and as a coach. another unofficial title for the head coach of zenit is the father with the most children in our football. together with his wife anna, sergei is raising eight children. according to semak, he tries to evenly distribute his attention in order to find an opportunity to be alone with each child at least a little. if simak’s team can be said to have a mixed composition, then valery karpin only has daughters, not many, not few, five. the head coach of the russian national team and rostov is an exemplary family man who devotes all his free time to his wife and children. the youngest daughter sasha, like two peas in a pod,
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turned 4 years old in early april, and her birthday was a success. russian champion in the locomotive dmitry tarasov, his wife anastasia.
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i think everyone understands that big water is no joke, so don’t relax, please watch carefully messages from emergency services, do not ignore them, if there is a message about evacuation, evacuate immediately, but even when the water goes away, problems do not always go away with it, survival instructor dmitry kolesnikov will tell you how to act after the water has subsided . the flood is over and you are returning to your home. beware of damaged roads and bridges. there is a risk of failure. there may also be damage to the house. if there are broken, loose wires, it is better not to touch them. and generally speaking,
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be careful with electricity. do not turn on the machines in the panel and do not use electrical appliances if they have been flooded with water. in all these cases, the serviceability of the electrics should be checked by a specialist, and the most important thing now is to start drying the house. open windows and doors to allow maximum air movement, and do not drink or use tap water. there could be an infection in the pipes. be sure to use gloves while cleaning. first, water and dirt must be removed from the house. after the necessary disinfection they will be suitable. products containing chlorine, they can be in powders, tablets, gel form and diluted in warm water. a reminder for treating premises after flooding is available on the rospotrebnadzor website. help your neighbors and elderly people, together we will cope with the consequences of any disaster. well, we
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continue and without delay, we offer you another selection of internet hits from yegor uspensky. only now, only for you, the very best videos of the world wide web. today, by the way, is world penguin day egor, of course, but he couldn’t ignore this topic, he has it turned out to be a real penguin hit parade. our hit parade today opens with a penguin named marley, who draws well. right now you see how he leaves his mark with his paws, or rather marks in art, and his many admirers are very happy about it. like. in fourth place is perhaps the most fashionable penguin in the world, at least that’s what his 100,000 fans think. the sea creature has had problems with ulaps for a long time. that's why the doctors made him these nice sandals, which he now proudly wears. three
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the winners are revealed by a high-tech robot, a penguin. it is equipped with a video camera and microphone to help scientists study in detail the world of these animals. well, the penguins themselves, as you can see, are friendly towards the robotic spy. an honorable second place goes to a penguin named dindim. years ago, this brazilian fisherman picked him up and went out, and since then, every year din dim sails to visit his savior, covering thousands of kilometers. according to biologists, such a strong connection between a penguin and a human is very rare. and here the winners of our hit parade today are penguins from the moscow zoo, who love to play with soap bubbles. well, who after what they have seen will say that these sea inhabitants are short-lived and lazy creatures. everyone to the bathhouse. this, in fact, is the motto of bathhouse attendant viktor zakomaldin. in the spring, when the weather is capricious and changeable, when many
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around you are coughing and running your nose, this is relevant. right now we will drive away the remnants of a cold with the help of aroma oils, honey and a birch broom. it often happens, a cold has passed, a cough remained. a bath will help get rid of it. let's take a pea. a pharmaceutical balm is suitable based on minthol, camphor, peppermint or cloves, apply to the wrist, wait 15 minutes, if there is no irritation from the ointment, dilute the product in a quarter of a bucket of water, put it on the heater, we get a bright aroma that clears the respiratory tract of macrota, infections and relieves inflammation. we go over the body with birch trees. using brooms, their smell also improves lung ventilation. let's go to
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the dressing room to rest. here, if the heart and blood vessels are healthy, and allergies to bee products no, we are preparing an anti-cold mixture. mix a pea of ​​the same balm that you breathed in the steam room and three tablespoons of honey. in the second step, apply the product to the entire back. steam it thoroughly, warm up the lungs, turn over, smear the chest, press the brooms, warm up the respiratory system again, now we also work on the sides, and of course, the feet. here are biologically active points, the stimulation of which accelerates
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recovery. after the steam room we take a warm shower and wrap ourselves up. and we drink tea with raspberry jam. the bathhouse will quickly relieve you of the remnants of a cold. be healthy. on channel one , a multi-part film on the laws of war continues, military lawyer svetlana elagina is investigating a new case, the murder of a military correspondent of a capital newspaper, this case will again be difficult, do not miss the continuation of the film tonight, immediately after the program , you will be a sweet, i will need it, thank you , what military lawyer svetlana elagina keeps in her tablet, this... tablet, it’s enough, it seems to me, yes, it’s old, the id is there, the card is there, the prosecutor's office and the text, for example, here is
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elagina. ekaterina klimova admits that she sometimes corrects her character’s lines in the script. over the 7 years of filming, i became close to elagina. there was such a mutual love with our series, and with the audience, together, if you put this puzzle together separately, if you just watch individual episodes from different seasons. filming the season of the battle of rostov was not easy, when we were filming, let’s say in rostov, i remember there were such winds, and now you know such steppe winds, this is the kind of wind that it’s impossible to hide, it’s like an x-ray, that is , it pierces right through you, but nothing will stop elagina from investigating a new high-profile case, a military correspondent of a capital newspaper was killed, an open , friendly person, despite the fact that he is from moscow, i am also from moscow, so you are also open . a benevolent person, who could this benevolent person offend? ex-wife under suspicion. what is her gait like, how did she easily lift her heels off
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the ground like that, or did she barely drag her behind her? pretty, easy gait, doesn't walk, writes. this is what i understand, witness, when a female suspect’s interrogation risks turning into a heart-to-heart conversation. why did you go to the hotel then? it’s overwhelming, meeting your first love is like being born again? have you ever wanted to experience this feeling again? it was in rostov that svetlana met her first love, military lawyer yegor shilov. they will search for the killer together. danshak to the minors, where are we going? to the philharmonic, they have a professional relationship, but there are nuances. just such passions, or what? what other passions are there? continuation an exciting detective story based on the laws of war , today on channel one. how can i look vanya in the eye then? what will i tell him? he will understand. and if it’s stupid, then why do
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you need it? asya ratkevich, joseph kobrin, andrey ivanov, channel one. let me remind you that today is april 25, this is thursday, our morning broadcast continues, now it’s time to find out what ’s new in the country and in the world by this hour, i give the floor to my colleagues from the channel one information service, see you immediately after the news release, hello, on air news. in a studio sergey tygushev. another american abrams was eliminated in the special operation zone. the russian military tracked the tank for three days. we studied traffic routes and shelters. particular attention to how the enemy's electronic warfare system works. this tank is very well guarded by enemy troops. we found him, the target was immediately handed over to us, of course, we were told to destroy him, but the situation did not allow rep, we retreated,
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flew around from different directions to understand where he was... the t-90m crew's sleep, the breakthrough was eliminated a ukrainian armed forces branch on the right bank of the dnieper was hit from a closed firing position from a distance of more than 3 km. a series of attacks on the enemy stronghold and infantry were carried out by the crews of su-34 fighter bombers, using unguided aerial bombs with universal planning and correction modules. they allow pilots to remain at a safe distance from the line of contact without
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falling into the range of air defense systems. the kiev regime is preparing the ground to force citizens who fled the country from conscription into the ukrainian armed forces to return to ukraine. the cabinet of ministers adopted a decree according to which men aged 18 to 60 years will not be issued foreign and internal passports at foreign diplomatic institutions. transfer is also prohibited; documents can only be obtained in person at the territorial division of the migration service. peace, as expected, caused a wave of indignation among citizens who fled the country. at the ukrainian consulate in warsaw. dozens of people blocked the work of the institution, demanding that they be given new passports. against this background, the polish minister of defense announced his readiness to return citizens to their homeland neighboring country. he pointed out that the poles are increasingly irritated by the company of fit-for -service young ukrainians who do nothing but relax in hotel cafes, while europe demands from warsaw even greater support for kiev. meanwhile,
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the number of videos of ukrainians being shown on the tiktok social network is growing. that they either already have a second citizenship or are planning to obtain it. the indicative reaction of the european commission to kiev’s decision in brussels refused to comment on it then, as in the twenty-first year, they condemned the belarusian law on stopping the issuance of documents to citizens outside the country. the kener embassy in washington called the us decision to give the chinese owner of the social network tiktok a choice of either selling the business in the states or closing it down as robbery. the corresponding law passed by congress has already been signed by president joe biden. at its core, this is the famous american business, that same hamster offer that cannot be refused, all that remains is to fulfill it, for which the owner of tiktok was given nine months. my the us authorities framed the decision as a concern for national security. but beijing is confident that washington is abusing it to undermine competitive companies in other
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countries. and this is a clear example of what is american. order is not for the whole world, only for the united states, the chinese diplomatic mission added. representatives of the company itself called the law unconstitutional and are planning to appeal it in court. the scale of pro-palestinian protests at american universities in southern california in los angeles was used to disperse participants. the police and law enforcement officers detained those who expressed their demands most actively. special forces were sent to the university of texas at westin, where they were detained, and the governor of the state, greg abate, even declared that such demonstrators belonged in prison and called for their cleansing. harvard students joined the protest and demanded support.
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comrade was thrown onto the beach near the tourist town of dunsbourg, environmentalists, volunteers, and animal rights activists arrived there, while the animals were simply watered so as not to allow them to become dehydrated and are working on a strategy to save them. why these
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mammals washed ashore is still unknown; perhaps they simply lost their course. but this is not the first time, about a year ago the same thing happened just a few kilometers from this beach, then it was not possible to save the animals. that's it for now. that's it, stay with us, the broadcast of channel one will continue with the program good morning, good cheerful morning, dear friends, today is april 25, and this is thursday, well, early in the morning, a very important topic, maternity leave, any mom will confirm with a vacation, it can only be called in quotation marks, a mother’s work is 24x7, but many even on maternity leave are looking for how to earn extra money, someone needs extra money, someone wants... to add variety to their maternity life so that it didn’t look like groundhog day, of course, it’s not easy, but the heroines of our report tried it, they succeeded, however, i ’ll clarify, the heroines and the hero, six children, 12 years
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on maternity leave, zeneida sabelkina, worked before the birth of her first daughter kindergarten teacher , i was so happy from birth child, that i only took care of the child, we were with him... developmental activities, evening bath, massage, walks, healthy eating, well, that is, the first child, i don’t really know, there was a lot of joy and happiness, according to statistics 34% of women do not work on maternity leave, zinoida had no desire either, and did not have to, there is a difference between the children of about 2 years, well, as the director of a small enterprise , so that everything works smoothly, so that everyone has time everywhere, in the shafranov family everything is equal. and maternity leave too, anastasia personnel employee, went on her first maternity leave herself. this is hard work, especially since ulyana was a more restless child than mark. mark
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is calmer with us, he sleeps normally, he lets you sleep. with ulyana, i slept for 15 minutes, and so on for 24 hours. when the youngest turned 3 months old, the question arose: who is on maternity leave? my wife cannot earn money. more, either she needed to refuse work and i should stay at my job, or vice versa, as if in principle they decided, andrey is among the 2% of men who decide on maternity leave, but by profession the man is a children's massage therapist-rehabilitation therapist, so there was no doubt that he could handle it, even when he had not yet gone on maternity leave, he helped me a lot when he was working, and it was clear that he had this is already the fifth, tenth, fiftieth child, so... he is doing great, so there was no worry at all. four sons and 9 years on maternity leave. anna gubina never thought of being a mother of many children, she dreamed of a career. i was a doctor, i studied in residency,
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in the gynecological oncology department, i planned become a surgical oncologist. during my first pregnancy , i trained as a pediatric massage therapist for my child. for the first maternity leave, i was eager to go out, that is, i didn’t want to wait 3 years, and i was already ready to go out. 16% of women on maternity leave turn a hobby into a part-time job, so anna advertised, clients appeared, babies were brought in for massages...
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well, i realized a long time ago that it’s better for us women not to go to a cosmetics store, there are so many different products there, of course our eyes run wild and the helpful consultants immediately begin to persuade you to buy everything at once, they say, this is for you too you need this and that and so on, no budget is enough here, but makeup artist and beauty blogger erisha krylova is sure that you don’t need to buy the entire store, three products are enough. if you want to save on cosmetics, all this can be replaced with concealer, eye shadow and lipstick. you will be surprised, but these three products are enough to do a full-fledged make-up. i'm showing you. the concealer perfectly evens out the complexion, but the product is thick, so we pre -heat it in your hand. and blend it directly with your fingers, like this, with patting movements. well, here i am. i also look like i just
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returned from vacation. the next product is long-lasting cream eyeshadow. i recommend a light brown shade. it will look good on dark skin or light skin like mine . blend the shadows in a thin layer up to the crease of the eyelid. and we slightly raise the pigment to the outer corner of the eyebrows, creating the effect of an elongated fox look. and now the trick: i distribute a little product along. lower eyelid, this will make the look more expressive. great, now with a flat brush we tint the eyebrows with the same shadows and move on to modeling the oval of the face. this is usually done by a sculptor and we use shadows. apply under the cheekbone line along the edge of hair growth on the tip of the nose. we also darken the temporal area a little and carefully blend the product.
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so we added volume to the face in the right places. and finally, we need a bright accent - red lipstick. apply it to the center of the lips and blend with your finger only along the contour. the result was the effect of kissed lips. and now we mix lipstick with... sealer, so as not to overdo it with color, we take twice as much correctors, we got an excellent cream blush, apply it to the apples of the cheeks, it’s done, everything is as promised, three products and the makeup looks great, well, now in our program...
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a logical forecast. we listen carefully. april 25 is the turning point of the 17th and eighteenth lunar days. seventh day of the sun. cheerful, energetic and resilient, when we, as they say, feel in shape, at the same time very practical, knows how to think constructively, an excellent assistant to anyone who faces some difficult task. he will add strength to our confidence, it will be great to work with today equipment with all sorts of tools. he also has good organizational skills. true, he is sometimes too straightforward and stubborn, he, as they say, lacks flexibility, more about the disadvantages, he is ambitious, sometimes behaves selfishly, on such days we don’t like it when something is not done our way, aries because for this they risk hearing something addressed to them, something like stop lecturing everyone here, or they also found a commander for me, in general, somehow more diplomatic, today is good, and so everything should work out for you, just under your feet look, especially on stairs and escalators, it’s worth defending your opinion,
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achieving something, perhaps eliminating some injustice, the star is on your side, but they ask you not to go too far, otherwise the effect will be negative, after lunch your mood may deteriorate for no particular reason , but everything will be fine by the evening. geminis can get on their nerves because of some incompetent people or simply incompetent people. calm down, okay, if you have to buy something from your own hands, be very careful, they can slip you a marriage and don’t discuss your financial affairs with anyone. cancers. the latter is true for you, and in general talk less, listen more, you will learn a lot of interesting things, including about yourself. otherwise, the day is very fruitful, it will help improve, strengthen, or, in a word, add something. a life of reliability and stability, a wonderful day for leo, things are going well, work is in full swing and everything is normal at home, leo men will have a chance to improve relationships with their mothers-in-law, and in the evening, perhaps some interesting and useful acquaintance, most likely at a party. the girls are also doing well, they are businesslike, reasonable,
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rational, not a single little thing escapes them, in a word, a miracle, non-workers, in the personal life of the virgins it seems that something is planned, just be more careful while driving, a little revision personally would not hurt the scales. finances, especially if something is planned for the may holidays. in general, it’s a great day, when almost everything works out and no one bothers you, feel free to make a date for the evening. scorpios are also doing great in terms of romantic rendezvous and personal contacts in general, but some business meeting may not bring what they need the result, however, is all fixable and being careful with the equipment can cause problems. sagittarius will have to deal with finances, creditors may remind them of what to do, debts are necessary. forgive, and in general there will be a lot to do today, you will have to spin around quite a bit, but the evening is all yours. a new passion may burst into the life of capricorns. this can mix up all plans and turn everything upside down, but here the stars are powerless. about business: be calm about the fact that you will be controlled and given all sorts of advice,
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be careful with fire. aquarius, perhaps you will have to explain something to someone, chew it, explain it. the stars say patience, patience again, not everyone knows how to grasp everything on the fly. and the evening is clearly going to invite you somewhere, it’s not a bad day for the pisces, just a little overloaded with activities and conversations, by the end of the day it can get very tiring, some of the pisces will decide to run away from everyone and retire, well, why not, but in the evening after all, you will go out into the world, it looks like something interesting awaits you, good luck to you! good morning, the more often you squat, the stronger your legs and glutes! and i'll show you how to upgrade exercise, now we will focus on the inner surface of the thighs, a sedentary lifestyle, it loses tone the fastest, legs are wider than shoulders, hands are joined in a lock in front of the chest, while inhaling
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we squat, the back is straight, we move the pelvis back, we tilt the body a little forward, as we exhale we rise, move our left leg to the right along... we squat again, perform the exercise first in one direction or the other, we move without pauses, squats help strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks, and swings actively involve the inner surface of the thigh in the work, without relax, beauty is worth it...
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does it here, this is what i’m beautiful, no one ever told me, we’re trying, starting a new life, how can i walk down the street with this, listen, why do you need such a friend, it seems, grandpa will get his jersey back, yes, can i hug you, of course, we’ll fix it all, it’s all bullshit, being a husband, children, when to be a girl, going on a date in this way, dear mom, well, it’s not me anymore, all together, beauty , hazhers will have a fashionable verdict, new season, today on the first, cognac, old barrel, product of the lar group, bourbon
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steersman, a product of the stellar group, visky mancacher, a product of the stellar group. cnop gin, a product of the stellar group. there is an opinion that everyone can judge intelligence quite professionally. this misconception is based on deep study of detective novels. to understand the essence of the matter, we need to know only the following. first, in the city of dargate, under the guise of a pharmaceutical center, the german war criminal dr. hass is finishing work on a new psychochemical weapon, gas. season april 28 on the first, there is still an opportunity
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make a choice, i have already chosen everything for myself. different styles are absolutely within his control, you seemed to laugh at yourself, but you were silent, this is the very case when a talented person, he... was, will be for many, many years, and i have clear days, three chords, a new season , on
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sunday on the first. on the calendar there are april 25th, there are only 3 days of pre-may holidays, many will go to the country or on a picnic, they will take food with them, of course, i really want to take it right in the refrigerator, well, a big white refrigerator will not fit in the car, but there is such compact hiking options. what should you wear to take food to the dacha or picnic in an insulated bag or thermal container, or maybe in a car refrigerator? it is connected to the network from a voltage of 12 v; when connected to the network, it cools at 18° below the ambient temperature. the car refrigerator does not have a thermal insulating layer, but inside there is a metal tray that keeps the cold as long as there is electricity, and the thermal bag is autonomous and should maintain the temperature for up to 3 hours. due to a layer of polyethylene foam and polyethylene vinyl citrate, here additionally
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there is also a reflective layer inside, which also contributes to preservation. the container, according to the manufacturers' promises, can last longer, up to 10 hours, because the lid fits tightly, it is all made of plastic, inside there is a layer of ulertane foam, it naturally conducts heat poorly and allows you to retain heat or cold inside this thermal container. let's compare it with a bag, from the experiment we see that a container with hard walls will retain cold longer, because it has a thicker layer of substance that does not transmit well. warm. true, in the blazing sun the situation may be different; thermal bags are made from materials that repel the rays, plastic gets very hot in the heat, therefore. additionally use cold accumulators, or a car refrigerator, if possible, it
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will not let you down in any weather. experienced travelers mikhail, yulia and nikita assure that there are other options for preserving food on the road, sometimes even longer than 10 hours. you and i need to coat the egg in vegetable oil, i mark it right here, wrap it in several napkins into our egg. thus, the egg can also be stored in a dry place, in an oil shell for up to a week. do you always have a first aid kit when camping? what do you always have in your first aid kit? a snowball for bruises, second, we always have a rescue blanket, we put food in the rescue blanket, and so that we still have something cold inside, we take a snowball, activate it, it gives off cold, in general, everything that can is used refrigerate, but the main secret of all my travels is, of course, dry ice, all products are stored for more than nine. yes, life hacks are working, but far away not everyone has dry ice, a snowball and
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a safety blanket on hand. in any case, you need to prepare in advance. ruslan yunyaev, dmitry roshkov, vasily yurov, ksenia maklyak, channel one. the flood in russia continues in the orenburg region, the water is gradually receding, but the situation is still very difficult. in the kurgan and tyumen regions the situation is also difficult. the number of victims of the big water numbers in the tens of thousands. fleeing from high water in the obbatsky district of the tyumen region , a roe deer came out to people. in one of the cooperatives the village of uporova organized a care center for livestock. bees began to be brought here from flood zones. at the moment , 15 bee colonies have been brought here. the owner comes here to the territory with a certain frequency. the construction of the dump continues, students from the agro-industrial technical school of the city
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of zavodaukovsk came to the area of ​​the village of uporova to help, they asked to stay for another second shift, we are directly storing the weight of the pole. so for the first 2 days we went to the dam, but dams are being built and strengthened everywhere in in ishima, more than 800 volunteers have already laid almost 2,000 sandbags and prepared about a hundred thousand more. kurgan region, the level of the tobol river is decreasing, the village of zverina golovskaya, the water has already receded from tatyana vladimirovna’s house, it still lingers a little in the basement. this is how it was not just the yard that was flooded for the first time, the entire street was flooded, there was water, there were bricks. you can even see how there was water in the house; at least our furniture was all raised on stools and chairs. my husband and i had already partially removed the floor; volunteers from student teams, they help clear the entire village and surrounding area, and provide targeted assistance to pensioners. we remove linnoleum, remove the garbage, clear the dams of debris, of dirt, because it was washed away by water, the garbage
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is pushing it to the banks, we clean it all up. garbage is removed by trucks several times a day. and day and night... this is not the first time when these are our brothers, when these are literally neighboring regions, it is very important to help loved ones, we still need clean drinking water, disposable dishes, clothes, people are gradually starting to return home, there is a long recovery ahead, help is still needed. elizaveta nikishova, anastasia zavidova, elena savina, channel one. today is
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april 25, world penguin day, congratulations to all these amazing birds, by the way. 18 species, as well as all those who study and love them, but how can you not love them? some people call penguins clumsy for some reason, well, personally, i categorically disagree with this, they are dexterous, graceful, each has its own character. awkward on land and graceful in the water, penguins are what we used to think of as underdogs and friendly weirdos. every object that they see in front of them, especially bright, something large, they perceive as an opportunity to play king of the hill. scientists from the arctic and antarctic research institute, what a reason to show yourself as alpha, twice. in general, penguins are quite quarrelsome companions, scientists figured them out a long time ago. when they are at sea, well, in
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general, they are on their own, they feed, they don’t notice anyone, beautiful birds swim in the water, as soon as they come onto land they begin to breed. becomes grumpy, and their character deteriorates, they begin to stealing stones, well, the scream is such that in general you don’t want to come close to them. these adélie penguins are one of the habitats on the coast of antarctica, which is surprising, they walk quite comfortably like that awkwardly, the tail is like another leg, they even stand on it sometimes, the same wings and flippers prevent them from falling onto land, although penguins often fall especially when a penguin needs... to overcome some snow-covered space, he will of course use his belly, because the smooth, hard feather on his belly allows him to slide like on a sleigh, especially if under a little bit of a hill and you don’t have to waste energy on this kind of waddle movement, but just go. penguins are generally for saving energy, but not in water, there
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they behave like full-fledged fish, look at these from the novosibirsk zoo. this is another type of penguin - the humbaldian penguin, and recently their mating season has ended, they build nests themselves, sit in burrows, choose a place for themselves, this is usually the same place, here is the same pair formed once , well, it persists throughout life, usually the couple itself takes care of the offspring, but in the wild the survival rate of babies is 40%, people help them here, so they brought the baby into an incubator with a suitable temperature, i’m so small already with mine. another species lives in the krasnoyarsk park - spectacled penguins, they are generally almost white and do not like the cold. not all penguins are found at the south pole; some of them live, not surprisingly, in southern latitudes. our penguins are one of those that don't really like snow. in general, each penguin has
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its own character, how to tame a dog problematic, but you can pet a cat if he comes to you, like this. baby from the seaside aquarium. it turns out that not all penguins are brawlers. liliya, lobkovaya, ilya kuvaldin - channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. a series of explosions occurred in the south of ukraine in nikolaev. the strikes hit military targets within the city. footage posted online shows thick black smoke rising above one of the buildings. according to some reports , an ammunition depot was hit. also appeared video arrival at the senelnik railway station. it was published only now, although the blow itself came, happened at the end of last week. then a train of military equipment in the ssu was hit. nato vehicles
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that manage to reach the front line also burn well under the blows of our military. one of the recent targets of this calculation is the american abrams tank. he was tracked for 3 days. what roads does he travel on, where is he hidden, but the main thing was to understand how the enemy’s electronic warfare system works. it was decided to use a strike on... the lancet drone. in these shots he overcomes all enemy defense levels. they are trying to suppress it; due to the strong wind, the lancet is thrown a little to the sides. but in the end it was an accurate hit. you can see in the video, yes, they say how the dolphin dived, everyone was amazed there. there was simply a difficult weather situation, different winds at the flight levels, and the product tried as hard as possible to taxi, to hold the target in order to hit. fortunately it was possible, but it was difficult. we decided to hit the tank specifically. the upper plane, the most poorly protected of it part, that is, the roof of the tower, it is in this place that this armored vehicle is poorly protected; among other things, this unit did not have
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additional protection screened on top of the tower. several more nato- made armored personnel carriers were destroyed in the southern donetsk direction. this is the result of the work of the crew of the mstas self-propelled howitzer. it affects supply nodes and places where personnel are stationed at high altitudes. and heavy enemy equipment at a distance of up to 30 km. cover for the ground unit is provided by anti-aircraft gunners on in the donetsk direction they destroyed an enemy copter, the so-called baba egu, which was carrying several mines. more and more men of military age, whom the kiev regime has made unable to travel abroad, are trying to leave ukraine. people, in order to save their lives , try to move abroad by any means, even floating on an inflatable mattress. one of these. detained on the dniester. despite the fast current and flood of the river, the man tried to get to the other side - to moldova, but without success. another ukrainian turned out to be much luckier, who was on the street in
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just in time, he noticed a car with people in uniform and rushed to safety. the inefficient military registration and enlistment officer was unable to catch up with him and, out of frustration , threw a stone after him. hunting for your citizens. the kiev regime is starting outside ukraine. the cabinet of ministers adopted a resolution according to which older men. from 18 to 60 years old will not be issued foreign and internal passports in foreign diplomatic institutions; transfer is also prohibited; documents can only be obtained in person at the territorial division of the migration service. measure expectedly caused a wave of indignation among citizens who left the country. at the ukrainian consulate in warsaw, dozens of people blocked the work of the institution, demanding that they be given new passports. against this background , the polish minister of defense announced his readiness to return citizens of his neighbor to their homeland.
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then, in the twenty-first year , belarusian laws were condemned to stop issuing documents to citizens outside the country. in the tyumen region, the level of the ishim river is rising. the most difficult situation is now in the village of obatskaya. there the water rose to almost at 11 m. the bulk of the population was evacuated. that night there was a threat of a dam breakthrough, but the ministry of emergency situations employees were able to eliminate it in time. meanwhile, in kurgan, the level of tabola is steadily decreasing, but more than two still remain flooded. thousand residential buildings and about 7.00 summer cottages. rescuers are helping people eliminate the consequences of the flood; they are pumping water out of yards and basements. work does not stop
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in the orenburg region; over the past 24 hours , more than 80 houses and hundreds of household plots have been freed from flooding. level water levels are decreasing throughout the region. the highest so far in the ural river near orenburg is slightly less than 9 m; in orsk, which suffered more than other cities, it is already less than five. and lastly , student record cards will become electronic in russia, although for now as an experiment. this order was signed by prime minister mikhail mishustin, pilot. the project will take place until the end of next year and will be voluntary; a number of educational institutions will begin to transfer data to government services; students will have the opportunity to receive an electronic copy of their documents. on public services in the personal account in the document section, new types of documents will appear, a student document will appear, a record book will appear, that is, they will be available, relatively speaking, well , there in the form that is perceived by a person, well , that is, a student card will be written there, all the student card details are needed,
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it will be available in qr code mode. such qr codes, among other things, can be presented to purchase discounted tickets for public transport, theaters, cinema and museums. electronic documents, while not canceling regular ones, can be used any of them. that's all for now, stay with us. the program “good morning” will continue to air on channel one. good morning, dear friends, april 25 is on the calendar, the “good morning” program is on air. by the way, if anyone doesn’t know, it was only in 1954 that the creation of solar panels was announced, that is , even today they are just turning 70 years old, they have, in general, ceased to be exotic, you drive along the road and see, oh , someone has solar panels on their roof, the question immediately arises, is this actually beneficial, itself? the battery is not a cheap thing, how much will it pay for itself, whether it has enough sun in our latitudes or not, now we’ll find out everything with you:
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let’s do the math, solar panels on roofs are already a common thing, but what is really profitable? in the moscow region, for example, there is not as much sun as in the south, but yuri kulikov installed it in the house, albeit in addition to the main network. in the winter there were problems with electricity, but the most important thing for us is the chicken coop, and so that it would be warm and light, i thought about how to warm it up, so i installed panels last summer, there were no problems in winter, they came. the chicken coop is warm, bright, the chickens are alive, running around, yes, this is taking care of the chickens, apparently they lay golden eggs, electricity around the clock, even at night, energy is collected in the battery, on a sunny day the panels provide 1,300 watts per hour, for the refrigerator 500 watts, tv 100 w, radiator or fan 150 w, 550 w goes into the battery, yuri’s battery holds 8 kw, respectively, if there is currently a load of 800 w, it will work for 10 hours and
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that’s it. but we take this without taking into account what the panels produce, and if it rains, how now, the panels still generate electricity, although not so much, the silicon plates capture photons of light, which knock out an electron from the metal, through channels, these veins run into the converter, a current is produced, now in cloudy weather it collects only 377 watts, not even for the refrigerator that’s enough, so yuri’s combined network is powered by the battery from general electricity, but if it’s turned off, there’s a special switch to make it easier to turn it off. turn off the system, everything works, uninterrupted, it started from the batteries with panels, but it works out, he takes it from the storage device or directly now from the batteries, he reduced electricity costs by 50%, but the system itself cost 130,000 rubles, but yuri understands that the chickens are golden, but what’s the point for an ordinary summer resident? there are a lot of private houses where they say that guys, you don’t have poles, it costs 5 million rubles to connect to you. yeah, but why should
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a person pay. rubles, when let’s say, this system is 130,000 rubles, he installed it for himself, please, he has a house, you can have one like this on the balcony, this panel, it generates 50 watts, it won’t provide you with much electricity, if we are considering this particular model, it won’t fit on balconies anymore, but in private houses they make their own power plants, yes, they actually sell them, vyacheslav chukavin from udmurtia installed panels in his house and immediately signed an agreement with the networks, gives them part of the electricity, wrote a statement, came, installed a meter, that is, the meter is calculated: the pros and cons of your card at the end of the month , and the balance is approximately what, here i have a station with a maximum allowed for microgeneration of 15 kw, it in the summer he earns 8,000 rubles. in winter i pay approximately 8.00 rubles. that is, every year i break even, that is, i completely turn off the heating and electricity, and the contract with the networks is unlimited, now i will always earn money, but that is if the weather does not
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deteriorate. sergey abramov, centurion anastasia: vahadnia andrey ivanov, channel one. signs of spring are everywhere, the summer passenger navigation season is starting across the country, somewhere in moscow it has already opened, somewhere it is about to open. the berths were preparing for this event with all care, embankments, river stations, and of course, the ships themselves. i think they really missed us, the passengers. moscow river. navigation does not stop all year round. ya. flotili is unique in that it has a reinforced keel, which allows it to pass through and break ice thickness of 20 cm. before this , river icebreakers like these yachts free the water from ice. they can walk freely along this crumbling road, not everyone can do this, ships with a reduced cross-country ability are waiting for the start of navigation, winter is the time of the planned then, the engine and main auxiliaries are being repaired in order for the ship we moved safely in the summer, so that there were no
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power failures, so that our guests always had water, there was always light, so that it was comfortable and cozy on the ship, this ship will receive its first guests tomorrow, they are finishing up. literally tinted, we clean out all these red spots, we get rust from last year, just straight with sandpaper, we degrease it, wipe it, apply white paint so that it looks almost like new, but from the ship it remains to powder, apply white paint, now the eyeliner is not just for the eyes, we are on the sunny deck, this is the highest point of our ship, now we are painting the plancher. that we paint planchers - these are what we call perivas on our ships. alina has been working on the ship for the first year, she is still learning navigation, her dream, of course, is to become a captain. in the capital, navigation started yesterday; in yaroslavl, for example, the official
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start was on april 27, however, some decided not to wait. and this is a feather. the start of navigation depends on the passage of flood waters and, accordingly, the establishment of the necessary level. and water for safe navigation. start on april 29. last year there were 80,000 cruise passengers. this year we are expecting more. a new electric tram route is being launched. two modular berths have been manufactured, which will be located in the zakamsk microdistrict on the first berth, straight to the first. their installation is planned after the required water levels have been established. this is planned to be done by june 1, but for now the test flights are sporadic. shipyards are finishing work on yachts, once every 5 years the vessels undergo extensive cleaning, cleaning of the hull, checking the thickness metal and its extension. in the lower part , preparations have been completed, we are releasing the welding lines, and the first motor ships and electric catamarans are leaving from their wintering grounds to the pier.
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finally we got on the water, finally we will walk along the volga, finally it will all begin. the official start of navigation here is april 27, although the first motor ship nizhny moscow set off on its journey yesterday. well, of course, you remember that today is thursday on the calendar, the long-awaited may holidays are very soon, and this means that you can forget about the strict dress code of dressing up somewhere, especially in the spring, you especially want to be bright and unusual, international manicure instructor tatyana kashlyaeva suggests complementing the look with an openwork manicure with lace. if you prefer a delicate, feminine manicure, try decorating your nails with lace. this design is just in fashion, and you can easily make it yourself.
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fabric made of thin threads with a small detailed pattern is ideal for decoration. and to make the design look sophisticated, i advise you to cover not the entire nail with lace, but only part of it. i cut off a small piece of fabric. i'm soaking it varnish, using tweezers i place it on the nail, pressing the fabric along the edges so that it does not stick out. when the decoration is dry, fix the decor with colorless varnish. look, i decorated the edge of the nail. to make the design look harmonious, i decorate the adjacent nail with a symmetrical pattern. this is quite enough for an elegant manicure. started the dacha. season is the time when many people traditionally draw up documents for land, clarify the boundaries of the site, and for this they need a cadastral engineer, here attention is, as they say, there are nuances, a word of hope with truth. adamov family
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i recently bought a plot, according to the documents there are six acres, but in fact, in order to find out the real area and establish exact boundaries, cadastral engineers are needed to register it with the cadastral register as well. cleanse ourselves so that no neighbors can seize our lands, but with cadastral engineers, there are possible pitfalls, we will sort them out together with experts, here is the first one, we will measure without an agreement in exchange for a discount, you definitely cannot agree to this, without documents, if they turn up errors in measurements, there will be no one to file a claim with. we recommend that in the contract, first of all, contained the conditions that the result was registration with the state cadastral register in the russian register of results. cadastral activities and 100% payment only after you have seen your plot on the public cadastral map. now the second possible trick: let’s draw the boundaries of the area. remotely, real measurements are a waste of time, this is
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also in no case, a boundary or technical plan only requires an on-site visit. within the boundaries of populated areas, coordinates must be determined with an accuracy of 10 cm. if the cadastral engineer is trying to determine the coordinates from a fairly small scale map, or by using the coordinates of neighboring adjacent areas, leading to a crisis of errors. and this is not uncommon, it is enough to measure the length and width of the area. regular tape measure. third subtle point. here we remember that in order to determine the turning points of the boundaries of the site, we need special, and certified, instruments; we cannot do without them. data on equipment verification, electronic tachometer, satellite receiver, are included in the technical plan, boundary plan. if verification does not take place, the coordinates may be determined incorrectly, the measurements will be incorrect and the rosregistry will not accept such documents. there will be no further fourth trick. notify neighbors, but land surveying is considered legal only when
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the owners of adjacent plots are present. the adamovs invited. the neighbor has her own interest, so that they do not move their borders onto my territory. the act of approving boundaries, it is necessary that the boundaries of the site pass exactly along the coordinates that we have determined, they enter these coordinates into rosreestr. and finally, the last fifth catch, we will increase the area of ​​your site several times. we don't believe you, a true professional. will never offer something like this, so before calling engineers, we check on the rosreestr website, the length of service is important, plus how many refusals there have been in registering publication sites for cadastral registration. nadezhda pravdina, pavel dits, channel one. a real rock 'n' roll blast. mom really wants me to be a decent girl, and not all this. she makes do with two items in her wardrobe. this is complete boredom. any the rocker will tell you that. it’s boring, i get it, mom is happy, i think i
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want this too, fashion verdict, new season, tomorrow on the first, three chords, new season, on sunday on the first, oh, my dear tv viewers, we’ve been with you for a long time we haven’t prepared anything so delicious, now we’ll correct this gap, zucchini casserole with cheese sauce... igor molotkin. i suggest you start the day deliciously. let's prepare a delicious casserole for breakfast. i cut the zucchini into slices. fry on both sides until golden brown. in the same frying pan, sauté the onion until golden color. i turn down the fire. i pour in warm cream. i warm the mixture over low heat. when the cheese has melted. i turn off the stove,
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beat the eggs in a separate bowl, continue stirring, add the cheese base, it turns out to be a thick filling for the casserole, assemble the dish, lay the zucchini slices on the bottom of the mold, as tightly as possible, maybe even slightly overlapping so that there are no gaps left, distribute evenly on top a little filling, repeating the layers i fill. form, bake for 40 minutes at 180°. let the casserole cool a little, serve warm, tomorrow ready! with sour cream or garlic sauce - the dish is simply delicious! well, we continue our program, if anyone doesn’t know, this week, the last weeks of april. world immunization week is taking place, its motto is
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to prevent, protect, vaccinate, and this is an excellent occasion to remember right now what the national vaccination calendar is, and who needs to be vaccinated when, the word is elizaveta nikishova. we have been vaccinating for 50 years; the number of vaccines has increased from six mandatory children's vaccines to 13 universal ones. first vaccination according to the national calendar in within 24 hours after birth from viral hepatitis b. on the third to seventh day against tuberculosis at the age of one month, the second vaccination against hepatitis b, after another 30 days against pneumococcal infection. then, in the third month of life, against deuteria, whooping cough, tetanus, polyamylitis, against hemophilus influenzae type b. after a month and a half , repeated ones, and in the sixth month, the third part of the vaccines is administered. in total, in the first 3 years of life , almost all basic vaccinations - 12. vaccines, because young children are most
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susceptible to complications after infectious diseases diseases, so it is very important to protect this particular category of the population. vaccination reduced the incidence of paratitis by 1,500 times, rubella by 700 times, diphtheria by 200 times, and whooping cough by 40 times. after the administration of each vaccine, after a certain period of time , antibodies begin to be produced in the patient’s blood, yes, which protect against precisely the infection for which we vaccinated the child. most often, a protective antibody titer begins to develop within a two-week period after vaccination. and up to 18 years of vaccine. repeat, carry out revaccination, in addition to a separate point of vaccination against influenza, children from 6 months, schoolchildren, there are also additional vaccines, preventive for epidemic indications, there are 24 of them. in some regions , vaccination against polyamylitis, or against hepatitis or tick-borne encephalitis may be added. sofia just
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came to get vaccinated against tick-borne viral encephalitis, summer is ahead at the dacha, i’m not afraid of all preventive vaccines b... 24 from plague, cholera to smallpox and rotavirus infection. what about adults? women from 18 to 25 years old, it is necessary to revaccinate against rubella for adults from 18 to 35 and from 36 to 55, who are at risk from measles, and once a year a flu shot for everyone. vaccination is not a panacea, it trains the body before meeting the virus, gives the immune system an additional skill, explains how to fight, you yourself remember how massive it is...
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what is not a reason to show yourself as an alpha twice. in general, penguins are quite quarrelsome companions, scientists figured them out a long time ago. when they're at sea, well, they don't feed on their own, they don’t notice anyone, beautiful birds swim in the water, as soon as they go out onto land they start breeding, they become grumpy, and
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their character deteriorates, they start stealing stones from each other, well, the scream is so loud that in general you don’t want to come close to them. these penguin species odeli are one of the habitats of the coast of antarctica, which is surprising, they walk quite comfortably like this awkwardly: the tail is like another leg, they even stand on it sometimes, the wings and flippers prevent them from falling on land, although penguins often fall on purpose. when does a penguin need to overcome some snow-covered space, he will of course take advantage of his belly, because the smooth, hard feather on his belly allows him to slide like on a sleigh. especially if it’s a little bit of a hill and you don’t have to waste energy on this kind of waddle movement, but just go. penguins are generally for saving energy, but not in water, there they behave like full-fledged fish, look at these from the novosibirsk zoo. this is another
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type of penguin, the humbaldee penguin, and they recently finished their mating season. they build nests themselves, sit in burrows, choose a place for yourself, as a rule. the same place, here is the same pair formed once, it, well, remains throughout life, usually the couple takes care of the offspring themselves, but in the wild the survival rate of babies is 40%, here people help them, so they brought the baby in an incubator with a suitable temperature, so small, and already with its own apartment, another species lives in the krasnoyarsk park, spectacled penguins, they are generally almost white and do not like the cold, not all penguins are at... the pole, but some of them live , not surprisingly, in the southern latitudes our penguins are one of those that don't really like snow. in general , each penguin has its own character, it’s problematic to tame it like a dog, but you can pet it like a cat if it comes to you, like this little guy from the seaside aquarium.
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it turns out that not all penguins are brawlers. liliya lobkova ilya kuvaldin, channel one. a multi-part film on martial law continues on channel one. military lawyer svetlana elagina is investigating a new case, the murder of a military correspondent of a capital newspaper, this case it won't be easy again, don't miss it.
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it pierces you right through, but nothing will stop elagina from investigating a new high-profile case, the military correspondent of the capital's newspaper, an open , friendly person, was killed, despite the fact that i am from moscow, i am also from moscow, so you are also an open, friendly person, who could be offended by this friendly man, ex-wife under suspicion, what a gait she has, how easily she lifted her heels off the ground like that, or barely dragged herself behind her, pretty, light gait, doesn’t walk, but writes, this is what i understand, a witness, when the suspect is a woman, the interrogation risks
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turning into a sincere conversation, why then did you go to the hotel, rush to meet your first love, it’s like being born again, have n’t you ever wanted to experience this feeling again, just in in rostov, svetlana met her first love, military lawyer yegor shilov, they will look for the killer together, yes. well, the time has come, our program is ending, but the day is just beginning. good luck, dear friends, and i give the floor
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to my colleagues from the information service channel one, because there is a news broadcast on air. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. 3 days of hunting with a precise strike with a lancet. tank, we decided to hit the top plane, its most poorly protected part, that is, the turret cover. soldiers of the central group. they destroyed the american abrams tank and new personnel from the front line, artillerymen eliminated strongholds of militants near our border. where
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is steel hardened? unique russian special forces university in the chechen republic, has no analogues in the world, how volunteers who come from all over the country are trained. i served in the soviet army, but i did not see such infrastructure, such training. everything here is thought out, everything is prepared. the main hits and the brightest new items. an international auto show has opened in beijing, where cars from the world's leading manufacturers are presented. are these models on trend this season? now in digital format. student cards from the record office in russia will become electronic. they will appear in government services. the resolution has already been signed by the government. powerful explosions occurred in the ukrainian city of nikolaev. according to some reports, an ammunition depot was hit. the footage shows how above him...


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